We Try Life Hacks Without Instructions

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how hard can five-minute crafts be without instructions let's talk about that [Music] good mythical morning i'm a little nervous about today uh with science without instructions we had our engineering degrees to fall back on and with magic without instructions we had 10 years of experience making magic at this desk just for you oh but five minute crafts well you never needed instructions to cut holes in your jeans did you no just permission from my mom okay well you never needed instructions to color no except for the bit about staying within the line okay but you've been crafting without instructions your whole life so we're still good it's time for crafting without instructions do they know who we are we're masters of all trades including but not limited to wicked air guitar here's how it works we're going to be given a set of items needed to pull off particularly unique hacks found on the five minute crafts youtube channels there's multiple channels right multiple if you're not familiar they post tons of crafts hacks and so on to help you diy some ease into your life like so okay what is this how to make a salad how to put dressing on it i think that was don't you see i put too much dressing on this salad but now i can i can do a little pea on it a little oil a little dose of the oil from the little bitty burnt hole okay well you got to let that heal up before you start squirting through it all right the catch is we're going to have no idea because we don't have any idea what these hacks are or how the items work together to do it and it'll also be decoy items that will have to like ignore yeah right like just like decoy should be to throw off they're going to try to throw us off we're going to start off with 50 points and if we get stuck during a round we can spend some of those points on lifelines we'll have 10 minutes to figure out each round and it times up before we do finish we lose five points and of course our resident gen zer ever is back hello ever what's up guys not nothing much man how you been i've been so good how are you guys doing great i don't think we've been as good as you are no probably not i'm doing pretty freaking good [Music] wow all right i love your attitude ever honk honk is this is this like what is this pulling is this like how a rig blows their horn you guys are so silly oh my gosh [Laughter] that's how you get a rig to blow their horn on the interstate well i think it's how you get the bus to stop all right okay he's gonna sing another great song for us if we can make it through this with at least 30 points remaining so that's what's at stake here ever singing [Music] you boys know the drill you will use some combination of the items in front of you to pull off your first hack your life lines are as follows i can tell you what category the hack falls into like cleaning hacks beauty hacks etc for one point i can tell you which items are the decoys and you have two decoys so they're worth one point each oh two decoys and you can get a hint from ever for three points now your time is 10 minutes and it starts now okay first thing i'm thinking is this fan has three levels if we know that the the garlic is a decoy item then we know by default implicitly that it's not a cooking hack so we don't have to ask that question i think we should find out one decoy item just to start because there's so many i feel strongly that this is a decoy item let's get rid of it and then ask what the decoy item is i don't know if there's a philosophical difference there because there's two decoy items and they're only going to reveal one right yeah but if you get rid of that and she says that's another thing then we don't know that we were right about that right all right so we're going for lifelines early this morning we want to know one decoy item give us one the first decoy item is the garlic okay see what a waste we already knew that that was my point yeah but now we know it answered another question we don't we know it's not a cooking thing and we know that i mean it's got to be the fan is doing some sort of party trick i bet you no i mean it's a it's a hack it's not a party trick well we don't what kind of party trick we don't know what we don't know what it's a hack for but this is what would you need to do you need to blow up a balloon yeah that i mean this would never blow up a balloon there's not enough force i've i've experienced all three levels because i really do i mean there's there's nothing i don't want here yeah this is we need a hint from you ever you guys want a hint that's what we just said here it comes funfetti is the most business thing ever don't at me no cap but you can't always have it so sometimes i like to use this hack i've missed the very beginning of that funfetti is the most business thing ever don't act me no cat okay so all right it was a party trick you're right it's a freaking party chair what we're gonna do is we're gonna make we're gonna we're gonna make confetti and we're gonna put it in this and then we're gonna blow it out of the fan because funfetti is that thing where you like you twist it and it explodes confetti right yeah we're making a funfetti cannon with this so i know we're gonna use this we're gonna use the tape and we're gonna use the thing that's in your left hand i think the balloon is probably a decoy item that we don't need okay i'm just over here cutting some confetti hair we are so freaking crafted look at this i just made a funnel i did a life hack within a life hack yeah it's almost like we could be left alone in the wilderness and throw up a party and we'd have a party in there it needs to direct all the air into into this right now there's so much air that's coming around here oh is there a way to like cover it up with more paper or tape put this on that like that yeah this is part of it this is part of it it's taking more time yeah don't worry this is part of it now there's three levels so you got to hit it three times real fast okay don't panic okay you hit it once go ahead and hit it two more times okay all right i'm not gonna panic it's like i tell my kids don't think just do the kneel away i honestly don't think from a physical standpoint i don't think that putting that paper on there did anything didn't you i think it has to be a contained system yeah i'll hold it just bla just blast it at me okay here we go here we go stevie watch this one two three [Applause] we turned it off that's it maybe you gotta suck maybe you gotta suck on it oh you got a little something moving this chick i told you you made up too heavy they're definitely too heavy i agree with that but i don't think that that's our only problem so i'm okay you have just over two minutes left yeah there's air in a balloon and you can you know what you can do you can tape that balloon to the bottom of this thing put all this stuff back in there right but because how do you get the balloon how do how would you even just put the confetti in there yeah but hold on don't think just do wrap the lips of the balloon around you have to hold it really tight the pipe no you i think you no that's not gonna work let me let me hold the do you think you're gonna be able to get the blue on the outside of that throw it over no you are go go there's no way i think i know i think it's difficult than that i think i have to push it you have to push the balloon up against the bottom there's no way we can get this wrapped around get the balloon real big almost popping around time okay that's good that's good that's good that's good that's good that's good that's good it's gonna pop okay hold it hold it really really tight i got i got it i got it oh excuse me hold up hold it and then move the fan you're gonna have to move your hands 30 seconds move it it's it's a decoy get it out of here you have to move your hand your left hand out of the way and and then just hold the balloon all right and i'm i'm get your face in here i'm firing it at it okay three i can let go of this yeah yeah three two lift it up yeah yeah we did it it worked for a little we did it that was it right um uh it's well your time is up and no but ever is going to show you how it actually works all right that hack didn't quite cut it guys because you missed out on the scissors so what you're going to do is you're going to snip the balloon oh and then you just want to take that little top part and then you tape that around the little toilet paper roll let me just get that nice and secure where the heck does his tape start you guys ever get confused by tape it happens to me all the time this is not a good look for us to be shown up by this guy oh clearly what do you mean i'm basically an engineer honestly with this hack he's gonna take it and then you're gonna tape that around and then the most fun part you did great on the confetti i thought you did a really good job rhett you just didn't quite get the mechanism so i'm just going to cut up some confetti here are you guys going to e10 this year what what is that etendy's nuts oh dang it got him i thought you were inviting us to play battleship no you silly goofy guys with battleship then you're just gonna take this confetti you're gonna put it all in the tube and then pop goes the weasel dang that's cool man ours was better no i don't think it was orange was older oh you're so silly link [Music] okay guys same lifelines as round one and you have 10 minutes it starts right paper clip paper clip remote remote control i do not know if the remote is for this thing is that like a sound bar this is a compact bluetooth sound bar let me see see if i can turn it on no there's not even any batteries in this oh okay but there is a battery right here a single battery a single battery no batteries here but a single battery a light bulb led a uh powered toothbrush electric toothbrush with a charging port on the bottom that means there's no battery in it i think we got to get rid of that remote if you have a remote but you only have one battery how do you get the remote to work wow that would be advanced stuff i thought we were going to turn the light bulb on using the power from the toothbrush i think if i just and i was being serious everyone's laughing though but based on that reaction that i tricked you because i got it if i push this battery in and then i take this paper clip and i make a circuit is this gonna shock me then i can operate this yeah i can turn on the there's no power in a paper clip yeah but there's one battery so i'm completing the the connection the circuit and then i'm going to turn it on that work no i think i'm burning something really ever you like to start fires only on the track yo oh you're a track star no you ding dong like music track oh and we are just not on the same wavelength we got to get a decoy tell us one of the decoy items your first decoy item is the toothbrush so we can't start the light bulb up now i i think i don't think this is like a sound bar hack it's like get your soundbar to what i know i think this is just to demonstrate that we can turn the thing on power mode so what we really need right okay so you get one battery that's in there but now what i actually need is i need the the positive power from this battery that is actually working to go to this positive terminal and i need the negative terminal to actually power the other negative terminal that's the only way to actually get i don't think so i think it just needs to be completed as a circuit all right we've been given another yeah yeah yeah yeah we got to start over all right ever give us a hint man i tell you what guys it is absolutely lit but sometimes it's not so thankfully this hack will give you all the energy you're missing okay see it is you only have one battery to go in the remote or lit sometimes it's lit the bulb dude we're gonna oh on the remote control we're gonna turn on the battery the the light with the remote remote control this is yeah that's what we're gonna do i think that the paper clip is the same size as check this out as the battery so without undoing it how are you gonna the paper clip has got to be touching the base of the the light bulb um so you know i feel like there's been a lot of um gen z uh uh communication that you might be missing you know it's lit really it means no i'm just saying like you maybe you took it too literally literally okay this is a decoy all right let's hear it again it's lit but sometimes it's not so thankfully this hack will give you all the energy you're missing i mean we've done it it's just not working it's not our fault can you go from positive to positive uh it did work uh it worked it is working it is working it works yay yes that's freaking i can see the oh there it is how did that happen yeah you guys did it perfect you really must have gone to school i failed ap physics yeah we we went to lots of school sadly i didn't but hey that's okay because tick tock got created [Music] in celebration of the mythical society anniversary during the entire month of february any purchase of third degree annual plan will receive their choice of one of the past 20 21 quarterly items while supplies oh you thought you'd missed it this is you watching that stuff while supplies left mythicalsociety.com for details yeah okay guys you need 30 points to win you currently have 37 i'm gonna start your 10 minutes now i want that song from ever aluminum foil and a lot of it aluminium we've also got a dryer sheet a dryer sheet don't eat it or actually don't sniff it because it's really strong smelling speaking of strong smelling we've got this uh aerosol dry spray antiperspirant deodorant spray cfcs that's not bad so we got and we have a pencil and we have a cellular telephone a mobile phone okay if we've got 37 points and we need 30 to win we can actually i think we can use all of our lifelines if we need them why not if we still get it so i feel like we should at least just get we should at least get rid of an item right up right off the bat let's remove an item your first decoy item is the dryer sheet oh good let's get that out that would have been difficult okay uh i mean do we want to remove the sec let's look you want to know what a genre what genre we're in yeah you're trying to execute a phone hack okay so we need the phone so we need the phone well let's see what the condition the phone is on phone hack i mean it's i don't even know if the phone no it's on i don't even know what type of phone this is it's like what what is it's like a prepaid phone like a burner uh is there like a light or something like phone hack what do you mean like make an antenna for your phone i think it might be something related to the outside of the phone like a case around your case let's remove another eye let me make a phone case out of this aluminum foil yeah all right let's remove the other item the second decoy item is the deodorant oh good okay all right so it's just foil and a pencil oh maybe it makes it where you can like wrap it up you can listen from a distance through like a tube of aluminum foil like if you don't want to listen it's like you don't want to touch your phone which you still want to have a conversation what the pencil is good for making holes in this thing or for wrapping it up and making like a like an antenna like i was talking about you need an antenna for oh for you to get better service give better service there is a hole up here if you stick an antenna into the headphone jack doesn't that do something no i'm pretty confident it doesn't all right ever give us give us that here's a hint you guys ready for the hint now listen i used to only think that old people and old wrinkly people like my gma use these things and i kind of still do but then they made a hack for making one so it's like marginally cooler now antenna man only grandma uses an antenna [Music] yeah make it make an antenna you don't have to roll up the whole thing just use a little bit of it yeah i mean that's not good enough i said it right there yeah and then what so then like really mush that down here stick this in there stick it down in the headphone jack use the phone oh yeah now make a call calling someone that i normally wouldn't be able to reach dude you could talk to somebody in alaska with that thing okay so is that it i approve shred the documents that is not it okay again i would say there's an a there's a generational age thing going on because i i would say my mom would use this but yes perhaps trevor's grandmother oh a phone can vibrate we're going to make a vibrator it's a thing where they can put the phone on their shoulder and talk guys guys you really got to tap into your brain to get this hint you got to get this hat going come on just tap in tap in is that another hint i don't know what to tell you man you think i can make no you're right it's it's just a it's one of those that's you're right dude no it's not no no it's tat tap in tap tap your phone it's instead of using your thumbs they do the one finger tap you you the first part of what you said was correct and then it went they tap i think it's a distance tapper why don't we get too close to that technology oh it is working look oh yeah okay so a stylus yes it's a stylist yes yes yes yes yes yes yes because you made it work well you gotta go back somewhere else let me open an app yeah yeah it's a stylist did we get it oh man you guys must have seen the latest edition of dev hour cause you guys got that one so good yeah we did without any additional help from anyone like stevie thank you ever that means we won the right to hear a nice little song from you look guys i actually this is a song off my unreleased ep ever forever and i wrote it just for you guys so here it goes red and link you guys are so good at crafts it's like you're playing popular block-based game minecraft the way you craft but you're not miners your crafters the way you hack these crafts five minutes five minutes five five minutes more like 30 seconds if you really get down to it but it's okay because you hack them and you craft them you guys are the best love you guys shout out to all my fans what's up thank you thank you make sure to check out ever forever when it releases on spotify apple music all that stuff man i i was searching for like a structure there and realized that you know what that was my age showing thanks for subscribing clicking that bell you know what time it is i'm laura and i'm andrew we're here in monterey california celebrating our honeymoon we just got married two days ago and it's time to spam the wheel of mythicality at first i thought they were just like falling through the sky yeah and then all of a sudden it appears surprisingly calm for falling to the side congratulations yes and click the top link to watch us guess what craft sauces and dressings have been combined to make new sauce as a good mythical mole but they got new names and to find out whether willow mythicality is going to land during february third degree annual plant purchases will receive their choice of one of the past 2021 quarterly items while supplies last visit mythicalsociety.com for details


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