Web3 Impact the Future Lithuania - Kabir Veitas Web3 0 - Enhancing Human Socio-Economic Systems

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yes web free is a social technological movement  so please prepare your questions for our next   keynote speaker Kabir Vedas who will tell us  more about the impact that web3 can or might   have on socioeconomic structures on the global  level now Kabir is a co-founder and CEO of a deep   Tech startup newnet building a global economy  of the centralized Computing that leverages   data of the art compute Technologies and web free  Technologies Kabir the stage is yours thank you good afternoon and what would you know as  everybody who managed to get here physically I   will say good to be back in the news every time I  come it's it becomes more more and more beautiful   uh however I have a small problem uh that  is first of all the timer is not working   second is that I was thinking to con  sort of start convincing you the web   free is not only about the crypto  crypto is not only about the fintech   and then the top three is different from the  3.0 however many of these things were already   touched kind of introduce used by  the speakers before the before launch so therefore I will try to fix certain things  in in sort of frame things into into how do   I see or I would like to you to see uh the  3.0 from the perspective of societological   development of the of the basically Humanity  as a social system and picks it on things   that were already introduced previously and  and kind of put them into this perspective   so and the image that I would like to to  kind of project first of all is the image   that was introduced by Buckner's follow  Fuller I think pretty much of a centurable   of the spaceshipers so we are basically  traveling a spaceshipers and we started as   a bunch of monkeys without understanding  how that works and simply riding along   and we seem to be in a place where we started to  punch all kind of different controls and started   to influence how the spaceshipers at least not  a trajectory but basically internal temperatures   and there's a the kind of question that actually  statement that book Mr Fuller brought along is   that we don't really have a user manual for  that spaceshipers so and we need to get this   user manuals that sort of controlling  it and then uh in an intelligent manner   and the in terms of this image the question  that I would like to ask and try to sort of   discuss it is I mean the global the global  question would be then can we become more   intelligent as a system in this sense as a social  technological system and the question that is   related to the free or the 3.0 is is whether  this technology can make us more intelligent   a I can say my answer I think it does or it  can depending how we use it however there are   different aspects to it so the question is how do  we make our our system technological system more   intelligent as a as a whole and I think so another  another aspect that I would like to discuss is I   think that if we continue to kind of steer on to  to sort of punish the controls of the spaceship   earth without without let's say without reading  the manual or without understanding the manual   or in a way that we were doing this all along it's   it's a question of whether anything will help will  happen differently except that it will be faster   and that's it so it was a was  a it can something can change   qualitatively rather than quantitatively  without changing our thinking or perspectives yes and also uh we hear about all these beautiful  Technologies basically and the three if we related   to the blockchain is basically we can say that the  basis of the movement is a beautiful technology   but these Technologies can be used for pretty  much two things well probably more but let's   say let's say two is for solving Generations that  exist and kind of expanding towards opportunities   that that we can project most of the time we are  talking well at least what I've heard today about   the opportunities that they bring however we also  can use them for solving certain challenges that   just exist so in this talk I would like to  position the web I will call it web 3.0 just to  

kind of uh remind that it's different from the  free and that is not only fintech and and crypto   in a broader context between intersections of  interdisciplinary Fields including distributed   I.T systems decentralized governance artificial  intelligence social Systems Technology policy   and the role of technology in human development  as a whole and asking this question what is the   potential of the 3.0 movement when consider the  evolution of human society and human species   in principle in this century and beyond my name  is Kabir betas and I have spent the last decade   studying intelligence in the interdisciplinary  manner or at least before a couple of years ago   and currently I'm helping my team to run a deep  talk startup monit which is where we use the 3.0  

Technologies as a part of it for developing a  decentralized Computing platform and economy   and Paving away for the cooperation  between machines and humans uh for the for the digital age which hopefully  well has come so before co-founded Monet I   have spent a few years as the AI research in  Singularity net which is building a Global AI   Marketplace for AIS to interact with each other  and before that basically I came directly from   Academia from the global brain Institute in  Free University of Brussels we're actually   all three co-founders of Monet have met in 2014  so the global brain is a vision of a planet is   scale information and communication technology  Network that include exactly what we're doing   interconnects all humans and the technological  artifacts into one socio-techological system   So eventually this Vision basically projects  that this coordination will become increasingly   intelligent intelligent on its own uh eventually  taking over coordination [Music] and communication   from traditional organizations and Nations States  possibly which are traditional organizations and we'll start playing a kind of role  of a brain of planeters which hopefully   will make us more intelligent  for so flying the spaceshipers   and most importantly for me this this Global brain  uh research initiative let's say let's call it   this way is an interdisciplinary research program  which relates cognitive science distributed   systems complexities and science computer science  AI philosophy of mind and many more so I have also   done research of AI policy and applying AI  in a social group like how AI will integrate   into the social fabric of our society as well  as basically technology policy design foreign 3.0 I believe that this web free movement in this  broader sense and the technology that it can bring   or it brings a can be I mean will help our  sociological system or our society Humanity   to become model intelligent adaptive and  responsive to the challenges of the of the   ship spaceship earth uh and to solve  a challenge that is currently facing why is that the main the main statement or yeah  reason for for me thinking so is that I believe   that intelligence is inherently and necessarily  decentralized so basically you do not have such   a thing as non-decentralized intelligence and  these Technologies are the 3.0 bring well rather   we develop within the movement of 3.0 uh bring  this decentralization into our computational   economic political and natural universes  or rather they bring us they give us the   opportunity to decentralize and to become to make  the sociotechnological system more intelligent they usually used term is actually distributed  intelligence rather than decentralized   intelligence and we can think of let's say natural  systems like brain which are made of neurons and   neurons are pretty stupid well let's say simple  systems and the thing that makes our brain   supposedly well intelligent is just that  there are many neurons and they interact   between each other and we actually do not really  know how does that happen but we know that this   is pretty much what happens is that a lot  of simple systems interacting between each   other in adaptive and fluid way brings about  intelligence another textbook example is Angel   where again an aunt is quite a simple organism  however when you put a lot of fans into one   uh anhill and they interact  between each other they become   very intelligent and what you need for that  you need communication medium so electric   signals in terms in in in case of brain and in  case of neurons and pheromones in case of ants so I consider that 3.0 not  only technology movement   first of all not only technology but  also movement in order to change the society and how do we deal with  well how do we still spacious person   uh so undoubtedly it started with a  beautiful technology of blockchain but   at least the movement started  I don't believe that the the   overall space started with that technology  of a blockchain inspired us to to get into   to movement which I believe may change the way we  interact with a spaceshipers and with ourselves   and with the technology now I will skip the the  sort of convincing moment that the free is not 3.0

however looking from somewhat different different  corner of debate and relating to the presentation   of doctor I'll follow Tosca a social technological  development of human society so La shrap executive   chairman of the world economic Forum has coined  the term forced Industrial Revolution which I   think was not mentioned and that is characterizes  Fusion of physical digital and biological worlds   into a single complex socio-technological system  where each part of the system has a high degree   of autonomy to decide how to behave meaning that  technological artifacts in this system we'll have   a degree of autonomy or intelligence to behave  and to choose the way they behave in the system   and this is impacting all disciplines economies  and industries and importantly to how we are   able to integrate all those human constructed  systems into our natural systems for attempting   to deal with uh yeah with the challenges of  space reports and then stabilizing the system   if we are able to do that and that relates to  the quite a few talks about the metaverse a in a sense that from that perspective we can see  metaverse as a space where we can not only play with or interact with each other as humans but  also have a yes or let's say technological that   effects and by interacting with them become more  intelligent intelligent and adaptive and resilient as a global social system and a global organism so I mean sometimes when all right technology is already playing a  large part in human intelligence and this   trend will just continue to increase now if it  sounds a little bit too far-fetched let's say I   believe everybody had this this experience when  they lost internet connection somewhere in the   unknown City and they have to find a place yeah  or rushing to the to the to the to the meeting   meaning that sort of this effect is called  the extended mind mind sees it meaning that   our minds and our brains and our intelligence  from the point where we started to interact   with technology it's not only in our bodies or  in our brains but also they are extended to the   technological artifacts that are around us or to  which we interact so let's say this tablet is my   pretty much important piece of my memory  without that I may become less intelligent   based on that that thesis and this  thing can go pretty far if we imagine   interaction and communication with uh with  all the technological artifacts well let's   say through the metaverse we basically do not  exactly know maybe we do not care whether any   any human entity is behind the avatar and  I would argue that it's not important to to establish that identity because if  these avatars are intelligent enough   for us to engage into this thing communication  and to enrich ourselves why would we care that   there are humans behind that and certain  examples of let's say certain [Music]   kind of new new examples of these models   language models proof or at least demonstrate  cases where you have a conversations with those   language models that kind of gone beyond the  average conversation with humans and why why not so it's probably clear by now that I'm talking not  only about individual intelligence but the whole   social technological system as an intelligent uh  complex system or intelligence yeah global system   so and which is decentralized intelligence or in  in this perspective of global brain it's a global   brain so once again if it sounds a little bit too  far-fetched talking about interacting with AIS   and AIS or technological artifacts playing  a role in our social technological system   we can think about well actually AI sorry GIS as  I call AGI is a artificial general intelligence   they already exist in our society for a few  hundred years probably and these are legal persons   or corporations so we we can pretty much imagine  that corporations the distributed intelligences or   let's say intelligence is surroundings distributed  wetware which are our brains and the algorithms   that they sort of run are corporate laws legal  systems and things like this now but what are   the values of those systems and the values of  those systems is exactly what's written in the   commercial law make profit use that profit for  making more profit and accumulate Capital use   that capital for more Capital externalize all  the costs because you want to do more profit and so given into already taken into account these  systems well technological artifacts on that   is kind of a technological artifact influence  the intelligence of the whole system we can   ask the question how does that make us more  intelligent as a global global brain [Music] now from again another coming to challenges  why we why I consider this topic is of High importance is that as I mentioned the global  risk report of this year of world economic Forum   which was already was cited quite a few times  emphasizes a number of challenges that this   well which awaits this work which this world  is awaiting well not really waiting but they're   coming anyway and that will probably happen in  the next decade or further which includes as we   know the slowly transition to to zero carbon  emissions by 2050 at least this is what they   say uh effectively revealing that in principle our  planetary support systems and infrastructure has   to prepare to for mitigation of those effects  rather than imagine that we can get away   uh so which will with high probability over here  model systems and we basically have to think or   to see how to if not rebuild them but adapt them  so that they can cope with all these challenges so this opens another layer of 3.0 movement which  is governance and kind of political layer which   uh I'm very glad that these things  were were already touched in the   previous discussions and this is  what I'm said that I have simple   small problems that I saw that I would  have to convince anybody about that and what again why why do I see web 3.0  Technologies important this sense and how   do we how can we use these Technologies in  order to make the system uh more intelligent   because I think that these Technologies  allows to express and coordinate between   different values within the shares  of the technological system which is where we all live and interact and on the level  which is really completely like completely next   level and different from what is possible  now or with without these Technologies   so we always well we often hear the  tokenization the word tokenization   that the pre Technologies of a 3.0  Technologies allow us to tokenize any asset   which is true however I believe that's not the  whole story as a kind of story that is more into   perspective of how do we make the global system  more intelligent is that the free Technologies if we use them that way they allow for different  values to interact between each other which   means we can build more Rich inclusive  value systems and we can make those value   values within value systems to interact  between each other and to come up with   let's say optimal ways to steer space trippers  or at least better ways to see a spaceshipers   and what we consider valuable as many dimensions  so and financial value is basically only one kind   of value of a value expression and arguably for  for a good reason which worked for us quite some   time however every Dimension is a it is subjective  which means well as we know different people can   have different values it this can be orthogonal  meaning that for some people posit positive value   for some people may mean nothing for other people  that would be simply indifferent or they can be   opposite some people may positively value things  that other people will negatively value things and   while this is a kind of topic of model Theory but  but the bottom line that I would like to stress is   much of the social governance the way we are doing  that is well basically in general is related to   kind of technical constraints of aligning  these contradictive values and deciding on   one course of action because we all have to steer  spaceship earth or two kind of control the climate   uh and my statement would be that this Val  these constraints technical constraints of   aligning these values that I use now in  our governance systems can be very much   relaxed and made more inclusive rich and  diverse with using the 3.0 Technologies so given massive interconnectivity and  interdependencies our planetary support   systems natural social economic and technological  a app basically what's called complex systems as   opposed to control systems yeah which we  are used to or which were used to build   and one of the properties of complex system is  that they are chaotic and chaotic systems they   basically they defined by this property that a  small perturbation in in one part of the system   can cause huge perturbation in another part of  the system or basically destroy the whole system   which is in late arms called Butterfly Effect   so and in case of the planetary support systems  this kind of perturbations means human suffering   and the systemic effect of all those  those disturbances that that I was   mentioning is that indeed our our social  technological system becomes more and more   uh well it always was like this but  it was kind of managed to stabilize   itself but basically it becomes more and more  chaotic which means unpredictable in our a   let's call them traditional ways of thinking of  our governance and Technology systems as Control   Systems where we can predict design build and  know what will be the results of these things however our well control control  system thinking is basically the   the main Paradigm based on which we  are building our governance systems   so but there is another way to to to deal with  the station let's go this way from the systemic   perspective is that while complex systems  cannot be governed as the control systems   cannot be fully understood however they  are more they can be and are more adaptive   a self-organizing and antifragile so  in a sense more intelligent than alive so such adaptiveness of organizational  and antipragile nature is   again characterized by the degree of  decentralization in the system and   how different perspectives and modes of  operation can interact between each other   and by that guiding the system towards  yeah Evolution or evolving the system so the suggested let's say if  I can say so suggested cure   a for our planetary support systems would be  to use the frit 0.0 technology which is not   the only Europe but one of the options which  is related to the to the to the topic of this   conference is to use the 3.0 technology to make  our source Auto logical system more distributed  

not only from the technological side but also  from the governance perspective by to some extent relaxing our control system thinking and  allowing the system to be enter fragile   adaptive responsive and alive and more intelligent so I believe and hope that we as the global  social system or uh neurons in the global brain   we ought and are capable to take this option of  of that the 3.0 technology presents us oh and   it's not one technology of course it's a huge  ecosystem of technology that is being created   while we are using them and that is exactly what  makes the system alive and an antipragile if we   so it presents an option for us to make  us as a global technological system   more intelligent and in terms of  the of the spaceship earth metaphor   web 3.0 may prove to be one of the key  Technologies among others allowing us to   continue this journey in in in space and  time thank you for attention and thanks well um thank you Kabir it was  a really interesting scientific   very multi-layered deep keynote and if we  put it on more simpler terms what is your   vision uh how our Humanity will look like  in upcoming five years for example and in   this context what are the three takeaways  we have to take from your speech free yes you can go with two or one whoa usually it's more  difficult to get one than three I guess the honest answer would be I don't know  which and I can probably say I can hope certain   things now there was one one good thought that  was expressed I mean that I related in the panel   about the matters that actually whatever we  project we don't know what will actually happen   we can only uh basically project that things will  change we can try to make it more interesting   uh let's say safe if that can be  done but evolution is never safe   so any and in this sort of accelerator change any  clear and specific predictions so basically we   can know that this will not happen that's for  sure but this specific thing will not happen   but what I think is important is to build  an environment for the further evolution   all right so that's hopefully what will happen yeah it's a


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