Watch 3D content on 2D monitors!

Watch 3D content on 2D monitors!

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I welcome you to a special episode in which I'm going to show you how you can enjoy 3D contents on your 2D monitors there will be exciting applications for modern quick pixel response time low image persistence and high refresh rate monitors but please don't expect to use shter glasses on wintage LCD screens anytime soon but even for those screens there's a way to 3D as you will see in the second segment of the video respecting your precious time you can see the chapters of the video here but also in the video description and in the timeline when my 3D capable TV died I was rendered unable to play the PlayStation 3 gun game child of Eden in the 3D mode I could live without that ability but the situation made me think and start a little research LED displays are thought of being unsuited for displaying frame sequential 3D images because of the high pixel response time and high image persistence the 3D TVs that flooded the market in the 20110 attempted to mitigate the problem by strobing the background illumination of the panel at image transitions which hit the AR effects to some degree today owning a 240 HZ fast pixel response time Monitor and a 120 HZ TV while having the hypothesis that I can mitigate any display leg issues by phase modulation of the syn signal I was eager to experiment whether the LED limitations still hold true or whether the return of 3D content can come because the 2010's 3D hype cooled down there's lots of left over stock which vendors are eager to get rid of to regain storage space as such I was able to get Sony glasses for $22 us a Sony IR emitter for $8 us and a signal processor for $110 the signal processor is a shenen you think technology yt- v3d DP which takes side by side of frame packet 3D signals and converts them to frame sequential format to be displayed at 120 HZ and provides a Visa 3D sync signal for external emitters I was able to characterize the Vasa sync signal at that frame rate to be a 59.94 HZ AC Square wave with an amplitude between 3.3 volts and 5 Vols Peak to Peak first I wanted to see whether I could eliminate the proper Vasa 3D sync signal source and synthesize my own because I would imagine the fewest people have a Vasa sync Source in the households sadly it seems that the Vasa sync signal itself is unstable and shifts over time it is derived from the HDMI signal which itself isn't time stable therefore even true synthesizers will get out of face with the HDMI signal over the course of a few seconds pH by the way is what I'm going to adjust to counteract the display latency phase shifts a periodic signal in the time domain and because phase is cyclic in nature we will always land back on the target signal timing if we keep cranking phase in One Direction an adjustment window of 1 to 10 milliseconds suffices to dial in the latency for the 8.33 milliseconds wide half wave of a 100 trenz signal I wanted to start simple using commercial delay circuits but sadly the attempts were not fruitful readymade pcbs didn't work at all and my attempt in using a digital delay guitar padal distorted the signal shape beyond recognition I consulted J GPT on the matter and after a good Lo about its growth in ability I read up on Modern timing ic's and designed a PCB to dial in Signal width and phase unfortunately the output of stage one in my two stages design is so unclean that the second stage struggles to work with it thus the discrete Electronics approach is on hold for the moment and I programmed a microcontroller for the task instead I was able to use my force feedback firmware of episode 214 as a base I connected an uino UNO to a breadboard and gave it two buttons one to increase phas and one to decrease phas in my code phas can just move within a certain interval and one roll over to my great Delight it worked perfectly and proved my hypothesis that any 3D problems caused by display lag can be mitigated by Shifting the syn signal in Phase I link my source code for this project in the video description after my research I was able to find and obtain four commercially available 3D glasses which let the user dial in the face to compensate delay these glasses not only let the user set up face but also give control over the shorter duty cycle which is basically how long the two sides of the glasses stay open for each turn having a higher duty cycle leaves the glasses black for longer which allows to hide minute effects of ghosting which were caused by image persistence and pixel response time on the cost of a darker overall image the most readily available among these and one of my favorite 3D glasses is the Optima 3D RF system which was made by bit cauldron here the RF radio dongle is where the user dials in latency And Delay runner up are the 3D Fury glasses made by HD Fury which let the user dial in face and duty cycle right on the glasses themselves if used with HD Fury RF emitter radio the glasses may be paired with Sony style IR emitters but when doing so they aren't adjustable I cannot recommend the xon dx14 glasses as these rely on an abandoned PC program to set up phase and duty cycle the program will just work if the glasses were registered to a server which is now down I think the results are written to a local configuration file and if you want to help me make these glasses usable again you can send me your populated config file or post the contents in the comments after you removed your personal information the s3d universal 3D glasses by gradient SG are the only glasses of those four which are still being made however they are so early in the product life that I can only recommend to Tinker us as they're painful to set up with the lag introduced ghosting of the double images out of the way I was now able to tackle the main question of whether modern fast LED screens can be used for 3D I tried my PC monitor which is a 2017 made Asus xg258q and my TV which is a Sony KD 55x 85 L from 2023 as a benchmark of how good 3D shop the content can look like I compared the results against NEC p5002 HL laser projector at 120 HZ I can dial in pH for both monitors so that a given area is sharp showing convincing 3D with little on no ghosting both of these displays however build up their image from the top down to the bottom and if I dial the bottom sharp then the top ghosts noticeably when I start to also dial in the shut Duty site the situation changes a lot and the amount of ghosting decreases significantly I can achieve usable results on the Asus monitor surpassing composite video and badly made anaglyph 3D in sharpness in direct comparion to the projector Benchmark however the results are not toly RSE these first results intrigued me greatly and I was eager to test more frame rates to do so I acquired a more sophisticated frame sequential converter the HD yurri X4 it supports frame rates of 50 60 72 96 120 and 144 FPS besides HDMI it has an analog output supporting RGB and ypbpr which allows me to also test computer CRTs I will summarize all findings in a table but I would like to highlight a few key findings the modern displays and the CRT showed a very sharp picture at 60 HZ but suffered some degree of flickering on the Asus monitor the flickering was the least noticeable and quite acceptable personally I can still bear the Sony TV flickering and after a while I don't notice it anymore I would not watch a snow themed movie with that setup but if I didn't own the Asus monitor I would permanently place the HD Fury X4 into the living room at 72 Herz the Asus monitor hits its sweet spot and no flicker is noticeable anymore this became my 3D viewing default Choice when watching 3D movies in ambient light the results at 96 Hertz are still okay but ghost images faintly start to appear which Demands a more aggressive duty cycle to counteract it I tested a PC CRT both with modern gear and with vintage gear using my composite sync PCB which I have shown in episode 184 I feed the yielded syn signal to a h3d video system which was sold at the turn of the millennium to consume field sequential DVDs on 15 khz CRT TVs most modern glasses which I tried on the CRT did not time well with the electron Cannon and showed some regions of the display permanently darker than the rest other than that the picture quality was very sharp the flickering decreases from 60 to 72 Herz dramatically and is gone at 96 Herz using my wintage h3d glasses I can just synchronize to 72 and 9 26 Herz but both of these look gorgeous the image is sharp and there's no flickering in this setup in my opinion the only drawback of the CT in this experiment is the image aspect ratio which for cinematic media often times deviates from 4x3 I was able to scale the image on my monitor and I could watch movies like this without regret but it must be stated that it's not ideal personally I'm very excited about these shter glasses results please keep in mind that the two used LED screens are by no means bleeding edge examples of most current technology higher end LED screens and more so OLED displays with inherent low pixel response time and retention will likely yield even better results also emerging features like black frame insertion are conceptually similar to backlight strobing and might help 3D display even more the major manufacturers reduced their 3D monitor line up and the TVs from the 2010s are starting to break I feel with this discovery 3D media consumption is saved for years to come my experiments are a proof of principle and not a buying guide or a complete solution neither am I suggesting to hunt down certain how to come by shutter glasses just to manipulate the duty cycle many shutter glasses of the naughties let the user directly assess the two LCD shutter panels via open contacts and don't house other electronic with this direct access it's easy to either prolong the shutter duration or to increase the shutter voltage to achieve a similar result I connected wintage h3d glasses to my frequency generator turned to higher voltages like this I was able to rarify that this was a viable route even for a 120 HZ frame rate in theory one could scavenge most modern shutter glasses open them and tap direct wires to the two shuttering panels in the this segment I'm going to show a few other means of watching 3D content on 2D screens before making a deep dive into anag 3D a goofy looking combersome yet interesting method is using Prismatic glasses these have the origin and stereoscopic photography people would print the two half images side by side or top and bottom sit at the correct distance and angle and watch photos through a viewer which allows the brain to combine the two pictures to a complete 3D picture each just seeing one of the pictures glasses for both kinds side by side and top and bottom are available some enthusiasts make videos in this format and some programs are able to convert standard 3D content to it the disadvantages are the need of the user to sit still in the perfect position and color fringing caused by chromatic aberation also using such glasses feels a bit like seeing crosseyed there are two interesting ways of watching 3D video which demand special made content and won't work otherwise yet curiously allow viewers without glasses to see an artifact free 2D version the older technique uses glasses which have one of the two eyes looking through a dark foil visual information is processed slower by the brain at low light conditions seeing lateral moving objects with glasses as described the human brain perceives non-existing depth components for the scene or by this demands a prominently moving in camera or view this so-called pul effect has been used for a slew of TV shows movies and documentaries Dr H dimensions in time and I monster starring Christopher Lee are standout examples in 1988 the technique has been refined giving minute color filters to each side improving the effect immensely notably komodor used the principle for its 3D action pack the games of which I have all reviewed on this channel a relatively new technique again uses prisms but instead of one for each eye thousands are used microscopically arranged in thin Falls the so-called chroma depth glasses take the chromatic aberation weakness of the historic prism glasses and fully embrace it to make it the underlying principle using these glasses different colors reach the eye at different focal points creating a perception of artificial depth the depth order of foreground to background is physically linked to the particular color identity for example red is always in the foreground in front of green and both of these are in front of blue this might sound very limiting but ChromaDepth has been successfully used for music videos such as recover ret treat by the new cassetes and the movie Elliot it was also used for VH1's TV show I love the ATS 3D viewing content which is not made for these glasses looks blurred and shows rainbow colored Halos around outer edges the most popular method of watching 3D contents on 2D screens is anaglyph glasses Cally better known as red and blue glasses the name is unlucky though as modern glasses are actually red and Z which does in fact make a vast difference furthermore there are other color combinations all with their respective strengths and weaknesses a common problem with anaglyph contents is so-called binocular rivalry in which some of the colors on screen appear to Shimmer or strob usually it's the color which is removed by one of the filters like red if using red and sign glasses ghosting is another problem and occurs when portions of one half image can be seen by both eyes yielding partial double vision red and blue was often used in the 1970s and you would come across it by watching on Ultra re-releases of movies from that time red and green was employed in a few movies in the 1950s but was used less frequent after the 1960s both color combinations have in common that color perception is challenged by binocular rivalry in many scenes the San looking filter of red and Z allows both blue and green to pass which allows for Superior Color perception and less rivalry Amber and blue glasses were invented in 1999 and are also known as color code 3D these glasses allow a relatively neutral color perception the ghosts of double images and vearing content without the glasses are thought to be less irritating than with pone color combinations color code 3D was used for theaters and TV broadcasts but to my knowledge just two video home releases made use of it green and magenta glasses were popularized in 2007 and are known as troscopic these glasses mean to offer good color perception and were used a lot on DVDs and Blu-rays the strong ghosting associate with the troscopic conversion process makes this by far my least favorite it is a crying shame because another company also used the same color pair in 2007 but without the ghosting issue by employing more thoughtful processing these magenta and green glasses were known as Tri overis and were mostly used for video games but also for one movie called battle for Terror for this video I wanted to give anaglyph 3D glasses a fair chance and bought a bunch of of movies to have a comprehensive picture of the performance luckily among my very first batch of samples I Saw movies which were processed by a company called 3D film Art Drive who is using Greg kin's adaptive multiband and glyph encoding that was a real eye open of what is possible if passionate smart people are working on something these 3D film artchive movies sacrifice a bit of color to dramatically cut down on binocular rivalry also there's very little ghosting in the movies which is impressive when compared to big Corporation releases such as Friday the 13th Part 3 or Final Destination 4 avoiding ghosting comes down to using the right shade of red and Zion on the monitor that is going to be blocked by matching glasses that come with the movie sadly many companies put very little care into that work luckily enthusiasts can somewhat save a messed up anaglyph movie by using more forgiving filter Falls which pass a wider Spectrum on one eye while completely block the same on the other eye this will negatively affect color perception but leaves the 3d effect intact one for each eye I acquired two F sampler books made by leaf filters to find the ultimate fals for dirt yourself glasses like leay from the mtbs 3D Forum before me I found that 026 bright red and 141 bright blue avoid ghosting very well while keeping being the stereoscopic effect intact when a movie doesn't work well with its supposedly bespoke glasses then I change to my customly glasses and have a great experience again the Adaptive multiband anaglyphic encoding was not the first of its kind in 2005 a company called sensio offered a processing technology which was also supposed to decrease binocular rivalry and improve color perception the so-called safe 3D encoding it was used for the movie Shark Boy and Lava Girl and an episode of the TV show medium personally I'm not impressed with the results while binocular rivalry is indeed greatly reduced pretty severe ghosting is present even older than safe 3D is mar Dawson's anaglyphic contrast balance abbreviated as ACB 3D which he patented in 2001 as Studio 555 he distributes ACB 3D content on his personal website the ACB 3D processing yields in the best anaglyph images I have ever seen no binocular rivalry little if any ghosting and beautiful color preservation these images look especially good when seen through ACB 3D handheld glasses which are very carefully manufactured red and San viewers I taped a frame to such a ACB 3D viewer and it became my favorite anaglyph glasses these completely filter out some colors while leaving alone much of the spec and hence are shockingly color neutral for red and San glasses they work great for generic red and San movies if I had to replicate those using Le filters I would choose 106 primary red and 116 medium blue green in my research I stumbled upon something which contemporarily was lost at and belittled as Poor Man's 3D 3D format to 3D anaglyph converters they are both software products and Hardware converter boxes most boxes just support side by-side formatted video but the helor 3D video visard also accepts 1080i or 720p frame packed 3D content and thus can be used with 3D capable consoles and Blu-ray players it uses Amber and blue glasses and performs very well this device earned itself a permanent location in my living room bearing in mind that there are gaming consoles and Blu-ray players which do offer side by side out put the more common converters are still an attractive option considering the low price for just $23 I got the ab 3D box straight from the Polish manufacturer and it works great when used with my custom Ren s glasses now being aware of the publicly lesser known true capabilities of anaglyph 3D personally I would love to see a company licensing ACB 3D or adaptive multiband anaglyphic encoding for a software or Hardware converter product yes a well-maintained shter based 3D setup is superior to anaglyph 3D but it is also a hassle a big appeal of anaglyph 3D is the ease of use and the vast compatibility to various display types much like the Nintendo Wii tainted the reputation of infrared motion tracking for well over a decade I feel the general opinion on 3D home media has been unjustifiably deteriorated by greedy corporations chasing a quick profit during during a volatile cze lackluster 2D to 3D automatic conversions terrible anaglyph movie versions and underperforming cheap supposedly 3D ready TVs left a bad taste in the mouth but also like with infrared motion tracking a few passionate enthusiasts is enough to keep something alive and even to start a new beginning this is the end of the video my name is Ben I thank you for viewing

2025-01-28 09:50

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