Work-Life Balance or Higher Pay? | Techies Answer Your Software Engineering FAQs | @SCALER

Work-Life Balance or Higher Pay? | Techies Answer Your Software Engineering FAQs | @SCALER

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hey everyone this is anshul sadariya software engineer 3 at Google and I am Junior at red hat and an education we have selected a few questions asked by you all on a scalar social media Pages we have heard you loud and clear and now is the time that we answer your questions but before we go into the video make sure you check out scalar's free master classes taken by industry leading experts only on scalar's event page link is in the description below yes so let's get started and ask let's see how the questions are what the questions are definitely are you ready yes I am ready so the first question looks very interesting so someone has asked as a software engineer what's the funniest bug you have encountered during your career funniest bug yes this is actually interesting first of all like bugs are never funny yes obviously they irritate you to hell and then you don't know yeah uh one scenario comes to the top of my head for this so it it was almost one year back like my flatmate was my teammate at that time and he was assigned a bug but because of some constraints the bug was shifted over to me okay I spent around one week or so trying to debug it and then in the team meeting I was like I'm not able to replicate the book so in order to solve a bug you first need to replicate right and then you observe the behavior and then try to resolve it yes so in his system the bug was there but not in your system some things I mean he didn't solve it at all and it was transferred to me I was supposed to solve it now cool so are you not able to reproduce yeah I was not able to reproduce it I asked it in the team meeting and a senior engineer was like let's take it offline and we will check how we can replicate it further yeah in the evening my flatmate and ex-team mate he told me I didn't want to embarrass you in from front of the entire team but this bug was already solved by me so I was like okay that makes sense because I was not able to replicate it exactly but then why was the book transferred to me he was like I forgot to mark it as fixed and that was the reason it was transferred to you so it was not the funniest book but it was a funny incident introduction earlier as well yeah so now let's move on to the next question and I think this is curated only for you what advice do you have for college students who are starting their journey in software engineering an interesting question indeed so like I have been through this phase I was in university and to be honest as an engineering student I was very confused in the beginning that how should I go about it I mean neither I had the knowledge of which domain should I pick up or which programming language is the best so the very first thing is don't get overwhelmed by so many options available on the internet because uh like I was very confused some of my friends were doing ml machine learning artificial intelligence a few of them were doing Web projects app development so that made me think a lot like should I go for AI blockchain all those stuff so what I did is I took a month to just explore things like I gave one one week to each and every skill like for web development I tried understanding I mean what this is about am I even interested in developing web apps or then I checked for app development okay Java in these languages are needed into adapt development for machine learning AI staff python so is one week sufficient for you to explore each and every field I was just checking like what programming languages are needed in that particular domain and if I let's say deep dive into that particular domain so what will be the use case what will be the application I mean what will the applications of that particular domain like when I'll do Android app development I will be able to learn how to create mobile application right so after checking in all the kind of exploring not deeply obviously just uh like getting an overview of what everything is about I concluded that okay I literally love developing mobile applications and I thought okay let's uh Deep dive into Java and then I did DSA as well in Java and then after development then shifted to Cotton Etc so yes this is one advice don't get overwhelmed try to explore try to understand what's that one thing that you actually want to do right apart from that that I would say get your hands dirty by doing practical projects do as many practical real world projects as you can so that will help enhance your resume teacher as well I mean when people see that okay you have developed some application which so many people are using let's say if you are doing open source contribution modular Firefox or any such project which is used by millions of people obviously that will have a good vacation you're resuming and yes I mean as you will go ahead and you know explore things you will yourself learn many stuff on the way so according to you what's uh what's important for freshers I think being explorative is one of the things which I did myself right but I didn't try to explore it at a higher level like you did for one week yeah I kind of spent or you can say wasted also I would not say wasted because I was exploring differences exactly at least you would have got the knowledge that okay in this domain this is used yeah so I tried out web development in my first year tryouts competitive programming and whatnot so by the third year I realized that I wanted to try out machine learning deep learning artificial intelligence data science data analytics oh that's too much right so I I realized that by the third year I want to pursue in this particular field and that is what I did for the rest of my two years of college right and one more thing I quickly want to add is instead of doing like 20 online courses do internships start doing internships so let's say you are doing some course from course from udemy Etc so just take basic Theory knowledge and just start implementing it make more and more projects and one most important thing is consistency I mean as precious as a student as well we have to explore college life as well we have to do so many things right and then we have to do these coding questions projects Etc so I guess time management consistency all these things also play very very important role absolutely absolutely yeah and lastly I would say cgpa is something which should not distract you a lot but on the other hand you should not completely ignore academics as well like they will matter if you're interested in placements and stuff like that for topolog companies so make sure you complete don't completely ignore the cgp apart or the academics part on the other hand don't over focus on cgpa like I did in my first couple of years which made me like I could not explore as much as I wanted to because of that overburdening due to academics but again maintaining a good percentage cgpa is important absolutely right so let's move on to the next question should I go ahead yep definitely okay so the question is uh can you share a challenging problem you faced while working on a software project and how you solved it interesting should I answer it or you you go ahead okay okay uh challenging problem I think software engineering itself is challenging yes like each and every project has some sort of a different flavor of challenge yes but something which comes again to the top of my mind is one of the recent projects or one of the recent features that I launched so in my particular team this was the first major project that I was working alone on okay starting with the design phase making some design decisions doing some architectural changes and ultimately uh deploying to production so we were trying to get onboarded to a new data store so our team had never used it so we had to try and get ramped up to that particular data store there were technical challenges obviously we're trying some proof of Concepts to understand if the latencies are fine with us like how we need to integrate with them what all different uh indexing and serving flows we need to go through and what not not going into the technical aspects challenges [Music] that organizational challenge is something which we usually ignore because the team that we are onboarding with they were based out of Sunnyvale so we had some cross functional cross time zone collaborations which was challenging because like I am asking a question at 10 am in the morning in Indian Standard time zone and they are answering it 12 hours after that so there was a lot of delay caused due to it but thankfully the uh like person of contact POC on their part she was an amazing engineer like she was even willing to answer and resolve her doubts at awkward time according to her time zone it was an awkward time right but she was very willing to answer our doubts so that was one flavor of challenge which I would say you will experience a lot in top product based companies right right so yeah that that's my challenge interesting I mean obviously when we create projects when we work on some projects there are so many challenges that we faced I mean I would say I every day face a bug I mean you know our life is like that only I mean we have to write code we have to write tests I mean software Engineers life is full of bugs I would say but it's about not giving up and because we I would say in my career what what has played a very significant role is the support that I've been getting from the communities out there especially the open source committees in the very beginning and now it's in the organization only the team members the PM's product manager Etc so yes now let's move ahead to the next question I have a question for you if you don't mind yes I can see the question I mean sure what are some common misconceptions about software engineering that you would like to debunk hmm so indeed I mean there are so many misconceptions about our domain the very first is that we software Engineers only do coding but let me tell you that software engineering is much more than just coding we have to write design dogs we do documentation we write tests we have to attend meetings our team sing course Etc I mean you yourself are a software engineer so you'd be knowing that it's not just about writing code it's much more than that so there is an interesting stat related to software engineering usually software Engineers spend around 20 of their time just to read their code I mean code written by them and by others as well so yeah right and the thing is like it's like in our homes as well like let's say if I'm a software engineer so they feel like I am the expert in computer let's say if something some Hardware issue is there in some laptop or computer yeah okay can you fix the printer or maybe can you do this and that so I mean people feel that we are exploring computer but actually we are in like riding cold and funny thing I don't know how to use the printer in my office I need to ask a colleague of mine hey can you just help me print out this document from the printer right so I mean these are some common miscon conceptions that are domain software engineering has so yeah once you get into the tech industry yourself will realize that what things are misconception what's the reality Etc interesting question by a user yeah and next is also a very good question I would say so it is about how do we approach learning new programming languages or Technologies can yeah okay yes I mean that's a fair question because as software Engineers you need to keep on learning new technologies and new languages you know when I joined Google I would not say I was an expert in C plus plus but I would say I was moderately proficient in using C plus plus in corporate now I was faced with the challenge that I need to start learning Java okay I need I had to use Java for some sort of an application okay friends I mean 50 of the code that I have written at Google is in Java yeah so yeah so as software Engineers you need to start understand whenever you are starting to learn a new programming language you know you need to start with the fundamentals first first of all you need to have a Clarity in your mind that okay this is the programming language that I want to get started with okay first of all once you have that Clarity make sure you understand the fundamentals it starts with what our variables are there while loop for Loop like how are the control systems inside that particular language working all right okay the second important thing is whatever tools are provided by that particular programming language you should have a strong control over them right and I think if you want to understand this in a bit more detail there is a video coming up on this particular topic only on scalar's YouTube channel so make sure you don't forget to check that out seems fasting yes sir yes indeed seems fair because I can go on and on about how you can get started with your programming language but I think it would be fair to give it a bit more time and cover it in a separate video altogether exactly I mean it is a very detailed topic like how should you get started and everything so obviously this question demands a dedicated video so the user who has asked this question I think he or she would be lucky enough I mean you are going to create a full-fledged video on it awesome so let's move ahead and the next question from the audience is for you and I think it is specifically curated for you again can you discuss the role of Open Source contributions in a software engineer's career and how to get involved so fun fact whenever I read the word open source or open source contributions or anything around it okay whenever I hear the word Reddit the first person or the first social media influencer who comes to anoint is you so yeah I think they have specifically targeted you to answer this question so how to go about it so thank you for that and uh yes I mean if you talk about open source I can literally go on and on about this because this is one thing which has literally helped a lot in my career I'm open source is something which gave you an experience of how the tech industry how the IT industry is without you actually entering into the IIT industry let's say you are in your high school you are in your University right so at that time also if you let's say start contributing to some good projects maybe Mozilla Firefox or linuxm and Fedora there are so so many open source project that we use in our day-to-day life VLC is there so many music softwares are open source so all three millions of people are using that and let's say if you just develop a button in that software that's I mean that will create a huge impact you can tell that so how difficult is adding a button in an open source software for I mean if you let's say choose to contribute to maybe Mozilla Firefox for example so the very first thing is you should be aware with the languages the technologies that modular Firefox is using the that web browser is built on top of what if you know that and you let's say are using that particular project you see a GitHub issue or something there that okay you have to create a button or some new feature and you have that knowledge that programming capability then go ahead I mean discuss with the project admins that okay I can work on this issue and just go and create it I mean write the code the way you would create a button in a simple project the way you do in your personal project in the same way you can do there as well in the big open source project but indeed I agree I mean I know why you asked this question because it's a project which is already having so many lines of code I mean thousands millions of lines of code right already so many developers would have contributed to that so that would be a bit tough to understand read which file is doing doing what and where should you write the future or something it is very overwhelming in the beginning I would say I completely agree to that but as you continue doing the contribution it kind of you get yourself familiarized with what the project is about and everything so obviously it will add value it will add way to your resume the second thing is you will get the opportunity to network with the like-minded people like you know already so many software Engineers so many principles of Engineers from different organizations are working in such open source project let's say you are contributing to some open source project of Facebook Red Hat Microsoft anything so I mean once you start contributing there you can make connections with those people and they might help you in referral as well when you are looking for internship and you're looking for full-time jobs Etc and another thing is those open source organizations have helped me get a lot of opportunities because there are always some channels like hashtag opportunities hashtag scholarships so the scholarships so many scholarships that I have received so far in my University days all thanks to those organization they used to share plenty of things there and uh yeah I mean it's a great way of learning new thing of networking with like-minded people and adding some weight to your resume yeah so how about creating a dedicated video for this topic itself as well because I think it's a very big topic indeed I mean it's it's literally a very detailed and big topic so let's do one thing I'll create a dedicated video on this topic and that will go out on scalia's YouTube channel so stay tuned for that as well and by the way like uh I think I created a practical demo kind of video already on a scalar's channel like how to create a pull request Etc but yes if you want more details like how to choose the right organization or how to choose the right project because that's the first step right so I'll be creating another video awesome perfect and now let's move ahead and I have a question for you from the audience it's not from me yes I mean I feel that you are the right you're the APT person for this so can you share a memorable success story from your career that made you proud to be a software engineer so as far as I know from you I'm I've seen your profile I follow you on all these social media handles so you have achieved a lot in your career right I mean I can going and on about this so USL Channel and what is the thing what is that achievement which you are most proud of I think as a software engineer I have just begun my career so I would not say I am successful but I strive to kind of improve myself as a software engineer every day and when you talk about a success story which make made me proud as a software engineer you know so a couple of things comes to my mind you know like whenever we solve a bug we feel proud of ourselves whenever we identify what the issue is we feel proud of ourselves but two of the major uh checkpoints you can say in my career so first of all I told you like right now only I shared a project experience where I shipped the feature which I was owning end to end from myself like I was not taking any help from any senior software engineer or anyone so that was a very memorable part for me that okay I am leading the entire project the manager is relying on me to deliver it on time and they are expecting me to solve the technical challenges be it like complexity or ambiguity lack of any information they are trusting me on this and I was able to deliver on their trust so that is a big factor for me that okay I always felt that imposter syndrome you know that okay I have got into Google but now how to solve large issues which are of Google level but delivering that project made me feel proud of myself that okay I am not an imposter first of all I will be able to work on such technical challenges and secondly I got a promotion uh last year so that I would say it's just a byproduct like you keep on working hard you keep on solving technical challenges of complexity and different ambiguity promotion is going to come now or like next cycle or sometime down the lane but that is also something which gives you a sense of validation you know we expect validation from social media nowadays so that is also some sort of validation that okay you got a promotion because you are worthy of it you are worthy of being a good software engineer so those were two moments I would say in my career which I felt very proud of myself that okay I am a good software engineer I would say awesome awesome I mean yes for me I mean I feel proud in each and every small little achievements that I have been getting from winning the award from getting this scholarship to getting rank one becoming gold medalist I mean every single thing I'm kind of I feel good that okay I'm at least able to do that I'm grateful that at least we get the opportunity to do such a stuff absolutely yes now a question for you soumya yeah what are the essential programming languages and Technologies to learn for a career in software engineering so in my opinion there is nothing like sandwich or technology it's all about the use case let's say if you want to develop an Android application so for that you must know Charlie and kotlin right if you want to Deep dive or if you want to experiment with machine learning and stuff python is the goal to go right is the way to go right so these are kind of things that you must keep in mind depending upon the application depending upon the use you have to choose the right programming language or technology it's not like in software engineering this is the best thing apart from that like industry standard language includes C plus plus Java and somewhere python as well but I think in some of the you know interviews in the written rounds in the IDS python is not supported I mean I myself have seen that not sure about in 2023 if they are giving support or not but yeah I mean Java and C plus plus these are the heavily used language so far if we talk about the SD interviews so yeah I mean it's very obvious question yeah so just to tweak the question a little bit because I was also asked this sometime back on LinkedIn okay so the person asked me if I am learning JavaScript or let's he asked me about python but since you already talked about python let me ask a if the person is learning JavaScript will it affect their chances of becoming a software engineer at top product based companies or like becoming software engineer altogether see I mean obviously if you want to get software engineering job full-time job or maybe internship at the good product based companies so their requirement it's fine that you are learning JavaScript kotlin or you know any HTM website related stuff that's completely okay those projects will add value to your resume but the generic and the significant process that every company out there is following is they have first of all written around then DSA like online rounds are there and for all those things you must be good in at least one programming language preferably C plus plus or Java like he did his preparation DSA and everything in C plus plus I heavily did in Java right so you have to learn some industry standard language first of all and then for the data structure and algorithm practice as many equation as you can in those language like the in step one you learn the language so you can use that language to solve the question the DSA question so I would say uh I mean many teams out there in many organizations there are different teams let's say there is opening for software engineer for the Android team or maybe web team Etc so if you know the null if you have the knowledge of that particular technology in which they are working that will indeed play a very significant role let's say if in your team there is opening for someone who is good in JavaScript so that guy who asked you the question he might be a right fit but apart from JavaScript knowledge he must be knowing the basics of data structures algorithm all those stuff right makes sense make sense yes and now I have a question for you so how do I build a strong portfolio of projects to Showcase my skill to my potential employer this is a question by Third Year engineering student yeah okay awesome I think this is a very important question because for all the processes of like getting hired yeah you need to First go through the resume shortlisting round right and I have told this I think a million times now that in order to in order for your resume to get shortlisted you need to have good unique projects in your resume okay and the key to having good unique projects is respect your ideas first of all like as a person You observe a lot of problems around you so pick up any problem statement that you observe that is personal to you unique to you and try to execute whatever skills that you have learned be it web development machine learning Android development anything at all okay for example like I have told this a lot of times on social media that there was a research project related to Traffic e-challans so that I created that project the solution for it based on a problem that I was facing okay so I tried to execute whatever skills that I had on the problem which I observed so if a problem is unique to you meaningful to you and you create a solution out of it that's a good project but sometimes they are like um I don't know what problem to try and solve so the best way to deal with such a situation is to participate in hackathons yeah okay I mean I I would love to hear from you like how hackathons help in building a strong portfolio of projects in the resume and right I mean I precaution of kittens in the coming question from the user but let's answer it right now only right so hackathons indeed play a very significant role and the example that you gave the traffic example I heard this from you only in your speech at one of the universities kite I mean I guess we both were judges out there right and you share this example so hackathons see what happened is when you create a product a project in 24 or 36 hours so obviously your knowledge is kind of in the short period of time you learn a lot many things right for example like I created some projects and hackathons and they are being used by the organizations right they are like Delhi police hackathon then smart India hackathon that's being used by esic Hospital which is government organization so I mean you can tell in your resume to the interviewer that okay the project which I created is being used by people out there it's uh by the SIC hospital they are using that project will create a good impact right they will understand that okay the project that the interviewer interviewee has created is being used by so many people so obviously he or she would be talented enough right right so I mean there are plenty of benefits uh and there is already a dedicated video by me on this channel on a scalar's Channel about hackathons how to get started with it and what are the benefits everything in detail right awesome I think there is a question for you ah related to the latest trends so let me ah ask you that how can I stay updated with the latest trends and advancements in the software engineering industry are you talking about child CPT and power I am not sure what the person meant over here okay but I think they might be asking in the same context that lot of technical technical disruption is happening nowadays you know so how can one stay updated with the latest trends when every few months something new right so what I personally do to stay updated it's like I 100 101 agree that our domain software engineering is one such domain where every other day every other week like new updates are coming in if you talk about let's say web domain in JavaScript so many new stuffs are coming up in Android Studio as well like app development only like first this was Java then quarterly and then so many enhancement quarterly as well they are deprecating the old stuff and bringing new things so how I cope up with this I I mean I or you can also do the same thing you can join some of the online tech communities out there so is there they keep on doing you know new events if let's say something new is launched in the tech community so they launch a new event virtual conference attend Tech conferences join online tech communities you can listen to The Tech podcast out there and subscribe to newsletters as well the tech newsletters right so these are kind of generic ways in which you can stay up to date and another important thing is following the right kind of people on social media like there are so many Tech influencers right there I mean Angel himself I have seen so many posts by you nowadays he is kind of every other day or in alternate days he keep posting about new stuff in the tech domain like something new is there I I literally sometimes it happen that I have no clue and I video pose that okay this is happening in the tech domain so a recent post was about some Butterfly Effect Etc as well so I mean I get to know a lot about those things from fellow Tech content Creator as well correct so you can do that as well because Tech content creator they themselves are in that domain right so they can help you understand things better awesome awesome yes yeah thanks a lot I'm glad to see that you follow the posts and the content that I'm uploading on the social media on regular basis yes and now here is and question higher pay what would you choose given the choice I think the person who has asked this question has definitely following me on Twitter yes I think your Tweet was viral around layer on the same topic yeah because the Tweet was something like this what will you choose 30 lakh per annum with decent work life balance or 80 lakh per annum without any work-life balance right so that went viral like it was posted by certain uh yeah yeah IG handles like motivation pages and meme Pages as well people created motivation out of it as well and they created memes out of it as well and as a dedicated conclusion to it I also posted on LinkedIn regarding that so let me explain that part in little detail okay the observation based on the responses that I received on that tweet was people are interested in their early age people are interested in earning more money rather than having a decent work-life balance and when they start with some sort of family or they have added responsibilities they want to move to like they are fine with moving to a lesser pay with more work-life balance right but in my opinion that doesn't make sense because for one thing if you start with more money it is going to be very much psychologically difficult for you to have such a downgrade because you have established some sort of lifestyle and how you have new people in your life and responsibilities of them so that works twofold in a negative way for you second thing if you start in a company with toxic culture and lack of work life balance you know you start to become the person like that itself I don't want to name companies over here but I have seen infiltration of managers and like higher position people people from leadership from a particular company having a toxic culture they are migrating to different other companies and then they start replicating that culture in the new company as well so a similar thing will happen to you as well if you are in a toxic work culture you will start to believe that that is fine that is normal which is not the right thing and then once you move to a company with better work culture you will start to spread that negative work-life balance there as well so what would I choose I would any day choose to have a decent work life balance be it whatever pay it is okay and that is the primary focus of mine right now as well because I have got a few offers of higher pays as well but I have rejected them only because I have a great work life balance at Google right now and I don't want to get rid of it right I mean indeed be it in the starting of the career or in the later stages work-life balance is something really very important because at the end of the day why are we doing what we are doing that because that's because we want to get happiness right quite philosophical I mean it's it's philosophical but that's the truth right I mean it's five let's say 24 hours you'll be asked to work to work on your giraffes Etc because I myself have seen there are my friends are working in some organization where the work-life balance is literally yes exactly so I feel so bad to hear their stories I'm and how they are sailing through this so yeah the next question for you I think if I was in college I would have definitely asked you this as well how to network when you are bad at communication yes this is literally a very practical question so I would say if you are bad at communication obviously networking will be a bit tough so the very first thing you can do is start small start practicing Communication in low pressure environments like start communicating with your friends and your family start talking with them another thing that works like a charm is practice do self practice in front of mirror that way you will understand I mean how you are speaking that will help you give confidence you can listen to some maybe English TED Talks Etc if you want to improve your communication skill in a particular language and apart from that I guess yes the more you speak the more your confidence will build up over time and another thing is you can start with virtual conferences and virtual events I mean their networking won't be there that tough I mean if you go directly in an offline event you might feel a bit uncomfortable in doing networking and talking to people if you are especially not good at communication so you can start via these ways like virtual conferences virtual events and nowadays you have social media I am in Twitter LinkedIn so many things are there so you can start creating content here and there is start making network with people with like-minded people so yeah these are the general ways with which you can get started awesome yes thanks a lot perfect and now I have a question for you from one of the users so will a full stack developer with good Esa skill find it hard to land a high-paying job due to AI artificial intelligence I mean I understand from what context this question is coming into role because you know chat GPT and everything like you can get literally pieces of code which you can reuse right so what I would feel is that as long as you are skilled okay how I would look at this current technical disruption is we always used to Google stuff okay we used to use stack Overflow a lot as well right right now with chat GPT coming into play chat GPT or bad as well you know other tools for that so you can leverage these tools to become a better developer these are opportunities for you to enhance your skills like rather than looking it as a downfall and I would say replacing a complete software engineer's position by AI is still a lot of years ago you know because I can't obviously forecast the future I don't know what will happen after 40 years or 50 years down the lane but for a near future like five to ten years I I literally cannot see a full stack developer being completely replaced by AI okay because you can possibly configure some monitoring things or some alerts in your system using artificial intelligence okay you can identify what piece of code can be replaced by a better code using artificial intelligence which a lot of IDs are doing nowadays okay so one way or the other way these are ways in which you can become more productive as a software engineer or as a full stack developer replacing you completely is like right now with the current state of the art it's not possible so right I completely agree I think over to the next question for you what skills to learn to get okay let me rephrase it okay in order to get a high paying job as a fresher like straight out of college what are the skills that I should be learning okay so in our Tech domain one of the easiest ways to you know get a high-paying job as a software engineer is to obviously you know prepare for the tech interviews you can Target the product based companies out there because as compared to service based companies they have better package better compensation startups are also there so yes I'm in three to four steps are there which you have to follow on a programming language practice data structural art and work on a project that project can be application development related anything and yes I mean go ahead apply for that particular role give the interviews and yes I mean once you get the offer letter you join a company as a full-time engineer Etc so I mean this is a kind of very standard and general way of getting a good paying job in our domain apart from this you can explore freelancing domain as well if you start getting the US clients I mean outside India if you start getting clients indeed you can make a lot of money out of freelancing as well let's say if you are good in creating websites in creating applications so indeed I mean you can earn a lot right and as a student I mean you asked after a student age but yes hackathons are also one of the good ways you can earn a lot via hackathons and so many Open Source Products projects are they are they are program they have programs in which they pay you a lot so I mean yeah there are plenty of ways and hfts are also there I mean their packages are way way better than that of even the best product based companies out there so these are the gender equations yeah well I think like in order to refine uh in into better words what you've told about right so in order to get a high paying job like some of the top product based companies I like obviously like Google Microsoft Amazon Facebook and so on so the skill which is quite important for them is how good of a problem solver you are okay in order to put into better words you need to be great in data structures and algorithms that goes without saying you need to have built some amazing products now when I say amazing products it need not matter what skills you using for that okay as you correctly mentioned like mobile Dev app like web web app development and all those different machine learning artificial intelligence any domain you choose you should be great at that and should be building some amazing products second good thing that you talked about was hfts to those who don't know what is hft is like high frequency trading firms okay they earn a lot of money and that is the reason they are able to provide such a huge salary so I was recently checking the news where Jane Street offered someone 400k dollars per annum as the placement like in their placement from the iits and this offer was based out of I don't know perhaps it was Hong Kong or New York City I'm not sure about that but the skill which is very very important in order to crack those hfts is to have amazing knowledge but amazing I mean you should you should be super great when it comes to C plus plus fundamentals okay they ask you questions related to memory allocations concurrency related to operating systems databases and whatnot okay because that low level optimization is what they are looking for so those skills would be very very important for you in order to get a amazingly paying job yes I completely agree now I have a question for you anchal uh the question is how can a front-end engineer react in records learn system design right I mean irrespective of whether you are a front-end engineer front-end developer using react or angular or any other framework it doesn't matter the basic thing which is very important for you to become good in system design is to have some hands-on experience with back-end engineering okay it doesn't matter I mean theoretical knowledge is one thing regarding system design you can read books you can watch my videos on system design as well that's completely fine but in order to understand them in a better way you first need to build some small applications you need to get a hands-on experience regarding their backend then you will start to appreciate what all small small integrities go behind developing a back-end structure and then based on that if you give a read to any of the books you know I am a huge fan of LX like who writes about system designer and so on I read his articles and everything so in order for you to appreciate all those system design thought process decisions related to large scale systems like how YouTube is developed or how Uber is developed you know in order to understand that at a large scale you first need to build something at a small scale then only you will appreciate that okay if the right QPS is so high why wouldn't need to choose Cassandra and not a SQL databases so on so first of all in order to do that you need to have actually worked with SQL database right if you are just doing front-end engineering don't have any experience with the databases you won't understand why this is better than something else so get some experience creating some projects back end and then you can read some articles yes perfect now moving on to a question which is a little bit tricky you know because this is very very important as well because I keep on emphasizing about skills versus degrees and this question is also along the same lines does degree matter when applying for mncs they have specifically asked for multinational companies only okay so it is very subjective question like some of the mncs out there doing emphasize a lot on degrees I mean in your in their JDS only they mentioned that only those people can apply who have you know a b-tech degree in I.T in computer science specifically only this domain they are they kind of restricted apart from that I've seen many of the companies are a bit flexible about which degree you possess especially I've seen nowadays the startups focus a lot on skills rather than degrees so it's a kind of subjective question and it depends company to company if they want to emphasize more on a skill rather than degree so they won't mention it even in their JD but as far as I have seen most of the mncs out there they have these things the the bullet point is there that okay you should have a degree from a reputation University in this this domain so yeah I hope that answers your question yeah I mean just to add some Google's background related to that as well so I was just going through the job description as you correctly mentioned you know they specifically mentioned that you should have a bachelor's degree or a master's degree depending on the role in this XYZ field if there is a niche requirement or an equivalent work experience for some four years or five years or something like that so you could not have a degree in the particular domain still have done some freelancing work or have had developed some work experience in that field and you could be applicable for that job in a high paying MNC right right so yeah like Focus first on skills degree is something which you cannot control after your educational age has gone so don't worry like if you have not got a degree in a specific field don't worry about that focus on the skills focus on developing some good proof of works and then go for it it was an amazing time answering all the questions from the audience which they put on scalar social media pages so if you really enjoyed watching this video make sure you give it a thumbs up like like the post as much as possible add your questions in the comment section below and make sure you subscribe to our channel for more such insightful content thank you everyone thank you have a nice day

2023-08-05 00:36

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