only two of them the rest of the Pam I believe they're all having some experience good enough good enough okay let's start from somewhere let me share my screen I'm just sharing the whole screen hope my screen is visible for you first of all what is networking the second question would be why do we need networking these are all the two set of questions I always ask before I start any classes this is associate level of course we have professional level we have expert level we have architect level there are various certifications of there so just reading the book uh and going through the topics and appearing for the examination is different but we need to know why we are doing all these things when you understand that working on any kind of a project it will be easy for you see most of the time in India we get the projects like what operations related we typically monitor if something goes wrong we may need to troubleshoot it until unless how each and every technology Works troubleshooting is going to be a nightmare if you understand the concepts very well obviously troubleshooting is going to be cake for you you can easily identify where the problem is and you can easily give a solution also for that so that is the goal clearing the examination is one part having a clear understanding and visibility of each each and every technology that we'll be going through okay so do to do that one first of all from your perspective what is networking you can send a chat message or you can unmute and you can answer it anything is okay from your perspective what is networking anyone anyone please okay now let me give a small example here Facebook LinkedIn Twitter what are all they how do we categorize them how do we categorize them basically they are known as what social networking sites correct now these are all social networking application social networking website or social networking portals however you want you can call them what it will what what is the purpose of creating this social networking site people can connect right here in general Network I'm sorry oh okay in general networking is called as what connecting devices together correct now why I said I'm not I didn't say that connecting PCS connecting desktops connecting laptops connecting servers because after the introduction of various types of devices that can be connected to the network Network now you can see that your mobile phones can be connected to the network your TV can be connected to the network your camera can be connected to the network name a product your electrical Transformers can be connected to the network your oil rigs can be connected to the network so regardless of the device what you're talking about they all can be connected to the network so any device which has the ability of communicating over the network can be connected why I'm saying that can I connect any TV into the network not possible TVs which has the ability of providing connectivity something like we differentiate a normal TV and a smart TV smart TV has the ability of understanding how network works right because of that you can connect the communication can also be established with the device so any device which has the ability of providing connectivity to the network they can be connected together for what what is the purpose of connecting the devices to Connected connecting devices together because we want to share some information what kind of information you are planning to share okay now we have a developer manjun having developer he's a developer as well as into devops do you think that H yeah can just think about it do you think that munat is going to be developing the whole application or there a team of uh Team of members who's going to be responsible for developing a part of the application hopefully nowadays it's not that an individual will be developing the entire application right so there'll be a team every team member is responsible for developing a piece of a piece of software and they all work together then it will become an application and that application is what going to be connected to the network okay now assume that manjunath is sitting in Bangalore uh let's say Kiran is sitting in Mumbai uh some other people some other participant is sitting somewhere and they're all working together they are going to be checking the compatibility and the integration how do they how do they connect either they have to be physically in the same location or they have to have some sort of connectivity through which the information can be exchanged between each other take the example of email my email server somewhere else say we take the example of your internet banking I'm sitting at home I'm transferring all the I'm doing all the kind of a transaction as like getting into the bank and doing the transactions it doesn't matter where you are as long as you have the connectivity you can do everything now after the introduction of cloud think about it see in initial days earlier days if something needs to be troubleshooted I need to go in person to the office to my customer then I need to fix it now it is not the case if I'm at home I can establish a VPN connectivity I can do all the work I want even when you're outside right see nowadays everything becoming Cloud as long as you have the internet access you can connect to the application and you can fix the problem and the problem is solved you can save the time what time the traveling time all right that's the idea so the purpose of networking is what to share the information between each other this is going to be simplified now if multiple devices are connected and the informations are going to be shared between each other we need some sort of identity for example okay I have received a chat message is the session recorded yes yes yes the session is getting recorded Mark okay now let's say that there are so many participants are here why they are giving their name here it's a network right a meeting is a collection of people what is the purpose of this meeting we wanted to share the information it is not that always the instructor is going to be sharing the information probably the participant will also be asking some sort of questions so the communication is always bidirectional I need to know who's asking the question or if I'm going to be assigning the assignment I'm going to be giving an assignment to you how do I know that who completed who didn't complete who sent this information to me if there is no identity if I have to ask a question I need to point them Mark can you please tell me is this the work you have done why this command is given like this what is your understanding I'm sorry markk I didn't ask the question I'm just pointing it because the first name is yours that's why I'm asking you so I'm just simply saying that okay so who sent who did this work who sent this information to me I need to know I need to know who sent this information same way take your mobile phone somebody's calling you if you don't know the identity how do you know that to whom you're talking to you're picking the call or not doesn't matter for me but you need to know to whom you're talking to if not how do you share the information they may claim that I'm calling from your bank some transaction is going on can you please send me the OTP would you be sharing it no it's not going to happen same way how do they call you if they don't have the identity of yours identity is the most important part with respect to the networking every individual supposed to have a unique identity think about you're creating an email account you need to have a unique identity only then an account can be created correct now see people who have created the U the account long back they would have they would have created on their own choice now it is not the case there are so many people there so many so many email ID are being created with the same name probably mju when he is creating a new email ID now he may not be having his own preference of creating the email ID with Gmail correct now so I need to have a unique identity among the network for each and every person only then I can point that this data is meant for Mark this this data is meant for VAs I can point it so identity has become most important part of it uh I'm sorry sorry guys uh I just need to tell you in our next class I will explain you the different certification levels and all in this first class I just wanted to give you a small information about the top one of the topic from the the CCNA content most of the people who are familiar with networking they might also be familiar with this identity part one of the identity we call them as what IP address how many of you are familiar with this the IP addresses hopefully everyone hopefully everyone yes I think most of the people knows what is IP address okay can you please explain me what is an IP address it's the uh it's a way of identifying the device uh that is connecting to the network okay then probably you know what is Mac address then you also know what is fqdn what are they Mac Mac address are the physical Hardware address that we are connecting for example if any machine has multiple uh network connectivity I mean each Hardware will have its own address which we identify by Mac that will be unique or not yeah that will be unique then why do you need an IP address because Mac addresses are uh very Ley and you they canot you cannot use it for communication then we can remove the MA address usage are we using Mac address or not uh we are not using Mac addresses but yes I mean nowadays the way to identify uh from which the physical address that we are receiving the communication we do look into the Mac addresses sometimes not all the time oh that's your perception correct or you're confirming that no I think that's how it works no it's not it's not how it works okay okay I'll tell you any anyone would like to give an answer yeah I think the mark address is like uh that's why we used to identify the name of a computer right on the network okay then why we are giving why we are not calling it as a name why we are calling it as a MAC address probably a silly question I know I understand but these silly questions needs to be answered sometimes yeah okay anyone anyone else would like to answer okay now I hope everyone have the experience of ordering the products over online probably on Amazon probably on eBay or flip cart any other portal while you are choosing the product after you choose the product you're going to be mentioning the delivery address while you're mentioning the delivery address you're also mentioning the PIN code what is the necessity of mentioning the pin code uh people from India they might be familiar with pin code Mark you are from which part of the world I'm from Camaroon central Africa ah okay do you have a pin code over there the concept of pin code yes that's plus 237 ah no that is country code you as a country code no I'm not asking the country code I'm asking something called as a PIN code in India every locality every city is going to be logically identified by a number which is called as a pin code say for example I'm giving my address for example yeah yeah yeah yeah we have it we have it okay okay see consider the MAC address as your physical address it's Mark First Street second floor building three so and so city is that not enough then why are they why they using the PIN code The Logical identification of the city why do they have it because the physical address is going to be used by the postman to deliver the product or deliver the package directly to you whereas there are so many people who are going to be handling the package from the sender to the receiver for example from here from India I'm sending a package to you right or any part of the world do you think that directly a postman will come and collect the package from my home and hand it over to you no it's not there are so many people who are going to be involved in picking up the package from the sender until the product is delivered at the destination correct now if I'm sending a letter I'll be posting it my local post office there'll be there'll be a person who's going to be sorting all the letters collected in the post office they need to read and understand this letter is meant for which of the destination for example from Chennai I'm sending a letter to Bangalore and somebody is sending a letter to Mumbai somebody is letting sending a letter to delh all these letters are collected in a single post box they need to be sorted by the post office so that they can segregate all the letters meant for the Bangalore and they can be kept in a uh kept in a container and they can send it same way all the letters and packages meant for Mumbai is going to be kept in a Sim different uh a different vehicle and they can send it to Mumbai so to segregate these letters according to the destination they need to read and understand the destinations do you think that every letter the destination address is going to be read by the read by the people then how much time it will take they all need the PIN code just to differentiate where the letter is going they simply see The Logical address The Logical address is nothing but this PIN code using the PIN code the Sorting is going to happen I posted a letter where I have the source address the sender address and the receiver address whereas the postal Department whomever is carrying the letter from point A to point B they just need to see the postal code or the PIN code just to identify which location which city it is going they don't need to have a full address for this once the letter has reached the destination post office the person who is going to be delivering the letter to the end point to the person to whom it is meant for they need the full address they don't need the logical address you getting my point is that clear is that clear not too clear not too clear can I come again okay now I'll tell you one thing here see I'm sending a letter Gopi shenai sending the letter my PIN code is 0 042 I'm sending a letter to Mark okay Mark assuming that he's in Mumbai I know you are in Cameron but still let's say uh 2 1 something like that now this is the address I mentioned in my uh letter now this letter is getting posted into the post box now the postman collects this letter he needs to send this letter to Mumbai how he know he this letter needs to be sent to Mumbai because the two address says it is meant for Mumbai correct now yeah okay now the same post office to the same collection area there'll be hundreds and thousands of letters people would have posted not every letter is going to be sent to Mumbai now how come the post office the Post Office Team or Postal Department segregates the letters the set of letters meant for Bangalore the set of letters men for Mumbai the set of letters menant for Kolkata the set of letters meant for Delhi how do they segregate it they have to read the complete address only then they will know correct now y this is a time consuming process to overcome this if the PIN code is mentioned they just need to segregate the letters according to the PIN code it is meant for their job is easy okay once the letter reaches Mumbai right the letter reached Mumbai now the postman delivers this letter to the recipient correct Yeah by that time this pin code or The Logical address doesn't have value he needs the physical address which street he is in what is the floor what is the door number to whom it has to delivered Mark the person who is going to be delivering the letter needs to have the physical address where whereas the people who involved in transporting the letter from point A to point B they only need the logical address you're getting my point is that clear now yeah that's clear okay now consider the IP address address like a pin code okay whereas the MAC address consider this as a physical address of course that's a physical address uh name and address got it yeah so both the set of informations are required to deliver the traffic to the destination does it make sense rest of the team yeah any questions you can ask now related to this all right okay then see this statement I always say in my class only in two situations there won't be any questions in a class you know what are those two situations what are all they whatever the Prof whatever the lecture whatever the Traer says if you can get everything there won't be any question because you understand you understood everything The Situation Number Two if you don't understand anything that time also there won't be any question correct now now this is not the case in any of the classes of course the trainer is going to be delivering something and the participant needs to understand that of course by asking some clarification the visibility on the content what is being delivered could be possible anyway so since this is the first question probably um I'm seeing that little bit of hesitation over a period of time I can see a lot of people asking questions all right now the topic what I have chosen for now is what IP address now when I say an IP address you can compare with any addresses let me say email address it is also an address when I say IP address or email address there will be two components in it for example let me say k Gopi at this is my email address what is the two component to whom the mail needs to be delivered the person to whom the mail needs to be delivered where I can found it right so I'm sending an email to KV go he is in domain so there are two portions in it to whom it has to be delivered where you can find him that is what an address is all about but do we have such information in Mac address don't worry when we are getting into the MAC address we will let you know the MAC address is not a correct term to be used anyway so IP address also has two components in it one is called as host ID the other one is called as Network IDE so here you can consider this as your username this as your domain name so both the set of identification supposed to be there only then it can be called as an address if you don't have these two set of information in a piece of information it is not at all an address at all right so IP address has two components am I right or not host ID and network ID okay using IP address logical identification of the devic is happening with the help of logical identification the sender could understand the receiver is in his Network or in a remote Network what I mean to say for example a is a system which has an IP address configured stand we are going to be discussing a lot about this IP address don't worry so when I say 10.0.0 do10
with a mask of now the point is what if system a is trying to send some traffic to 10.0.0 120 the sender could understand that he is trying to communicate with an endpoint who is in the same network because sender is in 10 Network receiver is also in 10 Network they can understand it okay now it doesn't require anybody's help to forward the data to the destination whereas if the data is meant for some other network right some other network now the sender can understand that the receiver not in his Network it is in a remote Network then the logic is going to be little bit different over a period of time we are going to be discussing about how the traffic is going to be flowing from the center device to the intermediat devices until it reaches the destination how how the data how the packets are going to be reconstructed by the intermediat devices until it reaches its destination why you need to know about this because to troubleshoot you need to have a clear understanding on the packet flow one the second thing is somebody might be interested in getting into the information security or network security or whatever the type of security you're getting in probably somebody may also want you to go for offensive security what what I mean to say that penetration testing kind of a thing now by the time how do you identify the weakness and how do you exploit it you need to know the packet structure right so for that we will have a a detailed discussion with respect to how the packets are getting created how this is going to be delivered to the Endo which is the fundamental focus of your CCN training program all right now so as I said earlier host ID and network ID is going to be part of your what is it called um uh an IP address now the size of IP address I don't know someone has messaged me or joining okay the size of an IP address where there'll be a question what is that question because there are two different versions of IP address one is called as version four and the other one is called as version six ipv4 and IP V6 a little bit of discussions with related to IPv6 will also be part of your CC culum so don't worry first we need to understand the clear structure of ipv4 then if we get into IPv6 it will be more clear first of all in ipv4 the address size is 32 bits when I said 32 bits what comes into your mind because the values are going to be in binary so the length of the address is what 32 bit in every bit you can have I sorry sorry yes yes yes yes yes correct correct it's ipv4 I'm sorry in ipv4 the size of the ipv4 is 32 bits in length expressed in binary format but can I remember the binary 32bit value of each and every endpoint that I'm trying to communicate with for example Mark has a 32-bit value Vin has 32-bit value uh manjunath has a 3it 32bit value if I have to send some traffic to manjunath I need know that 32bit of can I remember 32-bit binary value of everyone okay I believe it wouldn't be possible for example why do we have a phone book in our mobile phone we cannot remember 10 digigit number then how we are going to be remembering 32bit binary value that becomes little complicated right that becomes very complicated because can I convert this 32bit binary value into decimal can I remember it two to the^ of 32 again it's a huge value very difficult to remember now what we started doing is we started slicing the size of the IP address mean the whole IP address is being sliced down into four equivalent parts so 32 bit divided by four in every part I'm going to be having eight bits that's why called as an octed eight bits are there octal bits so eight bits are there in every portion all right and that every portion is going to be called as what an octet so how many octets are there in an IP address IP V4 address four octs put together 32 bits again if I have eight bits what are all the possible values in bin in decimal see remembering the binary value it's very difficult somehow we need to have some friendly decimal values to remember it if if I have 8 bit of binary what would be the maximum possible decimal value 2 the^ of 8 correct 2 the^ of 8 is what 256 possible values starts from zero ends to 255 how you are getting these values don't worry I will be explaining all these things in our future classes so the each and every octet you can have the possible values of decimal from 0 to 255 so there are four different octs are there I'm just taking an example what is that example my first Octor value is 10 let's say that second Octor value is 203 because it can be between 0 and 255 then the third Octor value is 1 fourth Octor value let's say that uh 78 okay this is the value what I did is this 32-bit binary has been sliced into four equivalent part for our convenience and each and every part is being converted into decimal how this conversion happens don't worry we are going to be discussing about it now also people are joining okay now for example what I said is the first Octor value is 10 after converting into decimal the second Octor value is 203 the third Octor value is 1 and the fourth Octor value is 78 this is an address after converting into decimal I got this value now if I say to someone okay the IP address of Min is 10203 178 this is quite possible to be misinterpreted okay let's say instead of 10 the receiver may say that one2 in first octet three in second octet or 10 in first Octor 20 in third second Octor 31 in third Octor 178 fourth octed it could have been do you understand what I'm saying so they may misinterpret the first Octor the second Octor values then we need to have a delimiter we need to have a differentiator of each and every octed value that's why we kept a DOT between each and every octed value let's say 10 dot people used to call this as what point don't say point why you should not say do point because the decimal system itself torted Decimal System so obviously it has to be called as What DOT many of see it is not that you should not call it as point you could but the procedure is dot so the IP address supposed to be called as what 1023 do 1.78 by giving this information anyone can easily recognize 10 is my first OCT value 203 is my second octed value 1 is my third Octor value and 78 is my fourth octet value clear differentiation could happen so in our first session what we understood why do what is networking why do we need networking what is an identity logical addressing IP V4 and IPv6 IP V4 the total length is 32 bit sliced into four equivalent Parts converted into decimal we have a DOT as a separator to differentiate the values of each and every OCT so the IP address for our convenience we are representing them in dotted Decimal System till this point is clear for any questions you can very well unmute and ask the question if you want or you can also post your questions on the chat window anything is okay anyone anyone I think we understood understand these Concepts pretty okay okay but this is the first level of understanding now we have to move on a lot is there a lot is there okay now as per the instruction given by Amit Amit 40 minutes is what he was asking for now if you have any questions I can answer you Amit if you say to continue I can continue for another 10 15 minutes or we can wind up now Amit you there I'm not very sure give me a minute I'm just calling him I'm sorry Amit is not picking the call uh why I stopped here is I don't know how many of you have planned this session only for 40 minutes and you may be having some additional work you may need to go out I don't know so he he he asked me to keep the session for 40 minutes that's why I just passed here or else if you have some other questions uh you can also ask me anyone not only on this if you have any clarification required on what is the certification and what is the benefit what are all the other certifications and what are all the topics that we are going to be discussing you can ask anything you want good evening Gopi I am raka yeah raka yes I just need to ask that how will be notified that the when the next session will be uh held or going on uh only Amit has to answer that raka because he's the one asked me to give this demo today mean the first session today so he might be planning for some scheduled activity uh um let me try to reach him again once again okay okay sorry uh raka you there yeah okay uh you've been referred by whom how you got this contact you've been referred by by Bobby or you been referred by Amit no I got to know about this through my U LinkedIn connection and then I joined it okay okay okay I'm just sharing you the number okay his name is Amit 95 46 62806 his name is Amit okay all the questions are related to the schedule um the rest of the things everything you can talk to him he will give you the details you from which part of the world you from India yes I'm from India Bangalore oh okay okay okay yes thank you thank you yeah anyone else any other questions Goin uh today's basically the cloud environment uh most of our conf configurations need the bgp and VPN configuration so I assume CNA is not going to cover that one right to move further not at all not at all but this is going to be giving you a clear Insight on how the networking operates see nowadays of course I'm also working on the cloud I work on AWS I work on Azure I work on Google Cloud but the point is if you have this understanding working on the cloud is going to be so simple for you because when you're working on the physical networking environment everything related to the networking you will have a clear visibility whereas when it comes to Cloud everything is virtual the complete networking itself is virtual right uh have you worked on VMware and all yes I worked on VMware uh I to configuring vnet and vet Beering but beyond Ving V switches or vet vmet is there there's nothing called vet over there in uh VMware not on vmnet on the you have it yes so beyond that one when we do the side to side VPN connectivity where we have to do the bgp routing so that's where most of our config I mean we don't have the knowledge okay so I assume this is where the path that we have to take to get then then what you have to do is you just need to choose uh networking side from the cloud okay there's a speciality certifications right certification I'm looking for understanding how this stuff works see the point is purpose of giving this information we need to derive something called as what costing and duration how do we do that based on some standard content you understand so based on that content only how much effort needs to be given what are all the exercises we need to Del show them what all the theory portion we have to deliver all these things will be derived based on that the costing is also going to be desided that's why Always we go with content it's not that I'm asking you to complete the the examination got it got it yeah anyone anyone else would like to ask some questions yes yes Mark Mark so yeah Mark so my question is I would like to find out first right like if someone is really a beginner is this is the first step yes this is the first step is there like uh a specific pathway um see there are different oems are available when I say OEM I'm talking about original equipment manufacturer Cisco is one among them the easiest language with respect to networking that you could learn is from Cisco their curriculum is designed in such a way that people whomever wants to build their career in networking where they have to start from Cisco in Cisco what they have to start CCNA that's all of course there are fundamental training programs are available in Arista Juniper there are various other oems are there but it is always recommended to start with Cisco okay it's like learning alphabet of networking got it good it okay anyone else anything okay if there are no question we can wind up for the day or else if you can ask the questions I'm available for another 30 minutes also but the schedule what they have given to me is 40 minutes so I tried communicating to you guys something within that 40 minutes of uh time so how is a weekly sched uh again Amit has to answer that Mark this is the number you can WhatsApp him uh just need to add plus 91 95 46 uh 62806 okay just send the WhatsApp message he'll be responding which the first one or the second one the the both are same the second one is with a country code the first one with without the country code second one is with country code obviously if you are from outside of India you need to use the country code okay is there any difference between uh the any switches for example if you use a junipers or Cisco will the configuration differs or only the command L differs what do you what do you mean by configuration and command line I mean all they're all using the Linux as an underlying operating system right and when you define any any stuff okay okay M do you are you a vegetarian or a non-vegetarian a vegetarian okay which hotel you prefer and which food you like most at most mostly vegetarians I whatever name the food name the food idly Dosa fried rice mushroom yeah the popular one in South ID okay now which hotel you prefer apart from your house don't say house you cannot meet the taste of house that's different any nearby one any hotel is okay I mean I know few hotels which serve a good idly what is that good idly idly is idly right okay idly is idly right what is that good idly the idly that you like more correct the same but the same way the preparation is going to to happen they have some unique formula to differentiate their idly from other correct now yeah that is the logic here what I mean to say the technology WISE Technology is same switching is switching wean is V STP is STP right but they will add their own uniqueness into it and the product architecture is going to be making them unique how fast the traffic can be switched between the interface PES now even if you take Cisco why they come up with multiple models you have 29 you have 35 you have 36 you have 37 45 65 why do they have this many series Nexus series switches or switches okay you take your mobile phone what mobile phone you using you don't need to name it are you happy with the mobile phone what do you have uh yeah it's an Android one okay how much you paid for it maybe around 15K okay there are phones for 5K also there are phones for one one and a half lak also why you paid 15K are you happy with it all of them are Android phones only right yes do they differ that's why the price also differ correct see the devices are if you claim Android phone all of them are Android phone you have Mi you have Oppo you have Vivo you have Google you have Samsung there are so many Brands out there all of them were Android phones but why the pricing differs because of the chipset because of the UI correct now similar to that there are so many Brands so many switches are there their configuration parameter alone is not going to be different they may also have some unique taste or unique feature that's why people go behind it see there are two things one if I say that okay don't worry about the budget yeah assume that I'm the owner of your company right I'm telling all my employees don't worry about the budget choose your phone any the company is going to be paying which phone you will choose one will go with the budget the other one will go with the feature if I say that your budget is 40k within that 40K you can choose any form the second choice is I'm telling you you don't have any budget you can choose any phone you want now probably you would be taking this Samsung folder probably I don't know that is a cost list phone right as of now did I answer your question mju or I confused you no correct I mean the basic question uh for me is for example if I'm using a switch if I call a device as switch its basic purpose is to transfer the packets and then um the RTO as well as the when there is a the load or congestion how the devices is going to behave that that's all it matters exactly exactly all the switches will be having similar characteristics right whe regardless of Cisco or Juniper or Xtreme name any of the product they're all switches but why people are going for a specific product because the architecture of the product is going to be differing from every OEM Cisco may have a different architecture Juniper may have a different architecture second the performance also going to be differing based on the chipsets what they use obviously the costing will also be varying what is that you're expecting what is that your budget is all about based on that the customer will be choosing the product got it okay okay command line is different of course it will be but there are some vendors there are some oems their command lines will be identical if you work with Cisco Arista command line is same dealing command line is same all right any other questions okay no questions we can wind up thanks for everyone thanks for the time time that you have spent for first one hour means during the week end thank you all thank you all thank youy thank you hope to see you guys all in the next session bye-bye I
2023-10-14 12:06