Webinar “How is AI-powered technology changing the smart city?” , November 12, 2024

Webinar “How is AI-powered technology changing the smart city?” , November 12, 2024

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[Music] Em-bed has never been so  exciting. It's life-saving [Music] [Music]   It's life changing. [Music] It's dream making. And it all starts with this chip. A small and  mighty computer, the size of a credit card.  

With embedded chips and processors,  enabling our passion and curiosity to   solve anticipation of a problem, mitigate  risks and create solutions that improve   business and life. The potential that lies  behind executing dreams is so tremendous , f   we fail to realize them the responsibility  lies solely on us. So dream away. Be great. Enclustra. Em-bed with us. Good afternoon and  welcome to Today's Vision Systems Design webinar  

titled "How is AI-Powered Technology Changing the  Smart City", sponsored by Enclustra. I'm Linda   Wilson, Editor-in-Chief of Vision Systems Design,  which is part of Endeavor Business Media. To begin   let me explain how you can participate in today's  presentation. First if you have any technical   difficulties during today's session, please submit  it to the questions window and our technical   experts will help you out. We recommend disabling  any pop-up blocking software or extensions in your   browser as these can cause issues with the webinar  player. Additionally, we welcome your questions   during today's event. We will answer as many  questions as possible during the Q&A session that  

will follow the main presentation. But please feel  free to send in your questions at any time. To do   so, simply type your question into the question  window on the side of your screen and hit the   submit button. Also, please be aware that today's  session is being recorded and will be available on   the Vision Systems Design website within the next  24 hours. You'll be notified by email when the  

archive is available. Now I'd like to introduce  our speakers for today's discussion. First we have   Gael Paul who is VP of innovation and Enclustra,  leader in FPGA based Systems-on-Module technology.   He leads a multinational team focused on  developing cutting-edge hardware, software, RF,   mechanical and thermal solutions. With 25 years  of experience in semiconductors electronic design,  

automation and cloud technologies, Gael is a  recognized expert in product architecture chip   design and field experience. Next we have  David Wyatt with 30 years of experience in   Automation. David is a certified AIA Advanced  Vision professional and a charter member of   the Machine Vision Association of the Society  of Manufacturing Engineers. He also is founder   of Automation Doctor. Welcome, gentlemen. I'll  start with our first question. Smart cities have  

been discussed since the 1990s, taking shape in  the 2010s and evolving rapidly ever since to help   ground us and our viewers. Can you walk us through  how a smart city operates today with AI and what   key components are driving this Evolution? Gael,  let's start with you. Yes thank you, well welcome   everyone to this webinar, thank you for joining.  I'm very happy to be with you Linda and David for   this session. So what is a smart city? Well, it's  a number of functions and I will give you just a   few of them: surveillance systems for real-time  video processing and rapid threat detection it   can be traffic management to optimize the flow of  vehicles and which use congestion, environmental   monitoring, gas or noise for example, smart  lightning, adaptive lighting to adapt to the   conditions on the city and the day, energy, waste  management is also very interesting how you can   optimize waste collection; water management,  smart parking public transport, health care   and even all the way down to citizen engagement.  Interestingly, Linda, a smart city pretty much  

operates like a high-end industrial facility  with a multitude of sensors, multiple systems,   many of them are critical in terms of flows of  people or information and as well as security and safety. David, how about you? Well, thank you,  Linda, Vision System Design and Enclustra and   Gael for inviting me along and it's a privilege  to be here. Gael really hit all the high points   there so I think that he's exactly right on when  he talks about what the smart city is envisioned   to be. You know years ago we used to think that  it was flying cars and and robots in every in   your apartments helping you clean and that's  really not what what it's all about. Smart   cities want to enhance safety, they want to  enhance sustainability the quality of life   and the residential experience the experience of  the actual residents of their city and they have   to find a way to avoid some risks such as data  privacy. There's critical infrastructure security   that they have to be aware of and that adds  challenge to the governments and public   bodies that that try to govern and contain those  problems over the next five years. I'm expecting  

AI generative AI to impact cities through  integration of digital government services,   smart transportation and interactive digital  twins where you have a city that you have model   as a digital twin and things that you want to  do can be tried in in the Cyber sphere as as   opposed to maybe making some mistakes and building  some things that don't belong in certain places.   Without quality in mind, digital government could  also risk have risk replicating or aerating some   existing inequalities so we must be ensuring  that our Technologies and our Innovations are   deployed ethically and inclusively okay well  you've touched on some of this already David   but let me ask both of you what do you see as the  biggest Tech challenges in Urban Development like   handling massive data insuring cyber security  and scaling up for growing cities. Geal,   do you want to touch on this? Sure, well the what  we've we've described a number of use cases right   and what is interesting in those cases is they  actually involve sensing a lot of different stuff   comprehending the world in a way that wasn't  accessible to us and by the way then processing   that understanding especially with AI so the first  challenge is the the diversity of sensing for   comprehension of the world obviously vision camera  based Vision enhance with AI is the basis of most   of the systems we now have the ability to make a  lot of sense from Vision based cameras thanks to   to AI but that's not it there's multitude of other  sensors that are very useful I could site image   sensors even all the way to Thermal and infrared  spacial sensors, lighters, radars, GPS, physical   sensors you know pressure sensors initial sensors  light sensors audio sensors I will actually talk   about that or even chemical sensors. And let  me give you an example. I think it's the city   of Copenhagen that actually enhanced the water  distribution system to with a leakage deduction   and that's quite hard if you have buried pipes  in the ground how do you detect leakage and one   of the solution found was audio processing. It  turns out that if you listen to the sound of water   turbulent sound within a pipe it can be detected  when there's a leakage because that turbulences   will be different. I don't believe my brain can  figure that out but AI can make difference between   a leaked and a non-leaked pipe thanks to audio  processing. So a key challenge here is having the  

ability to aggregate tons of data coming from a  multitude of sensors in real time. Most of the   systems need to respond in real time so that's the  very first Challenge and maybe David you want to   tell us a little more about your perspective on  that very first challenge. Thank you, Gael, yes,   you're exactly right, the biggest challenge is  going to be to put in the data infrastructure   because as you point out there are lots  of sensors, there's lots of data, you have   to have infrastructure to connect all those things  and they're not all going to connect with Wi-Fi,   because although 5G is barreling in and and we  have a lot of bandwidth, it's going to get eaten   pretty quickly so we want to be careful not to  pollute the airwaves, because Wi-Fi is just radio,   you know, so there's going to be a lot of  infrastructure that's going to have to have,   fiber you're going to have to have some some hard  wiring, and you know FPGAs are perfectly suited   to the job, to reduce the data down to schemes  that AI and generative AI can actually work with   FPGA have been doing it since the 1980s and and I  think they're kind of like the the sister behind   the behind the other sister you know you don't  see her a lot but she's there and she's she's   she's providing the support that is needed for  the CPUs and the GPUs. Many cities are focused   on transportation and they're looking for ways  to reduce barriers to Civic PR precipitate I'm   sorry participation promote transparency of that  data and improve access. We are going to see a   lot of digital government services and smart  Transportation, then we're going to find that   through our interactive digital twins and and  those digital twins are not going to be able to   function unless we have the data stream coming in  and as Gael points out, there are lidar, there's   radar there are so many different things that we  have to look at, that that that is going to be   our technical challenge and what I talked about  before was more of an ethical challenge. This   is the technical challenge side is getting that  data reduced and getting that that infrastructure   for the data stream okay. And in fact, Linda, let  me let me you know augment the challenges. So we  

talked about the very first challenge which is the  this aggregation of sensing data usually called   Sensor Fusion but there's actually five additional  challenges right the second one would be that the   fast space of changing models, AI models, tend  to change very quickly or security threats tend   to change very quickly so the ability to quickly  adapt at the hardware and the software level to   the fast pace of changes. The third challenge is  real time which really goes for very low latency   systems in many of situations you know if you  do traffic management or many of those you need   very very low latency response time to efficiently  manage the system the force challenge will be low   power as you are you know putting down thousands,  tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of   sensors and devices they have to be low power  otherwise we would you know we would consume   more energy that we would save to the smartness of  our cities. The fifth challenge will be security,   especially at the device level those are exposed,  so we need build-in hardware based security. And   last is the product life cycles as you deploy the  systems throughout the city, you won't be able to   change them every six months or every year so you  need products which have a very long life cycles   typically seven to 10 years so these are the six  challenges that I could identify in the Smart City   development. Okay thanks, well let's dive into  how Tech Solutions like AI powered FPGAs are   helping cities tackle major urban challenges?  How are they making a difference? David, do   you want to start us off with this one? Sure, so  maybe echoing this but many cities are focused on   the transportation related use cases and as Gael  points out those are often times camera related,   although there are a lot of other sensors involved  there also they're looking for optimization,   they're looking for intelligent intersections and  multimodal transportation Network improvements.   Some cities recently and some of the reports  I have read have taken a step back from large   scale deployments in favor of building their  connectivity infrastructure first which as   Gael points out, all of the sensors have to be,  the data has to be collected and reduced so that   they can actually use the FPGAs and the generative  AI to make decisions pointing out though that the   FPGAs are often at the device level which I think  is an outstanding place to put them. But they want  

to ensure the longevity of their initiatives and  so a city will focus on topics like sustainability   and enhancements and then work backwards to  determine those technologies that can help   them achieve those outcomes. Many deployments  begin small scale in a block to block area and   then they determine that that works and and like  anything in the industrial world you pilot it   first and I think that's where we are we're in  the pilot stage in a lot of cases. I think we   made some big steps early and now we're piloting  a lot of the new things and and this can grow and   this is sustainable. The FPGA can be rewired with  software. It is replicating an ASIC and so it is   basically programmable hardware. Thanks, David and  yes in fact, Linda, let me dive a little more in   that but first let us back up a little bit right  there are essentially three classes of compute   devices that can be used. CPUs, GPUs and FPGAs.  And let me go through them because FPGAs aren't  

the answer to every problem. In fact the the the  the simplest and most efficient well easiest ways   to do things would be a CPU. It's a very versatile  device, it does sequential processing and it's the   simplest to program and the ubiquitous and if the  job can be done with a simple CPU this is what   everybody should do. However, CPUs tend to have  high latency, they're very inefficient machines   so the power consumption for the task is not that  good and so they usually fall short on the number   of activities. So the next level up would be  GPUs. Right now you're into Data parallelism.   You know single instruction multiple data model of  compute highly performance moderate latency very   very high power extremely powerful but high power  consumption and there you need a next level of   programming typically Cuda for NVIDIA , GPUs and  they deliver great performance but not usually at   the device level. And then come FPGAs. FPGAs are  massively parallel devices millions of operations   simultaneously, concurrent hardware. This is low  level devices extremely high performance. This is  

spatial compute at its best and they provide the  best latency as well the lowest latency as well   as the lowest power consumption per test. They're  extremely customizable and you can do very very   complex processing however there's no free lunch  they're much more difficult to program than GPUS,   which are themselves much more difficult to  program than CPUs. They require expert level   engineering skills to do that so they provide a  very very high value than at the cost of a higher   development cost initially. So FPGAs shine when  you need low latency, low power and combining in  

fact the sensor fusion which is the sensing  part of the the task with the thinking part   which is going to be the AI inferencing and the  reacting part which is going to be - hey, this is   the control action on actors and and others that  I will do to respond to what I've measured. The   second element to mention is that smart cities  like everything else is a layered architecture   and there are really three levels in which this  is being resolved. The first level is the device   level. Think about cameras sensors distributed  throughout the city and here we're talking about   hundreds of thousands of devices throughout  scattered and that's going to give you a space   where you have millisecond time. reaction time  where you need low power obviously you have such  

a high volumes you need low cost of devices. The  next level up is going to be the edge. Think about   a control room that's going to be aggregating  video fits from tens of cameras let's say no   more radius of maybe a mile and there you have a  bigger power budget, a lower volume and moderate   cost budget. And then finally you've got the cloud  level and by the way the edge is going to give   you second time reaction and then the cloud is you  know maybe tens or hundreds of miles away from the   city it has minutes time reaction extremely high  compute power and cost is less of an issue here   and so it's this overall combination. Now FPGAs  can actually play a role in all those three. There   are very low cost efficient FPGAs for devices, a  medium range FPGAs for edge and high-end FPGAs for   the client. They will sit together with high end  CPUs and high-end GPUs from Nvidia and the like.  

Nice, hey, Gael, quick question. So historically  I mean back years ago one of the kiles heels of   the FPGAs was is typically when you put it  into a system, you're going to be increasing   the number of power supplies in your system.  You have one for the memory, you have one for   the CPA CPU I'm sorry, one for the GPU and then  you have one for the FPGA. Next thing you know   you got five or six different power supplies in  your system. What have you guys done to address  

that? I'm sure it's not still the case. Well  you're right on the money David, you know as I   said FPGAs are no free lunch. They're they're very  complex to put down and there's an old ecosystem.   You mentioned power but you can mention clocking  and memory and connectivity. And what Enclustra,   you know the game of Enclustra is actually  to resolve that for customers by designing   a manufacturing system on modules. This is the  single board computer approach it's a complete   subsystem delivered as a very very small PCB the  smallest of our PCB is 30 x 30 millimeter and it   can be up to 60 by 80 millimeters where the  complete solution around the FPGAs is already   designed manufactured ready to go and it really  makes FPGAs is like the software defined platform   which is exactly what you get from Nvidia or  the CPUs today so it puts them on par relatively   speaking to that by solving all this plumbing  electrical issues, power clocking storage memory,   connectivity once and for all so that you know  people listening to us today can immediately get   to their unique differentiating value, your secret  sauce, add the stuff that you're really good at,   that is going to make your product better and  different than competition. Don't worry about   power clocking and all we've got it covered for  you sounds like you did a great job we're proud   of that you know it's it's maybe less glamorous  than doing you know the processing intelligence   into it but everyone has a purpose right and we're  very proud that we've been serving over 2,000   customers and dealing great value for the last 20  years allowing people to reduce risk in providing   faster time to market. It's interesting looking  to the Future how do you think AI-powered FPGAs  

could help cities manage the massive amounts of  data they're dealing with, especially when keeping   things efficient and secure? David. Well luckily  technology is keeping up with AI Solutions.   The market's driving it and it's a$ 31 billion  dollar market. The next few years it's amazing but   you know just as an example right now I can buy a  4 terabyte memory stick for under a 100 bucks and   there was a day when we couldn't get more than  256k in the same box you know so to see what we   are doing now with the technology advancements  and to see what what companies such as Enclustra   is doing to see what what Nvidia is doing with  their SoC modules and the price points that   are that are happening and FPGA can in fact live  with the Nvidia Jetson platform and there there's   several examples of that and I think Enclustra is  one of them but the point is that we are able to   bring forth the technology changes that we need  to keep up so part I'm not puning into the future   but I'm confident the future will keep up as it  always has that's never going to be the problem   and I think we need to be relying on our youngest  scientists to continue the our the trend of data   reduction those guys are the ones who are going  to be coming up with the next set of algorithms if   you look at just what H265 has done to compression  of video everybody uses it on their Netflix but   nobody really appreciates it and if you look at  that compression and the people who came up with   that algorithm and it was based on the old run  length encoding but they did that in a color in a   color space and I'm just really amazed when I read  the data on how that came about from you know H264   for instance and then back to the MPI carriers  and then of course there's there's new connection   technology like GMSL, the gigabit media serial  link which doesn't go as far as CoaXPress and it   certainly is not going to go as far as fiber but  you know in a local situation you can have you   can have one piece of CoaX that carries both audio  and video into into an EG type carrier in software   and and and these are the things that are coming  forward right now we're at GMSL 3 now and and the   bandwidths are getting bigger and the speeds are  getting faster which means we can have either more   cameras or we can have bigger cameras to get that  detail that I know Gael is really looking for. So   you know we need the kids to pick up the Raspberry  Pi all right the Raspberry Pi is not a FPGA. It's   a it's it's an arm computer but people need  to start learning those languages they need to   start learning Linux they need to start learning  TensorFlow they need to start learning PyTorch,   they need to start learning Python and not to  mention C++ and visual studio and and until   they get that experience they're going to be  handicapped and so I'm really looking in the   future for for people that are going to come  along and be able to do that with less and   less hardware and hardware like the SoCs that that  Gael points out and hardware that's a lot cheaper. yeah in fact David that's so great you know I've  been around the FPGA industry for 20 years and   the evolution has been amazing um I would call it  maybe you know the fpg 3.0 and we we keep calling  

them FPGAs but they're much more than that they're  actually complete platforms so they started being   with the DNA of FPGAs was you know lots of iOS  and and and Hardware processing and today you have   terabytes per second of iio capacity in FPGAs then  next wave the second wave was s so so now for many   years now in those platforms you have multicore  arm subsystem with real time um um Processing   Unit application Processing Unit multiple arm  cores I think the latest and greatest have up   to 18 different arm cores in this complete memory  subsystem and very Advanced connectivity and the   third wave is where you add AI processing into the  mix so that's now that the priority of the three   all together into one chip and there you've got  um AMD with the versal Technologies who actually   really have three pieces of silicon glued together  for the so for the AI and for the programmable   logic and IO capabilities and you also have a  friends from Altera who have infused AI they   actually completely fused the AI capacity with  the programmable logic and both approaches are   extremely good and and high performance so view  them as platforms then can do it all for you and   they've been designed to be software definable  um all these guys from MD Altera and other they   give you tool flow where you can compile train  your train model that you probably train on GPU   somewhere in the cloud and you can compile and  optimize them for the Target silicon and have them   running at high performance so they natively going  to read your your high torch model and others   tensor flow models and deliver great performance  likewise you have all the compile chain and all   the software tools to do your s SOC and obviously  the the the tool for for doing the programmable   logic so those platforms are phenomenal because  they combine all three parts into one chip uh   with lots of um software environment and by  the way an ecosystem of solution providers   around it uh to help you not reinvent the  wheel and get on quickly with your design so   you're running a multinational team and  it's mindboggling the the the knowledge   that you have to assimilate into one spot  to to be able to play in all those Arenas   at the same time indeed David it's very right  the second aspect to your question Linda was   security which is really really important I we  briefly touched on it previously if you think   especially the device level those devices are  scattered throughout the city in your example   they're not physically producted in many cases  they can be accessed relatively easily a camera   as you can imagine or even if you have straight  cabinets they're not that hard these are not vs   or you know for Vols so you need the highest  security elements and FPGAs provide Hardware   based security they're really what soal the  root of trust the hardare root of trust and   the programmable logic part is essentially a  blackbox there's there's nothing you can do or   virtual you can do to figure out what's going on  can you hike or spy on the PG part it's virtually   extremely hard to do that so they provide  best-in-class security uh which is essential   especially at the the device level combined  with the flexibility of software for AI and S so okay um next question as cities push for better  Energy Efficiency stronger cyber security which   we've touched on and resilience against electral  magnetic interference how could FPGAs make that   happen dle do you want to start us off yes well  thank yeah absolutely so I already touched on   security but let me reace that so Hardware root  of trust and Hardware security is best in class   and this is what FPGAs natively provide and  they provide all sorts of different protection   mechanisms against side attacks and cloning and  and whatnot there's been a a tremendous evolution   of security FPGAs we also touch on safety and  that allows me to bounce on functional safety   so functional safety is really defined as how  do I ensure that my system keeps on running in   presence of errors or even attacks you know and  that is best implemented when you essentially   replicate the logic and use either a voting  system or majority system so you have multiple   instan of the same stuff running concurrently and  only if there's agreement or majority then you   can continue and this is what fpgs can lo being  massively parallel you can duplicate triplicate   the processing that you need and ensure that it  keeps on running in regardless what's happening   electromagnetic um events um malicious attacks  from hackers and whatnot functional safety is   best in class with FPGAs and in fact in cluster  we have uh quite unique expertise in functional   safety and we will announce a functional safety  module um in the subsequent the near future   and these are unique capabilities that it's much  harder to obtain with software or CPU or GPU based   compute then the the energy element is that the  performance for what because this is the metric   that you're interested this is the performance  per what is again Best in Class for FPGAs there's   there's it's a very efficient machine and if you  look at frames per second per watt for example for   video inferencing uh or tops for what FPGAs again  provide Best in Class GPUs from Nvidia will give   you the absolute best performance but at a cost of  a lot of power they can be tremendously useful in   the cloud much less in in the you know Urban scale  development at the device level David I'm sure you   are you you you you agree with that and you have  more to say yes sir yes sir so so I started my my   industry experience in the power industry in Texas  and we used to run 138 KB across across the fields   and the Plains and and um we thought that was  always going to be enough uh and and it's not it's   still not so the energy is so important you know  the FPGAs live at the device level in some cases   many cases and they're more energy efficient there  and oftentimes they can they can live on solar   powerered uh Banks and I actually have a solar  powered camera system doing Intruder detection   at my mother's house 500 miles away and um I I I I  connect with it with G4 and um writing algorithms   to determine whether or not the garage door is is  just opened or open later or trying to figure out   she's she's at the age where we need to be careful  uh with what's going on there um in in in terms   of um FPGA they also live of course at the edge  which is not necessarily at the device level but   that's where Energy Efficiency is so important the  the Nvidia uh CPU GPU um that whole AI generative   thing is is based upon you know redundant uh  statistical analysis and so they're going to   run over and over and over and over and over and  over and over again until you get the right engine   that you can deploy that's not going to take that  much and a mind-boggled again I don't use that   word too much is how much energy is being used  by our government in terms of just doing AI work   and why do they need that much and what are they  doing I'd love to find out but they won't tell   me I haven't really asked but I don't think they  will um so talking about protection against uh BMI   so being a ham radio operator for many years and  having worked in the communications industry um   it's important to have a local enclosure an IP67  type enclosure uh that that is going to Shield Emi   not only from outside world but from the from  the inside getting out so we really don't want   all of these devices out there oscillating in 452  megahertz whatever they might be doing and causing   other Emi problems so it's important to find  a a way to get them into uh containers and and   one of the ways is to you know pop them of course  but that's not always practical but tamper proof   enclosures are important so there's an entire  another Market there entire another Revenue stream   that someone's going to take advantage of the FPGA  is the DNS level uh I think they they provide some   of the best firewalls you can have um I've seen a  lot of the the DNS traffic uh stopped um because   of Bad actors and and uh denial of service attacks  and FPGAs are involved and I think it's a great thing okay kle was there anything else you wanted  to add on this question well yes but briefly we   touched on this the the reconfigurability  obviously we're all used to software   flexibility right we can always you know fix or  improve software and download it over there in a   secure manner right what FPGAs is bringing on top  of that is Hardware reconfigurability the ability   to expand the hardware perimeter maybe to add new  types of sensors without changing the processing   logic right maybe add think especially when  you have so many propretary formats in sensors   technology this is not a well standardized  industry so the ability to reconfigure the   hardware is extremely important and I would  say even more so for security um elements right   because it really allows you to potentially  significantly upgrade an example would be   um moving from traditional encryption technology  to past Quantum encryption Technologies can be   done as easily as a software upgrade what looks  like a software upgrade but how upgrading FPGAs   and yet maintaining super high speed in  real-time processing a CPU typically would   not be able to evolve into postquantum era uh  without changing the hardware FPGAs can do that   which is really awesome so you can always man  maintain and stay up above the level that you   need you know barely up what you need to be in  order to provide the the best rade of between   safety security and cost to the mix so i' say so  wonderful devices they don't let you down right   they remain your best friend for many years  very true okay okay um so let's uh let's now   move on to um let me ask you this what are some  practical First Steps for someone looking to use   FPGAs and AI David thank you well um stakeholders  the very first thing you always have to do in any   Endeavor is to talk to your stakeholders and and  those aren't necessarily just the people who are   writing the checks those are the people who are  going to receive the services and you need to   make sure that those Services can be delivered in  a in a way that makes a lot of sense um through   automation doctor and some of the work that  we've done we we soled hundreds of Machine   Vision systems and actually we're we're pleased to  find out we're going to do a VC webinar on that uh   somewhere in January I think but I I prefer to  start with the interfaces you need to find out   what the customer requirements are you make a  traceability matrix and you take those those   requirements uh whether it be a resolution or a  frame rate or uh you know the the distances that   you have to to to telephoto and and then once you  have the interfaces once you have the requirements   then you figure out what your interface has to be  to the device itself right because obviously to   get get data into the FPGA or the microcontroller  or whatever you're using you're going to have to   have an interface that meets the standards that  you're trying to achieve um you know with the   new CSI ports that are on all these cameras now  um you know CSI can only go 18 inches it's not   going to do anything for you I mean it's great  for getting that data into that module but at   that point you know um you're going to have to  talk to the to the other side of the edge you're   going to have to talk to the to to the mid edge  with with something else and so start with the   camera interfaces and and there's almost no room  for multicolor cables I'm sorry multiconductor   cables this means you're going to have to look at  fiber coax Express copper ethernet uh GNA have to   find ways to to to get the data to where it needs  to go and nothing happens if you can't do that so   that's the first spaghetti thread I like to pull  uh Wi-Fi is always possible but traffic can a   problem plus it may not be well known but medical  facilities they do not want your Wi-Fi devices in   there sucking down their bandwidth they don't  want all those images in the medical area going   around uh and and you know when you have nine or  10 cameras that are running in a medical device   they would they really want the other devices  to run that's more important um like the you   know the the uh the the blood filter machine it's  more important so I think the best way to start   is to sum it all up is I like to find a moderate  proven living design and I know and cluster has   them uh with a repository a software repository  that has all the project files that are required   and that is ready to be built today in a specific  integrated development environment I I like Visual   Studio code uh people can use whatever they want  uh and that's not even touching on the software   side of the FPGAs but at the end of the day you  really have to have something that's ready to go   you don't want to spend six to eight months uh  dealing with uh libraries that don't work or   trying to get this thing to to to uh interface  with that thing everything needs to work when   when you first grab grab a hold of it now there  there is a room for that R&D and you should put   certainly 30 to 40% more time into your project  than you think you're going to need because there   are going to be there are going to be things  that need to be done uh what say you Mr G yes   well I'm with you there you know first step  would be decide if you what you need you do I   need a CPU or GPU and FPGA and and and and and  David you really nail it is the amount of data   the connectivity requirements that you need is  going to be your number one decision criteria   uh what's the poity of of data sensing data I  need and how fast do I need to process it the   second is going to be what's my power budget if  if you are in a low power budget again if FPGAs   are probably going to be your best friends the  thir is going to be in know latency of mentioned   that if I really need low latency again FPGAs  are going to be your best friends um if if none   of that apply as I said go for CPU that's the  easiest and the simplest or a GPU if you need   more compute once you you've defined that you need  an FPGA the second layer of decision would be what   classes of FPGAs do I need and I see really three  big you know clusters we have the high-end guys   right the the AMDs and Alteras of the world  with those completely integrated platforms   that will deliver the best performance and  Leading Edge technology we have a friends from   microchip who will deliver you the absolute lowest  performance FPGA right so if you're in the lowest   power budget then go look for Microchip Solutions  they're really Best in Class and if you are in   the realm of ultra low cost then we have a friends  from Latis semiconductors and epinex just to name   these two which they were extremely cost efficient  FPGAs so you're well served with this industry um   depending on your needs the next step would be  def gits all FPGA vendors you know offer cheap   def GS which allow you to get started in minutes  for just a few hundred bucks you can get a def   G lots of reference design lots of examples and  get started once you get to the next level well   system and module sorry for the Shameless plug but  I would certainly recommend that you look at that   and and clusterize the world leader and we have  those modules and we have development kits as well   where those those modules will plug into it they  they're going to be a little more expensive than   the the very affordable def kits from the FPGA  vendors but they will give you higher performance   you can actually develop a complete application  of these right and lastly the ecosystem there's   a ton of ecosystem Partners to help you with AI  models with software tool flows um libraries for   Hardware functions or software functions uh very  rich ecosystem so do not reinvent the wheel right   get you know just focus on what you uniquely do  different from your competition Ju Just as a added   added point on your dev kit and that's a very  great point I meant to touch on but on your dev   kit make sure that your that your dev kit touches  all the points of your traceability Matrix I have   uh some horror stories that I can tell I'm not  naming names but if you get something that runs   in a particular language like Python and and you  want something else that runs in C++ but you and   you want to put them together they're not going  to work in the same dev kit uh in this particular   case it does but then again you have to figure  out all of the translations yourself it could be a   mess just make sure your dev kit does touches make  sure it can touch all the points in your Trans in   in your traceability Matrix that's all I'm saying  that's a good one and Linda maybe I I should also   add because you know if FPGAs have a repetition to  be much harder than they are but I would say don't   be afraid if you you know if you get the guts to  to to get on with that challenge what your product   will be some so much better than competition  right anybody can can program CPUs that's not   that hard but much fewer people can do it at the  hardware level with those FP platforms so go for   it because you're going to be rewarded immensely  by being able to provide much better much more   efficient Solutions than your competitors and  we there's a bunch of people like us to help you   along the way we even have Design Services to  help you getting started if you so desire okay   um any anything else to add David oh um just  as a as a final question I you know I I I I'm   really excited I've seen this industry since the  early 80s and I'm just so excited I think by uh   embracing the forward-looking approaches uh to to  our City's problems of sustainability and equity   and resilience and I I think was really important  is the expandability that that g talked about and   being able to to reprogram the hard RK that you  have uh I think the the AI cities could usher in   a new golden era of prosperity and happiness yes  I could not agree more you know to me Linda it's   it's really immen immensely be rewarding to see  that FPGAs can actually contribute to a better   world this is all what we're trying to do and I'm  not just talking about you know getting faster to   my parking lot or getting faster to the office  let me give you an example with Waste Management   right in smart cities um a number of cities like  Copenhagen and Madrid studed to put sensors on the   the buried containers or even the TOs the wheed  beans and what the figured with that is collection   was wrong in 75% of cases in 50% of cases  collection was too late and we've all been there   overflowing garbage in the streets which is really  not good and in 25% of the cases collection was   too early half full containers once they started  to put down sensors which can be weight sensors b   or visual sensors for a cardbo container then they  were able to reduce by two by 50% The Collection   um of those garbages and that turns out to be more  cost efficient but also it turns out it reduces   pollution those big trucks that collect waste they  actually are quite polluting so all of a sudden   smart technology like FPGAs can make it a better  world right we have a better environment in our   cities without the rats and the hygiene problems  of overflowing garbage and in the same time you   know we've reduced our footprint on the planet and  for me this is very exciting to be part of this   I've been around FPS for so long and it's part you  know my kids are very much into that into being   environmental friendly and respectful to a planet  and and and FPGAs can greatly help towards that   so I just wanted to share my excitement um in in  those uh emerging use cases for FPGAs well thank   you I definitely hear um excitement from both  of you um I'd like to move on now to some of the   questions that we have from our audience um a few  of you as I just mentioned have already submitted   questions so we're going to jump right in but as  a reminder if you would like to submit a question   type your question into the question window on the  side of your screen and then hit the submit button   okay let's see um okay here's a question  how common are applications where you use   infer inferencing of small llns in s so's like  versal or zinc and then um it says speaking of   high energy consumption for modern AI this  would be a low power chatbot so G you want   to start with this one yes well the so ai's been  now ubiquitous in FPGA for quite some time already   and it it starts with um convolutional neural  network CNN and FPGA is extremely efficient at   that um llm so gen is also showing up in FPGA  right although this is an emerging use case   es Genna is predominantly used in data centers  Ty application more for chatbot and I'm not   sure that FPGAs are necessarily the best  platform for that um in in smart cities   there's less today a use case for gener  I think it's coming up and in fact both   versal gen two for example support um llm typ  Transformers um as well as CNN on their devices   likewise the infused AI capability from Altera  allows um developers to actually build the AI   processing that is you know tuned fine-tuned  to what the task that you want to do whether   you want to do a CNN or whether you want to  do Transformer base you can do it all in an fptas David I'm in agreement so the large language  models and he's trying to do a chat box it looks   like so he can have a box that will allow him to  do translations in a many Lang languages into a   large city where somebody can come up and put in  their token or wave their hand or their phone or   whatever and and they could allow them to to  converse with somebody else right now I walk   around with the the Google phone in my hand you  know my iPhone in my hand with a Google translator   I try to go back and forth but I love the idea  of of a chat box but the large language models   uh I'm going to defer uh to gu because I'm more  in the convolutional neural network side right   now and and haven't done a whole lot with those  although they are high on my list but they're not   Vision so much and so uh being the vision guys you  know we we haven't really scratched that surface   as deeply as we should but we are working on a a  project um with a medical device company and we   want to have uh the languages uh we want to have  the conversation um interpreted and it's going to   require different languages so I think I'm on my  way in that direction maybe G can help me out what   I might add is what we're seeing as the trend  is multimodal AI combining CNN and llm that is   Transformers um FPGAs allow that I'm also thinking  of our friends at Hyo and SEMA which also have   dedicated silicon for that which can be greatly  combined with FPGAs to deliver those those unique   AI capabilities so it's really happening and  the hardware configurability of FPGAs made them   uniquely suited for for AI the the the the pace  of changes is extremely high right there's a a new   small Revolution every other week or every other  months right I think between two YOLO versions it   was as short as a month or two um so the ability  to evolve my my my AI compute engine in Hardware   is unique if I use dedicated silicon from Nvidia  what I have is what I have and I can't change it   with FPGAs I can change my number format my  quantization I can change my pruning the size   of my layers how many layers I have it's so  adjustable well I love it okay um let's see   here's another question have you got examples  of smart City projects running and do you see   an Roi we've talked about a few projects I  have that I have an examp multiple example   um Oslo in in Europe has installed um smart  lightning system I think it's over 65,000 LEDs   what they've seen is 70% reduction in energy  consumption 70 70 which is enormous um um and   adaptive here will means that the lightning will  be depending on what's needed the time of the day   the lightning the natural lightning conditions  and even I believe only lighting up when there   is something that needs to if I'm working down  the street it will only create a hollow of light   around me and it's not going to light up the part  of the street where there is absolutely nobody so   here this is seven % reduction in the um Waste  Management I think it's University of Idaho in   the US who um was able to reduce by 50% so cut in  half the cost to do the the waste collection at   the University and there's many other examples  where there is indeed a very very tangible   significant error in cost of apparitions in  the environmental impact energy consumption   it all goes in the same direction together so  there's an investment in the tech which results   simultaneously in better operating conditions  safer operating conditions lower energy and lower   or improved impact on our planet so not just money  by the way all you know indirect forms of uh of improvement it's interesting David do you have  anything to add the only thing I would add to   what G said is that and maybe embellish a little  bit is that that return on investment is going to   be so hard to measure because how do you measure  you know satisfaction of your citizenry how do   you measure uh what you didn't do all right so if  if you are looking at traffic patterns and that   traffic pattern made a shift uh on a particular  day because of an event or on a particular month   because of the weather and and now we don't have  as many wrecks now we don't have as many things   we have things that didn't happen and it's so  difficult then to put a finger on on on what that   saved us but I'm very very glad to see that it's  happening that way you're so right David traffic   jams I think have an enormous cost uh to to S  Society so reducing that alone is going to improve   productivity which is a very tangible R probably  in in billions per year throughout the planet and   and you've spoken before about about the climate  um enhancement that you can do by rerouting people   so they don't sit and traffic and burn fuel  although a lot of our cars aren't doing that   now uh you still if it's a if it's an electric  car you still got charge it and that still has a   fossil footprint somewhere so it's it's just  important to make sure that we don't waste energy yeah absolutely okay let's see here  I think we've got time for one more um is   the versal FPGA the device of choice for AI based  applications I'm going to take that one so this is   one of them as I mentioned today on the AI side  if you look at Leading Edge solution you've got   AMD Verso as well as Altera Agilex both of those  pandos give you exceptional AI capabilities with   some differences both of them exceptional both of  them as a complete platform that can do wonders to   you with the iOS the AI inferencing and the S SOC  control system all integrated so for high-end AI I   would look for that now you also can do extremely  cost efficient AI in microchip devices and Fenix   and latis devices um um lower performance but U  extremely low power so depending on what you need   a great example that ltis has demonstrated is  the ability for a systems to infer if the human   operator is actually watching the device and only  then interact so for example the screens will be   turned off until you actually look at the screen  and then it will turn on and that saves energy but   it's also great security features for industrial  applications so there's more than one device of   choice here um and that's what's great with FPGA  is a lot of offerings from different vendors very   cool yes yeah had a question um for GU about  the the software package that that is used on   on their systems and how that's leveraged into  um uh into the common user well thank you and   I touched already on it but I can recap that  so it's essentially you have three tool flow   when you're dealing with FPGA remember there's  three compute engines right one is going to be   your programmable logic tool flow to do all the  Sensor Fusion and the parallel data processing   and that's the traditional tool flow second is  going to be your s so tool flow which is really   just a CPU to FL because that's what it is it's  an embedded server in a sense into ufp platform   where you can compile on those multicore uh  subsystem the third is going to be your AI   tolow and again all these vendors they give you  great AI to flow the starting point is everybody   wants to be able to inest trained model that  were not designed for FPGA so the starting   point is you take any train mod that you have  or you can buy on the shelf or get on the shelf   and you know hugging face for example and then  the tool flow from those vendors fpg vendors   will allow you to very quickly optim imize down  that Network those layers in order to get great   performance out of the Silicon they're very easy  to use and in a few number of iterations you'll   be able to quantify use the number format that  works out choose the layer tabs configure your   inferencing Eng so that quickly you get really  high performance and power efficiency you know   remember the key metric is performance per what so  there's a complete tool flow available to all of   you guys here to get started today with AI on FPGA  platform how does vhdl and verog uh interface into   that scenario well David the HDL verog this is the  first part I mentioned this is the Sensor Fusion   part this is traditionally how you would do that  part um AI does not need any htl coding at all   today when you're doing you want to do AI for you  know Altera Agilex or AMD versal you do not need   any hardware knowledge you know it's all ready to  go for you and you really just need a model and   and a few optimizations of that model through  the to flow to get to get started I should also   mention by the way that even for HDL there are  hls high level synthesis tools today that exist   that allow you to design your Sensor Fusion part  in C++ and that is a great way to actually get a   working system really quickly and potentially down  the road you can further optimize down cost reduce   that Sensor Fusion part using HDL or know vhl  very log so it's a very very much soft defined   you know experience that you have today thank you  for clearing that up for me I'm all about the fast start you know no need to a sh expert okay  well on that note I'm afraid we've run out   of time for those questions we didn't  have time to answer we'll get back to   you via email um this concludes today's  presentation on behalf of vision systems   design I'd like to thank our speakers  for their insightful discussions today   and cluster for sponsoring today's webinar  and of course all of you for joining have a   great rest of your day thank you thank you  everyone have a great day goodbye friends [Music]   embed has never been so exciting it's life saving [Music] [Applause] [Music]   it's life [Music] changing it's dream making [Music] and it all starts with this chip a small and  mighty computer the size of a credit card with   embedded chips and processors enabling our  passion and curiosity to solve anticipation   of a problem mitigate risks and create  solutions that improve business and life   the potential that lies behind executing dreams  is so tremendous if we fail to realize them the   responsibility lies solely on us so dream  away. Be great. Enclustra. Em-bed with us.

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