the kardashev scale it's one of the most fascinating sci-fi Concepts that we know of it details what the future of humanity could look like from futuristic cities all the way to controlling the entire universe maybe even the Multiverse in this episode we're going to take you through an in-depth look into every stage of the kardashev scale going from a type 1 civilization and reaching all the way to a type seven let's get started imagine if we could control earthquakes and tsunamis to generate power or maybe even terraform every planet in the solar system these are just a couple of the things that might happen if human civilization was to advance in the future so how can humans get to this point what other advancements will happen and What Makes Us think will even progress this far this is what if and here's what would happen if we became a type one civilization Global civilizations can be categorized into what's known as the kardashev scale this measures a civilization's ability to use all the energy available to it and is scaled from 1 to three currently Humanity doesn't even reach type 1 civilization this is because humans don't use all the forms of energy on Earth we use wood coal and oil but there's a lot more so what would change if Humanity evolved into one of these types of civilizations being a type 1 civilization means we would have complete control over all the energy on Earth this means that we'd say goodbye to fossil fuels they're limited and unsustainable instead we could use the wind sunlight and water for our energy needs and since this energy is so accessible you may no longer need to pay for your power bill in a type 1 civilization we'd continuously be using energy it would be as essential as oxygen we would also start using natural disasters to our advantage tsunamis could be used to produce energy and earthquakes could potentially be used to terraform parts of the world with us having complete control over our planet's energy sources we could also control the weather if an area of the world were suffering through a drought we could disperse rainclouds over it and bring it back to life Humanity could also say goodbye to global warming as we'd be able to bring the atmosphere back to carbon neutral and control our planet's temperatures casualties from natural disasters would also be reduced as we'd be able to predict when and where they might happen and not only that but we'd be able to live on places on Earth we'd never have dreamed of before like in the water as well as in climates that used to be unsuitable for us humans yeah living in a type 1 civilization would be pretty great but with things being this perfect we might get a little bored so what if we took Humanity one step further and became a type 2 civilization or even a type three a type 2 civilization means we could harness the energy of the Sun and use it not just on Earth but throughout our solar system we could use its power to travel to and terrify form Mars or even a planet like Neptune becoming a Type 3 civilization would allow us to use all the energy in the galaxy and since the kardashev scale was invented in the 1960s scientists have come up with potential fourth and fifth types of civilizations this is where things get a little tricky scientists aren't ready to fully Define these as they're past our current understanding of phys physics but it is safe to say that becoming either a type four or type 5 civilization means we could harness the energy of the entire universe and be able to travel it with ease and becoming a type five civilization means we'd all be practically Gods we could control and manipulate the universe in whichever way we please there's no telling when we might evolve to these levels of civilization but experts generally agree that Humanity might be able to reach type one in the next 100 years or so but that's only assuming that Humanity lives long enough in the first place with global warming getting worse and worse and Humanity not taking the correct measures to stop it fast enough there's no telling what might happen to evolve into a type one civilization we need incredible technological innovation especially in how we generate and use energy imagine tapping into every ounce of sunlight wind and other Natural Forces to power our planet well that might sound like something from the future but one company called Hillcrest Energy Technologies is working to make it a reality right now Hillcrest is leading the charge in energy transformation with its groundbreaking electric power conversion Technologies from powering nextg electric vehicles to revolutionizing grid connected systems Hillcrest is designing the solutions that could fuel Humanity's leap into an advanced civilization take their zero voltage switching or zvs inverter for example did you know solar panels generate direct current or DC electricity but the buildings homes and power grids we use require alternating current or AC electricity so to use this energy you need an inverter to convert DC to AC well that's where zvs comes in it minimizes energy waste at up to 99.7% efficiency making it a GameChanger for a wide variety of Industries imagine electric vehicles with faster charging and longer ranges homes running on clean energy 24/7 or data centers consuming far less power all thanks to Hill crest's Innovations their work isn't just about improving what we have it's about pushing the limits of what's possible and the momentum is growing Hillcrest recently unveiled a new control system that enhances the efficiency and adaptability of their zvs inverters they're also working on a compact cost-effective traction inverter prototype which could make electric vehicles more affordable for everyone and they're expanding their collaboration with a company called ocean batteries to work on Marine Energy solutions for electric boats and ships all this while building Partnerships across Europe and North America they're wasting no time on their mission to shape a clean energy future so as we dream about harnessing the energy of galaxies as a type seven civilization companies like Hillcrest show us the first steps forward but what if we're not the first to dream this big could another species have mastered their energy on a cosmic scale and if they did where are they that's the heart of the fmy Paradox we know the universe is vast and ancient so where is everybody think about that for a second while we explore what it would be like to live in a type 2 [Music] civilization when it comes to energy we have a long way to go before our utility bills become a thing of the past on the kardashev scale we're still a type zero civilization but we're closer than ever to harnessing Earth's energy so what would it take for us to become a type 2 or Stellar civilization how could we harness the energy of our sun what could prevent us from getting to the next level on the scale and how would our lives change this is what if and here's what would happen if we became a type 2 civilization okay if you're new to the cev scale to put it simply it's a way to measure a civilization's level of technological advancement based on the amount and types of energy that it can use as a type zero civilization we are a subglobal culture meaning we still get the majority of our energy from organic sources like wood coal and oil in order to reach type one we'll have to master the use of all the forms of energy on Earth not just fossil fuels with many advancements in solar wind hydro and geothermal power we're almost there to earn a type two rating on the scale we'd need to be able to use all the power of our sun so what could we do with it in order to become a type 2 or Stellar civilization we'll need to build a massive swarm of energy collecting satellites around the Sun known as a Dyson swarm you can learn more about this in our other video what if we built a Dyson Sphere around our sun but before we start start building we'll have to improve a lot of things here on Earth there are many potential dangers to humanity that could stop us in our tracks including climate change war pandemics and even asteroids speaking of asteroids NASA's been hard at work developing their Dart project or double asteroid redirection test in 2021 NASA will launch the dart satellite on a collision course with the near Earth asteroid Diddy Moon which orbits the larger and more threatening asteroid Diddy Moss this Collision will increase Diddy Moon's orbital speed by about 4 minutes which is just enough time to alter the larger asteroid dimas's trajectory away from Earth creating the first artificial meteor shower if this proves to be a successful defense against threatening asteroids it could help us pave the way to becoming a type 1 civilization and eventually type two if we're lucky mind you if we had the power of our entire Sun at our fingertips we could simply vaporize any potential threats to our planet in fact we could move Earth out of Harm's Way if we wanted to theoretically we could control the orbits of everything in our solar system using a Dyson swarm could also make other plan planets more habitable with the help of these solar satellites we could carefully control any planet's temperature by redirecting the sun's energy we could start terraforming nearby planets to give us new places to live this would even let us take interplanetary vacations anyone up for a ski trip to Mars in fact why stop at Mars with Limitless solar energy at our disposal we could travel almost anywhere in our solar system technology at this point would likely make space travel available and affordable to everyone right now a ticket to space could cost anywhere from $250,000 to tens of millions of dollars yesh so much for my mortgage we might even be able to solve our climate change Problems by partially shading the Earth with the Dyson Sphere giving us time to heal and rebuild our atmosphere with no more air pollution from fossil fuels we'd be a much healthier and happier species but before you breathe easy we have a lot of work to do here on Earth before we even become a type one civilization we definitely do have a ton of work to do here on Earth before we can even think about becoming as advanced as some of these civilizations were talking about but could we find one well let's go back to the firmy Paradox one of the ideas as to why we've yet to find Advanced civilizations is called The Rare Earth hypothesis it's the idea that Earth is just an exceptionally rare Place one with an extremely unique set of conditions that have made complex life possible so maybe Earth is just the only place with complex life out here there are some other theories regarding the fmy Paradox that we'll get into but first let's take a look at a type three [Music] civilization imagine having the ability to live forever travel anywhere in the universe and harness enough power to create wormholes well if you're part of the ultra exclusive type 3 civilization Club these are just some of the everyday luxuries available so how could feeble earthlings get to this level of power but more importantly should we even try how would our lives transform as a Type 3 civilization would technology work for us or against us and what would it take to get to a type four civilization this is what if and here's what would happen if we were a Type 3 civilization on the kardashev scale which measures a civilization's technological ability to harness energy we're stuck at a type zero to graduate to type 1 we'd have to take full advant Vantage of all the Earth's energy and any energy that comes our way such as sunlight according to physicist Michio Kaku we'll get there in a century or two but to get to type two where we're able to harness all the energy of our sun Dr Kaku estimates we're a few thousand years away which is frankly pretty optimistic to reach type three where a civilization harnesses the power of its entire galaxy Mio estimates that we're looking at anywhere from 100,000 to 1 million years so if we managed to fast forward 1 million years into the future what would our lives look like with the ability to harness nearly Limitless energy from any planet or Star Within site we could live anywhere we wanted maybe we could build an even better Earth or an entirely new solar system from scratch looking for a tropical beach Planet it's all yours or how about a mushroom Planet sure we can do that Earth Mars and every planet in our solar system might just be husks at this point we would have minded them of all their resources to build Dyson swarms no I'm not talking about a swarm of fancy vacuums but millions of energy collecting satellites that could swarm around a star and turn it into one big battery but to truly become a Type 3 civilization we'd need swarms of Dyson swarms collecting an unfathomable amount of energy from all the stars in our entire galaxy at this point humans would have harnessed biotechnology to its fullest and we would likely become a race of cyborgs so Advanced we'd be indiscernible from robots our new favorite dance move might be called the human over the past decade we've already developed electrode implants that allow amputees the ability to control artificial limbs with their brains we have brain implants that allow us to hear and perceive color and Elon Musk is working on melding AI with the human brain with his company neuralink just imagine where this techno Evolution will take us in a million years to survive warp speed travel we may very well have to modify our flesh and Bone bodies into something more resilient this is all wishful thinking though as AI improves exponentially robots will rapidly outsmart and outnumber humans they might consider us to be too useless whiny and well obsolete if we're lucky they'll keep us around as pets or Wildlife or we may have to start acting more like them ridding ourselves of any emotion or moral conscience at this point AI would be self-replicating on an exponential scale and could strip a planet with little remorse for whatever creatures live there I'm sorry guys but you all know our slogan we are the Bor and resistance is futile with almost Limitless resources as a type three civilization we would have enough power to harness plank energy the energy of SpaceTime physics at this level would be vastly different from what we know today according to Einstein's theory of relativity our ability to travel faster than light is impossible but at the plank scale we could build a wormhole to get around as a Type 3 civilization with an almost infinite energy Supply we wouldn't need resource management at this Point we'd be Godlike with enough biotech to make us Immortal and nearly indestructible if anything stood in our way well we could snap our fingers and call it a day over time we would eventually exhaust our entire Galaxy's resources in this case we'd need to advance to become a type four or five civilization to explore and harvest energy from the rest of the Universe we'll get into what would happen with a type four or five civilization in a second but first let's jump back to another theory in the firmy Paradox it's known as the great filter the idea here is that there's an insurmountable barrier preventing life from advancing into an Interstellar Civilization now it's not clear whether we've passed this filter yet with the emergence of multicellular life or it's ahead of us this suggests that civilizations typically destroy themselves before achieving an advanced State Humanity could go extinct due to nuclear war climate change or a number of other disasters this would prevent us from reaching a type 1 civilization but let's assume that didn't happen and let's jump into a type four civilization imagine inagine if our civilization could advance to a realm Beyond Your Wildest imagination one where we could harness not just the power of the planet but of the entire universe Welcome to our Type 4 civilization how would we become a type four civilization what incredible things would we be capable of and where could we possibly go from here this is what if and here's what would happen if Earth became a type four civilization who there space cowboy I can tell you're ready to be among the most powerful beings in the universe but if you take a look at Humanity today well we're still a bit of a ways behind yeah currently we're just a type zero civilization this means that we're still bound by the limitations of our planet the furthest we've been able to explore the cosmos is with satellites and probes we need to rely on fossil fuels to power much of what we do and we've only just begun to harness the energy we can Source from Renewables like wind and solar in order to advance our society we'll have to make our way up the so-called kardashev scale named after Russian astrophysicist Nikolai kardashev in 1964 to advance we'll have to increase our technological capabilities and the amount of energy we're capable of using and by that I mean harnessing the power of the whole planet the Sun and Beyond we' better get started type 1 civilization to advance from a type zero to a type 1 civilization we'd need to massively improve our current situation here on Earth specifically we need to take full advantage of the energy sources we have yeah sorry oil and gas but we need to make room for all the power that can be generated from our oceans winds and the Sun and guess what all those resources are totally renewable our technology would also have to develop further we'd need faster quantum computers and more advanced AI theoretically these will be possible in about a century or so but we need to see more of the world night before this could happen type 2 civilization as a type 2 civilization we'd become multiplanetary Space Explorers the key here would be harnessing the full energy output of our sun to do that we'd need to build a truly massive theoretical structure known as a Dyson Sphere it would surround the Sun and provide us with practically unlimited amounts of energy with with it the entire solar system would be our domain we could establish human life on other planets moons and asteroids and hopefully this interplanetary civilization would move Beyond Earthly problems like War food scarcity and inequality type three civilization hey I know what you're thinking why stop there if we could harness the power of our own star well why not all the stars in the whole galaxy well we're far into the realm of Science Fiction here but if we Advanced to a Type 3 civilization yeah we'd be masters of the Milky Way We Could terraform planets as much as we'd like we could create and Destroy entire solar systems maybe we'd even travel through mysterious wormholes to speed up our trips around the Galaxy yet somehow all this advancement wouldn't be enough for us we'd need to look even further into the realm of possibility type four civilization okay as a type four civilization we would be almost Godlike our energy needs would have outgrown our tiny Galaxy and now we'd be harvesting energy resources from across multiple galaxies Humanity might be so Advanced that we harness the power of the entire universe with a mega structure that would span over 93 billion light years in diameter and if certain theories are accurate about the existence of multiverses well there'd be a good chance we could Harvest their energy as well this would mean we'd have the technology to take advantage of the power of dark energy how we'd manage to do that is beyond me heck it's completely Beyond any conceivable technology or understanding of physics but stealing this concept from sci-fi stories could enable us to travel faster than the speed of light and construct devices that counteract the forces of gravity it's difficult to imagine what humans would be like if we ever reached this level of civilization at each step along the way we' absolutely have to see fundamental shifts in science culture and Society in order to advance successfully but here's one thing I'm pretty sure of the concept of work would no longer exist machines and AI would be capable of all labor leaving you free to do whatever you want so we need an entirely different imagination of the economy not everything would be perfect though a type four civilization would have a lot of responsibility toward the universe it gains its power from we'd need to maintain the balance of all these incredible Cosmic forces and if there are any other Advanced civilizations out there in our universe Well we'd need to learn how to live alongside them and share the power that we've gained now even though you'd never live long enough to see this day well what would all this mean to you if you could control the universe what would make your life meaningful you'd be able to see every corner of the universe create your own reality and manipulate the fabric of SpaceTime itself well I guess that would be pretty meaningful until you find out that we could go up even further to a type five civilization if you thought a type four civilization was nuts just wait until you see what a type five civilization would be like but before we get to that you're probably wondering to yourself are we ever going to reach a type 1 civilization and if so when well some scientists predicted could happen within the next 100 to 200 years but in order for it to happen we'd need to have significant technological advances as well as cooperation from the entire world this would have to be an effort from all of humanity and this is also assuming Humanity doesn't self-destruct before we get there imagine a world where Humanity has not only gained the ability to travel and populate space but has progressed even further than that Humanity can now control and navigate multiple universes welcome to one of the most advanced civilizations ever thought of a type five civilization what is a type five civilization what would it mean for Humanity and how would we get to this point this is is what if and here's what would happen if Humanity became a type five civilization okay so before we get to our epic type five civilization we first need to start at zero this is unfortunately where Earth Is Right Now a type zero civilization is one that's reliant on things like fossil fuels and still struggling with issues like climate change yeah we've sent people to the moon and Rovers to Mars but we're far from Interstellar travel and although we have lots of technological advancements we're still vulnerable to things like natural disasters and pandemics so although Earth is highly advanced in many ways we still have a long way to go before we reach a type one or two or five civilization how do we get there well before we get to that what are these civilizations anyway and who came up with them it's known as the kardashev scale developed by Nikolai kardashev in 1964 the scale categorizes a civilization according to its technological capabilities and energy consumption originally the scale only involved type 1 2 and three civilizations but it's since been expanded to include type four and five now while civilizations four and five are mostly speculative and theoretical civilizations 1 through three could happen someday so how could humans become a type five civilization who whoa whoa not so fast first we need to get to a type one there's no way a civilization can jump from a zero all the way to five so let's get started type one civilization a type one civilization would be a massive improvement from where we are now on Earth as a type one we could harness all the energy available to us on the planet imagine being able to harness the power of the oceans and the sun things like hurricanes and earthquakes would become minor inconveniences and all our energy would be renewable now to get to this point the main thing we'd need to focus on would be energy transition shifting from non-renewable to renewable energy sources would be the key priority and it would need to be done at a global scale think entire deserts filled with solar panels wind turbines covering the clouds and ocean thermal energy conversion plants other scientific advancements would also be essential things like Quantum Computing and advanced AI would be Key Parts s of helping us transition into this new civilization but it's not just about the technology we'd also need some sort of global governance to help unify the world to tackle these massive challenges experts think that this might happen in the next Century or two but we don't have time to wait that long so let's fast forward and move on to the next type of civilization we got four more to go type two civilization this would be a massive leap on all fronts of energy and technological advancement being a type 2 would mean that we'd be able to build extreme Mega structures like this Dyson Sphere this would allow us to harness the power of the Sun and with that our energy capability would be virtually Limitless we could innovate our way to incredible technological Heights instead of being Tethered to Earth Earth we now have the power to travel to new planets and start populating them Mars Venus and other planets in our solar system would become our new homes and overall the solar system would become a Utopia with humans having this much power we'd move Beyond things like scarcity war and inequality a unified Galactic government would span across our star system but it would take take some hard work becoming a type 2 civilization would require all of Humanity's effort and span multiple Generations type three civilization you think harnessing the power of our Earth and Sun is epic how about an entire galaxy well that's what you can expect when transitioning to a Type 3 civilization things like black holes billions of stars and other celestial bodies would all be be at Humanity's disposal to harness and use this could allow for Wormhole travel we can instantly travel to distant points in the galaxy and if that wasn't enough we'd also have the ability to terraform different planets however we please I kind of want to ski on Venus type four civilization okay now is where things get really crazy A type four civilization is beginning to reach a point beyond our current understanding of the universe and physics so naturally there would be some weird aspects to this upgraded version of humanity being able to terraform planets and control celestial bodies was so last Civilization now we reshape destroy or create entire worlds we would have unlimited power having mastered the resources of the entire Universe things like artificial intelligence would become so Advanced by this point that they'd become part of the structure of the universe with that we'd be able to control virtually every aspect of everything create new life forms and different kinds of matter and on top of all that in a type four civilization we'd be able to transcend biological limitations and achieve a form form of immortality pretty crazy right well we're not even done yet type 5 civilization similar to a type four civilization a type 5 civilization would be dealing with problems and obstacles that we can't even comprehend but what we do know is that this civilization would be able to do virtually anything the people or whatever they would evolve to at this point would essentially become gods they could instantly create new universes with specific conditions that they could use to experiment with new life they could effectively create their own simulations ones that are even more complex than the world we live in today and the key difference would be that a type five civilization would have access to and control of multiple universes yeah instead of being limited to just one puny Universe we would now become a multiversal civilization this means everything we could do in one Universe our control of energy and our access to resources would now be multiplied across the entire Multiverse now what happens after that is almost incomprehensible a type six or seven civilization ation May mean that Humanity merges with the fabric of reality itself we might go beyond our physical reality and who knows what happens after that but no doubt it' be pretty crazy yeah that's right what happens after a type five civilization is going to get even crazier but we still have two more to go type six and a type seven let's dive into them and see what would happen if Humanity ever reach those Advanced Heights in the future humans May no longer have a need for physical forms we'll be able to explore different multiverses and manipulate time itself these are just a few of the perks of a type 6 civilization what would your day-to-day life be like how far will technology have to advance and would all this advancement really be worth it this is what if and here's what would happen if Humanity became a type 6 civilization okay let's Kickstart our climb up the ladder of civilization otherwise known as the kardashev scale named after the astrophysicist Nikolai kardashev this scale measures the advancement of a society based on its ability to harness different amounts of energy currently today we're a measly type zero civilization and if we were to make the First Leap on the scale up to a type one we'd need to harness all the energy resources available to us on earth going up to a type two we'd extend our metaphorical extension cord all the way out to the sun b and that would mean much more than just collecting the solar power that reaches Earth we'd be harnessing all the energy of the sun and the solar system now at the third stage type three Humanity would now have the ability to control might seem crazy enough but we're just getting started once we become type four and type five civilizations Humanity would be able to control all the power available to us throughout the entire universe and Beyond and what comes next seems even more impossible to comprehend looking at what would happen if we became a type 6 civilization requires you to fundamentally transform what you think you understand about the nature of reality at this point we wouldn't just be manipulating energy and matter but also the fabric of space and time time and we wouldn't just be controlling multiple universes we would be able to create or destroy entire universes at will you would have Godlike Powers at your fingertips time would no longer be something we'd think of as flowing in only one direction instead of looking at it like a river it would now be a sea that we could jump in and explore freely you could travel back back in time to witness the birth of stars the formation of the galaxies and the Very creation of the universe and it would be as fast and simple as blinking your eyes and if you could control time and create your own universes then of course you could determine exactly what happens in them as well so in your Universal sandbox there could be one world where you were the supreme leader another with all kinds of animals that have never existed and maybe one where money really does grow on trees not that money would mean anything to you with this enormous and purely theoretical amount of power what would it even mean to be human anymore well first of all you'd look pretty different you wouldn't have much use for your body anymore but with the technology of a type 6 civilization you could equip your body with all the most incredibly Advanced artificial intelligence tools imaginable but that's just the beginning you might exist as pure energy and Consciousness without flesh and Bone you could take on whatever form you desire you and every other human would truly be Gods however being dis Advanced would bring up a handful of ethical dilemmas for one if you were omnipotent you'd have to develop new social skills with all the other omnipotent beings of the universe keeping secrets would be pretty much impossible and no doubt as you navigated through multiple universes you'd come across at least a couple of civilizations that would be much less advanced than ours there would need to be some sort of protocol on how to engage with them in a humane way as especially if you could create and Destroy universes at will this would be a great power that truly requires great responsibility you'd be able to design new life forms from scratch and guide them through their evolution just as our species once experienced if you were to wipe those same species out in an instant well it would raise enormous moral questions and there's probably one other burning question on your mind if you were so powerful what would be the purpose of your life well that's one thing we'll just have to wait to find out when we reach this height on the civilization scale and then there's always the next step like becoming a type seven civilization okay now strap in for a type seven civilization this is going to get pretty wild and at times incredibly unrealistic but it's fun to speculate about you know we've got our own theories as to what would happen in each of these eras of civilization but we want to hear yours let me know in the comments below what you think would happen past a type 7 civilization maybe we'll make a video about it imagine a world where you're not even human you can create universes with ease and control time time this could be a reality in an incredibly Advanced and I mean an incredibly Advanced civilization okay we've talked about what if Humanity reaches type 1 through type five civilizations but what if we take it a step further what if we become a type six or seven civilization What would life be like then is a type seven civiliz ization even possible what would humans look like and why might something like this be a terribly bad idea this is what if and here's what would happen if Humanity became a type seven civilization type one civilization okay here Humanity gains control of Earth and we're able to access all the power on the planet type 2 civilization well this is where we harness the power of the Sun and start to populate other planets like Mars and Venus type three Civilization now humanity is controlling the entire galaxy commanding the power of black holes multiple stars and all other celestial bodies these civilizations were conceived by Nikolai kardashev who created the kardashev scale it's a hypothetical framework used to measure a civilization's ability to harness technolog iCal power civilizations 1 to three were developed by kardashev himself but the list has since expanded in a more speculative manner to add types 4 through 7even here are some of them in Fast Forward type four civilization well Humanity gains the ability to populate and control the entire universe type five civilization we've become a multiversal civilization so that's 1 through five but what happens next is pretty ridiculous and we should preface that this goes beyond the expanded cev scale making these next civilizations purely speculative they're also getting so Advanced that scientists claim these civilizations are hard to even comprehend we'll be dealing with problems we don't even know about yet but hey you guys asked for this so let's strap in Things Are about to get weird type 6 civilization a type 6 civilization will see some significant upgrades from our type 5 civilization instead of controlling parts of multiple universes well we can now control everything yeah we can instantly create or destroy any Universe of our choosing not only that but time would become a new toy for us to play with we can now manipulate it any way we want feel free to create multiple timelines maybe I'll create one where I'm the president or I have blonde hair or maybe one where I'm super jacked and with all these multiverses Humanity wouldn't be the only Civilization by now there's a good chance that we've discovered or even created multiple civilizations of other new species across different universes ones that range from from type zero to type 5 and of course with us at the top of the food chain Humanity would be the rulers of these civilizations or we might view them as cultures that are lesser than us maybe we'll just observe them in the same way we do with ant colonies or zoo animals and what would you look like in a type 6 civilization well definitely not like you do now or I guess you could if you wanted to let me show you some examples you'd have the power to control reality and matter so if you wanted you could look like you do now or you could look like the rock there's also a chance that we would no longer be biological beings as we've progressed through these civilizations technology and AI have only been getting more advanced we may have fused with artificial intelligence becoming Robo human hybrids maybe we look like this and if you're more creative who knows what you could be you could be an alien a Godlike giant or go a more efficient route and become a ball of energy one that could move around universes with ease now if you think a type 6 civilization sounds nuts well wait till you see what's next type seven civilization as we've progressed through these civilizations things are only getting more ridiculous weird and confusing we're now officially at the point where this civilization is almost Beyond human comprehension we'd have the ability to create alter and Destroy more universes ultimately controlling everything one of the key differences between a type six and seven civilization would be us being able to control the Omniverse okay again this is entirely speculative but the Omniverse is even bigger than the Multiverse it contains an infinite amount of universes both real and fictional it shows every conceivable timeline and contains realities we can't even understand yet humans or whatever we're called at this point would be able to transcend any form of physical or metaphysical reality our new forms are unimaginable at least with our current knowledge we'd be past the point of having to worry about dying or any form of suffering instead humans might exist in a state of constant Bliss Enlightenment and Euphoria we might be able to exist simultaneously in multiple realities and timelines able to see everything in the past present and future with all this incredible power it kind of begs the question would Humanity even want to get to this point would we even be considered human I mean Society has progressed so far that we're not even experiencing the things that make us who we are instead of hanging out with our loved ones and following our passions we're now Invincible beings who have trans ended our current feeble human needs and ideas we're building new realities and playing God we'd also have plenty of existential challenges in this period with Humanity being so powerful and controlling everything well what would there be for us to do we've already conquered the Earth the universe and now the Omniverse where does Humanity progress and what would we have left to accomplish we wouldn't experience any adversity or challenges two essential aspects of our human life so as exciting as these things sound would it be worth it maybe we should go back and experience what life would be like if Humanity turned into a type one civilization that might be more manageable and realistic and it also sounds like a story for another what if [Music]
2024-12-18 05:46