Windows Server Maintenance And Back up Server Admin Windows Backup

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all right so let's have a quick recap last class what you discussed then we can talk about to this okay so let's begin today date is 15 10 2023 so have a recap what topic we discussed yesterday we discussed uh continue with the DNS which is called uh stub Zone we understood what is Step Zone and how it works how to configure right and uh we have started we supposed to start uh DCP but we will be start from the next week uh due to the lab okay and uh we discussed about backup and restore but today we will be continue with the backup before backup you discussed about uh active trory maintenance how the maintenance works right how the health check is going to be uh plan or or how do you automate the things everything instead of uh manual check each domain controller no need to go and login and check individually and uh individual status you know need to check manually it will take longer time to complet it rather we have made little small automated to Consolidated all the checks like replications check fsmo check services check Network pinging check and uh some Services check we have already added these are the major uh things to monitor major things to validate all the time it's every day we should get a an email notification how active directory healthy right and same things you can do it for other environment which is server critical server uh health check right for uh iCal server like database server appliation server uh file server those server should taken care from our end who are the system administrator our responsibilities our roles and responsibilities so it is not once issue is started then you have to troubl shoot no when the as soon as issue started I should know that is in due to what right so keep monitoring for those you can U schedule a task for the server health check when we talk about the server heal check it should healthy for processor uh uh consumption right processor consumption hard disk consumption and uh memory consumption right uh basically these three are uh we need to keep monitoring hard disk space utilization processor and memory if these three three areas something goes wrong from the server side it will be have impact so all we can can uh keep monitoring you can uh have a script and schedule it schedule task and get notification how healthy my server to know the things and and you know the control everything no matter how many servers are there you have a 200 300 servers are your supporting no matter how many domain controls are there as we discussed yesterday there are 50 domain controller we have two domain each domain you have 20 branches around 15 site and each site have two DCS but 30 domain controller and the 10 site each site we have two DCS which is 20 domain controller so overall 50 domain controller we wanted to monitor properly so all the DS are up and running which is a network pinging or not all Ds are properly replications which is reped in showle or repadmin repple summary right uh many other commands you can add on in the script all this is are cisal folder which is Group Policy right the major important for the cisal is Group Policy uh if one of the domain controller you have implemented the group policy now you wanted to be check for that group policy has been replicated or not right so you can verify everything major things you can verify here must be updated match of the CIS wall folder CIS wall folder must match okay of each DCS and all DCS check important service like ntds netlog on TNS and fsmr check so we have verified yesterday which Consolidated and considering all areas and one script we have created the script is ready made and uh we have implemented yesterday and we have shown that also we discussed someone asked question what is the Ws and what is the task management all and explained what else we discussed disc about the demote and the promote the server demote the server the maintenance when you talk about the process of the garbage collection process right the garbage collection process means what is every DC every 12h hour default process it's going on so that is process called as a garbage collection process how it works here the whenever object you deleted it won't permanently deleted from the ad database object will store in a default called as a tombstone deleted object exist is still 180 days after 2008 onwards 2003 has the 90 days before 2003 it was 60 days actually and you can increase this these days it's a default uh a default life cycle okay you want to increase you can increase it so when that days are expired then those object it will move to the lingering object those process we call as lingering object and during the process it look into the lingering object whatever the dead object outdated object it will clean up so garbage CL process check from the lingering object and clean up everything right so same things but what's happening earlier it's a there was no feature called you know restore immediately so after 2008 R2 onwards Microsoft has implemented an active derory recycle bin okay that recycle bin can restore quickly okay okay it no matter you know you know it is how we have folder files deleted and it's moved to the recycle B we restoring it quickly so Microsoft has given the same feature in active directory specifically active directory active directory what we are going to delete we are going to delete in objects either OU computers users groups right whatever uh object you're going to delete it it move into the recycle binary recycle binary is implemented options for entire Forest right once it is implemented it will be not rtable right it can't be disable it later right and it is the best feature for everyone is a mandate required so once it object deleted it will move to the recycle binary from there you can able to restore it and you not restore from the recycle binary it will be again have a life cycle 180 days after 180 days it will move to the tomstone again 180 days you have it and overall 360 days you have object exist in a active directory this see is a default one so then garbage collection process will process we'll check that is in whoever outdated object it will be cleaned up everything right so sometime you wanted to restore that is it's not recommended to restoring from the terst everything is gone no it's just only have a object reference okay so you won't be able to get a membership who are there in that group or users you won't be able to get some permission so better not to restore from the tomstone but what what Microsoft recommended you have to take a backup hello no changes everything is there but you won't get it user say say for example user may you have created this is user okay user user member there are a few members are there okay there are five group members you have added five group members okay five group members you have this user has a five group members now this user is deleted so when it move into the tomstone okay so what's happening the group members won't be able to get you you restore from the tomstone so you will get this user back but these are all not there and whatever the permissions you provided you won get it that's what Microsoft recommend you will have the some reference but there is not recommended to restore from the tomstone again you have to work rework on this all these things but recycle binary everything will be get restored there's no changes you need to do after the restore you get back and also what happen if the critical user deleted and you you won't get anything so what is the solution in that and the solution is you have to have a a backup so backup is most important so ultimately no matter is how important in terms of the data or files in terms of the ad object but we must as a production enironment we must have a backup right so those backup how you wanted to be take it nowadays we I will be discussing from the traditional what by default features is there backup but nowadays you know uh backups are many specialist vendors are there right there is many specialist vendors you might have heard about uh Comal you heard about Comal you heard about uh uh TSM t storage manager which is IBM product storage manager you heard about uh EMC now it is in a d actually okay you heard about uh centic backup you heard about wiam Backup weam backup there are many many in the market third party vendor these are all specialist of the backup it means what they will tell 100% your backup availability no matter what is crashed corrupted okay and uh always avoid the losses of the data right if you manage our own there is a chances of losses of the data we don't have a complete solution of the backup we can take a backup but while restoring we don't know what will going to happen we don't have any much mechanism we don't have much Auto much automation on this but these people are specialist in a backup they have everything all tools agent all these things correct so if you are using that this kind of uh product right I worked on the TSM okay it means how it's going to happening you have the server and you have the client right client means for backup it's not like in a Windows 10 Windows 10 Windows 10 Windows 11 or client for backup product the say for example I have Windows 2019 server and this server has that is in domain controller or uh SQL database and I need to take a back of this right and the vendor have a huge space where they have that is in backup server right backup server which is connected to the all the all the storage right this we called as a the main software that applications will be installing here with the help of this and the agent must be installed here agent must be install here what's happening here now you already taken the backup Windows 2019 server you have taken the backup right so now this machine is crashed it's crashed now so you have the backup already now I need I need to restore the data the data is available here backup is available here available now what you need to do build new server right new server which is Windows 20 2019 you must just install agent that backup agent correct that's it and you have the already backup available here this server the software will be install here in the server right this software will check where is my agent if agent is identifyed we need this mandatory this agent is identified okay now in that agent what you need you need to select for the restore and in this place it will ask you the where is the path please provide the path now path you are providing here I'm writing okay path we are providing like that so this is already available uh path right so it the the data is already kept into the specific storage and there's a path here okay here you have the some path so what you need to do restore it will ask you the PK path and you provided the path where you have that is in you know server slash backup let's it's going to restore it process no matter how much how much data it is there what you did you just install the software uh operative system and install the package which is Agent this agent is most important which third party followed this process like you know that is an antivirus how it works I how it works you have the all 100 servers 100 mach are there right under machines you must install the antivirus software correct yes or no anus the agent software right and from main server from main server I'm going to controlling I'm going to administering for all the 100 server right so which which machine has infected which machine has detected any virus everything will be managed here and I will I will come to know my dashboard here it's dashboard if one of the uh agent it is outdated or it is not renewal or it is that software expired it will come to know which machine has the anti viruses expired everything will be controlled by leg right same things in a backup also you must have the server the server agent based process this one okay no matter which product you are going to use it but ultimately you want to manage that agent must be there like that you know SCM right SSM you want to install the software software deployment you want to do how do you do this all the machine the SCM agent must be installed right if the agent is not there whatever you deploying from the centrally that won't be won't be able to install it and you won't be able to get detected for that machine correct you have 100 machine to deploy to deploy the one application right in one shot so now this is going to check agent only if which machine has which machine has agent get detected right and installed install it same things in the backup for the third party vendor you want to manage you have to have a agent that they will give you that all the solution every machine should have this agent then only it's going to connect and you'll get the backup every day process this is a third party vendor software product you want to manage now it is all the company has managing for all this process due to the data uh criticality data valab they should man they should take for they don't want to take risk for the traditional they don't want to take a risk for the traditional backup if might chances to lose the data so it's again a huge money for that to paging because those people are giving 100% data availability but when you talk about a traditional backup right for the default Windows server feature called as a called as a Windows backup so the from the server you can able to install the feature install the feature and you can take backup and you can also have a restore so before we talk about there are type of the back type of backup backup types just you might uh know that in know during the interview they'll ask question for do you know that how the backup works so there are dedicated administrator also how you guys are learning for the Windows Server administrator uh and active director administrator right same thing there is a administrator separate administrator for the backup same thing separate uh administrator for the storage right stor storage administrator backup administrator database administrator application administrator Windows administrator right we have like that ad separately in earlier we worked on a couple of company those people are individual administrator to joining the call and fix the issue VMR administrator Linux administrator so separate administrator would be there those those teams members should be involved in the call and we will be working on together but nowadays company will asking for the more skill right you should aware about when you talk about the cloud the cloud should have the all the administrator Consolidated one person is a cloud administrator in the cloud you have the storage in the cloud you have the Ed in the cloud you have a VM in the cloud you have application right in the cloud you have a security everything you have that all aspect so when you learn the cloud you will be all knowing these things also Network right in a traditional methodology how it is individual network administrator individual storage administrator individual backup administrator right but now when you talk about Cloud all one person can manage it so all Consolidated process bring into the one portal which you have seen that is right so storage will be there activ dat will be there virtual machines will be there application will be there Security will be there network will be there many more things artificial intelligence is there e is there ml is machine learning is there data analytics is there right data science is there reporting is there monitoring is there we don't need to go anywhere right all it's a Consolidated bringing to the one portal you will be able to manage that's what we should know we should know that some automations things we should know that cloud we should know that is in administrator Windows this platform it is a base whatever we are going to learn right server administrator is a base the in the base in the fundamental part you can uh start your career on this all the Technologies okay in the backup T if you talk about number one is we can say System state backup R is also called as a is also called as a normal backup is also called as a full backup okay you can consider any one is depends on the what naming you're going to use the system State System state backup normal backup full backup okay and there's another type called as is a incremental backup number third is also called as a differential backup number fourth is a daily backup number five is a copy backup now just to understanding the backup feature how you want to plan and how do we you know implement the backup infrastructure we should aware about some process so when do we take a system State backup when do we take a system St backup when do we take a weekly backup right when do we take a daily backup and what is this meaning of this and that is what that backup types has been updated here right System state backup I would plan for the monthly ones right I don't want to take every day system straight back do you take a system straight back every day required if you take every day system straight backup what will going to happen it will be space increasing correct it will be keep on we don't requir actually weekly backup you can plan for weekly ones okay and what type of backup you're going to use here weekly ones either you are going to use a differential backup or you are you going to the in incremental backup what do you mean by the increment backup and differential backup we'll talk about and a daily backup ultimately the backup process means avoid the losses of data something goes wrong unexpected something goes wrong you should not say I have not taken the backup I have not planned this backup right disaster happened or unexpected shutting down unexpected servers are crashed so we should have the is on fly and up toate backup up to date backup something goes wrong yeah no worries I have a backup I'll restore it that confident must required but suddenly you are managing your own backup and data is your server is Crash and you don't have a up to dat backup till today so then whatever days are missing all the data is lost it's gone right and the H it's a critical is important and uh no matter how it is how much money you're going to pay that you won't be able to restore the data that is what third party vendors are there they will have the is an onlight data backup and something goes wrong they will be helping you to restore instead of traditional backup and rest store so when you talk about the monthly ones right say every month last working day you can plan for every month last working day this is month of October is going on now your last backup was completed on 29th of September so either Saturday last day of the Working Day right last day of the month and that day should be working either some people working on Saturday some people working on not working on Saturday so better to have a 29th of SE 29th of September you have a full backup which is System state back and same things every week last day of the week last day of the working day of the week you can plan for weekly backup so it means you have a 30th is a one weekly backup 7th is a one weekly backup and 14th is a one weekly backup so how many weekly backup you have monthly once backup is once right every month one backup and weekly ones how many what till day today how many weekly ones we have now it's a 30th 7 and 14 so three back backups are available right three back right now daily backup so you are also planning for the everyday backup which is every day at the end of the day your office is going to end so today is a Sunday and 14th every day till yesterday your data is available okay it's 14th October 6 p.m. the data is available which is daily backup has been taken right now suddenly your machine is crashed your server is crashed on 13th how do we plan it for the restoration if server crash on 13th how do we plan for restoration if you planned well for your backup in infrastructure then you are avoiding the losses of the data that is a plan for to managing what kind of backup you're going to take it 13th of October your server crash then how do you plan for the restore now how many how many restore you want to do in this scenario so first you what you're going to do you will be restoring the data once for on 29th what is that you will be planning for restoration you have that is in monthly backup right monthly backup which available in 29th October correct September weekly backup you have the three backups are available right now what you going to do here now 29 till monthly backup you're restoring restoring once for system straight backup right restoring till 29th your data is restored right till 29th your data is restored now again you have a weekly backup weekly backup on 30th 7 and 14th so now before 14th the data is loss here I mean your your server is crashed when it server crashed 13th but there is no data available for the weekly one second let me open my calendar where it's gone my okay okay this okay now September 30th 29th one backup is restor October 6th one backup is restored for the weekly but you supposed to re supposed to get the backup but 13 the backup was not happened right because your data has crashed on 13th so now what you going to do restoring weekly backup what was the date 30th September and 30th September then October 7 right October 7 but you supposed to take a backup on 14th it was not happened because that server is crashed and October 7 till 7 your data is available and you restored it then supposed to take the supposed to take the weekly backup on 14th it was not happened then what is the another data is available you have taken the daily backup correct so now two time you have restored the weekly backup you have to restore 14th I mean uh till 8 9th 10 11 12 okay so 1 2 3 4 5 restoring daily backup okay from 1st October to from 1st October to not 1st October 8th October to 12 October from 8 October to 12 October right data still safe till yesterday which is 13th is your o is crash right but till 12th you have restored and what about the 13th 13th if it is after daily backup taken your server is Crash then on that day the data will be available if the 13th before taking a daily backup your server crash and your were losses of the data on 13th October you won't be able to get backup because it was not taken any backup right there's no daily backup it's there's no considered as a weekly backup it's supposed to take on 14th it's gone then uh it won't be having part of the system shed backup so avoiding such scenario you have that another copy called as a another backup called as a copy backup so this can be done every 1 hour so it is completely for manual you have to just manual work you have to copy paste copy paste for theion every one one hour so it it is if you plan this is also who has a backup managing he can after 1 hour he just taken the copy and paste it for the his storage so if it is uh afternoon 2:00 is your server crash but till 1:00 your data is available because you have manually D so that is what you have to plan for properly when you want to take a backup monthly backup increment incremental backup and differential backup means incremental backup it will not touch will not touch backed up back of data it will take backup only newly written okay newly written so how this guy knows incremental backup which which data he's been uh backup already taken the backup how is know so every data every data if the backup has been taken backup has been taken the attribute get changed okay you will come to know that is the attribute get changed so the incremental backup will consider understood this attribute get changed and I don't want to touch with this and whichever whichever data not taken the backup the attribute not changed right attribute is not changed so e consider saying that is in these are the back these are data are not taken the backup and he newly return the backup he will take it incremental backup so now whatever the additional newly return return the backup till weekly you are weekly once you plan it who the weekly backup you have taken that can be backup has been taken here from the weekly so now what's happening every week you are taking but the disadvantage is how many week you are taking those many restore has to be done as we did it here right so two week you have to restore the data however I don't want to have a multiple restore to require but Microsoft has given you suggested one more type of the backup called as a differential backup so what is going to differential backup is going to do it will take backup will take a backup considering with current week backup along with previous week along with prev previous we so you are taking the backup you are you are planned for the differential backup and uh when you say that is an 8th of October or 7th of October it will have the previous week 30th data and current data it will be have if it's a 14th planned whatever has a 7th inst allall data and current week data and 21st is a Saturday day and he will have the all the data for the previous week plus current week so when you want to restore the differential backup only once which is that that has the data but only it is taking the long time for restoration for restoration take long time why because long time the data size is data size is big but here incremental backup data size is less okay data size is less and count of taking a restore count of restoration is more here the count of restoration is less but only you have the longer time taking because of the data size right so how do we install this backup how do you take a backup let's come back here which is server we have build with the active directory so you need to install as I said you need to install the feature of the backup then you have to tell to the server I'm going to backup taking backup what kind of backup you're going to take System state backup or Uh custom data backup you can select for those options and you can process it let's see how you want to back up anyone has any question all good just for you should understand that sometimes is asking Question Interview you should be tell that yes I know the back back up and how it works what the type of the backup and uh uh even though you did not work on that but don't say I don't know the backup part and all so at least aware of aware of the design you know the things okay let's see go ahead OS level backup complete what backup OS LEL backup complete full backup okay okay right mm right mhm so back correct First DC correct correct correct so V EnV right correctc promote first question second question okay question second question okay working work start correct questions guys other other you understood but since he's talking Hindi all are you okay what last question no I'm not okay how about kishan um okay what he was asking question it's good question actually so his environment example I'll take for the two two DS okay in single site okay now one DC is infected virus right and he has a backup till date back up till date okay up to date you can say and uh second disease also be infected because of the network okay infected by virus okay backup is also till date right now how do we plan it okay just to repeat once again question for your side you have the backup available backup available where both the DCs are both the DCs are healthy this is very healthy right which is 15 days back you can say question H please no no this whatever I'm wring is it correct or is that any changes you wanted to in second I I first one is okay he one one one single site and one DC huh single seat only one DC okay yes only one DC okay okay here we are taking two uh 15 days retention period it is on the aure 15 days retention period and it's in Aur you talking about yes yes yes the another it's in 15 it's in Azure the another domain control is in in Azure yes yes yes yes another DC in Azure okay and we do have the three sides another DC in Azure yes one one DC on Azure and 15 days retention period okay fine okay next I do have the three sides three site you have three site I have and each side I do have two ADC each site have two DCS yes two DCs fine right huh okay and my main DC in in each DC in each site we are taking weekly backup monthly backup okay in monthly backup we are uh taking the image backup and monthly backup okay weekly and monthly image backup okay MH right okay and now now my main DC got crashed okay the first even 15 days back up also is infect infected from the virus it's crashed okay right and each side ADC also DC also got infected yeah but other DC is also uh other DC which is different site right yes yes it's all are infected by virus right yes yes now I do have the only one option which I am having the image of older than one month image older than one month I do have the three month three month image backup I have which was in healthy which was in healthy which is not in yes yes yes right now just I want to restore the this this first right ADC yeah okay and will it work and how do I promote as a DC yeah very how do I will is it possible to seize the role no no no nothing to do anything here I'll tell you it is um oh question was how do I plan for yes yes plan for my ad environment yes yes exactly environment back to okay yes sir this process I would say it is not a data losses or something replications fa this process we call disaster recover yes yes okay exactly it's disaster everything disaster it is is no no control situation what do you mean by disaster here disaster means what it's a uncontrolled situation because we have to have a rebuild everything and re restructure everything because it's infected if you try to bring one more domain controller it's again for the Ison infected by virus because already spread across over the network so you should have a same situation same environment okay there's a two solution for this yes two solution since you are having a Azure right Azure yes yes so like uh now you have the two internet okay two internet ISP provider yes okay it's all together number one is say for example a number two is you can say BSNL this is all all together different now what you want to do this is completely operations and production and the same things is not operation not operation and it's also production now this is completely infected this is completely it is in not controlled okay and impacted impacted now what you want to do you immediately switch to the immediately switch to the this is disaster process you have to plan for this okay immediately switch to the BS Network and this has become operator operational so everything is the same structure the same structure should be for the another uh environment all what because all this is all are in a different uh Network different areas everything but everything will be same as it is but it's not operational so there's a plan actually something goes wrong for this immediately I to switch to here and my uh production and my business should not be impact this can be done the same things in Azure which region you have the domain controller right which region you have the domain controller you know there right and uh there is a specifically Azure has a service called as a disaster recover Azure has a service called disaster and same structure you can plan for the another region same structure you can plan for the another region where you have infected entire this region right overall say is the central India you have taken Central India and whichever domain controller you build in the central India it is infected now you can say that is in central us you have the disaster and you need to connect immediately for the central us and you'll get connected this is a one way and a huge cost for this the other way there will be the replication latency for whatever which day the another solution is you don't want to do this now older than one month what you want to do you have to rebuild the you have to restore the you have to build a new machine you have to build a new machine and restore the older than one month okay you have to or just you need to do one thing new server build rebuild right and then restore the healthy image which was not infected right right sir from the older than month yes you have to restore it for that now you are this is available now right this is available but only challenges is the after one month okay the whatever you object is created okay the object is created because it's a totally disaster it won't be it it should not like that everything will be get back no guarantee yes yes so when we talk about disaster say completely fire earthquake or flood what do you think about you will be keep the safe environment in as it is or at least we will see that is in how much we can save it that possible we can save it remaining we can think about later how we want to plan it which options you want to think about it so first you need to save the right yes or no yes so this is disaster we will not be have any control on this what do you need to do you will be restoring the domain controller and you will be building another domain controller which we have theion all last month object replicated and the one where when the date was infected from that date whatever object you created you won't be able to get but you are still environment is safe that is has to be planned you see the this that's actually you have to plan for the disaster Azure Disaster Recovery this has to be planned for this getting and your user your username password it it will also not work here remember here in the scenario what you talked about right your administrator password is also not work it's everything is sometime it is also virus infected or it's a someone hacked your environment so now that's because the password maybe you are getting from the Cyber AR correct your administrator password you're getting from the Cyber with a secure manner right yes or no so we will be logging to the domain controller the password will not be having the password generating from the Cyber Arc but cyber Arc itself is not working since it's infected right it's not only dominical infected entire infrastructure infected and same thing cyber is also not none of the password is not working getting me point so you have to plan for the disaster where you want to have the same Environ to available in other location so this has to be study sir getting see here vmc in a source to region source to restorage Source VM Network that everything you have to get ready with the different same structure has to be built in different Regional different location see here you have the source environment where you have the same structure and has to plan for the destination here this is Target one and you can plan for the replications policy it should not be conflict you can do the one one days how long site recovery keeps recovery points these all process are is a big huge infrastructure actually it's a money point of view and cost point of view because this entire infrastructure is down right it's like completely bank robbery it's a bank robbery again what we will do we have to have a plan for all things to recover and not only for the domain controller point of view the entire infrastructure point of view we should think about how business you are a big our business or criticality you have to have a disaster recovery plan this has to be there it is not our case actually this a separate team would be there where you know emergency right something you are running your uh business right you're running a business there all separate Department we will not be going to do everything for for our own right the separate team should be taken care Fire camp fire you know that every office they will be do the drill fire drill what purpose they going to do they'll do the some sample uh fire drill of you have you heard about have you seen that have you attended anyone attended for the fire drill camp in your office no so you know what you mean by fire drill Mo drill sir that one sorry mock drill mock drill correct fire mock drill yes we attended yes what is the purpose that is attending that and what is it actually any fire goes wrong we have to go safe place and gather there we have to plan for the safe right and in that it will be tell you that is what are the steps have to follow yes same things during that is disaster right that's completely last moment you cannot think about what to do I think you heard about in Bangalore last week there is one fire know cracker shop it is uh you know accidentally that Cracker shop was burned and there are 16 people are died in that in that case because there was not taken the planned and there was not you know uh processed plann because there's no safety um precautionary and as per the government rules they have not followed because they give the some bribe to the officers and because silly mistakes this is happened for and people are are died so in our it infrastructure and our production environment right we have to Bas on our business criticality based on our data criticality we have to have a plan for the disaster process the disaster process will help us this kind of scenario virus infected hacking happened and uh un un un expected environmental effect earthquake flood fire and that time you should have the no worries you have the all the data is available all the replications available with the different region which is Microsoft is already planned for that is and very difficult for the data center on premises okay and also be also be planned it's not difficulty it is a huge cost now Mumbai you have a data center example around 200 300 servers the entire data center is Crash due to the earthquake or due to the fire but you should have the same infrastructure in another location which is Bangalore or which is Chennai any other locations you have to plan for if the the Mumbai entire data center is went down no worries you have the directly just connect to the Bangalore data center or you should connect to the chenai data center your everything will be back that's the actual plan for her to do for disaster PA you got it and it is not single persons to do for this process it's a huge impact right and no one will be able to able to log in no one will able to access here because your uh password itself is not work I followed this I I I gone through this scenario and I have prepared the document for this uh disaster process you are going to the bus okay you are going to you traveling to the or the bus there is one emergency window will be there for what purpose you know right government uh bus or private bus there will be the one emergency window what purpose they put into that have you seen or not guys have you seen or not of the emergency window emergency window yes yes for what purpose we use it emergency window any accident or fire accident happened something happened you should use a safe to break that glass and you can move on right yes there a emergency break glass right something you have the same situation the password must be kept which I implemented must be kept and to Safe location which is uh written in the in know taking the print out return into this and kept into the one uh secure place which is 2% approved 2 person approved process so this scenario something is gone right it won't working that password that emergency break glass right that has to be followed this sir sir password must be you have told right there's infected yes yes yes okay won't work anything so Lo how you going to login so you need a username password right username any there but password where you got the password you got everything you you completely infected yes yes so that emergency break glass you have to implement it you have to put in a two safe location half of the password in one location half of the password in other location and you in the during the emergency during the disaster you have to use that password to login your environment where you can see this return you have to write the password and put into the one one secure uh secure place okay what about administrator password where you know Enterprise administrator and domain administrator is a top level is a high privileged people required so only few people should be there and during the emergency during the disaster we should know who is the who is the point of contact for the disaster management who is managing dis disaster right that person should aware about where that my password will be available and how do I take the password safely and they have given instruction also right how do you break the glass and how do you move on that from that there will be training will be there so this is specific process for the disaster and everything is going be in place which is tested everything not for the that is what the file file drill Camp will happen every 3 month in office they will tell you that assemble for do not use a lift okay you should use the staircase right and you should use the emergency uh the when you get the emergency alarm uh then immediately you have to use another staircase from the directly coming to the ground floor getting yes or no so this is not operational process actually it is a disaster process how do you disaster recover flood don't any control correct but we should have a plan for that something goes wrong and how do we recover it that has to be planned properly not for into the operations infected so what is that our on the time you have not planned anything it's CA it's went went wrong everything you won't be able to have any control on this but since we have we you know that you told that already last one month you have a backup image backup yeah there is only options for you to restore it and the whatever that is in applications will be happening for the older one month the after the one month whatever you created object and and it it will not be get backed but at least you have the safe safe Zone that can be done that's what I give this one options for if you already planned if you're already planned already uh know the thing something goes wrong from the disaster just only lift and shift that's it what are you going to do this completely gone and just lift and shift and it run the operations which is you planned properly if you're not planned then there is a losses of data losses of the replications but at least you are you are bringing the safe to the environment this the only solutions can be done got it clear sir question No I gave the example for something one entire network is goes down what do you want to do you have to have one more internet right yes yes yes or no you cannot be depend on one one person right yes yes and same things when this kind of disaster happen you should have to keep another region under infrastructure yes yes right right so just lift and shift okay but you did not plan for anything disaster then there is a expectation for the losses there is expectation losses we have to have a plan here so we can we have a backup we can restore it right that's fine but backup itself is a down backup itself is a gone from where you get a take backup itself is not working what you want to do concept


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