VMware Horizon Version 8 (2006) What's New
Hi there my name is chris halstead, i'm an euc, staff architect, with the vmware. And let's take a look at what's new in vmware, horizon, version 8, 2006.. Let's take a look at some platform, updates first. As you may have noticed, there is some new branding and versioning. In this version of verizon. We're going to a year year, month month versioning, for both the ryzen server, and the client and agent. So that means that current release, is actually, 2006. 2020.06. And you'll see this new branding, on. Product installs. On the horizon, client. And on the rising console. There are some updates to the core, platform. You can now do parallel, upgrades, of connection, servers. It will block the installer, if another host in either a local or a global pod is in an inconsistent, state. And you can do a maximum, of three pods at a time in parallel. There's support for cbrc. 2.0. With, with vsphere, 7.. And. This gives up to 32, gigabytes, of cash, so it was previously, 2, gigabytes, of cache. In cbrc. 1.0. You can remove the false memory alarm for intercloned, parents, on vcr7. This is something. You know since they use 100, memory. They're always in an alarm state, and even though there's nothing wrong it's just really the way they function. It is an error that uh, you know, a lot of customers want to remove. Html, access is on by default, for desktop pools and rd usage farms now. There are several new deployment, options, as well. In this version of verizon. Basically when you go through and set up a connection, server the first time in a pod. You'll get an option, to, you know how you want to deploy. This version of verizon. And options are you know general. Which is a typical, vsphere, on-premises. Install, of, horizon. And there are some new options so there's, aws. So it's either the vmware cloud and aws. Or ec2, native. Dell emc, which is the vmware, cloud on dell emc, solution. Azure. Which is the azure, vmware. Solution. Google cloud. Google cloud vmware engine, and finally oracle cloud, which is the oracle cloud vmware engine, and you'll see more on these offerings, and these uh, deployment, options. Uh. You know around, the time of release. Um but this, what this really does is allows you to determine. How your. Uh installation, will be done so there are certain things as an example, the azure vmware solution. Requires certain, vcenter permissions. When you set it up you'll notice that the vcenter, is actually set up, and the deployment, type will show. Um, what was. Chosen during the install process and that determines. You know the permissions, and different things on the vcenter, server as well. And it's only available when you set up a new pod, so it's not available, you know after you've set up a pod setting up the second third connection server. You won't see this option it'll just automatically, use. The deployment options been set. Previously. There's a digital watermark, now. The digital watermark, is really used for ownership, protection. Office, authenticity. Verification. Of the intellectual, property someone tries to take a picture of the screen. You know you can you can prove that it was in your environment. And you can.
Retain Some chain of custody, there. There are some. You know variables, that are. Able to be. Inputted, into the watermark, things like ip address username, domain, name. And it can be. Manipulated. As far as the layout, and the opacity, in the margin, so. You can get it you know a really good watermark, for your desktops, and again protect your data from things like people taking screenshots, or pictures. And you can make sure that you uh, you know show where that, information came from. Now this doesn't support the rdp, display protocol so it's not going to work with blast extreme. And pc of reppy. There are a bunch of new endpoints, for the rest api, and verizon. You'll notice there's a new section, on entitlements. So you can. Add remove entitlements, for desktop and application, pools. There's a bunch of new endpoints, in inventory, so things like sessions. You can, manipulate. Manual pulls so add remove machines. You know do things like maintenance, mode rebuild, reset recover. Uh you can create application, pools you can update them you can delete them so. A bunch of new, um. Endpoints, on the rest api stamp. Side. There is also, a, swagger ui now that's available. Locally, on the install. You just go to the fqdn, of connection server. Swagger. Ui.html. And you can really kind of go through and and learn and try out uh. The, api endpoints as well. Now i've put together, a postman, collection. Uh, at this link. On code vmware.com. That, allows you to. Use the, postman, solution, to. Try out and, uh you know easily, access, all of the apis. And. Horizon, 8 2006. As well we've published a brand new paper, on. Using the rest api. On, taxon.vmware.com. And the link is uh below, so that'll really help you learn you know how to authenticate, how to do some sample. Um. You know, like entitlement, we actually entitle, a desktop, pool, i'm sure how to do that so, that paper hopefully, will be, very helpful. As you go through and look at the the new features, of, the rest api. In horizon, 26.. Now there's a a new feature called smart provisioning. Um and this is really for automated pools. Both on the desktop, and the rdsh, side. We're going to cover this, i'm going to cover this in a separate video. In a lot more detail. In a future walkthrough.
Called Smart provisioning, it's available on, textzone.vmware.com. But basically, what the idea, is is horizon, automatically, chooses. The type. Of. Desktop, that it's going to create. Based on. Density. So if the lower density of vms per host, in the selected, cluster. It's going to do a new, desktop type which is called. Vms, or desktops, without parent vms. So what happens, is they get directly, cloned from the replica. So the template, and the replica, are exactly, the same. Um but it uh as traditional into clones but it doesn't, um create a parent vm. Pair vms are what, take up a ton of memory, and, disk space, and. Depending, on how large, you know if you have rdsh, servers. With 48 gigs of ram, um, you know each one of those parent vms is going to take 48, gigs room. And. So this is a way to really eliminate, those parent vms, uh in those uh. Lower density clusters, you know typically, going to be rdsh. Clusters. Um. And uh, really helps reduce that memory, and that does. Footprint. Um if you have a high density, of vms per host and selected clusters couldn't, create them traditional, into clones. Um to be, created with parent vms, and, uh. Now what can happen is depending on the you know the dense. Density fluctuation. Is. You know it can go between the two it can go between. With a parent or without a parent um and a a. Pool or a farm. Can have, both types, you can have vms that are created both ways. This is all done automatically, by horizon, all automatically. You know it automatically, picks how to how to provision those systems, with uh, horizon. Now if you look at the the future walkthrough there is. You know a way to, you know once you've created a pool or a farm. To force it. To either traditional, instant clones or to. These new um. Into clones created without without a parent vm. So that that, walkthrough, will, cover this feature, in a lot more detail. So. We look at feature mapping, from horizon, 7. To verizon. 8 26. And, there are some deprecated, features. And there are some features, that are removed as well. So a couple things that are deprecated. Are, link clones the composer. And persistent, disk. And. You know. Meaning, that basically. You know they're they're there they're deprecated, and it will be removed, in a future version of verizon. Um things that are removed, that are just not there, anymore, um, as of uh horizon, 8 2006. Our. Support for windows 7 windows 8. Windows server 2008. Sorry 2008. The jump server so the jump server now is uh is removed, so jump server will not support, app volumes 4 will not support. Horizon, 8. Basically. That functionality, will go to multi-cloud, assignments, which is a. You know cloud control, plane. Solution, that, you know, goes across all deployment. Methods. So the jump server's gone persona, management's, is gone, uh in lieu of.
Using A combination, of ffslogix. Uh, dem standard, enterprise. Or the app volumes use red bull volume. The flex admin has been deprecated, or removed. In lieu of the horizon, html5, console. Thin print has been replaced, with vmware integrated, printing. And the security, server is now gone replaced, by the unified, access. Gateway. Just a little, this is a fairly old slide but just a little refresher. On the differences, between composer, and into clones. Uh, you know composer. Recompose, refresh, rebalance. Uh has clone level cbrc. Has the database. And the service, and it's, a separate install. Very long provisioning. Maintenance windows, typically. Especially if you have, you know thousands, of desktops, it can take. Quite a long time, to provision, those uh. Desktops, and, because of the database, because of the nature of what it is it's it's prone to. Problems, uh, you know because you've got all these different moving pieces. We look at instant clones. Uh. You know basically we drill delete and create a new clone on log off uh cbrc. For the replica. No separate service no database. Uh. Fewer, view center calls. And and much faster, to provision, it once the priming process, is complete. And now you know all across all licensing, levels. Standard, advanced, uh, users have access, to instant clones so we're deprecating, or remo, you know. Going to remove lint clones down the road, uh what we want. You know customers to do is to move to instant clones. So instant clones are now available, across, all license. Types. And you'll notice a couple of deprecation, messages. Uh in the ui. And this basically just tells you that these features are going to be removed so. Persistent, disk, and view composer, you'll notice that they just let you know that these features, are deprecated. And they will be removed. Now there are some gaps between lend clones. And into clones. In horizon, 2006. If you need to have a unique bias id. Um. So if if you need to have a unique biocd, and you can't use the new. Provisioning, type of. Anti-clones, created without a parent vm. Then that's a gap, so. The the, new provisioning, type will give you a unique bias id. Uh but if you're not able to use for whatever reason, that provisioning, type then that is a gap and and you may need to stay on the clone. Multineck. And sysprep. Forensic, clones. And statically, assigned computer names those are the gaps, these will be addressed. But as of today. They are gaap so it's something that you may want to consider, you know sticking, on. Link clones. A little bit longer. Because of the. The feature gap. There are new versions, of dynamic, environment manager. So there is a dump standard, in enterprise, now. And. Demp standard, is available, to, both new and existing, horizon standard and advanced customers, and. Basically, because persona management has gone away, this gives, customers a way to, you know do some of the, similar functionality. Get access to to them. Um to manage their environments, and it's also a good, piece of the migration, process of migrating, from.
Link Loans, uh from persistent, disk over to, um, some of the new more modern technologies. Ryzen 7 customers with current sns. Will receive, dumb standard, uh with horizon, 8.. And how it works is basically there are unique in this size in the product download portal. With common bits and the, management console will kind of read the product edition to enable. Features. So the dem standard feature list, personalization. Has everything. On the user environment tab it has drive mappings folder redirection, log on tasks log off tasks. And printer mappings. Has a complete set of condition sets. Application, profiler. And help desk support tool. And this ties directly, into, a new document, that we've put together. Josh, spencer, and myself. Walking, through. You know modernizing. Vdi for a new horizon. You know, we talked about the deprecation. The removal, of things like, persona. Persistent, discs. And clones. You know how do you migrate, you know from. These legacy, solutions, to the modern solutions. This paper really, details the process, we've also provided. Several. Scripts. That are, going to allow you to. Automate the process, of you know migrating, data from the persistent, disk, you know over to. Things like, fslogix. Uh you, walk through the process of migrating, from link clones. Bunch of different, scenarios, for migrating, off of things like persona, so, it's a really detailed. Document. It's at this link on tech zone so so please check it out as you plan your migration, guidance. And your migration, plan. From these legacy, technologies. Now let's take a look at what's new in horizon, console. There are some general updates, uh we can now. You know see the pools that are being deleted from the machines page, directly. We display the client version, in the sessions grid. You can also access, this via the sessions. Endpoint. In the new rest api. Endpoints. We can. Set a display name for global entitlements, now so we can. Create the global entitlement, but we can now give a display, name that may be different than what the global entitlement, is called. Uh there isn't, you'll notice improved, grid layout, so it's much much more data fits on the screen now it's much more easier. Much easier to read. The the data in the horizon console. And and because of that we can see a lot more detail on things like the desktop pulsar, page. There is a new admin role. Which has all privileges. Except, grant other admins. So the horizon, client restrictions, has been updated. And what this is is this allows us to restrict, or warn your users from connecting, with. Older horizon clients so we can actually. You know choose the client type you know windows, linux, mac. And we can say we want to block connections. You know earlier than a certain version. Um. And we can actually put several, in there you know commerce separated. And, we can actually warn users. Starting with the the the 8x. 2006, client. We can actually warn them that they have an older version and say okay, please, you know upgrade to the latest version. And, those, messages, are fully. Customizable. And. It really allows you to make sure that you have, you know consistent. Uh clients. Uh. In your. Ecosystem. We now get more detail, on the network display page. Uh when we go through the, pull creation now we can see things like, uh the binding. Type uh the network, name. Total ports available for it so, but you know prior we just saw kind of the network name and we didn't have any of the details, as far as what was going on so now we can see, things like incompatible, network, network types and we can see a lot more detail. On, uh, the, the details, of that individual. Network. There's in product feedback. Uh so allows. You to provide direct feedback, uh to the product teams. Is supported, in 11, languages. And it's either static or pop-up, so. The the static, is always available, on the top right and i'll show you that in a second. And the pop-up, is is really based on logins, and uh you know duration. Of how long it's been in between. It'll wait at least 30 days plus a certain login threshold. After initial feedback. Now you can't opt out so you can actually check this this box here that's that's highlighted in red, and say don't show me the the feedback, request any longer. This is what the feedback screen looks like so basically you can. Provide, you know. Opinions, on the software you can provide comments. And. Anytime that you want to do it, statically. It's available, you know at the top right of the console, this little. Bubble, uh click that and you can provide, uh in-product, feedback. So there's another another feature called client restrictions. For desktop, polls now this is a feature that's been around. On the rdsh. Side for a little while and this is really. For um. Having you know privileged, access workstations. Where you want, you know only certain workstations.
To Connect to a pool. Um, and, on windows 10 so what you do is basically create an entitlement. That contains, both the. User. And. The, desktop. So they have to be at a certain desktop and they have to be a certain user. To actually access that desktop. Poll. Let's take a look at linux support. So there is support for red hat enterprise linux 7.8. Uh and we have a multi-session. Support, uh in linux and this is supported, on red hat, 7881. Ubuntu, 804. And basically, it's as simple as installing, linux agent with, dash dash multiple, dash session. Let's take a look at a demo of. It. So once you've gone through and you know installed the, the uh the agent, as we mentioned. It's just this you know simple process, as uh. You know you would do on the uh. Rds. Side rdsh, side so it's the same process. The advantage of doing this is. The savings of rds, rds cals, so you can see here that we select. We see our ubuntu, system. And. We run through the process. Exactly, the same. Now we do is we create an application, poll. And what we can do is we can actually see. All the installed applications. So we'll do is we'll flip her on firefox. And. A web browser is really one of the primary use cases, uh, for doing this because it's something that uh, is kind of agnostic, between. Uh, and and devices, we can, we just need to access a. A web browser, and doesn't matter some windows, or, linux in this case. So we'll go ahead and title it. And there we go we've got a application, pool for firefox. Now add another one uh in this case we'll actually do health there. Because you know. Working at home, take a break. Play some solitaire, so. We'll publish saltero. We'll entitle, it. And you can see this this whole process, is exactly, the same, uh as doing uh rds, and it looks the same to the end users as you'll see, we log in. We've entered it into a user that's a member of that group. It'll load our applications. And we'll see that we have our two. Applications. Published from linux, and. We access, them they're seamless. Just like well we're used to with a typical, windows rdst, host. But in this case again we don't have to. Uh. Take up a artist's, cal to do this, so it's great for those really those common, use. Applications, such as a web. Browser. Let's take a look at what's new in blast extreme. So there have been improvements. On both full screen video. Uh and and memory utilization, with the blast codec. The blast codec, is now, enabled, by default. Hevc444. Uh codec support with intel gpus. So this is the intel, ice lake. 10th generation. And it's windows vms, only, with the 2006. Client and by default it's on if the hardware exists. Now this is already supported, for the nvidia, touring family. Support for up to two ak monitors. And there's a change in how the uh, client topology, is sent, um. In in the previously, it was actually, um, the first frame was encoded, at the topology, that was last set on the last connection now it's actually. Sending the client topology, before the first round sent, and that's on the windows agent. Let's take a look at the horizon agent. So there are some optimizations. In the real-time, audio and video.
When It comes to. H.264. Encoding, decode. And what this will do is this will really help improve the user experience for webcam, usage. Something we're all doing now right. We're all, accessing. Video. Conferences. To do our daily, uh. Work. And, what this covers is, zoom microsoft, teams skype for business. Etc. And, in addition there is windows, tablet, pen support. There is a new ui. For location-based. Printing. In vmware, integrated printing. So. Basically, it's configured. In the gpo bundle. And. You go through. And, it's available, in the gpmc. You can set. Certain. Location-based. Printing parameters. In a. Ui. And then those will actually flow down to the endpoint. Now location, based printing is available across. You'll see many of the, mobile, clients as well now. In this version, so this is something that uh. You know. As. Thin prints turned off, we want folks to to migrate, to vmware integrated printing. Let's look at the horizon, clients. So. Very popular feature, is uh video and desktop sharing optimization, with microsoft, teams, um. So. This is uh really an optimization, pack for video and desktop sharing, um, on, 2006.. So, this works on. A very specific. Set of. Configurations. It's going to be a horizon 26, server. Horizon, 2006. Windows client. And, that has teams for vdi, installed. On. The the desktop, with, the per machine, option. Now it's configured. Uh, on the client, during install you'll see a, little checkbox, to enable media optimization, for microsoft, teams. And is configured. On the agent, via group policy. Now this is not supported, on rdsh. Desktop pools. Or as an application, pool in. General. Now all the clients, except for html5. You'll notice uh have the new client restriction, messages, and this is really. What we talked about when we say okay. You know we want to, block certain clients or we want to warn certain clients, you're going to see every. Client is going to have a client restriction, messages, support. When it comes to the witness client we have support for windows 10 2004. Microsoft. Edge chromium. Support, for you url, redirection. Uh we can skip the certificate, revocation, list checking option. Via gpo. On the lace linux client. We have ubuntu, 2004. Ltf, support. Full ipv6. Support. So you can actually configure, the ryzen client for linux. To use. Ipv4. Or ipv6. Or switch automatically, between them as needed. We can set custom display, resolutions. And they remain, in effect. Even. When users connect from a different, uh, client. And the the sdk, has been updated. To allow you to fully customize, the the client for linux. Get more information, on, brokering, and remove sessions. The mac client, uh has added usb. Auto connect for rdshops. So this has been in. Many of the other clients for for a while so this is the last client so now now, they all have this ability, so. On a connection, it will just it will automatically, connect those usb devices, when you connect into an rdsh, app. The ios, client has support for vmware integrated printing. Including, location-based, printing. Android, client has support for vmware integrator, printing. Including location-based, printing, and it will now pass the android, device id to. Ops. The chrome client supports, chrome os 81, and chrome os 82. The html5. Client. Will. Support edge chromium. And it will save save the monitor layout.
On Both windows. Mac os and chrome os desktop endpoints. And now we can see the connections, that are launched via workspace, one mode. Uh previously. If we, connected, via workspace one mode, into. The html5. Client we wouldn't see we expand the left pane, we wouldn't see those connections. Uh, there now we'll see them now. And we'll see that, when we set the multiple display now we can do that easily, and. That will actually, persist. Thank you very much uh. Make sure to check out the the feature walkthrough. On, smart provisioning, for more details on that feature. Check out. Techzone.vmr.com. For more details, on horizon, 8 thank. You.
2020-08-18 00:33