Vollara and ActivePure Airborne 99 9 Virus Free Technology

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okay hello everyone this is John binder thank  you so much for joining me here I'm excited to   be able to present to you today we're going to  talk about an amazing technology that literally   has the opportunity to transform the world and I  hate to be so um dramatic about that but I've been   working with his technology for 25 years and as we  begin exiting out of the pandemic here that we've   just gone through had more people known about  this technology I believe it would have saved   a tremendous amount of suffering across the world  in people's lives and of course the major losses   that we had and so with no further delay let's get  into this and I'm just so glad to hear that you're   going to be one of the very first people to learn  about this and be able to utilize this within your   own family life and possibly within your business  life as well my name is John Bender my background   is in engineering I've been in the engineering  world for 25 years in the environmental Sciences   area my specialty is Advanced Air and service  standardization I'm a graduate from North Carolina   State University in School of Engineering and  also recently graduate from Harvard Business   School I've had an opportunity to over the years  especially when I was a little bit younger to   write a research directories on academic research  in what we call defense initiatives this is DARPA   which is the defense Advanced research projects  agency they have identified technologies that   were strategic in the National Defense here in the  United States and those areas were like biotech   biomedicine Environmental Waste Management  and semiconductor Technologies all that said   not to geek out on you there but I do want to let  you know that I'm very excited and I have to tell   you I believe we are at a shift in how we think  about protecting our families and protecting our   employees protecting our customers clients a new  standard of protection that really should have   been done many many years ago you know one of  the things that I think sometimes is important   is to look at things in context and when we look  at the pandemic we've just gone through and look   at it compared to pandemics throughout history  we recognize that 830 000 lives lost obviously   is a significant number yet compared with some of  the other things throughout history it is really   small in comparison the truth of it is is that  we here at the time of this recording we have the   ability to deal with most everything you see here  on the screen and the challenge really comes down   to whether or not we as a people want to adopt a  standard to protect people to make that standard   be an expected standard of protection wherever  you go so everyone everywhere that they work live   or breathe gets that same standard protection  it kind of reminds me of an earthquake if you   think about an earthquake if you've ever been in  an earthquake you've seen tremendous Devastation   you know to infrastructure like Bridges and and  buildings collapsing in such a loss of business   and even life and what do we do what do we  do after a earthquake well you know from an   engineering perspective we ask well what happened  how can we redesign when we rebuild this bridge so   it doesn't happen again how we put this building  back up how can we have new standards to make it   earthquake resistant so it doesn't collapse and  doesn't kill people I mean it it's expected that's   an expected reality to set a new standard of  protection well why would we not do the same thing   with a pandemic that we've just come out of I  mean literally we were caught off guard and had we   had thought about and asked the question could we  have standards to protect Public Public Safety but   not just in public buildings but in our own homes  things might have been different so I think really   what the rest of this presentation is really about  a new standard of safety that proactively protects   everyone everywhere we work where we live where we  breathe it doesn't matter everyone gets protection   and it's not just against the corona-class virus  the SARS Cove 2 which you see in the middle column   at the bottom but it's against a variety of  different pathogens or maybe influence down   to Mercer down to hepatitis to staff to coli  to strep things that we're all familiar with   and the challenge is is that all of these viruses  there is a smarter active solution we can take   the fight to it if we had only known about it and  been able to actually build that in as an expected   standard especially when you think about something  related to breathing you know we of course think   about water we can go what a few days without that  or maybe a few weeks without food but literally   we need air or we die and we're breathing two  to three thousand gallons of this wherever we   are happen to say that you know wherever you  are right now if you're in your office you're   breathing the air in your office if you're in a  car you're breathing there in a car if you're in   your home you're breathing you're in your home you  have to breathe Wherever You Are the challenge is   is that you're breathing into your body whatever  pathogen levels are in the air you're taking that   into your body let me give you a really kind  of gross thing to think about but if you're in   Starbucks and you go to a bathroom and you walk  in and there's a really nasty smell do you know   that whatever creating that smell there's  a little piece of that that actually you   just took into your lungs otherwise you did you  couldn't have smelled it so essentially you have   to have some type of technology or something that  is intercepting the pathogen these nasty things   before you take it into your lungs or your lungs  are the air purifier so is there technology out   there today and of course there is we're going to  talk about what we can do about it to again build   in this mindset that you know this is unacceptable  we need to have a standard I mean think about   it if somebody uh you saw a bridge in your city  fall fall down due to earthquake and many people   were killed in that well if they built the bridge  back exactly the same it didn't change the thing   you would probably be livid because I mean  it's like what do you mean you didn't change   it you didn't learn anything from that and yet  it collapsed well how do we make sure it doesn't   happen again exactly we have to make sure that we  learn and since most of us were caught off guard   with this pandemic we've got to learn from that  and protect the people the businesses the things   that are so much important to our daily lives so  let's talk a little bit about this new standard   protection and before we do I want to talk  to you about the company driving that because   it's important to understand that the company  behind this is not something that just popped up   during this coved season no it's a company called  acupure technology it's been around for 97 years   130 international patents most of all the its  technology has been tested against FDA approved   Laboratories and various different pathogens that  the studies have gone against in fact the FDA   has cleared one of the acupure devices called the  heiress medical going as a Class 2 medical device   over 70 different products 70 different countries  world renowned clientele working with some of the   most elite clients in the world for example the  Cleveland Clinic is doing a 2.2 million dollar   infectious study to to be able to demonstrate  in peer-reviewed papers that they've eliminated   the pathogen transfer of infectious disease in  a surgical Suite doing what with this technology   groups like major league baseball teams 29 to  30 using this to protect their players we'll   talk more about that here in a little bit later  on something very interesting for many people   is that this technology originated in NASA the  NASA Space Program did a study with University   of Wisconsin and Madison they were looking for  ways to keep the inside of a Space cabin clean   and also accelerate plant growth it did that but  there was a side effect of cleaning the air with   this technology and then also anything that air  touched whether it was a surface like a a doorknob   or you know any kind of table top or anything also  got sanitized so again the technology will talk   more about that here in a minute a U.S company  based in Dallas Texas that's the glass building   you see there in the bottom left-hand right hand  corner excuse me and also a 450 000 square foot   manufacturing facilities our facility in Bristol  Virginia so a U.S company and I'm very excited to   be able to share with you the fact that this isn't  just reserved for the the most elite hospitals or   the most elite government that this unit that  you see here valara is a business unit it's one   of our five business units but velara its primary  objective is to bring the technology to Ordinary   People to ordinary businesses and to be able to  get that out there so everyone not just the elite   but everyone gets that standard of protection just  real quickly the company's origin story started   with Electrolux back in 1924 became heiress in  2000 was inducted through the space Hall of Fame   we'll see that here in moment the new patents  filed by the way the space Hall of Fame this is   technology that was originated in space that was  commercialized to serve you know mankind was one   of 75 Technologies in 30 years to be honored with  this working with the prestigious Cleveland Clinic   the technology also was what we call a biosafety  level three level four lab demonstrated that this   technology destroyed covet in the air in less  than three minutes and then of course the FDA   clearing an active pure device called Eris medical  guarding as a Class 2 medical device here last   year so I wanted you to again understand this  is the preeminent this is the Premier company   in this air in surface sanitization space so I'm  going to share with you this solution here real   quickly I think you'll appreciate this this is  a quick little video I do want to let you know   this video is set up to really address more of the  covid but now as we're starting to move out of the   pandemic I want you to understand that this deals  with every form of pathogen be it mold be it viral   be it bacteria be it fungal so understand this  and I think you'll appreciate how this technology   works [Music] because of covid-19 the air we  breathe and the things we touch are no longer safe   shared air and surfaces Harbor risks due to  covid and other pathogens but with active pure   technology air and surfaces can be purified  and disinfected quickly and safely while you   share and occupy spaces with others activepure is  a patented Advanced active form of PCO technology   it works by creating and propelling safe and  Powerful disinfecting molecules into the air   in a room which quickly Seek and Destroy pathogens  everywhere active pure molecules work by piercing   the shell of a virus or bacteria to destroy its  living environment thereby preventing it from   replicating or doing harm active pure technology  is designed to use the law of gases to carry it   safe disinfecting molecules into every nook and  cranny in every shared space the law of gases is   the reason that the smell of microwaved popcorn  immediately spreads through your entire home   these odorless and invisible active pure molecules  fly through the air from our portable or installed   active pure products quickly and safely destroying  pathogens in the air and on surfaces activepure is   very different from other technologies that take  a passive approach and require that the pathogen   be pulled into an inefficient filter UV light or  plain PCO mechanism activepure does not wait to   see if by luck the pathogen is captured it seeks  and destroys them quickly wherever they may be in   the air you breathe or on the surfaces you touch  activepure can deliver measurable and guaranteed   results giving you the peace of mind to know  that you are providing the best protection   for the people you care for available in over 70  products both portable and installed active pure   technology is used in hospitals State houses and  other shared facilities across the world it is   proven by science and validated by multiple third  parties activepure is the key technology in our   FDA class II medical device the heiress Medical  Guardian activepure is not too good to be true   foreign all right well I think you got a pretty  good understanding of how it works and I've got   to spend a few minutes with you I want you just  to kind of take away some big Ideas here first   of all this unit is very small it's a portable  unit imagine two shoe boxes pushed together that   purifies up to 3 000 square feet with really  no filters to buy no Replacements the thing   that's powerful about that is that it literally  does not a filter so what it does is it creates   a fountain of cleansing elements these these  things called oxidizer superoxides hydroxos   peroxides and you're familiar with that if you've  ever been outside after a thunderstorm you notice   how fresh and clean the air smells well guess  what that is what you're smelling that's the   oxides superoxides hydroxyls microperoxides  what we're doing there is we're actually just   replacing the outdoor air air this is the kind  of thing that you would find in the outdoor air   you're bringing it to the indoor so indoor doesn't  have it because you don't have sunshine you don't   have the photo catalytic process that you'd  find Outdoors so all this machine really does   is it takes the missing components that you  find in outdoor air and it brings it indoor   let me share with you how it works it's kind of  really really neat with the technology imagine   in an indoor environment you're going to have  air your regular Airway it's going to have small   microscopic moisture now that's pulled into the  back through these little straws these straws are   made out of a semiconductor called titanium  dioxide now you have this UVC bulb it's it's   imagine it's like a mini sunshine it's the little  sun in there that creates that photo catalytic   response what happens is electrons fly off of  this silicon dioxide and that hits the air and   it creates these superoxins that's the Fountain  of these cleansers that's the micro peroxide   the hydroxyl superoxides hydroxides and what it's  doing is it goes hundreds of feet per minute you   know just like if you burn popcorn in your kitchen  you smell that back in your master bedroom how did   it get there because it's a gas it's distributed  throughout the whole environment but all we're   doing is putting outdoor air indoors pretty simple  technology right well it's interesting before we   had all the research and all the biosafety level  level three level four lab studies and all the the   FDA certified laboratory studies against all  the pathogens people say well how do I know   this is actually working well what we used to do  is we take a swab kind of like a big long cotton   swab weed swab the air we'd swab the surface you  know in a certain area say it was in a school for   example we'd put it in a little petri dish we'd  touch it to the petri dish and I'll show you that   here in a minute we'd seal it up and then we put  a unit in for about eight hours just let it run   nobody could go in no one could touch anything  then we'd come back after eight hours cut the   unit off do exactly the same thing we'd swab the  air swab exactly the same surfaces we'd put it in   the petri dish and then we'd sealed petri dish and  let them culture for about three days well after   three days this is what would happen we'd show  the customer or the client this so this is what   it looked like before and this is what it looked  like after so remember how I said you either have   one of these Technologies or year Longs are the  air purifier so this is why this is so important   so when you show this to a client in a school  you were saying hey your kids are breathing   this or they could be breathing this which one  do you want and of course when you're looking   about two to three cents for a child to be able  every time they go into a classroom to have this   safety of knowing they have a great environment  or every time someone enters your restaurant or   every sometimes somebody walks into your house  you've got the benefit of this why would you not   want to have that when it's so low cost per person  to be able to provide this standard just like the   earthquake we don't want to drive across a bridge  that hasn't been modified or upgraded to a new   standard when it collapsed before we don't want to  be able to ever get stuck again like we were stuck   with covid going through this past few months here  so one thing that you may not realize is that the   SARS code 2 virus is a very wimpy virus really  easy to destroy in fact we knew many many you   know months before we were able to make the claim  and go through those bias safety lab studies we   were able to say look we knew beyond a shadow  of the doubt we could destroy it very quickly   why because we've destroyed avian bird flu swine  flu because it's a whippy virus now the reason   why we know that is because the most difficult  virus is at the top of the pyramid we absolutely   destroy as well let's take a look at that here  in just a minute but I do want you to understand   that this technology isn't just for something like  source code 2 but it's for the much more difficult   things to destroy so let's take a look at what  the minor safety level 3 level 4 Labs showed here   this is of course source code two three minute  destruction rate in the air on surfaces we're   talking three six seven hours after seven hours  you're in a steady state that means everything's   been destroyed when it comes to source code 2  on surfaces that's um countertops carpets door   knobs everything and then any person who happens  to come in that environment anything that happens   to show up in the air three minutes it's destroyed  but what about the nasty stuff we were looking at   the top of the pyramid this is the most difficult  things here bacteriophage this is at the top of   the pyramid they're 30 minute destruction rate  the x174 bacteriophage this is again this is a   surrogate often times we think about something  like HIV this is a surrogate for that 30 minutes   destroyed there you think about staph infections  again 30 minutes there the Serena herbicola again   30 minutes this is uh really really really uh  nasty stuff the aspergillus Niger this is the   black mold many of us are familiar with again  30 minutes we're able to destroy that basilius   gobigiai once again this is the most difficult  heat resistant disinfectant resistant it's   something that is often looked at being weaponized  by people want to that want to do some type of   um you know bioterrorism if you will like if  you're going to use Anthrax this is what our   military looks can we destroy this because this is  the nasty one in again 30 minutes log three kill   rate so again it's not just the little things like  source code 2 but it's dealing with the big nasty   viruses that are much more difficult in the big  nasty pathogens as well so now you and I are are   not probably daily thinking about bioterrorism  who are thinking about in our own home and you   look in your home you can see before and after for  airborne bacteria and fungus and surface bacterium   fungus the before is the red and the blue is the  after you can see very quickly we're able to take   it from very high levels to low levels remember  the technology runs 24 7 you don't have to you   know again turn it off you just let it run it  does its thing something I didn't mention to you   is it also removes particulate from there imagine  you've seen a little calm of light come through   your window and you've seen the little sparkly  things in there what you're looking at is dead   skin sometimes if you're in a place that has pets  might even be pet dander but on dead skin dander   you have dust mites dust mites eat that then they  end up pooping or defecating and then you end up   bacteria mold growing on that and what happens  is that stuff just stays floating around what   this technology does is it sends an energy  wave out about about 20 meters or about say   40 meters you know across or about a hundred  what would that be that'd be about 120 feet   and what happens is when it hits these particles  it puts a negative or positive charge on it they   stick together and they settle out so what you're  able to do is you're able to remove a lot of this   particle from the air in those little Columbine  all of a sudden there's nothing in there anymore   where did it go it settles down to the floor so  once you vacuum that up we perceive about 97 98   that's out of your breathing space remember you  either have one of these Technologies or you are   the air purifier how about in commercial this  happens to be a hotel same thing remote desk   carpet HVAC light switched Oriental you can see  the same kind of thing before after something I   do want to call your attention to the light switch  which is constantly being contaminated Again by   people coming in and out in and out in and out  including um you know your your housekeeping   well you can see even so we're looking at a six  to one reduction there so again this is something   that you can be absolute peace of mind that  you're providing the very best environment for   your clients your customers or your employees  we mentioned a little bit about Major League   Baseball this is important just because you think  about these guys each team has their own medical   staff medical officers whose responsibility is to  keep these multi-million dollar athletes healthy   they can afford to get any technology they want  on the planet and yet um they choose ours why   because if you get any of your players with a  bacterial or fungal infection or MRSA they can   be out for several games perhaps even the whole  season which caused the club literally hundreds   of thousands in some cases millions of dollars  and you can't see all the testimonial letters   here from Major League Baseball teams  but it's a very very significant number   so who uses the technology pretty much everybody  who's looking for a smart solution homeowners pet   lovers asthma allergy sufferers people that take  care of kids people that are Health Advocates   that just want to have the very best and then  Educators another big area especially with so   many kids now looking at returning to school  but even before coven Dr Doris rapping her   book said hey if you want to take a kid and  have them perform at their optimal academic   performance to take them out of the school put  them Outdoors because they will actually be able   to not be impacted by chemical sensitivities from  molds from mildews from strippers from different   cleansers and things that tend to affect  kids performance and cognitive function she   demonstrated that and of course what she was  saying is hey let's take the outdoor air and   let's put the kid in that well now today we can  bring the outdoor air in using this technology   so how much does something like this cost to  be a great question to ask you know with all   the things that it does from taking care of the  air and surface contaminants freshening the air   making everything smell like a rainforest getting  rid of all that dead skin and dander from the the   air that little calm light we're talking about  making sure that we have that thunderstorm fresh   air is perfectly safe for pets for yourself  or your employees your kids wherever you work   you live you play providing complete ozone free  environment and surface cleaning covering up to 3   000 square feet remember this is about the size  of two shoe boxes little to no means you just   take your vacuum with a little brush attachment  just brush off the top brush off the back maybe do   that once a month every six months opening up look  at it I mean really that's it the other nice thing   is it has an incredible service life the average  service life of this technology is about 10 years   we'll say five years to be just conservative but  again when it does all this no filters to buy or   replace runs for up to three thousand square feet  there protects your environment again how much   will people think well gosh obviously with that  it's going to be at least what two thousand twenty   five hundred three thousand well it's not three  thousand it's not twenty five hundred it's not   even two thousand this unit that you're looking at  will protect all of that environment up to three   thousand square feet again for 10 years for under  fifteen hundred dollars this is the retail price   point at 14.99 there and we have been helping  people out in businesses out by discounting   the vet during the covet you know so we can help  people recognize the some of the burden they're   going through but even if we said the 14.99 price  point and what we did is we went ahead and we we  

kind of looked at you know taking just even the  five year not the 10-year service like but five   years well that would break down to about 41 cents  a day for a total peace of mind so if you've got   an office with 10 people that's four cents an  employee per day if you've got it in a family's   home and there's four members in the family that  again is 10 cents a family member per day again   with something so low cost when you look at the  marginal cost being so low is there any reason you   wouldn't want to to protect your family with this  new standard with this new standard protection   why would you not want to have something like  this why would you not want to have this for   your employees or your you know your uh your your  customers and there's really when you think about   you know doing something you know sure if you  you're going to build a bridge say like after an   earthquake it's going to cost more money possibly  to rebuild and re-engineer it in a new way yeah   and this might cost a little bit more money but  on a daily basis can we afford not to do that so   I really think there's three reasons why somebody  wouldn't you know get this unit and want to take   advantage and be a part of the New Movement  to set a new standard of protection either a   they don't believe that there's pathogens and bugs  and other things out there and even though they   might have been caught off guard they say oh well  that that will happen again or that can't happen   again or I don't believe all that other stuff  is really that bad or maybe they don't you know   believe all the Science and Technology of these  biosafety labs and the Cleveland Clinic and all   this stuff so again it's either that or they maybe  say gosh well my family's you know I love them but   they're not worth 10 cents a person or or my my my  customers aren't worth three cents or whatever you   know and I know that's not the case and maybe  somebody says well gosh you know I I get it I   understand it I and I accept that but I I just  don't know if I can swing it right now well if   you can't swing it you know whatever the price is  uh let's figure that out let's come up with the   way you know sometimes we can work through things  you know same as cash you know six months same as   cash and come up with other ways to help people  have this technology the bottom line is you just   can't be caught again like this this should never  ever happen again we shouldn't just go back to the   way we always were because what happened is for a  reason and there's an opportunity here now to make   sure that those people that weren't protected get  protected and of course those of us who knew about   this technology that were protected you know can  continue to evangelize and share them with people   in a powerful way let's talk talk about next steps  let's get back with that person tell them that   you're excited about what you've seen let them  get you set up with a risk for evaluation the   only promise we ask you is that if you don't love  this thing send it back we don't want you to have   something if you don't like it and again I don't  want you to just like it but if you don't love it   send it back because we want you to be absolutely  convinced and then guess what if you want a little   discount let them know say look you know I I I'm  maybe having some challenges right now or I want   to get one from my home and my office oh and I  also want to get one maybe for you know something   else maybe a friend or maybe it's an aging parent  that you know somebody at risk that needs one and   you want to inspire for them just let them know  and they're going to hook you up and make sure   that you're taking care of the key thing right  now more than anything is that you become part   of the new standard so folks with that thank you  so much for letting me share with you this is John   Bender again I'm going to sign off but wish you  the best can't wait to get a chance to hear the   results and how much you've enjoyed being able  to have this technology not just because it's the   right thing to do but because of how awesome it  makes you feel take care everyone we'll talk soon


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