Words of Leaders SandboxAQ CEO Jack Hidary on the Future of AI and Quantum Technologies

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Hello everyone and welcome to this edition of talking to experts. Today, we have a special guest, a friend, and a colleague we have known for 20 years in the States, France and Europe. So, it is my great pleasure to welcome Jack Hidary, CEO of SandboxAQ Hi Jack.

Hi Francois. Thank you for your invitation. Jack and I we met we've met I think 18 years ago?  Oh it's been a while! And and Jack and I we were   friends and colleagues and he did a fantastic  job uh for us in the US bringing new ideas lot   of energy so it's my great pleasure to welcome  my friend and colleague Jack the CEO of SandboxAQ   so before we go into artificial intelligent  Quantum tell us a little bit about yourself well   first of all it's great to be here and uh to be  here in Paris we're doing so much now in France   uh across the whole country I think we'll get a  chance to talk about all the activities we have   here but for myself I started very interested  in how the world works I was interested first   in how the brain works I studied neuroscience  and at the same time I was also interested in   how the underlying architecture of the  universe works and that's physics and   uh these passions of physics Neuroscience came  together and as that was happening the computer   Revolution was emerging uh before even we knew  about the web we started programming we started   coding and I went to computer Camp as a kid and  so I was a very big geek as a kid learning how to   code and it was very exciting where you could  see your own work active on the screen and so   these three different strains of my life coding  and Neuroscience AI and physics my dream was   always to bring these together and to solve some  of the world's biggest problems the problems of   drug discovery of bringing a new drug to Market  uh the problems of new clean tech Innovation uh   the problems of new materials for our world uh  the problems of using AI in terms of analyzing   you know what trends would be in the future  these are all issues that we need all these   three different kinds of disciplines to come  together so I was always interested, Francois to   be a cross-disciplinary individual I was never one  wanting to pigeon hole in one place you could be   French because you know in France we are famous  to have horizontal thinkings aggregating VAR   things so tell us about the phone call you  received seven years ago from two famous uh   entrepreneur well seven years ago I had created  a few companies I was focused on clean energy I   was focused on some philanthropy and uh I got  word from Google that uh they were starting   something new something called alphabet and they  were looking for individuals to advise and start   companies and start new divisions within this new  entity and the idea of alphabet of course is that   while Google focuses on search and organizing the  world's information there's a lot of other things   that Computing can do uh self-driving cars already  was an idea inside of Google and they decided to   launch alphabet as a way to house these new ideas  uh self-driving cars ended up being the first spin   that's wh and of course one of the next ideas was  Healthcare information uh my friend Andy Conrad   started that uh inside of X initially and then  spun out as verily so a lot of exciting ideas   and when I joined about seven years ago uh the  idea really that we started to talk about with   uh Sergey myself Astro many others started to  join in the conversation is how could Advanced   Computing be it AI be it quantum how could that  change the game when it comes to society's biggest   challenges so Jack tell us a little bit how the  spin-off occurred so we were building and building   uh different kinds of Technologies and realizing  that uh the world was going to change the GPU in   particular this Graphics Processing Unit GPU  alphabet was launching its own gpus called   the TPU tensor Processing Unit Nvidia of course a  very strong company now one of the leaders in the   world creating gpus and many other companies as  well Amazon and now Microsoft and many others ALS   also creating these specialized chips these chips  that would accelerate certain kinds of operations   initially for G for graphics then people  realized of course that this was the same kind   of operations that we needed for deep learning for  advanced kind of AI today we all hear about large   language models different kinds of deep learning  the graphics of uh Dolly 2 Dolly 3 now just came   out so it's a very exciting moment and gpus are  core of that but what we realize in SandboxAQ   is that these gpus can do even more they can do  something very very special and that's called   simulation and so AI very very important when you  have a lot of data you could train a deep Learning   Network a network that's inspired by Neuroscience  by the brains distributed architecture and so you   can train that in the way we train Toddlers and  children they look at many examples they learn   from examples but in addition there's another very  powerful tool a tool franois simulation that would   become equal in the global lexicon very soon in  the next few years to the word llm or gender of   AI and that word is simulation simulation means  that we don't have a lot of data we want to create   a new drug a new molecule a new kind of battery  chemistry we don't have any past data because   we're creating something novel and so to do that  we have to use the first principles of physics   itself we have to say will this electron from this  molecule bind to this electron of this molecule   in the body will this ion and this ionic structure  in a battery chemistry be something that has good   energy density so these are questions that are  quantum questions and now the gpu's got fast   enough we can actually do some of the simulation  on the GPU itself even in advance of the Advent of   scaled quantum computer so with this realization  we decided it was time to spin out and about 18   months ago we did spin out as sandbox AQ with Eric  Schmidt as chairman myself as CEO and a Wonder   group a cross disciplinary group fris of  physicists and chemists and AI Engineers   really a wonderful group and the company is  really grown since then particularly because   in December of last year we closed on a round of  $500 million that's from tro price from gugenheim   from wonderful leaders like Eric and others and  that Capital allowed us to become I don't say   Global I say multilocal a company that has its  roots not only in the US but also Al in Canada   and here in France and Spain and England and many  other countries as well serving those customers   and those communities to with Advanced Computing  so it's been a very exciting year and a half fris   so Jack four months after the spin-off you wor  a company in France tell us about that well as   we spun off and raised a large amount of capital  we started to hire a lot of people and wonderful   people we also look though for key groups of  talent around the world and again we took a   multi local view of the world where we want to  have deep roots in many parts of the world so   that we can serve those customers and also engage  with the wonderful talent in those countries we   heard about crypto sense from several customers  of ours multiple Banks who are customers of our   told us hey SandboxAQ we're going to use your  software it's great for encryption management   but also we're going to use crypto sets and so  it was a wonderful team that spun out of inria   the research uh organization here in France uh  a group mainly of phds uh and based in Paris   but with people around France and we started  having conversations with them but maybe some   kind of cooperation partnership and quickly  within a few weeks we all realized this would   be a great acquisition for SandboxAQ and so we  did acquire the company uh we had to go through   some uh engagement with the French government  because of course it is National Security and we   successfully passed this uh level of Engagement  and so now we have a full subsidiary and a full   here in France we're very proud to say yes that  we have very good footprint in fact more than 15%   of our employees worldwide are here in France  and we're growing that that population France   has an additional attraction of the universities  in France um the poly technique uh NS many many   uh wonderful universities across France that we  draw wonderful Talent from and we keep that Talent   right here in France uh the idea is really people  should work where they Thrive and they're thriving   here they should work here as well so it's a very  exciting Time For Us in France so you're talking   about deep Tech I'm very interested in this world  because we talk about this more and more how would   you uh Define uh deep Tech versus tra traditional  VC based VC backed companies it's a good question   fris so when we look at the history of Silicon  Valley particularly the last say 20 years we saw a   lot of investment in productivity tools where you  can look at slack all right or jro or different   kinds of group productivity tools you can look at  other VCB companies in social media as an example   but deep Tech says something different deep Tech  says we could also call it Frontier Tech Frontier   Tech deep Tech says let's fundamentally have a  Leap Forward in our society in the cars that we   drive in perhaps even flying cars uh in how we go  to space how can we reduce the uh cost it takes   to get to space Not only to bring Crews up there  and humans up there but also for satellites and   we see the the big success of course of starlink  right now that's a deep Tech uh Innovation when   we look for example at the world of medicine  that's a key area for deep Tech Innovation both   in terms of new Pharmaceuticals but also of  course Diagnostics themselves and I mean just   Diagnostics in a hospital setting part of the  deep Tech Revolution is to bring Diagnostics to   the home and bring it to a ubiquitous setting  as well so when we look at now deep Tech as an   asset class what we're finding with investors  investors like tro price like Guggenheim investors   like BR Jim Brier of Brier Capital Mark benof  the founder of Salesforce Thomas Tull all these   are investors of ours in sandbox AQ and we're  proud to have them because they recognize what   we recognize which is that deep Tech actually  is less risky in investment because when you   make these Investments you're creating a deep moat  around this technology a deep moat of intellectual   property of expertise of connection with customer  you're making a very very deep differentiation   that's very hard to commoditize and it's also  lends itself to platform type companies what do   I mean by platform companies I mean companies  that have a core technology that you can build   many different products on that's a platform  company and that company is going to be far more   valuable and more impactful than just a single  feature company that might be a good acquisition   for some of the big tech companies but uh  is very different than Frontier technology   so while Frontier technology maybe 20 years ago  Fran may have seemed like uh you know wow that's   way out there now the largest asset managers in  the world tro and many others the largest family   offices in the world Mark benof Eric Schmidt Jim  Brer many others are recognizing this as its own   asset class with a particularly favorable risk  reward ratio because of the connectivity across   these different parts of the platform and the  ability to defend that platform and build on   it for impact in society most of our investors  franois are here in our company not just for   financial return but for positive impact and  that positive impact is very much there with   Frontier technology so Jack we're talking a  lot about AI consum not a lot of people knows   you know what those acronym means but I think AI  starts with a touring thing uh in 1953 aristot   talk about Quantum you know easy own wordss and  with Einstein and the quantum at the beginning of   the 20th century uh could you give us in your  view a simple definition of quantum a simple   definition of the ey why sandbox aggregating Ai  and Quantum Quantum is ahead of the game yeah   it's a great question so you know we there's a  lot of buzzwords out there and we throw them all   around and so let's let's define some of these a  great great idea AI let's start with AI artificial   intelligence you know that's a name that came  up and was coined in 1955 because uh a number   of people John McCarthy and others were applying  for a grant from the Ford Foundation of all places   and they said we want to have a summer uh up at  Dartmouth and we want to really focus on this   new kind of Technology uh at that time actually  it was not called AI it was called cybernetics   and Norbert weiner was the one who coined that  particular term uh but John wanted a new term   so they called it artificial intelligence we're  kind of a little stuck with that now we could   have called it augmented intelligence we could  have called it synthetic intelligence uh there's   many other possible names and so maybe we should  still think about some new names for it but today   we focused on the term AI so what is exactly  we're referring to well in today's context in   the context of now an understanding of how the  brain works when we looked at the brain and we   opened up the brain over the last 50 60 years what  people found is not a CPU not a central process   a unit and not like distinct memory areas what  they found actually is a distributed set of   neurons the average human brain has between 86 and  100 billion neurons and 100 trillion to a thousand   trillion connections or synapses we call them that  architecture inspired the idea of these kinds of   artificial neuron networks these biological neuron  networks translated to artificial neurons and   artificial networks and we train them similarly  to how again a child might might learn we present   many examples and we have the network learn those  examples initially it's not going to be very good   at doing good prediction and classification but  over time with feedback you can make it very   good and we had the move to deep learning the  idea that we can have not just an input layer   an output layer and one layer in between that's  called The Hidden layer but actually we can have   thousands and maybe even millions of internal  layers and that's the Advent of deep learning   that came with the GPU this chip that we talked  about so AI basically is neuroscience inspired   architectures it's a different way of coding it's  not coding with if this then that if something   has four wheels then maybe it's a car we actually  just present the cars in the buses to the neural   network and then it learns the nature of what  it means to be a car what it means to be a bus   we don't actually specify the rules in there and  so that became a very powerful architecture that   now we have have the llms but llms are just the  beginning friend well just the tip of the iceberg   in terms of where we're going with AI but now  let's turn to Quantum Quantum says that the world   that we know about the world of billiard balls  of sending Rockets to space this is the world   of Isaac Newton this is the world that 300 years  ago Isaac Newton gave us the sense of how things   will move how things will row down Hills if we  drop you know a feather and a big bowling ball   what will happen this is all the world of ISAC  n but when we get to the microscopic when we get   to the world of atoms and electrons um we have to  have a new kind of way of describing these in fact   in 1899 a crisis occurred because the electron  was discovered JJ Thompson got the Nobel Prize   because they discover he discovered the electron  and obviously then the atom was not the smallest   thing and it turns out electrons do not follow the  laws of Isaac Newton and we need a new set of laws   and so Mox pling and Albert Einstein and Neils Bor  and Schrodinger and dck and many others came up   with a set of laws and rules that says this is  actually the way the world Works fundamentally   and that's quantum physics and so Quantum is a  language it's the language that molecules use   when they speak to each other when they connect  to each other that's the world of quantum now you   asked about putting these two together so when  we think about putting these two together that's   a very powerful combination of computing on the  one we have ai that's very good when you have a   lot of data and we could train on that data and so  we give a lot of the data if we have for example a   million patient records and we say what happens  if somebody enters the hospital with chest pain   what are the likely outcomes we can train an AI on  that and we can make predictions because we have   a million points of data but what if we want to  have a new molecule a new device uh new material   we don't have any data it's novel and that's when  we have to use physics itself to figure out and   make new data we call that synthetic data data  that we create ourselves and that data we can   then apply AI to so the next wave of AI is beyond  llms beyond the graphics tools and Image Creators   and video creators is this fundamental deep Tech  revolution of the combination of the best of AI   and the best of quantum and these two together are  very powerful to help design a a new world that   meets many of our challenges in society that's  fascinating coming back to soundbox where do   you see the application of this technology and  what are the lwh hanging fruit you are going   to focus on right now well good question so I  think there's a few areas of lwh hanging fruit   immediately first is simulation optimization so  here again we we have the opportunity to go after   new drugs again we're not a drug maker ourselves  at sandbox AQ but uh we can help drug makers we   can help pharmaceutical companies and Drive their  productivity and drive their acceleration right   now it it takes on average 13 years to develop One  Drug it takes on average two and a half billion   Euro to develop one drug and even after all that  time and money 80% failure rate in the clinical   trials fris 80% failure that's a lot of money loss  and a lot of patients who go without a medicine so   this is now a fundamental change in how we can  get things done Ai and Quantum coming together   can say okay biotech company okay pharmaceutical  company you have an idea for a New Drug we can run   it through millions of simulations way before it  ever gets to the first human and that is a very   very exciting so the time to Market time to Market  is is shrunk money goes down the capital goes down   and that means we can go after more conditions  that means that rare diseases that means that yeah   right extending life and and Longevity is another  great area so that's one lwh hanging fruit area   uh clean tech is another wonderful area where  we want to have new kinds of solar panels solar   panels have come down in price but there's another  way to bring it down even another 90% And that's   called parav skites a chemistry that is really  gaining good momentum in terms of its efficiency   its level of converting sunlight to electricity  but it's not stable on a roof for more than about   a year or two and so using Ai and Quantum we can  change that game we can actually make it last   hopefully for many more years so be it clean tech  be it biotech there's a lot of different things   that we can do there so that's one area of SN but  now call it simulation optimization but now let's   talk about cyber security as much as we love Ai  and Quantum and it gives us many positive things   let's also recognize fris that there's attacks on  cyber security both from Ai and Quantum and what   do we mean by that well if I have password files  in a large company and the adversary the hacker   has AI they can do analysis of those password  files and find patterns to maybe find a default   password that was issued by the it organization  that gives them an in into the company that's   using AI as an attack tool Quantum also could  be used over the next number of years and it is   a tack tool because the fundamental nature of  cyber security of how we communicate over the   Internet of how we exchange credit cards How We Do  Bank transactions the global economy is built on   public key encryption public key cryptography  the way that we can exchange information over   large distances over the public internet Quantum  as it scales into larger computers that are fault   tolerant breaks this cryptography and so both Ai  and Quantum very positive Technologies but also   means that we must upgrade our cyber security  and so that's the second area that we must   address with AI and Quantum we must have better  cybercity tools particularly in encryption tell   us about the third pillar which is sensing you  know and how Quantum will uh change dramatically   the way we sense we acquire informations well  sensing the world around us is critical and so   be it medical Diagnostics or be it other kinds of  sensing this is fundamental to modern technology   and so when we look for example at the challenge  of GPS jamming so all of us now are addicted to   GPS imagine getting into a car and not GPS a map  available Google Maps Apple Maps any of the maps   out there um most people would literally be lost  literally be lost but in fact actually we now see   that more and more we see that adversaries around  the world franois are jamming GPS it's actually   not that hard to jam GPS it's a known publish  frequency so of course we can jam it people can   jam it uh and so be it in airplanes uh recently  uh two passenger Jets full of passengers from   Quant Airlines on March 14th of this year the GPS  was jammed uh they lost GPS for hours and hours   uh more recently just a month ago quite a number  of planes in the Middle East were jammed uh they   lost GPS in fact it was even worse then Francois  in that particular case some were GPS jammed some   were GPS spoofed where a wrong signal of GPS  was pushed into the airplane traveling at at   uh you know 8900 kilometers an hour that is a very  dangerous uh scenario and so we have to have a way   of navigating around the world without GPS in fact  that's what Quantum sensing and AI together can   give us we can have a Quantum sensor that senses  the magnetic field of the earth that magnetic   field is unique on every spot across the Earth and  then combined with AI to pull the signal from that   sensor we need the AI there we can actually have a  device and have built a device that is now flying   on quite a number of government and private  planes that actually can navigate without GPS   also for for heart disease well exactly the same  technology I just mentioned for navigation can   also be used to improve our cardiac Diagnostics  heart disease fruis as you all know is the number   one killer in many countries in the world and  so how do we improve outcomes for heart disease   number one is Diagnostics right now we have ECG  we have ultrasound there's a variety of initial   Diagnostics when someone has chest pain but they  don't give us enough information and in fact in   most cases in hospitals around the world you have  to wait for Two Plus hours to get a particular   blood test to see is the heart did it have some  muscle breakdown right some some attack on the   heart and in fact what can we do in the first 5 10  minutes we can do not an ECG electrocardiography   with the new advent of what we've developed with  AI and Quantum sensors together we can have MCG   Magneto cardiography this detects not the elect  field of the heart but the magnetic field of   the heart and this is going to be a breakthrough  for cardiac Diagnostics absolutely and proactive   medicine is one of the the key we want to go to  preventative rather than just reactive exactly   um Jack to finish we talk about lots of our gen  AI with' all test that what has your view is it   A revolution is it an evolution well gen of AI  I think is a very powerful tool particularly   for certain kinds of applications if you have  a Content application and you want to generate   a lot of content let's say you're a bank and  you want to create a lot of research reports   gen I think could create the first draft of that  report and do 70% of the work let's say with the   human coming in to finish off the 30% and polish  it I know a number of screenwriters and Hollywood   that are using gen right now to become much  more productive writers and they're writing   for multiple shows at the same time so I think gen  is a very powerful tool that has many interesting   applications but FR really it's just the beginning  of applications of AI when we think about all the   areas in terms of applying AI to many other  fields Beyond just content generation this is   where other forms of AI will really start Rising  we are just at the beginning of this phase of the   AI revolution in particular by combining AI with  simulation AI with Quantum this is going to be   a very powerful combination of both AI tools that  can train on past data and simulation tools tools   that can drive to the Future this combination is  going to really revolutionize the whole world in   fact Quantum will bring new signals very weak  signals and AI will bring correlation between   those signals to move forward the research correct  absolutely correct Jack last question what is your   ambition and visual for sandbox because we are  I'm very excited when I listen to you where do   you see yourself in three for five years from  now well sandbox AQ has already grown very   very significantly I'm very proud of all of our  teams fris our teams have really excelled Beyond   any Milestone uh that we internally Set uh be it  in simulation uh for drug Discovery and Battery   Technology in other areas be it in cyber security  to protect the world's data a very key mission   for us uh or be it in Quantum sensing our mission  at sandbox AQ is to be the most impactful company   in the world and we Define impact in terms of the  positive effect we can have on all these different   areas is using Frontier Computing using Frontier  technology key to that is our teams so the first   answer I would give to you about where do we see  ourselves in three to five years we see ourselves   building on The A Team that we have already hired  and a players hire other a players and so we we   depend on the wonderful incredible teams that  we have to bring in additional people internal   to the company but also fris key to the next 3  to five years for SBX AQ is partnership we are   already having a number of Partners now around  the world here in France in the UK in the US   in Canada and we're going to have more and more  partners because we cannot do this ourselves we   have to partner with large companies and startups  and Nos and many others and governments in many   cases to make sure that we can have the impact  we want to on these critical areas Jack thank   you for sharing your passion Vision um I get I've  got a great IDE for you for Christmas yes Jack   Quantum Computing and applied resource it's a  very light read FR very light yeah I I just read   10 page each because after I need to understand  exactly so thank you so much Jack for joining us   and congratulation what what you've accomplished  in close to year and half thank you for well


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