Wondershare Filmora : All you need to know to begin your video editing career

Wondershare Filmora : All you need to know to begin your video editing career

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foreign [Music] [Music] once again we'll whoa we have any in-depth tutorial so we started last time let's just joining us at least you could check up our last video on wondershare female getting to know the interface because you basically we'll be doing a video editing or video creation with filmora wondershare please stay with me as we're diving so first we're going to boots thing around this year [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so now again we have a new projects okay so like we said last time we have the media the stock audio tied to transition effects stickers and templates we have our edits bar here this is our preview layout every dimension of the players you can use in one of our four quality to reduce the buffer and size of your system or as a spotting is going to export and full quality automatically you can record audio present this and that's a few over recovered last week so I'm gonna be importing the media [Music] [Music] [Music] Okay so yeah let's do this [Music] okay I have this video here I'm gonna get a picture also foreign [Music] [Music] this is the media size but always remember to use the project settings so you have a unified [Music] houseboats because you're making in different media [Music] okay so just play this [Music] [Music] okay so United this is not full screen so we're having some block side so I'm gonna increase my skill as you can see this other part of the screen we have video we have color we have speed so I'm gonna increase the scale how it's basically the size and this is what I have now let's play for preview as you can see this is what I have no okay [Music] okay so that's that for that so now I'm going to be putting some effects to this um not really effects I'm gonna call it keyframe so this is our keyframe here you can use it from here but I prefer to use my from here so watch this I'm gonna take the opacity of this video to zero and I'm going to turn on the keyframe then I'm going to drag foreign to the end and then I take it back to 100 and I'm gonna click OK automatically yes click that one so now guess what I guess this is what happened so when I take it back sir and I press play you know this is what happened [Music] and yep that's the magic if you notice this is zero and this is 100 so now what this keyframe does for us it picks this video from a sleeping States or is there a state from the opacity and watch as this moves gradually the the opacity here begins to increase so now it runs from zero two hundred so you can play with the keyframe to sell it on how you want it three so now I can now bring this here and this is how it's gonna look uh this looks so that you can reduce this here yep and can I give it some animation [Music] [Music] okay I think I love this so you can double click to apply so once I double click on it oh oh oh oh I'm selecting the wrong okay I think I can still do that so neat I'm gonna use two dangerous one then okay guys so [Music] yep and we on point so you might not want to have animation for your video so you can just click back on your video comes to animation and the fests easy no animation so when I click on automation then my animation goes off that's for my video so now if you want to add color to your video this is where you do your customization I don't think I need any of that right now so you could use these range of few dim fits for it then just make this looks kind of real [Music] so that's that that's basically it's for this [Music] um so I'm gonna add a text to this [Music] and when I take this a little bit down I want to do something we owe we will okay so I'm gonna be using this tree golden tie I'm gonna click add if I remember I said if you don't want a double attack you can add so this is it here foreign yep and so I would prefer to use Spike scholar yeah I think I'll look at this [Music] okay so what I want is I want a situation where I'm one of my text is coming this way I want the other text also come this way so it's not like I want them to go like this and so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna have this in tools because I want one going up so I'm going to take my logo up in the zoo I'm going to add on last text also and I drag it to have the same size give it the same fonts okay so I'm gonna take one down the size looks too small for what I want to do so I'm gonna increase skills so 150 [Music] okay it's around 50. so again 50 here so I'm gonna take the second [Music] about us and just started so they don't crash so I'm gonna type in 150 here thank you [Music] so it doesn't substance so I will just track and let's see if it takes to 150 now it does so when I just drag this up and foreign so now I want to reduce the opacity of its [Music] linear basically um plus 250 [Music] and let's also 250 here oh I don't think I want the same thing yeah so I'm gonna try to tweak it um okay so you see I just change the mode to color Dodge onto it so now I'm gonna edit my texts let me type in style reward so you want to edit your text and you don't know how to go about it remember we have this here so come see your title and your text will be the effects foreign [Music] okay so remember I said I want the first text going this way and I want the other attacks going this way so now on the first text I'm gonna go to animations [Music] um you can see some q q animations here [Music] okay so um because I'm using 3D I'm kind of limited to some of the features I can use for the animation [Music] [Music] okay I think I like this okay before we come to stickers and elements um we have limited animations to use here because we're using a 3D um so let's just pick from what we have here [Music] so now since we have animation in an animation out so I'm gonna okay just thank you Okay so I can have that for the first one and [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] and that's why so good just gonna increase this a little too so now what this does is how how long the effect comes in as you can see [Music] so let's take place [Music] this is the effect takes a longer time before it becomes normal so that's that's basically what that's those for us [Music] um okay I think I think this is good so this is what we have when we play [Music] Okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna duplicate this so Ctrl C Ctrl V okay now so let me take this to the end then Ctrl V you can add another layer for me I'm going to take this down okay I'm gonna select These Boots bring them to the middle so now I'm gonna go use a regular text so we can accomplish whoa we wanted earlier this and add [Music] because I want them in some places you can drag this up [Music] so I think I once Michael could so have the same size with them now notice these guys then we use 3D our animation is limited as you can see we just have this to use here oh didn't see the future area but that's okay and so when we you are using a defaults a normal text notice we have a full animations to use yep so we'll diving just tip into this very soon so now I'm gonna type in my standard word again [Music] and take it down [Music] and take this down so we used 100 before so okay [Music] it was the same thing here [Music] yep so we could and open them close [Music] opacity should see okay I said that's five [Music] yep so I'm going to take the first one now go to Nations for [Music] me that's it and I'm gonna click on the second one click in login rights [Music] so when I play now this is what we have okay so now let's say at the beginning or when we're starting we don't want this to interfere with our logo so I'm just gonna move it easily too so we have olioga at first so I think I'm now I want to change still from um the animation for our local class I don't think I want my local not being static at first okay so I think I can use this so when I play other good jobs and this is what's happened so notice this is simply for long so now I'm gonna click on my text again go back to type 2 and I'm gonna click on advanced so you know a mid mention of this having two limits how long the effect takes row so I'm gonna take this really really down because I want the effect three five big time so [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] Okay so you can test it again and if I notice this is too fast I'm gonna go and reduce the speed so [Music] yeah and this is what we have okay so even noticed layout time for the animation is very very small [Music] and that's addressing design so we can do about that so what I'm gonna do is [Music] I'm going to watch where these ends so this ends here so and after the animation I don't think I want it on my screen so I'm going to make from here zero so now we go back to our video opacity as usual so take this to zero keep it in a keyframe at the beginning chain 100 sorry okay 35 because that's always so I mean that is where this comes from here display so here so take it to zero do the same thing for the top [Music] five [Music] okay so we good so let's play One More Time thank you so as you notice when we get to that point where it comes to an end exterminates I watch this again and boom we cannot just find it again so what I want to do now is I'm going to click on this um okay oh we don't have the speed future on this so the 100 reducing the speed but since we don't have a speed picture I think we cool so now what we're gonna do is add our effect so now we have three kind of effects to add or three effects to Sellers from also used depends on you we have the transitions translation seed or to translate from one elements so now okay I can call my element let's say text a video from one of them to another but by our effects is for one of the elements the end sticker can be also for the elements so I when I saw this advice I think I love it so I'm gonna add it to a video um I'm gonna add to the top yeah take it long let's see if it does so it doesn't so we're gonna just leave it here you think about that and [Music] you can explode and choose from list we have here I don't think I'm gonna put subscribe on here so I'm gonna come to effects [Music] so you choose the effects I think I want when I use this science comes to okay so we will overlay this effects okay see if it's not working I'm gonna put it at the top as a weakness of how the effects will look like so [Music] [Music] here that's the effects so I don't think I really want to eat in this video so I'm gonna look for effects [Music] so and that's how we explore what's the color of this I can notice I'm taking this up because [Music] okay let me see okay I think it sounds affected it was going to affect my text when I take it down you wanna see [Music] okay so at the longer on it's my notes so I'm gonna even make it full yeah this goes across so I'm gonna click on it and drag it down Okay so okay so I was gonna just [Music] okay so um let's make this look very fast so we'll be done with this class um [Music] like I said I want to take this down so I'm going to drag this all the way here okay so um now I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take this tree here and I'm sorry I'm gonna take them up with it too grab this and take it down yeah so this is what we have now [Music] yep okay well um I cut this so I'm gonna be having two different [Music] okay so what I'm going to do is I'm going to add a transaction experience about that and check as it is something like kind of explosion kind of yes I think I need this okay so I'm gonna close all the spaces the reason why it's because we don't need them anymore now I think in our video together give it if you so from scratch [Music] Okay so I'm gonna overlay this in between both [Music] I'm gonna increase it a bit now I know you wanna ask why so you get to see this in action version so let's play this again [Music] so you get what I wanted yeah it's not an expression like switch to element first without you even taking notice we're doing something to it so we have this subscribe and that's all to the end of that tutorial okay before we go so we wanna exports when we done oh unlock seven audio in this so let's let's go to the audio section if you want an input folder you have you can I'm going to try and see just from the existing music we have so I'm going to take notice of my video my video weights 40 minutes so I'm gonna look for it 40 minutes music so let's do this yeah let me see any ladies and [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] comment section I'll be glad to provide help shout out to all those requested for this video and let's give this our final shots before we I explain how we exports [Music] okay so that's that about review I know I'm so it's kind of cracky and my system is actually doing a lot right now so so Esports you're gonna click on exports you're gonna select performance which you wanna explore it too so we have different format here um I mostly use MP4 so I'm gonna name this tutorial so [Music] yeah so [Music] theobora [Music] so I'm going to recommend that so so this is the size for tmb so when I take it so I also an air resolution I guess 50. so that's just 650 I want to have Auto likes for a YouTube shot and experts [Music] so you see it's exporting that's basically how you export after you are done with your video [Music] [Music] laughs [Music] if you find this video useful please like if you have any question please use the comment section and please consider subscribing to our Channel thanks

2023-06-22 06:03

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