Where is Technology Still Innovative Ep 11

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has technology reached the point  where it's at terminal velocity   or has it plateaued in terms of  innovation and getting excited   about technology we're going to talk  about that topic next on today in Tech hi everybody Keith Shaw here for today in Tech  we have a guest in studio uh we have uh Jack   gold he's the funder founder and principal Analyst  at jaygoldad Associates Jack welcome to the show   thank you um I'm just really excited so you know  because we usually have people on Zoom so this   is someone live I can actually look at and talk  to glad to be here uh so the reason that I want   to talk about kind of the the tech Innovation  whether Innovation is dead or alive these days   I'm looking back at a lot of numbers you're seeing  PC shipments drop over the last couple of quarters   uh you're seeing smartphones uh shipments they're  just not as exciting um there seems to be in the   consumer space and somewhat in the Enterprise  space too there's just it's it's just updates   of existing equipment and I'm just wondering is  is this part of maybe just the economics that   are going on uh of of are we in a cycle or have  you seen similar things I'm I'm sort of I used to   be a real Attack Optimist I mean I used to write  the Gadget column for Network world and you know   every year and this was from 2000 to 2010 there  was always something new and exciting it was a   gadget was really cool and then ever since sort  of like 2010 there hasn't been much and maybe   it's shifted from Hardware to Software and people  are more excited about apps and mobile apps or   little iterations and so I you know again this is  an open-ended question do you feel the same or is   it more just that I might just be getting old and  crotchety well no that's my job getting old and   crotchety but I'll tell you what's going on and my  impression of what's going on in the marketplace   so we're hitting uh in a lot of things smartphones  PCS Etc an innovation curve and The Innovation   curve really says that when things are new things  change really quickly right they want to update   all the time you know I need a new smartphone  every year because things really improved   as we get down the Innovation curve uh they don't  improve very often right your smartphone your   two-year-old smartphone's got most of what your  current smartphone has okay right current one's   good you know Samsung just announced the new  galaxies great camera got better night vision   um it's got a faster processor for most people  it's probably not that big of a deal so people are   calling keeping their devices for two three four  years five years some in some cases same with PCS   a new pc is great yep but does it really give me  that much more than I would have otherwise so to   some extent you're right uh Again The Innovation  curve when we have older component Technologies   like like a PC it doesn't change as quickly you  can't right right so people are are holding back   and especially now in Economic Times when people  are worried I'm not going to have a job tomorrow   in some cases right they're not going to go out  and buy a lot of new technology that said however   there are a lot of new things that are coming  down the pike that I think are going to be very   impressive longer term okay the problem is it  takes time right we don't get stuff overnight   um we had this little discussion earlier about  smartphones and where do they really come from   right they started way back when with palm Pilots  right and then handspring came along put a radio   on it it's not that and the Kyocera smartphone I  remember that that was the first one I think they   actually called it a smartphone uh actually IBM  had one I can't remember the name of it right now   and um so and and apple built a a tablet and  there's all kinds of stuff along those lines   it was mostly experimental yeah it took a while  before you know Blackberry came along and then we   got the iPhone so that we were really early on the  Innovation curve and every iteration really made a   big difference that was what 15 years ago or so 20  years ago perhaps um it's harder to innovate when   you're already when you're already at a high level  yeah getting to the next level right really tough   you know it's it's so it that raises two points  out you know from this from the Samsung Galaxy   they had an event yesterday right um I didn't I  wasn't watching the live stream I'm just not into   smartphones as much as I used to be I remember  every time Apple would come out you'd sit there in   your office and watch the three-hour live stream  of what they were going to announce and you got   really excited about some of the new features  but you know I looked at the story that that   um I think it's Tom's Hardware Road and there's  like seven uh seven Galaxy s23 features that   impressed me the most and it was like wow the  Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 mobile platform like I could   care less about a processor 256 gigabytes of Base  storage it's like storage really you're excited   about storage you know um the smarter nighttime  features and the camera it's a bigger camera and   then like the the old the last one was the text  calling feature called Bixby and it was like oh   my you know it's just it just doesn't excite me  as it used to but then I was also reminded when   you say that as you get higher and higher the  you know the big jump in Innovation goes you   know a big leaps and then you have small little  leaps like the same thing with like computer   Graphics in in video games and and uh high def  TVs and you know we're at 4K but and then you   want to jump to AK but like you can't even see  8K right like so I mean it's a log logarithmic   curve right right it's not linear it it's it it  falls off the the new Innovations when you get   higher and higher right curve take longer or  longer actually don't necessarily take longer but   have less impact overall than you would have early  on right so you know I think that in smartphones   too the biggest kind of excitement is around the  foldable smartphone and that's that's been out   um Samsung has a few right but you know people are  now thinking thinking either Apple might do on on   an iPad uh Lenovo has done some but like I can I  get should I get excited about a foldable screen   I really no right well the question is what are  you going to do with it and what's the advantage   why why would I want it right so foldable screen  in a phone is kind of cool if you want something   that's small and compact right and it also  allows you to have multiple screens open at   the same time which for a lot of people is is  a good thing yeah but for the general purpose   user and the normal you know run-of-the-mill  consumer it's it's cool yeah it's something you   can show your friends but you know you're going to  spend an extra 30 or 40 percent over the whatever   another another cost over the cost of a regular  phone right most people probably aren't going to   like I also wrote down a list that I was trying  to in my head just trying to think of when was   the last time we were excited about either you  know new hardware or or software and we we had   um the iRobot Roomba 2002 Facebook 2004 Twitter  2006 and those are software that's not really you   know uh that's you know that's sort of when social  media started but everyone was excited about that   you know what the biggest thing was with PCS  and this is going back almost 30 years now I   think yeah Wi-Fi remember right when the first  piece came first PCS came out the remember the   Intel commercials the guy was sitting on a park  bench saying you know I can work from anywhere   because I'm connected that stimulated the market  dramatically I'm going to show you how I mean I   remember covering the Wi-Fi versus home RF kind  of oh my gosh yeah like that was early in my   career it's a tech term wasn't that the 1800s  it felt like it certainly uh Wireless yeah I   loved talking about Wi-Fi and all of generations  but now I think we're on was it Wi-Fi six seven   yeah say it again and again because again the  Wi-Fi in my house works great I've got three   kids they're all teenagers they have not they  have not with all the streaming they do and all   of the stuff they're constantly just on their  phones right but they still haven't sort of   um congested the network enough where I need to  start thinking about upgrading because I think   I have a Wi-Fi six but I don't even know which  device is on my network now you know I I do have a   g and a and sort of separate Network so I do have  a 5G 5 gigahertz not 5G the the wireless right   um well and and the other issue that that most  people encounter when they're looking at you   know Wi-Fi five Wi-Fi six Wi-Fi seven do I upgrade  is what's my connection coming into the house you   know right you can upgrade to Gig speed on Wi-Fi  seven but if you've got 100 Meg line coming into   the house it's not going to do you that much good  right so it's still that bottleneck is your is   your wife the speed is broadband yeah no it can  handle more devices so if you've got if you're in   a house sold where you've got 30 devices because  you know your refrigerator is online and all of   that kind of stuff then it makes a difference  but for for the average user they're probably   not going to see that much difference there's a  disappointing technology the Internet connected   refrigerator that was just that's like landed like  a lead balloon right they did are you do you have   one no what does it do for me yeah it's same with  you know my my daughter asked me a question she   needs to go and buy some new laundry equipment  right new washer dryer she says I'm looking at   this one with Wi-Fi and I said why what is it  gonna do so it's gonna it's gonna Buzz your phone   when the laundry is done right now that's actually  that's an actual cool feature I might like because   half the time you're upstairs you know again I I'm  upstairs or a laundry machine laundry machines our   washers are downstairs yeah and half the time the  the I wish that the timing Cycles would be equal   and they're not like the washer takes only 20  minutes and the dryer takes an hour and a half   right and so you forget about the laundry that's  just wet and sitting in the the washing machine   yeah I figured as long if I take it out as long  as it's not moldy like I'm okay you can just   put it in the dryer anyway the best innovation in  Washington again this is a weird tangent we're not   talking technology at all the coolest Innovation  lately is um the the Downy little Beads no not   the pots the pods is the for the detergent  but now they've but somehow some Geniuses at   Procter again we'll figure it out this is how  we can get people to buy more laundry things   it's these little tiny beads oh you pour them in  and it makes your clothes smell so much better   um than if you just use the sort of the  the the tide pod type thing well but then   everyone knows about it you use it when  you're walking down the street because it   can spell you coming I hey it's so much better  than how I smell if I'm not having that stuff   um all right getting back to getting back uh  again you know there's not much Innovations   going on and even the the cool stuff I  want to see what you're excited about but   arvr right it was supposed to be this thing and  you know I tried the Sony stuff I haven't actually   tried the The Meta Oculus things I think I  may have tried it at a trade show early on   um the Sony stuff for the Playstation system uh I  have glasses and they've never figured out how to   have a good comfortable experience uh with glasses  I I the the second version is coming out I don't   know if I'm gonna buy it yet Apple everyone  was excited about sort of the AR VR thing that   they're working on but then like last week or a  couple weeks ago they're like we're probably not   going to get it out it's it's as fast as people  expected do you think that that will spur some   Innovation like the are you excited anything about  arvr I mean I know that in in the workplace and   in factories it you know there's some movement  that's where I'm more excited right not not for   the normal consumer but for for industry uh  medical you know your doctor's operating and   he's got a virtual little image of your insights  right right in front of them when they're when   they're operating on you uh machines you know you  were operating on a machine you got to fix it and   you're you know the instructions are coming up in  front of you uh or you know those are the kinds   of immediate kinds of capabilities that AR VR can  bring to the table that it makes it advantageous   for me to deploy it right if I'm on my Sony do I  really care if it's in 3D yeah some people do of   course but for me no yeah yeah and they're by the  way they're still relatively uncomfortable to wear   the big ones right the newer ones where they're  more like glass-like with you know the camera in   front and you know focused on on the image on on  this on your eyeglasses are better but then you   don't get the the resolution so did Google blow  it with their Google Glass when they did they   come out too early with it and then they gave it  to all of these sort of bloggers and influencers   and uh Robert scoble took a picture of himself in  the shower with it and I felt like that killed the   whole Google Glass movement yeah or was it just  because the hardware was just you know clunky and   weird and people didn't it was clunky and weird  yeah I mean it was really more an experiment than   a regular here's what you should go buy kind of  yeah environment right and and and I think that a   lot of people got turned off because look in the  early days with ar and VR it's still a case uh   with with many people you know if you've got any  kinds of of brain problems seizures or epilepsy or   that kind of stuff and you put those on your real  medical risk right right even if you're not uh an   epileptic it's a problem so uh I think we have  a long way to go before we can prove that these   things are really worthwhile what is it going to  do for me if I go out and buy one right you know   I'm from Old School I'm not I don't go buy stuff  unless I think it really will help me right if   it's a tool great I love tools I buy all kinds  of tools my garage is full of all this Hardware   but if it's just because you know the hammer  is painted silver instead of black it's like   okay how is that a different I think it's it's  probably because I'm also getting older and I'm   doing more traditional dad stuff I went to Home  Depot and got excited about a cordless screwdriver   drill thing because the last one that I had was  corded right and you'd have to sort of like get   an extension cord whenever you were doing stuff  and it was like all right this is but then you   know you it's wireless I know now it's why really  well yeah it still has to charge with a cable it's   not wireless charging yet all right I'm going  to turn the tables a little bit on on you here   um before the show we talked I you know I feel  like I'm in that Tech pessimism space and and   I brought you sort of on to be sort of The Tech  Guy I want you to bring me back to your side like   get me excited about some some technologies that  that might still be early but down the road will   people will start getting excited about well first  of all let me say that you know from a pessimist   Optimist Viewpoint yeah um you've got to look  at time frames so most of the tech that we're   talking about now that we we see as you know  we've got to have it I mean most people still   think they have to have a PC pretty much everyone  thinks they have a smartphone takes a decade or   more to really develop right to really get to the  point where it's indispensable so if we're looking   at what's going on right now that may not be you  know in our vision but maybe in five or six years   or seven years or eight years so what are some of  the things that I I think that are really exciting   there's a lot of stuff going in uh going on in  I guess what I would call generic iot okay but   uh it's not iot necessarily in the sense of what  we think about right now so think about uh you've   got a medical problem and think about uh being  able to monitor that medical problem all the time   right online and being able to tell your doctor  that there's a problem coming what should I do   about it without you having to to take any action  or think about preventing heart attacks or or at   least not necessarily preventing them right but  but knowing that there's one coming and being able   to call an ambulance for you before you fall down  on the on the road those are the kinds of things   that are really kind of subtle in the background  but are really really going to import going to be   important AI is going to have a function in that  as well AI by the way is one of these things that   you know it's it's like saying uh air right  you know there's oxygen there's carbon dioxide   there's nitrogen AI is this broad broad field  but there are a lot of interesting things going   on in that space again it's going to take years  it's not it's not literally on and I'm glad you   brought up AI because there was you know the  whole Chachi PT and some of the art AI stuff   that we know we've seen over the last couple of  months has been amazing right like from from a   Content perspective of creating texts that that  that works or asking questions and getting a an   actual answer and having a conversation with with  an AI um it I mean we're seeing an explosion of   uh of sort of use cases and people are throwing  things at the wall and seeing what sticks and   then you know then there's the bad news of like  oh this is going to do all evil things like right   malware and write better spam emails and and do  all this other stuff I that's what I think most   people are excited about but it's still software  it's still it's not like something it's actually   not what I would like to see is if someone put  sort of a chat GP Tai into a robot for example   and then maybe you could actually have you  could start merging those two and the robot   could then start having better conversations even  if they put it in Alexa I think I mean the Alexa   what do I use it for and maybe you use it for more  things but I use it to find out what time it is   weather and I don't even use it for the weather  and and maybe play a song and then set a timer   because usually we have kids that are cooking  multiple things and we have there's a timer on   the on the microwave and if that's being  used because you know we get into fights   if you turn off the microwave timer so now we  have a second timer and I think Alexa can do   multiple timers but that's it like you know  they're trying to like oh you play Jeopardy   and quizzes it's like no no I use it for news  what are the what's the headlines right so you   know I'm sitting I'm eating lunch and then  I said okay I actually use Google but okay   um that's fine it's the same thing right likes  I have I have one of each so I'm not prejudiced   um but I say you know play headline news yeah  you know sits there and keeps you entertained   for 10 minutes and I know what's going on in  the world and then I say okay stop and go but   do you think that they're going to integrate  sort of that oh yeah so they already have well   it's not it's not chat GPT yeah but what it what  is what is the real breakthrough with with chat   gbt it that's the it's my opinion right it's the  natural language processing that they're really   up the game on yeah yeah yeah and that's the  problem that all of these guys have had for   years and years and years I remember talking to  IBM almost 30 years ago now saying oh yeah we're   going to do this natural language processing  you're not going to know what some anybody else   and we're gonna we're gonna be able to listen to  what you say and convert it to text with 99.99   accuracy right well they never got there right  right well that's that yeah what was that program   Dragon Naturally Speaking yes yes yeah I think  when we got that we had we there's a guy here   at work who has a really thick Boston accent and  it's like I put the headphones on him and just   we just tried to see if they could pick up any of  the words correctly and now it wasn't working very   well the car yeah yeah all that stuff yeah but  what's going on with with any there's two things   going on in AI I think that are important number  one is it's not just about the software we're   doing some fundamental architecture stuff right  the algorithms uh the modeling that are are going   to improve AI dramatically but the other piece  of it is there's a lot going on in Hardware that   people don't necessarily see you know nvidia's  been doing a lot of stuff with gpus but there are   a lot of companies out there that are building AI  specific uh chips accelerators for AI yep Nvidia   stuff is a little bit more generic right these  are really really a lot of startups right really   specific for particular models and so it makes it  really fast now what are they going to put those   chips in great great question so one of the things  that is holding back AI uh generically right is   that you need a lot of processing power right and  so most AI is done on cloud somewhere or you know   this big you know you'd fill this room with with  racks right right some of these chips are meant   to bring AI down to my smartphone or watch my  car and that's when it really gets interesting   because now you have ai capabilities that you can  take with you it's interesting for a few reasons   we're on the latencies much less because you're  not sending it off to the cloud somewhere secondly   the Privacy is enhanced dramatically because  you're keeping the the data contained that's   one of the problems that we have we haven't talked  about security and privacy but that's a huge issue   going forward not just an AI but generically  right and and the third piece of that is power   you know some of these big AI systems take  gigawatts not not even megawatts right power right   um so it won't do everything that you know  a big rack in an AWS will do right but for   specific capabilities you know we talked earlier  about um knowing if I'm have Cardiac Arrest yeah   you can't really do that very well today locally  because there's a lot of data that goes that has   to be processed but if you have a chip that's  smart enough to do that and the chips are getting   so small and they're you know we're talking about  tens of billions of transistors on these things   now you can do an awful lot insurance and it's  going to continue so that's where a lot of the   Innovation is going to take place it's going to  be and you're just invisible and you're going to   see it sort of the AI chip then become part of  a phone it's still going to or watch something   that you wear okay or maybe even embedded maybe  you know it's like you know a pacemaker stick   it under your skin somewhere I the the uh  the interesting part is we don't know yeah   or a lot of this place is good A lot of the  stuff is going to go does okay so what about   um technology so I put a call out for some some  people to try to be on the show uh and I got a lot   of of quantum Computing yeah responses and like  that just makes my head spin and my eyes roll a   little bit because again I just don't think people  understand what it is or right it just feels like   you know whenever I hear Quantum I start thinking  um Schrodinger's box in the hall is the cat alive   or dead or Quantum Leap which is like you know  jumping back into the past Quantum of Solace   there's a whole bunch of these movies yeah yeah  is it something like is that are we years away   from maybe being okay so that's just small little  iterations well is there there's no real Tipping   Point yet for our for that uh we're probably at  least five probably more like 10 years away from   something that's I was going to say useful  that's not fair but uh scalable okay right   there's a lot of quantum stuff going on IBM's  doing so everyone's doing Microsoft's doing it   Google's doing it AWS is doing playing wrong  with Quantum stuff but uh you need literally   probably a million what they call qubits yeah  um to process anything meaningful and they're   probably in the hundreds maybe maybe they've  scaled up to a thousand by now but but generically   not um and so we're five ten maybe even longer  years away from really having scalable now why   it's important is there are certain things in  Quantum you can do you can model that you can't   do very well on a computer yeah including by  the way brake security and Brake encryptions   which is really scary thing because there's stuff  out there that that is not it has encryption they   call it quantum safe encryption right that they  these things aren't so routers uh your PC uh all   the stuff that you know emails all of that kind  of stuff uh could get really badly hacked um   there was you know you wanted to talk a little bit  about Quantum so I'll give you an example uh of   the conversation I had with one of the vendors not  long ago so Quantum is not real really real today   in any big aspect yeah and so you can't really  break encryption right now but what if I recorded   all of the encrypted messages that the US  government sends out in five years or ten   years down the road get a quantum computer that  can decrypt all of that and make it make make   me give me the ability to read it right wow what  damage or or Banks right all the money transfers   all encrypted today right so that's part of the  issue with Quantum it's not just what it can do   today it's what it's going to be able to do in  five or ten years again along with modeling for   um uh astrophysics for chemistry new drug  advancements there's a lot of stuff that it can   do much better than regular computers that doesn't  mean regular computers that we know today are   going away because they're they are very good at  a lot of things yeah but Quantum is one of these   things where we have to keep an eye on it because  it is going to be important longer term all right   do you watch uh uh the Robotics and automation  space and then and then I'm going to add   um drones and and autonomous vehicles because I  consider those as robots they're just on either   in the air or on the ground or and they're a lot  more mobile I I covered robotics for a few years   before I came back here to Foundry and to do  this uh it robotics was very exciting there   were there were movements and you know now  it feels like a lot of the robotics companies   that are out there are really focusing on the  supply chain problems and warehouses in each   Commerce and things like that so it's becoming  less and less exciting than it used to be we   still don't have sort of a consumer robot that  other than the one that can clean your floors   um I think yeah I think people are waiting for  a multi-purpose robot that can you know fold   the laundry or they're gonna be waiting a long  time load the dishwasher I know I've covered a   lot of the research and and they're not at that  point everyone keeps thinking about robots that   we're gonna either you know kill us all and I was  like you can just don't worry about it you you'll   they're they're only going to do that one thing  and then you can just push them over and then the   coolest robots I've seen are for my robot where  they do their little dance oh that's just in the   videos well Boston Dynamics sorry yeah yeah yeah  sorry yeah Boston Dynamics I think we're going   to cover that at some other point in another show  but even the self-driving Vehicles there's there   it feels like we're at all all there uh they've  got a lot of companies that spent you know there's   a lot of investment going on in that space and  just you're just not seeing the the levels yet   where everyone's like oh robot car that's really  cool maybe I'm more excited about some of these   flying cars and these these these taxis because  I think we're going to have flying cars or flying   vehicles flying taxis I think we're going to have  those before we get to the actual Road and and the   main reason is because you still have people on  the road right and they're going to be electric   yes which is actually kind of cool the problem is  that the range is still pretty small but but yeah   it's going to be like if you're in New York City  and you need to get to Long Island to The Hamptons   if you're one of those wealthy people like yeah  all right no the issue about robotics that and I   think people miss this a lot right these companies  that are are doing their stuff in robotics yeah   need to go where the money is the money is not in  selling you a housekeeper right the money is in uh   you know a chemical process that that's costing  you know making this up Exxon Mobil 10 million   dollars a minute if it goes down right right or  you know being able to work in a nuclear power   plant because I don't want to expose you to the  right the dirty yeah they call it the dirty dull   and dangerous jobs right yeah and they can make  real money there so that's really where most of   the effort is going on today and will continue to  be until you know you can figure out a way to make   money in your house right and it's that's going  to take a long time right right cars are a little   different because cars um one of the reasons  people are looking at autonomous vehicles for cars   is from a safety perspective right right hopefully  uh and there's a lot of technology that goes into   this but hopefully if you put enough technology  in the cars they'll never crash into each other   you'll never have an accident right but that  includes you have to get all the people off the   road like but so that's when they're looking at uh  you know that's where things like 5G and 6G that's   coming in a few years are going to be important  because you have to have high speed networks but   yeah more importantly they have to be low latency  you've got to get the data to me fast right and   you've got to be able to handle gazillions of  different events going on at the same time and   and components so it's coming autonomous cars You  know despite what Tesla tells you is not going   to be here tomorrow right I think autonomous true  autonomy that you know I can take a nap while I'm   driving down the Mass Pike here yeah it's probably  at least five years away probably more like ten   okay and then the problem we have of course  is if I have an autonomous car and you don't   what could they said to me because you're you're  still apt to crash into me all right I can still   yes that and again that's the problem that's why  you don't see a lot of testing in Massachusetts   that's why you see it in Texas and Arizona  where you know you've got long stretches of   roads and and they're making inroads on uh  Trucking long-haul Trucking um that's always   interesting too because you know you've got long  stretches of road where there's not a lot of other   people and they've got dedicated lanes and and  deliverance right so yeah Amazon you know is   looking at this and lots of people looking at it  but that's a little different model right because   first of all those Vehicles move fairly slowly  yeah and it's not like they're on the road you   know doing 80 miles an hour and I'm not sure  how fully autonomous there are I think there   are people that are driving them or if they run  into a problem someone gets pinged and they're   like okay I'll fix that problem yes yes all right  any other technologies that there's the you know   that you wanna that you're excited about to get  me back on that side of tech optimism or should   I jump to my last question well so there's one  other thing that that I think that people need to   think about this again this is a longer term issue  right but a lot of what's going on with ICS today   are going to lead to how should I put this hybrid  people right embedded Electronics we're going to   be boring we're going to be boring all right talk  to me talk about this stuff but for good reasons   right okay so think about you've seen these um  exoskeletons for people who can't walk yep and   Prosthetics yes yes yes that's amazing stuff think  about that you know you're making people walk that   couldn't do it before there's going to be more  of that kind of stuff you know where there's   again where there's a heart pacemaker or I don't  know you're a diabetic or whatever it is there's   gonna be a lot of those kinds of interventions um  and I think that's really exciting from a health   perspective because what we're hopefully what  we're doing you know there's always a negative   side to everything right but hopefully what we're  doing is making people's lives better yeah and   that's ultimately what we want technology to do  all right I remember a lot of the exoskeletons   that's that started out would really help those  people that couldn't walk the ones that were   paralyzed and helping them gain some Mobility  but then we started seeing some like industrial   type vests that people could wear just to protect  their backs if they're you know I think uh the uh   an auto factory worker does most of his work like  this right and you know when he's when he's under   the cars above him and he's doing some sort of  screwdriving things like that the back pain that   that's for eight hours a day is is pretty intense  so there were these vests so it's moving slowly   from the sort of the medical benefits which I  love into more industrial to protect workers   um Sports I'm seeing some stuff where you  know you're sort of like giving not not an   advantage but but preventing injury things like  that so yeah all right you you win that point   the oh so but what you know what will I  have a chip in my head doing other than   health monitoring or things like that like  is there anything else like am I going to   be streaming movies just in my brain and  thinking that I'm seeing something at some   point people are thinking about that yeah not  so much movies but what if you're blind yeah   what if I could tap into your optic nerve okay  and and and you know with the right technology   let you be able to see again put a camera on your  forehead or wherever right and you can walk down   the street and see what's going on I think I'm  getting some so as I get older I'm getting some   hearing loss too that would be another another  thing that would be beneficial um it would just   be something like to help me remember things  too I think that would be helpful we're going   to become the Borg I all right but then I think  you know that raises so many questions about you   know monitoring and data privacy security we'll  we'll get to that point at some point all right   my final question for you jack is is and this  is something that we were thinking about is   that for a long time we haven't had sort of a  tech Visionary or to sort of guide not guide us   but sort of like be that that innovator that  inventor you know Steve Jobs was was was an   example Bill Gates even you know from the early  days of Microsoft um Mark Zuckerberg with with   Facebook with Facebook I mean we're talking like  Steve Jobs is up here and the other guys are you   know a little bit lower and I'm trying to think  like we haven't really had that I mean some people   would argue Elon Musk is that guy but I think with  the Twitter stuff he's now become more polarizing   um do we does the does the tech world does the you  know do we need someone like that or have we moved   on from that Tech guy as a superstar mentality I  don't think we need the superstars to be honest   with you okay uh I mean those guys did what they  did when they did it in a new emerging marketplace   where people weren't familiar with the tech and uh  they were evangelists we always need evangelists   we always need tech evangelists but we don't  necessarily need them at the same level first   of all there's a lot more diversity now right so  it would be really hard to have those you know and   Bill Gates's days there was the IBM PC and there  was dos in the early days and that was it and it   was a whole new platform and and people needed  evangelizing um now we've got so many different   areas you know do we have do we need an evangelist  in drones do we need another one in um Quantum do   we need another one in you know the next Wireless  technology I don't think so I I think there's   going to be there are going to be some of those  but I think there's enough stuff going on that and   people understand Tech a lot more about technology  now that I think that'll that'll go on by itself   uh the second piece of that though is that I'm  not sure it's necessarily good that we have those   kinds of folks because they tend to uh not shut  down necessarily but but they they you know they   suck all the air out of the out of the room and  there's a lot of stuff that goes on that people   do some really good stuff on that that doesn't get  uh looked at because you know Elon Musk just said   something on Twitter that yeah he shouldn't have  so are we idolizing them in hindsight maybe like   maybe we're giving them more reverence in the rear  view mirror than maybe when they're doing their   stuff or is there there's a lot of worship that  goes on while they're doing it uh absolutely and   and look they make a lot of money for a lot  of people which is a big part of that right   um uh but you know that they wear pants like  we do right they put on a shirt in the morning   hopefully and and shoes no they have people  that do that well okay well hopefully don't   dress them but okay maybe pick out their clothes  okay all right jack that's all the time we've got   for today thanks again for coming in studio and  being with us here thanks it's great all right and   don't forget to like this video And subscribe to  the channel add any comments below join us every   week for new episodes of today in Tech have a  great day and we'll see you next time foreign


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