The Future of AI with Kai-Fu Lee Udacity Talks

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My. Name, is Sebastian, Savannah in front of audacity I'm super, super elated, to have with me one, of the true leaders pioneers, and, today's. Contemporary, international. Figures in. The age of artificial intelligence Kai fully -, welcome thank you thank you I. Would. I would introduce you the same way. Kai. Fool actually just wrote a book it's. A probably. Colored red it's. Called aya AI superpowers, China's Silicon Valley a new world order and, he's right now on a u.s.. Book tour it's selling and record levels I'm my girlfriend loves the book so do i and. You're here with us at Udacity, to. Answer. Questions and give us some insights yep. So welcome say. I've known Kyle for long, I can imagine he was deaf here back in the day when, I was an exchange student master, students that can email and he was the guy, next to our new faculty member and I still remember that the faculty, at Carnegie Mellon believed that never had a superstar, like him among. Themselves, and. Then he moved to Microsoft, Google. And eventually to China studies. On venture firms in a venture in China. In. The book when it goes straight to the chase here in the book you're telling us about AI. In China right what's, different in China from the United States, well. China. Started, very, much behind there. Were a lot of decent, AI, researchers. In China I was, fortunate in 98. To, have found the Microsoft Research Asia, I think which ended up training pretty much the whole generation, of AI, people, in China but, yeah, I wasn't in vogue back then it was kind of a not, very popular, we didn't, even want to use the word AI there. Was a saying that when. It works is product, engineering, whatever it doesn't work is, AI. So. We were in that state for quite a while but. Then. Us. Deep, learning geoff, hinton and, others really, demonstrated. That. AI can, solve a lot of narrow, problems, extremely, well. And, and. China is was, behind but, it had this backbone. Of pretty, smart researchers, and then, some. Of the early China, companies, Baidu. And. Sign ovations the companies we funded we're doing some work but, it's really tiny compared, to us, but. What happened was when, alphago, beat. Léa, Seydoux that, woke, all of China up that this, ancient. Game. Requiring. Not just intelligence but wisdom that. How, could a US, UK company. Just, be the, best player in Asia. Then, there's must be something, about. About. Alphago about AI and then, China, went on fire in the last two, and a half years with. Entrepreneurs. VC's, government. All, injecting. Money. Talent. Resources. And in. The short two and a half years China. Has caught, up with the u.s. in, implementation. Monetization. And valuation, of, AI, and that's, what this book is about is a magical, two and a half years seems, not like an impossible, task mission. Impossible, but it happened so the Chinese government has announced putting, tens of billions of dollars into AI yes, what, does it mean and should be the same in this country oh.

Well. First, what, does it mean it actually means. Infrastructure. Spending I think, the Chinese government, is. Not picking. Winners, governments. Aren't very good at picking winners in technology, so. There. For example putting in huge. Amounts of money to build a new city the size of Chicago that has. Autonomous. Driving built in and within, that city the, center, of the town, will. Have two layers the, pedestrians, pets bicycles. Will, go on a top, green, very park beautiful, place, with no cars all the, cars autonomous. Or not will, drive, in be one in that downtown, I mean you can imagine the expense, but, that's the kind of effort that I think will, make autonomous. Driving safe, in in. The most potentially. Hazardous area, that is downtown, busy. Traffic with people, avoiding. Cars, ever hitting people so, Joe. John province is building, a new highway with, sensors, that will talk to cars to give cars a lower, chance of having. Accidents. So. I think that kind, of large infrastructure, spend is the largest, obviously. There's also money being put into AI parks, the, city of Nanjing. Chose. A gigantic. Area I think I think about two, million square feet of space. To, be its new AI, park, and because. Nanjing had really, great schools, and they, now want to say hey I is our big, big, area so. I think infrastructure. Spend like this are the most powerful there's. Some, money being put into AI, funds, that, are investing, so so yes a lot of money's being put in and I. Think it's largely. In. Infrastructure. Advanced. Research making. Sure that, companies. Can, get get funding, and their. Profits can take off and yes I think us should do something like it if, if, that money can be found, in the budget yeah so so in your book you talked a bit about the value as you talk about what. Drives the Chinese entrepreneur. What. Makes people successful can, you can you tell us more about that, the, Chinese thinking about intrapreneurship about, giving, big businesses yeah. Well. I'm a big, admirer of Silicon, Valley and but. I've also become a big admirer of the Chinese entrepreneurship. Style and I think that's very important. To, iterating. With AI so. You know in Silicon Valley there's, the Steve, Jobs with, iPhone, that's the typical, what, you're doing with Kittyhawk another great example and Udacity. Is. Not a company. Well Udacity, is a bit more like Chinese. Style okay well, I think you, know Kittyhawk. IPhone, is like brilliant. Breakthrough. Technology, that's, gonna change the world it's a lightbulb, goes off and brillian scientists, leading, forward I think Udacity. Is wonderful. But. It's more you, know. Operational. Excellence getting. More people getting more content, so, that's actually something that Chinese really excel at and in, the book I talk about you, know in the u.s. there's a book. Called. The lean startup but actually China, does the link startup better than Silicon Valley and also, takes, the lean startup from, zero to one and then one to a million so. Because. The Chinese entrepreneurial.

Environment, Is very. Very tough people compete, fiercely, in, the book I talk about it's. Like Coliseum. Where. Gladiators. Are thrown in and only, one will survive and, and. Also, there's, not much frowning, on copycats, I'm not talking about IP theft I'm just talking about taking. The look and feel from another product within. Legal, bounds so, or a feature. So. In. That kind of environment. Companies. Will, the, only way companies can win is by, building a product that, is impregnable. Uncopyable. So. The examples, are given the book are the. Chinese. Yelp or Groupon. Called, matron it, would go through there's so much trouble. And depth to, create, and an. Infrastructure, that, will change the way Chinese people eat and once, you build, that infrastructure. Competitors. Can't copy it or it's too expensive to copy and, that infrastructure. Essentially. Allows, food. Delivered, to your, home within 30 minutes you'd. Have a choice of maybe 500, restaurants, before you leave work you choose what you want to eat when. You're home in 30 minutes the food is there waiting for you and, it's. The cost of delivery is about 70 cents and the. Way in which they achieve, that operational. Excellence is by, grinding away a few cents a week a month, figuring. Out new ways how to find people. Who will work for less money how, to find cheaper. Ways of transportation. Such, as cheap, cheaper, electrical. Mopeds. And then how to deal with change of batteries so it's, and. Also the people. Since, they're not making a lot of money there. Will be turnover, so that's why having an HR, process, that, has six hundred thousand people with massive turnover, every year, all this, to Silicon Valley feels. Like a lot of operational, burden but. By doing it, well and getting the delivery down to 70 cents you've, essentially, erected. A very high wall around your business so. That your competitor, if they want to do the same they, have to spend a few billion dollars like, the Amazon play where we are Jeff, Bezos said and thin margins I'm proud of it it, is it is like that Eric, Schmidt recently very famously said in a confidential, meeting that made it to the press that he sees there being two. Versions. Of the internet that we walk, but isn't it one by the world and maybe a Chinese internet one by China mmm, what do you think about that, well. If you look at my phone in my apps they completely, differ from yours so from that perspective absolutely. That. The Chinese people are using all Chinese, apps and they've gotten very good you, know, we chat is, better. Better, than whatsapp. I saw that you are still using whatsapp. I'm. Not quite yet using whatsapp, what. Was that that you use less than text messaging what text, message, oh my. God it's, me, the CEO, of Kitty.

Hawk Using text messaging, I mean, we chat well, the Chinese apps, are really, really good and actually. They're the apps are not there, they're very the. Ones that were inspired, by the US often, they get better than the u.s. not always often, and. The one there are many now that are not inspired by, the u.s. they're Chinese innovation, like, there is there, are two social, networks, with video they, don't exist here yet and. There's a gamma fication of e-commerce that, in three years became, twenty five billion dollars so, all these concepts. Are now innovative. In China the apps are different the, Chinese users don't use much American, apps and vice versa so, I think in that sense I speaking. About this I mean there's a whole bunch of companies it has to be no exception who, tries to do business in China and it starts opening offices in China building. Joint ventures, or similar. Vehicles what's, the advice for an American company who wants to go into the Chinese business. Well. I think your dad city is actually a very exceptional, case, I think because what you carry is education. And that's dear and common. To all the people so, there are a few such, things, that, can potentially cross, us in China. Called. Pure core technology, companies. Educational. Content. Entertainment. Are probably, three that I think can cross the boundaries all. The other things it will be very very tough, take. In a Google Facebook Amazon. Or. Uber. Airbnb. They. Will, all have a very hard time in China and why is that. Well. The Chinese, parallel. Universe, has been established people. Have established, patterns, of how, they use WeChat, Alibaba. Taobao, and so on and the, brands are established, the apps are very easy to use they, cater to the Chinese Way and they're, intertwined, in the way that you, know if if you use the, Chinese right. Sharing, system, then, you're, naturally going, to use WeChat which, is then naturally, going to cause you to use WeChat pay, so, these things are like a puzzle put, together if. You now grab Amazon. And say we're gonna put that puzzle and make it fit in that. Piece of the puzzle fit in this this. Already completely, Chinese puzzle it just doesn't fit so. My. Advice to most. American, companies, that want to go to China are is. Don't. Unless. You are unless. You are you know education. Technology. License entertainment. Those. Areas I think are ok I mean, over time I do hope the two universes, will have a chance to cross but, right now it's just very understand. When, it come back to your book, this. Is gonna be the book, to read for everybody for, a long time to come in my opinion and I, should say Kai fully is truly, apparently effect when I joined Carnegie Mellon my. First program was to work on technical bill which was a world-class, machine, learning, player designed, by a professor, called KY fully, misses. Next to me and the either he's a world-class program I can I can attest to this but, I've only asked about the AI end game so he he. Is now in everybody's mind we have people like ulamas saying AI will eat us for breakfast, Stephen. Hawking says is the biggest threat in. Humanity, Bill, Gates has been skeptical, about it, what. Is the endgame. Well. I think we. Cannot, project, an endgame when we don't know the next 20 moves we're talking about you know a fellow, and go right. Right. Now we, have a narrow. AI which. Is within. A single domain you can train brilliant. Systems, that, can play go that, can make decisions for, long officers, advertising. Agents, accountants. Paralegal. Reporters. I think. We're at the stage where, we have this blossoming.

Of Narrow AI and then. The. Chasm. Between. Narrow. AI - generally. I at, the so called endgame of human intelligence is. It's. Like a black, dark hole, that, I can't see any moves, that's it, will clearly, get us from here to there so my, opinion, is that I. Think. Of narrow AI, not. As a first step but as, maybe the most important, step and it. Is like, electricity where, apps can be built and it, will create so much value and wealth and also. Displace, a lot of jobs and present challenges so. I, this. Book is actually just saying this. First step is really important, let's play it right and then, if there's another step we got to survive the first step and make humanity. Better so, I don't talk about the anything dude do you think about I do believe in general. Artificial intelligence I do, not why, not I choose. To believe that we have a soul and that. It cannot be replicated I know this may be may, not be the most popular view, within the. AI geeky, community, I, do. Believe that without, us soul we can't accomplish. A machine, that can do many different tasks I do I believe we can but, to be. So. I think I see narrow AI becoming, smarter you, know it will have more more capabilities. Autonomous. Driving, I mean Kittyhawk those, are great examples that. That single task is already multi. Complex. Tasks but, I don't think Kitty Hawk has a soul I don't I don't think it, can understand, compassion. And empathy, and, I. Don't think people want to have, a robot to. Take. Care of them be their nanny and, nurse, and, doctor and, teacher let. Me push this a little bit so if, I gave you a machine and say this is a piece of AI and I can take care of elderly people well. How would you tell, whether the machine has a soul or not, well. I would, say elderly. People don't want it so it's, if they don't want the product then it won't succeed I've. Actually had, a entrepreneur. Build. A pretty good robot, for, elderly, care and it, turns out the elderly people you, only use one function, and that's called customer, service so. They push customer, service to talk to a person a video video comes up and then, the elderly person says why hasn't my daughter called today you, know let, me tell you about my grandson and, and. I think there is an, innate desire for. People to interact with other people so. Even if the robot became quite good it. Won't, be the. Choice by, the pinna there has been work on the eye just to push a little harder here, okay that you seen from universe of watching other places that people are able to synthesize. Famous. Individuals, like President, Barack Obama in. A way that looks believable, - in. Fact, udacity. In his work with Georgia. Tech yeah. It should take professor a bit in online agent, and on an ta that. Throughout, the entire class, acted. Like a TA and when, the class was over professor, disclose was actually a piece of AI not, a human being and every student was gonna be surprised do. You think we cannot cross the chasm where we we find AI agents, believable. I. Think we can we can make them believable, for certain tasks, and there are many tasks, for which we. Really don't need a human interaction, the. Teaching assistant, may just as well be duolingo, right, or, it. Could be doesn't, have to be answer, for more Feist I think. There are many things that require, that human. Connection and, that. That. I don't, see any. Progress. That. Gives me confidence we, can make cross, that bridge, and and. If that bridge is meant to be you know we really build something that's completely, indistinguishable, from, human I, think. It. Potentially. Brings disasters, to us supposing, is doable, in, the sense that what, is the purpose and the meaning of our lives and. And. I think I think that, will. Then, cause a, likely, dystopia, so. I am, I'm not saying, it's impossible to. Build, a machine. With a soul but I think we, have to right now not, believe it because, I, think having, our soul in humanity, is important. And there.

And That for people who choose to go after it they of course have, have, the freedom to but, I think for the most of us I think we need to hang, on to our humanity believe. That we are unique, and and, have our soul and, in. The end of the day I think we if we are right, then, then. We never fall into a, downward. Vicious. Cycle, of. Feeling. The worthlessness, and then. Even in the case where wrong I think. Believing, we have a soul will make our lives more. Worth. Living. Even. If a hundred years later, Sebastian's. Student, proves that we were wrong this, 100 years will be better, lives even, if we're wrong, there's. A window left I. Think. This is a really insightful let me change gears a little bit so so, if you are a, large-scale. Company, you're like an AT&T, or Verizon a. A healthcare. Company a cardinal health and. You. Decide. You heard about AI and news you read, Caiphas book anyone. Engage, what. Do advise companies to do. Well. They have to recognize a, is coming, and for. The sake of their shareholders and their company's, survival. They, need to look at how to apply AI and, make. More money as well, as to displace, humans. In many of the jobs that narrow, AI can do and, also. I think in doing so they need to take our responsibilities. Of the. Employees, they will displace over the next five years are not. Just. Objects, because. If every company only, optimizes. Shareholder, value there. Will be tens. Of millions of people on the streets because AI, has taken their job and they, can't find another job because whatever they can do AI can do better because, AI. Will be displacing, the most routine, the, least skilled, jobs. And and, the hardest, for people to find a new job so. I'd like, to think that a, large company that can. Reap the rewards, of using, AI to displace. Its workers, all, to also have the responsibility to. Find, training to. Help, the employees, find jobs that are, not. Immediately. Displaced. Or hopefully, never displace my yeah which I should say 18t has been doing very massively, but let's dive, into this do you think yeah, I will be a speakers like the fourth Industrial, Revolution. Services. And absolutely, and and what fraction. Of the the labor force in developing, developed, world nations like China United States do you think is it's, going to be replaced. I, think. If. We project further 15, to 25 years yes probably about 50% 50%, what McKinsey says what. Temp drops do you think are most under fire right now. At. This moment it's, not so bad at this moment actually, a is creating, a lot of jobs right, people taking audacity, getting. Into AI and. Again. At is creating a lot of jobs for people who, have the potentials. Skillset, and interests, and the, actual displacement. Are. Just being tweaked right now but, one, of the reasons I wrote the book is where an investor, in, many companies and we, can basically count, which, ones are doing job displacements. And we. See for example we have invested in companies that are doing rope. Robotics, for dishwashing, fruit-picking. We. A loan officer, customer. Service and. Traders. And. Weight. Waiters, and waitresses. Fast. Food cooks cashiers. So, I can, think of eight jobs, already that. The technologies, I see, making rapid progress, probably. I mean you can add taxi drivers I assume and truck drivers that's, right we are, investing, on Tottenham's vehicle yes those. Will be quite, a bit later but. The, the eight professions, I mentioned, I think between, three to ten years they'll, be largely, gone but I find fascinating about those, professions. That you mentioned this is two things one they're. They're low, skilled. Labor yes and second. They often have a physical, extension where. You can't pick. Fruits but just having you know Peter thinking about picking fruits but they have to be a physical robot and that, board has to be food safe, do. You envision a new age of robotics. Age. Of robotics, as in, robots. Getting smarter, and able to many people look at the business of robotics from my perspective, except for self-driving cars I, can't. Point, at a single robotic, technology, that has really succeeded, at scale mmm, there's, bits and pieces there's, Kia and Amazon that's like shelf delivery and, my analysis has been like in addition to being smart you also have to pay for the hardware and maintain the hardener yeah, but you're saying no, not so fast Sebastian there's all, kinds of drops there it's, not just the ice also the the physical actuation. That's gonna make enough progress is that is that what you're saying yes, I think I'm projecting that, but I also am, more cautious, in projecting, that slowly. And we have to see there's, equivalent. Progress, in the mechanical, aspects, but, I believe, we're seeing progress and, also computer, vision and deep, learning and those technologies are getting into, and, we're.

Seeing Functional, prototypes. Actually. Probably, the first one will be the Kiva. 2.0, right the, version that's completely. Human free in the warehouse putting, things in boxes that. I think we certainly we, see if, you are a young enterpreneur, bead in the, United States in China, or anywhere in the world what. Should you work on if you want to do something significant, nei. Well. What. Are your best ideas yeah, no one's listening. Well. If you're into. Making. Money the lowest hanging fruit has, to be in the financial, areas because. Those are fabricated. Human. Symptoms. Of simulation, that. Were never meant for people to do so, all, the banks insurance companies, payments. Investments. I think, that's the, because. That you end up with a cash, printing, machine now once you your algorithm works it's, it doesn't have all the robotics, and warehouse, and, manufacturing, delivery. All those all those things so I think if you're into making money there's, still space in financial, yeah if you're into, making, a huge difference. Then. I think. Getting. Into robotics. Autonomous, vehicle, those. Are probably, the. Breakthroughs. There will probably come back to. Help, many. Things become possible good autonomous, vehicle I think is a particularly, challenging. One I'm not, as optimistic as. Way mo in saying, okay we're gonna deploy this year and next year this this and that will happen but, I think with so many smart. People and, money, going. Into it with, all the automotive. Companies in electrical, vehicle companies having, given up two autonomous vehicles, I think, they will eventually make, progress and change, the way we, transport, ourselves and, when. That happens, a lot of those technologies, will, then come back to, robotics, and and. Maybe solve, the robotic, problems that you you think maybe are hard to solve at, the moment I mean anyway listening we have an AI, and Finance not a degree that is launched. But, more, importantly. Blockchain. So, I've heard opinions, on blockchain form like this is just a nice piece of puzzle that peeps this, is great for drug money all the way to it's gonna change everything, where. You stand, I think. We got to solve the powa. So. That. Is the large, amount of computation, needed, to, maintain that an ultra bility of the contracts so, when someone solves that problem either. With some kind of some form of compute, that that doesn't kill, us with energy or, with. A non compute, intensive approach, I, think it can take off I think there will be many applications, would you invest in boxing yes, yes, invested in boxing, only.

In A great. Company, called bit me, it's. Somewhat. Of a blockchain company, is the, largest. Bit. Bitcoin, mining. Hardware. Company. Well, we look when we look at this layers, of things you can invest in their icy OS and crypto we're, very worried about fraud there we, look at blockchain, we don't see the killer app or worry about PAP o.w, but, from an investment standpoint the, one place you can't lose is whatever. The apps are you gotta keep, the mining going you, know. You're gonna do shop the shuffle so we did you know El Dorado California. Everybody's mining for gold occasion, people succeed, but you have a fixed, business because you give everyone the same trouble that's right it's is our single only investment. In blockchain, nice and I think we've been pretty, smart if you were a bank if, you were a bank and you just been hidden without Frank and with Basel. 3 and all these regulations that came up 2008, crisis, and you, you're racking up hundreds, literally hundreds of windows every year in regulatory, and compliance costs. Should. You worry about blockchain. If. I were a bank, I just shut myself down cuz, I'm not doing any good for the society. I think, it should all be electronic. I'm just, I'm partly, kidding. I'm. Partly I'm hardly kidding but apparently serious, because we're in China, I the. Credit card companies are already gone you, know the mobile, payment, is already. Taken, over and that. 2% of tax. That, you. Know that's. Been placed on the, Western world is gone China, just freed itself from a 2%, tax from. Not having to use credit cards by using purely this, is not you know block this is not blockchain, nor is it nor. Is a crypto it's just real, solid. Normal, renminbi currency, that, is being exchanged, on WeChat I mean, China you see people paying each other always. By phone nobody. Carries cash people, don't have credit cards even beggars, on the street are, they're holding up a sign that says I'm hungry, scamming, you, know and I, think in that we see the future of money and, whether. There is block Chang or crypto so, what what can what can say Jamie Dimon from JPMorgan Chase or was ruiner from Credit Suisse but can we actually learn from China. Well. I think the future of Finance, will, go completely. Virtual I think. All the, people in banks are doing jobs like. Routine. You. Know lab rats in the in the will they, should all be done by AI so. I. Realize, there are a lot of regulations, that don't allow banks to just go away but. But. I think I think, banks will probably, be too slow to reinvent, themselves with. Block what's blocking or, without and we, will end up with really just, virtual, currency, virtual banks and, that. And, pay less and less I mean if if credit cards are taking a 2%, tax banks. Surely are taking another 2% tax on the society, insurance. Companies surely taking another 2% I just, look for the day that this narrow AI will. Displace. Those things and give, that 6%, back to us that. We are entitled to. Some. Insurance companies insurance. Companies live. By leveraging. Risk, okay. And if, a I, were. To be really smart it would say things like okay you're number one factor of risk is your pre-existing conditions, and number, two of risk is your lifestyle as measured by your credit score or whatever you use for lifestyle measurement it doesn't even take a guy to get there don't, you avoid that we got into a world where we.

Just Don't have insurance anymore, and we'll just be. Winners. And losers oh no. I think insurance should, be, personalized, based, on the risks you have and the need you have so. I think everyone should be able to design. His or her own insurance, needs, of saying well, I want you know you can not a natural, language describe that's, if, I die I want my family to have this much money so, how, much do I need to pay you and click, and then, a personalized. Policy, will come and you pay for that and if you have a pre-existing condition, you're gonna pay it twice as much if you have a pre-existing condition. I mean you went to a pre-existing conditions, and pioneer life I do I do. If, government's. Want to enforce. That, insurance, companies, must do. Something I mean whether it's virtual or physical they, can enforce that I mean, yes I I have. A my, medical, insurance did, not abandon me once, I had cancer right and I can't get any other insurance company, so I better hang out to this one but. The same can apply to unfortunately, surance no okay yeah I will change course a little bit and talk about young people because, many of our Udacity fellows are people in the world aspiring, to be. Even. 10% of who you are carefully, you're, a role model to us to, many of us myself included but. If you face. Your younger self say, it Ching hua university or. Carnegie Mellon University what. Advice would you give to yourself, hmm. Well. Especially, consider, the age of AI is, coming, I think, it's all the more important, that the, young. People follow, their heart and do, things they're passionate about. Because. This what, the world tells you is. Increasingly. Getting outdated because. I think a lot of parents and, a lot of jobs in the society, would. Have us think that some jobs are very desirable because. They're. Stable. Safe or, some jobs are desirable, because they're high-paying but, AI would disrupt a lot of that take radiologists. For example, you, know that would be if, you're going to medical school don't be a radiologist. Don't. Be dermatologists, either don't, yeah exactly don't be a dermatologist, yeah. And yeah you, did some work on that right you are you and Andrew are both doing great work on that but. Do be a researcher. Right, so, so one is you know do what you're good at and what you love and second. Is be. Aware of what AI is going to replace. And don't. Go into those area go, into the areas where AI one hands think, about AI as, either a job, destroyer or a job. Enhancer, pick, the jobs where AI can be a job enhancer, be, a medical, researcher, right that that, is a is, a great great area, but. But, some. Some jobs will, go away also, I think it's important, to improve. The human interaction. Skills. Because. That's. One thing I cannot, do is that true, human. Touch, that. The. Compassion, the, empathy, the. Altruism, the, connection, and the trust with people and that, soft skill sometimes are being forgotten by young people who spend all the time on the phone so, do spend time making, friends, going to team work activities. Even. Before the age of AI we know that in corporations, people, with strong, EQ. Actually. Is. More important, than the IQ of course you want both but everything. Else being equal you have a basic. Level of both people. With high EQ, are generally. The ones who, really. Progress. Well in the careers interesting. I'm gonna ask you one last question and I believe. In over the answers but only, asking anyhow because you and their leaders do, you think that we ever be an age that, we can upload ourselves, into a computer. I'm going to. I'm. Going to say no I would. Like I would not like that to historians, in the world take, moment, notice here carefully. What expert says will never be able to put us in a box well.

I I'm. Not saying we're in that we can never do it I'm saying, I would very much like the answer to be no and the, reason is, I think our life has, meaning because. Of our, mortality and this. Pursuit, for immortality will. Disrupt, the. Reasons. Of how. We live our lives and I. Think, there's a lot of wisdom of accumulated, over thousands. Of years so. If we offer, immortality. To people I worry, that our. Humanity will, change in a way that, may be very negative I'm, not projecting it, to be possible or not possible. But. I would very much like it right not to be would you invest. In, Chinese. Version of calico. That tries to W lifespan. To. Increase, longevity or, to, increase in mortality to, make you live twice as long increase. Longevity okay, yes, absolutely. What about beyond us where our bodies. Two-fifty our bodies, are only durable for 120. Years right oh you know well. Maybe, your children's, children's, bodies can live longer I think our bodies have already been ruined by a pox, and toxins, and things. Like that I was, told 120. But but yet, but I think having longevity. Doubling. Is I think I would, love to invest in that okay now since that didn't break my final cast and I run right now no final question, among, all the great things to mean discuss today from the EE human lifespan to cold. Fusion, to flying. Car so queuing all diseases like, what do you think is gonna actually happen next act 30 or 40 years. Well. I think a lot will happen I, think you flying cars will clearly happen. Autonomous. Vehicles, will clearly happen, narrow. AI taking, half the jobs that will clearly happen, that's big yeah. A lot of the current. Traditional. Institutions, will go out of business. That's, for sure. I think. There will be progress in, things, like. Immunology. Anthony. Of our lives longevity. I think. CRISPR hopefully will find a good direction, that. Can, help. Us be better, and. And. Also I think AI, will, definitely cause a couple of small disasters, and hopefully. We'll be in a position to control that -. Livia we're out of time so I can't ask what the disasters are question but it is so incredible I'd have you here thank you you're one of my role models, I've known, you for more than twenty years and it's so great to have you on stage, today at Udacity thank you thank you.


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