Warehouse Wi-Fi Designing a Future-Proofed 6GHz Wireless Network with Ekahau

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You are about to watch the best thing  we have ever created showcasing using   Ekahau's latest technologies to optimize existing   Wi-Fi and design a new 6 GHz Wi-Fi for  1 million square ft L'Oréal warehouse. We are at the largest Warehouse I have ever  seen in my life, over 1 million square foot   of Warehouse. 10 football fields large, can  you imagine? I couldn't imagine but now I'm   here I still can't even imagine how big this  is now just to give you a quick overview we've   done 120 km walking around this warehouse and the  introduction is actually the last piece of content   we are recording here. Yeah so it's actually a  bit like playing real life human Pac-Man with the   amount we have to avoid getting hit by forklift  trucks as we're walking around uh and we're here   because we're helping L'Oréal with their existing  Wi-Fi network that they've got here see if there's   any ways we can improve it optimize it make it  slightly better for them whilst also capturing   all of the data that we need to design a brand  new shiny state-of-the-art 6 GHz Wi-Fi network   for a warehouse so stay tuned for that content  because like we are using two different types of   access points and antennas and positioning them  against the ceiling against the walls suspending   them down it is really really interesting to talk  about and think about how to do a perfect design   for fast roaming high capacity future-proof to  get AR and VR running here and most importantly   for everyone to be happy not dropping off  and amazed with how great the Wi-Fi can be. But the first step before we start on our marathon  of site surveys is to get the full picture of the   requirements for what a successful Network looks  like in an environment like this we're up here   on the mezzanine overlooking what is actually  1 million square ft of L'Oréal product finally   somewhere they can actually store all of my hair  products there are a few things that stick out   right away as challenges to me these ceilings  are incredibly high around 13 M or about 45 ft   and you can see that the existing design has  APs mounted way up by the ceiling and using   omnidirectional antennas we're going to want  to bring them down much closer to the action   and use a different type of antenna because  one of the biggest challenges with Warehouse   Wi-Fi is providing good roaming and coverage for  client devices whilst also minimizing contention   or CCI we're also looking at metal everything  everywhere which is just going to potentially   cause a lot of interference and reflections of  the Wi-Fi signals on the positive side we're   working with air conditioned space the products  housed here aren't meant to be stored at crazy   freezing or hot temperatures so we're not going  to need to incorporate any external housings for   our access points we've also identified a few  different requirement areas we've got massive   aisles of storage but we've also got this  second floor mezzanine area that facilitates   things like processing returns and just off to  the side there we've also got a packaging area   where the product is pulled from the shelves and  prepared for shipping three very different areas   that will require different considerations for  the design as for the client devices we've got a   mix of forklifts and foot traffic with inventory  scanners as well as some other Wireless scanners   in the packaging area that are all going to be  highly reliant on the Wi-Fi. This is the sort   of textbook business critical Wi-Fi scenario the  client devices down there are scanning inventory   assembling orders shipping products outages and  issues will directly impact the bottom line.

We are really fortunate to be able to see the  devices and processes in action when we met   with the networking team they talked us through  how the systems interact with one another almost   like you would get a tracking notification  when you buy something online and then you   watch as the package go from the warehouse to a  regional Hub then to a more local distribution   center and then finally by carrier to your  home the different scanners are creating   exactly the similar journey from place to place  documenting where everything is providing order   that streamlines these processes. Time is money  and Wi-Fi is absolutely critical in every possible   way. One issue the current Network suffers from  is very bad roaming when these forklifts and   these scanners can't effortlessly roam from  AP to AP they lose connectivity and have to   stop where they are and attempt to reconnect to  the network before they can proceed these short   disconnections they add up big time and they also  cause a lot of headaches for you for the IT team   who has to get involved with troubleshooting  all this bad stuff with our new network proper   roaming is a must and in the future automation  more modern applications like AR will be relying   on Wi-Fi even more so it's absolutely crucial to  prepare for that today we've also learned that   seasonality plays a huge role in this Warehouse  in speaking with L'Oréal it's not uncommon for   products to shift and phase out or get moved  around quarter to quarter the products on the   shelves on rocks could be completely different  and many of them are liquids based which means   they are super massively attenuating or  absorbing Wi-Fi like honestly like crazy. At this point we have a really solid understanding  of the business requirements for Wi-Fi so let me   introduce you to the massive 1 million square  foot floor plan we're working from and the   different requirement areas and what Wi-Fi  requirements we'll be designing for to give   a bit of context this Warehouse is the same  size as 10 football fields combined we have   three distinct requirement areas the storage rack  space packing space and mezzanine we also have a   few exclusion areas that the on-site team helped  identify as out of scope the ultimate goal for   the requirements of the Wi-Fi network for the the  warehouse is to provide a fully future proofed 6   GHz Network that will allow all their business  critical devices to be able to seamlessly work   and roam throughout the warehouse they also wanted  to have redundancy from an RF perspective so if   they were to lose an access point for some reason  like a cable getting cut by mistake or a faulty ap   there would be enough redundancy coverage from a  nearby AP to cover that temporary failure let me   talk you from the coverage profile that we set as  the requirements for the project in Ekahau AI Pro   so what we're looking at here right now is the  L'Oréal coverage requirements for the warehouse   and what you can see here is that we actually  got the 2.4 GHz band all currently set to off   because there are no devices that L'Oréal need  to support in this environment that work in the   2.4 GHz frequency band so first of all taking a  look at our primary signal strength we've been  

setting this to -67 dbm on both 5 and 6 GHz  to ensure that all of the client devices are   going to have a great primary signal strength no  matter where they are in the warehouse the second   requirement we've got here is for the secondary  signal strength and again set at -67 dbm on both   5 and 6 GHz and the reason why we have this in  the warehouse some people might think that this   is a little bit aggressive in a typical Warehouse  well we've gone for this because we also want to   provide that redundancy for the environment so  if they was to lose an access point in any kind   of location there'll be that backup secondary  coverage requirement which is going to help   with the redundancy but also for roaming of the  client devices we haven't got any requirement   for tertiary signal set as for right now and our  signal to noise ratio minimum that we're trying to   achieve here is 25 DBs the minimum data rate that  is going to be set for the environment is going   to be 24 megabits per second and we're allowing  for up to two devices on the same channel for   the channel interference as this is a warehouse  and it's going to be quite a highly reflective   environment it's going to be pretty normal to have  a few um access points sharing the same channel so   that's why we have gone for that there and then  the rest of the requirements really are more for   the kind of like active testing so we've got that  kind of set to off for now. Due to the physical   makeup of the warehouse with many different  types of areas such as High racking aisles   big open space areas and the mezzanine with no  physical walls to attenuate the Wi-Fi we need to   get quite creative of how we're going to provide  a Wi-Fi network that would meet these requirements   and we plan to do this by using multiple different  types of access points and antennas and sometimes   not in the most conventional way. Wonder if anyone  is going to realize my makeup pun or if I need to   make it a little bit more obvious... For the high  30 m storage rack aisle areas our plan is to use  

an AP that has direct antennas and to mount  two access points at either end of the aisles   with a certain amount of degree of tilt.That's  delightful mate but let's cut back to us in the   warehouse as it's so much more cool or should I  say cooler actually wasn't that cool it was 18° . Super exciting stuff we're in a warehouse and this  Rack in this Warehouse is actually over 100 m in   length and for the very first time we are testing  out 6 GHz using inbuilt directional antennas in   the 9166 D1 access point so we're here in Germany  in L'Oreal at this warehouse and what we doing   Mac? Yeah so we are doing a beautiful new redesign  of a Wi-Fi network to make sure that we are future   proofed and as you can see we are bursting from  excitement because this might be one of the first   6 GHz in enabled warehouses in the world so we've  mounted the access point at 5m height to match   the other mounting locations possible mounting  locations on the other side of the warehouse we   have to mount it at 5m height so we want to  have them all mounted on the same height how   about angle of tilt? So we before we even came to  the warehouse we actually did a predictive design   simulation in Echo AI Pro and what we did is we  mounted the access point with a minus 30° angle   of tilt cuz what we thought that would do is  it would give great coverage directly below the   access point but also as you walk down the aisle  and you get towards the other end of the aisle you   have great connectivity as you're moving down the  aisle and as you start to get towards the end of   the aisle this device the client device they're  going to be using here it should then roam to   the AP at the other end of the aisle we actually  measured that right so we've done the 6 GHz AP   on a Stick survey so look at Matthew's screen and  you can see that towards the end of the aisle we   are dropping to around -67 from the Sidekick's  perspective that will translate to around -75,   -77 from the barcode scanners perspective and  that means that it will roam inside the aisle and   when you go around the aisle you won't drop off  you're ready for very fast roaming you can even   run around the warehouse and you won't drop off so  you are ready for the AR and VR in this beautiful   environment. Exactly so we measured it with our  Sidekick 2 using the survey app and that's how  

we can see this lovely heat map coming from this  access point and then the last thing that we're   going to do we've got one of the barcode scanners  here for what they're going to be using in the   warehouse and we're going to test it connecting to  the access point as we move down the aisle compare   it to the sidekick so we can get that offset  measurement so what do we call it the LCMI,   least capable most important device that is  apparently me right otherwise known as Mac. So one of the really key important things that  we need to do when we do our site survey on site   with the client devices is understand how  they're going to see the Wi-Fi compared to   your measurement device which we're using the  Sidekick 2 so this is what's called creating   an offset so Mac how far are we away from this  access point right now so currently we are 5 m   away and we will be testing the RSSI measuring  the RSSI as Sidekicks is it high sensitivity   high quality device and a low quality or kind  of low quality Barcode Scanner that is just a   small phone so what's the difference so yeah  Tim if you want to come a little bit closer   and show the screens right now what you can see  on my Analyzer application we can see that the   Sidekick is currently seeing the signal strength  from that access point on 5 GHz at around minus   37 dbm however if you take a look at the signal  strength of the client device down here it's at   around -44 DB M and it jumps around a little bit  so at the moment is showing anywhere between a 7   to 10 DB difference between the 5 GHz radio of  the client device versus the Sidekick 2 so we   just let it hover around for a few moments and see  what the signal strength is and then what we can   do is we can calculate the difference the offset  between our client device versus our Sidekick 2   and apply that to our visualizations in Ekahau  so when we are doing our design our validation   we can ensure that the Wi-Fi network is going to  be spotless with the client devices as well okay   and let's move further away from the access point  okay so what was the reason why we were 5 m away   initially Mac I don't know what because if you're  too close to the AP because of free space path   loss then you could see big fluctuations in signal  strength from the readings of your client devices   so when you're doing this type of testing you  want to be at least 5 m away initially for your   testing and we've now moved how far 11 M away from  the access point so now the loss in RSSI should   start flattening out a little bit so we will make  this test at 10 m away or 11 and then we'll go   to like 20 30 m and then we'll go to the end of  the aisle We won't to understand the difference   at different distances away from the AP and then  we'll have an offset So currently right now the   difference in the device is at at around 8 DBS in  difference so um pretty much what we were seeing   when we was at the 5 m so now we'll move away  slightly more and we'll do some last testing. Yep 20 M 20 M distance okay I'll give it  a minute uh the signal strength from my   Sidekick 2 on 5 GHz right here is at - 44 dbm  and the signal strength of the client device   here right now is -52 dbm so that's roughly it's  been quite consistent around 8 DBS difference. So now that we're happy that there is around  an 8db difference between the Sidekick 2 and   the client device let me show you how we add that  to our Ekahau AI Pro project file so simply click   on Project device profiles and then here I can  add my own custom device and I'm going to call   it the zebra Barcode Scanner I can select which  technology this device is capable of and this is   actually the one that it is so I'm going to leave  it on that you can then pick any configuration   here from the supported bandwidth to how many  spatial streams and radios and antennas that   the device have um I'm happy that this one is a  2x2x2 and and now this is where we can input our   offset so I can add it here from the 2.4 GHz and  the 5 GHz perspective by simply putting minus 8  

and minus 8 here hit enter and now press close  and now that device has been added to Ekahau   AI Pro what I can do now is if I hold down the  control or the command key as I click on this   Legend down in the bottom right hand corner  I can now change the visualization setting to   change from view as the measured which is from  the Sidekick 2 perspective to change it to the   zebra Barcode Scanner which has got that minus 8  DB of offset and now I can visualize from our test   access point in that location how will the client  device the barcode scanner see the RF coming from   that 5 GHz radio so that's how easy it is to add  a device profile for a custom offset into Ekahau. The packing open area space would require a  slightly different approach as we would like to   provide great coverage to the client devices down  at the ground level but there are no high racking   aisles here to attenuate the Wi-Fi so if we just  use omnidirectional access points mounted them   really high it would completely flood the space  and not provide great coverage and it would also   create a high amount of contention and that's  exactly what we want to avoid. Okay so we've   come to a different are area of the warehouse  now which is slightly different to those high   rack areas because this is much more open space  so it means we need to rethink how we're going   to design the Wii here because we don't want to  just use Omni directionals because that would   cover the whole entire part of the warehouse that  we're in right now so what we've actually done is   we've used the tripod to take the access point up  to around 8 m height and 7 m height we've tested   it twice now and we've also pointed the access  point directly facing down so why have we done   that Mac? yeah so now we have directional antenna  built into 9166 d and when it's pointing down it   creates a beautiful cone of coverage so we are  not covering entire space and therefore when you   associate to more of this access points in this  area your device will be roaming between them   therefore having better roaming experience and  amazing capacity yeah so we wasn't sure whether   we should particularly Mount the access point  at 8 m height or 7 m height and what coverage   that would provide us so we tested it so let me  show you actually uh so what we've got here is   the data collected from our Sidekick 2 and we're  currently looking at the 6 GHz coverage with the   access point tested at the 8 m height pointing  directly down and we can see it provides like a   great bit of coverage for everywhere we've walked  and then what we wanted to know is that if we was   to mount it 1 M lower how would that change and  impact the coverage of the access point so if I   click on this icon here we can see that this is  now at 7 m height and what this means is that the   coverage is slightly better directly underneath  the Access Point but it doesn't go quite as far   around the Access Point which so that's that's  based on the data and we know that it doesn't   go around as much we will be installing two more  access points against the walls on both sides of   the section so we know we are covered perfectly  and this is why it's absolutely important to   validate your predictive designs with well fought  through AP on a Stick exactly and that gives the   L'Oreal team the confidence to know that when  they install the access points at this height   in these locations is going to provide the perfect  Wi-Fi coverage and connectivity for their devices. And the main difference with the mezzanine is  we need to avoid unnecessary coverage bleeding   into the main shop floor of the warehouse  below as there are no physical walls here so   this is the part where we start to get a bit more  unconventional with our design by using an access   point with a directional antenna in probably not  the orientation that you would expect okay so now   we are on the mezzanine floor and behind us we  have an omn directional internal Omni antennas   built into the existing access points and this  bleeds out towards the ground round floor and   it covers pretty much entire mezzanine floor  we don't want that we want to have roaming and   more capacity so Matt what do we do to improve  the situation yeah so the last thing we wanted   to test out and check was to make sure that the  access point that we're using with the inbuilt   directional antenna how it's going to cover  for the mezzanine floor but the thing we need   to take into consideration is not just the top  floor of the mezzanine because if you can see   behind us to the side there's no walls to stop  the any of the Wi-Fi signals at all attenuation   anything from the access points on this floor so  with that omnidirectional integrated access point   that's currently here that is going to provide  good coverage for this floor but the problem is   or the challenge will be that it will bleed out  into this part of the warehouse and create lots   of contention so the way that we've approached  it with the access point pointing down it will   still provide fantastic coverage for this floor  but will reduce contention for the rest of the   access points and the client devices on the main  ground floor and also note that this floor is   not metal mesh it is concrete so we can shoot  from the top and we can create this beautiful   cone of coverage without adding to the CCI on the  floor below us yeah so warehouses they're amazing   because they present us lots of challenges but  the more challenges the more fun so we have to   think outside the box sometimes how we want to  provide the coverage and also reduce contention   uh okay so a another part of the warehouse that  we has take into consideration for this design is   underneath the ground floor mezzanine and what we  wanted to do here is provide coverage for when the   users are underneath the mezzanine with their  devices um but typically what we probably see   here is access points with external like dipole  antennas to provide the coverage but we can't   do that because we're deploying a 6 GHz Wi-Fi  network here we want to be able to have 6 GHz   AP in this section of the warehouse so we measured  it and from the ground to the ceiling where we're   going to be potentially mounting these access  points is actually just under 5 m around 4.8 M   which is perfectly fine to use use the integrated  omnidirectional access points which then means we   can use 6 GHz APS in this part of the section  of the warehouse and you know what if the omnis   bleed out into the start of the racking aisles  that's totally fine it provide a bit of backup   redundancy coverage there as well the team at  L'Oreal has decided on some amazing Hardware   to power this build throughout the design we'll  be using the Cisco Meraki 9166 D1 with inbuilt   directional antennas including 6 ghz which is  super cool as this is the first time we have got   to use an access point that has directional 6 GHz  antennas because before this with the low power   indoor rules in 6 GHz you could not have a 6 GHz  access point that has detachable 6 GHz antennas   so this is a really clever way that we have a  solution now that will help us design following   best practices for this type of environment for  the other areas of the Warehouse we'll be using a   mix of the Cisco Meraki 9164 and 9162 model access  points which are 6 GHz capable access points and   they have integrated on the directional antennas  this is also a full Meraki build including Meraki   Switches and the Meraki dashboard controller  but more on that later as we have some really   cool Ekahau features to show you that make  use of the Ekahau and Meraki integration.

Now that we've got our technical requirements  ironed out and because we have access to this   facility as it's not a new construction build  we are going to conduct a full passive survey to   collect the Wi-Fi data and we'll use this wi-fi  data from the existing Wi-Fi access points to   be able to understand the current attenuation of  racks and walls and also the location of current   APs so it's very important for us to understand  how much of the signal is currently being absorbed   and we also need to identify if there is any non  Wi-Fi interference that might affect our design   and did I mention that this was a million freaking  Square ftt Warehouse?! luckily between the two of   us and the L'Oreal team we were able to divide and  conquer this massive area into small areas where   well more manageable areas smaller sections and  we've got our trusty Sidekick 2s all of the data   collected will be pristinely accurate and we will  be able to then merge these four or five survey   files into one massive comprehensive survey it's  so good and why is it important well each survey   is around 30 km long I know it's a hike imagine  just imagine doing that on your own and you need   to walk around three times really once to get the  existing survey data in second time to understand   the mounting limitations and locations of current  APs and the third time to perform AP on a Stick   mini surveys and to mark the locations of the new  APS on the pictures for the installation team.   More on it shortly aside from a good fitting pair  of Footwear and most importantly socks here are   the couple of tips for surveying in industrial and  Manufacturing locations so Safety First personal   protective equipment or PPE for us it was a steel  towed shoes high vis vests and the super cool   Ultra wide band tags that were vibrating when you  get closer to the work to the forklifts super cool   stuff you might also be required obviously to  wear a hard hat additionally we had to complete   and pass a safety test where we learned proper  protocol for things like walking your active   forklifts and how to walk up and down the flights  of stairs it might sound like nothing but some of   us struggled with this more than the others and  got scolded around seven times in the first 24   hours I'm looking at you Matthew so let's talk  survey modes in this particular instance we used   a mixture of continuous and autopilot we would  have used just go if we didn't have top quality   floor plans and it would work perfectly here  the autopilot survey mode was really beneficial   as it allowed us to pay more attention to our  surroundings as we didn't have to constantly mark   our location on the floor plan next photos and  notes while surveying we used the notes feature   in the Ekahau Survey app to easily Snap photos  of things like mounting locations or possible   mounting challenges there are even features that  allow you to mark up a photo so you can draw for   example massive Red X to Mark the ideal spot for  installation this makes the installation so much   easier for your your installation team we also  used this feature to document the photos of the   currently installed Wi-Fi network access points to  give us some more context later on when reviewing   the files in more detail and possibly reusing some  of the existing cable runs to keep the cost down   we brought a laser measure uh to document a few  measurements along the way and being careful to   capture things like the real widths and lengths  of aisles and massive doorways so we can make   sure our design is spot on when it comes to scale  now a good tip here never use small distances to   scale your floor plans okay so interior door  frames that are like 90ish CM wide uh interior   windows or small desks are a nogo 10 cm wrong  measurement becomes 10 m across 100 m okay so   use long walls or aisles instead next AP on a  stick We performed something that is called an   apos survey which basically means you take the  AP and type of the antenna you are planning to   deploy at the side stick it on a massive tripod  and put it in the locations where you would like   to to test okay so the massive tripod in our  situation was a big humongous like it goes like   up to 8 m or something you can even buy tripods  that go up to 12 M massive tripods that saved us   using a forklift or like you know a cherry picker  we didn't have to because of that massive tripod   so you can measure the real coverage from the  specific AP antenna height tilt transmitting   power and etc. to give us the confidence to go  back and update our predictive design in Ekahau   AI Pro you normally continue your mini surveys  around the AP on a Stick until you get to around   -85 dbm which is a simple threshold for coverage  to be considered overlapping with other radios on   the same channel in the same area the goal of AP  on a stick is to ensure the predictive design is   identical to APOS mini survey results in terms  of coverage once your AP on a Stick survey is   done you then adjust the attenuation of your racks  and walls and machinery for as long as it's needed   really to have one to one match important and  yes your APOS configuration must be identical   as what you are using in your predictive model the  ability to collect survey data is an absolute game   change not only when it comes to creating the new  predictive 6 GHz design but the same measured data   that we've just collected is also using to unlock  our ability to run amazing Ekahau Optimizer on the   existing Network and also enable something that  we call zero-touch provisioning in the Meraki   dashboard to get additional layer of reporting  from the Inside Out perspective of the AP We're back at home now so a quick video call  with the team at L'Oreal made for short work   of the review process from Ekahau Insights we  went ahead and shared our design and Survey   files with the team and L'Oreal so they had full  access to everything they needed including a full   bill of materials for the new equipment for the  Wi-Fi network and we also created a really nice   custom template report that automatically  generates an installation guide with all   the possible information any installation  team would ever need such as exact mounting   instructions for every access point automatically  populating all of the pictures with X marks the   spot for the install locations so clear and  obvious that even Mac would be able to follow   it if this is something you think you would  benefit from be sure to check out the link in   the description for a free download of that  template that you can use for your project. As you mentioned at the start of the video  designing the blueprint for the new 6 GHz   Warehouse Wi-Fi yes it's possible today but  it was only a part of the project there is   still a few months between now and when we  expect the new network to be deployed and   rather than just sitting around making do with  a suboptimal wireless network we put amazing   Ekahau Optimizer to to work automatically  generating a list of optimizations that the   L'Oreal team can then deploy directly to their  Meraki dashboard and here is a quick rundown   of what Optimizer discovered and because of the  tight integration between Ekahau and Cisco Meraki   the team was able to automatically deploy all  these improvements via API and without having   to manually touch or adjust a single thing in the  Meraki network configuration this is mind bending. Let's take a look at the Ekahau and Meraki  dashboard integration in a bit more detail so   all that you're going to need to have ready  is your Meraki dashboard API key then head   over to your Ekahauinsights project file where  you can select the file that you would like to   export directly to the Meraki dashboard then  simply click on the Integrations button hit   export and then this is where you're going to  input your Meraki dashboard API key make a few   configuration selections regarding the region and  the organization and site that you would like to   push the data to and then when you select which  floors you'd like to sync pay close attention   here here because you can actually align the  floors for the Meraki dashboard directly in   the Ekahau Insights file which I think is super  cool then once you're happy with the alignment   simply hit continue sit back relax whilst the  integration does its magic and automatically   pushes that measured survey data directly to  your Meraki dashboard then you can simply head   back over to your Meraki dashboard select your  map and floor plans and you'll be able to find a   fully provisioned Meraki dashboard with your sites  floor plans with all of the measured survey access   points locations in their correct positions  which is amazing because ladies and gentlemen   let me tell you how much of a time saver this  is not having to manually place access points   one by one on the floor plan having this done  for you automatically is really really great.

Hi it's uh Knut here uh in L'Oreal we're  here at uh our warehouse. our largest in   fact uh worldwide and uh we've had the great  opportunity to work with Ekahau on this uh   project to redesign uh our Wi-Fi to be future  ready as we're going uh to Wi-Fi only design   in in all our warehouses so this is uh going  to be our blueprint and uh over the past two   days uh it was an amazing experience uh to work  with the Ekahau team uh see how the pros work   how the software works AP on a Stick survey  predicted survey passive survey so we've done   the whole exercise and uh yeah guys you do  the ECSE course and then you really want to   get out there and see how the real pros do it  to give you an amazing inside view uh how you   should do everything on your own going forward  so our experience was amazing and this will be   our blueprint for all our warehouses which  we will all migrate to this new design so   thank you Ekahau team amazing job really  great experience we're absolutely happy. What an amazing experience to be able to go on  site with the L'Oreal team and together build   the blueprint for how to design a fast reliable 6  GHz Warehouse Wi-Fi network if you like this type   of detailed end to end content be sure to let us  know on social media and if there are other types   of networks you'd like to see documented from  start to finish you can let us know that too don't   forget to download our custom template report  for free link in the description for where to get   that and be sure to subscribe to all the Ekahau  channels because this is only part one of this   experience we'll be putting together a follow-up  post deployment video soon. So Mac I think that's   a wrap no no no I don't mean you do another wrap  I mean that's a wrap of the video we had enough of   that for now thank you goodbye and thank you for  watching and hopefully you enjoyed this video. Ready all right so we are in the main section  of the area all right so we in the all right so we all right so we are in the main section of the  warehouse on the ground floor and the area behind   me is the floor from the mezzanine Floor floor  if this is something you think you had benit from if this is something you think you'd benefit   from so if they were to lose an access  point for some reason maybe like an AP Get ... [Minor freak out] as we  mentioned at the start of the video....


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