Cisco or Cisco Systems if you prefer was founded on the 10th of December 1984 Cisco are now 40 years old changed the world with regards to networking Cisco very famous for routers and switches here I've got two Cisco AGS routers the ogs of routers this is the second generation of the AGS or Advanced Gateway server router this picture on Wikipedia looks like it comes from the Cisco museum at the Cisco headquarters in San Jose I visited the headquarters a few years ago and got some footage of this router and other really cool devices at the Cisco headquarters these routers are from the late 1980s or early '90s maybe older than you this is my router which I purchased a while ago you can see it's got a console Port here here we've got some ethernet ports 11 ethernet ports and two serial ports Dave from go Communications very kindly lent me this router this rou will be going to the museum at Bletchley Park once my videos have been created Bletchley Park as you may know very famous for Allen cheering and the cracking of the Enigma code I'll show you the internals of these routers in more detail later but before we get to that I think it's really important that we get this router on the internet I'm going to be using this router to connect to the internet using various Technologies such as 10base 2 as you can see here this is a 10base 2 Network T connector and Terminators at the end this is 10base 5 so I think it's important that we also connect to the router using 10base 5 so we're going to connect to the router using Technologies from years ago I'll obviously also use modern ethernet like this we're going to connect to the internet using various Technologies including starlink this is a starlink mini so I think it'll be interesting to see 1980s 1990s technology connected to very modern technology starlink mini I'll connect the ags's to the starlink using ethernet so we can get onto the internet using satellites [Music] so here we've got the AGS I've also got another really famous router here this is a 2500 in this case a 2514 router I've got a bunch of transceivers here so that we can connect to the ethernet ports on these devices so let's start with 10base 2 what I'll do is take the transceiver and connect it to ethernet 1 on the AGS so 10 base 2 there I've got a little net gear Hub here it's got 10 base 2 on the one side and then RJ45 on the other so what we'll do is take our 10base 2 cable T connector on the one side Terminator on the end and then on the other side I'll connect this to the hub so we've got a little 10 base 2 Network here and then what I can do is use UTP on the one side and then connect that to the hub and then on the other side I'll plug this into a USB to ethernet adapter on the laptop so that we can get this laptop onto the internet now this AGS doesn't support net or network address translation so I'm going to connect it to the 2500 here and then get the 2500 to run network address translation so another transceiver on the AGS and now I'm going to need a crossover Ethernet cable so cross over cable from the AGS to the Cisco rer and last what I need is a another conceiver to connect us to the outside world so this red cable connects to my local network so internet is here connection from the 2500 to the AGS using a crossover cable and then we've got 10base 2 connecting to the hub and then the Hub is connecting us to the laptop if that's all cabled up correctly I should be able to access the internet from this laptop now the last thing to do is power this up I can plug the power into the AGS this is connected to a Transformer because this requir 110 volts and the UK power supply is different so I've got a little Transformer there I'll plug in the hub so the Hub is plugged in and lastly the 2500 series router now this thing was named the leaf blower because of the amount of noise it makes when you turn it on [Music] so I'm going to move it a little bit down my desk so that we don't destroy all the audio here with the noise that this thing makes now the one thing I forgot to mention is the console it uses a db25 connector so I've got a male db25 here to female DB9 and I'll connect that here and then I'll be able to put that into the laptop's USB port so I've now got the laptop connected bya USB to the ags's console port turn on the 2500 series router so that's on now the Hub is on already and now you can listen to the noise that this thing makes so one two 3 so I'll try and talk louder hopefully the noise isn't too bad but what I'll do on the laptop is go to device manager and what we can see here is comp Port we've got com 15 so what I'll do is open up a putty session to com 15 and as you can see there the router is using iOS version 10.3 you can see it says CSC 4 so there you go it's booted up I've given it a name of AGS already and a password of Cisco so show version shows us the operating system on the device we can see as an example the processor used used we can see that x25 is supported so I'm assuming many of you haven't worked with x25 that came before frame relay which has all been replaced now in most places in the world it sees two ethernet interfaces and four seral interfaces configuration registers 0x1 now what you'll notice is the commands are very similar to commands on a very modern router so show run as an example will show us the configuration what I've done is configure Ean Z with 192168 84.1 19884 Cisco is 40 years old so the other subnet is 192168 40.1 what I'll do now is type show CDP neighbors and as you can see we can see the 2500 as a neighbor on ethernet0 which is correct ethernet0 here is connected to ethernet0 on the 2500 if I look at details I can see the IP address of the 2500 so what I could do as an example is tnet to that router and login so on the 2500 can we ping and the answer is yes we can I'll type exit to go back to the AGS can it ping and the answer is yes so this AGS has IP connectivity to the internet I could ping as an example and notice that also succeeds so this router is connected to to the internet let's confirm that on the laptop however so show IP interface brief if I can spell correctly ethernet 1 has this IP address 192168 40.1 so on the PC if I type ip config you can see it's got an IP address of 1921 168499 I manually
configure these IP addresses but this laptop should be able to Ping the AGS I am seeing a problem here it says that the interface is down now I've been having real problems with my 10base 2 Network thank goodness we don't use it today this Terminator as an example is dodgy things haven't been working correctly this Hub is giving me problems so I'm going to change the network now so that we can get this laptop onto the internet what I'm going to do just to keep the 10base 2 Network so that you can see that is swap these transceivers so I'll move this transceiver to the top I'll put the UTP transceiver down here and what I'll do is plug the laptop into that transceiver and then I'll unplug the 10base 2 from The Hub and I'll plug that into the Cisco 2500 so what I've done now is make the 10base 2 Network the network between the AGS and the 2500 series router and I've plugged the laptop directly into the AGS let's see what our interfaces look like now so show IP interface brief we can see both interfaces are up can we ping the 2500 series router answer is yes can we ping yes we can so I'm pinging from the AGS now across the 10base 2 Network to show IP interface brief shows me that both my interfaces are up now and on the laptop hopefully I'll be able to Ping the AGS which I can so that's a good sign and can we ping answer is yes we can so this laptop is connected via this ethernet cable to the AGS AGS is connected via 10base 2 to the 2500 series router and that's then connected to my home network so on the laptop I'll open up Chrome and go to and as you can see there it's slow but I can get to from this lapt top via the AGS 10base 2 network via the 2500 to my local network if I go to I'm getting about 7 megabits per second 7 and 1
half megabits per second so not bad going through this network so what I'll do to make the point is I'll ping notice continuous ping now to if I unplug this connector for instance on the 2500 series router notice pings are now failing because network is broken on the AGS so if I connect to the console of the AGS and top show I interface brief might take it a while still says the interface is up but if I try and ping now from the AGS that's also failing I've basically killed the network now go back to the PC things are failing plug the 10base 2 Network in and hopefully after a while we'll be able to connect back to the internet it took it a while but there you go I can successfully ping and once again if I go to a websites such as website displays I have internet connectivity through this AGS the AGS
is routing traffic from this interface using UTP cabling to this interface using 10base 2 so there you go router from the 1980s or early 1990s is routing traffic from the windows 11 computer to the internet okay but how about something different now rather than modern ethernet and 10base 2 let's really go back in time and use 10 base 5 what I've got here is a 386 laptop really old laptop running Windows 311 I'll click okay what I'll do is double click on MS DOS prompt so DOS prompt is opened MS DOS version 622 I'll type dos key so we can use up key to retype commands and then I'll ping so I'm pinging now and there you go that's working but in this example what I'm doing is I am pinging across a 10 Bas 5 Network this laptop is connected via this drop cable through a Terminator onto this 10base 5 Network So within here we've got a Terminator the cable is being pierced this is 10 Bas 5 the original version of ethernet trans receiver connected bya drop cable to this laptop so not sure you can see that very clearly notice other end of the drop cable is here connected to an Ethernet card now obviously this would normally be covered but I just wanted to show you what it looks like this is an amstrad 386 laptop so I am connecting via 10 Bas 5 and if I use upkey again notice I can ping so on the other end of the 10base 5 Network I've got a transceiver with the drop cable connected to the AGS 10 Bas 5 just like 10base 2 had to use Terminators so I've got Terminators on the cable so as an example here this transceiver isn't connected to anyone but here I've got a Terminator if I try and ping so I'll put it DT there so I've got a continuous ping to and what I'll do now is remove the Terminator and what will happen is pings will start failing because we'll get Collision in the network so as you can see there hopefully requests are timing out because there are collisions taking place in the network you don't see it there but you'll see it here notice on this transceiver we're getting a whole bunch of collisions because traffic is bouncing back and forth across the cable because there's no Terminator at the end to kill the signal on bus networks and 10 base 5 is an example of that we have to have Terminators at the end to stop signals bouncing back so as soon as I put this Terminator back on hopefully what should happen is our pings should start succeeding so Terminator is back again may take it a while but hopefully collisions will stop so we won't have any more collisions on the network and our pings will succeed took it a while but there you go I can now ping from this laptop so again what we've got in this example is Windows 311 laptop connected via 10 Bas 5 here's the transceiver that it's connected to we've got our 10 Bas 5 Network at the end of the cable we are connected to the AGS the AGS is routing 10 Bas 5 to 10 Bas 2 so here's the 10base 2 network if I disconnect the 10base 2 Network pings will fail so at the moment pings are still succeeding but if I disconnect the 10base 2 Network things will start failing as you can see over there because traffic is being routed via 10base 2 to the 2500 if I connect that back back again hopefully pings will succeed and as you can see there pings are now succeeding this is a 386 laptop running Windows 311 connected to 10 Bas 5 so 1980s Network connected to an AGS so this router is from the 1980s or early 1990s we're using 10base 2 here so let's actually show you this on the AGS I bumped the cable here so ping started timing out but on the AGS type enable I put a password on the AGS show IP interface brief what I did while I was setting up this network is Chang the IP address of ethernet 1 to 10111 to keep it in the same subnet as this laptop much easier for me to change it on The Cisco router rather than mess around with Windows here this router once again can ping via the 10base 2 Network so there you go Windows 311 connected to 10 base 5 connected to 10 base 2 via a system AGS router last thing to do I think is to connect the network to a stalling just to show you something different rather than connecting it bya my fiber connection so what we'll do here is connect it to ethernet on the stall link so stall link has a little ethernet connector there and you can buy ethernet cables from starlink like this one to connect Ethernet from say a router 2500 in this example to the starlink so I'll pause the video for a second while I get that set up what I need to do essentially is connect this to starlink take this dish outside so that it can see the satellites and then hopefully I'll be able to Ping the internet via stalling at the moment pings are failing on the Windows 311 computer because I've disconnected it from my local network and connected it to this Cable 1 million zillion jillion Dillion clion times later okay so I've connected stalling to my 500 series router show IP interface brief shows me that the IP address at the moment is this on the ethernet 1 interface so on ethernet 1 IP address and notice this router doesn't support dhp so I'll have to configure the IP address manually so I'll configure it as 19216811 123 with a subnet mask of that and then I'll set the default gateway or default route to the stalling GR 192168 1.1
is the address it seems to use and I should type that right so IP route not IP router so can I ping 19216811 yes I can can I ping through the stalling router yes I can so this 2500 series router can ping Google through starlink can the AGS ping Google through stall link so on the AGS ping as an example I can ping I can ping now what about the windows 311 computer as you can see there it can ping what I'll do is contrl C that press upkey ping DT as you can see that resolves and that works this is pinging bya stall link this laptop is now pinging through 10 Bas 5 through 10base 2 via UTP through satellites I am connect conting to the internet through my stall link router just to make the point what I'll do is connect the stall link directly to this laptop so on this laptop here if I go to hopefully that will work yes it does and if I say what's my IP address what you
can see there is the ISP stall link as you can see there I'm connecting via stall link to the internet and all I'll do now is is unpluged this cable from the laptop plug it into the Cisco rouer interface has come up on the 2500 series rer on the 2500 series router can I ping the stall link router yes I can can I ping yes I can so I have internet connectivity via stalling as you can see there bit dodgy with the connection because my dish is not in the right place and there are obstructions with connecting to satellites but but summary this is a 386 laptop connected via 10 Bas 5 to an Cisco AGS which is in turn routing from 10 Bas 5 one subnet to another 10 base 2 to a 2500 series router which is then connecting us to satellites now I think I've covered enough in this video let me know if you want to see more retro networking type stuff like this if you want to see other old devices I have a bunch and I want to really thank David once again from go Communications for loaning me this AGS so that I could do this demonstration and also for sending me a bunch of other equipment if you need refurbished Cisco devices and other networking vendor devices have a look at David's links which I've linked below [Music]
2024-12-12 04:45