What is Azure

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Howdy. Everyone my name is moose Melman today I'm gonna be talking to you about Asher, and. I know you've been learning a lot about Asher from so many other sessions, you've been watching, this, session is really about what Azure is, why. You should use it and how exactly you can get started I, would. Highly recommend also, if you haven't seen the, keynote, session beforehand. Watch, those it'll, really give you a good foundation for, what we're gonna be talking about today. All. Right so these. Are just some questions that we like to ask some of our customers, and, so just kind of think to yourself about, how, many of you right now are fully, in the cloud and if I were just kind of see an audience that people here maybe. Five. Percent of you would have your hands up how. Many of you are fully and only, on-premises, probably. About another five percent. How. About using only Visual Studio on the open source probably. The same split and. How many of you worried about privacy or, things like security most. Likely all the hands would be going up right now now, the reality that we've learned from our customers, is whether. You're all in the cloud or all on-premises. Most. Of us are somewhere, in between, probably. About ninety percent of our customers are either making their journey. Into the cloud or, making. Their journey to fully being in the cloud and, also when it comes to developer, tools whether using open source losing. Visual studio and net, it's, really up to you and, you need to be able to have the right tools to be able to work with what you've got and I'm, worried about privacy and security all, of us are on this day and age we're, just a few days or a week away from the next headline from, the next company being, worried about their privacy, and security and losing. Some potential trust, with their customers, so these, are all the things that are kind of top of mind for all of us here today. And. I've been making some of my travels, around the world and visiting with so many of my customers and wondering.

You, Know why is it important, for us to even. Have this. Understanding. Of you know why is technology so important, you know just in this situation, here I was in Warsaw man. I actually was an international, traveler, I didn't, have any money I didn't have any euro as I didn't have any azure things I didn't have anything on hand but. I still needed something to drink because I was pretty jet-lagged, so, what did I do I looked, around and try to find something can find it but luckily I, was. Able to find this vending machine this. Vending machine had, a very friendly, polish digital. Assistant. Asking. Me to insert my credit card my, credit cards all the way from the United States and I swiped it and, it worked just fine and I was able to get my black energy drink which I've heard is very similar to our. Red Bull drink here that we drink so much in the United States that I know was from actually in Austria and, I was able to just move on my day and go and have my presentation. So. When you think about just something like payments, how does all this happen this. Is all work on someone's, computer on someone's, desk underneath, their. Office, or just working with maybe something. Like a cloud most. Likely it's. A cloud and this is the kind of things that allow you to leapfrog. All, of the traditional, kinds, of infrastructure, and technology, to, be able to do really cool things then. At the end do what really matters the most which, is serving your customers. But. With all of this cool technology can. Definitely, be a lot of confusion, so we're gonna try to do for you today is reduce the amount of confusion you have and, make it easier, to plan your journey to the cloud. So. What we're first gonna do is talk about what is a sure, and as I've mentioned before if you haven't watched the keynote I would highly recommend it it'll, go through some of the key pillars of azure and, one of the one, of the promises, that azure makes and, what are some of the cool things customers, are doing with Azure. Then. We're going to discuss why should you use Azure what, are some of the benefits what. Are some of the features, that might help you move.

To The cloud and the, way that you want to when, you want to and. Lastly, how, can you get started there's so many links, there's so many opportunities and ways to get started, try to make that as easy for you as possible. So. What is a juror you might have recognized, this phrase. From before, but Azure is fit it's productive, hybrid. Intelligent. And trusted, and many, of you also might be wondering, why, should I pick, Microsoft. Azure, over. Amazon. Web Services, or Google. Cloud well, we, believe that our cloud, is more fit than the other clouds we're more productive, more hybrid. More, intelligent, and more, trusted, and, you can see the. Evidence. Behind those claims and our other presentations. We're not going to be going through this here today but, you can definitely look out for those. Panaji. Really, is it's a set of core infrastructure. Services. And tools, that, will allow you to run your business and the, easiest. And fastest, way possible. Now. Many of you probably already know all of this but when, you look at core infrastructure, corn front structure, is, really data, centers, and what you're looking at here is actually, a single. Data, center and when you look at our region's, we have over, 50, regions, around the world a region. Is a group, of data centers and this is just one if, you've seen videos about, our cloud and, seen videos about our infrastructure, and our hardware the, software that we run on the inside that's. All about a single, data center that gets, grouped together to have over 50 regions, around the world which, is pretty incredible when you look at the amount of money, we're investing, in this. This. Is an example of the complete. Opposite, side so first you saw what a jerk can physically, touch. And feel like this, is the end result this is what the azure portal. Looks like so, as an end user as, a developer. Or as an IT Pro you, might be logging, into Azure and, experiencing. A sure in some way shape or form and this, way if you look on the left-hand side those, are some of our key services, and on the right-hand side is the actual output of that so think of it as like a menu for. You to navigate through, your digital, world. All. Right so as I said before I'm not gonna spend a ton of time on what Azure is because. We've talked a little bit more about what the core infrastructure side. So. On the actual services, right this, is the infrastructure, here. The services, what, are the things that I can do with Azure so, I can use things like virtual machines, or, containers. And server lists and web and mobile and I'm sure if you're a developer and, IT Pro these, words are resonating. So well with you because they're so hot at this moment data. And analytics, has always been something that's been a priority for, the. C suite for the last decade, artificial. Intelligence cognitive. Services and, IOT, that's. Just, a small, amount of things that you can do with Azure. And. As, an example you can use containers, and, you can run them whichever way you want whether it's on docker on DCOs. Or on kubernetes. In. Addition things like serverless allows. You to do functions, and logic apps to where you don't have to build the entire infrastructure. You just manage, the transactions. And manage, the traffic. And. Lastly things like s-- vision, speech, language and cognitive services which. Allow you to engage with your customers, and much, more. Revolutionary. And, personal. Ways the. Last aspect you want to talk about is the tools aspect, so, Microsoft, has tons, of languages, frameworks, and tools that. Support your businesses, but, one thing that I really, want to talk about and really drive home is, how, Microsoft has changed, over the last few years so, perhaps if you were to have seen this slide three, to five years ago you. Would have asked us Microsoft. What tools and frameworks and, languages, you support, this, is what we would have shown you but. I want to really focus and talk to you about how we've changed over, the last few years with.

Our New CEO and the new vision of our company, how, much more, vast, our offering. Is from. DevOps management. Applications. Frameworks. And tools. Databases, and middleware and infrastructure. The, amount that we support, from open-source is pretty incredible there's. Actually, a, speaker. From github who presented at one of our more recent events and mentioned. That Microsoft, contributes, more, to github, in the github community, than any other cloud. Provider which, is pretty incredible now. We still, know we have a lot more work to do in this community and just, know that we're really willing to kind of get down with that open source community, and work. With them to find out what your needs are. All. Right so that should give you a little. Bit, of an understanding of what Azure is now. We're gonna focus on, why should I use Azure. If. You. Look at these pain points of CIOs you. Can see that balancing. And focusing, on cost, optimization, and digital opportunities. Doing. More work with, a small, team with the same team or even smaller, I could, ask many of you listening right now when, was the last time you were asked to do and create, something with more resources, and you had available you. Probably end up looking at your watch because it happened so recently. Migrating. To the cloud taking, all that information, and data you have and moving. It into the, new world and. Also doing that by strengthening your cybersecurity, right, privacy. Transparency. Compliance. All, of those things are top of minds for CIOs. Number. Five using, advanced analytics as I mentioned before some of the things these, have been on radars for executives. For over. A decade, and. Lastly modernizing. Legacy, systems, and renovating. Your technical, core which basically means taking, all of our old stuff making. It work in the new world and then, changing, the engine of the, core of our technology, now. These are all things that you already know it's, not something that I'm telling you that. Is news to you you're all probably working on something directly, related to one of these pain points. But. What I want to do is try. To explain, a concept that I think sometimes, may get lost in translation, with the. Myriad. Of information. And news that you all hear I want. To talk about cost optimization. Versus. Digital opportunities. And. For me for, us the, lever is the capacity, in your data center all, right let's say your data center capacity, is what, judges your ability, to either save. Or spend a lot of money or, take. Advantage of visual opportunities. The. Model from many of our customers and, many of our customers that might still be on premises, or might still be wanting to make that shift into the cloud is on.

The Left hand side you, have absolutely optimized, for cost year. After year after year as reducing. Costs, reducing any kind of inefficiencies in. Your P&L in your technologies. So you've optimized, for cost now, that also means that your data center capacity. Is, probably, at, an effective but minimal, capacity. Now, what that means is on the right hand side your. Opportunities. To take advantage of, digital opportunities. Is also, going to be relatively. Small think, about that example of, me. Trying to use a vending, machine earlier. How, would that play into this situation. Now. Another. Option is to go on the other side right let's say you're the chief innovation officer, you're, all about. Creating. And taking advantage of those digital opportunities, but, what will happen to your cost your, cost optimization, will. Go down because your capacity, for your data center has to go up to support things like machine, learning or large. Infrastructure. Now. This probably, isn't a favorable, situation for. Many as well because if. You look on the left hand side your investors won't be very happy with that maybe, their shareholders. In some way if you promise them long term value however it's, gonna be a little bit tough to pull that off now. If there, were a way to, have. That cost optimization. While. Also being, able to have the maximum amount of digital opportunities, that. Sounds like the ideal situation doesn't it well. The, ideal situation isn't a dream that's. Actually. What, the cloud offers, you you have the left-hand-side of optimizing. For your cost, and on, the right hand side using. The digital opportunities, which, allows you to have an on-demand, cloud. Capacity. The. Best way I can explain this to you is similar. To renting, a car, if. You rent the car and, you only pay, for when you use it, versus. Building. A car building, the tires building. The air conditioning system building the sound system, doing, all of that work or. You. Rent the car and you only pay for it when you use it that's, the real model.

Of The cloud oh. And. By the way the Conor probably, be, one of the coolest cars you've ever seen. Now. This concept of hybrid right which we talked about in the very beginning of how. Many of you are on premises, how, many of you are in the cloud and how many of you are somewhere, in between this. Is something that I think would be really important. For you to understand hybrid. Is also highly discussed sighs I said before and the tech summit keynote, so I don't want to spend too much time on this but realize that, hybrid is not just, about where, your application. Sits if, your application, sits in the, cloud or if it sits on-premises, it's, also about your, identity and your authentication. It's, also about your unified, cloud platform. Your. Data platform, whether your data is on-premises, or in the cloud or somewhere. In between and your, security and your management is most, likely on-premises, now but, most likely in a place that most. Companies want to have it on, in. The, cloud because it's just much more easier to manage, so. Think about it that way and break down the things that you can and can't. Move if you, have regulatory. Financial. Or even, executive. Decrees. That do or don't allow you to do something, break. Down what can and can't move to the cloud and you'll find that you won't be feeling as left behind. We. Also talked about privacy, and security and, I wanted to really just talk to you about what Microsoft, isn't doing. Invest, in privacy, and security and how, you reap the benefits, of those so, our Microsoft, cyber defense, and operation center we invest at least a billion dollars, in testing. Real, situations. In scenarios, that, might affect our customers, for. Example we. Do continuous, testing, and monitoring, and what that does is we. Basically split, up our teams you look at the teams and, then it becomes almost like a battlefield. The. Left-hand side you have the red team and their job is to prevent, any. Breaches. They. Review the threat models, they, review the code they, do testing, and security, and the. Blue team on the other side they, assume that a breach has happened they. Do war game exercises, they, do a live site penetration. Testing, they, do centralize security, logging, and monitoring. And. What that allows us to do is identify and, address the, potential gaps that we find helps. Us improve the meantime the, detection in recovery, and, it reduces exposure to, internal, gaps so. That's how we manage, our, infrastructure. But, how do you benefit from that well, we take the learnings, from all of this and, we put it into our security, graph where, we collaborate, with organizations, and partners from security, and privacy around. The world we, share that information and then, when you log in for example, into, your Azure. Subscription. You. Will be able to see what's happening you'll be able to see what patterns are, occurring, in the. Global, secure, space and you'll be able to see if any of those have, affected, your environment, and then, be able to take action on those things from, the same place pretty, cool all.

Right So now we've talked about what, Azure is right as your is a set, of tools. And services and. Core infrastructure, that allow you to. Enter, and. Sustain, and be successful in, the digital technology, world we, learn about why, you, should use it and now, lastly, we're going to focus on how exactly you can get started. This. Was another very cool sign that I saw when I was doing, some of my travels. Where it was telling me before you. Cross the street be. Careful, and make sure you look both ways and, I just want to tell you the same thing right when you're planning and starting. To, get started, and how you want to use the cloud there's definitely, some things you should be aware of there's, definitely, some things that you can look out for and, I'm going to share those with you I would, recommend, the best way to get started is, by using the azure solutions. To, find a solution that works for you and for your business now, we have, at the time of this discussion, 10. To 12 solutions, and you are from sa P to, Red Hat on Azure to IOT, to devtest. Now, here, is the most important, part when. You are trying to get. Something done any kind of project and you're. Starting, on your own it's, best to do something, that, has a least amount of friction involved, now. That doesn't mean that if you want to tomorrow, do. IOT, for your business but you can't do it you, can absolutely do it but, the amount of review, the amount of buy off the amount of change. Technology. Change as well, as cultural, change that, would have to happen before. You. Get the benefits. Of the IOT, solution, it might, be a long time and. If you're trying to prove some business value, if you're trying to improve what. Azure and the cloud can do for your company it. Might be best to start small, so we would recommend starting off with something like dev. Tests or backup, archive, and disaster, recovery and. The reason for starting off with something smaller than that is that, more, than likely those. Processes. Those, outcomes will, be contained, within one or, two business, groups so, whether it's the development team or IT, or, development, team or security.

Or If it's high, tea Pro and security. Right whoever, those people are, you're, going to have a smaller group of people that touch those. Outcomes. And, you might be able to get. A small team of five to seven people or five, to seven, stakeholders. That, can represent exactly. What the solution will do for you but what I would recommend is, when you go to those solutions. You can actually find, information. You can find reference, architectures, you can find customer, stories to, tell you everything, you need to know about that solution, and how you can get started and what pitfalls you should look out for. So. As I mentioned right we, would recommend when. You're going from left to right you, consider, the recommendations that, we've made as, I said before if, HPC. Is where your business wants to go go, ahead and get started, this is just a fundamentals. Situation. Where we're trying to give our best recommendations. Of gosh, you've got 10 to 12 solutions, where do we get started this, is our recommendation. As. I mentioned before dev, test is a very common, starting point one. Reason is is because it's it. Has a lot less political. And capital, strings involved, in your company and also, 50% of infrastructure, spend, is on, non production so why not reduce that and, optimize, that as much as possible. Another. Way that you can get started is by, actually getting, started with Azure on our, free account. So if you go to. Wwm. You. Get a two hundred dollar credit to explore for 30 days and then, in addition you. Get 12 months of popular, free services, and then. There's, also 25, services, that are actually always free, so go ahead and click on the link and get started there if you want. Another. Tool we have for you is the Azure roadmap, so, if you were searched for the azure roadmap, you, can actually find, and see what. Are all the product, categories, and what, is the status of any, project you're working on so, for example of machine learning or advanced, analytics. Where as your containers, is something that really matters, for you and, you're building a plan to, be able to know when and how you can, be able to adopt these services, you can actually click Subscribe, and be able to follow from an RSS, feed all. Of the changes happening, to that specific, product or feature, or solution. In addition, you can also use something called the azure marketplace you. Can leverage the azure marketplace from, actually inside, the azure portal, and what, it does is it has these pre-configured.

Setups. That allow you to take advantage of, things. That, companies, have already solved, now, whether this company is offered this application, for you for free or for per user or, a limit, for a specific amount of usage in a specific amount of time that's. Up to the individual. Who created or individual, or company who created the application what. This means is you don't have to get started from zero you, can start from instead of step 0 from. Step maybe three years step, four and so if you want to for example connect. A Linux. Machine using. Ubuntu there's, already a protocol. Enabled. In one of these apps to. Be. Able to do that for you and you just have to configure small. Things instead of creating, at all yourself, so I would encourage you to look by type by, licensing, type by, vendor, to find anything you need by. Those specific, features so, you can get started without, having to build everything, yourself. And. Lastly we, also have as your support which, allows you to really find out what. Is happening with your specific service. What's. Happening with your production workloads, if there's any business, critical functions, that are on or offline and if you actually go to this site you can find a specific support, plan and also, be able to stay incredibly. Close and engaged to, what's happening, to your specific, Azure environment. The. Last thing I want to leave with you is that we actually have free Azure courses, through, online and, hands-on. Labs and, Azure dot-com, slash essentials, that. Can help you get, an understanding from, how, to do basic things like creating, virtual machines, but, also if you're already a developer, and you have a background of Amazon. Web Services, and you want to try some things out and Azure it'll. Kind of give you a holding. Your hand on how to go from one platform to the other so, be sure to check that out. So. What I also wanted, to do was leave you with some real customer. Examples about. Customers, have used our products to, be able to benefit their customers, for. Carmack's for example, in dev, test their, scenario was they wanted to deliver a faster, response to. 16, million site, visitors, that, come to their website each, month they, were wanting to move towards, a DevOps model, which, allowed them to have better. Infrastructure. And, accelerate, the development of, their new digital services, but. In addition was.

Costing Them a lot of money so, they wanted to reduce a storage costs, and gain, scale for all of their website images so. What do they do their, solution was actually, not in our words or not in my words is, actually directly from the customer, address. Storage, provided. Effectively. Limitless, storage, with, read accessible. Geo, replication. So, you could deliver increased, capability, and resilience, that was cost-effective. So, when you're thinking about that. Scale we talked about before on cost, optimization, and. Digital, opportunities, and data, center capacity, this, is a pretty close. Example. Of how that actually gets supplied in real life it's. Also allowed in the generate images of different sizes on the fly and cache, them for use when, needed by various consumer, devices, this. Gave them the ability to modernize. A site making, it a hundred percent mobile friendly and it, moved them to a more dynamic DevOps. Development, paradigm. We. Must also be asking alright you did all that work you use Azure who, cares what, was the impact. Well. The impact was that it tripled, the number of images stored and. Achieved the ability to deliver the right image, to the right device meaning if you're looking at a picture of a car and you have an iPhone X versus. A samsung, nine plus, they're. Not gonna send you the same image it's gonna send you the image that's, gonna be for the right aspect ratio, for your right device. And. Of some other customer, quotes was that Azure pass gave us access to a complete set of capabilities like, Azure. Read his cache that we didn't have to, build ourselves. And. With rapid access to development, resources in Azure they, can set up try, fail, repeat. Our whole innovation, model speeds up with Azure pass. And. One other story I wanted to give which i think is very simple, but really, resonates. With, speed. Is, there's a company called Generali who. Actually had at this point a one-week. Lead time for backup, restoration, and. After 9/11, they. Were actually really close to the Twin Towers and they decided, they needed a better solution because, they're only blocks away, and. They needed a better solution to serve their 68. Countries. And 65. Million, customer. Base so. What do they do they, use Azure site recovery which allowed them to coordinate. A whole. Group, of virtual machines and, they use Azure. Their. Own data center has a recovery, site and. This allows them to run off as rain definitely. During. A disaster. The. Impact of that was. That the disaster, recovery cost, was. Reduced by, 65. Percent once, again look at that visual. In your mind of digital opportunities, versus cost optimization, the, data center in between I gave, them an easier, method of testing then, instead of one entire week they. Were able to get their business back up again in minutes. With a maximum, daily loss of 30, seconds. All. Right so we've come a really long way and, talking about what is a sure, why. Should I use Azure and, how can I get started I hope this has been really helpful for you and for your business and, finding, your, journey through the digital transformation. You.


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