What would WW3 have been like if Germany had won WW2

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1941: the second world war is devastating Europe. the axis, the british and the soviets are all fighting. america is neutral. december 1941 the japanese attacked pearl harbor.

The united states declares war on japan in response. a war of the Pacific Ocean begins. in our timeline hitler and mussolini declared war on the united states for no logical reason   to help a japan who never seriously cared about the Axis Pact. but what if they had left japan to fight the USA alone? we now have two separate  world wars.

the usa against japan in the Pacific Ocean and the war in europe. in the Pacific Ocean the war  ends with an American victory. u.s forces invade japan in 1946 using another seven atomic bombs apart from hiroshima and nagasaki. but in europe things are different. without an american direct intervention there is no landing in normandy italians hold  on and live here germans do not face serious   hassles in the west and are thus able  to stop the soviets somewhere in ukraine the war became a gigantic and  bloody stalemate bombings of cities   enormous losses on the eastern  front nobody moves an inch   so in may 1946 everyone has had enough and  there is a peace conference that ends the war germany is the real winner of the war as the axes  occupy almost all of europe germany obtains part   of poland luxembourg and alsace poland belarus  ukraine and the baltic states are independent   but fall into the german sphere of influence  yugoslavia is dismembered peter remains head   of france close to the axis several european  countries have pro-axis governments in belgium   and the netherlands the pre-war governments  are restored but they have to stay neutral   japan loses all their foreign territories  no soviet intervention manchuria so korea   is united under u.s influence the two world wars  are over the world is divided into three blocks  

the communist bloc soviet union in china the  allies led by the united states of america   and united kingdom and the axis in europe a  cold war between the three blocks soon starts in the following years germany becomes the  second world power after the united states   hitler rules over europe the german economy and  industry is growing while its army keeps eastern   europe under its grip in asia the chinese civil  war ends in 1951 with a communist maoist victory   india becomes independent in 1947. japan and  germany are not close allies so subhas chandra   bose who remains in berlin and does not die in  1945. in 1948 he becomes the prime minister of   an axis friendly india other british colonies  gain independence indonesia is also independent   there is tension in the world discontent in the  eastern european countries under german rule   the truth between the soviets and the germans  is in a state of tension the usa is in conflict   with german mechanism in a similar way  that they are with china in our timeline   on several occasions the world was on edge  of another world war in 1946 the soviet union   refused to withdraw from persia germany italy  and britain sent an expeditionary force this   was the only time axis and british troops fought  together the soviets accepted withdrawal in 1947   stalin is overthrown and executed at the end of  a brief civil war his popularity was eroded by   what was seen as a defeat in the second world  war khrushchev becomes the first secretary   the chinese invade taiwan  and heinen in january 1952   in 1952 there was an uprising in  warsaw against the polish general   government and its german occupiers  which were crossed by german forces the indo-pakistani war of 1947 begins berlin  provides military assistance to india and   sent submarines into the arabian sea gandhi  is killed in 1949 by an indian nationalist   the suez crisis 1956 following the nationalization  of the suez canal by president nasser   the united kingdom invades egypt but they are  forced to withdraw after a german intervention   the algerian revolution in 1956 is crushed by  the french with the help of their german ally   in 1957 the americas invade cuba ending the  cuban revolution and capturing castro the   americans cannot lose that island now that they  have no influence over europe in 1958 the military   dictatorship of venezuela is overthrown  and a pro-german government is installed   in 1958 the germans shot down a youtube spy plane  over the rural with the surface-to-air missile   reciprocated after a few months by the americas  with the shooting down of a german horton hole 11   spy plane near terra nova there was even a  cuban style missile crisis between germany   and the usa in iceland in 1958 the united  states began deploying their jupiter missiles   with a range of 2400 kilometers in the uk hitler  responds with the deployment of nukes in iceland   the american president macarthur  ordered a naval blockade on the island   in the end there was an agreement to  pull out the jupiter missiles in the uk   in exchange for germans removing their missiles  from iceland the us did not care much of those   missiles the jupiters were a pain to operate  and maintain and the united kingdom is already   the largest military base for the united  states on the planet hitler too doesn't   care about the missiles in iceland germany from  the 1950s had nuclear missiles on their u-boats   indeed the world is not ready for a new war  america is isolationist after the too many   losses during the invasion of japan the soviets  lost 30 million men during the fight with the axis   the uk italy france and other european  countries rose from the ashes of world war ii   with the destroyed economy germany is occupied to  organize this new lab insurance empire in the east it's 1960 the 71 year old hitler and 77 year old  mussolini are the leaders of their respective   countries at hitler's side there is still the  old guard himmler acting as a second in command   is followed by goebbels bormann and donuts new to  the inner circle is arthur axeman former leader   of the hitler youth and gudrun himmler daughter  of heinrich himmler goring died in 1953 due to   liver cancer the american president was macarthur  who was succeeded in the 1960 election by kennedy   hitler perceives kennedy as weak and  ineffectual because of his relative youth   in the soviet union khrushchev pursues a  more liberal domestic and foreign policy   searching for collaboration with the west  the relationship with germany isn't easy and   the vast majority of the red army and their  missiles are deployed along the iron curtain the axis has also expanded into an economic union  not only a military alliance acting similarly   to the eu and our timeline but it's not the  bureaucratic bank dominated nightmare we see today   it's more like to each his own but within  the alliance there's minor collaboration   sweden spain and turkey will have joined the axis  portugal joined too after the assassination of   salazar in 1953 france is a member of the axis  but its foreign policy is quite independent from   germany with jacques d'oriel as the prime minister  switzerland belgium and the netherlands are not   members of the axis but have good relations  with germany when a superpower that a decade   before steamrolled europe is right at your gates  it's risky to have a bad relationship with them   decolonization has been slowed in  1960 the european powers will still   have their african colonies after america  other countries developed nuclear weapons   germany first then the soviets united kingdom and  france hitler never liked atomic technology and   despite the high power and quality of the german  nukes their numbers would remain limited the   united states would hold a significant advantage  in the number of nukes it has however most of   them would be low-yield tactical nukes hiroshima  style in this timeline the usa is less powerful   germany conducted its first hydrogen bomb  explosion test in 1954 in the skull bar the situation on the field in 1960 uniforms  artillery and equipment for the infantrymen are   not much changed from world war ii the us is still  using the m1 garand and the m14 with his main   battle rifle the russians are receiving ak-47s in  great numbers the vmware beside their dear energy   machine gun has the gevia model 3. the soviets  have the largest land army in the world however   the axis alliance altogether are not so far the  german army fields 900 000 men 150 000 in the navy   170 in the waffen ss and 500 000 in the luftwaffe  the germans main tanks are the jaguar heavy tank   72 tons 9 meters long main armament is a  152 millimeter gun and a leopard but with   a 120 millimeter gun the soviets have the  t-54 tanks but there is need to counter the   heavy german tank so the main tank is a t10  a 62 tank the icu-152 is still in service   for the same reason the main usa tank is the  m-103 heavy tank and the main british tank is   the fv214 conqueror the usa also has the m47 in  the first m4a the italians as well as most of the   axis countries have adopted the german leopard  the french developed the amx 50. the usa is by  

far the largest navy numerical superiority  in all types except for submarines germany in aircraft the germans had the messerschmitt  me464 the best fighter of all time the soviets   have the mig-17 and the us has the  f-104 the f-86 saber and the f-100   the germans are the only ones that have icbms   although not great numbers and solid-fueled slbm  missiles capable of being launched from submarines   rocket technology is not easy and the v2 project  was almost as expensive as the manhattan project   now nazi germany is a decade ahead of any other  nation in this field in our timeline both the   usa and the soviets relied on captured german  scientists to kick start their missile research   the operation paperclip this does not happen  in this timeline in 1960 the usa are just   beginning their first generations of atlas icbm  however the usa and the soviets have bombers   the usa has thousands of long-range b-52 b-47s  and f-105s that could hit europe from britain   the soviets have around 400 bombers the il-28s the  tu-16 the tu4 a copy of the american b-29 and the   first tu-95m the bear the luftwafter has the heavy  bomber handkill he 507 range 15 000 kilometers the united states is the main world power the war  solve their economical problems and most of the   former british empire fell into the sphere of  influence but they are not the global leading   power as they are today the usa have to face a  far greater more technologically advanced and   more dedicated rival than it ever had in the ussr  trade between europe and the us is limited so the   u.s is running low on a major custom they  are forced to open trade negotiations with   other less developed countries lowering its gdp  germany uses its wealth and power to influence   parts of south america making the list of u.s ally  thinner argentina always was an axe sympathizer   other south american governments are receptive  to the nazis by having similar authoritarian   type of governments south africa became an ally  of germany saudi arabia is in the american sphere   but the oil of the middle east iraq persia  libya is owned by european corporations   the oil negotiated in deutsche mark instead of  dollars is a massive boon for germany with the   european colonial empire still existing the  american hegemony is at risk meanwhile soviet   union has continued producing hordes of tanks  and the british economy has recovered they were   almost the only beneficiary of the marshall plan  the world is now ready all it needs is a spark in 1948 in vietnam a war began between french  forces against the vietnam led by ho chi minh   the germans intervened in the sword being french  allied trying to gank into a part of indochina as   the americans did in our timeline the war rapidly  became an armed conflict between south vietnam and   the germans on one side north vietnam held by the  soviets china united kingdom and the united states   of america on the other side in 1960 the germans  invaded north vietnam causing china to enter the   war using tens of nukes the germans forced the  chinese to retreat and the vietnam war ended in   october 1960. another victory for the vermont  another gigantic parade in the center of berlin   but this war had a cost the german nuclear  arsenal is now depleted a consistent part   of the loot waffle and some of its  best waffen-ss units are in vietnam   three out of the eight criggs marine aircraft  carriers are in vietnamese water two oceans far   from the fatherland the european defenses are  weakened the soviets and the usa both know it   november 30th eight soviet armies of six million  men and thousands of tanks moved to the polish   border the usa and the uk accused germany of  using chemical weapons and napalm in vietnam   and announced a naval blockade to impede further  hostilities in indo-china axis countries start   the mobilization and this atmosphere an incident  is only a matter of time the clock starts ticking berlin sent their submarines  to patrol the atlantic   december 13th the uss saratoga fleet encircles  a german submarine off the coast of miami and   has the great idea to drop death charges on this  nuclear-armed submarine to try to make its surface   these are small explosives which in theory  can't damage the submarine however on board the   submarine is not at all in the clear the german  commander has the order to defend itself if attack   the submarine has a torpedo with a 15 kiloton  nuclear warhead the g9 it was intended to   destroy naval bases in coastal towns and more  importantly in carriers he orders the launch   after a few minutes an american carrier  group is vaporized in the most charged   and hostile moment of the cold war a nuclear  blast erupts right off the coast of florida   the explosion causes a massive tsunami with a  reach of 10 meters high waves in south florida   americans believe that they are under attack in  1960 the united states of america had no plans   for a gradual escalation situation there was only  one response massive retaliation general curtis   lee may united states air force chief of staff is  driving hard to use nukes and has quite a lot of   support for this december 13 1960 kennedy gives  the order to launch the nuclear arsenal there   are b-52s constantly in the air rotation other  b-52s and b-47s leave their bases from the usa   the f-105s and the missiles in the united kingdom  delivered her nukes all the axis countries   the european capitals and the main  cities harbors industrial zones from   lisboa to hilinski are hit hitler  sees the explosions from his bunkers   no doubts on what he will do next in the evening  there are 17 thermonuclear explosions on u.s soil   the german icbm fall on new york chicago los  angeles houston detroit san antonio cleveland san   diego dallas st louis san francisco new orleans  seattle buffalo cincinnati denver and minneapolis   the german u-boat u725 a type 25 submarine  carrying eight missiles with 250 kiloton warheads   more than 10 times the size of hiroshima receives  a launch order boston norfolk baltimore charlotte   atlanta philadelphia pittsburgh washington the  pentagon is gone the medium-range missiles v4 is   produced to hit britain the usa military bases  of scramton waddington lakenhealth alaka berry   are destroyed the soviets are a threat they  cannot be spared the german nuclear doctrine of   the time consists in converting a zone east of  the border into a nuclear wasteland to prevent   the soviet army from advancing further westward  same tactic used in vietnam against the chinese   in moscow leningrad stalingrad baku gorky odessa  novosirbirsk and the soviets missiles and air   bases were chosen as targets khrushchev didn't  want a war he escalated the crisis to show how   tough he was in the face of nazis hoping that  the various nationalities and ethnic groups   in the east would rise up against the nazis  but now he has no other choice to retaliate   the soviet bombers leave the airport the  soviets have also the r5 popetta a ballistic   missile range of 1200 kilometers and the scud a  carrying a nuclear warhead with a range of 190   they are meant to be used tactically to blow a  hole in the defensive line and events through it   this is nuclear war and it'll be  exactly as you imagine it to be after the first 48 hours there is an  undeclared truce the contenant's luck   of the damage is received all the leaders  involved are safe inside their bunkers   americans want to continue the fight they  see this war as an opportunity to resolve   the issue of germany once and for all but kennedy  understands that the war must be over immediately   and offers to cease father hitler the situation  the country is serious and there would be nothing   else to gain apart from another half dozen  incinerated cities kennedy was not well informed   about the real nuclear capabilities of germany  he only orders military interventions in south   america to overthrow not friendly governments the  soviets continued the ground offensive for a while   but they had logistical problems even before the  bombings had high casualties since the first hours   of the conflict eliminated war stocks decimated  command structures and air forces half in size   hitler is not so keen to accept the peace  treaty the neutral city destroyer is not   so effective against military targets so the axis  military power is intact vast reserves and weapons   but viper meyer and other generals expressed  enormous doubts on the continuation of a war   that would become rapidly a trench warfare  situation in a radioactive chemical landscape   and for once hitler agrees with the generals  a truce with a return to the status quo of   anti-bombs assigned before christmas the final  bill of the war is around 25 million deaths   in the us europe with around maybe 40 million  deaths 20 million deaths in the soviet regions   usa had 25 cities destroyed canada australia and  other u.s allies are untouched the germans had  

limited numbers of nukes and missiles the united  kingdom received four bombs on their military   bases and replied with their v bombers destroying  four german bases piano moon to being one of them   in such a scenario an escalation is the last  thing they want soviet union launched the main   cities and white parts of the western  border are now a radioactive wasteland   the german forces in indochina are left in  peace the germans have around their hundred   thousand men most of them elite units any  attempted invasion would be a disaster plus   tactical nuclear weapons which will be  used to greet the marines upon landing europe has been hit the hardest around 400  targets have been hit many key cities are   destroyed as well as industrial and military areas  berlin is hit by several nukes waste areas will   be uninhabitable for 20 to 30 years however this  war will not cause the end of europe nor the world   around 400 weapons are needed to [ __ ] the soviet  economy and military as a political economic and   military entity more than double for the usa and  europe the axis did not have the necessary amount   of nukes soviets did not have the necessary amount  of bombers and the usa did not find it convenient   to continue the war penetrating the european  defenses was not a walk in the park the axis has   an air defense network of over 3 000 interceptors  and thousands of surface-to-air missile sites   very few soviet bombers were able  to drop their weapons on target   part of their bomber force was destroyed on the  ground during germany's first nuclear strike   american bombers suffered terrific  losses over the well-protected areas   berlin region north italy and normandy the  majority of the us bombs had yields in the range   of those used at nagasaki such a bomb does about  the same amount of damage as a large conventional   air raid the united states had to drop three to  ten bombs on each city targeted depending on size   a b-47 could drop 28 news as a result there is no  nuclear holocaust and the war greatly resembles   the destruction of world war ii except for the  radiations that will continue to linger and kill   people for years germany had anti-atomic shelters  for most of its citizens as in switzerland in our   timeline so most of the population survived  however millions of people are left homeless   europe will rebuild as it always did after a war  same as the usa but the world has been changed   the nuclear war produced enormous industrial  fires and millions of tons of smoke and   chemicals rise into the sub-stratosphere blocking  significant sunlight from reaching earth's surface   the cold grips the earth lowering global  temperatures by four to five degrees celsius   and eliminating the growing season for at least  two years there will be starvation in the less   developed countries in asia and africa cancer and  diseases will be problems for the next generations   there will be shortages of everything turmoil  rebellions strong leaders will be elected while the usa and european nations  reconstruct their power and rearm frantically   new powers will rise up china who wash their  hands of this conflict and india will start   the struggle for leadership in asia with  indonesia and japan as regional powers   brazil becomes the main power of south america by  default australia and canada untouched by the war   will absorb part of the strength and population of  america and the united kingdom the leaders kennedy   will not be killed at dallas only because dallas  has been cancelled with a thermonuclear bomb   he will be shot somewhere else the conspiracy  theorists say that someone did not forgive   him for the end of the war khrushchev will  be removed there is a need for a hardliner   maybe alexander shellapin causing a reproach  mall with china hitler and mussolini are nearly   80 years old they'll die soon and new leaders  will rise so a totally new world new situations   ideas new stories difficult to even imagine and  for sure new wars it seems humans don't want   safety comfort and short working hours they  also want drums parades flags and struggles you


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