Tech Founder Reacts to Is The US Becoming A Dystopia

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this episode and others like it are made possible  by the generous support of my patrons on patreon   if you'd like to help support my channel and get  early access to every video consider becoming a   patron at second thought Once Upon  a Time the human race had a dream a vision of   the future where we had evolved beyond our  petty military conflicts where every human   was guaranteed equal rights where we had time to  spend with friends and family to pursue hobbies   and trades and to do meaningful work that  we enjoyed not because we had to but because   tedious unpleasant labor had been handed off to  automated system as we approached the year 2022   I think it's safe to say that vision is no closer  today than it was a hundred years ago in fact the   consensus seems to have shifted away from this  utopian vision of the future and towards something   much less Pleasant in this episode we're going  to attempt to analyze some Trends in the United   States as we creep ever closer to techno dystopia  there's a trend in modern entertainment we used   to see a lot of optimistic movies and TV shows  where the future was depicted as bright happy   and peaceful there were exceptions of course but  the general feeling towards the far future was   one of hope these days that's no longer the case  I'd completely disagree I think it was fairly well   balanced always has been so scroll through any  list of movies and TV and you'll notice a pattern   just about every bit of media dealing with the  future now has a decidedly pessimistic tone The   Hunger Games The Maze Runner not necessarily  I can think of Plenty that had a positive tone   you know Avatar too people say oh anti-human but  people seem to not take away from that movie that   humanity is now a space-faring civilization that's  that's awesome how's that not somewhat positive   Divergent Oblivion altered carbon snow piercer the  expansion um some of these ones I I would argue   with you know altered carbon sure we're dealing  with one like he's sort of using he's he's taking   bias here because you know subjectively you know  you can cherry pick things in those universes but   you could also look at those universes as being  glorious right like altered carp and where people   are almost Immortal there's lots of good things  there so I I think he's he's being very biased   and not realizing it ants even kid-friendly movies  like Wally have a deeply dystopian undertone what   speed all right that one was very random stuff  find this trend well if you take a look around   it shouldn't be hard to find the catalyst is that  really so this guy's gonna blame it on you know   we're generally heading in that direction I think  not I think it has much more to do with humans   being drawn to drama okay and what's more dramatic  than our whole brand species just you know trying   to kill itself movies and stories just and even  people exploit that to uh get you engaged uh pay   for the tickets and make money right people today  are more unsure about the future than at perhaps   any point in modern history every day we wake up  and there's a new catastrophe massive wildfires   record-breaking heat waves disappearing glaciers  most definitely this is definitely happening but   there's definitely a lot more media nowadays  shoving you in your face and they're they're   talking about it in a very different way of  course and some of it is right you know great   um but you can a good way to look at it probably  if you don't know too much science which acts as   like a good [ __ ] detector it's like you know  what's happening on the left on the right you   know the far ends somewhere in the middle might be  what's really going on so when people are shouting   Doom and Gloom and then people in the opposite  side saying this doesn't even exist you know   somewhere in the middle is a safe bet um but look  currently with the climate it's not looking great   but we've still got a while and we've got a lot  of smart people who probably uh be able to come   up with some you know cheeky tack that'll  save everyone else's ass so you know don't   don't stress but like let's also not be complacent  it's melting permafrost political instability new   diseases people are afraid and one way we like to  cope with our fear and uncertainty is by turning   off and watching a movie dystopian fiction is  increasingly common these days for a couple of   reasons first it's weirdly comforting we can  watch Snow piercer and say well at least my   life isn't that bad film and television offer us  a way to engage with modern problems in a way that   feels less traumatic we can watch altered carbon  recognize the problems that mirror those in our   own time and come away thinking yeah rapidly  increasing inequality is a problem we need   to address it's a more pleasant experience than  watching a documentary about collapsing ecosystems   and runaway climate change but it brings those  same issues to mind people like to relate to   what they're watching even if the subject matter  is unpleasant in a way dystopian fiction performs   a useful service in this regard maybe people  watching movies and having very different   experience right like maybe some people actually  like let letting go of themselves and embracing   the character whilst some people actually watch  it and just look for a relatability sort of thing   right I think maybe there's some truth that I've  done I'm just throwing ideas out here like maybe   some people watch a movie and they're like they  only care if they can relate to it and if they   relate to it they're they're like oh this is great  like yes power to us or whatever and whereas some   people the way I tend to watch movies is like  just be fully immersed to the point where I forget   myself and my being for a while and then I like  the movie and then I come back and I'm me again I   you know what I mean I thought kind of everyone  I've been assuming everyone watches like that   but maybe not maybe everyone's sort of just like  oh I'm relating we often feel powerless in the   face of monstrous crises like climate change and  inequality that exceeds that of the Gilded Age   but we're not as helpless as we might feel we'll  get to that a bit later but first we need to take   like dreams we remember which is in that favor  woman's movie take a look at where to watch it   the new Spielberg movie but the US stands on  the dystopia timeline okay picture a generic   near future dystopia what do you see grimy cities  pollution crushing poverty juxtaposed against   glistening neon towers and usually a handful  of massive all-powerful corporations running   the show that description may already be ringing  alarm bells in your head but let's break it down   a bit good dystopian fiction usually relies on  a handful of tropes some kind of environmental   collapse absurd levels of wealth inequality and  Powerful technocrats ruining lives and often but   not always open the planet to fund their empire  and their megalomania let's evaluate the United   States based on these three factors we'll start  with environmental issues unless you've been   living under a rock you know by now that climate  change is happening and it's not looking good The   Fallout from the rapid warming caused mainly by  human activity will be severe and it's already   begun at as of writing this script Greece has  been burning for over a week and is showing no   signs of stopping thousands of people have had  to evacuate under Red Skies blistering heat and   suffocating smoke other countries face similar  conditions as we saw in Australia not too long   ago coastal regions face unprecedented flooding  as I saw firsthand while shooting a documentary   in the Marshall Islands we're beginning to see the  first climate refugees as entire regions become   uninhabitable the ipcc an International Group at  the Forefront of climate research has just put out   their most recent paper and it's shocking you may  be thinking yeah yeah I've heard this before it's   true the entire scientific Community has been  begging policy makers to listen for decades but   guess what it's looking like it's too late the  new report is full of data that even the experts   didn't expect at least not so soon Glaciers are  melting let's slow down here for a second hey   like uh turbo this isn't looking that bad right  it's it's looking bad but there's lots of ways we   could innovate to definitely turn things around so  people should not be so Doom and Gloom right look   at what we've created right we've turned literal  magic into reality we why couldn't we do that   and save this place there's lots of smart people  on this planet who actually care about having a   future for humans and then there's a lot of people  who just want to piss and moan on YouTube and   don't really understand much but I'm just trying  to say look it's not it's not so Doom and Gloom   right even if our Advanced Society was to collapse  humans will stick around it doesn't matter if the   world heats up a little bit or cools down yeah no  Society or advanced technology for sure but like   humans will still be there so that's a positive  right and then you know if that was to happen I   have no doubt then eventually humans will probably  kick on and survive and then rise up again one   day right so it's not all doom and gloom some  rates that should be happening at higher levels   unfortunately if we don't get our [ __ ] together  before about a billion years you know when the   oceans are predicted to evaporate off this planet  because the sun is getting bigger and hotter   that would be a slow yep that would that would  probably do it maybe we uh skip a little bit   um but yeah we'll keep watching bottom  line is that what's effects of climate   change in fact here in the U.S the current  Administration is don't get me wrong this is   super important right I just didn't expect  that from this video um so he's going to   tie that into I think the broader political  International political environment with Nations   um because it is very related to what's going on  for sure everyone seems to be using the climate as   scapegoat for a lot of strange political Maneuvers  okay so uh yeah I think it is for you to bring it   up in this video actually you should come check  out calvpn post Quantum VPN I've created you can   get a free little trial come check it out it's got  the best encryption on the internet can literally   protect you from chronic computers carrying  on with business as usual while Republicans   will openly deny climate change to muddy the  waters and keep their corporate donors happy   plenty of well-meaning Americans believe  the Democrats actually care they do not   while they pay lip service to long-established  science the Democrats are beholden to the same   corporate interests as their more repugnant  colleagues for example Biden recently said   we can't wait to tackle the climate crisis the  signs are unmistakable the science is undeniable   and the cost of inaction keeps melting that's  nice and yet approvals for oil drilling are on   track to reach their highest level since George  W Bush was president okay but anyone knows that   has you know more than three brain cells that we  can't just stop fossil fuel burning it's really   you know driving our world currently we need the  infrastructure in place before we can just sort   of get rid of it they're working on it so I think  you know this is a simplified view yeah take this   but then also show how much an increase we are  how fast we're increasing infrastructure and   renewable Tech renewable energy stuff okay because  that is really important we still need to increase   this otherwise we risk Society collapsing this  is important for people to realize people want to   who have you know realized this is a problem and  they want to help the climate you know movements   I kind of yelling too loud without realizing  we still need to increase this stuff because   our populations are increasing and you know  we need the world to sort of keep improving   the only way to do what this guy is suggesting  is completely change the system from the ground   up does anyone really think that's going to  happen no the only way that's going to happen is   if this plays out and collapses and then from the  ground up we're like all right let's do it better   this time which again I don't think humans really  operate it with such reason so I don't I wishful   thinking but um anyway let's continue on just keep  in mind this is a very simplified take because   we are improving infrastructure rapidly so that's  very good okay so this is a doom and gloom and   it's not really a fair tank a politician's words  don't mean anything if they constantly act in a   way that contradicts their flowery language the  situation is pretty Grim politicians understand   this but they are invested often literally in the  preservation of the status quo which benefits them   and the rest of the Rich and Powerful read  the ipcc report for yourself I've left a   link in the description voting for the less awful  presidential candidate isn't enough anymore while   climate change is definitely the most pressing  issue facing our species and many other species staring up my emotions exactly on smaller  scale human-centric problems one of the   most quintessential of these is the issue of  rampant inequality the wealthy looking down on   the unwashed masses from their glittering Towers  in Altered carbon the rich have found a way to   essentially become immortal the final hurdle  for the elite why while the poor are left to   suffer and die I love that he focused on altered  carbon which is the exact one I decided to sort of   think about before that's fun so the cloud top  Utopias of society's Upper Crust the Quest for   immortality is something that our own billionaires  are absolutely pursuing there's one startup which   offers plasma transfusions from the blood of young  people in an effort to slow the aging process some   of the more dedicated Elite like PayPal founder  Peter Thiel routinely spend forty thousand dollars   per quarter for blood transfusions from 18 year  olds we also have the absurdly wealthy going on   little Joyrides to space just because they feel  like it Jeff Bezos spent 5.5 billion dollars to   spend 11 minutes as far above the poor people  as he could possibly get meanwhile so this is   a billionaire Heading Video I guess because um  you know if you've got the means to do so why   not right like you've got to allow people to dream  we need people trailblazing I don't get this guy   is not making any sense right you know if he wants  his movies to come true we need Trailblazers like   Jeff and people piss and moan about this song much  but it's like someone's got to do it okay like   oh man people are like but he could be spending  his money over here but people don't understand   how money works his money is tied up in his  companies and yes these people can always do   more and we can we can you know force him to do  more for sure but we don't need to sort of make   it out as if you know this is bad just going to  space like come on while his workers who do the   actual labor that produces Amazon's profits  face some of the most inhumane conditions in   the country to get a sense of just how absurdly  rich these people are consider this there was one   open seat on the flight the person who had the  winning bid nearly 28 million dollars canceled   because of a scheduling conflict can you imagine  that sorry can't make it to my 28 million dollar   space flight something came up Bezos has long been  the subject of intense criticism from the left but   he's really done it now even older more oh man  this drives me insane right I come from very   I still am very poor but like you know he he's  created Amazon AWS Powers a lot of the internet   people have no idea how important it is uh and the  way our system is set up like someone that means   someone's gonna benefit greatly right do we want  to just turn off the internet like do or you know   maybe we can come up with better systems and when  something's so important to civilization like it   you know is no longer a business and become some  kind of government controlled thing for sure but   um ah don't attack the people attack you know the  system while it's easy to point at the richest   handful of people on Earth and say bad there is  still tremendous inequality several rungs below   them for example Jamel Brown a hospital janitor in  Missouri was awarded employee of the month after   Contracting kovid trying to keep other people safe  for his efforts he was given a six dollar voucher   to the hospital cafeteria meanwhile the CEO who  has likely never set foot on the premises got   a 13 raise to 30 and a half million dollars this  executive receives 1 000 times the compensation of   workers society called essential for six months so  let's change the Health Care system okay you know   like this is I I get that he's bringing attention  to this which is good there's definitely a lot of   silly things going on to society like you know  and surgeons who are so important to everyone   make so little in comparison to someone somehow  just profiting off that whole industry it doesn't   make a lot of sense does it and then cast aside  Jamel Brown once considered an essential worker   can't afford his own apartment and hasn't gotten  a raise in two years absurd offensive stories   like these really help to drive the point home for  average Americans Our Lives continue to get worse   while the already rich continue to get richer this  video was taken in Venice Beach here you can see a   few people in a makeshift shelter not bothering  anyone with nowhere else to go being forcibly   evicted by police armed with assault rifles as  the country faces a wave of it's kind of strange   to just bring up some video without any context  like what he just said is great but you know you   know how do we know these people here went I  don't know doing something very dodgy right so   evictions unlike anything we've ever seen remember  this video this is how the homeless are treated   inequality in the United States now exceeds  even that of the Gilded Age The Most Extreme   Verity in the country's history with every crisis  the rich get richer those who consider themselves   middle class lose everything and the poor but  hey you know we want to complain so much to us   in these Ivory Towers in western civilization and  and you know we're like you know these people but   if if we were to suddenly change our system and it  collapses and you know are we really going to be   happy about making those changes when you know  we're trying to start fires with rocks again   or something or uh you know they're people  at the front with guns trying to steal our   family to do horrific thing you know what I  mean like people don't think much about how   fortunate you are to find yourself in a western  country that look at the history man that was   brutal so much Bloodshed just to get where we are  right now that could become a reality again if we   just change some simple things in in society  so we need to be careful about what we change   um people are taking for granted how long  it took to get to this thing which still   clearly is not great but it is way greater  than what we've previously had it has taken   human history okay and people just want to make  these fundamental changes without knowing what   that could mean without even considering all  this all the perspective uh and without really   taking a good look around the rest of the  world and at how much harder life could be   uh it's like that quote I've always loved the  word the most dangerous world view is that of   someone who has not viewed the world and people  like Hassan and all his you know supporters and   people like him they tend to clearly not have much  of a world view I don't think you really can have   a good world for you if you don't even understand  the world so I don't understand how we put people   in power who don't have basic understanding of the  way the world works that means you've got to know   some Physics guys uh and you know do yourself a  favor if you want to be able to comment on just   about anything that means you probably need to  know some Physics right physics is just learning   about nature uh and people if you think that  sounds arrogant you know just try it just try   go learn some physics and if you don't know any  and you'll be like [ __ ] right like there's so   much about this simple this world that I thought  and you realize how simple like the way I was   looking at everything and like how everything is  actually not what it seems and it's like wow if I   don't understand a lot of these things it means  like it's very easy to draw wrong conclusions   I could go on for days but anyway  I think that's enough of this video


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