Webinar Introducing Hotjar AI featuring our CEO

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hello everybody my name is John and welcome to today's webinar where we'll be talking about one of the hottest Technologies of the last 12 months which is artificial intelligence or AI for short and what we're going to be exploring today is the impact of AI in the digital experience Insight space and we're also going to be looking forward to how we expect the industry to be shaped by this new technology so today I'm joined by Mahana Dali CEO of hotja I'm really lucky to have the chance to pick Moe's brain today and I'm really glad that you can all be here for this conversation so thank you very much for joining us my thank you John for having me super excited to be with all of you here today to have this uh uh you know interesting discussion about I think what is for me also like a very very interesting topic and I think there's a lot for us to cover so hopefully we'll give you an interesting webinar today right I couldn't agree more so before we get started what we're going to do is run a really quick poll here in scene because we want to gauge your expectations from this session so we're going to run that Poll for you now and if you wouldn't mind taking a few seconds to respond to these four questions I would really appreciate that they should have popped up on your screen now and while the folks are doing that how's your week been so far mate it's good it's good um I'm going on vacation tomorrow actually for uh for a week so uh you know the days before uh vacations are always a bit cramped um so it's been a it's been a little bit busy but um otherwise it's the summer time you know it's my favorite time of the year so it's really good how how is yours how is your week going yeah yeah really good thank you um it's uncharacteristically sunny here in the UK so the country's gone into a meltdown but I've got a fan here by my side so yeah we're all good where are you off on holiday um I'm going back home actually to Egypt meeting some old high school friends for a bit so it's gonna be fun fantastic that sounds great okay so if you haven't done so already you should see a poll on screen to fill out just a few questions uh to gauge your expectations um but without further Ado let's dive into the questions that we've got for most so um generative AI being one of the versions of AI is is a real breakthrough and the use cases are endless for it so from your point of viewmo what are the limitations of AI for the time being um that's a great question um so the the mental model that I try to use to think about what AI in general is able to do in particular um generative AI I think there are probably like three levels of utility that AI could provide the first level of utility I like to think of it in terms of that AI can do what a very large number of let's say interns can do so you know inexperienced not necessarily very knowledgeable people of a particular topic but you have an infinite number of of these people right so that's kind of data entry data aggregation like doing some organization or research you know things like that so this is definitely something that AI can do then you go into level two which is when you compare now not to an intern but kind of like an averagely knowledgeable person but instead of like being one person knowledgeable of one topic we have also an infinite number of people that are knowledgeable of many topics but they are not necessarily experts in any particular topic and I think that's a lot of the Breakthrough that we've been seeing recently level three which I think we're not there yet is AI replacing someone who is an expert on a particular topic or someone who is very knowledgeable very deep into a particular topic I don't think AI right now has the capability of replacing that judgment when it comes from experience and from the depth uh in a particular talk um secondly I think there's another limitation that I would like to to mention especially related to the large language models you've seen a lot of articles that talk about these hallucinations of things like child GPT or Bard um and what they refer to as hallucinations is this um AIS referencing things that haven't existed or stating facts that are not factually true and because I think people forget that these models are ultimately statistical models that use mathematical probability to predict what would be the sequence of words that make sense so it's not always entirely accurate because it's not necessarily based on unequivocal facts um uh you know that it's basing all of this answers to there was a really cool example that I uh recently read on the BBC where some U.S lawyers were using chair GPT for research and they actually use that research in actual court case but the references of case law that the chair GPT produced were fictitious cases like they didn't really exist and they're actually risking now getting this bird for using this so I think it's this level of accuracy when it comes to like really specific expert topics then becomes becomes a bit more more difficult foreign that's interesting I really like the model that you laid out there of of the different things that AI could potentially help us with um and I can see how each of them are helpful and I can see how we're not quite there at the expert judgment level yet and yeah that's a fascinating case study about the the lawyer the BBC article um okay so following on from that how do you think AI technologies will impact jobs in Tech so is AI likely to take over any of the jobs in Tech yeah um I'm not entirely sure it would take over I don't like to think in terms of taking over jobs in particular I think AI is actually a great opportunity for all of us to think about how it can augment the jobs that we do I think having this kind of AI Assistance or assistance plural because again this idea of having an infinite number of you know AI assistance um I think this is something that can really maximize your productivity by factors of 10x or more so I think that's really what we're gonna see quite a lot of I personally believe in the importance of human judgment in in most of the knowledge work jobs that we do um so I think that's something that would be very difficult for it to replace at least on on the short to medium term I think it takes a lot more advancement for us to get there that being said though and but I don't want to sound a you know alarmist I don't necessarily believe in like the AI you know doom and uh all of these things but definitely what we've seen over the last you know Century or so is that with more advancement in in um in automation we see certain jobs evolving some jobs are perhaps becoming more obsolete some jobs are changing some new entirely new jobs are being created so I think it would be naive also for us to expect that there would be no impact on the jobs landscape there will definitely be some impact on on the jobs landscape here that makes sense and I think anyone that's used AI tools has probably seen examples of AI getting it a little bit wrong um like I've had grammarly suggest things that don't quite make sense in the context so that's where that human judgment definitely still comes in so I think that that makes a lot of sense um to follow up on one of the points that you made there I'm taking notes here as you as you're um answering um have you come across or used any AI tools that help with your productivity you mentioned like an AI assistant would be an incredibly helpful thing for people to have um absolutely uh I'm I'm trying to look for ways where there's actually like real utility for for AI and my workflow so um one of the tools that I like to use is notion and they've integrated AI into into the product in a very nice way so I find myself often using that AI to summarize text to suggest Alternatives and so on so has been really great in condensing information for me so that I use for as an assistant in my note-taking and so on another example that is really interesting I haven't tried it myself but one of the things that I think we I want to try you see it actually in the chat the first probably chat message we got here someone is using an AI assistant to help take notes for this meeting and to transcribe it and I think that's one of the use cases that I think would be super powerful um imagine having uh like multiple AI assistants who are able to attend for example from my vantage point as the CEO of the company imagine I have assistance that can attend different department meetings you know I have different you know be part of certain conversations and so on and be able to consult and Aggregate and tell me like these are the top three problems in the team today that you need to to um work with but also I you I find myself using chat GPT quite a lot um oftentimes when I'm I need to like brainstorm or you know think of something creative special and trying to write I always try to run some ideas um with GPT and very recently I was coming up with an itinerary for uh for a trip I'm planning in August and I didn't want to go through Googling and so on and I just gave a prompt to check GPT with all my requirements and it gave me an amazing itinerary actually for the trip so I think it's also like that utility I'm finding saving me a lot a lot of time also not just in my professional life but also in my personal life that's amazing yeah they're really good examples I've played around with notion Ai and particularly for some reason found that really useful but um the meeting thing is really interesting you know like coming back off of annual leave for example and you've missed like some big department meetings or some company or hands instead of sitting through like an hour and a half recording for each of those things getting like an AI summary of those would be fantastic yeah actually it's yeah perfect idea like coming back to yeah what do they miss kind of like what prompt you get this condensed summary yet I think it's amazing awesome thank you very much for these tips so which skills would you recommend folks work on to stay competitive in this new AI landscape in Tech all right um to answer this question I think you can think of AI in two different ways or choose two one of two different mindsets to think about this I think one there's a camp of people that think of AI as this imminent threat that is you know coming to steal our jobs and Destroy uh you know the job market and so on and I don't necessarily subscribe to the to that camp the other camp that I subscribe to as you see already from the conversation we're having is that I think there is a huge opportunity to have this infinite Army of qualified help to help you become better at your job so with this perspective what can you do with this information to help you be ready for this kind of transformation one I would say sharpen your skills to really become an expert on a domain or a topic having that very deep understanding of this particular domain and having the ability to practice good judgment over an extent period of time is something that is very difficult for AI to replace but also positions you well to be able to to make the best out of the AI resources that can support you because you know where to you know point the AI to help you and like find the right value two similar to to the point that you were just making right now John incorporating AI in your workflow and getting used to delegating parts of your role um I think is super important like I'm not necessarily A an maximalist of tech AI or or new technology in general but I feel you know like similar to like let's say take a like a step back and go back in history with the invention of computers and spreadsheets and and so on like if you were someone you know uh still doing mathematical calculations on pen and paper where everyone else is getting on that train of doing Advanced computation with a computer then you know to use that analogy now if you're doing the equivalent of that pen and paper today and not getting on the you know the trend and learning the skills that are necessary then that could be bad news for you right because you may be left behind where everyone else has this edge of being more productive and more efficient than you and the last point I'd like to make and this may be controversial especially with seeing things like GitHub co-pilot and what shaggypt can do in terms of helping people code better I as someone who has a background in engineering I still have very strong conviction that learning to code is one of the most essential skills um and I think it is a superpower to really be able to program and like understand how system works uh but of course you know who they are you can do this much faster than you can be a lot more efficient but I still think it's super valuable skill to have that makes a lot of sense so becoming an expert say that um you can exercise judgment that AI hasn't got to the level of being able to do yet that that makes a lot of sense um building AI into your workflow so learning how to hand things off how to create good prompts I think I saw a job title for as a prompt Creator um I saw that other thing to say I can see that uh becoming useful um and learning to code that's a really interesting one as well because as you say that's something that we're getting a lot more AI assistance to to be able to do I've actually used AI for that myself um are there any particular areas of code be it like basic HTML CSS JavaScript or um maybe data stuff like SQL what which areas do you think would be most useful to focus on going forwards um but a quick comment on the idea of like prompt designers or Engineers I think these are some of these uh hype related or fed parts of the cycle that I I would not bet any money that this would be appeared like a you know I think it's more ephemeral these kind of roles but answer your question on the programming I I if we look at the history of how people have learned programming it used to be this thing that had a a like a high uh barrier to entry you have to go through University to learn how to program you need to have a degree to have a job in programming and so on and with that with the popularity of self-study through the internet we've seen that barriers to entry and programming drop pretty pretty low where most people can produce functional code um very quickly and very easily that being said I think if we really dissect the the spectrum of jobs in final programming that has always been even with that kind of low value return there has always been a type of software jobs that require some deeper understanding of the fundamentals and these fundamentals of how systems are built how the architecture works and so on usually like very very rarely one would run into them for example if you're working as a programmer building an e-commerce website it's not that likely that that difference in understanding of fundamentals would make a big impact on on your productivity or your efficiency at work or your even career progression but now that like the the commodity part or the easier part of programming is offloaded to AI are becoming even easier to to do I think that understanding of fundamentals and understanding of like systems architecture and so on can give you that edge to really understand how to build a software system that is better than others I think building software is equal parts science um equal parts like good judgment but also there is definitely a component of creativity you know where it is still a process of building something and like building anything there is there's always like preferences and choices that make a difference from from one system to the other that makes sense that's yeah so as that there's easier or more routine Parts get commoditized it's stepping back and looking at the bigger picture again coming back to that theme of judgment creativity as well as the technical skills so that makes a lot of sense awesome um so how do you think this revolution will impact the way that we do user research specifically and understand user experience the the user research field and understanding user experience is a lot about understanding the the feedback and the behavior from your users right like you have all of this behavior that comes more quantitatively but you also have a lot of the qualitative feedback through survey answers through reviews through interactions with the customer and so on and what we've seen AI recently do is we've seen AI getting really really good at being able to analyze very large volumes of these types of data sets so if I would think about the different ways this can impact uh the that field I would say one we would definitely it would definitely enhance this cost the understanding of the customer by analyzing these large amounts of data from different sources you know so because the more you consume in terms of data about your customer and be able to analyze them very quickly the more you develop like a deeper understanding but two also some of that understanding and Analysis can happen in real time which we are not necessarily always able to do today so enabling business to be able to capture and respond to Trends immediately is something that would be very powerful um sentiment analysis is another one with machine learning and AI before these big leaps have already been doing parts of that so an acceptable degree of accuracy that is sometimes very difficult to achieve based on the business and so on where you see it it's actually getting much much better and will get continue to get better uh over time uh being able to predict trends also in that analysis to be able to forecast what's going to happen doing this Predictive Analytics leveraging historical data would be uh in my opinion very important and now going into this conversational part of of AI which we've seen in chat GPT um and so on we we will see more conversational kind of use cases uh or like chat Bots and so on where we have a much higher quality of this kind of uh interactions between the AI and the human customer or user and then finally if you put all of this together what you realize is that you will be able to provide a much much higher level of personalized experiences for your customers you know I've heard some stories for example about some of the use cases that could be interesting where you may not only get like a an AI that understands your context speaks your language and so on but also maybe it has even Regional relevance to you maybe talks to you and your accent for example you know like these kind of things so we can get to the world of hyper personalization where every experience is specifically curated for you and only for you that's a really exciting vision of the future um and at the rate of acceleration I think it's it's not going to be long before we start to see some of that which is really cool um so we know that a lot of folks have been curious to know more about hotjai AIS so can you tell us a little bit more about what hotja AI is cool I've been waiting for for this moment uh in the webinar so for those of you who don't know today we had a a big launch um of hodger AI or for the users of Hotel you got an email from us some of you may have seen it on product hunt if you haven't gone to product hunt yet please make sure you go and upvote as we we would like to have your support there but what is it about so we talked a lot today uh John and I about the idea of having this AI helper or assistant that can help you become a lot more productive and this is exactly what we're built for our customers especially when it comes to the survey products so this product today and its version the first version that we're releasing is is focused on the service product and how did you ask um and we have this research assistant that helps you in two very meaningful ways the first one is a survey generator a lot of our users want to understand better why their customers for example are struggling or they want to get the feedback about a particular area but we see them quite a lot getting stuck in thinking about okay what questions should I ask how many questions should I ask like what are the different type of questions and so on so it's a bit time consuming for them and acquires a lot of cognitive load now this is a one-click experience you either tell the the AI what is it that you want to achieve from the survey or you can pick from some of the pre-selected goals that we have set and the AI will do it in one sec now on the other end of that survey you've collected thousands of responses we see in our users like sifting through lots of feedback exporting things putting it in Excel putting it in like different data analysis tools and trying to make sense of it all of this now is one click you can just say they send it to the AI generate a report for you will tell you the summary of everything the key findings but also it will recommend some next steps in terms of what you should do to improve this so we're super excited it's only step one for us I'm sure there will be more releases uh for a team in the future but uh definitely really excited about this one we've been getting amazing customer feedback so far from amazing yeah that's really exciting and I can see how that takes away that like Blank Slate um fear of of not knowing where to start so um maybe we should show people what it's like let's do it yeah let's show that I'm sure they wanna see fantastic so I'm going to share my screen and we're going to walk you through this so first of all we're going to start off with the survey question generator as Mo was just talking about so here I'm in my hotstar account and on the left hand side I've gone to surveys and previously you would have just seen this new survey button where you can go in and pick a template or create from scratch but now we have this created for me with AI button so I'm going to click here and let's let's throw some context to this so let's say that I've just launched an e-commerce store it's starting to get some traction but up until now people have had no way to leave feedback on their experience and I want to learn more about how they're getting on on my site so I'm going to go for one of these uh pre-made prompts measure user satisfaction and then I'm going to click create the survey um asking for user feedback in this way is absolutely vital and as you can see already that's given us a bunch of questions so let's take a look at these answers um first of all how satisfied are you with the product that's a really great great way to gauge overall and we've got different question types so it's not just going to give you the same type of question it's going to utilize the different question types that are available here within hotjar we've got a rating of overall user experience and then we've also got a product question here we've got a short text answer so we're going to get some open text feedback here the primary reason for your satisfaction or satisfaction again space for people to expand on the answer that they're given so we're getting both qualitative and quantitative feedback um and that was incredibly easy to do um there are a few different things that you can do once you've got these questions you're able to change the type of the survey so this could be a popover survey that comes in the corner we recently released this button type so it looks like the feedback widget but it's got all the functionality of surveys full screen or link surveys if you want to send them out in emails Etc you can edit the questions you can change some of the text if you're not happy with the answers or the prompts then you can go in and change those you can also add images so there's a lot that you can do once this has been generated it's not the case that you have to go with exactly what the the AI tool comes up with but it's a great starting place for you to then go ahead and customize um anything to add to demo to this demo so you cover the pretty well fantastic okay um just a reminder again we're taking questions in the Q a so feel free to pop your questions in there if you do have any and let's say I've gone ahead and created this survey we've left it live on my Ecommerce site for a week or so and now we've gathered some responses and we want to take a look at that here we're going to demonstrate the second section of hot jar AI which is the report Generation Um as you can see um this is a survey that we created earlier so it's important to point out these aren't real responses but we went in and created this for the purpose of this demo but what we've got here is a survey where we've collected 30 responses and we've got a combination of um quantitative and qualitative feedback in the survey responses and we want to get an overview of what these 30 responses say in a really sort of short space of time so the team have gone ahead and generated this report for us and what I can do is Click view report to take a look we've got a summary of the key findings of what customers appreciate and also some improvements such as enhancing the docs offline access collaboration features important exports you get a summary of the key findings just here you get some quotes that people gave as part of their feedback so that you can see what customers are really saying in their own words and then this is the part that I find really cool is you get next steps so you've got the data now what do you do with it AI takes that feedback and suggests some things that you could look at or delegate out to your team in terms of actually acting on this feedback because feedback is all well and good but until you put it into action and change things you know it's just sat there so this is a really useful prompt to help you take action on um what you've gathered here in your survey cool um again my anything else to to add to these cool new features just one thing that both features are now available for free so you can all you can start using them today and yeah I hope you like them fantastic um a couple of uh little points to add here if you then gather a bunch of new responses and if this is an ongoing piece of research you can generate a new report to take into account the new responses that have come in um and if this is the first time that you've generated a report for a particular survey let's go to uh another one that we haven't generated a report you're going to see a generate report button there instead of the report button that we're seeing here so just a couple of technical bits there um great so I have one last question uh for Mo um but before I do that I wanted to invite you all to submit your questions via the zoom q a I can see that we've got uh some questions coming in there already uh but just wanted to give you that final chance to jump in and ask some questions I'll be picking out some questions to ask Mo um so if you want to ask anything go ahead and throw it in there uh so Mo here's your final question um what are your future predictions on AI power technologies that will improve ux in digital platforms when I think about the experience of like the ux in general I think it goes beyond the screens that we use today whether it's desktop or mobile and so on um one of the use cases that I think we haven't been able to do pretty well so far is the The Voice interfaces and conversational AI right conversation AI today even in the form of chat is pretty good but if you think of voice uh think of voice assistance like Alexa or Siri and so on they've always been pretty limited um but I think right now with these lips and AI we will have a lot more powerful conversational AI that is with voice interfaces that allow us to interact with computers and natural language with voice and achieve a lot more than we were able to achieve before that um building on that as well I think that will open up a lot of value and use cases for augmented reality and virtual reality I like to think that the the science fiction around you know augmented reality and virtualet is actually like a pretty good Compass probably for where we want to go so if you if you think of you know Iron Man and Jarvis and like that idea of a really smart computer that is that you interact only through voice with I think that would be something that's really powerful and now we will see I think more and more of this like if you look at the Vision Pro headset from Apple for example what they have done is that they have reduced the interactions to basically just eye movement and pinching and that's already and of course like there'll be some voice but if we were able to do more a lot more voice in this I think that will open up a lot more use cases and then finally one of my big predictions on this is that I think we will see a lot of evolution in in the ethics and transparency around AI today it's really a black box without necessarily the enough guard rails of this course we're still figuring this out it's a very nice in technology we don't know how to create like the right level of accountability how do we align that development to like the different ethical principles of the different players or parties in the conversation um so I I predict there will be a lot more focus on ensuring fairness transparency privacy and more importantly Trust in an AI powered experience because I we've all seen a lot of the reports of how actually AI could pull us in the wrong direction in terms of trust and misinformation and so on so I think that's something that will will be a big big part of of that future that makes a lot of sense I think a lot of people are probably rightly concerned about that final point that you made around trust and ethics and um what we can expect from AI in that sense it's a bit of a black box as you say um but yeah voice is a really exciting Avenue for for where AI is going to go next and um I think we've all seen from Siri and Alexa how that can sorry if I just triggered a bunch of devices on on people's in people's offices um of how that can you know be really useful for for people um so thank you very much for sharing your thoughts there with us so what we're going to do now is jump into a q a session I'm going to take a look at the questions that have come in and I think we've highlighted some to to be asked so I'm going to pull those out and ask them so let's kick off with the first one from Anonymous attendee um I'm with you the AI cannot replace our jobs at least at the moment but can definitely assist us but how much do we influence those making hiring and other decisions about this it's hard enough to get some people to understand my job as it is let alone explaining how AI can't do it yeah that's an interesting question um the honest answer in all of this is that there is just so much that we don't know about this um I don't I don't think there will be any immediate you know impact on anyone and I see some companies where they're like oh we plan to replace a thousand jobs by 2027 with AI or whatever like I think these are all like big claims that no one can really substantiate yet why do I say this is that this what we were talking about earlier about the evolution of the jobs and so on we really just don't know how this is gonna work out I'll give you some examples like if you think about uh let's take accounting as a job right like if you think about what computers are capable of doing in theory like the computers can do a lot of accounting very well but this has not made the job of an accountant obsolete you know accountants are still very valuable to businesses and they still play a a very important role with a lot of software systems actually helping them out versus the accountants like you know 60 years ago or going with you know pen and paper and keeping books manually so there but at the same time you know like if you look at another example of like Factory workers for example there are certain jobs that have been fully replaced by automation that's true but then it's not that we have all factories today are running entirely uh autonomously there is a different type of work that is being done by humans in these in these factories and so on so in my opinion like no one can answer the question that Anonymous at Hindi is is asking today because we really don't know what how the jobs will evolve I think there will be a sort of exploratory Discovery phase until we reach some baseline and what AI offers in jobs and uh what what we have to to change but so as long as you try to stay agile and try to be nimble and make sure that you adapt to the situation then I think you'll be okay that makes sense yeah the the accountant example is really good because we've all seen how powerful even spreadsheets are before AI came along so it's easy to see how you know technically that could probably like those jobs could probably be covered but that's not the case at all there's still very much a need for that um and going back to the points that you raised around productivity and delegating certain things the people that can Embrace that are probably gonna gonna Thrive I would imagine awesome so we've got people asking some questions about hotjar AI if you'd like to take some questions about that of course I would I would love to um the question that's come up a few times is around language um and whether this is going to be expanded to be able to create questions in different languages or not uh at the moment it's optimized for English it has the potential of working with other language but this is some still something that the team is exploring we just want to make sure that it works as expected for other languages and so on so um there will be we will keep you updated uh on this um so the team will be working on it and hopefully in future releases we'll be opening up more and more language support um with this right now but today I would say um it's it's predominantly English okay fantastic another question um which was covered in the demo um but just to reiterate if new responses come in um is it possible to then update the report based on those new languages correct yes you can always regenerate the report again and it will take in consideration the latest responses that came in fantastic and who is this available to is this a paid feature is this a beta how can you get access to this it's free for everyone today so everyone can start using it today okay fantastic um let me take a look at some other questions we've got here um okay so this is the general AI question you mentioned that people uh let's just skipped up you mentioned that people should become experts in a specific area to be able to harness the power of AI better as a generalist I wonder how AI is going to augment my life thoughts first I would maybe take a minute to give one point I I don't know the you know where the person is in their in their career but I would tell you my the career curve that I think is best in my opinion you know that's what I would recommend to other people I think the the curve goes like generalist specialist super specialized and then like journalist again I think that's kind of like the evolution um because I I feel like in the beginning of your career it's really important to get as much exposure to different things to be able to learn a lot of different things once you see the thing that you're good at you need to get great at it so I think going very very deep into what you're good at to be you know the best the best at that kind of field is very important and that will give you that competitive advantage and Edge that later on you can move into more of a genderless role where you can have this broader knowledge on on more domains um so but to answer the question like how does this work I still find I said like my job today is a journalist and I still find um AI to be to be very useful uh but as I mentioned before and I I and this I the reason why I explained this career curve because I want to make a specific point like I think if you're early in your career then you still don't have like that deep expertise and deep knowledge and that's where you maybe feel a little bit more pressure with the advancement of AI so this is why as you advance your career try to get more specialized and more uh more of an expert on a topic but if you're later in your career and have you already been on that other side of being a journalist like myself I don't think that it's uh and this is not being cocky or anything but I don't think it is that easy for AI to replace like journalist Executives for example right because of that you know different kind of expertise and so on so that would be the mental mode that I would use for it you know like if you manage to get on that other side of that career curve I think you've already built up enough expertise and depth earlier to be a journalist that actually is is a is on a higher level of knowledge and expertise and then you use AI to still augment your your your job in all the different ways to delegate parts of your job tool foreign I don't know if the people of the webinar um agree but I'd never sort of acknowledged that generalist that makes sense and going into being super specialist I I saw that but I didn't see the trend of sort of coming back up to being a generalist afterwards that that's interesting say um I'll go to another question after this but I'm really curious to know um sort of why that why you think that sort of generalist uh or sort of return to the generalist once you've got that really specific knowledge um helps people and what people tend to achieve obviously you get the example of an executive but I'd love to know a little bit more about that like that I think that last part of that curve is not necessarily uh I must you know I also see people who continue being specialized and going deeper and deeper as experts and I think that's actually still super powerful um I think for people who the reason why I mentioned this if someone wants to be a generalist like myself like I've always wanted to be a journalist later I feel then if you want to be a journalist I would rather you don't stay a journalist throughout your career I think if you stay a journalist through and through you would not be you know you will have some Delta and expertise versus someone who has gone through that you know depth of being specialized later but if you're someone who has the intention of later only becoming an expert on something then you've already chosen your path right like it's your desire to be an expert so you try to specialize from the beginning and continue to be specialized and that will give you a very strong Edge so that's why my answer was more to someone who wants to be a journalist what's your path to becoming a journalist later in your career you try to go through that Niche or that kind of like specialized experience in the middle that will give you a bigger Edge later on I see that that makes a lot of sense um thank you for for explaining that um let's dive back into the Q a questions uh okay so a repeat question that we've been getting over and over again about uh hotjar AI is is this going to be expanded into other areas of hopja so someone gave an interesting example of could we have a feature where hotjar AI can generate sentiment analysis reports on user behavior for example clicks scrolling cursor movements for a web page are we going to get something for heat Maps recordings uh people seem very curious about this yeah what I can say today is we're definitely keen on expanding the reach of AI within our product so we're definitely right now exploring other opportunities in heat maps and recordings and all parts of the product to see how we can we can integrate AI the fact is that we reason about when we're doing this are you know three uh or two a couple of very important things one is first of all like Is it feasible sometimes the idea of AI is uh conflated maybe with the idea of like magic people think that AI can do anything and it's not true you know like AI can there are certain things that AI will not be able to do like there are certain things that are not are not possible so we always try to see what's feasible but most importantly like so everyone is definitely looking at what's feasible also in other companies but what I think what makes us different at hajjar is we really spend a lot of time thinking about the value and the utility of that AI to our users we I've been looking at a lot of the releases by many other companies that we are in their products and I've seen actually many examples where the AI feature is a more cumbersome way to do the thing that was done previously through like one click so so it's not just about integrating AI for the sake of saying hey this has AI in it right now we stick the label on it and we try to write a hype train that's not our philosophy I thought jar we really want to make sure that we give our customers the best utility and the best experience we want it simple like you've seen the demo that John showed us it's one click it just works it's easy it's simple it's right there so that's really what we want to to the to be the value that we we create for our users and every feature that we built especially AI makes a lot of sense um it's finding ways in which that would be useful and um as a use of research company we're going to be researching that with with our users to make sure that what we build is is worthwhile um cool thank you for taking us through that I'm going to take another look through some of the questions that we're getting in so keep them coming in um Okay so someone has a question um about the programming um point that you made earlier what are some of your recommended programming languages to learn to code to stay with the current times start with any I would say I I think the programming language words are award a word that have no winners um so just start with any programming language they're all great once you get to a certain level of skill you would start understanding like the difference in you know the between the different programming languages and are they fit for purpose for for different use cases and so on um but to get to the point where you really want to differentiate between the different programming languages and the purposes for it that's a pretty advanced level of programming but right now to get started to understand fundamentals start with anything that are easy languages like python for example to really get started to do JavaScript you know while of course it's a lot more focused today on quantity Technologies but still gets you started it gets you to understand some of the fundamentals of programming so that's what I would recommend pick any right I love that um take of the the war of the programming languages will will never be one that feels apt um so we have a question from a researcher um so as a researcher I find that connecting with the content people and stories behind the research is the best way to convey research insights and help stakeholders see familiar problems from a different point of view how much do you think this capability will matter once research is commoditized with AI will AI generated research be able to excite and change Minds interesting question um I don't see why not to be honest I don't see why not because um but incorporating the stories in the context of the users is also something that I can see AI being able to process and understand and absorb and communicate in a in a meaningful way um this is different from the human judgment component I think so that the storytelling or like sorry let me let me try to break it up into like maybe three components that I'm gonna try to think about so there is the the content and the like the narrative or the information that you want to provide I think AI would be pretty competitive there then there is the component of Storytelling this is where it will be a toss-up one could argue to say that the fact that you know who the audience is who are the receiver of that information is this particular person you're trying to you know to speak to like knowing their preferences and so on you might tailor that narrative and the story to them but perhaps you know with enough information about the person who's on the receiving end AI can do a lot of that too but then the art of persuasion the art of selling this is where I would find it very difficult for AI to to sell and I think actually like I think the art of selling is like such a rare currency today between human beings that like even other humans can't necessarily replace humans who have that skill and have that expertise so it's a long way in my opinion for AI to be able to come and replace that art of persuasion and art of selling it can be selling an idea selling you know a story selling selling an initiative selling the idea of it's bedtime to your children that's a difficult great that that makes a lot of sense um I've had a couple of questions here that I don't know how much light you'll be able to shed um but there have been a couple of questions about the legal or regulatory requirements so are there any legal or regulatory requirements that need to be considered in relation to Ai and um data privacy as well because open AI models are not open source how can we be sure that our data on hotjar is safe if we do use these new AI features do we need to accept that we have no visibility on how our data is used is that something you're able to speak to or does that need unpacking a little bit further um yeah I think that's the topic we probably could do like a full webinar on because I think the topic of privacy and security is complicated but uh but definitely we for Assad the privacy of our users and their data is priority number one two and three so something we take we take very very seriously in terms of also our relationship with um you know with the vendors that we use and how like this day any data is transferred to to someone but we can tell you is that we definitely do not uh share the data of customers with each other like the data is available to you and only to you um but I definitely want to acknowledge also that this being a very nascent field not just at Roger but like outside of hajjar um I think it's something that is still very early in the discourse there are lots of discussions that a lot of people on the legal side of things on the Privacy side of things onto the technology side of things trying to really understand all the parameters of it so it's a it's an evolving scene it's an overall living landscape it's a lot is Shifting so it's very difficult for me to right now to tell you with certainty like this is how I think the world is gonna gonna look like um but definitely but definitely something uh we we are paying very good attention to and I just want to rest assure everyone that this is for us top of mind and probably like the most important priority right now in terms of how we can bring this kind of value to our customers while respecting their data security and privacy that that makes a lot of sense um it's a very new field and yeah I've seen first hand the the effort that we put into um or the priority that we give to data protection and privacy so I'm confident that that we'll navigate that correctly um I'm scanning through the answers here to see um but I think the um all of the questions that we're seeing um we have covered uh the the answers there um so if anyone on the hot jar team that's tuning in has spotted anything that I might have missed or any questions um that I haven't addressed as I say the questions that I'm seeing in the chat are something that we've covered we will be sharing a recording of This webinar so you'll be able to watch this back um maybe there'll be an AI transcript somewhere of the summary of the key points um but I just wanted to thank everybody for uh coming along and attending um as we said hotja AI surveys is now free to all hot jar users so I definitely recommend that you go and check it out have a play with it and see how it can save you time and help you get better insights we'll be sharing the link in the chat for you to go and check that out and also our next virtual event is on Thursday June the 21st which is next week and that's with Caitlyn boyon and it's all about understanding why customers buy your products and services say you can check that out we're also going to put the link in the chat for that as well um so feel free to register if that sounds interesting to you as Mo mentioned we had a product hunt launched today for AI uh Hotshot AI so if that's a tool that you use would really appreciate your upvote there to get as many eyes on this as possible we think it's going to really help people out and the last thing to do is thank everybody that's tuned in we've really appreciated spending some time with you today uh Mo I really appreciate your questions your insights and taking the time to walk us through this today thank you John for for the conversation and for the questions and thanks everyone for tuning in today I hope you enjoyed it and yeah give us the upvotes on product hunt but more importantly try it out and I hope you like it and we're always open to your feedback please let us know if there are any ways we can improve it or now we can make it better we'll be happy to do that thanks 100 thank you very much for taking the time today Mo and thank you everyone for watching and we'll see you at the next virtual event take care everybody foreign


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