Azure Migration Step By Step Azure Courses azure Remote jobs

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in here just give me one sec see guys before we try to understand migration let's try to understand why we are doing the migration right what is the purpose of doing the migration so there are two major purpose because of which we do the migration right so first purpose is right first is because of operational efficiency because of operational efficiency we do it what is Operation efficiency let's say right now we are running our infrastructure in the on premises right now we want to now let's say the data center is we are running the infrastructure in the on-premises then there will be a data center lease right let's say the data center lease is going to expire now before we extend the data center lease maybe we can try to figure it out what are the other options we have so one other option we have is we can take the infrastructure to Cloud right why we would like to do so before we extend the data center list we would like to figure it out like how much we are paying right now in order to run the infrastructure in the on-premises if the cost would be less in running it in Cloud then probably we would like to migrate to Cloud right so how can we figure it out cost would be less what cost would be more there are some calculators earlier we discussed about there is something called as Azure pricing calculator with the help of azure pricing calculate can figure it out how much we have to pay if we take the infrastructure to Cloud do we have any calculator with the help of which we can figure it out how much we are paying right now to run the infrastructure and the on-premises yes we do have a calculator it is called as TCO calculator TCU stands for total cost of ownership calculator so with the help of that calculator we can easily figure it out that how much we need to pay in order to run the infrastructure in the on premises so we would be able to figure it out how much we are paying right now to run the infrastructure and on premises and if we would be able to figure it out how much we have to pay if we take this infrastructure to Cloud if the cost of running the infrastructure in Cloud would be less we would like to migrate into Cloud that could be one reason second reason let's say there is a company called tax organization X has a data center an organization X Data Center capacity is 1000 machines and right now they're running 900 machines in their Data Center organization X is doing an acquisition it's acquiring a company it is acquiring organization by organization by India infrastructure they have got 700 machines So within a defined time organization X has to onboard all those 700 machines into their infrastructure but right now organization X Data Center capacity is 1000 machines they are already running 900 machines they would not be able to onboard all these 700 Machines of organization by so what they can do one thing they can do is they can expand the data center second thing they can do it they can migrate to so this is all what we called as operational efficiency because the cost would be less we are trying to migrate things usually we call this as it oriented migration triggers and in this case usually we do the rehosting we rehost it right now the infra is hosted in on-premises now we will be re-hosting it info that could be one trigger why we are trying to migrate to Cloud second trigger could be application Innovation we are trying to innovate our application we are trying to modernize our applications right that is what we called AS application oriented migration triggers in this usually we do refactor re-architect and rebuild the application maybe we can do some small changes into the application maybe let's say right now the application is running as as monolithic we would like to go with the micro services maybe we would like to go with the distributed architecture maybe we are trying to rebuild the application completely from a scratch earlier the application was written in The Ledger Java based code now we are going with the dotnet so now we are going with the python based right so we can completely re-architect the architecture rebuild the application aspect so just to innovate the application just to modernize the application we would like to go to cloud in Cloud we have multiple options we can go with infra as a service we can go with platform as a service we can go with containers we can go with kubernetes we can go with service fabric we can go with serverless Computing multiple options we have that could be the reason we would like to migrate to now whenever we are doing a migration we need to follow an approach we can call this as migration approach right migration has needs to have an approach we call this as migration language in migration of course there are few things there is something called as people there is something called as planning and process and there is something called as technology right people planning and process and Technology so people means see right stakeholder should be updated they should be well informed right all the stakeholders should be equal informal second thing that can come under people's let's say you have an ID team who is taking care of your infrastructure in the on-premises now if you are going to Cloud your team should be well equipped your team should be well trained so that they would be able to manage the infrastructure Network that is people planning and process you just need to have the right planning and right process right when are we going to do the migration how we are going to do the migration we should do migration in small batches first we should move the testing environment then we should move the production environment we should not move the production environment in a single room when we are moving the production environment we should move them in small batches we should group them together if an application has a dependency on a database they should be grouped together and should be moved together right so all right planning and right process has to be there technology technology means see how do we how do we do migration migration occurs in multiple phases first whatever machines you're running in the on-premises first of all you will try to discover those machines let's say you're running 1000 machines so you will try to discover how many machines you are able to discover right now maybe let's say out of 1000 you are only able to discover 800 machines reason some machines are not working some machines are shut down some machines might be rebooting while you are doing the discovery so first of all you need to discover the machines how many machines are discoverable right now then you need to do the assessment of those machines how many are in a condition that can be migrated maybe couple of them are in the condition they can directly be migrated couple of them are in a condition they can be migrated but small changes are required couple of them cannot be migrated maybe they're running very old operating system right or maybe they're running 32-bit version of the operating system so when we will be discovering machines when we will be assessing machines when we will be migrating machines we need to use some tools that comes under technology assessment tools migration tool so which tools we are going to use there are good number of tools available then what are the common migration products one of the things that we are commonly going to migrate so commonly we migrate Windows server workloads commonly we migrate Linux server workloads common DB migrates SQL Server workloads commonly we migrate applications we can also migrate some specialized projects like sap HPC high performance compute so we can do migration of product things then as we discussed this migration happens in phases so there can be multiple phases right first of all we will try to discover and we will try to assess the machines then we will try to migrate the machines after migrating the machines then we will try to optimizing machines right then we can try to optimize them and then we can try to secure and manage those machines so it can happen in multiple phases right so how can we do the discovery of the machines how can we do the assessment of the machines we need to use some services or we need to use them let's talk about them one by one okay all these four categories maybe we can use some services in Cloud so how can we do the assessment of the machines how can we do the migration of the machines it is something called as Azure migrate there is a service in Azure called as Azure migraine so using this Azure migrate service we can create the Azure migrate project and with the help of that Azure migrate project we would be able to migrate machines if we are trying to do a migration of so there is something called as okay there is something called as if you are trying to migrate the SQL databases or SQL servers there is something called as SQL migration assistant right these are some services that can be used for the migration then if we are trying to migrate things there is something called as ASR how can we do the migration we can use Azure site recovery how can we do Azure site recovery using Recovery Service world like if we are trying to move the databases we can use Azure database migration service so these are the services that can be used for the migration how can we optimize things let's say once things have moved to Cloud how we would be able to optimize them we can use Azure advisor we can use Azure cost management that's how we would be able to optimize things how can we secure things so here we can make use of azure backups right here we can use make use of azure monitoring so these are certain things why would we would be able to secure or manage things right now let me show you how can we create a migration project so what we will do we'll quickly go to this Azure portal and here there is a service called as Azure likely right so there is a service called as Azure migrate so we can click on this Azure mandate service right so when we go to this Azure Market service here we can see see what is your migration goal what are you trying to migrate are you trying to migrate servers databases and web applications you are only trying to migrate the databases or vdis or web apps I am saying I'm trying to migrate servers databases and new applications right so if you already have a project you can use a particular project or if you want you can create a new project so I'm saying I would like to create a new project so what is the name of your project so you can Define the name of your project let's say I am creating a project inside rg1 and I am giving it a name migration project volume right where us and I can say so using the Azure migrate service I am creating the Azure migrate project this Azure migrate project will be created maybe in a moment so this will be done maybe in a moment let's wait for a moment here okay so now the project is created so you can see here right now we are in which project we are in our migration project so first of all what do we have to do we have to do the assessment we have to discover the machines and after discovering our machines we would be able to assess our machines we can do the assessment of our machines right so we can see Azure migrate Discovery and assessment so how can we do the discovery how can we do the assessment right so here it says discover which tool we are using right now it is a Microsoft tool the name of the tool is azure migrate and using this tool we can discover and we can do the assessment of the machines is this the only tool available no we have multiple tools let's say you don't want to use a Microsoft tool maybe you want to use a third party tool for discovering the machines for assessing the machines let's say you would like to use a third party tool so you can go here add more assessment rules you can just click on here so when you click here you will see there are a lot of tools available you can use cloud amazed Cloud spare core and tech device for it to move air right lot of tools are available so whatever tools you want to use right you can even view these information so whatever tools you want to use you can use that particular tool so let's say I would like to use this particular unify so what you have to do either you need to have the license for this particular tool or maybe either you need to use a free trial version right so once you add this tool you would be able to see the stone over here so let that all be added okay so you can see here this is the third party tool which is added but first of all what you have to do you have to register this with the Azure migrate service with the Azure migrate project how can you register this you need to procure the license for this particular tool or you can start with a free trial right so if in case you want to use a third party tool that can be done if in case you would like to use a Microsoft tool let's say I would be using Microsoft tool for discovering and for assessment machines I can do that this is the tool I am going to use so what can I say I can click on Discover when you click on Discover it will give you three options so what would be those three options first option would be see it will first ask you from where you are trying to migrate things so we have three options either we are trying to migrate the physical service the servers that are running in the on-premises their physical servers or in the on-premises we can have a VMware environment maybe we have esxi host on top of which the VMS are running or we can have a hyper-v environment maybe there might be a physical server on top of the physical server we have deployed the hyper V role on top of that hyper-v multiple virtual machines are running if we click on Discover it says are your servers virtualized if you say your servers are virtualized then there will be two options hyper-v or VMware if you say your servers are not virtualized means they are physical servers right so here you will in total you will see three options so either you can go with VMware hyper b hypervisor or you can go with hyper-v or you can go with physical or other machines so let's say I'm saying we are adding the hyper-v environment we are running the hyper the environment right okay see guys how does it it works now let me show you let me give you a diagrammatical view as well so we are saying here we have the Azure migrate service here we have the Azure migrant service using which we have created the Azure migrate project the name of our project is I think migration project one this is the name we have given right and this project I think it's we have created this tubes region this is my cloud site now here I am saying let's say we are running this is a big physical machine right so let's say it has got it's a big machine where we are running some Hardware on top of this we have some operating system here we have deployed hyper-v and here we might be running multiple machines right so you can consider them as we are running multiple machines on top of it I am just drawing three four machines you may have 30 40 300 400 whatever machines you are trying to migrate so I am saying this is hardware let's consider this as fiber literal CPU and two terabyte of RAM on top of this let's say we have the host operating system that is Windows Server 2019 on top of this we have deployed hyper-v on top of this we are running the vmc vm1 vm2 vm3 vm4 all these VMS will have their guest operating system it could be Windows Server 2019 it could be Windows Server 2022 right it could be Linux operating system and all of them will have some Hardware allocated to it two CPU 8GB Ram 4 CPU 16GB RAM and so on we want to migrate these machines to Cloud right so we have clicked on hyper-v we are using this hyper-v environment so how are we going to discover these machines how are we going to assess these machines so first of all you need to create the Azure migrate Appliance it says to discover your environment your on-premises environment you will need to deploy the Azure migrate Appliance how can you create the Azure migrate Appliance see in the same machine here in this host operating system in the same machine right where we are running hyper-v in this machine there will be a C drive there will be a D drive whatever drive you use right there will be multiple times so in this machine you need to download something what you need to download you need to download a vhp file so in this machine we will be downloading dot vht this is a 12 GB file where we are downloading this machine on the host machine right after downloading this machine here we will be creating one machine here and how we will be creating this machine with the help of this PhD file this vhd file is nothing but an image this PhD file it is nothing but an image so with the help of this file we will be creating a machine here and this machine will be called as Azure migrate right this machine will be called as Azure migrate Appliance and how we created this machine with the help of this vsd file we have we have downloaded the image with the help of this image we created the file but this machine should have a dedicated Hardware see what is this machine this machine is nothing but Windows Server 2016 which has got 16 GB of memory and 8 CPU right so what should be the configuration of this machine eight CPU 16 GB of memory and it is nothing but a Windows Server 2016 operating system right how we are getting all the C when you will be allocating the hardware Hardware will be allocated from here so when we will be creating this machine how much Hardware we will allocate 8 CPU and 16 GB Ram see if you just want to migrate one or two machines you can simply go with four CPU 16GB Ram that is also enough but if you will be migrating a lot of machines then good amount of resources should be allocated to this Azure my data points right so it really says here Discovery requires access credentials to the host and clusters of the servers you want to discover you can scope server should be dissolved by resetting the access on here how to create this machine first of all you have to give the name to your Appliance what is the name you want to give to this machine so let's say to this machine I would like to give it a name jithin migrate Appliance you have to give a name to this machine right so let's say to this machine and giving it a name shift in migrate applies you will say generate key so we have given the name to this particular machine Azure migrate Appliance it's a general name right it's a generic name what is the name of this machine just in migrate the points after giving it a name what will you do you need to download the Azure migrate Appliance okay once you have given the name it will be generating a project key you would be able to see project key in a moment after this you can either download the vhd file to set up the appliance or if in case you already have an existing machine and you want to turn your existing machine into the Azure migrate Appliance you can do that as well but that existing machine should have this much amount of Hardware allocated to it so how can you turn your existing machine into the Azure Market Appliance then you need to download the zip file which is nothing but the Powershell Scripts which is nothing but the Powershell scripts okay so that is how you would be able to do this that is how you would be able to do this see once this machine will be downloaded once this machine will be installed as soon as you go to this machine automatically it will open the web page it will open one web page where you have to register this machine with this migrate project so once you open this machine automatically it will take you to a web page and once it will be taken to a web page you have to enter the credentials of your Azure migrate project so basically what we will be doing we will be registering this machine which machine Azure magnet Appliance with Azure migrate project right so we will be registering this with the Azure migrate here guys any questions any queries anything so far there is any questions any queries anything so far and even any questions any queries foreign C right then what you can do so once this machine will be registered once this machine registration will be done it will give you a button you just need to click on initiate discovery so once you have created this machine once this machine has taken you to a web page from the web page you just need to register this machine with the Azure minded project once all this part will be done within the same web page you will be seeing an option called as start Discovery and once you initiate the discovery this machine this Azure migrate Appliance will start discovering these virtual machines right now it will start discovering all these virtual machines right so if you have four virtual machines it would be able to discover four virtual machines okay and where you would be able to see the virtual machines it has discovered here if you will be going to discover items here so when you will be going to discover items okay from here you have to select your project this is your project from here you have to select your Appliance right digital magnetic lines which is running on the hyper-v so here you would be able to see the name of those four virtual machines vm1 vm2 vm3 VM code you would be able to see the name of all those machines so from here you would be able to see all this part right so once a discovery will be done from here you would be able to see all those machines here what you have to do once the machines have been discovered right then from here once the machines have been discovered now maybe you can try to assess those machines you can try to do the assessment of those machines how can you do the assessment of those machines what are we trying to assess we are trying to access the Azure VMS you can click on here right you can click on here Azure VMS what is the assessment type we are trying to access the Azure VMS how we have discovered those VMS server discovered by Azure migrate Appliance right what is the sizing criteria maybe we would like to do a Performance Based Performance Based means performance phase means let's say in the on-premises you have given a size to your machine let's say your machine has got four CPU and 16GB Ram it will be selecting the performance information as well it will be collecting the performance metrics as well for example it will be collecting how many course machine has got how many mem how much memory machine has got how much this machine has got how many what is it this size what is the network adapters right apart from that it also collects the performance data CPU memory usage disk iops just throughput depending upon all the data it would be able to propose you a size that this is the size which suits the best for your machine right let's say it says okay DS2 V3 is a size for DS3 V4 is the size right so after collecting all that information it will be proposing your size as well what is your Target location now you are migrating things from message to cloud in which region in Cloud you want to you want to deploy these machines let's say I'm deploying these machines in the messages right next you can say select service to SS so here you can give a name let's say I'm giving this assessment name as migration assessment right I can give a name right so let's see here I can give a name to this assessment so let's say I'm giving it a name migration assessment for the migration I'm doing an assessment right what is the group name you can move multiple machines in a group so let's say I'm giving it a migration group one right and we are trying to migrate the hyper B you would be able to see the machines here you can even select which machines you want to put in this group and then you can do review and create a system see here we are unable to select the servers that is the reason we are unable to do the assistant so once this assessment will be done it will be showing you the result of the assessment in multiple colors right whatever machines are ready to be migrated to Cloud it will show you in the green color green colonies these machines are ready to be migrated to Cloud so let's say vm1 and vm2 they are showing us with the green color means these machines we can directly take them few machines it will be showing you in the orange color that these machines can be migrated to Cloud but after doing some changes small conditions needs to change right maybe there is a certain size which is not available in Cloud right maybe there is certain software or there is a certain piece of Hardware which is not being supported There Will Be Few which will be showing you with the red color red color means these machines cannot be migrated to Cloud reason could be reason could be maybe the operating system that we are running on those machines that operating system is not supported in Cloud let's say we are running Windows Server 2003 open Windows Server 2008 which is not being supported by Microsoft now or maybe you're running a very old Linux operating system so then it will show you with the red color right and these machines cannot be migrated so that is how we would be able to discover machines and that is how we will be able to assess the machines so once the discovery will be done once the assessment will be done now we just need to migrate the machine right now we just need to migrate the machines and how we would be able to migrate the machines so we can simply go to servers databases and web applications when we go here we have done the discovery we have done the assessment now you can use this migration tool thing so now we can use this migration which tool same it's a Microsoft so here you will say discover Y is already done right what kind of a service we have hyper we what is the target region this is the target region we will say confirm the target region and we will say create resources create resources means it will create first of all a network in this region in the West U.S tool it will create a network then it will create a recovery service vault inside the recovery service World it will be creating a site it will be creating a site right so basically it will be doing all this part and now the only thing that we need to enable is the replication it will be creating a storage account so whatever machines we are running in the on-premises it will be replicating those machines onto that storage account right and from there it will be replicating all those machines to the replica manage disks same concept that we discussed in case of site recovery right same concept so it will be creating all those things so let's wait for a moment let those things be created so basically you see now it says now you need to prepare your replication Appliance by downloading and installing the replication provider software on your hyper-v host so what you need to do this is your hyper-v host right this is your hyper-v hose this is your hyper-v host in this hyper-v host here you need to download and install what do you need to download and install this file so it says prepare hyper-v host servers you just click on this download the hyper-v replication provider Azure site recovery provider.exe use the installer to install the replication provider on the hyper-v servers so you will be downloading this and installing this on this host machine and this tool will be helping you to replicate all these virtual machines to the cloud right it will be replicating all these machines to the clock so you will download this then you will say file as a registration then you will be registering this host machine as well with the cloud earlier we registered this Azure migrate Appliance now we will be registering this machine as well with the cloud we will be registering this machine indeed and then we just need to click on this replication so once all this part will be done right you just need to click on here finalize registration once this part will be done then it will give you an option to enable the replication right then when you come here this replicate part will be available and when you click on this replicate it will start replicating your machines to the so that is how the entire migration can be guys any question any query anything that you have before we move forward any questions any queries everything so far if we have the physical server the same percent will be applied application see steps will be almost same there will be a small change the steps will be almost same let me show you see so when you click on Discover instead of saying that we have this you can just say we have a physical service again it will ask you to create the Azure my get Appliance this migrated Appliance again we will be creating but this time we will not be creating on the hyper-v we will be creating this Azure migrate Appliance on the Enterprise on the on-premesh physical server how we will be doing this again you need to download this again you need to download this so in your on-premises how can you create this magnet Appliance in your on-premises you need to have a physical server and that physical server should have Windows Server 2016 operating system that physical server should have 16 GB of memory and 8 VC views and then you will be downloading this ZIP file when you unzip this file this is nothing but the Powershell Scripts so the physical server that you have you need to download the zip file on the physical server and you need to run these scripts so when you run these scripts that physical server will be turned into the Azure migrate Appliance so with the help of that physical server you would be able to discover and you would be able to do the assessment of the other physical servers only change that has happened is you can consider these machines vm1 vm2 vm3 vm4 as a physical service let's consider we do not have this this environment we do not have this environment all of them are physical servers this is one more physical server and this physical server should have Windows Server 2016 8 CPU 16 GB of memory in this physical server we will be downloading a zip file a 50 mbz file when you unzip this file those files are nothing but the Powershell scripts on this physical server if you run those Powershell scripts that physical server will turn into the Azure migrate uploads and then this Azure magnet Appliance can be used to discover the other physical servers and to do the assessment of the other physical surface that is the only change hope you got the clarity sir yes okay all right so any other question any other query guys okay see let me explain you a few more things I think one gentleman mentioned there are a few more topics see although those topics are nothing let me just quickly give you the reference of that see one topic which he mentioned is cloud adoption framework it is cloud adoption framework now there are multiple organizations which are using Cloud for example Microsoft introduces Cloud environment right so Microsoft Engineers Microsoft partners Microsoft uh I would say Microsoft professionals right basically what they have done they have given some guidelines they have given some best practices so these are the best practices these are the security practices these are the high availability practices right so basically they have given some best practices and recommendations that how we should adopt the cloud right for example let's say there is an organization who is just using who is just starting using cloud so when that organization is starting using Cloud Microsoft there are many organizations which are Microsoft partners for example let's say HCL Del right let's say in process is an example I'm giving so there are organizations who are who are using and who are even selling Microsoft Technologies right we also call them as Cloud solution providers they are also referred as Cloud solution providers right these organizations are providing the cloud solutions to multiple other organizations why they are able to provide the cloud Solutions because they are into the cloud industry for a long time see it's not like only Microsoft is catering the customers probably Microsoft cannot cater all the customers so Microsoft has got Cloud solution providers which can provide Cloud solutions to multiple other organization let's say there is an organization which deals in the in the closed business right in the garments business so maybe that particular organization is not well versed with the Itt so what those organizations can do they can reach out to these companies HCL Tata right multiple other companies too so what these companies can do these companies they can create a small team and in that particular team there will be people who are well versed with the cloud Technologies so those people will be helping the Garment organization in order to onboard them to Cloud so when they will be onboarding them to Cloud they will be giving certain recommendations they will be providing them certain best practices if it's a big organization they can directly reach out to Microsoft then we need your help in order to be to start the journey with the cloud that is what cloud adoption framework is so in Cloud adoption framework what Microsoft what its Cloud solution providers what are the Microsoft Engineers what are the Microsoft Partners what are the Microsoft professionals so they have given the best practices that how to adopt product that is what cloud reduction framework talks about right how can we secure environment how many subscriptions we should have how can we achieve High availability so they talks about all those best practices that is what we call as Cloud adoption then there is something called as Azure Landing Zone see let me give you very lame in terms of Landing Zone see what is landing Zone first of all Let Me Explain you very limit terms then we'll talk about technology what is landing Zone whenever Pilots are landing the airplane they land the airplane in the landing Zone right let's say I am going from my home to let's say I am going from airport let's say I live in Delhi let's say I have to go from Delhi to Dubai so I'll be catching a flight so when I'll be landing to airport right my pilot would be landing the airplane to airplane to the airport the area where the plane will be landed that is what we called as Landing Zone now let's say a pilot is being prepared see pilot has to do a lot of practice first of all then only it would be able to land the airplane in a safe and secure manner right so first of all he will be doing lot of practices right TV spending good number of hours so where you'll be spending good number of hours in the practice sessions where probably there will be no customer sitting on that particular airplane right so once he has done a good hours of practice then probably any Aviation company will hire that particular pilot and slowly and gradually he will start Landing those planes which carries the customers as well if I compare this with technology now let's say you are creating some solution for your client it is not like directly you will put that into the production environment note so first how are you going to land that particular solution maybe you are creating a low environment maybe you can call that as testing environment as well right okay we have created this environment this is how the customer request will come this is how the apis will be called in the back end right and then once you feel okay everything is working good then you will be taking it to the production environment or we call it as a higher environment so that is what the purpose of Landing zone is that is what the basic purpose of the landing service so we should not land things directly into the prod environment or we should not land things directly into the upper environment right okay then we have something called as log analytics let me talk about the log analytics now see what is log analytics now guys let's say we have deployed the servers we have deployed the networks we have deployed the databases we have deployed the kubernetes Clusters now what we would like to do probably we would like to monitor those Services as well so how can we do the monitoring in order to do the monitoring we need to collect the metrics and we need to collect the logs these are the two major things that we need to collect whenever the resource is not working as expected right whenever the resource will not be working as expected how can we make it work we can make it work if in case we have collected the matrices if in case we have collected the logs we can find out what is not working as expected and then only we can make it work right whenever we will be collecting the mattresses whenever we will be collecting the logs we need to store it somewhere so where can we store it we have multiple options of storing it one we can store it inside a storage account second we have an option called as event hub third we have an option called as log Analytics workspace fourth we have an option called as partner solution right we have an option called as partner solution so whenever we are collecting the matrices whenever we have so we can archive this event term when do we use event term let's say you are collecting the mattresses and logs from the Azure but you want to do the analysis in your on-premises environment maybe in your on-premises you are running some tool with the help of which you want to do the analysis maybe let's say you are using Splunk so what we are doing we are collecting the matrices and logs from Azure and we are streaming it to the on-premises so how can we stream it from Azure to on-premise we can use event with the help of event up we can collect it from Azure and we can set it to the on-premises then we will be using event if in case you are collecting the the matrices and locks from Azure and you want to do the analysis within Azure then mostly we use log analytics workspace log analytics workspace it basically provide us a centralized place where we can collect the matrices and logs from different different resources right and if in case anything is not working as expected we can write the queries and we can find out what is not working as expected so it is basically a service where we can where we can collect the matrices and logs you can even collect the mattresses and logs from the on-premise machine as well let's say I have Azure virtual machines I can connect I can collect the matrices and locks from the Azure virtual machine let's say I have some on-premise virtual machines if you have some on-premise virtual machines you need to install the agent on those on-premise machines we call that as log analytics agent so once you install the log analytics agent on the on-premise machine then you can connect or you can register those on premises machine with the log analytics workspace right and then you can collect the mattresses and logs from the log in the text boxes so we can connect it or this if you want to use maybe a third party organization to help you out then you can use a partner solution as well for that we had something called as data data dog and there are other partner Solutions too right let me show you something so let's say let me show you with the storage account let's say this is a storage account so let's say you want to collect the matrices and logs from the storage account so maybe you can go to this monitoring section so you can scroll down here and maybe you can go to the monitoring section in monitoring section you can go to the diagnostic settings so when you go to diagnostic settings from here you can collect the matrices and logs so maybe you can say I would like to collect the mattresses and loss for all these things let's say I just want to do it for the loops so you can say add diagnosis setting when you click on ADD diagnostic setting it says hey what's the name of your diagnosis setting you can give it a name which all logs you want to collect storage read storage Right Storage delete which all mattresses you want to collect all the transactions now where do you want to store it so you can archive it to a storage you can stream it to an inventor and consider it to a partner solution or you can set it to the log analytics workspace you need to create this log in the text workspace I have one right you can onboard it over here similarly if you want to collect the logs from the virtual machines you can do that you want to do it from a firewall from a network you can do it so basically it provides you a centralized place where you can collect the mattresses and points so guys that is all for my end for today and that's all for my end for this particular training if you have any questions any queries please feel free to ask or else I think we are good for today any questions any queries nothing guys so far like can you provide a link for for the lab for the today session uh yes allow me some time and share the laplings you want lablings for the migration you want lab links for this uh log analytics workspace I'll provide you all those limited allow me sometime right okay guys so looks like we did not have any


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