Webinar Technology seeks application English

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[Music] okay so welcome again and thank you  for joining our session today where Florian   and myself will talk about technology  application and where we can find new   applications for existing Technologies. But  before we start right in we a quick introduction   so my name is Niclas I've been working at  HYVE for 12 years now and I'm leading the   Community Innovations practice so my practice  I always work on projects where it's about   innovating with different stakeholders integrating  communities into the Innovation process and that's   something that we'll also see today that's very  important in order to find new applications for   existing Technologies yeah thank you Niclas  and my name is Florian I'm in the strategy   and empowerment team at HYVE I'm here since three  years before I've been the founder and the part   of an international business development team and  in my role I helping companies looking into the   future defining where they should um start  searching for in Innovations I help them to   organize the process so that they can realize  the ideas and finally I help in companies in   Innovation projects and here in the last couple  of years I supported companies especially   with um Technologies and helping them bringing  existing Technologies to New Markets and finding   um yeah application application Fields where  they can leverage their existing Technologies   and I think with this said we provide you with  a short introduction to what HYVE is and what   we are doing and I have to hand over again to  my colleague Niclas yes thank you Flo so just   as a quick background about what we do at HYVE  and how that fits into finding new applications   for existing Technologies so we usually start  our process with strategic foresight so helping   our clients envisioning a future 10 15 years  from now and understanding what technologies   how Technologies might change how the market  might change and where they can be a relevant   player in the market so really understanding  where the future may move and adapting the   offering accordingly and then we usually go into  the product Innovation stage where it's more about   veloping new products new Services new business  models and that's also where technology seeks   application fits in really well so this is about  finding problems and understanding user problems   and then developing Solutions today we'll talk  about how to do it the other way around having   Solutions finding problems that need solving and  then continuing on into the product development   so really helping to bring products to life  to bring services to life be it Hardware or software and we don't do that alone um we do  that in a big Network on the one hand um within   our group of companies we do that worldwide so we  have a huge Network here um and this allows us to   have access to many experts in different areas in  different fields so yeah that's really helpful to   find new applications to understand different  markets and what's also helpful is that we are   very much cross industry so we don't really  work with a specific industry but we really   try to be very broad in our projects and that  has allowed us to develop a very huge Network   um of experts from a variety of fields  and that really allows us to have access   to this network in order to validate  um different Technologies in different markets right and with that said we head into  the topic of our today's webinar which is about   technologies that seeks application but before  we head into this topic I have one question for   you for all the people who are here in the panel  um and the question is like when you think back   about when you think back um in regards to the  last 10 15 years what in your opinion have been   the most disruptive Technologies what had the most  impact on your life um and what technologies come   to your mind when you think on that question  and this is also a short introduction to our   panel that we have in our Q&A session that will  follow later so please type in your opinions type   in your ideas into our into our feed um using the  chat version and yeah looking forward what kind   of Innovations what kind of technologies have  disrupted your life in the last 10 to 15 years you should be able to find the Q&A session down in  the menu of your Zoom call so it's either Q&A or   F&A if you're in Germany so feel free to just  type in your um your answers to our question here and we can already see first answers coming  in um so of course we see um we see AI um yeah   that's that's one we see VR as a suggestion here  um oh we have one very specific one blue motion   soft close functionality in Furniture so um yeah  I think that's a very specific one um internet   and e-commerce then yeah AI again ChatGPT and  the like um we see payment technology in China   very specific so I think that's very um very  interesting field as well autonomous technology   so technology doing its own thing iot um we have  apps um on phones that change how we interact with technology the smartphone overall um as a game changer so yeah really cool fintech is like a  whole industry that really disrupted the finance   industry So yeah thank you for for sharing your  thoughts and answers very cool and we did this   exercise ourself and we also found some of the  some of the proposals that you have done here   um especially when it comes to um AI or when you  think about of iot all the technologies that you   see here we also come up with solar technology  and uh vaccination Technologies um that we have   identified but of course also blockchain is  something that is very disruptive and a lot   of other topics like 3D printing and uh yeah very  cool what came to your mind in such a short time   and the question that we are asking ourself as  innovators is where does this technology arise   does this Technologies arise from a market need  from a consumer who has a pain point or does this   Technologies arise by development by research  um by yeah sometimes also by accident and this   is what we are talking today about because  these are some truly some two completely   different approaches on how you can innovate  and how you can create a new technology and   this first process when Technologies arise from  a need um is called Market pull so here people   really companies innovators really looking for um  a market need a demand a paino and then they um   try to solve that and then they use technology  to solve this issues and try to gain value and   try to gain growth but on the other side we see a  lot of Technologies for example um AI if you see   AI today then we have a technology that really  seeks for application fields that seeks for use   cases where it can be applied and where it can  be used and when you have a technology and you   search for the right market and for The Right Use  cases then we are talking in in Innovation about   the technology the tech push process and um and  this is a very valuable and a very um yeah very   wide known and applied approach um within our  field and it's a approach that is difficult to to   pursue and difficult to apply but worth to do it  and when we look back in history then we also have   seen um some best practices where this process  has created great value for certain companies   so yeah here we have some examples of products  that you probably know quite well and the first   one is posted notes so this actually was a  technology developed by 3M on accident so it's   an adhesive that is activated by pressure um and  it was first developed coincidentally um and they   didn't have an application but then a colleague  came to the inventor and said hey maybe that's   something for bookmarks and that's how they  started trying out where they could actually   use this and how it could be could be applied then  to different areas and that's what then finally   turned into posted a really huge business for  3M by now and all of us innovators professional   innovators probably know and love poits um so here  a coincident that actually led to this discovery   and then um another coincident um that led to a  nice application for this uh for this technology   another example is Dyson um so you probably  know all of the vacuums um from Dyson and um   these vacuums they were um inspired by industrial  Cyclones so a similar technology that were used   in Sawmills um so it was they were used to um  remove sawdust and um Mr Dyson he saw that and he   thought okay couldn't we apply that to household  vacuum cleaners um so that they don't need uh   so that they don't need a filter or a bin to  collect it but they can just um yeah um work in   the with the same mechanism so here it's something  that where technology was inspired from another   industry and basically it was transferred into  the household use so another way to think about   how technologies that are already in existence  can be applied in different areas and then last   but not least we have a technology that um has  been inspired by Nature um welcro um so this was   something that was inspired by bircks so these  little sticky um parts of plants um basically   seeds of plants where the inventor noticed that  these bircks stuck to the cloth and also to his   dog um to his dog's fur and he thought okay that's  very interesting it sticks really well um couldn't   we transfer that into an actual technology  and he developed um a solution based on this   um technology from nature that eventually then  found its application in for example the clothing   industry in apparel but also in the automotive  industry and many many different different   areas of life so yeah as we can see there's many  different areas where we can actually transferer   technology so for example from technology that is  discovered by accident maybe a technology that is   already in use um elsewhere or something that  maybe is inspired by Nature where we then still   need to figure out out what can we actually use it  for exactly I think that's a very valuable point   because here is where the tech push process gets  into play because um it's a source for business   development and um I think what um Niclas has  already stressed is that um technology can arise   within companies um through certain um occasions  it can be either restructured structurally um   invented or it can happen by accident but to bring  it to the market um and to bring it to the market   and develop something out of it this is also can  also follow a very structured process and this   structured process is called in general Tech push  and um what we call it here in today's webinar and   what we do that in in particular is the tech six  application process and it's a it's a source of   Business Development because here companies can  really start in the core and the Heart of their   of the business like in an existing Market with  an existing technology and they try to bring it   to a new market and doing that comes with several  advantages because by doing that mean that you try   and you leverage um existing capabilities existing  IP so you build on something that is already there   and you try to find for these capabilities for  the assets that you have already in the company   you try to find new sources for revenue and to  do that and to build on this also helps you to   accelerate to accelerate your Innovation process  to accelerate your business development process   meaning that you have a faster time to Market  because you already know the technology so the   risk of feasibility um or that the the in the end  that you can have a feasible product is really   mitigated because you already own the technology  you already know what is coverable what is not and   you can design it to a particular Market tailored  to the needs on a particular um field so this   really reduces the risk of um failure in terms of  feasibility and last but not least what is um also   very important is that when you do that you can  improve and you can prolong the product life cycle   of your existing Technologies meaning that when  you bring it to another Market you can extend what   you have you can still build on it and can exploit  it even more and I think these are really strong   advantages for applying and for applying Tech  push applying Tech six application processes and   pursuing it and I think it makes especially sense  in the Dak region where we are currently in and   where we are acting with u where we seeing a lot  of companies and why is that so it is so because   here in this region we have a lot of Technology  leaders we have a lot of hidden champions   that um grew throughout the last decades based  on their technology yeah and we see that they   have strong R&D departments that they have really  strong um um scientific collaborations we also see   a lot of universities in this area that invest  a lot in developing and pushing Technologies   forward and they have a strong boundaries with  with companies and then together they bring   these Innovations to the to the market um and  these Technologies and and of course we have a   a strong source of talent in this area that can be  also exploited to use it to further development um   Technologies and to bring them to New Markets  and here it's really about finding new markets   for something existing to drive growth but on the  other side what we see um especially we as a as   an agency as in consultancy is that um in these  areas these companies get especially in the last   couple of years highly disrupted and we see that  their production capacities for example are under   utilized and they have now free assets where they  don't know what to do with them yeah think of the   automotive industry think of the change from  um a combustion engine to an elect electronic   engine um so many companies here seeing that their  core businesses fading away but they still have   assets they still have capacity so the question is  what do I do with this under aized um production   capacities and I also have those topics here um  um that I that we also see companies in that area   that invented in technology but they really ask  themselves um or they really have the problem that   this technology does not fully pay off for their  Core Business and it cannot leverage or cannot   unleash its full potential and also what we see  is that especially in this area companies truly   Overlook the application fields and the potential  of the Technologies and their assets that they   have here in the market and they have here in  their companies and um and this is what what we   also um experien then that a lot of companies  um yeah trying start trying to to build on   their Technologies and to follow a technology six  application process but we also have to say that   that is not an easy way it's not an easy process  um especially when you compare it for example to   a market pull process um and um why is it not  so easy and why we see here a lot of barriers   and why companies often fail when they want to  bring their new uh their existing Technologies   or newly invented Technologies to a market is  that they often lack the resources they lack res   resources to focus on the explo exploration of the  technology um in terms of time in terms of Human   Resources but also in terms of money to invest  um and they often they lack the right validation   methods so they really lack the methods on okay  I have a new technology or I have my technology   how can I can I pursue with that how can I have a  structured process um on identifying what is the   potential where does it fit and um and they also  um yeah underestimate or um are uncertain under   estimate the the market requirements for a certain  technology so sometimes we um have a lot of C   companies doing hypothesises that their technology  can serve every market and um not knowing the   exact pecularities of um such a market and um what  else we are seeing is that um companies have also   um organizational um barriers when working um or  when pursuing a tech push process is the fear of   sharing the insights especially when it's about  existing Technologies yeah like really opening up   and um sharing their their knowledge to identify  where else it can fit but on the other on the   other side also seeing the problem that um some  companies missing a network missing um the right   people they can approach to to see where they um  knowledge uh where their um technology can can be   applied and um and this is something that very  often happens in that process is when companies   come up with a new technology they really focused  on on yeah pushing the technology forward they're   really focusing on the technology itself and uh  further develop the technology but not focusing   on the market not focusing on the use cases  that they can really serve so um we often see   companies having a technology they really develop  it um not to the target market they develop it   straight um in the wrong direction and here it  needs a structured approach um to help companies   and to find the right application fields for the  technology and um for this problems or for this um   challenges we have the techic application process  and this is a very distinct four-step process   where we really start and um and that's what we do  here at hi is um we really start with an analysis   with a really short period of time we really try  to understand and to analyze the technology Deep   dive into what is the potential but what is the  relevant assets of the technology and where are   the core competences within the technology within  the company and what are the assets that we want   to leverage that we want to bring to a new market  once we have identified that we really open up our   minds and explore and identify opportunities  meaning like really going out there and see   like where could these assets where could these  capabilities be applied in which Industries and   which application Fields but also very particular  in which use cases based on this knowledge we then   try to Define what are opportunities where does it  really fit and by doing this by having the defined   this we're really going into the um analysis phase  and where we evaluate and try to understand what   is the real market demand Beyond behind this use  case we really want to see what is the pain Point   what is the need we can fulfill when we bring our  technology to this market and once we have checked   this requirements and checked if it's feasible to  go in this market we then are able to design the   solution design what we have design our technology  um tailor to the market so the domain can then go   go there and can um go into the market and can  bring it there and um as I have said that um we   have seen many we have seen a lot of companies  um in the past years um that have some had some   of these challenges and that approached us and  ask us hey what can I do with my technology I   have invented um accidentally in technology  where where can I find where should I start   with my business development approach um and one  of these companies was Borealis an Austrian based   um company um in the in the chemical industry  that really by accident invented a heating   technology a new heating technology and this  is what you can see here and what we have done   firstly is like really identified okay this is  the heating technology so what it is capable of   and what you can see here on the right hand this  is like the capabilities and the assets and the   characteristics of the technology and we really um  try to work that out with them to see like what is   able to do and what can we do what is the what  can be the value proposition and based on these   insights um the company was really like okay now  we're thinking we have a heating technology so   heating can be applied um maybe everywhere  so we have a great product um we just have   to know where we should start because afterward  We Will Conquer afterwards we will conquer the   world and um here as a consultant we were like  okay let's see if it's if we can if we can valid   this hypothesis and what we did is like we used  the technology and brought it out and put it into   the hive crowd what will Niclas will talk on later  so the HYVE crowd is like um a community of 10,000   innovators where we collaborate together um as  Hive and we showed our um we showed the Borealis   technology to them and asked them hey what would  you do with such a heating technology and where   would you apply it and um within um 3 weeks weeks  we received uh we had more than 100 participants   who approached us with over 300 contributions  with 300 use cases that we of course enriched   that we of course um challenged um but these 300  contribution and identified use cases um were our   starting point for heating technology and here we  not just received ideas really received elaborated   um Concepts and really really um in particular  described um use cases that we could then further   elaborate and um what we have seen is that um that  with this input from the community and from the hi   crowd that and of course more than um in in 10  out of nine um yeah uh life areas of of uh human   needs um so in 10 ecosystem so to say um heating  Technologies can be used used and that was very   interesting and was showed that yeah there is a  really huge potential but what we did then is like   we started to evaluate if it's really like this  and if all of these eight ecosystems eight life   areas can be a potential market for the technology  and what we did here is on the one hand side that   we really defined what is important for us what is  important for us to find the right market and we   did that together with the company and here on  the the right hand you see what we have chosen   back then what we chosen the one hand side hey how  big is the need the pain for such a technology in   this area and how um what is it and how big it  is because on how big you can see how big is the   market and how big is the business opportunity  and of course um there must be a strategic fit   so does this Market this industry fit to um the  strategy of Borealis so to say when you go to a   um in the military District um you you you don't  want to do that maybe because it does not fit to   to the values of your company so this is a sum  of industries that you then strike out early   on and then you make also the visibility check  so what we have said is like that um we thought   in the beginning The Innovation the technology  is like really Innovative really disruptive and   can be applied everywhere but when looking into  certain industries we figured out that meaning   product that heats fast um can mean something  completely different in the automotive industry   than in the food industry so in the food industry  10 minutes of warming something up could be fast   while in the automotive industry um a second could  be already very slow and then you can see where   your technology and where your value propositions  fit and of course what was very important for   us in that area is like a fast time to Market  like where can we find a market where we have   early entry um and where we can can show that the  product works and that we can further learn and um   scale the technology and what we have seen here is  that for example again you might think about the   medical industry which could be super attractive  for such a product but we strike it out because   it has really long time to markets um to get in  there because of certifications and so on and   licenses so um in the end we could out of these  uh 300 applications or use cases we could really   um yeah decrease here the the our yeah search  field so to say and what we did then after we   have prioritized that we really went into  um validation interviews so we really went   out to the market and interviewed experts in the  prioritized Industries and really wanted to ask   them okay how does it work what would you you do  with such a technology and we really validated the   insights from the community and try to um gain  here deeper um insights and um what was a very   cool effect is here that when you talk to this  expert from this companies that you already um   build a relationship and you might already start  building a relationship with a future partner of   you who might be already um open for collaboration  open for buying the product later but maybe also   open for developing the product together with you  so that was also part of our approach of our open   Innovation approach to really immerse uh to really  involve early on here the right Partners the right   stakeholders and after this second interview phase  where we really went into into into depth we did a   second validation and here we really validated the  value proposition against each of the identified   use cases and um so in the end we identified um  three really important or three um high potential   um Industries and application fields that then  the company further pursued and went into it   so and then we really decided on one of these  application fields in a strategic um workshop   and then went into this Market really evaluated it  it in particular and helped the company to further   design and to further develop their products so  that today they have this product on the market   and we really could accelerate a process that  had um taken one and a half years since they   approached us from not knowing where to go with  this invention to half year later they knew their   their starting field they knew their industry and  could now accelerate the whole process and are now   out on on the market so was a very successful  approach that we um had here but this was not   the only one one as I said I think we are doing  that um very often and we have a a lot of UMO   um a lot of customers that we could help here in  the the couple of years and another case um that   is I think showing some good insights about how  Tech application how Tech SE application process   can work is now again shown by Niclas who will  dive into a case by Voestalpine and will explain   more about on the HYVE crowd and how we leverage  our open Innovation approach here perfect thank   you flu and I can see that we already get some  questions and we'll answer all of them in the   end if you have any feel free to already put them  in the Q&A section um so we can yeah answer all   of them in the end so now to this case so this is  a case study from Voestalpine they are a huge um   steel manufacturer based in Austria um and they  had developed a new product um it's not called   tailor made functional steel and basically what it  does as you can see here on the on the left side   is um there's a functional printing layer on the  steel sheet so you have huge steel sheets they can   have different um depth um they can have different  sizes um and this functional printing can have   different functionalities so for example you can  use it to heat the metal sheet you can use it to   operate you can use it to monitor or to measure  and without having to have any other sensors   attached to the to the steel but it's really just  the the functional printing that is on the steel   sheet um and we put this technology out on the  crowd again we described these functionalities   that you saw on the previous page and um we just  asked our community to think about use cases and   they came up with 177 different use cases um  about 100 people that participated out of our   community of 10,000 um and they did this in a very  open approach so basically every contribution is   open to everyone everybody can get inspired by  what a previous person has already submitted can   build on that get inspired think about different  applications um and also interact with experts   from Voestalpine on the platform to get some  feedback about what is actually feasible and what   can be done so how does this work on the crowd so  it's basically a two-sided Market on the one hand   we have a community of innovators um here some  exemplary pictures on the on the left hand side   that come from various different backgrounds  and on the other hand we have our clients um   who post a challenge um there are some larger  companies but there are also smaller companies   who use the platform in order to put out questions  um and in this case the question was just what are   application areas for this um for this new steel  technology um and with the questions they provide   some incentives so it's basically price money for  the winners um usually we award 10 the first 10   submissions that we find most valuable um and in  return we get the ideas we get the solutions we   get all of the use cases and applications um but  we also get this kind of discussion and feedback   that I talked about so it's always an iterative  process where over time ideas develop um and in a   co-creative process we get into really interesting  use cases so now who who is this community um and   why do they participate so you can see here it's  10,000 people and they are spread globally um we   definitely have a strong focus on the German  speaking regions lots of great Engineers here   as we've already learned from from Flo so that can  also be helpful if you are looking for Solutions   and not for um for problems um but they are  very diverse so they come from all over the   place um they come from all different um regions  so there are some from the US but really we have   all different kind of countries um and that's  really helpful because people in different areas   of the world have different perspectives um and  they also have different problems and they know   different Industries they know different ways  of of working and these people they are very not   only diverse in the region that they come from  also age-wise they are very diverse um we have   some younger students on there but we also have  some um people who are already retired on there   um but overall it's very hard to put them into  different categories so more than 50% we can't   really put into any one box so maybe we have a  neuroscientist on the community and then we have   an architect and then we have a surgeon you name  it and all of these different backgrounds help   us come up with really really diverse ideas and  what motivates the people um and I think that's   something that is very interesting is not just  the price money the incentives but it's also um   really this taking part in the community um this  Exchange and having a challenge and competing with   other people so for some people it's like doing  a Sudoku or crosswords puzzle um at night to um   get the brain going to become creative to start  thinking again um and to work on some challenging   projects and for a lot of participants HYVE  is the place where they can actually do this so when we have all of these ideas from  the platform and uh yeah in this case it was   almost 200 we first evaluate them on the platform  so we look at the ideas who seem promising we   maybe rule out ideas um that are not feasible at  all um using similar criteria to what floran has   talked about before um and then we cluster them  so we try to understand patterns in the um in the   data so here you can can see an example of really  how ideas are connected to each other we can use   semantic analysis here to understand different  areas where and Technology could be applied and   that then helps us to also build these kind of  um living areas that flu showed before where we   can see okay there are different areas where  we could apply the technology which ideas are   actually good where do we see actually potential  where is the market potential High maybe one area   we've seen a lot of ideas but maybe we need to  come up with another idea in that area because   the area is interesting but the ideas that have  been submitted so far are not that interesting um   and with these clusters and evaluations we then go  into the next step into a short listing um usually   it's a workshop where we get together with experts  from the technology owner from our clients um and   discuss a pre-selection of the ideas in order to  determine which ones are actually promising where   do we see the most potential what is feasible um  what fits to the strategy before we then sometimes   go into a next step that's kind of optional but  we oftentimes then go into a jury meeting where   we get some people very high up the hierarchy  um to actually decide what are the areas where   we want to be involved where do we want to invest  our money in order to bring ideas to the market   and actually Implement them and that can also be  very important this jury meeting for stakeholder   management um so getting the right stakeholders  involved at the right time and then ideally we   find some Gams or um either identify them from  the crowd or develop them on our own that can   then actually be implemented and can be brought  to Market and Voestalpine has also managed to   do that um and they had a very good process in  place to actually then put ideas that came from   the cont contest actually into the market so one  idea and we can see it here on the left side um   was um keep cooked food war that was the title of  the idea um submitted by this user um Kate Rashon   from the UK she's an ux designer um who thought  that it could be used for example in bakeries to   keep fresh food warm um and Voestalpine they  took this idea and they used it in their new   business incubator um which is basically like a  venture Builder where they have a lot of freedom   to experiment with new technologies where they can  experiment in new markets and they partnered um   with a company to actually build kind of RS that  can be used in censes to keep the food warm and   this actually then was on the market a little more  than a year later so really I think it's important   to have this um absorptive capacity also to  um yeah to really take these ideas and give   them a home inside the company to them put them  on the market and here this work worked really   well because they had the technology already in  place they could build something really quickly   with the right partner and put it out onto the  market and the second idea um this was actually   the winner of the contest was one idea that as I  mentioned it didn't get implemented as it was um   it was the idea supermarket display wreck for in  with inventory control so basically the idea was   to have Smart Supermarket Recs that could display  could yeah provide data a data stream to the price   TX so you could change the price TX automatically  but that could also take the inventory so tell you   is there something in the W or is it empty and  that was the idea here by Adia a user from from   India um who's a consultant um and does a lot of  um crowdwork on the site um and this idea then   turned into this intelligent locker system so  basically a locker um you know for example when   you get a parcel um and you get it delivered to  such a locker um or you put it in there for it to   be collected um and with the technology basically  Direct on its own without any other sensors can   detect whether there is something in the locker  or not so whether it's empty or not um so it's a   little transfer from the supermarket but still  Prem much a very similar idea it's really cool   to see how this has then through the new business  incubator turned into a system that is now on the market so now um 43 minutes into our webinar  and we haven't talked about AI once um so we   do that to close off because we always get  this uh this question so what about AI can   we just do it all with AI um and we think  it's AI can be an enhancer to the process   so it can help us to maybe do the research  quicker um to allow us to validate use case okay some uh great to talk about technology  and then when technology takes off but we have   a solution for that Niclas is just around  the corner and yeah I'll continue here on   that's a perfect backup so yes I think  really for the creative process that's   where nobody uses thei because that's where the  obvious ideas come from but it's really helpful   in understanding the problem understanding  different areas doing this kind of research   and then formulating the ideas in a in a nice  way so in that regard I think there's um a   lot of potential in enhancing the process  toi but I think still we need the human um   yeah genius basically to find really these  new applications and really novel ideas and with email if you want to if  you want to connect and maybe   talk about your technology and whether we  think that such a process could help your   technology to find new applications  um and now we will dive into the Q&A so we've seen that they have already been  a lot of um a lot of questions submitted um so   Martin thank you for sharing also the comment  on war for talent so I think yeah it's very   interesting to think about also how the hidden  Champions can really compete for the for the right   people um and then your follow-up question was  did you recognize any approach differences between   public companies and family-owned businesses and  um that's a very good question um I would say not   but maybe Flo has a different opinion on that  I would say it's more about how the companies   handle the process and how willing they are to  also have a process in place um to really follow   up with the ideas because you can have many great  ideas and use cases but really I think it's about   the execution in the end that is really important  yeah I think um yeah maybe to to elaborate on that   um because it's a very good question is um that  we had we had both like we we had companies like   really large corporat that are stock noted but  also companies um with with a family background   and um and I think like process wise there's not  a bit not a big uh difference but what we see is   really like um working with the umans working with  the with the people in such companies and in a   particular case that we have fac and that I have  faced in a project is like when really the owner   of such a family-owned company um is backing up  this process and is pushing this process forward   this can have a real impact because this can  really push things forward that can make that can   accelerate the process and it really accelerates  than the whole um yeah the the the whole um yeah   the whole let's say the whole process and this  is a difference um compared to larger cop rates   where you sometimes a bit slower because you need  more alignment meetings you need more evaluation   meetings and so on um so um this is could be  an difference between um large corporates and   and family-owned businesses yes um what else do  we have um how can how can the method of design   thinking be applied in this process maybe someone  you something you want to elaborate on otherwise I   can also go on yeah so very good question again  um because I think it's I mean the process is   the complete different uh to design thinking  so usually we think about design thinking we   start with the problem understanding a problem and  then developing a solution and this in this case   we kind of turn it around so we start with um the  solution and then think about the problem still I   think a lot of the methods from design thinking  and understanding user needs and really thinking   about what are their jobs to be done how can we  solve these kind of issues I mean we always have a   solution in mind but really we need to understand  is there really a pain is there really a problem   that we can solve with the technology um or is  this really not a big issue is not a big problem   I think then we shouldn't um even go further into  that if the paino is not big enough I think then   it's not worth pursuing this Direction with the  technology so you can have the greatest technology   but if you don't have the right problem to solve  with it it's really not uh not that helpful yeah   and also I think here also is like how we  work with that so we in Innovation processes   we the different between um instrument Innovation  instruments which definitely the technology seeks   application approach is one and design thinking  which is a method right and the method and parts   of the method of design thinking can of course  be applied at certain stages um but we're not   starting with with empathizing the the user we are  starting with the technology and then trying to   emphasize is that a real problem is there a paino  um but what we have elaborated here what we have   outlined here you're not digging too deep into the  uh into this explorational part of design thinking   um then we have another questions um which methods  do you recommend for pain analysis strategic fit   and time to Market um analysis um yeah when it I  think and here's exactly what we have talked about   when it comes to methods to to pain analysis um  what we do here is um of course on the one hand   side The Hive crowd is truly a method that you can  use here um so the open Innovation approach like   to really open up and see where could be um work  got um work got this this problems um and then   of course um the other one is other pain analysis  is the um the interviews um of course the expert   interviews because here again you have a a really  um focused session where you can really in depth   analyze if there's a pain in the certain use case  that you have identified and for strategic fit of   course it really depends um what what you want to  do and what name you want to drop here but what we   really do is like um like can go for example use  um the r approach like what is now a valueable   approach where do the company has um already um  capabilities that can be leveraged um and here we   can use different Frameworks that can be can  be applied um in that area right um what else   do we have um yeah I think we have some very  crowd specific questions that I'm happy to   answer so the first one was how do we recruit  these innovators onto the platform and is there   any specific experience that is required do we  need any specific profiles and how do we find   them um so first of all the platform is open  so our approach is really open Innovation um   and basically everybody can join um and then  it's a self- selection process so the people   who have a great idea or who you may come from  an industry where they can see a technology being   helpful being useful um these people then go to  the contest and submit their ideas so all of the   people of course they are private individuals  but in the end they are also of course parts of   businesses are working somewhere so have have  this kind of experience that they bring in   um but yeah we don't really limit who can  participate so we try to be as open as possible   because you never know where a good idea can  actually uh come from and how do we recruit them   so um usually we also try to communicate through  our client networks um but then also yeah really   do some advertising um try to find specific  profiles if we think an industry for example   is interesting maybe on LinkedIn talk to people  directly and then also use the Network um as   you've seen we have so many different clients from  different Industries and that's really helpful to   yeah get some interesting uh profiles onto our  platform and get them involved maybe I want to   get back to the question that we have before  when it comes to the Strategic fit so what we   do um especially in the very early phase is like  that we do something like a pastel analysis like   really looking into the application Fields looking  if they are um um if if they are if they have big   opportunities based on um the the regulations that  are here in the market based on um how they will   grow so we also look into the the the trends that  uh are here and how this industry what are the   trending Industries so to say when you compare  them what is growing what is not growing how big   are the market sizes so these are the Strategic  um analysises that we are doing here and we also   have here the tech Innovation uh radar the tech  radar at at High where we have a particular where   we can do with that tool our 360 degree um view on  on each of the application fields in each of the   industries and this is what we use then to really  identify what is a strategic fit to the company   and to the market um and this is this is a ones of  these Frameworks to explain to them more in depth   what we're using um to elaborate and to validate  the Strategic fit for application Fe in use case   yes okay and then we have another question about  contests and the price of contests um and yeah   it really depends on how you run how you run the  contest and how much hi supports the process so   in some cases we only provide the platform and  access to the platform and our clients can use   the platform themselves um just have to provide  price money um and can really run almost most of   the contest on their own um that's of course uh  more cost effective um on the other hand we can   also support throughout the entire process so  we can support very own in understanding really   the technology framing it on the platform how  to present it how to make clear that everybody   on the community understands what the technolog  is about what the strength are maybe what the   weaknesses are um to get a good idea of where it  could be applied um that of course then helps us   in the selection process the better we described  the the technology initially the less time we have   to spend sorting out ideas that don't work um and  then of course we also support the entire process   of the selection and then also validation with  expert interviews and everything that Flo talked   about so really I think there's a lot of yeah  different scopes of how we can support um and   that also is a great segue to the next question  which is whether we also um offer workshops for   companies that want de want to develop such ideas  and yes we can also support in that um and really   it's also a question of how much again involvement  our clients want um we can be very little involved   but we can also do the entire process on our own  get an initial briefing about the technology try   to understand as much as possible and then run  through the entire process um and only discussing   validated use cases in the end so basically  taking over most of the process maybe getting   some feedback um in between about the technology  I think that's something that oftentimes we um we   need from the outside world and from our clients  to really get deep into understanding how fast is   fast heating for for example um to understand  what the technology is capable of um and then   we can also really just hand over the result and  say okay these are three interesting areas um that   you should dive deeper into and here are three  experts in each area that you should probably talk to okay I think we've answered most of the  questions but Flo happy to for you to to add   your thoughts on that and if you have any  other questions now is your last chance to   put them in the chat yeah still uh four minutes  left but uh yeah I think you already said a lot   of uh the the important details and I think um  about that the last question but maybe to add   on here like here we also see a huge variety on  how consumer also want to open up their self to   um yeah to insights or to um the involvement  of others and here we can really then also do   completely internal campaigns to identify new  technologies uh or new new application fields   for for technology and this is where I think our  creativity comes into place um that we design the   right tech applica tech six application process  for the company and for its for it needs so that   can be successful in the end and um yeah and here  always the involvement of the of the employees is   um yeah um is is very important yeah and there's  a followup question on that will be more workshops   like this one um I mean if you like I think  we are more than open to continue this um of   course at hi we have a lot of these webinars the  next webinar um our next Workshop like this um   will be the sustainable Transformer round table  which will be hold in a couple of um days I guess   on the sixth of June um with some um yeah very  cool um panel um Partners from from Industries   like from people um from our Network they talking  about their um knowledge and their experience so   yeah we're having continuously more of these um of  these talks and of these webinars and always happy   for feedback and always happy if you could get  if you could create some value with our insights   and our knowledge that we have gained the last  couple of years so but the last words are going   to my co-host nichlas and you can then close the  session and um send everyone back to their desks


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