Will This Couple Survive Wedding Stress - Rich Bride Poor Bride - Costly Emotions

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when it comes to weddings everyone wants the perfect day but unless you have unlimited funds it's i do but at what cost i want to be the only bride i want all eyes on me you know i want to be breathtaking you know i want to be the center of attention well what about the hoop if you want the huppah you're just going to have to increase the budget by another 500 dollars mom's upset she can't look at that i just think that you're just being a little bit hypocritical i'm gonna go to as many stores until i find the dress our marriage is the most important thing not some stupid party and you better get that straight in your head [Music] weddings are a dinner a great big spread weddings are a couple dressed in red weddings are bills that get you in over your head let's meet newlyweds amy and john the trip to their wedding day was at times like taming a wild beast let's follow along at a safe distance and watch as this groom tries to stop his bride from going wild with spending my name is amy i'm a 28 year old financial analyst i met my fiance john a software engineer through our mutual friends a couple years ago our first date was pretty luck luster but i gave him another shot and here we are this is the story of our emotional ride while we plan our dream wedding our wedding day was fantastic it was over the top it was a beautiful day the weather held out you know the sun came out right when you arrived oh see i brought the sunshine out it was meant to be it was their wedding may have brought the sunshine out but the journey there was more like weathering a storm let's go back in time and see if this couple can have their day in the sun without taking heat for going over budget my expectations of the wedding planner was basically to help us stay organized and mainly actually to be on my side and to make sure i got my way because i was very adamant that i was gonna get my weight with respect to everything meet david conley david has nine years of experience mediating between couples who disagree about their weddings but how will david deal with a bride whose only request is that everyone agree with her i brought you here to show you what i want for the wedding day okay i'm telling you that i'm getting all of this so it doesn't matter what you think so no it doesn't matter what you think because i'm the bride and i decide okay my role as a wedding planner is to take the bride and groom's wishes and fuse them into a day that represents the two of them whether that means nationality whether it means taste whether it means income you have to take those two personalities make them one thing and call it a wedding congratulations you guys thank you so much very very excited to work with you too um let's get right to it because i don't know what david before you continue i just want to get one thing straight okay um i'm the bride and um everything that happens in this wedding goes through me okay everything any decision about anything goes through me for final approval so i just want you to be clear about that i'm clear yeah i know because you know if you disagree with me you know you don't want to get dismissed not due i'm not sure actually after that opening statement amy but um i think i get what you're saying so if if um you ask for someone's opinion you're not actually asking for their opinion i think she's already decided at that point that means if i've i've already decided to decide i don't want somebody to object and going oh criticizing what it is they pick because they're just going to piss me off right because i already decided and if i think it's great i think i'm type of person who has great taste so tell me about the vision tell me about the theme anything kind of all we want to do is just to have an elegant romantic wedding and incorporate both of our cultures the chinese and jewish culture culture yeah okay you know i want people to come and be like wow this is expensive so you want their first reaction to be wow this is expensive yeah a budget's just a guideline and we can you know work around it's called creative accounting david um how about the venue i found one that i really really love that i feel it would fit into our vision it's a golf and country club by you you mean you i haven't had a chance to see it yet because he's been too busy and he hasn't shown a lot of interest and i've done all the homework and i found this wonderful place and most importantly most importantly shush i'm speaking here i'm gonna be the only bride there we're gonna be the only wedding we have the whole venue to ourselves which is really important to me i want all eyes on me you know i want to be breathtaking and i want to be the center of attention it is important to her to have a venue that she is the only bride and i think amy should be able to have that for her wedding oh finally see we actually agree on something how many people are we expecting at this luxurious affair well we're aiming for about 110. good to know all good to know what's the bridal party size five bridesmaids but i already fired one how do you fire a bridesmaid just i i think it's the first i've heard him i just told her she's fired just like that you're fired and how many groomsmen fine i don't approve of some of the people that john have chosen but i let him choose under a couple of conditions one they had to wear whatever i picked out and two they had to do whatever i said and if they violate any of those conditions they're fired too and he agreed yes he did do you agree yes because at the end of the day the job of the bridal party is to ensure that the bride is happy let's talk about flowers decor well i'm going to need a hoopa because we're going to have a jewish ceremony so you're having a jewish ceremony yes part jewish ceremony well we're following it up with the chinese tea ceremony as well i do want a grand backdrop like with crystals and stuff a crystal wall backdrop is a not something that comes cheap crystal backdrop crystal backdrop that's what i think we want a crystal backdrop yeah i may be a financial analyst but i'm also a bride and my wedding has to be perfect no matter what the cost how about the dress well actually it's dresses i've tried on uh 85 dresses or so i've gone to probably over two dozen bridal stores i know what i want in a dress and i can't seem to find the dress that encompass everything that i want i just want to be grand i want to be wow like like when i walk down that aisle i want everybody to be breath taken be like oh my god like you know what i mean i do sometimes that comes from just how much you love each other and then i gotta have my two other receptions how many dresses do you have three i got you know the chinese tea ceremony dress which is you know what given you knew about that i don't care if you have ten outfits you know what the budget is don't go over amy is a tough bride she knows what she wants and she wants to spend unfortunately it's just there's not enough to go around to meet amy's demands tell me about the food we always thought that we were going to have a traditional course chinese meal of course we want people to be full that's true i also care very much about the food and i want people to come to our wedding and enjoy a feast and just be happy at the end of it and full and content and just say that food was amazing based on our conversation we're at a spectacular opulent oscar-worthy red carpet kind of wow factor at every turn correct yeah you got it and you want to be on budget you want to be on time well he wants to be on budget we both and i wanted to be on time so speaking of the budget let's see what you've got here you go this is the tentative budget david that's concrete it's set inside no it's tentative no tentative ten out of ten listen refer back to rule number one okay agree with what the bride said if the bride said it's tentative is tentative remember it's i do but at what cost 110 people will make it happen like magic yeah coming up mom's upset she can't look at that why are you upset he had famous words i just had one one yeah one one come back two words yes dear that's all he said every time i said i would like this and he said yes dear and it worked perfectly it did i got everything i when wanted comes to planning your wedding day attire remember you only really need one outfit but then i also need my chinese tea ceremony dress right i don't care if you have 10 outfits you know what the budget is don't go over and at the end of the show we'll find out if this bride stuck to one outfit or just dressed to kill their budget anybody who knows me knows that i would need a spectacular entrance and the lion dance was it well you didn't need that many oh yes i did so i took david and john to check them out [Music] [Applause] we have to hire them so we don't even know what it cost yet but i want to get it it doesn't matter what it is what does it cost the base package that we have for six hundred dollars you get one lion and a full company of instruments one we're not just getting one one stop very impressive one's not a really good luck number you know things have to come in pairs i was thinking more like two six six six is this a wedding or a circus six would be very grand and very impressive and it's even numbered but the room won't even fill six lines of course let's find out how much it'll cost just for kicks and games for six lions you'd be looking at two thousand dollars [Music] you know what that is we need entertainment we need a grand entrance for our wedding and this okay is it were you not impressed were you not entertaining yeah it wasn't okay so there you go end of discussion so we need six and then you can hold it and it'll be grand we don't have two grand yes but it's entertaining and it's so entertaining and people i agree it's entertaining it's impressive too okay fine two is impressive two is great two is so late think of just the dance floor area which is where you perform i guess right yeah so wouldn't six look like you they wouldn't be able to do anything they'd just be like on top of each other like a big like mad well there's no way we can do four because four's the bad luck number two was very impressive and like it was great yeah i was how much would a pair be so pair would be eight hundred dollars you guys are just focusing on the number why can't i'm focusing on the size of the room but we're gonna be over budget getting two anyways so what's a little more over budget it means a little closer to the poor house all right okay two it is you guys convinced me done thanks a lot [Music] i finally found the perfect bridesmaids dresses and my girls decided to give me a tough time don't they know who i am i'm the bride i decide here is the dress wow that's really nice it's just beautiful stunning does it come in other colors yeah we're going to get in purple it comes with a nice little color it's beautiful it's designer that come with the designer price tag it's a 650 oh my god that's a lot of money hey guys yeah you know what i think the budget's going to be i'm the bride okay it's my wedding you guys are supposed to wear the dress that i pick we never really talked about a price range you know i think no we said it was gonna be about two hundred dollars now you're coming in 650 bucks yeah we agreed on like 200 yeah no more than 400 yeah i remember very clearly okay we did sort of say that but then i fell in love with this one yeah but if we can't afford it we can't afford it what do you want me to do rob a bank don't give her any ideas you guys knew when i asked to be bridesmaids that it was gonna be costly we should look around like maybe we can find a similar dress but not a 650 price tag all right let's look around guys guys what about this one i like this one hey this one's really nice yeah and it has jewels so well how much is it um it's only 200 see you can get a designer for cheap only 200. sheep i don't like that word cheap oh my god don't even use that word again unless you want to be the next one fired i still like the other one more well wait until you see it on us first you don't know until fine [Music] you have the bride's approval in the end the bridesmaids found a dress that fit their budget and they're just lucky that they looked good [Music] we had to solidify our menu so for our final tasting we brought along david my mom and john's parents i think that experience took a couple years off my life amy what soup is this uh this is the shark fin crab meat soup ooh shark fin and crab meat does everybody want this i had it before and you don't mind the way they kill the shark shark fin soup is part of the traditional chinese menu people who are coming who are familiar with the chinese culture would expect this and it's expensive if you didn't provide this or think we would be cheap we have to have this maybe there's a substitute that won't make us look so cheap 72 for the whole table they may need a loan shark to pay for it my feeling is that politically i just really don't want to eat it and i don't think that i'm alone in this in this feeling so i really don't want to serve our guests something that they're going to be offended by i've never been asked what kind of soup i want when i go to a person's wedding i eat what they serve me if i don't like it i pass and that's that so you're coming from a cultural point of view you're coming from a political point of view i'm coming from a budget point of view this is part of the budget david don't you like the taste of the soup no why i won't taste it it's just too slimy for me so it might be about options like maybe it's about you just call my soup slimy the soup first of all is not slimy it is a delicacy in the chinese culture you just insulted my shark finsu i think dad is treading in dangerous waters it might not be a lot more money to have like 80 shark fin souffin 20 of something else you guys like the idea of having another soup i love the idea that it would be an option oh my god oh my goodness wow that is huge that's wow we can't look at that wow mom's upset she she can't look at that okay why are you upset waiter take it away okay that's round two this is obviously another chinese tradition in the chinese culture when you serve part of the ten course meal it's good luck to have it whole with the head and the feet how do you feel groom why don't you pipe in for a second it doesn't offend me personally um i don't mind seeing the the presentation i think it can serve it to your guests but obviously my parents are upset by it i don't think that it's appropriate that it be served to to them so john himself isn't kosher but his extended family is kosher and they don't eat pork so having a full pig at the table is going to be a big deal that whole animal really bothers me so you would eat pieces of the animal you mean you just can't look at the animal you're eating is that it you're like [Music] all right so my mom says yeah just serve it without the head for your side of the family if it's such an issue i just think that you're just being a little bit hypocritical about the whole thing you guys are asking me i feel like to compromise on everything like to change like my menu for like this person that person like when do people change their menus for me we don't know that john do you think that this is what we should do yeah i think we should have um one presentation for the people who want the traditional menu and then where does it end john you're going to change my entire menu no were we here to kind of gather everybody's opinion or were we here to just kind of be presented with the final result we are here to gather everybody's opinion here's to uh some kind of compromise on a menu that suits as many people as we can okay okay thank you cheers cheers coming up i want two of these i want 10 of these and i want eight of these so you're not gonna have centerpieces yeah of course i could have center pieces david the dress was supposed to cost 1999 but i got it for 199 i walked out of the store with it that day with no alterations needed and it was fabulous she was very beautiful when it comes to finding money for your wedding avoid resorting to drastic measures you guys are supposed to wear the dress that i pick yeah but if we can't afford it we can't afford it what do you want me to do rob a bang and at the end of the show we'll see if this bride found joy or was just found guilty of spending too much [Music] i already had my chinese tea ceremony dress and my two other reception dresses but i still hadn't found my wedding dress yet because i still didn't get that feeling so i brought my bridesmaids and my mom along just shopping with me unfortunately they didn't feel the same way amy how many more stores do we have to go to i will go to as many dress stores as i need to to find the dress of my dreams okay so have a little patience you guys are supposed to be helping me not rushing me i don't want to be pressured i haven't gotten that feeling yet i wonder if she got the feeling that her friends are tired of shopping what about this one does this one give you a feeling huh oh and how am i gonna be royalty on the day of my wedding wearing this dress how about this one this one's a potential this is the one i'm gonna try it though you know what you can't say it's the one until i've tried it on if i don't like it we'll go into another store just so you guys know oh my god amy i'm starting to see white spots pick one already you guys are ruining this experience for me so just stop it okay i'm here to pick a wedding dress i'm supposed to be happy we're just trying the dresses and if you don't like it we'll go to just five more stores i'm gonna go to as many stores until i find the dress and you guys are my sister and my best friend shame on you guys you should be more supportive we're reaching our limit like there's only so much support we can give you yeah but if i just don't feel it i don't feel it i can't just just pick any dress stop talking try it fine amy as a bride is a nightmare i don't know why she's so upset she's losing self-control she's crazy and honestly i can't shop with her anymore wow that really is beautiful don't i totally make the dress do you think they'd be brave enough to tell you if you didn't feels really good it looks really good it's the best one you've tried on yeah yeah so how much are we talking here well because this dress is a designer dress it's actually 4 600 jonathan is going to kill you he knows how important it is for me to find the wedding dress of my dreams he'll understand that i need to spend this much money you cannot put a price on a wedding dress i think the salesperson just did i have found the dress i'm having the moment and you'll have years to pay for this moment [Music] i could be a model right john and i still had to finalize details regarding the decor for the venue so we brought david along to meet our decorator to ensure that i got everything i wanted for the venue you didn't need everything everything costs a lot oh yes i needed everything and more hi how are you good to see you again ron and john and our wedding planner so i was thinking large flower balls for the ceremony little ones down the aisle and look at the drapery for the crystal backdraw the satin chair cover here and finally ta-da the crystal tree look what's that gorgeous this is how many were you thinking i was thinking about eight or ten of them how much is the tree 250 each rental yeah so worth it compared to a thousand dollar treat how much is the flour balls the flour of all the big ones 150 each so if we need two fraction of the price three hundred the other ones is gonna cost you with the stand above sixty dollars each sixty dollars that's nothing we need something to line up the aisles otherwise it's gonna look empty we got bows no bows are cheap we need flower balls people do bows to save money we're not trying to save money here well what about the hoop out like you're getting all this stuff and i don't even have a hookah yet well if we have any money left over then we'll get the hopa the huppa in a jewish wedding represents the house of the people who are getting married it's open on four sides but it has a cover of protection it's jewish law it's not a decor piece so when amy decided to like throw it in it was a bit shocking and uh almost insulting how much would it cost to get a hopper money oppa's gonna cost you about five hundred dollars see we gotta take over five hundred dollars worth of stuff just to fit the hook in we're not taking anything out to fit in your hubbub so if you want the hubba you're just gonna have to increase the budget by another five hundred dollars okay two crystal trees this is what i want for the wedding day okay already compromised in the past and you should give now compromise dawn yeah seriously the double menu and the lions you guys made me cut down on everything and now you want me to cut down on decor too no way yes david thank you miss amy we have three thousand dollars to spend total [Music] and we have to have chair covers so now we've got two grand left which is what do you want for the two grand okay i'll tell you guys what i want okay all right are you guys listening listen carefully all right are you taking notes i want two of these i want 10 of these and i want eight of these so you're not gonna have centerpieces yeah of course i'm gonna have centerpieces david but then you may not be the center of attention don't shake your head at me we're getting them what about one gorgeous crystal tree in the middle one one skippy one who's gonna notice one we're not getting eight how about we just get four then i thought four was an unlucky number it's a thousand dollars worth of crystal trees totally worth it hello we're getting this and i'm not leaving until we do so why don't you just take out your credit card and be a good little fiance and pay for all this and we can go home and call it a day call it a day after that speech i'd call the whole thing quips make her stay on budget because i can't excuse me it's not my credit card mr make her stay on budget you either pay for it or you don't okay we're getting it all we're doing it and you know what i'll throw in the hopper just for you too she's throwing in a hopper for only five hundred dollars thank you coming up hi amy oh my god oh my god this is unbelievable i can't believe this is happening i knew i knew as soon as i saw him there was something about him that i loved and even though my friends thought some of his friends were a little questionable they still are they so are but um but i knew as soon as i saw him that's the guy i'm gonna marry when it comes to shopping for your wedding nothing can compare to the joy of finding a perfect dress you guys are ruining this experience for me so just stop it okay i'm gonna go to as many stores until i find the dress and at the end of the show we'll see if this bride reduced her spending or was just reduced to tears i absolutely love taping yaki and i wanted to add another huge wow factor to our wedding so i brought david along to check it out like we needed another wow factor i could just feel the budget going up [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh looks so good yummy so this looks awesome i of course am concerned about when something is this special and custom it's usually very expensive not really actually i priced it out and it's only a thousand dollars for two hours that's a lot of money not really it's a hundred dollars a thousand dollars for two hours is not a lot of money we're getting two chefs you know we're getting a whole tapaniaki table and it's an experience and it's also part of entertainment because they put on this whole cooking show we could have planned for less entertainment or planned for less food but now we're just kind of like layering this on top of everything for a thousand dollars well it's actually i was thinking of doing this for john really so he doesn't know about this no he doesn't i was thinking of surprising him the way this bride is spending he'd be more surprised if she didn't get it it's a great deal i just wish it was in the budget when we started the whole thing we sort of do it's in the food and we've already over on the food if we're already over budget so what's another thing it's not that big of a deal only a thousand dollars for two hours not that big of a deal so i wonder what is a big deal for this bride david john's gonna love this it's gonna be amazing i'm gonna book it could you ask him first do i have to no you don't have to do anything amy you don't have to do anything i'm just talking from my experience i always think that communication is the best policy fine i'll have a discussion with him about it awesome dig in dig in amy i had a lot of wedding playing to do and sometimes the groomsmen tend to get in the way yeah the guys had great timing good timing for me i think this is probably one of my cousin's boyfriends yeah well dan's going with the head too [Music] is your stupid friends at the door really you know what john five minutes okay all right what the hell look what we got for you brother what is going on hey tonight's your night man come on all right what's up we're gonna take you what no i gotta go everybody's gonna kill me man john hello john get out you know what i have so much wedding planning do we still have to finish the seating chart we're supposed to pick up the wedding bands today let's see seating arrangements or a bachelor party hmm you only get one bachelor party yeah well today is a bad day i sent you guys dates of availability and today is not one of them and i'm pulling rank here and you're getting your ass out of that car right now we wanted to make sure john had one awesome night with us with the boys out for a bachelor party and we know amy wouldn't have it amy has them in prison at home and the only way to do it is to kidnap him so if she's upset about it she's upset for it but at the end of the day john's going to be a happy man john this is your look at the limo all right let's go alright see you guys let's go what the hell let's do it all right sorry amy i swear to god you know what you're in so much oh my god this is unbelievable i can't believe this is happening it was a great night glad somebody had fun the wedding was getting really emotional and stressful for me and the last thing i wanted to do was go over numbers with david and john had to be done so we're very close and we want to make sure there's no surprises we want to make sure everybody's on the page the most important page of course is the budget how do you feel let's start there like is everything good and uh wow well i've been feeling a little stressed lately it's not really between us it's like amy's been having some problems like well other people in the way well it's kind of between us i mean there was the whole ordeal with his groomsmen decided to come over and kidnap john and take him to a bachelor party when we had wedding planning that day so i wasn't very pleased about that i was quite upset i'm just fed up with everybody's attitude i'm fed up with the groomsmen's disrespecting me and my wishes okay i told them what the schedule was and they were not to interfere i told them that their first responsibility was to the wedding not to the bachelor party okay it's just been a really difficult process of course it has and you boys didn't help so they just wanted me to have a good time like yeah but they knew it would drive amy crazy and like yeah that's just they didn't on purpose you mean anything by it they didn't mean to hurt you there's still so much to do leading up to the wedding and i feel like some days i came and hold it together if only she could get this emotional over the budget you know and it's our wedding and it's you know it's my day they should respect whatever decisions i make because i'm the bride it's not their day because our marriage is the most important thing not some stupid party and you better get that straight in your head we'll go through the budget if that's well i definitely need to see what's been spent and where we are so let's just get it done quick how's that okay okay dress did you find the dress yes david i got the piece i found the dress you had the click in your head yes amazing uh yeah but how much 4 600 what total you mean total of all the dresses no just for the wedding dress so you got four dresses yeah and one costs 4 600 yeah but it's the wedding dress i got the feeling it was the way you know i had to buy it is more than the entire budget for all four i knew but i just had that feeling and it was the wedding dress and the wedding dress is the most important dress so i had to pay whatever so then why'd you get four you could oh i bought the other ones before i found the wedding dress so what did you think about the whole tappaniaki table idea what teppanyaki table come on what what's happening surprise i ordered a tapiyaki table for the wedding for the whole time you know we love tapping the whole time yeah the whole time for the whole wedding we it really it's 500 an hour what what about just cocktails okay no we need it for the whole day okay you know what i'm being really generous here by saying you can even keep this typing at the table i will allow you to have it for two hours but that's it okay that's it i don't think this bride knows the meaning of those words all right i'll compromise two hours only and it's not because you allowed me to it's because i compromise so decor um how are we feeling about that well we're over budget there right what else is new well we had to get the hook on that kind of put us over and then we needed the backdrop for the chinese ceremony as well needed you needed okay um we're done spending there's nothing left we don't need anything else the guests are taken care of you're gonna look really beautiful we have a venue it's all done done done all right be happy okay i am be stern the day of the wedding rehearsal went really well david presented me with an amazing wedding present which i loved very much but that quickly went downhill because of the groomsmen so what's up we're sorry it happened the way it did and that it screwed up all your plans and you got so upset none of it was meant to happen to hurt you no but you knew i was gonna be mad i like to be in control i'm a control freak all i wanted to know was where you guys are going what are you doing and when is he coming back and we had a deal that he wasn't supposed to stay overnight anywhere so had you told me i would be like okay fine but you guys have to bring him back at the end of the night nothing like this can ever happen again ever i've dumped so much energy and tears into this freaking wedding and i just want it to be perfect and so i know john does too so just behave yourself okay they're good guys come on you know what stop defending them because if you're on their side then you're not on my side and maybe you need to really get your priorities straight coming up so if i'm not ready i'm not ready and they will just wait i'm a spender i'm a bigger spender yeah it's kind of actually scary so that when we got to 20 000 with the wedding we edited it up that was it we weren't gonna even count anymore because we didn't want to know when planning your wedding it's important to keep a good perspective on reality it's only a thousand dollars for two hours that's a lot of money not really it's a hundred dollars a thousand dollars for two hours is not a lot of money and at the end of the show we'll see if this bride learns the value of a dollar or just ends up spending more you know what i wasn't stressed out or nervous at all i was calm and relaxed no more drama and a happy marriage of course well i guess you can ask for the moon i'm just i'm worried about the rain knowing your bride this guy would be afraid to rain you won't know if it's worth it till like afterwards and then he'll go oh what did i do i don't feel like i had enough time getting ready i could have definitely used more time tasha can you bring up my bouquet i need inspect the flowers if i don't like it i am calling the florist right now and having them getting it redone they're like opening so much like why is it like that all the complaining in the world won't stop flowers from blooming um okay i guess normally the way i wear a brush blush like a little hot give me the brush a little higher that's fine but i can't do the pink all the way out here you're gonna look crazy and we've seen enough of that already this isn't me the light in here is light yeah so you know what i need to go tomorrow yeah go somewhere else because this lighting is just terrible well we're not done my hair so if i'm not ready i'm not ready and then we'll just wait that's true okay so if i'm not ready i'm not rushing it like this is a very big day for me i have to look good when's the bride coming she's coming late she's on her way the bride should be here in the next five minutes okay five minutes for the bride amy is now 40 minutes late since when the ceremony was supposed to start not since her arrival i'm not surprised okay so i want this one up a little like that okay okay there you go got it don't freak me out [Music] don't just don't you're stepping on my train can you grab my purse in there guys is it nice hello where's the i need my phone get me my phone with everything finally under control amy was ready to meet her groom well i need somebody to help me with my train always guys so one of you have to do it come on girls don't all volunteer at once the lead up to seeing john was a bit stressful because there were all these guests milling around the entrance of the venue and i didn't want anybody to see me until i walked down the aisle i didn't want to okay i'm very upset okay that's that's your parents-in-law it doesn't matter amy is as expected very um uh anxietal about the way things are going so so why aren't they taking their positions am i making my walk or am i not can you put your belly i just don't want people to see me until i walk down the aisle okay and you were supposed to get rid of them they're gone the ceremony was excellent i couldn't have asked for a better ceremony everything just came together [Music] perfectly [Music] kind of felt like we were dating for the first time again didn't it yeah it did except in front of all our friends and family just felt really right and we i felt ready to get married you aim me of your own free will and consent take jonathan to be your husband do you promise to be true to each other to honor and cherish each other to look after each other throughout your lifetime if so say i do i do and do you jonathan of your own free will and consent take amy to be your wife if so say i do i do i stand here with you in respect and love in the presence of our witnesses in the presence of our witnesses to confirm my commitment to you and i pronounce you husband and wife hit it hard two three [Music] ceremony number one is done now it's on to ceremony number two the tea ceremony may the love that you feel today grow stronger and stronger [Music] ceremony was really quick simple in and out i do i do nothing fancy and party that was pretty much where it was at give it to us and let's get out here when it comes to your wedding day time may not always be on your side once the bride coming she's coming late she's on her way amy's 45 minutes late here we go my dear let's get married and soon we'll reveal if this couple got a handle on time or ended up paying the price of being late when i saw the venue for the first time i was just absolutely blown away [Music] oh my god it's gorgeous i love it i love it and the crystal backdrop the venue was completely transformed it was breathtaking look how good you're gonna look and the riser looks awesome and the balls are perfect beautiful oh my god it's so grand and high oh wow so beautiful it was really good i'm speechless for once i don't believe you it's so beautiful oh my god thank you you're amazing you're amazing it's ugly it's just begun it's just begun and you've warmed my colors i love it so overall got a special purple i know please welcome mr mrs [Applause] amy and john [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] after their grand entrance the couple enjoyed their first dance followed by amy's bridal fashion show her cake cutting dress and her blue bouquet tossing dress i couldn't be happier i couldn't be happier either everything's been just perfect right now i was a little lame john was a little stressed but the bride's gotta be fresh in me late and you know what the clouds parted right when you arrived oh it must be a good omen then yeah the wedding day may have been your dreams but the total cost may show up in your nightmares the original budget we handed to david was 35 000 so the live band and the lion dance were absolutely amazing the total cost for entertainment came to 4 425 amy's vision really came together the decor including draping trees and flowers came to 6 210 i obviously looked stunning in all my dresses the total cost came to 6 650 for the venue amy's vision really came together i didn't trust her at first but everything was unbelievable including hors d'oeuvres alcohol and sweet table the total was nine thousand and thirty dollars the food was absolutely delicious there certainly wasn't a shortage of it everybody enjoyed it the cost for the double menu and the tap and yaki table came to 299 david connolly was an excellent wedding planner amy was pretty hard on him she's a tough bride but he held his own his fee was three thousand dollars so miscellaneous items including photographer rings and cake came to 6 206 dollars what we actually spent on the wedding was an unbelievable 44 820 putting us over budget by 9 820 yes but we got the most beautiful wedding day ever you need four dresses yes i did okay yes i did and people had too much food we had to wheel them out well that was your fault you wanted a lot of food you know what i don't regret any of it besides i'm the bride i get to decide all the dresses were worn the teppanyaki was a hit and the pork was served the only question left is will amy ever let go of being the bride people still talk about it it was a party to be remembered awesome it was good i knew he was the one because no matter what he did it didn't embarrass me he could have run naked down the street and i would have been like that's my guy so i knew he was the one [Music] you


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