What is Nick DiRamio Hiding Answering the Web s Most Googled Questions About Me

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ever since I started putting myself out there using online video content I've become more and more aware of frequently asked questions that people seem to have when first encountering me things like what kind of editing software do you use how do you think of all of the things that you say and why do you not seem aware of how much you're embarrassing yourself I don't know and some questions I've just been getting my whole life for example when a telemarketer calls hi little girl can I speak to your father Nicholas why yes you can I'll be right back I gotta hand the receiver over unfortunately life is so busy that I'm not always able to answer every question people send to me online but to those who are just aching with desire to find out more about me there is help available and that's the online search engine you know like ask Jeeves dogpile.com or Alta Vista just to name a few modern examples from from internet history that are almost as relevant as me and that's why today I'm using these search engine Technologies to find out what the tens of twelves of people on the internet want to know about me Nick so establish your ethernet and go restart your router because today I'm going on an internet Witch Hunt to help answer some of Google's most common questions about me as well as some from my patreon community in a deep dark web and I'm talking elbow deep installment of clip breakdown hello television viewers my name is Nick thank you so much for joining me once again on my channel for another installment of clip breakdown this is the playlist where we dive in to our favorite movies TV movies and other such content here on the web and we break it down like someone who just read a really upsetting Reddit Thread about themselves and look at each individual clip to say these aren't Clips they're just search terms and decide if that and that and then I answer them in this case it's a different episode all right I can't make it work always in fact if you're watching this video it means that I'm not working right now I'm on vacation so in order to fill the Gap in my production schedule I've decided to follow the breadcrumb the digital breadcrumb of Goldilocks and the three questions that Google suggests when you start typing my name in gosh you can really tell I'm I'm clearly checked out already and checked in to a cruise but before we get into all this make sure you give this video a big thumbs up that way you never miss new videos from me I upload two new ones every week so turn on notifications and you'll always be the first to know when I've got a new item in the database for you to Doodle base also I've got Merchant of patreon the reason I had this idea is because I recently had to Google my name what was I trying to figure out oh I just needed a picture like sometimes you know that profile picture whenever I need that photo because I try to use it for like all of my social media I don't know where it's saved on my computer it's easier to just Google my name and this time I accidentally clicked a few too many links and started seeing some speculation online uh about about things regarding my physical appearance or my secret suspicious motives and I thought you know what I'm just gonna sit down and address the rumors now the answer everybody is yes I am this annoying in real life but the Google suggested search uh seems like a fun place to answer some of the FAQs but also I needed to check with the the awesome introspective Community I have over on patreon because I knew those would be thoughtful questions so we're going to dive into both as you can see here I started with the search uh is Nick deramio and the first thing to come up is where is nectaremio from great question I grew up in Southern New Hampshire uh right near the border of Massachusetts my parents were both from Boston my mom is Irish my dad is Italian one time somebody was like that makes sense those two ethnicities are really genetically attracted to each other and I was like oh okay that's a really genetics based world view that hasn't been great historically but either way here I am um my parents always worked in Boston too we were like we're very close to Boston so sometimes I just say Boston when I lived in New York I would say that I was from New Hampshire and people would be like is that um like what part of New Jersey no sweetheart it's one of the 50 states there's only 50 of them and and you've you missed one at least because when I'm I'm meeting new people I love to make them feel stupid that's why I do speed dating it's like rapid fire making people hate me um so just to follow up on that I moved from New Hampshire to New York for college where I lived in Manhattan uh because I went to NYU and then from there I lived in La which is where many people think that I Live Now simply because it's close enough but I know I moved out to the desert where all of the old gays go to die that's not true though this this is where you come to live in fact the young gays come here to have like a fun three-day weekend and I'm like what if I have a 365 Day weekend full of work stress doing things that are hard just kidding but I love living out in the desert uh compared to La especially in the pandemic the grocery store lines were crazy let's see what else how old is Nick doramio well it changes every year but my birthday is April 22nd and I was born in 1991. uh so that right now makes me 31 years old that's below the average age in this city where I am now but on the Internet it's old enough for people to call you Daddy I remember making a video for my 27th birthday and I got a comment from someone saying oh my God I had no idea you were that old I was like oh so this is what life is like I guess 20 I mean 27 is feels like a prime age if you're 27 and you're watching this just know you're young um I mean not compared to like a baby but compared to people who have free will and can pay their own taxes you're doing great how tall is Nick doramio this was one of the rumors I really did see online people thought that I was 5'4 I think it was in the context of them saying not nice things about me such as Nick seems like a he's like a 5'4 Napoleon complex eating garbage pieces when the truth of the matter is I eat garbage very humbly okay and I'm a oh generously I always forget we're gonna find out five ten and a half baby I noticed in the gay World everyone puts in their dating profile like their display name if they're over six feet tall because it seems like gay guys really go for the tall ones however I've never been clear on my height because I like to think of myself as a short petite dainty person so usually like at the DMV and when they ask me my height I'm like I don't know roughly the size of a sparrow do you know what size a Norwegian Forest cat is it's like thereabouts don't just write that down I know what you're thinking there's only three predictive questions on there okay so how many do you have turns out if you just type your name in a little differently you can find even more suggestive searches suggested searches a suggestive search would be when the TSA worker looks inside your cavities but puts on silk gloves first so what did I search next um oh just my name uh the first things to come up are very you know kind of common things if you have a social media presence of any kind thank you for searching for my merch by the way nickdaramio.store I love buying domain

names and yes I'm on Cameo who the Shane Dawson get his name off there so anyway we don't need to pay attention to those ones there were three on this list that really stuck out to me firstly ooh nectaremio IMDb this made me very curious as you may or may not know previously I went to film school where I worked on many projects but also for a year handful of years afterwards I was just working solely on um movie sets or commercials or spec commercials or Pilots or things like that primarily as a makeup artist so I have acquired some IMDb Credit in the past if we take a look Nick duramio makeup Department actor known for conspiracy World between here and there and sweet hollow I don't know what any of those are like I don't I can conspiracy World conspiracy palette by Shane Dawson I hope not it says that I'm in the makeup Department this has to be a mistake oh no it says for the segment sweet hollow I I do remember sweet hollow okay so this was a film I worked on after college it was really short so I thought it was a short film but apparently it's a segment in some kind of full-length movie that got 4.5 stars out of 10. um so I do expect to be nominated some configures these Run Deep visit Satan worshiping called entering Twitter to do I wonder the director of this must have like sold this project to a compilation series or is it a movie what is the deal plot summary I don't know conspiracy World it must just be a series of short segments the the movie or the short segment that I worked on called sweet hollow is described as Emily is driving down a deserted Road in the middle of the night to visit her sister but when her car breaks down a handsome stranger offers to give her a ride Emily begins to realize there's more to her new friend and sweet Hall over road than she could ever imagine this one three award best horror film Sean Lee congratulations he must have been the director I vaguely remember his name on a invoice that I sent out Catalina Film Festival Wes Craven Award of Excellence oh this was a good horror thing I know I was proud of my work there was like a cop in it and then the cop turned around and revealed a bullet hole in his head very much like um that scene from The Sixth Sense that I love where the kid is like do you want to see him my dad keeps his guns oh hi everybody I'm just editing this together and I realized that if you go to our favorite free streaming platform to be you can find conspiracy world this one right here and then you'll see my segment at a it looks like around the 30 minute Mark I won't spoil the whole thing here but look there's the cop I was talking about yeah they rented a cop car that's the cop I hurt his head let me know if you feel like we should do a watch party or live reaction to this on patreon are you a member of the patreon family ah do you get exclusive videos I ate a lot of gushers for breakfast so I'm acting a little crazed bye it was freezing it was an overnight shoot and um the gentleman who played the cop had a shaved head back here and I was like do you mind if I just glue a lot of latex rubber to rub your head and uh he was he was a great sport but I remember it took hours in the cold because there was no place to sit indoors on this set where I was like dissolving this glue out of his hair and I could like I could tell I was ripping some hairs out at one point he's like how are we doing back there and then we had to share a cab on the way home and I remember I paid more than half of the fare because he was short uh on some cash not that I had plenty but I also felt bad because of the fake wound that I applied leaving a real wound underneath it this this uh conspiracy world wasn't on IMDb when I last checked so this is new between here and there from 2013 I wish I knew what that was I that name sounds familiar I was the makeup artist oh yes of course James bartol very talented great director but I also believe uh works as a production designer now that was fun one of my first jobs as a makeup artist and uh it was very easy because it took place in the past so it was like you know as a as a starting makeup artist I was like I don't quite know what blush is Yet now I'm too much sometimes I think I know her too well but uh that's okay because in the olden times people had pale faces is how I feel so it worked out the rest oh drive me crazy that all took place in a uh like laundromat in New York and it was all overnight shoot that must be why I still have a terrible sleep schedule hi how am I just now realizing that Bowen Yang of SNL was in this film like I obviously remember working with him but I did not make the connection all these years later that it's the same bow and yang of SNL and the Fire Island movie on Netflix he's hilarious I think we got along well I mean I remember thinking like oh that's an interesting name and he was on set for a lot of time for one or two days I think so cool I'm adjacent to a famous person girl in the chair was really fun um lots of create like she it was based on a neglected child and so scars on the arm from being bound to a chair uh really sunken features and at one point there was a nightmare sequence where she had uh I give her black sclera contacts and these fake teeth I have no idea what absolute threshold is oh my God absolute threshold one of my good good good friends Erica Rose who is now like such an amazing up and coming director uh and she's like doing so much cool stuff a lesbian bar project and just like such an asset in terms of representation from not only uh women filmmakers but also just um queer artists uh and the whole queer Community Erica Rose I love you but I'm not just a makeup artist who never had a license to practice makeup I also was in an extra in Black Irish that was this movie starring the kid from um Sky High you know the movie Sky High I sat in a classroom scene next to him and then the girl from the beginning of the Ring two sat in front of me and then the and then when he came in late to class I turned around and looked at him I'm talking too much about the self the Sharon Osborne show of course one episode 2003 we've talked about that on this channel before that was fun I don't know who's searching for my IMDb page but I want to figure out how to get information changed on there because some of it like my old stage name Nick d d e e if you saw my attempt at a musical career uh I covered that whole album in a video as well would prefer that we all just erase that from our memories and the hard drives of our existence what else do we got Nick doramio Sharon Osbourne I literally just talked about this so um yeah for those who don't know or don't want to watch the video if you don't want to watch that video you probably aren't watching this video Let's just say that did you know that I'm eating candy and it's midnight right now chewy sprees are the best I like to pretend they're pills I don't know why that's like a weird thing to say so I won the AOL make your own scary movie contest with a short three minute film film little movie I made with my sisters as the actors called in the night it was chosen as a finalist and then got to be voted on um out of like five others on this AOL homepage and mine somehow ended up winning anyway after I was in some local newspapers I got a call from the Sharon Osborne show they interviewed me about it she said our next guest is an award-winning filmmaker and he's only 12 years old Rick D Romeo I know I've said that wrong get out here Rick why do I know exactly what the quote is the next question is nectaremio journey to hell oof oof no one comment that name in this video I have only like once had to completely remove a video from my channel due to copyright issues you could say and this was one of them I literally can't talk about it anymore because because I came this close to getting sued that's all I'm gonna say that's all I'm gonna say but I don't want any I don't want any smoke on that it's to the point where I could not even put it on another link because this person would find me so I'm sorry if you didn't get a chance to see it or you wanted to re-watch it uh but it's best that we all just forget about it until I can until I feel safe again anyway internet let's hide behind this this all patreon which if you didn't know uh is where you can access exclusive bonus content we do a virtual watch party every month it's really fun also I've got new merch coming out soon and patrons are gonna be the first ones who get access to it so let's see what my patreon family has to say Megan you who's your all-time favorite drag performer I think I would have to say Bob the drag queen and Monet exchange Bob the drag queen is the person who helped me realize my non-binary gender identity um by explaining the different ways that they felt misgendered in Life or by the internet and it really resonated with me so yeah I think I'll go with Bob and Monet even though they're not one person Jacqueline asks did your love of makeup come from working on film sets or was it the other way around and if not where did the interest come from other way around yeah I really loved horror movies I went to film school um in order to be a writer and director of horror films because I was always my favorite and in that Venture I realized that a lot of film students start to find like their Niche if not writing or directing the movie there we had to take uh production roles on other student films so the people who were maybe trying to be directors but really interested in lighting and not a strong focus on that and all of their work would become Gaffers or or cinematographers if they loved camera work you know production design you might do costuming who knows but I noticed that not a lot of people were a hiring or employing or using makeup artists on their student films and not a lot of students were taking or volunteering themselves for that type of work and it I felt like it fit in really perfectly with my desire to make horror films they did offer two levels of special effects makeup courses at NYU so there was an interest in special effects for sure um but in my particular graduating class I was one of the handful of people who um was interested in working on set as doing special effects and then I really wanted to become marketable doing just straight makeup as they call it but I don't like to use that term too much so beauty makeup and so I started getting knowledgeable in that and I realized it fit in perfectly with the other things that I love about film which is like painting with light building a sense of Dimension even though you're watching on a flat screen um and Classic Hollywood films I was just always obsessed with how creamy and milky their complexions look uh and the history of cosmetics and marketing in general um I love commercials so makeup commercials were always fascinating uh so it all just kind of culminated I guess also Jacqueline asks are there any drag queens other than James Mansfield that you've become friends friendly with because of YouTube shout out to James Mansfield and the answer is yes for example I've been lucky to meet several Queens local to Palm Springs uh like Rosemary Galore I was just at a show seeing her perform the other night definitely follow on Instagram tell her I sent you as well as Anya body who is another local Queen here who works at a celebrity impersonation show I was at the show and she um saw my name on the list and recognized it from YouTube so we got to take a picture together and I've been a fan ever since also twink trash I had seen always being retweeted on um Twitter and I we just recently dm'd and followed each other so uh that I all credit to YouTube you know I am so honored when a drag queen appreciates my sense of humor because you know I just love the irreverent kind of way that drag as an art uh handle Society handles all like things that are traditionally oppressive to the queer Community or to women or to any other uh oppressed group you know it's like to laugh at it or make a joke out of it is I think really powerful so for the Queens who Inspire my comedy to think I'm funny is a real treat breaking Burl what do you do for self-care after filming or creating stressful videos I.E the ones from bigots that hit close to home that's a good question you know I see the I see your point like the the video topics are stressful and I certainly can get worked up when thinking or discussing Injustice um like for example the recent video I did on the drag queen to Republican conservative anti-gay time pipeline when I'm first hearing about those issues like George Santos I am stressed out right like I'm reading the news or watching it and it's stressful um but I don't typically think of the videos themselves as stressful probably because the process of putting them together finding uh like when I'm sitting here and I say something that I'm like hmm what's a quick concise way of saying that and getting my point across that's also funny it literally kind of feels like digesting it so that by the time I'm saying it I'm like oh I I feel better I just made the point about how unfair that thing seems or how unjust the world is but I really thought about it and I condensed it into a punch line and now I can move on and hopefully I think that's why I like like comedy um that talks about relevant topics because hopefully the ability to laugh at it or point out the ridiculous nature of it makes it easier for the viewer to stomach as well at least for the period of time that they're watching the video that would be my hope so the question though what do I do for self-care um I do love yoga I love running I have not been since winter because it's just so cold and my hands get dry I love watching YouTube as well I don't really watch much regular TV um you know self-care is a like with anyone else it's a big Balancing Act I've been working really hard especially the last few months maybe overdoing it with um the way I try to pack in the opportunities that I'm so grateful for but I have to always be careful to kind of like make the video shorter just so that I can maintain um a work-life balance like sleep I love sleeping but I don't I do not get full length of sleep which is I know not good for my skin which is another area of Injustice that I'm going to talk about now I'm going to go on one of those tangents caretaking whether in the home or a formal caretaking role in the medical field or Healthcare it's just something that America historically has not valued enough we know that nurses are underpaid and preschools and child care facilities do not have enough resources and it really contributes in a big way to the wage inequality of this country for example 76 of all healthcare jobs are held by women in fact you can even trace this back to a political compromise that was made during the new deal with the southern Dixie crass as they were called between 1933 and 1939 domestic and Farm Workers were excluded from Key benefits that the New Deal offered like Social Security a minimum wage the National Labor Relations Act and overtime protections at the time most of those jobs were held by non-white people and in some regions the majority of those jobs are still held by non-white workers and they have more labor protections for domestic and Farm Workers now but that doesn't mean their wages have kept up with the rest of the workforces of the country it creates a lot of inequity in terms of payment like for race and gender in fact one in nine workers are paid wages that if they were the sole earner of their household it would put them in poverty multiple states are proposing what's called a guaranteed income program which is basically no strings attached we give cash to people so that they are earning enough money to live it's going to put value back in and reward the people who do these important jobs and that it goes for all types of care giving whether it's formal low-wage health care jobs or or just family and friends who have to care for each other in illness or due to age or child care all of that deserves to be supplemented how else are you going to pay for the huge price of eggs in this country I think helping people understand what guaranteed income programs are means we can start to work to push for them in our own communities I love um skin care that's a good substitute for Sleep going to Sephora really into the tatcha Indigo overnight recovery cream right now in case that wasn't a question but I'm telling you that also how is it being everyone's cat's a favorite Creator that's an honor that I truly wear like a badge of Pride nope what break in here is referring to is um I often get tagged or sent pictures on Instagram or in stories of people's pets watching me on screen and they do seem fascinated they seem transfect I think it's because I move so wildly and I have bright colors on the center of my chest or is it because I'm Eliza Thornberry and your cat speaks English I don't know but one time I solicited I said please tag me if your cat is watching the TV while you while I'm on it and for like a week I was like oh damn your cats really watch TV all my dog watches is me when I'm eating something he doesn't care what I'm saying or what I'm wearing so while I can't say for sure that I'm everyone's cat's favorite Creator I can say that I Endeavor to be which is why I cover myself in cat urine before shooting these videos hoping that the ammonia will bring the Strays through the screen anyway back to the questions Megan asks what is one of your life goals that you've yet to achieve I would love to be on uh well I've been an extra in a movie in several movies I was an extra in the movie Babylon that came out on Christmas day it was a very long day weirdly also like my old beauty company social media job in Simi Valley I had to drive out to Simi Valley from Palm Springs and I was there for 20 hours um and I did sneak a picture on set they put these little black stickers over your phone lenses but I was like What if I don't take that sticker and put it on my phone but you know there I am with the hood but I would love to be actually uh in a role either on TV or in a movie to see if I can do it I feel like uh I understand from being on the other side of the camera in any capacity what kind of helps sell a performance and what makes acting feel like acting you know when you're watching someone you're like I can tell they're acting I feel like I have a good grasp on what reads As Natural on camera versus how it is in real life you know so I want to test that theory by taking a role good question Sophia asks how do you come up with such funny jokes and lines thank you so much for saying that I'm funny and fantastic that's very sweet um well I think I noticed at some point in high school that people considered me to be naturally funny at least they would tell me that I was I think think growing up in uh we used we used humor a lot in my family I think to get through tough times like we had a house fire and we were we were displaced from our home into a trailer that was on our property for about 18 months um I know that there are many types of situations that are much more difficult in terms of home life like I did have such a supportive family and we had despite that year uh surrounding that I had a lot of privilege growing up but it was still tough for all of us to to cope with that change New Hampshire Winters are terrible the dog that I had my whole life had to be put to sleep that year um and I I that's really when I was first diagnosed with depression so it was great to have a family where we could still kind of laugh and get along um and I also would kind of watch Comedy Movies and TV like everyone else but I think I just always was kind of focusing on writing and the wording and word play a little bit so I um really honed those skills even more in school I took sketch and situational comedy writing courses uh I took it twice actually I wanted to there were two professors teaching it and I wanted to experience the class through both of them and oh I was in an improv troupe in high school loved it it was actually a musical improv troupe like we would make up a whole musical with this great pianist named Andrew who could just like improvise great songs so I think that's also why I find myself making up songs a lot but also it really helped me just sort of like pull words out of nowhere you know when you're on a tangent and you're like I don't even know where the next word is coming from but eventually you get in the habit of kind of knowing uh or having I guess for me like an arsenal of things that I like to draw from that I consider signature Styles uh you might notice some people have commented I love the use of alliteration so if I can be like what kind of Tonka truck tool shed tire tread ran over your face Mr wrinkles that to me is like all right he said it he said a full-long thing and it's just um I think for me it's satisfying to say hopefully it's satisfying to listen to and it makes I feel the humor sound more intentional also for me it's all about the rule of Threes I use that in the beginning of this intro I was like oh gotta say three things um when I'm like fifth thing about doo doo doo and then the third thing like the first two set up a pattern and then the third thing subverts the expectation I think that's my main philosophy on uh comedy is subvert the expected make people think they know what you're about to say and then say something way different that also somehow makes sense um I don't know if that explains it fully but that's the most I've thought about it either way don't overthink it as long as you're laughing we're laughing I'm smiling three things Sarah asks do you enjoy the life of being influencer are there any aspects of it that you weren't prepared for I do enjoy the life of being an influencer I have always been very industrious as the word my mother uses another term might be entrepreneurial I was always starting little businesses um I loved the whole idea of like coming up with the name of a business and then what am I gonna sell and then professionally I right after school where I my production course load was mainly in commercial short form um because and also some experimental I took a experimental film course with a legendary filmmaker Amos Poe which was another really cool part of going to NYU was like the professors you you know were just really well established Boris frumin was one of my um professors for for my initial camera class when we used 16 millimeter film why am I saying so much the point is I went on to do commercial short form stuff I really was interested in commercials advertising meant um and that's how I got into social media plus I was a makeup artist so doing social media for beauty and hair brands was a good fit but also incredibly stressful you would think selling hairspray to Sephora would be like not the most stressful thing on earth it's not like like my sister saves people's lives and I'm trying to like make a boomerang or like get an influencer to do a short snackable piece of content as Sephora likes to call it um and then invoice them on time like and but like the the higher up kind of management I think at not the corporate level but below corporate but still I was on their teams like they those people could be very demanding and it was a high pressure environment so I was always yearning to make a full-time career out of uh building the business out of my own strategy and ideas I was a brand manager and that gave me a lot of those freedoms as well it introduced me to a lot of resources that helped make running this business easier but I love being able to to decide how I'm gonna Market my stuff how what I'm gonna do next what my strategy is and knowing that um there's value and having a having good help and where I can Outsource and what different online tools are available that I can use to like and keep up my production uh schedule and there were days when I was just miserable in those jobs because I was so anxious about meetings or getting yelled at I was always afraid of getting fired that I'm so grateful that I don't have that as part of my schedule anymore and I was just always yearning for like a life without that to answer the second part are there any aspects that I wasn't prepared for I think like a recurring theme for me has always been um like thinking that the this dream job is going to be free of stress when any job you care about my good friend Eric says uh any job you care about anything you care about is liable to give you stress and that's definitely the case here you know that's why I wanted to be a makeup artist I was like how easy you stay in the in the dressing room and you talk to the actresses and it's like yes and that was fun but also uh you have five minutes to do it the director hates it you have to wipe their face off you have to you know anything can be high pressure and if you want to show up like if I wanted to show up doing a good job it can be stressful and particularly with what I do now I really hold myself to a high standard I feel like people expect a certain amount of content from me and I know you're also sweet if I ever am off track with my upload schedule but um I also am like keenly aware that like when the content is out it can help improve people's mood I love when my favorite YouTubers put out a new video like there's this endorphin rush and I somehow attach a lot of my endorphin rush to your endorphin rush maybe uh so that's something I always work on with my therapist is because I realize now like there is no job that's going to be stress-free because I just care about my work um that being said I it's an amazing job it was I'm very privileged to have it um I'm so grateful for all the opportunities that bring me and uh but also the final part that I'll say about that is with there's something about having a office job like an employee job where it even though I was always afraid of getting fired you can prove your income a lot easier than with something like this where things fluctuate from month to month and frankly if you look at YouTube like people can be in one day and then out the next so um I get stressed worrying about the longevity not that I'm going anywhere I get but I want to I want to save money you know I want to like future proof I wanted to be able to have a retirement um so that takes a certain amount of work and that brings in phone calls and payroll people and I have a great uh financial advisor out here who is a dear friend of mine so I'm lucky to have really trusted people on my team uh who know how to make the income that I'm making now how to save as much of it as I can and make it grow over time so that I can retire one day and not be like oh I was on that production schedule for decade and then had nothing to show for it because I bought a Tesla or whatever no shade if you own a Tesla but I'm happy with my Prius right now even though the Bumper's falling off my fault I ran into a like you know you know those what are they called the like sides of the road curbs Darcy asks what is your favorite movie soundtrack oh that's so hard oh I wish I was more cognizant of soundtracks when I watched movies because they play such an important part I'm gonna have to say the reboot of um 2006 the reboot of The Hills Have Eyes For a horror soundtrack I thought it was so unsettling that guitar chords that would happen like that was deeply scary and I thought Innovative so I loved that but otherwise for movies I don't know I really loved La La Land I love rent the movie but can you call that a soundtrack it's the Broadway it's an adaptation of a Broadway show any movie musical Ileana Ileana is amazing and she asks what's a compliment or criticism that stuck with you I think uh criticism that really stuck with me early on I made some sort of comment about like who under the age of X is still a virgin really blah blah and it wasn't a direct criticism but I did read a comment that was like someone reacted and it was like me sitting here as an asexual person and then like an emoji being like and I realized like oh Nicholas that was privilege you know like not everybody has the same background as you not everybody even feels sexual attraction not everybody wants that anyway regardless of their sexuality like there are many reasons why someone wouldn't want to be generalized in that way and it was um just a strong example and a strong reminder that like you do you really know like don't speak it taught me not to speak in such absolute terms and tell people what they should or shouldn't have done by a certain time period because that can be invalidating and I think it made me a lot more aware and compliments I mean I get so many amazing compliments from people that just like encourage me to keep doing this and uh you know sit down and make the next video and it's like always the anything that you've said in favor of my videos is like it does not it is not lost on me so thank you Madison asks love you so much I love you back what's my biggest inspiration starting YouTube and what motivates you to keep making movies or keep making videos week after week there are videos I highlight of my week thank you Madison it's kind of like what I just said where that kind of reaction is so visceral to me like to be like I always wanted to make horror films because I felt at the time that horror causing someone to jump in fear or scream was the most physical reaction you could get out of an audience and I just thought it was so cool and I was terrified of a lot of things growing up so to be able to like take those ideas and turn them around and and and throw it back at someone or use the medium to recreate that feeling in others through storytelling but now I feel the same way about making people laugh or uh voicing an opinion that they're like I had I thought that too I thought I was the only one who thought it like that kind of stuff makes us feel it's a really fun part of Being Human so when I get the response that it has done that and um like for example saying that it's the highlight of your week I so relate to that because there are many YouTubers who I watched throughout my life particularly my 20s where like I would go to those jobs that I hated every morning and I was just like I was so nervous to go into work the anxiety was out of control um and the only thing that would help me get out of bed and like get ready for work was throwing on uh one of my favorite YouTube channels like how to cake it or uh like Trixie and Katya but to think that my videos are doing that for other people and meeting them maybe not always in the best of circumstances or in a good situation like I love when people say say they're watching with their family or their Partners or their parents it's like what a cool concept that like people are brought together by it or that they feel closer to me or feel less Alone by it like that kind of stuff um really makes me proud so it um I always keep that in mind when I'm like I could just take the week off it's like you could but is that really gonna be building like core memories with these people who relate to you maybe if you do a video this week you'll say something that really sticks with people or sticks with somebody who wanted to hear something like that or needed to so just you know trying to read your minds is what keeps me motivated and um it's all for you Damien and I think this is our last one have you ever been recognized in public if so what is that like yes several times and it's always amazing like I'm it was always a dream of mine as a kid like many kids I dreamed of being famous but I realize now in adulthood I would not probably like the pressure of being like like uh Sandra Bullock famous or Keanu Reeves famous did I just watch the movie Speed why those two either way like I wouldn't want to be so famous that you can't go to the grocery store you basically need an assistant to do everything in public but um so to have an audience that where like if I go to the Big Time Rush concert or white party or any large event where there's many many people um somebody might come up and say they love my videos it's always a surprise and it's always like I'm so grateful um and taking pictures with you it's like please tag me it's so cool and one time I visited home my family in New Hampshire uh I was somewhere alone with individually at least with each member of my family so like I went somewhere with my sister and with my mom and my other sister and my dad and each time we were out somewhere in public like we were at a gas station and the um young woman working there uh recognized me and like that was like I just wasn't expecting it because I'm like this is you know the the drive that we've taken so many times like we always stop at this place but realizing that like oh well new people exist now like um and adulter is just kind of like I was so excited that each member of my family got to kind of see me get to interact with one of my subscribers because I was just like oh this is it proves that it's real not that they ever doubted me like my my whole family has always been so supportive of my creative abilities and always kind of pegged me as someone who just like figures out like I set a goal and I kind of just like make it happen sometimes is their impression I think there's a lot to be said about visualization because in the past I've been like it would be so cool if I'm ever like like when I had 8 000 subscribers after four years of cranking out videos that's what would kind of keep me going is visualizing like it will happen it will happen and one day I'll be able to like feel really excited when people in public notice me and my family will see like and it'll just be really validating and then it happens and so it felt like my dreams were like all coming true but it's not a dream it's like just what happens when you I know it sounds so cliche but believe in yourself positive self-talk is really something that I had to work on uh when I when I moved out to LA before starting uh really uploading regularly to YouTube in 2016 because if I didn't have that I would have given up it's hard work there were many nights where I was like uh I just want to sit and watch YouTube I don't want to make YouTube but I would be like well you can watch YouTube after you do the YouTube thing even though there was no income from it and I had to work the next day I realized like there's no one else gonna that's gonna make that thing that you're dreaming about happen and if you don't do it then like the time will pass anyway and you just won't be no closer to the goal I'm not trying to sound like one of those hustle culture people because as I also said finding balance in that drive is also important when it comes to like having a sustainable career for me or like to not burn myself out um so so yes people have recognized me it's so validating and my um I think my family was always more aware of how supportive all of the people who watch my channel are than I am because they read the comments more thoroughly than I have a chance to because I'll just like move on to making the next video and they're like did you see this one and send me these screenshots that of like the particularly touching stories of people who are going through something and got something out of the video so it just makes me feel really proud and excited whenever we get to meet so like I went to the Lady Gaga concert and some people dm'd me I saw you there but I didn't want to interrupt you and your friends and I'm like my friends you're better than them please come say hi if you ever see me it's always so so cool at the flea market in Pasadena that was so cool met some great people at um all over the place so yeah it always Thrills me it also makes me realize like I'm a full grown old person now because like I used to be 22 and now when a 22 year old comes up and they and I'm having a conversation with them like ugh I thought I would lose I thought I was an adult but to me now 22 you seem like you're you're so youthful and young and I'm like I'm old and old so it's it's crazy um to experience that it's surreal and I'm so grateful for it I do not take it for granted I had originally planned to react to some of the art and short films of my patrons but I can tell this video is already getting long so I'm gonna save that for another video perhaps I'll release it exclusively on patreon first and then uh I'll think about showing it out here on the other side of the paywall thank you so much uh to my patreon community for providing these insightful questions it was so fun to be interviewed by you as well as Google nobody asks how to pronounce my last name I don't know doramio is what I say but other people in my family say de Romeo and some online still think it's Demario so I try to just put Nick D in the tags of all of my videos so that hopefully that's all you need to type before it pops up anyway again thank you all so much for watching this video watching any of my videos for being a member of my patreon community for checking out the sponsors for clicking the merch Link Link like all of it is so much more than I could ever ask for the fact that you feel like doing it at all it just stuns me and I'm so grateful to be able to spend this time with you and taka freely about the whole experience over the last I guess three or four it's like four years now that I've been full-time youtubing 2020 it was when covert was three years flew by so um I mean I'm so grateful thank you if you've been here since the 8 000 subscriber Mark the the 1 000 subscriber Mark like there are people who watch my videos now who were watching back in 2016 when I was like doing whatever you know really trying to find what my topic was so and thank you again I don't know what else to say you guys are all the greatest thank you so much for joining me for this Nick Demario Google goggling session make sure you give this video a big thumbs up if you're excited to get back into clipberry down once I got back onto Dryland also don't forget to subscribe by clicking that button right over here that way you never miss new videos from me I upload two new ones every week so turn on notification and you'll always be the first to know when I'm smashing the paywall like the Kool-Aid man thanks for your patience while I take this vacation I will see you next time


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