WEKA and Micron leading the way in AI, hybrid cloud, and sustainable data solutions

WEKA and Micron leading the way in AI, hybrid cloud, and sustainable data solutions

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[Music] thank you for joining us today I'm  Jeremy Werner I'm the corporate vice president   and general manager of Micron storage business  unit I have a fantastic guest with me here today   Liran Zvibel, who is the Co-founder & CEO of WEKA  welcome thank you Jeremy for having me Liran and   I have known each other for some time and WEKA has  really developed and blossomed with the takeoff in   AI as a leader in data platform technology maybe  you could tell us a little bit about what that   journey was like for you what was the genesis  of WEKA so WEKA is actually our second storage   company after we were done with the first one  IBM acquired us we got a lot of experience we   identified two main issues with the legacy storage  market one the market is insanely fragmented there   are dozens of products that actually sell and  customers have to go and choose the right product   for the right application sometimes customers  have 40 different products running in their   organizations the other problem was that even  though the engineering is all software 99% of the   engineers are software engineers the delivery is  always in some proprietary hardware box it makes   it very difficult on-prem when you're buying  your service from one vendor and the storage   from another vendor but it makes it impossible  to run these on the cloud okay so we didn't want   to do that anymore we said never again then  in 2013 before we decided to found WEKA three   major innovations happened microservices with  containers happened NVMe happened so finally   you could connect flash directly to the CPU with  no controllers third networking has really caught   up to compute speed so traditionally the network  was way slower than the server nowadays it's as   fast or even faster taking the three components  together instead of taking the name space and   breaking it down to controllers which where it  controller owns a smaller portion of the NAND   space like a traditional storage array then  if the clients choose to all access whats on   a single controller they're basically doing a  denial of service attack to that machine what   we have done we're taking all of the data all  of the metadata breaking it down to tiny little   pieces and then we're running a perfect load  balancing of all of the iOS data iOS through all   of the NVMe devices and all the metadata operation  through all of the CPUs so we were able to create   a system that runs all of the workloads better  than the one-off products and doesn't require   any specific hardware so it runs on premises  and the cloud wow so what you end up with is   a very flexible scalable and high performance data  platform for to be able to serve all applications   in a data center but especially you've had a lot  of success lately as AI's taken off in the data   center so huge congratulations to you you  recently announced your series E funding   $140 million at a $1.6 billion valuation it's an  amazing accomplishment I personally was involved   with three startups none of them ever got to  unicorn status so I know how much effort goes   into achieving such a huge valuation Micron  was an early investor in WEKA so I know we   always believed in your capabilities as a company  recently I saw that NVIDIA was a big investor in   the series E now I think that has something to do  with your success in driving AI platforms tell us   a little bit about this series E what it means to  you and why NVIDIA would participate in this round   yeah it's a great question and thank you for the  congratulations it's a very big milestone for us   so from the bird's eye when you ask a VC hey what  would make a company a startup successful you need   two components you need the market to take off and  you need the 10x advantage and fortunately we have   both when you're looking at the data center and  the new projects they're they're built around this   triangle of compute network and data NVIDIA was  able to get compute and network to be four five   six orders of magnitude faster than what was  possible just a decade ago with standard CPUs   and previous kind of ethernet when you have made  compute and the network so much faster you also   need the data to be so much faster when what we're  showing is that we can fully saturate all the   links we provide a lot of more small iOS and it  works well with a smaller file so when customers   switch to us they're actually getting much better  utilization out of their GPUs so when customers   tend to WEKA when they're comparing hey I can buy  products that were built on ideas that made sense   in the '80s and the '90s and the 2Ks that's 100%  of our competitors there not realizing their full   potential when they're buying new kind of computer  new kind of network they also need to buy new kind   of a data platform so this AI explosion is just a  huge opportunity for your data platform solution   for sure and another part that's interesting for  AI and we're probably going to touch on it on   another question is AI is not an application  it's not a code anymore it's a pipeline and   through through that pipeline you're starting  with ingesting you're running the MLOps or LLM   Ops ETL you're training your checkpointing you're  then running a huge regression making sure the new   model is better you're inferencing in production  and you're archiving you have so many more steps   if you're if you're subscribing to the old mode  of hey each step has a different system you're   wasting a lot of resources and you're not making  as much progress as you could and I think all this   training's come a long way with LLMs with picture  generation image generation models like stable   diffusion but there's still a lot of opportunity  ahead of us in terms of what's possible with AI we   barely scratched the surface I think on training  with video for instance for sure so we're seeing   generative AI really starting to take off but the  way we're we're experiencing the market now we're   we we're working with a lot of startups building  technologies we have not yet seen the large   enterprises really buying them really leveraging  them enterprises are still in this discretionary   mode where they're running small POC's where we  think the market's going to go again predicting   is hard especially the future we think that in  the next two to three years we're going to have   a lot less of these startups maybe the best 20%  are going to remain there but now we're going to   find out the best ideas for leveraging AI and  generative AI in enterprises and then the big   companies the corporations will really start  leveraging these for the day-to-day operations   we we're looking at that mode like mobile was in '  07 you know when Steve Jobs launched the iPhone I   think a lot of people realized hey there is a huge  potential there but it took about five more years   for different kind of apps for people to fully  comprehend hey this thing the fact that they have   another computer in my pocket changes everything  AI and Genie are closer to the iPhone of '07 than   to the iPhone 24 yeah we're truly at the very  early stage of this transformative technology   for sure I really believe that simplicity is key  and you talked about the fragmentation of storage   systems I see it when I talk to customers  the it's really hard to find these system   administrators who are able to manage so many  different storage solutions converge solutions   network solutions different object file block so  being able to provide that simplicity absolutely   has got to be a huge value for your customers or  our mutual customers I actually know for a fact   one of the simplifications that I think customers  are looking for today is around the hybrid cloud   now you and I had spoken a couple years back about  the hybrid cloud how it was going to be something   that all enterprises would embrace because there  are still some benefits of being on-prem but also   benefits of running some of your workload on the  cloud where are you in that journey where are your   customers now in terms of adopting hybrid cloud  and what kind of solutions are you offering so   you're you're spot on hybrid cloud is something  that we used to talk about in future tense a a   few years ago but now it's really starting to  happen I think the were were many organization   that were religious on staying only on premises  there were some that said no we're all in on the   cloud I think both realize they're not getting  the best volume the cloud is best utilized for   elasticity if you're just taking everything you've  run on-prem you're transforming it one to one to   the cloud it's going to be really expensive but if  you're not leveraging cloud at all for elasticity   you really have to provision on premises data  centers that are way bigger than what you need   for a majority of the time the smart customers  we're starting to see are leveraging on-prem   for 80-90% of the time we're running most of their  workloads and then they're leveraging cloud either   for DR or for bursting of added compute power when  they need that some of them store the capacity on   the cloud as as well but some actually choose to  build a a flash based object storage in some Colo   and equinix or similar that they're controlling  on premises they can extend the name space from   their on-prem places to their they can also extend  the NAND space from the cloud to there and they   can really manage the costs in an impressive way  that's so cool so you know that is a vision I've   always had for companies because obviously like  if you're an eCommerce company "Here Comes Black   Friday" your compute needs are going to spike  through the roof but then you know other part   times of the year you can satisfy what you need  on-prem very cost effectively so one of the things   we've seen a lot from our mutual customers is the  adoption of the Micron 6500 ION 30TB drive now   this product has won a lot of awards over the past  year why do you think this product in particular   has become so popular with your customers so I'd  like to start by saying that I think the ION 6500s   are one of the best engineered flash products now  on the market thank you so much you were able to   cram a lot of capacity 30 terabytes come up with  a QLC like price point with a TLC like performance   so engineering is all about making the right  trade-offs making the right choices and you have   made great great choices in in making this device  we have basically two different users to flash in   in these AI GPU accelerate workloads there is  the pinnacle of performance a small portion of   the capacity that needs insanely high amount of  iOS and throughput and this is where the 94-9500s   work out if in large capacities maybe you can get  it with the 7450 but then most of the capacity   that we're seeing for these gen AI projects are  actually in the overall corpus where you still   need low latency you still need good amount of  throughputs we're now seeing project with hundreds   of petabytes we're now seeing several project that  are exabyte scale you know a year ago had you told   me hey Liran you're going to have customers buying  an exabyte or two or now we have five in a single   project they would have told you Jeremyy you're  out of your mind like looking forward is good but   that's never going to happen okay I'm going to  tell you today two years from now we're going to   be back sitting at this table and we're going  to be talking about 10 exabyte deployments in   the data center running on your software I  by the way now I can see it happening more   than two years ago I would have seen an exite  now I believe it's amazing how fast the needs   for relatively fast but also cost effective  storage have grown one of the things that's   driving that need and the TCO equation from hard  drives and many hard drives you know scaled out to   consolidated racks of solid state storage like  what we're providing is sustainability and what I   one of the driving impetus for sustainability  is the fact that we're running out of power   to in this country and in many countries around  the world in fact recently there was an article   by the Washington Post that reported the same  that America's running out of power and I saw a   statement that stuck with me the other day which  was there is no backup planet which really made   me think about some pride in terms of what we're  doing um to be able to bring the power consumption   of the data center down with solid state  storage maybe you could talk a little bit about   how SSDs and the data platform deliver better  power utilization in the data center and better   efficiency at the data center level yeah so  just to begin with I concur completely we do   have a problem now our last round was led by  Valor the previous round was led by Generation   Invested Management it's a fund founded by Al  Gore the form of VP and David blood they care   mostly about sustainability they invested in us  because they have figured out hey we're we're   making a big dent in how can you save power also  what we've learned from them you know a decade ago   data centers consume one and a half% of total  power consumption nowadays it's 3% in a couple   of years it's going to be 8% wow so an exponential  growth and at that point data centers are going to   consume more power than all of the human workforce  combined so we do have a problem what we're seeing   with our customers when they pick WEKA two things  happen one because we provide data so much quicker   to the GPUs we are getting their utilization to  be way higher so one customer that adopted us on   a WS instead of FSX for luster at very large scale  started with a problem that their GPUs were only   working at 30% utilization throughout throughout  the day when they switch to WEKA we're able to show   them that they're getting six times the throughput  and 40 times the iOS but data scientists don't get   don't care about throughput and iOS what they care  about is getting their job done what they realized   hey we got their GPU utilization going from the  30% a day to the high 80s so the same GPU cluster   was able to deliver three times the output so if  you can generate three times the output using the   same amount of power it's a huge saving sure the  other part where we make a huge difference because   we support all the protocols because we support  all of the work clouds you don't need to start   copying data around different systems which  happens today you injest to the wacka you   run your envelops ETL portions on the WEKA you run the training the checkpointing   on the WEKA you run the large  scale validation on the WEKA the   inference on the WEKA and archiving  also happens on the WEKA you're   saving the job of keeping three or four or five  different platforms and copying data around this   is also a huge savings we''ve commissioned some  work to to try and quantify it and they found   out just on the effect on the storage when you're  using WEKA a petabyte of WEKA saves 260 kiloton   of carbon dioxide emission per year which is a  huge amount that's amazing so helping the planet   saving customers money making data centers more  efficient improving the efficiency of the entire   infrastructure and bringing new capabilities  to humanity thank you so much for being here   today truly a pleasure to have seen you and your  vision come to reality and everything that you're   doing for WEKA and for the industry in general  just want to thank you again for being here yeah   thank you very much Jeremy for having me I really  like having these discussions so thanks and thank   you for joining us we hope that you enjoyed our  discussion today and learn more about how WEKA and   Micron are collaborating to bring you some of the  world's most advanced Storage Solutions [Music]

2024-08-25 15:19

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