I Accept Even More Random Tech Crap For A Video

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in today's episode of accepting a whole bunch  of random Tech crap from my inbox there's some   box smelling action I learned to write whoa  this has quite the learning curve to it and   I become aroused it being borderline  arousing is kind of a problem right [Music] so I think today we're going to  start with the smallest package   and then scale it up from there  so that we can more comfortably   accommodate the bigger ones and I think  that means we're starting with this one oh we've got a little note on it with what looks  like very wildly written Japanese on it I just say   it's Japanese because that looks a little bit like  hiragana wow the high dock seems like one hell of   a dongle it even has what looks like a speaker  so that's pretty cool that seems upside down and it smells like the inside of an NZXT AIO box  in here which is a bit of a weird smell to   have on the inside of a dongle box but anyway  let's open that up and then again in what I'm   pretty sure is upside down packaging we have  the big ass dongle thing look at that this is   quite a solid feeling device we've got is that  metal no it's definitely plastic you can see   the casting lines and stuff there it's also got  a speaker Grille and some matte rubber buttons   it's a little bit of a click to it you know it  feels decent and then going by the call button   I'm assuming there's also a microphone in here for  like Zoom calls or shouting at strangers on the   internet and then in terms of i o we've got a USB  3 and then two USB 2 ports on it but I guess it   makes sense right if you're going to plug a mouse  and a keyboard into it you don't need more than   USB 2 and then finally on this side we've got HDMI  and a type c Port but no ethernet which I think is   a bit weird for one of these dongles but anyway  let's let's move on to the next bigger thing translator earbuds what reading the marketing on the box of the little  time Kettle got me pretty intrigued it apparently   has 40 online languages and it has up to 95  accuracy that is crazy it only takes between   0.5 and 3 seconds see very intrigued that is very  exciting I think the idea of a thing that just   translates in your ear is awesome I'm skeptical  though it's a very standard looking Wireless   earbud Pebble it also comes with a little car  that has login details for your app on it and   an instruction manual which let's check that  out and the manual immediately got me concerned   considering that it was riddled with spelling  and grammar mistakes which is not a good sign   for a language translation product other than  the confidence inspiring manual it comes with   some silicon tips for the earbuds it also comes  with some stabilizers I guess you call them for   the earbuds foreign ly it comes with a USBC cable  for charging which is very good pull out like that in here we have the little Babel Fish things  which have a shape that makes me feel like   they may get sued by Apple at some point oh  they actually light up like that so that you   can see that they're charging and then on the  back you have the USBC cable for charging cool   okay let's move on to the next thing which  has one of the pulley open things to open   oh that's always fun oh it's  like a writing peripheral for   you to make your erotic Hello Kitty fan  fiction with or whatever that's cool it looks like half a glove [Music] oh it's like a palm rejection  glove right so that the tablet doesn't   get confused by your palm okay what if you have  18 feet across hands like it's I mean it barely   fits my hand I you know I guess it makes  you feel like you're in the future Dollar   Store future but future nonetheless aside from  the half glove you get a square USB to type c   cable some extra keycaps a USBC to square USB  adapter and then finally we have like a like a   Sim ejector looking thing we'll figure out what  that's for later and I think this maybe the pen that looks like a thing you can write on  it's even got like a mechanically feeling   buttons on it that's not a terrible  little volume switch thing and then on   the back it's just got some little feet and  texture so that it sits on the table nicely   oh Carter looks like a pen now the writing  utensil is like a click button on the side   and then we've got the tip with its obscene  amounts of pressures that it can read and   then it feels quite nice as well it's got  like a like a rubberized matte finish to it   and even this feels quite nice I am excited to try  this out I may actually try and play a game with   this peripheral life I think playing some GTA  5 with a pen should be awesome although aside   from gaming on it I'm not entirely sure why Vic  thought I was the correct person to test one of   these considering that I've never used one before  but at least I am very good at drawing so I'm sure   we'll be able to figure something out yeah okay  let's move on to the next thing [Music] oh we've   got some beats gear oh there's two of them I have  no idea what this is uh it is Android and Windows   compatible apparently and then the model color  is cardboard colored so that is exciting [Music]   it it is actually cardboard colored  it seems just going by the box I would   I was joking about that  but it seems to be accurate   I'm assuming this is what you use to carry your  Beats gear around Hmm this branding does make my   Spidey Sense tingle somewhat we also get a power  supply for our Beats by gear in the box we have   an extension for the power supply so that we can  move the Beats gear a bit further away no way that is a cigarette lighter power supply so that  you can do some my gear while driving which   seems dangerous and in this I think it's like a  sound card maybe because we've got a USBC port   on the back and then an AUX port on the other  side and then we get an aux cable along with   it and it also tells us to very carefully read  the instructions before doing some beats gear   but before we read that let's have a quick look at  it I think this is oh what it looks like a pillow it's like a seat cushion on the  side we've got some IO for it I   then checked the second box for Clues  as to what the Beats gear was for so   this one is black as opposed to the like  prosthetic limb color of the other one and   despite spending a while examining it  I couldn't figure out what it was for I'm gonna have to read the  instructions I am gonna sit on it   while I read the instructions because I  assume I mean it's quite comfortable I'm   not I'm not gonna lie I don't know if this  is its intended use case but it works well   as a cushion and after spending some time in  the manual I eventually figured it out so like   I'm guessing it'll make your butt vibrate the  explosions and stuff okay I am actually quite   excited to try the Beats By gear maybe it's  supposed to be by my lower back and not under   my butt but we'll we'll figure it out uh so with  that let's get to the actual using of the things now I guess we're starting off with the high dock  which I'm going to be plugging into an Asus laptop   that ironically has a very good I O so it doesn't  actually need the high dock but just imagine this   is like a dongle book or whatever and then we're  just going to plug some normal house stuff into   it like a keyboard a mouse and a monitor I did  want to plug ethernet into it but it doesn't   have an ethernet port for some reason now as far  as I understand it's main gimmick is that it's   like a at home boardroom phone replacement thing  which again kind of confuses me as to why they   thought I should test it considering that I've  never been in a boardroom before and I'm sure   I'd probably spontaneously combust of boredom  in one now there is another USB C Port that's   PD so I think you can plug it into the wall and  then it'll charge your laptop and stuff as well   oh it's lit up in green hey it has just done  the thing um now what this am I done testing it   I then decided to check out its Kickstarter  Campaign which was filled with pictures of   people doing generic business things near it  but then they explain how one of the problems   that it solves is fomo fomo from what being in  a boardroom because it's definitely not helping   with ethernet fomo anyway I then decided to test  out the speaker I have versions of songs I use in   videos a lot with vocals you know because they  keep talking about its vocal quality and after   spending a while listening to various songs on it  I came to the conclusion that it sounded like a   dongle speaker it sounds exactly how you would  imagine a thing like this to sound it's kind   of uncanny I will say it does go uncomfortably  loud so this is me talking uh it is now arm's   length for Me Maybe This is the distance people  stand from a conference phone I have no idea and   then when I walk across from the room now I'm  about three meters away from it and uh I'm gonna   I'm gonna speak at like a normal speaking  voice for me which is still quite loud but   um yes I then decided to be very professional  and test the USB 3 throughput on it using Crystal   disk Mark and an external m.2 drive with the  drive plugged straight into the USBC port on   the laptop I got this result but then when I  put the Hub in the chain we lost some serious   throughput wow that has really dumpstered the  performance so just redid the test swapping out   the USB cable plugging in the external drive and  we're getting the same result so the performance   brutalization is the hobb's fault but it's not  that bad you know it's just a 10 Factor reduction   in performance of throughput that's already  much slower than what the drives capable of next we're going to try the weak which again I am  very much not the correct person to test one of   these but I guess we'll just plug it in and see  what happens okay a couple of lights flashed up   there I feel like it's confused because when  I go from left to right it goes up and down   and when I go up and down it goes from left and  right I then spent a while trying to figure out   how to invert the inputs because of the logo  on the bass it made me feel like this had to   be the correct orientation to use it but  eventually I just gave up and turned the   thing around whoa this has quite the learning  curve to it it feels kind of like I'm doing   physical therapy I think the reason it feels  so unnatural is because my writing input is   down here and then the output is physically  separate over here it's got quite a nice   papery texture to it so it feels like you're  writing I then downloaded the weak drivers   and some drawing software that Google  told me was good so that I could Flex   my drawing skills okay so now that I've drawn  a beautiful flower let's try and game with it um I have never seen that happen before let's see  if we let's try changing Mouse input method to   Windows no that has that is not helped hahaha that  has not helped at all maybe direct input that is   actually kind of working and after fine-tuning  some sensitivity and smoothing settings we were   in business oh I can actually drive with it if  I like press down I can use it to steer look   at that that is amazing it is working better  than I was expecting if I'm oh going straight   is very hard though once you've started turning  you know you wanted to like make a big turn it   is very hard to straighten out oh the motorbike is  not oh because you have to lift it quite far off   no down oh this is very this is  exceedingly treacherous oh no   okay let's try an FPS and see if we can actually  Pawn some noobs with it [Music] if we can get   a kill with the weak then it'll get a positive  review I guess is how that works how do I look yeah how do I look behind me okay so I guess  I'm going down this road I don't really have   much of a choice so I use the button on  the pen to aim down my sights and then   I push it down to shoot okay anyway what I was  saying is it kind of lulls you into a false sense   of security because it feels quite accurate but  when you're actually having to like aim and shoot   it feels really clumsy I can't I I can't go I  can't look up there oh okay this is not a very   good gaming peripheral you only have this plane of  movement so where you can look is very dependent   on the direction you're facing when you spawn so  I need to wait for this guy to be facing the most   useful Direction possible before I spawn on him  I'm in hope that for the rest of my life this is   the correct orientation but after some trial and  error it actually happened oh I got a kill that   is huge I mean I think this is gonna become my new  FPS peripheral from now on some amazing stuff weak now when it comes to the time Kettle translation  earbuds I had no idea how to test them properly   and I couldn't just do like a fake gaming  test with them either so I decided to start   with some basic phrases in a language I once  heard so basically the mode that it's in now   is that it translates what we're saying into  Japanese and just to clarify there's a voice   in the ear about reading the translation Anna's  also got one in she's off camera my name is David this like it it you know they  defeated this uh let's try my   favorite Japanese saying do you get naked for this exact way I know that phrase but there is some  hadakonni in in there so I you know I I guess it   works I then decided to switch things up and have  it translate my very broken Japanese into English my name is Dave okay get naked question mark  um Anna then very smartly suggested that   we listen to a Korean drama on YouTube and  have it translate that which went very well oh no it's not working it's not working at  all I'm not a mother who caught penetration   unconditionally in all fairness I don't know  how reasonable translating movie dialogue   playing back over a speaker is and Google  translate also struggled with it even if it   was in a much less hilarious way no it's also  not like the Naboo article must have ordered   natural paint so are they good well I'm not  really sure although their Amazon reviews   aren't particularly positive neither are the  reviews of the app and the fact that you can't   use them as like normal earbuds for listening  to movies and watching music with is shocking   for a 320 product and from my perspective I'm  not particularly sure how much more it offers   than Google translate which is free but what do I  know [Music] next we're trying out the Beats gear   which I spent quite some time reading the  manual and I'm still not entirely sure if   you're supposed to sit on it or use it as like  a lower back support so we're gonna try both now we're going to start off by sitting  on it which um on the IKEA chair that I'm   using with it it means that you sit very high  and it kind of ruins the um the ergonomics of   the chair a bit now for Windows you don't need  any additional wires other than the power cable   because it can connect via Bluetooth but you  do need to download some software for it and   after installing the slightly fiddly drivers  the Beats gear made quite the introduction   Ah Holy sh that scared me it's just out of  nowhere I mean that's quite the vibration I   beat power 100 oh I need to turn the beat oh yes  when you touch the slider it does things to you   and those things continue to happen while  gaming ah I need to turn it down and once I   found the appropriate beat power I had to dial  in the latency so that the vibrations happened   at the same time as in-game sounds okay there's  definitely a latency issue uh so luckily they   do account for that in the drivers but while  struggling to dial in the beat latency another   problem reared its head sometimes you bump a  thing and it vibrates and then sometimes you   bump a thing and it doesn't vibrate it seems  quite inconsistent with with its vibrations   yeah like there sometimes you hit a bump in  the road and it vibrates and then you like   just wreck a curb and it doesn't I was also  starting to realize that maybe it wasn't   meant to be sat on it is borderline arousing  and I think that it being borderline arousing   is kind of a problem right because I'm trying  to game not get off right so it it doing what   it's doing okay maybe I'm not supposed to sit on  it maybe that's the problem because there's it   sends vibrations all through your undercarriage  which I'm sure none of you tuned into this video   expecting me to talk about my undercarriage but  there is lots of undercarriage action happening   so I'm gonna have to to move it over it doesn't  make sense when it's on your lower back either   because it's not contoured so now it just feels  like I've got a pillow wedged behind me and not   one of those ergonomic lower back pillows just a  slab of thing so with it here with it against your   lower back it's less arousing so it actually  makes more sense I mean I guess it depends   on what you want from the thing but aside from  being less arousing from behind the vibrations   still felt too random it doesn't feel immersive  it just feels like there's a kid sitting behind   you kicking the chair randomly I then decided to  try listening to some music with the Beats By gear   in beat mode but if anything music with a very  consistent Tempo brought the lack of coherency   into clearer Focus even with the latency synced  and the Beats By gear set to beat mode it wasn't   consistently keeping the tempo which just made it  feel like random vibration I spent a good couple   of hours playing around with the drivers but  couldn't get it to feel like anything more than   just somebody practicing their dropkicks against  the back of my chair which I think brings me to   the end of a pretty pointless video although if  you enjoyed it subscribe to the channel and maybe   watch another video a suggestion will pop up in  a second and until the next video bye-bye foreign [Music]


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