Why The Tech Industry is Collapsing? (A Documentry Reviewed)

Why The Tech Industry is Collapsing? (A Documentry Reviewed)

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all right guys how are we doing today Steve Mingo  final web design today's video I want to review a   video that is talking about the collapse of  the US tech industry give you my thoughts as   somebody who's been in this field for about 15  years professionally now and just kind of review   the state of the US tech collapse with you guys  so let's get into [Music] it final web design   this is Steve all right guys so here we are um  I'm going to get into the video I'll stop it and   kind of go over the pieces as they come together  chaos almost all of the major big tech companies   are collapsing for example meta is worth over a  trillion in 2021 but just a year later and their   value has dropped by 2/3 and the other Giants aren  far behind Amazon meta Twitter Tesla Netflix have   all seen massive Revenue drops and the scale of  these losses is I mean I don't think that this   is a big surprise everybody knows currently that  there's been a huge layoff in the tech industry   from all of the big tech companies everything I  think it started with Twitter uh Microsoft Tesla   Uber uh Salesforce I mean you name it these Tech  Industries have been laying off people and as you   saw there it said a quarter of a million I'd be  surprised if it's not even more so let's kind of   continue and see why this is happening and what's  about to happen here in the future unprecedented   especially considering big Tech has been so  Unstoppable for the last decade in fact revenues   and profits was skyrocketing Silicon Valley was a  billionaire Factory with some of the most prolific   billionaires building the names in the their bank  accounts on the back of big tech companies Bill   Gates Elon Musk Jeff Bezos Mark Zuckerberg Jack  dorsy all of them were created by the massive T   boom of the last four decades but then the bubble  popped and now the biggest names to Silicon Valley   are seeing their revenue plummet firing hundreds  of thousands of employees with the stock value of   almost every big tech company falling dramatically  which leads us to the question how did it get this   bad so quickly well you see so that question about  how did it get so bad so quickly um I mean I have   pretty good answer and it's multiple different  factors and I think we're going to get into that   as far as more detail but you got everything  that just the this the market was flooded they   were there was too much money for cheap labor and  they were trying to just hire as many talents and   and work employees Tech employees as they could  for most of these big companies in the early   2000s and around the covid uh period so let's go  into kind of where things are at now a few years   later as the industries progressed Tech was a  growing part of the world's economy for years   over the last decade tech companies have only  got larger and larger and of course there were   ups and downs for example the Doom crash of the  late '90s proved the catastrophic consequences of   overvaluing tech companies however over time  the industry always picked up again it was a   measured climate first but soon people forgot  the mistakes of the past and as the years Roll   by and Technology improved the companies behind  it grew richer and richer but there were massive   problems in the Horizon facilicon Valley because  the path wasn't all golden for example companies   like uber have coasted on their potential  hoovering up Investments without a proper   model for profitability the same could  be said for Twitter and yet despite this   the you know that's what I always find so funny  is these huge American Tech corporations that   aren't even technically profitable I know you know  the stocks and the value and the Investments and   there's a lot of pieces that go into a business  but at the end of the day when you see a company   like uber that's probably doing millions billions  of dollars a day in transactions and they're not   profitable is is a pretty telling sign um but you  know it does it does take investment to get these   things going it's not a small small app giant  the industry G to immense proportions on pay   for example in 2018 meta surpassed $500 billion  in net worth and Amazon were closing in on a   trillion but all of these companies had a  similar problem they just weren't worth what   people thought they were their business models  were shaky and in constant need of Investments   or they just didn't make that much money to begin  with the margins were always incredibly tight and   that's why almost all of these Tech billionaires  never look at the stock price that whole period   is very interesting because the stock is not  the company and the company is not the stock   and so as I watched the stock fall from 113 to  I was also watching all of our internal business   metrics every single thing about the business was  getting better and fast because they believed as   their technology spread into every aspect of the  World Companies would always ride the w of future   potential their shaky business model just didn't  appear to be an issue at this point all these big   tech companies were gaining more and more power  and it seemed like they were Untouchable because   big Tech had something invaluable the eye and  data of the entire world you see ever since   they started and I think that's really what a lot  of these companies have been become whether it's   Google whether it's Facebook um they're getting  your data they're getting your information they're   tracking where you are they're viewing the  pictures you let them view they're they're   getting as much information as they can so  these companies haven't just become a service   but they've almost become a data mine which has  become more valuable for you know governments and   and other businesses and marketing and things like  that and I think that's where we've really had to   take a little bit of a cautionary step here um  because they are they're they're Gathering so   much data all these big companies and that's where  they're really focused I mean the profits are one   thing but the data is is invaluable pulling  in user data the massive levels they do now   social media companies were then further driven  to maximize their engagement keeping people on   the app for as long as possible and often as  possible became the most important thing which   is why we're all so addicted to our phones and our  laptops it makes all of these big tech companies   billions of dollars allowing them to sell more  and more ads and exploit more and more of your   data and over time these companies perect to this  process by manipulating psychology making the apps   so addictive that the entire world couldn't live  without their smartphone and during this process   they found out that anger and fear are some of  the best ways to keep people engaged and so as   the algorithms were fine treated for engagement  they push more extreme and more provocative posts   above gosh isn't that true when you get onto  your social medias now in the last few years   just how much of this like provocative material  they show you whether it's people fighting or you   know politics or it really goes into a whole like  new place of social media when it started it was   a lot of like hey let's connect with friends let's  chat Let's uh see their pictures from the weekend   and now it's become like as you can see in this  screenshot right here uh so much political you   can see a picture over here of uh I think it's  Hillary Clinton but irregardless it's just like   they put a lot of provocative stuff out there that  they know because they have the data that is going   to kind of trigger you or keep you engaged keep  you coming back make you digging down that rabbit   hole so yeah yeah you got to be you got to know  what what's targeting you these days everything   else putting them in front of everyone's faces  constantly or while censoring any information   that didn't fit into silicon Valley's political  narrative which is why Twitter met and all these   other companies became the breeding ground for  social media addiction censorship and hatred and   as time went on cycle ramped up and the culture  were worsened and these changes in the online   space were reflected in the real world leading to  riots unrest and collapse it didn't matter to the   tech companies who remembers those times um maybe  the early 2020s when a lot L of this is brewing   over whether it was the the social issues whether  it was the global pandemic issues I mean this was   just a time where where social media really  took things to the next level and again it's   because they're able to Target and Trigger and  and get that information to the people's minds   who probably don't need it because they know it's  going to engage them keep them on longer keep them   going again down that rabbit hole though in fact  this was in their interest and instead of tackling   the problems that they had caused themselves  with their algorithms companies start to then   lean further on censorship suppressing all counter  opinions in the name of misinformation but this   solution wouldn't work forever tech companies  were going to pay the cost for their medling in   public discourse however you know this gets me  to the thought of when they took away the down   thumb on the YouTube videos because it was giving  away the sense that like people you'd watch these   specific videos and there'd be 100,000 down views  and 100 or 10,000 up and you're like well that's   a 10 to one nobody's really getting this but  at the same time in the public media this is   what they're pushing you so um I remember that was  one feature where I was like yeah they're really   trying to like hide the manipulation of all this  social media and what they're triggering people   with because when you go in and you can see that  that nobody's agreeing with it with the down likes   um it really kind of stood out and they obviously  they took that away for a reason which uh I think   we can all agree was because they can hide the  situation easier for now they had to deal with   a much more conventional problem competition  over [Music] the for the past decades China has   exploded into the technology industry companies  like tensen haawi and bance have been eating   into the Western market share on a global scale in  fact tensen has made numerous takeovers of Western   companies like riots epic games and even Ubisoft  and through these moves they've undermined Western   dominance in the lucrative gaming industry with  China owning some of the most popular games today   like fortnite and League of Legends and China's  also taking over with things like Tik Tok and 10   cents investments in Reddit and Discord and then  haawi attacked Hardware manufacturers releasing   cheaper alternatives loaded with Chinese data  collection technology yomi did the same it's   even greater effect despite only being founded  in 2010 they've gained over 12% of the market   yeah so this this is something I've obviously been  very aware of is these Chinese tech companies that   are coming out with their own Hardware um not only  software with things like Tik Tok but the actual   Hardware the phones the computers the laptops the  iPad or the pads the tablets so what they're what   I've always been concerned about and here in the  United States we don't have this issue as much   because we buy a lot of us products or Korean at  the least um you know Apple iPhones things like   that Samsungs but a lot of the Third World um you  know Latin America Asia you know parts of Africa   and stuff are using these Chinese products cuz  they're obviously cheaper but at the same time   I don't think a lot of these people are aware  that the Chinese government or the CCP has access   to this data I mean this isn't even like a hidden  thing they're pretty upfront about it so whatever   they're gathering for your data that these other  companies in the west like uh Google and stuff I   mean these Chinese hardware and software companies  are definitely digging in and getting all that at   a government type level and I think that's where  we got to really see what happens over the next   few years because some of these companies like H  howwe I believe it said I don't even remember them   10 years ago and now now if I leave the United  States and I go to a mall in another country   or something you see these uh these stores open  you see them in the us too but um definitely more   Prevail for the the economic situations in other  parts of the world that people use these and you   got to be careful because that had information  going right to the Chinese government already B   dance is probably the most Sinister I mean China  was well aware of the disrupted powers of social   media long before the West had any idea and they  studied what the Western companies were doing with   engagement and turned it into an R form with Tik  Tok exploding in popularity by playing on Silicon   valle's addictive business model and by learning  from Silicon Valle successes and mistakes Tik Tok   is growing by 400% every single year seizing  Western social media companies audiences from   under their noses which is why you know Tik  Tok grew fast but it's like any technology   I think it's going to kind of have its wave  it's a new thing um and eventually you know   a new product will come out people move to that  it's it's what it is um Miss every major app has   now adopted Tik Tok short video model and to put  it plainly this is a targeted attack when comeb   all these companies have Incredibly Close  relationships with the CCP which has given   them enormous room to scale up because no matter  how profitable these companies are they've always   got the Chinese government behind their back and  this gives them a massive advantage over the West   they don't have to deal with pesky human right  laws ethical impediments or even profitability   in said they can be safe in the knowledge that as  long as they pull the party line they can get away   with virtually anything and this isn't just within  China this is everywhere they get government   backing abroad as all of these Chinese big social  media sites are practically a third party of the   Chinese government and as they work in tandem  these companies have become an Unstoppable   force and so whilst the Western tech companies  are always at each other's throats China's Tech   Giants have been allowed to build their monop  in peace which is why every day China gains a   little more ground on the west because for every  user and customer that China gains Silicon Valley   gets weaker and this new threat has been awful for  big Tech's bottom lines and the true consequences   have only just begun to I mean there's obviously  some truth to there but like at the same time we   do need some Global innovation in other parts of  the world in the United States I wish Europe had   more more you know tech companies um there's some  reasons I think for that I wish the rest of Asia   had more tech companies outside of you know China  um that was producing you know Japan's obviously   a big Tech producer but it's not so bad to have  a little bit of Silicon Valley going to the rest   of the world I mean there's still a huge Market  there and again a lot of westerners aren't going   to want to use these these uh intimidating  products from third from other countries that   they don't trust so it's it's not a big deal I  don't see that as being the big issue really I   see more um going into the next things that just  the the market got out of control people were   getting employed that didn't need it so today  but they hadn't affected the numbers yet apps   Tik Tok were only just getting started and massive  growth was still expected and by the end of 2016   some journalists were haing Silicon Valley as the  future they said this because something dramatic   had changed the list of the top companies used  to always be dominated by oil and Manufacturing   and a few Financial Giants that relied on their  Shar scale to dominate but these companies have   now been replaced by Google Amazon Tesla apple  and Microsoft pushing out the Old Guard however   despite their immense valuations these companies  still weren't nearly as profitable as they should   have been from 1995 to 2015 Amazon only made $2  billion in profits despite the company approaching   a trillion dollar net worth now yes this move  was meant to dodge taxes yet it still portrayed   a significant disconnect between Silicon Valley  and the rest of the world rather than focusing on   profitability Silicon Valley companies were much  more focused on growth and the best example of   this is Uber you see Uber spent years focused  entirely on growth above anything else they   embodied the Silicon Valley Mantra breaking laws  in Industries to cement themselves in the market   with a massive leak shown that Uber Executives  was shown instructing their employees to use   chaos and violence to upro the taxi industry and  put pressure on governments and of course they   had big problems with actually making enough money  I mean their business model still has incredibly   low margins even after they started to squeeze  every penny they could and raising all of their   prices which has caused Uber to be in a worrying  situation with Market saturation their stock price   is plummeting and you know I find that very  funny I know that this video is a year old but   like how can a company like uber that I mean I use  basically every day um not every day but I use it   quite often and you know I give them probably  a couple hundred bucks a month I'm surprised   that they can't find a way to make that profitable  whether they have to increase the prices or again   downsize the company um but that's that's pretty  crazy they've been around a long time the company   streams of market dominance now Fading Into the  ground but Uber does still have a slight chance   as Silicon Valley overconfidence has led to way  more destructive collapses specifically in the   case of wework in early 2019 wework was seen as an  Innovative new company that was set to change the   world of work although it was founded in New York  if you learn gosh that was the funniest one you   know anything about that storyes the sil valy  mentality had definitely got into his founder   Adam Newman the charismatic CEO was so good at  convincing investors that he pulled in and only   a few years after its founding the company had  raised over a billion dollars for their office   space company and I say office space company but  we work was still listed as a tech company and so   we work managed to raise over a billion dollars  for the company right this is where things tech   company became a Regis renting an office room  there was no Tech involved it was simply a   rental short-term rental to say we work as some  tech company this is where things kind of started   getting spun out of control it's not a valuable  Tech it's another Regis that's been around for   long time and this was despite Mass layups of the  company and poor financial performance because   simply enough investors were just in love with  the idea rather than the products in front of   them in fact Wei workor lost over $2 billion in  2018 and yet the hype continued analysis stated   that the company was now worth over $40 billion  this was more than giants like Airbnb and by   September the company attempted to gain even more  investor money beginning the process of an IPO or   initial public offering and this would open the  shares of the company to the public raising even   further billions for Wei work and yet even with  this enormous amount of investment the IPO started   to gain scrutiny as investors started to see that  the company was really making no money and it   portrayed the true reality of the Silicon Valley  business model massive debt and low Revenue proed   up by other people's money and so and that's what  you got to think think of all the expenses renting   all that space Furnishing it all getting somebody  in their employees to clean it and maintain it and   check people in and out and all you're doing is  renting I mean when I go to rework I'm spending   like 50 bucks for the day I mean it's it's money  but it's not like it just it really didn't all add   up for the expenses that you see with something  like that to to what you know the costs are   probably why it didn't work out the $40 billion  valuation was cut by three quarters in a matter of   days resulting in 20% of the company being fired  and Newman their CEO and other Executives were   all forced to resign and the company is forced to  cut back on its massive growth plans reality hit   the company hard and today people are questioning  the expiry date of we work but yet again Silicon   Valley didn't learn from this example despite the  very same business practices being used across   tons of tech companies this was just seen as an  isolated Case by Tech Elites besides now it wasn't   the time to consolidate and slow down and then  as 2019 came and went the world was forced into   the pandemic first US case has been detected there  confirmation the Corona virus oh I don't even want   to get into this anymore I'm so over it but at  the same time this obviously destroyed businesses   across the world um for the tech industry though  it was a booming time I I had so many offers and   people just like please come work for us I mean it  it was a pretty good time as far as work work was   concerned but for most small businesses uh this  was this was Destro this just destroyed themus   has reached Australia and it was here the tech  companies would double down covid-19 as it was for   so many other billionaires and corporations was a  massive opportunity for big Tech the pandemic saw   tech companies values Rise by hundreds of billions  they made so much money they barely even knew what   to do with it and it was the belief at the top  of these companies that this is just how things   were Tech dominance into the future seemed all but  guaranteed Soaker Burg and others would be risky   and shortsighted in their Investments assuming  that Revenue levels would stay strong after the   pandemic and that's why meta's Workforce grew by  28% in just a year and Amazon massively expanded   their own operations seeing their profits s  by over 220% Apple spent an extra $90 billion   just buying back their own stock during the  pandemic betting an amount worth more than   the GDP of Sri Lanka on their continued success  you see tech companies made massive investments   into themselves betting that the good times would  never end and it was this overconfidence that men   that when their profits finally did start to slow  down they wouldn't be able to cope with it but   overconfidence wasn't the only problem that worsen  during the pandemic you see the culture war was   getting more and more intense as people spend  more time online unwinable arguments raged as   people's lives got measurably worse and whilst the  pandemic was lucrative for Te companies they were   some of the Only Winners with lockdowns completely  destroying the economy that's what I just said the   tech industry it's been the best thing ever for  the tech industry I haven't been to the office   since technically all this happened because that's  when we went into this new world where people   are working remote where our teams are everywhere  where we're able to you know not go into an office   anymore so yeah it was completely destructive for  all the brick and morar businesses the restaurants   the tourism the hotels but for the tech industry  this was a golden era and it's still kind of as   far as changing the rules with the offices and  stuff has never really kind of returned but the   jobs now are nowhere near the same as what was  happening during this period putting Millions   out of jobs and businesses out of business and  it's impossible to measure the negative effects   of the pandemic on people and their mental health  however what was measurable was the heating up of   the culture war and eventually the results of this  would be social media fatigue people were just   sick of the culture war and China was now also  closing in on silicum Valley yeah it wasn't that   true that whole per period with all the social  unrest it was just like I just had to shut it all   off I'm just like what am I I'll do my marketing  on here but everything else I'm just keep it away   for now it was just too hot at least if you were  in the United States it was a very tense time and   all of this was being perpetuated through social  media if you walked the streets or went to a there   was no social issues as far as like day-to-day  Communications but when you got on those apps it   was just like fire going everywhere trying to put  them out or trying to keep them going so um yeah   that was a time to kind of get away and I think  that's when the whole social industry is really   taking a big turn into more of not just friends  and family and keeping up to date but more like   just politics and business and advertisements and  all these things that people kind of got on there   to get away from as over the pandemic Tik Tok grew  by hundreds of millions of users surpassing 1.1   billion in 2021 however all of these combining  factors hadn't affected big Tech yet but it   would only be a matter of time meanwhile the tech  billionaires were enjoying their moments in the   sun Jeff bezo spent Millions on a personal space  trip whil Elon Musk became times person of the   year for 2021 but all of this would turn out to be  some of the last good news these Tech billionaires   had as once the world finally opened up again it  signaled the end of silicon Valley's boom even if   no one believed it for example at meta Revenue  growth had risen to over 50% in the summer of   2021 but it dropped sharply over the next 9 months  falling to just 5% by the first quarter of 2022   Amazon also saw a sharp decline from over 40%  to around 7% in the same time span even usually   stable companies like Microsoft or apples  suffered the same fate seeing their growth   levels fall off so what happened here well all of  the growing problems that Silicon Valley thought   they could ignore were finally making their Mark  and once they had been shielded from the pandemic   recession by artificial demand that was all over  now and the economy was only getting worse so people yeah that was a tough time um   still hasn't really come back Less on products  people didn't care about ads Essentials became   more expensive so people had less disposable  income Services saw a boost as well as people made   up for the L time and on top of this the culture  War had burned tons of people out as well leading   to less usage of social media a Canadian survey  found that less people were using Facebook YouTube   and Twitter in 2022 than in 2020 and the only tech  company that was Spar from the decline was Tik Tok   their growth was unimpeded maybe because they're  artificially propped up by the Chinese government   it was clear for everyone in Silicon Valley that  they were losing their audien's attention and   with this dramatic reduction in attention came  dramatic Cuts in their profits and this is when   the crack started to show tech companies have  become so focused on growth that when it dried   up it hit them much harder than other Industries  over the course of 2022 tech companies lost more   and more money leading to their CEOs to make  some erratic decisions M took over a CEO of   Twitter after years of negotiations and legal  battles he started off by firing large part so   this is where I think the change really started  and the downfall when mus took over TT among   other elements that we kind of discussed he right  away as somebody who knows JavaScript he knows   Frameworks he knows programming he's read the  books he's done the projects he's been in their   handson um he he knew right away we don't you know  once an application is built and launched it you'd   be surprised it takes a a team but it takes a  small team to maintain and kind of update it   going forward cuz you're not building the whole  thing from the ground up you're just maintaining   and maybe adding a few new features over the  course of you know your your your uploads um   what I'm what I'm saying is this time was when we  saw firsthand that somebody knew what was really   going on cuz I remember even working like with  um some of the big Health Care Providers some   of the universities and it's like what they were  doing was just silly I mean they would have teams   of people creating new CSS uh Frameworks or css  classes it was just like what why do you need   this there's already bootstrap there's already  a million other things you could currently use   that people know to create your own internal is  just a waste of time money and I'm sure it never   even got used after we built all that stuff um  but there's just little things like that you saw   it kind of coming and you saw it was just like  what are what are I mean every everything was   the nicest uh you could get the nicest standup  tables the nicest monitors the nicest computer   I mean it was just a lot of money going around  those places um at least at this period this was   maybe four or five years ago so let's see where  things go with Twitter cuz that site's still up   it's running it's running great as far as I can  tell parts of the workforce leading to massive   technical glitches and problems with the app  things were going so badly that he was forced   to resign from the company Google had put much of  their focus on their new stadia Cloud console but   as with every other big tech company 2022 stadia  Cloud CL I knew that wasn't going to make it there   why that that was quick I haven't seen that in  a few years also saw its demise being forced   to refund everyone who bought it without Google  actually getting the products back additionally   Uber saw a sharp decline their business the  ruther's competition massive leaks and higher   prices meta stock value dropped by around 60% with  Tesla dropping by 70% so once 2022 was nearing its   end tech companies realized it wasn't going to  get any better anytime soon they needed to cut   cost which is why you started to see articles of  these big tech companies firing tens of thousands   of workers like with Microsoft firing over 1 th000  employees then stripe a growing startup letting go   of 14% of their Workforce Elon was forced to  lay off nearly 4,000 people from Twitter with   meta following shortly after laying off a further  11,000 people Amazon cut then numbers by 10,000   and all of this has happened in just over a month  eventually am that is so many people losing their   jobs it is insane to think where all these people  have gone um you know the industry had changed   it needed smaller amounts of people you know the  jobs are still out there there're still plent of   demand for tech industry but as far as these big  companies they they've thinned down and they're   they're really cutting every cost and they're  making sure that their employees are being   responsible for the pieces that need to get done  uh no more slacking around double their numbers in   December as clearly they hadn't shrunk enough and  these weren't minimum wage employees either they   were both High skilled and Incredibly expensive  employees and in total over 1,000 tech companies   fired over 150,000 workers basilicum Valley had  made their bed with their risky investments in   growth focused ethos the same companies that had  fought over these workers in the Talon Wars which   was just a year or two ago but now letting them go  and incurring massive costs in the process and it   wasn't just going to cost them at the time either  these firing sprees represent a massive amount   of people with incredibly valuable skills a job  board called tech jobs for good has seen massive   increases and skill drob Seekers off of the back  of these layoffs people have seen the fast life   of big tech companies are now instead looking to  make a difference despite a small hit to their   paychecks and this is one of the ways in which the  collapse of big Tech Will inadvertently benefit   the world but perhaps this is symptomatic of a  much larger Trend in our economy as going into   2023 with the UN predicting we're going to be in a  massive recession it seems like Silicon Valley can   only expect more and more suffering the future  looks Grim ad buys are low which is how all of   social media companies like meta and supply chain  issues and enough threatening Hardware companies   like apple and Microsoft governments are also  now souring on big Tech seeing their influence as   destabilizing Microsoft's $69 billion acquisition  deal for Activision and blizzard is being debated   by Monopoly Watchdogs around the world the FTC has  already tried to block it meanwhile the whole tech   industry is waiting for another Court verdict on  recommendation algorithms Google is being sued for   recommending videos made by terrorists which then  incited an attack in France and if they're found   liable this will upend years of legal Doctrine  stating that digital platforms aren't responsible   for what people post the results of the case will  detate what's allowed for years to come and will   possibly [ __ ] companies like Google and meta  it is very clear to everyone in the tech world   that 2023 is going to be the true test for these  Tech Giants and so far only a week into the year   and Amazon has already so yeah as you heard  going into 2023 what what happened and what   happened in the first part of 2024 more layoffs  more Cuts more job losses so that's kind of the   end of the video and I'll just kind of give my  two cents here I mean we are in a definitely a   different period than where things were even a  few years ago I still think that this is a great   industry if you know what you're doing if you  know you know more than just code if you know   how to work with a business if you know how to  help with their social medias their graphic design   or video editing not just the website not maybe  some SEO you know if you can put all of these   other skills to use I think that this is still a  very great market now if you're going to try to go   work at you know YouTube or Google and say hey I'm  going to you know have a career out of this for   the next 20 30 years that that's just not the case  get in there get those big six figure incomes get   the good benefits have it fun with it but don't  look at it as a career forever because obviously   you can see how quick this stuff changes I always  have other options that's what they used to say   you know starting your own business or having some  type of entrepreneur is always a very dangerous   thing but really in these times it's almost safer  than having a 9 to-5 job because unfortunately N9   to-5 jobs are not what our grandparents or  parents had I mean they they really will cut   you in a moment as you can see here so guys with  that being said um I hope you like this video If   you give it a like And subscribe that stuff  helps and if you have any any questions about   the industry or about the skill sets needed uh  let me know in the comments or give us a call I'd   love to help you and guys with that we'll catch  you in the next video take care peace [Music]

2024-06-08 19:21

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