What the Hell Happened This Week - Week Of 11/15/21 The Daily Show

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] think back for a moment to spring of 2020 much of the world had ground to a halt which meant that people weren't driving they weren't visiting friends or going into the office or hanging out of the passenger side of their best friend's ride trying to holler at me if you left your home at all it was probably to take a sad walk around the block i mean at least until you heard someone cough down the street and then you ran your ass back inside now because of all of that that meant that america's oil industry which had been producing more than any country in the world basically shut down and even though society has ramped back up again the oil industry hasn't early in the pandemic demand for gasoline dropped dramatically as workers were told to stay home that immediately walloped the oil and gas industry like nothing ever in its history has ever hit them before at one point early on in the coronavirus crisis the price of a barrel of oil it cost less than zero dollars when prices dropped abruptly with the pandemic shutdown u.s shield producers dramatically slowed the drilling of new wells rigs were taken out of service and oil production in the u.s dropped off significantly they shut down production they laid off tens of thousands of workers to try and stay alive during the pandemics just like everything else in our lives the oil production has been impacted by covet they can't just flick a [ __ ] at a refinery and operations and have everything back to normal yeah one of the reasons gas prices are so high is because america is making less gas than it did before the pandemic because people may be driving again but that doesn't mean that it's easy for gas producers to just instantly produce as much as they were before you got to grow a whole new dinosaur and then smoosh it until the oil comes out that takes time and it makes sense that it's gonna take them time to adjust i mean it's been hard for all of us right every single one of us it's been hard for us to get back to normal life after the pandemic do you remember the first time you had to make small talk at the office nobody knew what we were doing welcome to the elevator do you remember weather yeah i do not my wife is leaving me this is not my floor but i'm getting out now if america isn't making enough oil to keep up with demand then why doesn't it just buy more from the rest of the world well it could but it turns out the people who control the oil in the rest of the world well they just don't feel like sharing gas price is really not being driven up by the demand on the horizon it's really more about the supply oil producing nations are actually constricting the supply a little bit because they're trying to recoup their pandemic losses there's a cartel that controls the price of oil internationally and that cartel is called opec opec the biggest oil producing nations aren't increasing the amount of oil they release into the global economy so as demand rebounds in the u.s americans are paying about 16 dollars more to fill up their tanks than a year ago president biden recently appealed to opec and russia to boost production but received a flat no wow they received a flat no i mean to be fair every no coming out of a russian is a flat no have you ever talked to a russian person they're never afraid of a flat no hey are you having a good day no there's there's always tomorrow right no and look you can understand opex position i mean how much longer is oil gonna be around right they need to make money on this [ __ ] now before we're all driving elon musk's cars that curse out bernie sanders when you honk the horn and by the way you also know what this means right you realize that this is the first time america could openly go to war for oil because usually when america goes into the middle east it's always like this isn't about oil my son is going over there to fight for freedom but if prices go any higher now americans can just be like kevin you get your butt in that fighter jet because your dad is not paying six dollars a gallon that's my steak money now the good news is america is not going to war yet but asking opec nicely also didn't work so the big question is what can be done to lower gas prices well the bad news for president biden is not much the biden administration is scrambling for solutions to one of his biggest biggest political liabilities soaring gas prices like presidents who came before him joe biden has few options when it comes to combating high fuel prices nearly a dozen senate democrats are calling on biden to consider all the tools available at your disposal even the extreme step of banning american oil exports which goldman sachs warned would be counterproductive and could actually raise prices the president also considering tapping the strategic petroleum reserve though industry experts have warned that would do little to alleviate the problem if you ask the energy industry they would say well the white house could cut environmental regulation and maybe that would help and it could maybe for next winter but that would take some time president biden does not have a magic wand to dramatically lower gas prices and if he did judging upon his sinking poll numbers he would use that magic wand well i don't know about that i mean i feel like even if joe biden did have a magic wand he'd still need to recite a spell based on what we've all seen i do not have confidence that he'd be able to get it right uh alex zam abraca abdul-jabbar uh one of one of the great negro you know the thing you know the thing did it work what's tough for biden is that it doesn't matter what else he does if the price of gas stays high that's that he could sign all the infrastructure bills he wants he could get everyone to agree on abortion but all people care about is how much is the black goo from the ground higher than before then get them out of here [Music] [Applause] a surprising new side effect of covert 19 and this isn't a physical side effect like shortness of breath or loss of smell or mass ears where the elastic loops make me look like obama's secret son no this is a side effect of how covet has become a political football as americans call it a political shocker but yeah basically it turns out that once conservatives got angry about having to protect themselves from one disease they decided to do it with other diseases as a matter of general principle new polls out suggest republicans much less likely to get a flu shot now than they were before the covet pandemic several national polls say there was not much difference between the number of republicans and democrats getting a flu shot in the years before the coronavirus pandemic however business insider is reporting there's now a 20 percent gap between the members of the two political parties about two-thirds of democrats say they have or planned to get a flu vaccination while for republicans that number is less than 50 percent researchers say that indicates a political battle over the cobit vaccine is now affecting flu shots as well yeah that's right many republicans have turned against the covet vaccine so hard that now they're turning against the flu shots and look with the covet vaccine i get it i get it it was new people didn't trust the technology but guys the flu shot has been around since forever you can't decide now to hate it it'll be like if everyone suddenly decided to hate betty white i mean we were all cool with her for 140 years what changed and if you ask me this is a selfish decision because people who don't get the flu shot spread the infection to everyone they sneeze into the air that we breathe they grab the doorknobs that we grab they touch the subway poles that the rest of us lick it's disgusting that's why i'm getting my flu shot for sure i'm going to space it out for my covert shot you know i don't have two shots close to each other otherwise they're both going to be there in my body at the same time they might start a turf war [ __ ] starts popping off in my pancreas now to the crossfire i don't want that [ __ ] you know trying to keep it safe in my body it just really feels like we're moving to a place where all of science is going to become partisan that's what it feels like and like in a few years you're going to hear news reports like democrats are sticking by gravity but many republicans say they're not interested anymore polls show that up to 40 percent of republicans are now floating off into space and now they'll say over to you in the weather it's not as warm as it should be because i gotta wear a coat and put my toes away and i don't appreciate it i'm a summertime beach this covered flute thing is wild well the only good thing about this is now if we don't want them to do things we can just threaten to vaccinate them what do you mean like if they try to storm the capital again just be a bunch of cops be like sir if you come across that line we will vaccinate you don't make us make this flu [ __ ] airborne sir sir hold them down hit them in the net ah like [ __ ] got cops running around with needles just a bunch of rogue nurses out here trying to help like just trying to help the government i think you you've just stumbled upon the next wave of american law enforcement this is actually pretty good get him all right let's move on let's move on from the war on science to the war in outer space because yesterday russia woke up and decided to make things much more dangerous up there than it needs to be now to a conflict in space the us is slamming russia for carrying out a missile test that created a serious amount of dangerous space debris which could remain in orbit for decades threatening space travel even this morning outraged from u.s officials

after russia carried out a missile test early monday firing an anti-satellite missile into space obliterating one of its own satellites and creating a vast debris field that's now orbiting earth some of that debris coming dangerously close to the international space station which is currently carrying four u.s astronauts the crew sheltering for more than two hours until they were finally given the green light secretary of state anthony blinken slamming the russian missile test calling it dangerous and irresponsible and adding that the debris will remain a threat for decades yeah russia blew up a satellite with a rocket and guys i keep saying this but these gender reveals are getting out of hand but for real though i don't understand why russia blew up their own satellites i mean maybe it was announcing that it was running against putin who knows but but there's got to be a better way to do this i mean if you want to get rid of something you just do what new yorkers do drag it to the sidewalk and leave a big free sign on it you know but people blowing it up so it sends lethal debris shooting around in orbit that's unacceptable guys and if you ask me someone needs to stand up to russia like maybe america should start some sort of force to like defend space you know what's that oh it did ah and i called it the most pointless thing since trump created don jr nah that doesn't sound like me all right thank you thank you well look man this is one thing i love about america america would never launch a missile at a satellite i mean they they tried but it accidentally hit a wedding in syria but the point is they didn't hit the satellites all right let's move on to a threat that is closer to earth vigilante white dudes bo yesterday the arguments at the carl rittenhouse trial wrapped up and now the jury has to decide whether he'll go to prison or become trump's running mate in 2024 meanwhile down in georgia they've begun the murder trial for the three men charged with chasing down and killing armada arbory last year now for obvious reasons this trial is getting a lot of national attention but the lawyer for one of the defendants well he seems to have a big problem with who is paying attention an explosive morning in the trial of the three men accused of murdering a mod arbory with a still smoldering racially charged debate spurred on by defense attorneys over black pastors in the courtroom defense attorney kevin goff objecting to reverend jesse jackson's presence in the gallery how many pastors does the berry family have we had the reverend al sharpton here earlier last week which pastor is next is raphael warnock going to make it be the next person appearing this afternoon we don't know with all due respect your honor the seats in the public gallery of a courtroom are not like courtside seats at a lakers game all right first of all of course this trial is not like a lakers game right the jury has 11 white people and only one black guy that's basically the opposite of any basketball team and secondly i'm not saying that this guy is racist but when you're representing a guy who killed a black man just for jogging in the wrong neighborhood it's not a great look to be pointing into the gallery and going hey this black guy doesn't belong here we should do something about that come on jasper you want to do it again and thirdly black pastors have been supporting families in need from the beginning of time why are you shocked by this they show up for everything whether it's kids killed in gang violence whether it's a civil rights issue it doesn't matter what it is they'll show up hell if you need them they'll even show up for emotional support at your kid's spelling bee lord jesus please show this dumb little kid how to spell platypus his family's been through enough amen and amen what i'm confused about listen i grew up in georgia everybody is a pastor um everybody's up what are you talking about that you don't want pastors here everybody george is a pastor also how am i supposed to trust a southern white man that don't want the lord in the room you don't want one of god's servants yeah you're right i don't get it it'd be different if like jesse jackson was in there taking up a collection for a building fund so they're not taking up a collection it's not like they're in there preaching what do you think it could have been worse it could have been way worse they could have brought a whole choir in there with them because if i'm a black pastor coming to that trial i'm bringing in a whole black i'm bringing in a whole choir and tambourines they're going hey guilty guilty that's what i'm doing if i'm a black pastor down there i'm bringing a choir in and being like george tell your neighbor and say neighbor abra this man is guilty yeah i would start a sermon every time i walked in the place they're just sitting there being quiet it's a pu he said it's a public gallery yes they are the public anybody can show up you can go all right and finally yesterday president biden held a ceremony on the white house lawn along with democrats and republicans from congress and they were doing this to finally sign his big infrastructure bill and guys i i really am confused about why they have to sign the bill in public i mean i know it's important legislation but as a spectator sport it's pretty boring you know like where's the drama you know ooh maybe the pen will run out of ink here man also why are they even having a bill signing celebration passing laws is their job nobody else gets to do that at their job like after you make photocopies for your boss at the office you don't get to post for pictures while shaking hands i didn't think you could get it double-sided well done billy well done but look i do get why lawmakers are excited about this it's the biggest investment america has made in itself in decades and there's also some smaller things in this bill that might do a lot of good how to stop drunk drivers before they even put the car into gear it has been talked about for decades but now thanks to the infrastructure bill passed by congress last week it could finally happen it includes a mandate for automakers that all new cars must use technology that prevents drunken people from driving it will be as standard as airbags the u.s transportation department will decide the type of technology that will be required it's estimated 9 400 lives will be saved every year the drunk or otherwise impaired driver will get in their car and it either won't start won't move or will pull itself over depending on what technology is selected the sober driver will get in their car and never even know it's there all right i think we can all agree this is an amazing law first of all because it will hopefully save lives and secondly because some people will be so drunk they won't even know that the car hasn't started you realize that right he's going to get it and be like get out of the way get out of the way all right i'm home now wow my home looks just like the bar all right guess it's time for round two and i know some people are asking how will they develop technology to determine if someone is drunk what does that mean guys we already have that technology it's called a karaoke machine no but for real no one is sure what technology they'll actually use to detect if you're drunk driving right it could be something that tracks if your eyes stay open or if you're swerving out of your lane or if you're just trying to get to a taco bell i just hope it's not a breathalyzer that's the one thing i hope i don't want to breathalyze a hook to the dashboard because i'm sorry i'm not trying to give my call every time i want to go somewhere well i want to save that for special occasions you know like our anniversary or a toyotathon there is one huge loophole in this law though and that is it only needs to be available in new cars yeah i mean that's still good but it means if someone really likes drunk driving all they got to do is drive an old car in fact at some point we're probably going to be able to tell who's committed to drunk driving because it's going to be like 20 60 and they'll still be driving ikea sorrento from 2005. yeah

you just can't give this baby up man you know me i love vintage cars yeah [Applause] [Music] today's big basketball story and no i'm not talking about everyone dunking on the eternals i'm talking about an iconic stadium that's taking on a brand new identity after 22 years staples center in downtown los angeles is getting a new name and it's a real sign of the times beginning christmas day the home of the lakers clippers and kings will be known as crypto.com arena the cryptocurrency trading platform reportedly paid more than 700 million dollars for the naming rights the lakers won six championships in this building the sparks won three titles the clippers play here too you know it'd be weird this is uh you know i grew up just being staples and staples being you know the place to play and the place to be it's kind of like just stripping the history here well i mean i don't know if you need to get that sentimental paul you know it's not like staples is a sacred name from the ancestors it's a store where you buy 50 packs of binders even though you only need one you know and when you get home you find out they were the wrong size anyway you don't need to get that nostalgic about it like it's company and if you do want to get nostalgic just wait just wait i promise you soon we'll get used to crypto.com arena and in 20 years when they change that name to nanobot x arena or whatever your kids will be upset about that back in my day this stadium wasn't about the latest fad it was about swapping blockchain currencies on a digital market exchange there was culture attached to it you know nfts and look this this shouldn't come as a surprise but anywhere a team can advertise they're going to advertise right the stadiums the jerseys the courts they literally started showing commercials during free throws you realize that we're two months away from the nba selling name rights to the score it's gonna be like and the game ends with a score of 84 to mountain dew a big win for the lakers or a big loss i can't tell what's happening but i mean can you blame the arena though if people are offering you a shitload of money to use their name you do it i mean that's what i did i sold my naming rights to a guy named trevor noah for 40 bucks what you know this come on do i look like a trevor my real name is bert pakowski i'm sorry i just can't stop picturing them removing the staples logo with one of those giant staple removers just a giant glock sorry the edibles kicking in i think i need to know what edibles these are all right let's move on from sports to music and the woman that everyone is talking about right now taylor swift pop star songwriter and inventor of the color red personally i love taylor swift huge fan really nothing bad to say about her but even if i had something bad to say about her i wouldn't i wouldn't say it because taylor swift's fans are super protective of her like like they're like one of those old-fashioned dads with a shotgun who doesn't want you to marry his daughter because he wants to marry her you see taylor swift has been re-recording all of her old albums which means people are re-listening to all of her old songs about her famous exes and then getting mad at those exes all over again on her behalf and while taylor may be content to address her old boyfriends with heartfelt lyrics and songs that are again i want to stress this perfect in every way some of her fans are a lot less subtle this is going a little too far while jake gyllenhaal is taking incoming fire from the swifties another one of taylor's exes is being bombarded with messages now a user on instagram sent john mayer a direct message telling him [ __ ] yourself you ugly [ __ ] i hope you choke on something mayor then responded to the user saying that he'd been getting many messages like that over the past couple of days and asking do you really hope i die to which the user responded omg what i don't want you to die i'm sorry the user apologized again and admitted they didn't really think mayor would see the message you see people this is what i hate about social media it makes people act shittier than they actually are which then makes us think that people are shittier than they actually are because social media makes us forget that we're all human beings you know we just see that little avatar and then we all talk [ __ ] to each other but we're all human even celebrities are real people all of them i mean i always obviously accept timothy shalom he's got to be cgi no one can be that good looking i mean just look at that person now i'm craving spice god damn and i know her fans are like but he hurt her listen to her song yes that's all you're supposed to do listen to the song you know taylor swift writes songs to express her emotions in a way that touches other people not to order a hit on her ex-boyfriends so death threats are not the way to go especially with someone like john mayer don't send him death threats he gets them all the time if you really want to upset him tell him that ed sheeran is a better guitar player that's going to hit his heart [Music] [Applause] russia the fictional country depicted in creed 2. they're also the real life country that likes invading other countries and now they might be back on their [ __ ] overseas tonight and the growing concern involving russia the u.s is warning russia may be weighing a potential invasion of ukraine satellite images tonight showing russian troops and equipment gathering about 142 miles north of the border with ukraine despite an estimated 100 000 russian troops gathering along their border ukrainian forces appear confident and prepared for battle after years of pushing for membership the eastern european country is still not a part of nato meaning they don't have treaty protection if russia invades although this hasn't stopped the americans british and french from offering statements of support we are going to watch very closely as the russian federation chooses its actions in the coming days and weeks yeah that's what i want from my allies is for them to watch very closely as someone whips my ass guys guys i'm getting attacked i'm getting attacked don't worry man we're watching them land every punch yo darnell you're recording right yeah we got you boy we got you we see them beating your ass if you're ukraine this situation sucks man because russia are the bad guys right but it doesn't seem like the world is willing to get into a war to protect ukraine and can i be honest can i be honest with you i think it's because people don't have a personal connection to ukraine like if russia was invading italy or france well people would do something about it oh no the art the coliseum we have to protect it like if i was ukraine i would have brought the worldwide rights to all the seinfeld reruns then people would care if you don't protect us from russia you will never again see kremer open door like crazy also this is genius timing from russia right you realize it's not a mistake because anyone who knows history knows you're not going to send troops into russia at the beginning of winter so basically russia has like what five months to do whatever they want yeah the rest of the world is going to be standing by like this will not stand russia your ass is going to pay as as soon as mid april rolls around it depends on what the groundhog says and like why does russia even need more land have you seen russia it's huge why are you doing this like i would get if monaco wanted to invade another country i mean they're running out of closet space but russia now while russia is getting ready to invade another country in europe is setting up a different kind of invasion because they're not using tanks or missiles they're using immigrants turning out of the border crisis this one playing out in europe as thousands of migrants try to enter the european union from belarus these are the front lines what the european union says is a hybrid war the eu accusing belarus's dictator alexandra lukashenko of using migrants as weapons purposefully luring them into belarus from countries like iraq and syria by promising them easy access to europe poland then refusing to let them in belarus refusing to take them back leaving thousands of people stuck in the middle man come on people this is just dirty basically what's going on is that for a while now the european union has been imposing sanctions on alexander lukashenko the dictator of belarus and eastern europe's my pillow guy and you see he's been stealing elections he's been cracking down on protesters jailing journalists basic dictatorships and now lukashenko is trying to get back at the european union by flying in migrants from the middle east and then sending them into poland to create a border crisis which is the most passive aggressive military tactic i have ever heard of this is like when your parents start cooking with peanuts to get you to move out of the house because they know you're allergic it's a dick move and obviously everyone is really mad about this not just because it's inhumane to these migrants but because unlike ukraine we can't let anything happen to poland i mean that's where all our water comes from because you realize people this is especially cruel right it's especially cruel to these migrants these are real people who are just trying to live better lives it is disgusting to use them as weapons i mean say what you want about drake and kanye's beef but at least they didn't catapult mexicans at each other but let's move on because while belarus is trying to destabilize poland there's another country that's already on the brink of collapse ethiopia where a brutal year-long conflict has forced millions out of their homeland and is threatening to disintegrate into an all-out civil war rebels from tigray province appear to be advancing toward the capital addis ababa ethiopia's prime minister called for national unity and authorities in addis ababa rounded up ethnic to grinds today two weeks ago the state department urged all americans to leave ethiopia but with echoes of afghanistan the state department doesn't know or won't say how many americans are in the country last week the state department did make a point of saying there would be no afghan style evacuation for americans stuck in ethiopia they did however offer to help them get on commercial flights out yeah this is tough news for ethiopians and this is tough news for americans in ethiopia because in afghanistan the u.s

government staged an all-out airlift meanwhile in ethiopia they're like might we suggest priceline.com like i don't even know what that means what do they mean when they say the state department will help you book a commercial flight out that's not helpful people know how to book flights that's like going hey hey you do you need a ride do you need a ride yeah well i'm happy to help so what you got to do is open uber on your phone then you hit request a ride best of luck buddy also flying commercial is the worst way to evacuate a war zone can you imagine that stress please please the soldiers the soldiers are coming we need to get out now sir your diamond medallion member okay please step aside anyone in group a or above we're boarding you now sir please please stand back just relax thank you and you know who this is a great opportunity for though right alexander lukashenko i bet he's already sliding into american dms like i can hook you up with the free private flights to the polish border are you interested but you got to feel for ethiopians man because any time their country is in the news it is either because of war or famine or some long distance runner broke the world record which are all pretty extreme things if you think about it i feel like we need more coverage of just like regular ass ethiopians you know who can't run don't know how to fight just want to chill and please understand this please understand this is a really complicated and sensitive story right because for for about a year now the government has been at war with a rebel group but that's like the simplified version because there are so many layers of this conflict that we just don't have the time to do it justice this is a huge beef with a history that goes back decades involving rival ethnic groups different territories foreign interference because african conflicts are never simple they're super complicated and everyone has different versions of events they're basically like white people conflict but with more seasoning so from russia's military to migrants in belarus and armies in ethiopia people everywhere are on the move meanwhile in india the only place people might be moving to is back inside smothered by smog a toxic haze hanging over new delhi and it is raising the level of air pollution to dangerous levels schools in the indian capital have shut their doors until further notice and private construction banned at least for now india's environmental ministry panel on air pollution has directed delhi and other states to encourage private officers to allow work from home but for street vendors staying home is not an option the pollution is unbearable the government must take some steps we are forced to work because we can't stay indoors forever for now delhi's residents will be inhaling this toxic air which according to a report by the university of chicago is 10 times worse in northern india than anywhere else in the world god damn did you hear that the air in new delhi right now is 10 times worse than anywhere else in the world that means you'd be better off just sticking your face in that steam that comes out of the ground in new york city which by the way what is that [ __ ] like is there a fire down there i've lived here for many years i still don't understand what that is like someone dry cleaning a rat what what i feel like it's worth looking into no one just me you know one detail i like from the story is that the indian government put together an environmental ministry panel on air pollution who confirmed that the air was indeed polluted uh you don't need a panel i don't know why they did that why do governments like doing this you just need eyes yes after three years of study we have concluded that delhi's air is brown and that this is uh bad but you see this is a great example of why we all need to move to cleaner energy because yes it is expensive to do but it is also hella expensive to constantly shut down the economy when your city turns into a sandstorm from dune except this time timothy shalom is there to make you feel better with that smile and you might be like well trevor why don't they just start carpooling in india my man they're way ahead of you and it's still not enough it's actually a real rough spot for india because as a nation you want to keep modernizing you want to keep growing but then the fallout of those effects make it so that you can't even enjoy the fruits of modernization you know it's almost like someone who gets really into crossfit to help them attract women but then they push everyone away because they can't stop talking about the fact that they joined crossfit now those ads are useless and you wouldn't be able to tell this from the story but new delhi is one of the most beautiful places in the world i mean this is what it looked like last year after months of lockdown and the smog dissipating but now it's back to looking like it's stuck on a permanent sepia filter all right but let's move on to our final international story and like most things in the world this story was made in china the royalty of professional tennis expressing concern about the welfare of one of their own honestly it's shocking you know that that she's missing pong choi a chinese tennis champion hasn't been seen or heard from in weeks in early november peng published this bombshell post on her chinese social media account an open letter to a former top communist leader named jang gaoli now aged 75 hupang accuses of sexually assaulting her after the two had an affair shortly after the controversial post pong's online profile more or less disappeared until recently pangshui was one of the biggest tennis stars in china but look what happens when you try to search for people with her name in the chinese internet you get the message no results found sensors have all but scrubbed this woman from the chinese internet now today a new twist with chinese state media releasing this email purportedly written by pong to the head of the women's tennis association it completely disavows the previous allegations of sexual assault adding i'm not missing nor am i unsafe and i hope chinese tennis will become better and better [Music] yo this is really disturbing someone speaks out about sexual assault and then china's government just makes them disappear and then what's even worse is that they release some [ __ ] email pretending like everything is fine because come on people that email from the tennis star was as legit as the letters i got from my supermodel girlfriend in fifth grade she's coming next year guys i swear this is what makes china so terrifying like if you're on their good side well things are great but if you try to tell the truth about how china is a country that constantly oppressed trevor noah woman judah each what the hell was that i'm not even in china look man it's one thing for your government to come after you it's another thing for them to just make you never exist i mean they scrubbed the internet of anything about this tennis player do you know how hard it is to get stuff off of the internet only china can do that in fact if you have embarrassing pictures online or problematic tweets just move to china and talk [ __ ] about the communist party yeah they'll clean up your reputation in no time i mean yeah you'll be locked in the basement somewhere but hey at least you can get cancelled and this also really puts into perspective when people in america complain about being censored by big tech oh twitter took down my tweet this is a charity guys peng shui literally does not exist on the internet anymore like yeah maybe trump can't tweet right now but you can still google him trust me just yesterday i searched for donald trump big buck photos i got 80 million hits and no i'm not going to tell you why i googled that i like big butts and i cannot lie before we go native american families suffer from food insecurity and hunger daily but the native american heritage association with the help of generous donors is committed to fighting hunger with emergency food supplies and basic life necessities so if you can please donate at the link below to help native american families stay warm safe healthy and fed this [Music] thanksgiving you


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