Four killer technology solutions from Veeam Transforming cloud data management from - BRK3378

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Our way my, name is Chris Henley, from. Beam software, I'm looking forward to a fun next 75 minutes talking to you about what I think are the four killer technologies. That, really makes me imperative, in the marketplace, beside. Me is Matt, Carpenter Matt, you want to take a second and introduce yourself, Matt, Carpenter the technical director for Alliance is a team so I handle a lot of our cloud technologies, including, Microsoft, I'm, also I guess they call me an OG anymore I've been with being for about ten and a half years and started, as the first architect when the company kind of started with the ground up so I hope from the ground up I've seen a lot of growth of this company and excited to be here showing you what we got now seven. Years ago when Matt and I started at veeam well matt was already there for three and I started at beam we. Were a small company that had just, over 200 employees and, we, did about 60 million dollars in revenue, during. That year we, held our annual. Meeting. Of all of our employees in. A hotel room in Alpharetta Georgia, they. Had a conference center that was about, prob. About the size of this room I suppose and all, of the employees, fit in there we talked about what the future of our company might look like and one, of the key things that came, about during the course of that meeting was this idea that, we would develop. Innovative. Disruptive, technologies. That would change the way that customers thought about the. Ideas, of backup, replication. Monitoring. Restoration. Those. Four things specifically, so, today I want to talk to you about those, killer technologies. From Veeam before. We begin how many of you actually use Veeam today, Wow. Awesome. Apparently. We've been reasonably successful in. Penetrating, that market. I'm gonna guess that many, of you will know some of the technologies, that we'll talk about today of course, we're going to introduce the new technologies, to you that will emerge in. Our next release I want to talk to you about three, things first the. Idea that data continues. Not. Just to grow but. It's not. A, well. It grows, and, it, grows in criticality, and it, grows in where it resides and, we call those three, types of growth hyper growth which is just the data increasing, in total. Size and amount, criticality. Because, our. Increasing. Dependence, on data seems to drive more than just business decision-making, um, it drives day-to-day operations, and then the idea behind hyper sprawl, which, is that our data continues, to migrate, to, all kinds, of different places Matt, and I were talking right before this session happened, does, anybody here have an apple watch, a. Couple of you in the room do, those. Of you that have one, I'm. Told, that your Apple watch will monitor, you and, tell you you've been sitting too long it's time to get up and move you. Could use a break it looks like you're stressed, the. Amount of data that's being generated and the amount of information that's being passed back to you through, that simple, device. Is. Exactly, what we mean by hyper, sprawl, the, data is moving to places like our wrists large, data centers cloud-based data, center environments, private, data centers, our own personal, devices of which I'm assuming each of you have at least four that. Would includes phones televisions. Laptops. Desktops. And other. All. Of that data demands. That we manage it some way that Veeam were in the business of availability, our. Founder. Ratner, timoshev likes to say that our big hairy audacious goal, is to become the world's largest data, management company. That's. Different than what we think about veem we usually think about Vemma in terms of backup and restore operations. But, as a company we think directly, about what, we're doing to make data available anywhere, anytime on, any device and, under any circumstances. When. We think about data. We have to think about something called the five stages of intelligent, data management and those. Stages are simple. And easy for us to understand, we break them down into two categories the. First three. Are, policy, based categories, they're the things that you already know about their, back up their, aggregation. And their visibility, I want to talk just for two seconds, about each of them back. Up is just what it says, everyone. Can make a great backup Microsoft. Even builds an SDK to help you do it aggregation. Is what. We do and where we do, that with the data visibility, is an. Ability, to see what's, where, and how. We might access, it moving, beyond that in the future we'll move to much more orchestrated. And automated. Uses. For availability, in our data now the, difference between orchestration. And automation, it's subtle but it's incredibly, important, orchestration. Are the things that you can conceive, of that, would happen with your data and then.

The Things that you will do if the things you conceived of occur so, for example, if. A ransomware, attack, occurs in my network then, I will take the following key, Network, workloads, or key workloads, I'll ensure, that I have secure backup copies, of those I'll isolate them, I'll duplicate, those and then we'll bring my network back online, that's. Orchestration. Automation. Is uniquely, different because automation, is an, integrated, function within the workloads, themselves. So, that the workloads, monitor, what's happening, identify. Things. That are out of the range of what we would consider normal, and then, determine, what to do about them, they're. Not orchestrated. Responses. They're. Intelligent. Responses. That have been automated, we'll. Call those behavior, based approaches, to data today. Most of our customers. Are actually in late, stage to early stage 3 aggregation, and visibility and a lot of our products and features are focused in that area we'll, continue to develop and evolve, disruptive. Technologies, that will move us through orchestration. And into fully. Automated. Or, artificially. Intelligent environments. For data management I probably. Just gave you way more business, value than you wanted I realize. We're at ignite and you're here for a technical conversation. And that's where we'll go from here on. At. Veem we have a hyper availability, platform, and that, platform operates. Based on the fact that many, of our customers data, resides. To, begin with in an on-premises. Network, style, environment. That. On-premises. Environment, makes use of things like backup, and recovery tools. Replication. And failover tools that meme has built and, continues. To build we're, trying to drive innovation into, that space some, of those innovations are things that you've asked for like, the addition of Universal api's. Some. Of those are innovations, they our development. Teams have asked for like, the development. Of data labs which we'll talk about today and the ability to do advanced, data restoration operations. Using veem things. Like adding, security, to a restore. Operation things, like being able to structure. Restore. Operations. And pick and choose what's going to be restored based on a set of criteria or, values that you define, those, are things that can happen today, we.

Add Things like visibility. And monitoring so that you can actually have, access to, and an understanding of, what. Workloads. Are where and that's gonna show you in a demonstration today, how. Veem has taken that to the next level you'll, use veem backup and replication tools. To gain access to backups, that are on-premises in, software as a service applications, in managed, cloud environments, or in public cloud environments, you. Have the ability to open a single interface have. Access, to NC and do. Whatever, it is that you need with. That data regardless, of where it resides. The. Thing that we'll talk about today that is a big highlight when it comes to this, ability to have. Strong visibility. Across multi platform environments. You've, asked, for quite. A while now for us to have a great solution for object, storage and Microsoft Azure will, introduce that to you today. When. We think about moving, into a cloud-based environment, it's, really important that we think about where, we will go in a public cloud world. I love. Microsoft. Azure I worked at Microsoft for almost nine years before I came here to, veem seven years ago I came. To Vemma because the, Veen team was going to build great solutions, for Microsoft, Azure, they. Understood, seven, years ago what, hopefully you all understand, now Microsoft, Azure z' infrastructure, is so large, so. Dominant, and so innovative, in the States they, could effectively, say the. Cloud, game is really over, it's, really now just to focus on getting customers, to the appropriate, clouds. We. Will support IBM, cloud Azure, cloud. Alibaba. Etc. But, it is clear, that Microsoft. Azure will be the key player in that space and, so when we talk about working. With Azure and working with Veeam we'll. Introduce you to some of the key solutions. From, an azure and beam perspective. We. Have four key concepts. That we'll talk about today we'll talk about extending the data center to Azure that includes things like moving your archives to Azure we'll. Talk to you in great detail about how to go about the process of building, in. Functionality. For, data, center style operations. Specifically, operations. Like moving. Your on-premises. Backup. Archives into Microsoft, Azure using. Different types of Azure storage to make those archives, accessible, to you we'll, talk in great detail today, about what the process might look like for, creating, something called scale out backup repositories. We'll. Introduce you to the ideas around leveraging, Azure for Robo, data storage environments, remote office and branch office to do things like backup and restoration into, ashor environments, we'll, talk about backing up and restoring anything. To Azure the. Idea here is we want to be able to get to a point where our Asscher. Environment, is an extension, of our on-premises, environment, and our on-premises, environment, is an extension, of our Azure environment. And we'll use the - to migrate, or move data interchangeably. Last, but not least software, as a service is incredibly, important, and so, we're going to talk about controlling, and protecting, office, 365, data from. An azure environment. Using Veen. So. Where exactly are we right now. Today. From a business perspective Eames got, innovative. Products, great, market, disruption, we're. Knocking. On the door of our first billion, dollar in revenue sales. Year, our, customers, now, exceed, 300,000. Worldwide, we, protect somewhere northward, of 17. Million, virtual, machines an additional. Several, million physical, machines. We, protect machines, on-premises. In managed, cloud environments. In Microsoft, Azure and protect, the data associated with office 365. If. You walk away with nothing else from this session please. Walk away knowing that we have just begun working, with a sure. We. Have so many things that we want to do some, apples agent. Management, is now generally available you, can now manage agent. Operations, for infrastructure, as a service applications, running, in Microsoft, Azure through, the same team console that you would use to manage those workloads, if they were running on premises, Universal. Storage API it's generally available you can pick it up and use it archive. Tier storage for object, storage is also. On. The. Cusp of availability, I say will be available, this year you. May get a great Christmas present from us. Nazz storage, protection. That'll, be available in our next release upcoming, continuous, data protection, also, coming.

In Our next release, we're. Looking forward and continuing. To innovate because, we think the opportunities, in an azure environment. Will be significant. I do, not have time to discuss each of these in detail with you and I'm not going to I'll. Pick, and highlight a couple of them for you these. Are recent milestones. That we've reached since. Q4. Of 2017. So milestones, within the last nine months. You'll, notice the list is long I'll give you some highlights. Nine. Months ago released beam backup for Microsoft, Office 365 version. 1.5, changed the way that we manage infrastructure. And operations to make that scaleable for those of you that have environments, greater than 10,000, seats. You'll. Notice one of the, options. There in q3, of 28 Veen, backup, for Microsoft, Office 365 version. - we. Waited nine, months. To. Make our first major update to that piece, of software added, full functionality, for not. Just the exchange pieces but all of the pieces of office 365 so, you can protect the SharePoint side as well, as the. Onedrive side in. An OU 365. Environment and. A piece of history on that one which I really like is. We. Look at V Mac up one dot o so that was in 2008. We. Went from a1 dot over zh n' to a 2.0 version within six months a 2.0. Version to a 3.0, version, within a year we, have new technologies. That at Veeam we, move very very quickly, obviously. You look we've got 9.5, update 1. Three and we'll talk about four today but, these are, very. Robust, products, across, their thing as we, look at our newer products, and some of our newer features, it's amazing, how quickly we move and. I'm going to show you a couple things a day but I want to point that out a v1. Within, nine months and a v2 it's. Still not as fast as the original one but we're still getting there our. Development, teams are hard, at work and continue. To innovate things, that I think will. Change our industry, we'll talk about one of them let's, talk about it right now shall, we okay we're, gonna talk veem cloud archive first VM, cloud archive is the. Idea. Behind object. Storage and using objects, an object. Storage as a method, to increase ability. For a customer, to. Manage, availability. Of data now when we talk about this, this, idea of an archive, tier feature, is. Going to come in the form of something called a scale out backup repository, how. Many of you have waited for object storage support from beam for more than a year oh there's. Not so many of you in this. We. Thought we would have this done almost. Two years ago and, as. We started down the process of developing, the solution, it became abundantly. Clear that the, solutions, that were in the marketplace, at the time weren't, going to be effective, and, so our development, team pulled back restructured. Built this from scratch effectively.

And, Built. A solution that we think will change the industry and change the way that you use them so, what exactly happens. And how. Exactly does it work well depending on how your environment, operates you might use. Direct. Storage you might use an as you might use a D dupe appliance, all. Of those give, you the capability effectively. To, move data into, Microsoft Azure. In. The past many, of our customers used. Appliance. Based solutions, to build connectivity, from on-premises, environments, into Azure environments. Tools. Like store simple for example or the old NetApp Alta vault. Other. Virtual. Appliances, also could do the same thing the problem with all of those was. That you had to buy the appliance, and then you had to maintain and operate the appliance. We. Heard from our customers, from all of you that you wanted something that was direct the. Way that we will offer that VM will use something called a scale out backup repository. The. Scale out backup repository effectively. Will take all of the data that. You will provide in terms of archives backups. Other. Veem files, take. That data and let you age that, data, and. Once it's reached, its aging, requirements, will move. To Microsoft, Azure to an object store now. The cool, thing about object, stores is they're cheap there's. Something, called ingress, cost associated with working with object storage and the, ingress, cost for object storage is really, low when we compare it side-by-side to. What a customer would get from something like page blob storage or. Direct attached storage to, a virtual. Machine the. Ingress. Cost for. Object. Storage is incredibly. Low. The. Challenge, with it is that the. Customer is only comparing. The data at ingress, they're not comparing. What it costs to actually restore so. When a customer goes to do a restore of data, that happens, to be stored in Page, blob storage direct attached storage to, an azure VM there's, no additional cost because they already paid it upfront, when. They move to an object, storage environment. There's something called egress, cost associated with recovering, the data because. Object. Storage is different, than a traditional file. Level, system. The. Customer is left with, drawing everything, from. That object, so. If Matt for example, creates a demonstration, and he sends up 16, gigabyte, chunks, to, an object, store in Microsoft, Azure and then his. CEO comes to him and says hey I lost, a file it got, deleted I need you to get it back for me and Matt, says what is it he says aw it's a couple of Excel spreadsheets. Matt. Finds them they're 20k, apiece in a, traditional, Azure object, storage environment, matt has to take the whole 16 gigs in, order, to get the file back and he has to pay the egress costs on all 16. Our. Developer, said there has to be a better way and the. Solution, that they developed, this, devine cloud archive addresses. That solution. Here's how it works so, in a veem cloud archive environment, we're actually going to use. Some. Extent. Containers, we're. Going to keep. The information, about. The data that we send up to Microsoft Azure, object, storage and. That. Information, or those containers. Will have a shell, of the metadata, associated. With that, filesystem. Information. By. Size we're. Talking about something that's maybe, thirty percent of the size of the hole now, the beauty of having the metadata is that the metadata keeps track of what used to be in the file system as we, move the data into Microsoft Azure, zernow. Has all of the objects, in. Archive, when. It comes time for us to recover in this case a couple, of small, Excel.

Files Out of those archives, because. I have the metadata. On-premises. I can look at the metadata. Identify. Just, the. Individual. Items, that I want out of that object store, and I, can pull for TK's worth of files instead. Of 16, gigs worth of files and I can pay for 40, Kay's worth. Of egress, does. That make sense, would. You like to see it, Matt. My. Turn it's your turn, you. Can take a break yep. All. Right that's. Awesome. So where. We start out is a, lot of you raised your hand being, veem customer so you're very familiar with this interface it comes in green or blue now that. Was a big day for us when we redid the UI I saw, it because now I can tell what's on permits not on Prem. So. We walk into the infrastructure to start with you. Will notice that I've got an azure stack backup job a backup, job a hyper-v, backup job some off stamp Azure stack jobs some VMware backup jobs there's. Two things I just said there that are a little more interesting than the other. The. Azure stack backup chop and the off stamp as your stack backup job I'll, also be going over what we do support for Azure stack so, with all the blob items the direct restore to Microsoft, Azure all, those work together including, Azure stack. And actually this environment, I timed, out and you have my password, but I'm, running this off of Azure stack so my environment within Veeam is Azure stack. Primarily. Because I'm a technical, person and no one else understands, that your stack yet with my company so it's all mine it's fantastic. So, what makes it a very quick environment, to demo from work from and work on any solutions with Microsoft, on the. First thing I want to show you is where. We start and that's with cloud credentials. So. With Veen before we do have direct restore to a sure that's in GA right. Now and we call those compute accounts the, addition we're adding now is a storage, account. I'm. Gonna go ahead and add an account as, your. Storage account and it's, looking for an account and a shared key. There. Is a secondary, reason why I am an azure stack today because publicly. I'm not going to put that up there, so, this would be ignite demo that's my bucket. And. The. Shared key is this giant. About. A mouse today you didn't memorize that. Not. Today there's too much going on. Let's. Go ahead and paste that in there maybe. Do. That, this. Is a live demo of beta. Code beta, one code which means I live very. Cautiously. All. Right quickly, enough I just hit OK and that's in there now so I have an azure storage account, now, what that means is I have a whole cache of them so I have a couple different ones I have one in public a sure I have one and a couple regional Azure accounts, I have one in Azure stack no matter which where those accounts. Originated, from I can put a different, credentials, for them go, ahead ok now's.

The Fun part let's go to the backup infrastructure. Itself. So. Within here I have a couple accounts but I want to start with my archive repositories. And this is what we consider. The, blob piece of it we went and talked about how it's called archive tier as an extent of our scale aback repositories. Or sober. These. Are the archive repositories, themselves, so, I'm gonna do is say add archive, repository, we've, got our different pieces. Let's, go ahead and do ignite, today. The. Account is just what I put in I put in the. A night, demo by. Region, this. Is where I go either global, China Germany, or Azure stack so. I go ahead I'm gonna add an azure stack since that's where we came from and. I'm gonna pick a container, so it's gonna go ahead and look at my environment. That. Storage account and see what containers I have within it. This. Is where we. Go and now it has a container Veen backups within, my storage account if I had multiple containers it would all display here every, time we look at these a credential to actually take a look and say what's, in that account. From here we're gonna go ahead and look at folders if, you have a folder within that container you can go ahead and select it or you can create a new one I'm. Gonna create a new one and call it backup, to. Make sense. Hit. OK next. And then it's going to go ahead and save that archive repository, to configuration. Now. Like I said before this could be I'm actually doing Azure stack in this environment you. Can do public Azure regional, Azure what, makes it interesting because when, we look at what we target is end-users we. Can go to a public, as your site maybe we have data sovereignty issues, well we can't do that but we have a service provider that we work with or I am, a service, provider and I want to provide blob storage, and country. To, my customers. Having. The support for both Azure stack and proper, Azure I guess. Not it's public azure proper Azure it's an older term. That. I'm used to but having those in two different locations really, helps out, let. Me go ahead and click finish now you'll, see that I have an, archive. Repository, called ignite, now. One of the things I can do is put this in maintenance mode maybe, you had a backup instance go down or you want to move it to a different backup instance, when, Chris talked about that metadata that sits, on Prem and I'll show you what that looks like if for, some reason, we leave our lose our backup console on Prem we can reconstitute, it we can actually import these back in we. Can designate where they actually located, the properties, put, it into a maintenance mode this.

Maintenance Mode might come in very handy with something like I want to go ahead and see to another device that, has an azure API that. Ends with box and starts with data we're. Looking at how we would support that right now that. Means you could seed some of this possibly. Again, we're in beta one so, everything has an asterisk and you'll see that many times through it but, I want to make sure you guys are looking at the latest in date greatest, and what I'm thinking about as we go with these products. So. Now I have my archive repository. Actually in the. Console. Itself I'm. Gonna go up and look at my backup repositories. Everybody. Almost everybody raised their hand you know this inside now this wizard is nothing. New so, I'm gonna go back our posit Ori let's go sober 3. Every. Time I type I get a lot louder. Begins, add in a Windows server Linux server shared folder do, duplicating storage appliance for this we're doing a Windows server because I'm going to do some local stuff. This. Server that I'm sitting on right now has plenty of space, so. We go past a folder, I think. I created one let's see if I have one if not I'll go in and create another one the episode 4 3. So. I'm gonna go ahead and select that one, I could. Populate if I want to connections. We're, not gonna use a mount server today and. I'm. Gonna go ahead, everything. Should I be there review and finish. When. You use the product enough I'm sure which a lot of you do you know exactly what's coming in the next couple menus because you just see it you're just waiting on it I knew this every day, so. We go finish down my service free repository, now it's time to combine that, repository with. My cloud repository, that's what Chris talked about tearing your data into, Azure based, on either a time, bound policy, or a capacity, based policy. So. We're gonna do is go to the scale-out repository. Right. Click add a scale out repository. We're. Just gonna call it 3 makes sense extense. I'm gonna go add a silver. Repository, just created if, everybody remembers you cannot use a repository, with a backup job attached to it you have to use one that is new, without a backup job I'm. Gonna gets me most of the time even though I know exactly what to expect. Policy. I'm going to keep data locality, now. Comes the fun part archive tear move. Backup, files to cheaper storage as they age out of operational. Win restore, windows so. For this one I've created my ignite if, the. Others were in maintenance mode are not assigned to other silver repositories, they would be all available they are here, I can. Also encrypt my archive, backups, I manage the passwords, but the fun part is managed, move, all backup files order than 30 days out to. Your. Repository, so. This means after 30 days if, I, have a sealed backup chain meaning a full vbk, all the incrementals, as soon as I do another vbk, either that being by synthetically, created or full, from the environment that becomes a sealed backup set that, means we can start having some fun with it at. That point it's, gonna take that block by block. By. Blocks and move it up to a sure based, on this policy now. Maybe I want to do something shorter longer, in 30 days it's pretty easy to see there's an up arrow on a down arrow the. Fun part becomes when I say zero. So. That means immediately, once that sealed move it up. Now. The other piece is I'm gonna go back to 30 for this one I could. Override this setting. Meaning. That if I have capacity, I don't you know i'm i've got a repository sitting, there may have a net up file or. Cisco. S 30 to 60 or I work in alliances so I try to get every device possible, otherwise, one I'm going to yeah, so. We'll go through and have, our device I don't, want to go over sixty percent capacity if it does run, problems so. I'm gonna do here let's go ahead and click on this say.

60 Percent. So. That means either. It's 30 days old or my. Repositories. At sixty percent capacity, it. Will start moving stuff into Azure. Now. Obviously if I have one pipe up into Azure I don't want to use it and saturate, it right off the bat so I can select my window saying you know at night from, a certain window or certain days or just weekends, this, works similar to a lot of our cloud backup items I'm. Gonna keep it full right now. It. Apply it's gonna save it it's gonna put, everything together and create that repository. At. This point we sit here and we watch it spin for a second I don't. Have any really good jokes right now yeah last. Week was pirate week right yes. Easy. Yep. It'll. Finish so fast it doesn't matter you know it's interesting that we get to this because one. Of the things our customers will traditionally. Say to me I just, installed theme it. Took 15 minutes something must have gone wrong and. We. Say no in. This case we, just created multiple. Components. Of a scale out backup repository chain. And we're, unhappy that it took 20 seconds to complete we're, really impatient we, have a patients problem, you're. Like going quick all, right so what that does now is if I go into my inventory you'll see that I have my repository. I can go modify, it I already have ones for public a sure I have one routes for Azure stack and I've already had backups going too which is great so. If I go back to home I can go to my, disks, I, have, a couple backups have one it's off stamp going to Cloud Connect to have a couple that's still, a great option, and. Then I have one going to Azure stack and one going to public, Azure. So. I'm gonna go ahead and look at this one and go to properties. What. You'll see in the properties is within this folder right here I've got. My backup files. Obviously. I've got my full and I said I want everything else to go into Azure I'm. Doing a lot of full backups here, the. Creative department will get a whole list again this is beta 1 which means again I'm, showing you beta 1 cokes want to make sure you're up to date beta, 2 will launch sometime this week or next so, you'll be able get a hold of it when talking to your engineer, right. Now we have a question mark we're gonna have a really cool cloud graphic, I think. Hopefully. What. This means is it is in cloud, but. When I actually look at this on disk. I, shouldn't. Click on it and. Obviously. It's, going a little slower than I am be. You'll. Notice that I have a couple of these they're. Only. 30, megabytes. When. Chris talked about those. Since. You said extents we call them stubs just call them, pointers. We're still. Working on the early stuff and how he explained, it but basically it's, gonna be that metadata that's the shell there we go show that what's the best that's what we used today so. These are the shells it's only 30 mega on-prem, but we're actually looking at anywhere from 1 to 20 gigabyte, in cloud. I. Have a lot of pieces. On this one so. That's what we did want to show you on this the other piece I want to show you is if I go into here I go. Let's go ahead and do restore, guest files and, when. So. I'm going to the azure stack when I wanna make sure buddy knows that one does work so I'll go to obviously. I know a longer, time ago. Was. When it actually was in the object storage I'm, gonna go ahead and finish, this. Works just. Like your file ever recover you're used to go ahead and right-click it pick your restore point it's up there so being. Used to the VM interface. Already you're, already way ahead of the game because we're not changing too much about it. It'll. Start to restore session, back to the if it takes more than 10 seconds we get impatient yes there it is again. And. We just sit there and stare at it moving around I'm. Glad we moved from the circle to the square, I like the square. So. Mad it's interesting you you, talk about sizes. On those shells and, I. May. Have calculated, the math way wrong in my mind I think that's three tenths of a percent, not 30%. 3/10. Thank you I might. Have told you 30 if I did please, apologize. I'll blame it on lack of sleep and hunger. Or. Both or, both so. I'm gonna go in and go to my downloads and. If I sure, this is my v1 box. So. I have a license file that's, 1.4, kilobytes, I, want. To go ahead and, right-click on that one restore I shall. Want a copy of the desktop. It's. Done so. It's going in there really quickly and everybody goes okay for this as your stack you're in as your stack that makes it super quick go.

Ahead And close this out again. It. Is there let's. Go ahead and delete it, let's. Go back in the interface now this one you saw was in a new stack this one's in public a sure so, when Alpharetta is where we have one of our data centers and this is where my lab sits for. A George the same place we had one of the original meetings it was in the Embassy Suites in Columbus when I started at all 12 of us in the room was fantastic. When. We look at this one it's actually in Azure so I'm gonna do the same thing we're store guest files go back to Windows. I'll, go - lets go six days ago cuz I showed you that these, aren't on Prem these are actually in Azure. Itself, go ahead and finish. And. It'll, pop up my wizard for me. There. It is all right certain or a story session, so. Anytime I show this the first time I should everybody goes you know it's as your stack it's literally it's right, next to it it doesn't matter I don't care if it's one gig to Gig might take a little time but you're, not pulling that same file out any quicker. And. When we talk about having to reconstitute, that entire backup file from cloud archive getting, the egress charge is taking the time to do it that's, where we run into issues, all. Right so now I got the same scenario except this one's in Azure, go. My veem user downloads. I'm. Not very creative so I use stock items let's go to copy to, desktop. Done. Huh. That. Means we. Went up into Azure said. This was deleted, new. That we only had one megabyte, block we had to pull down pulled it down it was here the. Other cool thing that we do and this is something, actually. Chris learned today we ever talking about at lunch and it's. Kind of neat so we look at data patterns, and what data looks like in our in our archives so I'm not going I need, this file I need to go up to Azure and do a query for this file within my metadata and find it I say, on, it's. Different when you look at object storage because, every piece of data has a shape has a size has a characteristic, to it instead. Of actually looking for the dot license, file or text within the name or, attributes. Of that file it sits on NTFS. We're, looking at what that shape looks like and if, we could only find a piece of it and we see something else that'll work together we'll put it together at. One point four kilobytes, not, much to put together but if you go to three or four megabytes we might have two or three of that data shape on Prem, and we might have the rest so we'll put those together that would Swift really makes us unique and this is from. A science level it. Makes sense well. And if I understand. What you're saying here, again. You're. Increasing, performance, on restore, and. Decreasing. Cost on egress absolutely. That's. That's the big piece and data shapes you know every. Talks about next-gen a next-gen. Cloud you know knowing that was in our own product. The. Data shapes actually started so when we actually put things into Azure we're. Using similar, to the same file form we created about 10, years ago mm-hmm, so this, has been under the hood we don't really talk about it much it really makes a lot more sense here. But, this has been under the hood and how veem has been so quick for all of our stores or insert recoveries, our labs, all these different pieces for. Quite some time now Matt. Question, for you I'm assuming many of them are thinking of it you mentioned it this. Data is going into that object store and as, we put it into the store it's. Being. Deduplicated. I heard, you say rehydration, yes, it's also being compressed is that correct absolutely so, we're. Saving, on the, ingress, charge, by compressing, and D duping the data. So. We get front-end and back-end savings, for the customer yep, absolutely and so, there's. One other piece, we. Put in there because this is still, the. Market for the last two years it says bring everything back on paren to your stores there it'll be quicker obviously. If you're trying to do an instant VM recovery, from, something in the cloud you're gonna have some latency so. We did put a feature back into our product that appeases, the legacy, thinking of how you do object storage, and. I say that because the way we do it is the, reason we do it this way but if I need to I can go back into my, restore, points hit properties and I. Can rehydrate, any. Restore, point I. Rehydrate. Dependencies, if it's a full justice backup and even. On rehydration, what we're gonna do is look at those data shapes that are on Prem and say view those data shapes actually, match anything. That we already have up there so even as I'm saying rehydrate, I'm still not pulling all the data back down I'm only pulling the data shapes, and, this is very key data, shapes that I think are, necessary to bring it back down so even though I'm rehydrated in the entire backup still, only bringing probably, 40.

To 50 percent of that back up back on Prem. Neat. Concept, any. Questions. One. In the back. So. When we look at the compression. And deduplication. Indeed. OOP actually happens when we look at these data types let me actually pull. I. Was, just there and see if I saved it. When. You put that backup chain before it. Actually gets pushed up into Azure you're gonna see it as your vbk is your incremental files on Prem that. Dataset, is gonna be the size of data set you're gonna see an azure so, when we do DV open compression, it's just like it was on disk but, as soon as it moves up into Azure that's when you get these shells and you reclaim, that space on Prem so. If, you've been running backups, for the last two months or six months and you want to say how much space do I need look, at your archive points and this also does work with the Veen backup copy job so if I'm doing you know keep a month or keep you know every week keep one backup every month keep one that. That retention policy, or the backup copy jobs that's gonna apply the same way and Azure. Excellent. So. What I'm gonna do now is like I did the demo we go back and forth we like, just go at it and then it's switch when we run out of gas so I'm gonna go back to Chris and let him talk about a couple more cool things so let's add innovations, in restore for a minute the, stuff, that you're seeing from an object storage, perspective, is exceptional. We're. Going to continue to build innovations, and restore operations, I want to go through some of those with you let's talk about one called staged restore, it's. A store, environment, the idea is we want to be able to provide capability. For, you to provide data management, before, the, data actually goes back into production. So. For example, maybe, you actually want to, run through a test. Like this one here's, John Smith he's. Interested, a. He's. Interested, in purchasing, a house in October 2017, he registers, all of his information. Dail into, a construction, company database, the. Construction, company of course makes a backup of the database, including. All of his contact, information. We. Go in and we back up or we verify the backup, job using sure, backup the, construction, company database continues, its production, everything. Runs smoothly, until now. Then. For some reason we. Have a crash and that, crash is going to require recovery. We. Power on the machine in an isolated data lab environment, we. Inject, a simple script in there because we know that John's, data, is no longer necessary. His house is built. His. Personal, information, is something, that we don't need and he probably doesn't want to be, recovered. We'll take John Smith's data, using. A script remove, it and then. Continue with the process of data restore so. A company has the ability to maintain in, this, case personal. Information. They. Have the ability to effectively, stage, any restore, and, use. That stage restoration, process to decide what data will. Come back in the event of a restore and what will not. That. Concept, kind of leads us and hopefully you started to think about it already well if I could do that with deciding, what data comes back and what doesn't, what if the data that I didn't, want to come back was malicious, code is.

It. Possible, to take a. Signature. File for example for a malicious, piece of code used. A staged style, restore, and prevent. Infected. Code from being restored, during. The process of a traditional beam restore and the answer is yes we, call the process secure, restore and allows. Us to take a step by step approach. To. Recovery, and can, eliminate simple, things like here we give you an example of how, to do a secure restore without react sploit ation on a zero-day, attack so. In this case when, we go through the process of restore. We. Go through the traditional backup. But when we get to our, windows. Of vulnerability stage. We. Can actually check. Attacks. We. Can check signature. Files we. Can clean files, so. In the event that maybe you only have one copy of a piece of backup. Data you want to retain that data you want to restore that data but you know it infected, data we can actually clean, the data before it's restored, so. Secure restore gives us a lot of options that allow. Us to isolate the environment, clean, the data sanitize. It then, build. Restore operations, in. Matt. When do we see this. Is. This like five years from now so. This will be in update four it'll. Be something I show you today and actual wizards of how this is done that's. Kind of cool let's, talk about data labs for just a minute data, Lab secure restore this, is an optional part of the restore process you can pick and choose to use it really, this, idea of data labs secure, restore simply, allows us to take a, restore. Point, mount. The restored disks, from. A backup file directly, to the server then. I can run things like my AV scans I can check. Mounted volumes, if there's, no issues found I can just run the straight restore back to the environment where I want them to operate if. There is an infection, that's actually found with, data labs I can. Restore in, a couple of different ways I could use not to continue the restoration, I can choose to continue. The restore but put it in an isolated, Network environment, no network connectivity so, I effectively, have an air-gapped operating, solution, and I can test further or, work. Further with that machine I can. Also just simply abort the recovery and say you know what it's done, infection, I'll take another backup, and we'll fix from there, but. My options, are significant. All, of this again done through a data labs environment, so I'm, isolated. From my production, environment and, able, to do all of this without fear, of its impact. On my organization. Let's. Talk about Veeam cloud mobility everybody. Talks about and I introduced, the idea to you that, we're going to move data back and forth between, an on-premises, environment, and an azure environment. We, jump over a glaringly. Needed. Set, of opportunities from, the software perspective someone. Is going to have to manage the movement of the data between. The on premises, environment, and the Azure environment. And there are lots of options out there in the marketplace we'd, like to spend a few minutes and talk to you about what Veen does for those, when we think about moving workloads. There's kind of a couple of different options. For, how this might come about, sometimes, we move workloads out of a nice long set of planning. Sometimes, we move workloads because there's an archive in Microsoft, Azure and we realize by accident, hey I could restore this to Microsoft, Azure and not have to restore it back to on-premises, sometimes. We migrate. Workloads, because we have an emergency. Matt. Talked a little bit about the idea of, veeam. Backup, and replication, with. Planned and unplanned migrations. Yep, so. This. Is a concept of we. Think but I think the migrations, in two different ways obviously, there's planned, there's. Some type of initiative. To say these, workloads are going up I've got fifteen vm's they need to go to Azure today, okay. We go through the process we migrate them up there, there. Is the. Unplanned. Migrations, in which, you. Have a VM go down and you have to restore it but you don't have that promote premises. Infrastructure, anymore and, that is actually going into Azure to get that workload up and running I also. See, if you think of it as a Venn diagram there, is a crossover, of those two and there's a lot of different ways to look at migrations, and I've done throughout my history a couple times.

From. A palace tased VMware. Hyper-v, to physical, to. Virtual, the. The, Venn diagram is I have an overall policy at my company I'm gonna, only restore into Azure any, environment. Or, anything I'm going to build moving forwards gonna be built to Nasher it's gonna be restored in Azure but. I'm not gonna go ahead and wholesale my entire environment and say let's move everything up today as. Data. Is needed so it means that as I'm going through something, goes down I had to restore it I have an overarching, policy, of migration, now it's not an immediate migration. This, one's unplanned, but, it still fits into my picture so, now I'm moving workloads. Into Azure based, on a plan, scripted out I'm, moving them because I have to I didn't think about it and then I am moving them because, I do need my workload up and right now but I have an overarching, plan to, migrate to Azure, all. Three of those models we enable because being, from the back of a replication piece being. Able to restore into, Azure or Azure, stack. Or other locations, that gives me the options to move that data around and we're, Mar grading it which, also looks it's, the data mobility, so this has got to cost me a ton of money right if I'm a business and I want to move my virtual. Machine work clothes from on-premises, into Microsoft, Azure there's, got to be a huge cost right so, at that point we, look at it and they say all, right so yeah either having an existing investments, gonna be a ton of money but if you look on here we've got Veen backup and replication restore, to Azure it's built-in you, also have Veen backup free Edition and, veeam. Agent, for Windows so that free rotation does, include a sure so you can go ahead and work move workloads up into it a lot, of time we do see it's already license you're already backing something up and that's for that policy comes in but. Maybe you have a site now where it's, a brand-new physical site you don't have veem yet you, can go ahead and move this into Azure and, then you can put one of our VM agents for the cloud protection, on it so, we have a lot of options from free, to what you already have in play let's, say, go and see this again I think it's effective, to see it in demonstration, rather than just simply talk about it and I know Matt can demo. It better than anyone. All. Right no pressure. Yeah. You know me too well all. Right so we're gonna go in and first thing you have to do when I talked earlier we had these storage accounts we have these compute, accounts we. Need to add in a computer count and what that means is we're gonna go back to our trusty, old managed cloud credentials. We're. Gonna go up here and say, add as, your. Compute account. So. From here we can go ahead and say environment, type now, I'm either restoring, to Azure stack or. Microsoft, Azure and. This I want to actually create an account for my Azure account itself. I'm gonna go ahead and click Next I don't. Have an a cap I can either say existing, user or I can, go configure, account. So. You'll notice right now as it pops up that friendly menu to log into Azure. So. I'll go ahead and type, carpenter. Hopefully. Can get this piece right, I'm. Gonna click Next and what you'll notice is how we've integrated into, it it gives me personal, or work in school so. Now I'm going to go out of asher, so we've also integrated with this and we're going to go to veem sign ins this is my sam'l. That. Means we have obviously. For vini employee only. Here's. The hard part. We'll. Find out if I got that right in about two seconds. No. Failure good yes. Passwords. So. We're gonna go ahead and import that in here and now again I think. Five, times throughout the entire presentation they were gonna go to these awkward's hairs where he reached one ton.

Right, Now it's gone five pirate jokes and it would have been good yeah, you. Could have had that one you know why, pirates. They they. Oftentimes don't finish kindergarten, do you know why mm-hmm. They can't memorize the alphabet, they always get stuck at a letter. No. No. It's not are they get lost at sea oh, oh. Yeah. I gotcha. You thought it was our for sure didn't you we just talked about how every joke earlier isn't our just right they. Went our. Yeah. For 30 seconds, it was worth it let's, see when. You repeat that joke later question. In the back wall we're pausing. Yep. So, why. I show you right now is when I log into a public Azure account it's gonna ask me to put on my credentials, associate. To my Azure that, works for regional, government. In China also if, I select, as your stack what, the next question, is gonna ask me is my endpoint because, the way as your stack works obviously it's on Prem and you're gonna see a suffix, R yeah suffix, added to it with, your Azure stack instance, so, you like for I have the development kit so I'll have like cloud app dot local dot Azure, stack dot. Infrastructure. If. You're looking at it for you. Know public Azure those are kind of already embedded in there we want to put those in there so when we select Azure stack if, you get it from one of the OEM each of them gonna have a different implementation. So, it's simply going to be your domain or, your. Anything. Registered from your account. From. Here I've got my account now there. Is an enable restore Linux based computers, if I select that we're gonna have an appliance. That's. A small length appliance actually go up in your Azure account to. Help with restorations. Of those, when we look at up. Until recently which I thought was awesome having, Linux and Azure there, wasn't a lot of links going on an azure so. We were helping out a little bit for. This I'm gonna go ahead and hit finish now. That is actually in there and I can use it I think. Click OK, now. For this I'm gonna go ahead and restore. See. Good we're sort of azure stack or Azure well. Start the restore. To a sure. Obviously. Have 23 minutes 35 34. 33 yeah, okay so. I'm gonna code and restore to Azure at, least start the process to walk he gets through it, so. I'm gonna go to my sponsorship, I have a couple accounts that my team labs admin, I've got my account I've got my Veen stack admin, theme stack is my Azure stack if I select that it's gonna let me go back to Azure stack. For. This one I'm gonna actually go to the Veeam labs admin, actually, why, not I'll tag it that, way they can clean it up later we, go to any of the regions obviously, available in public asher. I'm. Gonna go ahead and do us, yeast. Go. Next from. Here it's going to go ahead and say from, my account what do I have permission to do and, so. I'm gonna go ahead and say VM, sighs it'll. Query it have that populated, I'm, gonna go to my D 2 V 3 this. Time I get too big I mean use a storage account that I've got in there, click. Next now, I can do a resource group so, I'm gonna go ahead and click group. ID. See Dustin. Albertson, actually I do one cloud he does the other cloud but it's always entertaining that he's always on my stuff I understand, cuz. I'm gonna go the Ignite demo and, that's. Gonna be the resource group I've created or I can create a new one obviously, just like when you're doing a VM creation with an azure I, can. Also switch the VM name around I can add a prefix or a suffix so, I don't have a duplicate, one up there obviously, this one's in my address tack environment, I'm going to public asher so it'll, be ok to keep the same name I'm also gonna take that VM down. Next. Piece it'll go ahead and look at my networks I can select which network I want to be on it should, pull default for me demo. Is what I want to use today default, subnet and I can either have an empty msg where it creates one based on the VM just like a new VM creation, or for me I actually have an NSG, that I've already defined set. Of rules and. Just, like best practices, for network security groups today but that's where it is. The. Piece that Chris was talking about now obviously if I have an on-prem environment, maybe it gets hit by ransomware I need to restore back to it or its gets infected, I'm, saying, Asher is my new, surgical, suite it's my clean room it's my pristine.

Environment, You don't want to restore the one thing it's already taking down your one infrastructure. Right up in Azure does it make sense so, at this point you can go ahead and select it prior, to restoring, this VM we're gonna go ahead and do all those things that Chris talked about we're gonna go ahead and take your antivirus. Put. It into a silo isolate, it find, it clean it fix it you've got the three options as before. This. Is this is a big piece just, because it keeps the environment, clean on both sides. Or. At least as much as you can on one side and definitely, does not spread it out I. Wish. I have a six, and eight. Year old if I had this little. Feature for, when they come from school to home I think we'd be set yeah, it. Would be great we, don't I'm, sick for, like four months a year. I'm. Gonna go ahead restore, reason. It's. Demo time. So. I'm gonna go ahead ready to restore I've, got all my, variables. In there click. Finish, and. Now we're gonna go through it'll restore so, it's gonna show me a parameters, that I had I had my reason it was demo time it'll. Give me an estimate of the start/stop, time and we'll log everything in between it's gonna put everything in Azure I'm, starting, that. One. Of the things you might not have noticed is I'm actually taking this from one. Of my backups, it actually was a restore, point it. Was already archived for the cloud I did forget to mention that one so I did it from points, it's actually pulling from cloud storage and the. Next question is so I'm pulling from an azure a public, Azure cloud. Backup. I'm. Restoring, it to Azure. Now. Where, does the data go obviously, you're thinking okay so we got to pull it all the way back down for VM to do this and then you have to push it all way back up which is not true because I can use a proxy up in Azure where it goes from blob, storage directly restored, to a sure how data does not egress, that data center as long. As it's in the same data center and my storage account was east, u.s. now that was in - you might get some egress or across, the world who get that but, the fact that was sitting up there and started going so. Looking. Time, it's taken you four minutes to this point to. Create the Azure account, create. The virtual machine in Azure the container that you're using to restore to identified. The store run the restore wizard and now, I'm, assuming. How. Long we gonna be for it's done I'm. Probably 15, 20 minutes 17 more minutes so, we look from a beam perspective.

At Sub. 15-minute. RPO and RTO times now. We're talking about restoring, from our archives. Into Azure environments. And maintaining, connectivity, in, sub. 15-minute, RPO and RTO times. You. Have the capability. To go. In and. Really. Make an effective, use of a, sure as a restore. Point for. Your environment for virtual machines or physical machines it, you saw it works with Linux works, with Windows machines, works equally as effective if we have vmware as the source for the virtual machine, to. Do the restoration in Azure so. Lots of neat concepts, associated with this idea of restore. For a sure let's talk about software, as a service oh go ahead once, quick thing because I always, have I can't leave a presentation, without talking about power show oh we've got to do that yep I'm, a big proponent of PowerShell I live. Free, it and everything on the back end so we, look at that if you know about power show theme everything, backing what I just did today has, a power show back into it so you can actually script, everything I just showed you from. Creation, from earlier today to. Now which means now if I have an automated failover, and I have a plan where I say this, site went down it has 10 VMs, now. I need to go to a sure I can, have an action plan that does this by a PowerShell puts, all those 10 beings up there but that me haven't explained through it because he said how quickly did it take it took me four minutes but I was talking you through it I just, click it it starts that process almost, immediately yeah, that's. One, of the things I love about power show because we can do that and. It and maybe you're using as your automation, which is my new favorite toy, to play with, obviously. Because then that one's fine you can look at multi sites maybe I had ransomware it took out three different Robo, offices, I can say one, two three here's a parameters, 15 VMs 15 VM 15 VMs, everything's, up there but actually going up there it didn't count because already had most of my data in Asscher since, Azure - you're up and running and we're still looking at a pretty quick recovery, time so I'm at throughout Vemma automation, therefore you when's. That available, so. Basically. If you're using Azure. Automation. Or I call, it a palace way too much Orchestrator all this happens today you can do all this right now with the product and. You can make it to your run books we also have a couple products I'm not sure if Chris will cover them we, have the Veeam, availability, Orchestrator. Which. That's one of Chris's favorite things all his I'll let him talk to that a little bit more I like the PowerShell stuff I'm very manual like scripting a lot he. Doesn't so he likes this stuff that's nice and point-and-click and pretty and, the. Tools for be more castration, are exceptional, a guy. Like me who, not. That, I can't do PowerShell, I can but I love the elegance, of point, click and structure run book style operations. Through a Veeam console, and I, think frankly, that many. Of our small business customers, especially may. Have a one-stop, shop where their. IT, professional. Is not a powershell, expert, he's got to pick up the you. Know the tools that are available and, use the graphical, interface and, for, orchestration. Anymore, cos traitor's exceptional. Just, exceptional, we. Call the search engine parish colors that. Is wrong I can. Find how to write any PowerShell piece of code I just ask Siri hey, Siri how do I do that in PowerShell.

She. Knows let's. Talk about something, called the office 365 shared, responsibility. Model before we go any further this, is not something, of my creation. This, is a Microsoft, model, it, is available, for you to view on the office 365 trust. Center every, time I present, this someone will come up to me and say I loved, the office 365 shared, responsibility. Model how does Microsoft, feel about that and I, say they feel great about it because it's their model. So. Please as I review it don't think that I'm reviewing this for self-serving, purposes, I am NOT this, is the Microsoft. I simply, present it to you because it is appropriate, when, we talk about shared responsibility. Microsoft's. Primary. Responsibility. For your data in, their cloud is to maintain. The, global infrastructure. And the, uptime, of the office 365, cloud service, that is their job. Your. Job with office 365 data. Is, access. And control, of your data residing. In office 365, so. If I ask the question whose job is it to back up your data in an OU 365. Environment what. Do you say, it's. Yours, now. That shouldn't come as any shock to you because whose job is it to backup your data in an on-premises, divide or environment. It's, yours the. Key here is it's your. Data, and the, sovereign owner of the data has the responsibility, to, protect it and that. Will stay the same in. A software-as-a-service, environment. A platform, as a service environment and infrastructure. As a services, environment, or, in your on-premises, networks, so. When we talk about office 365 before. We go any further please. Note that it is the customer's, responsibility. To, protect the, data that. Means that supporting, technologies. Like, office, 365 data. Replication will. Still be offered by Microsoft. Because. Microsoft says, hey we will geographically. Replicate. Your data to three different to, geographically. Dispersed data center does. That mean that you no longer have the responsibility. For its backup, no. You. Still have the same responsibility, and in fact when. We talk about Microsoft. They're, adding, supporting, technologies, they have a recycle, bin I totally understand, they, maintain that data for 30 days but, the recycle, bin is not a backup, and restore strategy. For office 365. Instead. A customer. Has a responsibility, to come up with their own, 365. Backup, and restore strategies. What. Does this mean if you look at Microsoft's, website, they. Provide infrastructure, level security that, means physical, security logical, security application. Level and user admin control. Customer, provides. Control. Over accidental, deletion, malicious insiders, employer retaliation evidence. Tampering the. Customer, provides that. Microsoft. Does not what, that means if I give you the real-world scenario, it, is theoretically. Possible it's more than theoretically, possible it's functionally, possible, for, ransomware attack to be mounted against a mailbox in your office 365 environment, if, that occurs whose responsibility. Is it it's. Yours.

Microsoft. Offers no, point in time recovery, for office 365 environments. Someone. Hacks your sharepoint server deletes. All the data off your internal. Company blogs it's, your responsibility to, get it back Microsoft. May have, a duplicate, copy and. They. Will provide it for you at, which time you will get to provide its structure, and try and recover it to your environment, which will likely take days. Or. You could use fiends tools and take minutes. So. There is a heavy convenience, factor associated with using tools, like being backup for office. 365 in, the event of a ransomware attack where your data is encrypted, will, the three copies that Microsoft, keeps for you be of any benefit. No. Because you'll now have three. Encrypted. Copies of your data not. Just one so. Please as you look at office 365. Those, of you taking pictures the slide deck will be available for you to you're. Welcome to use it in fact I'll encourage you to please use the. Information that we're sharing with you your. Role as the data owner. Is to answer your. Company's, requirements for. Regulatory compliance. And restoration, capabilities. With 365, I apologize. For putting. The heavy conversation, and business. Responsibilities. Your way but, you have to limit access control, of your data you, have to bridge. The retention policy gaps, there. Are security, vulnerabilities. In o365, environments. Just lik


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