What s Next for intel CR-T Tech Talk

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when people walk in and they see until all of a sudden like okay how how are you doing a billion [Music] hey everybody Welcome to Tech talk and today I have my good friend Eric Townsend uh program director at Intel Eric how you doing good Tim glad to be here excited to be talking to you and with your audience today right on right on well Eric um tell us a little bit about yourself yeah so uh Eric Townsend I live in Arizona and what that means is that in Arizona we actually have been Intel for over two decades we have one of our largest manufacturing facility in the world here got a Fab that's actually about a mile long which is kind of cool one of our great expansion we're doing also across the US for manufacturing I'm here in Arizona but uh yeah work a lot with uh people in the channel and a lot with their end customers around just different technology challenges they're dealing with and how Intel technology can help with that oh right on right on we're going to dive into a few subjects here today and I um I think one of the things I really want to uh go right into is a little bit about uh Intel and its relationship in developing the technology that we use every day the Next Generation technology maybe you could say a little something about that yeah so I you know it we break it down to me you know at Intel we're very past this morning right we're a manufacturing companies we do um but I would tell you that there's kind of three big pillars if you want to call that comes into play one um we've got standards that we really lean in on technology development and then also just new manufacturing technology we do and I think a lot of times people see Intel and they see it just a processor right and that processor does drive a lot but there's a lot of software that leans in there there's a lot of standards that lead and when I say standards think about um like way back in the USB right that's there's technically a standard on USB a lot of people use USB but it's not just in a uh a computer it's not just an accessory think about Wi-Fi right Wi-Fi is something where all of our different devices you know there's where Wi-Fi 6E right now right that's six version but we got to make sure to Intel that that the standards are being built even like a PCI Express um think of 5G think of like Thunderbolt all these ones the people go oh that's Intel's involved with that get our technology we build it's got to basically fit into that so we actually ironically if you want to know just a tidbit Tim you can use this at the next kind of a cocktail program we are the number one contributor to the Linux kernel wow but number one wow I didn't know that we're top three contributor to the Chrome OS oh wow we're a top 10 contributor to the openstack oh yeah so I'm familiar with Intel's contributions also I mean a lot of the things that we uh we benefit today from just the manufacturing processes let alone the technology has come from Intel as well yeah and I think that's a good point but we in Europe when we think of Technology development Tim we're looking at you know there's everyone knows the PC side the client Computing we do a lot in the data center side which we're now putting AI in there on the networking Edge side so how are we looking at like uh when there's there's things out the edge the data we're Gathering right the secure has to happen how do we ensure technologies that Graphics we're leaving there and saying okay we've got all this great processing power I can make graphics better we have a part of our company called mobileye and that's where we start getting into autonomous driving and then there's a very large part of business growing around Foundry Services where we're actually building silicon for different types of companies so think of like a company like Amazon when they have their own environment they have their specific silicon standards they want to have Intel's leading into that or other major large companies that say hey we don't have the Fabs to build this but we know until you have it but we want to design it and then they work for us for manufacturing so from Iowa State's from you look at the end point all the way to as far as in the data center we do all of that from an Intel perspective but we're working with a lot of companies for it to grow beyond that so we're the technology sites um huge for us and I'll even mention too just it and people have been hearing about this but are our new manufacturing um technology is getting big because we're actually growing um our footprint you two may have heard of this footprint growing but we're actually growing um in the US specifically we know Supply chains have gotten pretty constraint over the last couple years because you've told me that you're like my customers mean right we're growing that now like in Ohio you know that we actually have purchased land for nine could fit nine Fabs in Ohio we have two brand new uh Fabs being built in Arizona uh we have another one that's being updated in New Mexico um that's just here in the US we're also growing over in other countries um in Germany and over in Asia and so the amount of sites that we have today Oregon Arizona New Mexico Costa Rica Ireland Israel Malaysia Chengdu and Vietnam and there's more but those are big ones we have all that capable we're building but we're actually saying look how do we make sure that we take that to kind of the next level and when I say next level Tim we're even changing the technology conversation where before it was like until we had like nanometers how big something was now we're saying no there's Intel seven Intel 4 Intel three this is where all these different Technologies giving her one up there and I know you do have some technical people that are going to be ribbon fat technology yeah look at that one that's this new stuff that's being out there so we're trying to say how do we how do we take that that new manufacturing capability that we're building up Footprints getting bigger we're making the supply chain stronger but then how are you taking Intel prowess of just you know Moore's law to really make it so that we're pushing technology so that the solutions that cnrt is putting out to their customers are not just like the latest generation it's the Next Generation it's funny you and you brought up Moore's Law um I think most people have heard the statement about Moore's Law and how it exists technology technically repeats itself every nine months on average and that's actually from Intel that Intel came up the with that particular statement and it's become more less of a theory and more of a fact um when you look at how technology is growing so fast and so uh consistently um what comes to mind is the relationship you have in your ecosphere the the partners that benefit from that technology and how they're able to drive their products and it begs the bigger question of what is that ecosystem to Intel and how do you look at those Partnerships and and what makes sense for you as a developer of that technology yeah I think I Tim you've hit a big one right I think you know at Intel we have um there's a lot of Innovations we do in fact we have a core valued Intel called Fearless Innovation Fearless right and we can't do that by ourselves right but we were literally when when we're working together like with cnrt right we're saying what's that next level of security that we can put into play not not let's say not today what's that next generation one but those innovations that play across like for example on VR and AR but yeah those things that we can connect in so I think that the Innovations but I I let people know that that ecosumi said is a huge word because Hardware is a piece of it software is our piece to it and these Services right that lay on top is huge so think of like at Dev right massive where you can say great there's this harder piece here we have a software piece of it but how do we make sure it integrates together so it works at a certain business right yeah and those Innovations it's it's Fearless Innovation actually has to happen so that it can be deployed and I think that's the part where a lot of your customers are they they just see the end result okay yeah cnrt can just do it that's because they're part of that chain of The Fearless Innovation but they can say hey look we see this coming out and there's this Intel Hardware okay there's a software Partners out there um you know we've got our own services and kind of how we make sure we bring it all together and I think the Technology Innovation is all those coming together and look at that symbiotic relationship and I'm very appreciative for the Royal Intel plays uh not just as a member of the board of advisors at Intel but also as a a partner who um regularly benefits from the collateral expertise that I'm able to fall back on and Intel is a wealth of expertise for sure I look at also uh maybe this as a signpost what's coming up next uh what technology are does Intel C developing and I know that there are certain ntas you can't get into but as a consumer what does the next 18 months look like in your view yeah so I think you know so when I when I'm when I'm thinking about um what Intel's putting in play I always go back to there's this service development to it right so there's new services that are going to be in um deployed I know you guys are looking and runs around security but we got to think of it as like there is a um there's an aspect around like ubiquitous Computing right so wherever you're engaging on there's all this type of competence actually out there and there's Services Associated that so like I said whether we talked about you know the VR side of training and if someone's in a manufacturing environment they're going to get connected with computing I think also there's the part of we have seen so many things happening today from the data that's coming across how do we make sure that data can be connected with Computing I think also when we talk about just the ubiquitous Computing there's also this pervasive connectivity that I think people start thinking about it's like we're connected in so many places but when we have like 5G soon to be 6G right we've got Wi-Fi 6E there's a lot of networks out there that I think that people say how do we get more out of and becoming more efficient in our business environment I think that that pervasive connectivity will be huge and then we we at Intel we're really looking at okay those new services are enabled those come through the aspect of kind of the the cloud to the edge infrastructure right so it's it's when we certainly infrastructure it's there is a data center piece to us but there's also this part like at the edge if it's a sensor if it's a um a notebook what does that edge piece look like because it's this this part I think you have to start thinking about is what's the that scalable infrastructure infrastructure meaning not just harder but the services that can put in place so it enables us to do more and we kind of have this part Tim it's kind of like the one plus one equals 10 effect where we say okay if you think about what customers need today they don't need the one plus one equals two that's that's not what they're paying for because they're coming to cnrt right and saying okay look you guys know what's coming up and they're expecting that that okay I need a the 5x solution whatever I'm coming my Roi need so for us we're saying no if we get the right harder players get her the right software player scatter right the right people do services like a cnrt right we're going to have that one plus one equals 10 effect where that return that business value The Exchange that happens is going to have that 10x effect because it's not just the people are relying on what they have today there's stuff that they're going to do in the future like I said around this ubiquitous Computing this connectivity and then also this Cloud to Edge infrastructure those are the ones that people say how does that happen it's the ecosystem that's that's how it happens yeah and one of the things I garnered from what you're saying and I just put an underline underneath it is the technology that's developing is largely especially focused in the uh accessibility and the performance increase uh right now and I see a lot of that as the cloud becomes even more dense and as resources become more constricted and access is needed so desperately and uh transition of data and performa is becoming such a requirement I'm excited I'm excited at what I what I believe is going to be coming out here shortly and I'm and I and I see some great things coming um Tim can I don't know what you're saying there let me out of these things we call that we call it a technology of force of good from an Intel perspective so we have an acronym called rise right so we want to actually build Technologies responsible right from a health and safety perspective obviously we're building technology but on that technology there's different pieces we use but we want to make sure we're responsible the technology build we also want to make sure that we used to work a lot around inclusive right but we want to make it so that the digital Readiness for people everyone can actually utilize that technology wherever they're at however they're using it it's inclusive also that it's sustainable right I think a lot of people when they're and you guys are known if this is cnrt but we want to make sure that the stuff that we're building um that we're actually not impacting the climate as much as maybe other Solutions out there in fact the in Chandler Arizona about this Tim where I'm at um we actually have a water treatment facility and our goal is to recycle 100 of a water reuse 100 we are not far from that goal it's the 99 points percentage right now so we literally everything we're using we're trying to recycle and I think also we're saying okay we're gonna be responsible we're gonna be inclusive we're gonna be sustainable but also if we can enable things um in our technology that that I don't know how to say it enables passion within our employees but also makes it so that there's expertise that's driven out there around AI machine learning um things that can grow on people's use of Technology we're gonna we're gonna enable that yeah that's quite a that's Quite a feat I noticed the purpose statement of Intel and I'd like to just say it out loud you mind if I read it to you yeah yeah yeah we create the world changing technology that improves the life of every person on the planet mm-hmm adds a big bite out of a big apple what do you have to say for yourself oh man well so I tell you it's it's Tim it gets you excited right each day you walk in you're be an Intel employee that's the Mantra we have right so how do we take this world-changing technology which I mentioned the things around standards technology all the stuff right so we've got this this oyster right but then how do we grab the pearls to really make it so that we can improve the life not not necessarily have um you know certain money we're making and things like that but improve a life a very personal Planet so things that we look at um I could show you videos of people that are in Africa and I could you know in different countries in Europe I could take you to places that are out in the middle of nowhere and we're saying how do we make sure that we can make it better for the environment there's things we put in play that improving the lives of her person on the planet that is that's not um a goal that's what we're doing every day and um we do that but we work with the best people right we work with cnrt right some of the best Partners out there we have the best customers um and meaning that um the customers we work with they are ones that really make us live that Mantra what's the world changing technology the audience doesn't know and you might be a little embarrassed for me to put this on the on this but yeah Eric you yourself take out time every other year every year I believe to go build Huts in Africa and take care of people and extend yourself and Intel promotes that behavior oh yeah yeah we have in fact there's a Job Corps group and Intel that goes different parts of the world no actually Implement computers for people computer labs I mean because we want to make sure too that kids are learning right if it and you'd be amazed how many places you go to Tim it don't even have computers and we're used to it where we're at right okay it's like when are we upgrading but there's a place you go to and for them to literally see a computer come on the screen their eyes just go like how did that happen like they don't they you know remember electricity is not big in all parts of the world so when they see you press something you know and screen pops up well on the keyboard forget about but then just they're trying to equivocate how to how do they make this thing light up here and how it's all come together and it's the partners customers suppliers all of it what do you say to the American Business that says well that's great and all bleeding hearts and all but that doesn't make Financial sense why would a business want to send their employees out to the netherly regions of the world especially poverty-stricken where there's no economic value we're not going to sell a ton of computers out there yeah what are you doing why would you why would a company like yours really see the value in that I mean you get what do you get out of that well that's that's part of the purpose right and sweet every word in that purpose statement is clear improves the life of every personal plan so not not we're not saying it's going to be this person or that person it's every person so wherever they're at like the inclusivity we talk about as far as our technology that's for everyone when we're building technology Tim we're saying how can that be utilized for everyone right so um we have ethnographers so we will go out and they'll sue people and see how they actually do work or how they actually use technology and and sometimes people have disabilities sometimes we've had people that um are are blind um people that are deaf and it's like how do we get technology working and it kind of goes back to Tim that part on standards Wilson doesn't be sitting on standards and say hey so how do we get this person to use this and they're like well that's not we don't they're not really a big target market it's like no no we don't care it's for everyone every it's it's every person on the planet should be able to use this and like well you know they're not really that so we sit back to say how do we make it so that that anyone can use it like what do we do there right there's there's AI there's machine learning there's things that we can put into this and people on some standard board don't have that big a breath so we're like okay look we got some people we can bring in some supplier other people we have let's bring in but let's make sure that like when we're building this one thing it's not for just one set of people we want it for all because this that'll make it world changing if we're just making it for one part that that's one country changing that's not world changing we want world changing yeah and apparently people then they start seeing it people start catching they're like oh my gosh if we could Implement a security solution that makes a sort of multi-layered security and it can be used to cross the world and it works with nist it works all these Frameworks are already out there it's like yes keep people secure we want that yes right but it doesn't matter where they're at if they're a small business that's in a far-off country they should still have the same security that someone in a the New York City has you know and people could argue you know what they want to argue about but you are the world's largest processor and semiconductor manufacturing organization on the planet so there's depending on the day of the week you're looking at right in the numbers what it is we are one of the largest I would tell you right but I would tell you that when you think about what we bring to the table right I would say that we have there's a lot of great companies that make silicon Intel what we're going to focus on is really how do we make sure that we are bringing that next Generation manufacturing technology table how to make ensure that we're making you know tech for good like the responsibility right includes and then also I think that like how are we making sure this goes back to like one of our original Founders guy named Gordon Moore to me Brock he said look he's like each day when we're looking at how we're building processors and how we're getting in is like don't don't be encumbered don't don't be encumbered go off and do something wonderful like don't don't get latched in we're like okay can we just how do we do this it's like we don't howl to death it's like just go off and do something wonderful for what we have and and that that guy Gordon Moore that's Moore's law came from that guy right correct yes and he didn't he didn't say okay go off and do something 2x faster or 3x faster right it's like golf do something wonderful and and we got the right technology to bring it here and like like I said if if Gordon knew many years back that we were creating Thunderbolt you know like you're gonna have one wire do everything it'll connect everything you only have to have one wire yet one more yeah you're gonna and and this there's gonna be Wi-Fi where there's gonna be like you won't have any wires and it'll basically be you could have like everything in your house connected to a network whether it's talking to the oh yeah yeah yeah he would he I mean but that but he would say that's something wonderful everyone can use and world changing I like to think Gordon would say well yeah no it's it's you know today I'll tell you the best thing that people Intel like we have I would say the best CEO out there I'm I'm biased but uh we always know there's areas where we can grow and improve upon and we only do that by working with great Partners great suppliers great customers because that's what we can hear from them what they need right we we can build things but we really want to say what is that need that people have out there and you know we say that Tech is a is a Force for good is a key thing and it can be used anywhere um but we're we're constantly trying to work at people say where do we need to go what's that next race thing we need to stare at thank you um one of the things that surprised me was to find out a little bit about your footprint um and discipline within the organization and maybe you can elaborate a little bit more but I was shocked to hear about the presence of software and its role within Intel and traditionally people think about Intel they think of silicon Wafers and you know people wearing spacesuits pressing microprocessors into uh you know seven nanometer 10 nanometer Footprints uh but actually there's a tremendous effort and and presence in software development yeah it's it's interesting right I think what when Tim we could we call that kind of our scale obviously people they they know income they're close to us we we have a scale that we bring the table on anything and meaning that like what we definitely have a scale we have all those stats to talk about right so we scale and Manufacturing but when we're trying I'm going to mention about that that ecosystem right we try and scale our ecosystem meaning we are working hand in glove and everyone knows hey Intel are very close with Microsoft right we work really close with the Linux Community I told you we're number one to provide that right you think about um bigger companies out there if you look at like Salesforce or Oracle right um epic right from a healthcare perspective we want to make sure that that scale we put out there that kind of comes together across hardware and software and software until you know we have one in every five Intel employees is involved with software that's what they do they're fully focused on software in fact a lot of times when you're seeing things come out and it's just I think we're just used to it Tim right like if I can go if I take you a very simple example I can go grab an old mouse that had a wire on it I can just plug it into Windows 11 system it just works yeah backwards compatible we have to test things back multiple Generations same thing going forward we bring out a new version of our processors we got to make sure it's going to work with that latest and greatest Wireless thing that's that's Ai and voice activated right so there's this whole part around when we're looking at things we got a scale and I'll go back what you said before you know when we think about Intel what gets me so excited about kind of just what we do do you know that we have an aspect when we say scale it's our business and what we do right there's manufacturing um which just you know uh 10 billion transistors are produced every second at Intel so if you want to throw one out there that's 14.3 billion in capital investments in 2020. it's you know that was a hard year for people did you just say 10 billion per second yeah yeah billion 10 billion billion yeah well yeah yeah it's pretty it's pretty I think I said our manufacturing scale it's it's pretty epic when you're when you sit there and you see it and you're like oh my gosh that's just one a bit that's billion every second right but here's where it gets really cool right when you sit back and you say man so um what what actually has so there's there's the business the manufacturing our supply chain right that Supply chains that we're trying to grow right um we are actually growing we're actually investing in companies in fact we did in 2020 it was 1.2 billion

um that we put in diversity companies so how do we grow our supply chain so it's not just like some big big companies other people that we can bring in I could tell you that even in our community we see our stuff at scale um since 1995 we've had about 18 million hours of volunteer service that point said earlier about hey Intel yeah they're they're like hey go off and that doing something wonderful isn't just in a bunny suit or not just in a Fab go often selling one on your community every year we I would say about multiple times a year but there's big times a year where our sales marketing will go out in the local community and we just go out there and say hey I'm the local Arizona and we've got sales teams in Ohio we've got people they're all places how do we go in and lean in there and um it's interesting to see that scale because most people they just see our Fabs and get ready until Fab and you stand outside you're like this is like a city whoa it's just it's just huge right but then you take a step back and you see the people that are inside of it and what happens there and like I said our Innovation people think it's it's this goodness that happens or this secret just happens to Fab I'm like no that's one part there's the parts when we're talking to a partner like today we're sitting here right there's Innovation that comes up in our conversation you know what could we do this that'd be great if we could do that all of a sudden we take that idea and it's like you know the governor said so yeah it's not an idea back in like the 90s if like we could put everything on one chord if we get everything on one chord that would be awesome and and like well we got like we got a keyboard got a mouse I got speakers uh if you got a camera back in the day right that was pretty crazy but all these chords you're gonna put on one like that'd be great to do one just figure out how do you want to do one you know I know you can't talk about some aspects but I can so I I I will say Intel I just capitalizing on your last Point yes there is a symbiotic Behavior between your Partnerships and your ecosystem and your development what I've grown to know myself is that you're a tremendous driver in Innovation um platforms that most people would never recognize and they're long past their development like the IMs or the Intel modular server yeah uh other things that have gone in with common back planes and multiple redundancies and functionalities that have been adopted either through the innovation of Intel directly or in part in Partnership through carriers like HP Dell and others who have all proffered from that Innovation Intel consistently developed develops has that notion that idea that thought what if I wonder if we could do that I wonder if we could try this what do you say we give it a shot here and you're developing that that energy you're developing those refined components that are being adopted through common channels and and agreeably there they are even being bettered in some cases by those relationships in some cases they're simply being stamped in my opinion but I uh I think we owe a great debt honestly speaking to the Pioneers in Intel the people who say you know can we do it on one wire you know I wonder if we can do this right and then actually do it in Tinder scolding right like I just whenever uh we thought earlier about kind of what do we get passion and Intel coming every day right do you know that Gartner um ranked us in top 25 Supply chains across all Industries yeah I I didn't know that but it wouldn't surprise me I think we get a lot of bad press I mean we're obviously coming out of a pandemic right at least we're coming out of it um and we've suffered uh tremendously in the supply chain has suffered as well during this period of time there's been a lot of Awakenings as far as supply chain is concerned I'm uh I personally feel as a partner of Intel that intel was aware of this and got on the bandwagon quickly and has made shifted efforts and behavior to try to meet you know domestic supply chain needs and I'm and I'm really enjoying uh what I'm starting to see as a ramp up in accessibility and I expect it's going to take a little while to get to the point where everyone's going to be happy there but you know I do tip my hat a bit there to your effort and I do acknowledge that effort and once again Tim right like about this you provide feedback some other OEM Hardware Sprite feedback Wren said look we need to make sure we can get this stuff locally right and this is not just I mean obviously we're doing a lot here in the US but saying over Europe they're like hey by the way we want things going over all the different C's and taking time on a boat and all the stuff we need to get so it's literally on our continent and so I if you think about just this once they go back that scale piece is coming to play right yeah you ever get a chance anyone's watching it I'll tell you go look out um just Arizona Intel Fabs um and you'll see the fat and like we have a fabrication filter on it that's one mile long one mile I mean that's like and literally um my friends work in the Fab and it's funny because like Fab 32 Fab 42 there's five fifty two and five 62 is coming and 32 and 42 like they're like cities like okay someone Works in 42 even though it's on the same block right but they're like oh yeah go and go to 32 tomorrow it takes so long to get there but they literally have their own ZIP code well I don't know if it's zip code but it literally it seems like it's when people walk in and they see until all of a sudden like okay how how are you doing a billion and there's so much automation that we have Tim like that's why like I looked at our suppliers we have it Intel and that partnership that we have because the Innovation that that people expect from Intel we expect that from our suppliers so there's some stuff that we worked there with them they say hey you know like we'll say our process to make it better we'd love it to do this and then we say great well we actually once we put that we asked them how can you do that so this this part of innovation everyone that gets the benefit from it you know this open ecosystem we have and how all these players can come together it's Intel putting some things in place but all the other people like CRT right they kind of say you know I like how you've done security but we need one layer more yeah and it's like okay well that's hard Timmy well no but I have a customer that's in finance or in baking and they ask me for one level more okay great well then we got it we gotta figure that out and and then we say okay well let's see it's Hardware it's software Services is there another layer we can put I can put stuff down on the board but is there a piece of software that we can put in there and um it's it's exciting because Tim it's like this when you're when you're bringing all those people together and not saying okay we're gonna do all by herself but you bring them all together that's where that Moore's Law kind of comes into play where you're not relying on one person to get there it's actually more people coming together to kind of give us the best yeah no I agree it's it's definitely symbiotic it's definitely participating with a common energy and a common goal I think we all benefit from that Eric I really appreciate you uh and your time I appreciate the opportunity I have to work with you also yeah mutually um thanks again for joining us and to everybody else thank you for joining in for Tech talk [Music]


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