VMware HardDrive Types Vmware Administration 8 0 Vmware On job Course

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now what these options are how do they help you let me tell you a quick story around this so when we talk about hard drive we basically have two options the first option is a thin hard drive and the other option is basically a thick hard drive okay so whenever you are creating a hard drive you have to choose from either of these options do you want to create a thin hard drive or do you want to create a thick hard drive okay what is the difference the difference is you remember I told you that when we talk about VMware we basically have a storage so what would happen is for example you will have a big storage box might be an HP or might be Dell might be EMC you know some storage box you will have and on that storage box you would have a lot of hard drives know and all these hard drives basically together make up a a big storage volume for you okay and then what you do is basically from the storage pool you will take out a portion of example 2 terabyte okay and then you will present this 2 terabyte to the esxi okay then you format this portion that you see on the esxi and then you make it a data store okay when you create a data store it is only then you can place the virtual machines on this data store okay so we take the storage capacity from the storage pool that we that we have the sand so we we take the capacity from there we present it to the esxi we format that hard drive and then we create a data store so for example if you have a Windows desktop and you attach a new hard drive okay let's say that you have a Windows 10 desktop at your home it is working fine now you get one more hard drive you already have one hard drive in your desktop and you got another hard drive now now when you connect that new hard drive in your desktop windows will not recognize it you cannot start keeping the data on that second hard drive you first need to format that hard drive with NTFS file system you need to create an e Drive G drive you know K Drive L drive whatever is your you know preference letter preference you need to create a a volume out of it and then only you can keep the data on it why because when you connected the hard drive on your desktop Windows sees it as a raw hard drive and windows cannot use that hard drive until and unless it puts its file system on it so it has to put the file system and then only it can use it uh to put the data on okay similarly is the case with esxi when you present a two terab by volume from the storage to the esxi this is a raw hard drive for the esxi esxi cannot utilize this 2 terabyte of space until and unless it formats it like Windows would format it with NTFS and will create an e Drive or a G Drive similarly esxi has to format and then create a data store Windows creates a volume esxi is creating a data store and then you basically place your virtual machines on the data store okay so what would happen is um for example let's say that I have a storage and the storage that I have is basically of um let's say 10 terabyte the total capacity that I have in my storage is 10 terabyte now what what do I do is I take out a portion of 2 tbte and I give it to the esxi okay I then go ahead and format this 2 terabyte and what do I do is I create a data store think about it this is a data store that I created this data store is of basically 2 terabyte okay or let's keep it simple it is of 100 G GB for example okay this is not 2 terab for example this is 100 GB so you had given a volume of 100 GB to esxi you formatted it and you created a data store of 100 GB now what you have to do is you have a virtual machine okay you created a hard drive now when we create a hard drive you remember either it has to be a thin or it has to be a thick you have to choose one of the options when you are creating the hard drive so if you create a thick hard drive okay and for example the size of the hard drive was 25 GB then what would happen is 25gb gets deducted from here instantly give me a minute please so what would happen is if you create a virtual machine you create a hard drive you create a thick hard drive of 25gb thick hard drive basically means you are allocating the space right now so thick hard drive means that if you want 25gb I will give you that entire 25gb right now whether you use that entire 25gb or you use only 1 GB or 10 GB or 5gb whatever that number you want to use it's up to your wish but I will give you the complete capacity of 25 GB this is what a thick hard drive means and from the data store instantly 25 GB will be deducted and you will be left with 75 GB over here okay now whether the 25 GB of hard drive space that you have you use you want to use 5gb or 7 GB or 10 GB hardly makes any difference the data store will basically will look at it that you know entire 25gb has been given why because it was a thick hard drive whenever you create a thick hard drive the space is given instantly okay you get the space there and then and then it's up to you that whether you want to use it or you don't want to use it any questions on thick hard drives let me know okay let me show you a quick practical now so let's take an example that right now in my data store what is the free capacity 255 GB okay it is of 286 GB the total my storage and I have a free capacity of 255 GB now what do I do I create a new hard drive okay and for example I'll create 70gb hard drive and it will be a thick hard drive now you have two options in thick you can choose any one that you feel like I'll tell you the difference later but for now just think about it you choose any thick hard drive that you want to okay and then what you do is you hit the okay button okay so you created a v a hard drive on the virtual machine with 70gb now what is a free space earlier we had 255 or something right I I don't remember the number but that was something the number but now when I created a 70gb of a thick hard drive that space has instantly gone away why because that is a thick hard drive when you create a thick hard drive whether am I going to use that entire 70gb and no that's up to my wish but from the data store that space will be deducted instantly that confusion question over here okay now what I will do is I will delete this hard drive I do not want this hard drive I will say you know delete all the data and whatever it is delete the hard drive okay I deleted the hard drive and now in sometime you know the space will be back okay this will be back to 255 whatever that number was you see it is back to 255 okay so when you create a thick hard drive basically you are allocating the space right now as we speak okay this is a thick hard drive now when I talk about a thin hard drive if I can write when you create a thin hard drive the for example you have a VM you gave a hard drive this was a thin hard drive and the capacity is 25 GB your data store is of basically 100 GB so when you create a thin hard drive of 25gb nothing gets deducted over here I mean no space is getting deducted why why because a thin hard drive will only consume the data from the data store how much you are using so for example out of 25 you are only using 5 GB so only 5 GB will get deducted over here so you will have 95 GB available okay so you decide to use another 7 GB then you will be left with 88 GB over here and 7 GB will be deducted over here so a thin hard drive means I am fooling the operating system in thinking that you have the complete space okay I am literally fooling the operating system in in making uh it realize that it has the complete 25 GB of a hard drive space but in reality it only has the metadata okay as you start consuming the 25gb of hard drive space the storage will keep getting deducted from the data store okay so let me show you a quick example by demoing it so that you understand it better so earlier we had created a 70gb hard drive and we saw that you know that 70gb got instantly got deducted I will create a 70gb hard drive again and this time instead of choosing a thick I will choose a thin okay and I would hit the okay button task gets completed you keep hitting refresh and the number will not come down why because this is a thin hard drive in thin hard drive when you start putting the data on that 70 GB then only the space will come down so out of 70 GB for example if I put an ISO of 10 GB then 10 GB will be deducted from here then this number will change to free space to 245 this is what would happen doubts confusion question on a thin hard drive and a thick hard drive whatever I've told you till now do you get the basic difference between both if not let me know yes got it uh but one question for example I just themeing and then I have another virual machine which takes like another 200 GB for example of thick proficient so I already took uh 70 GB so how uh theual machine will get that space because it's using them profish is that clear I understand your point we have something called as over commitment you remember I told you this topic of overc commitment wherein I told you that you know you have 100 GB of RAM and then you create four virtual Machines of 25gb and then you can create two more virtual machines and three more virtual Machines of 25gb RAM and I told you that you know this can be done because they are not U they are not utilizing that entire space okay so what you have done effectively you have given 175 GB of RAM as a virtual Ram you only have 100 GB but you you have allocated 175 GB so what you have done you have done overc commitment so the overc commitment happens basically on CPU it basically happens on RAM and it also happens on disk okay how do you do that let me show it to you so I only have a free capacity of 255 GB right now I will create a new hard drive and I will give it 800 GB space do I have 800 GB absolutely not I will create a thin provision and I will hit the okay button and this will go through why because a thin drive you are not taking out the space right now you will require the space when you start filling it if you're not filling it you're not going to use any space so you see over here it is still 255 GB now when you go to the data store when you go to the configure tab now now over here you will basically see that this provisioning I mean this should go up in a minute okay but here it should basically show you that you know your provision space is high and your free space is low okay and this is the place where you will actually get to know about this so when it comes to disk you can do an overc commitment I mean nobody stopping you from doing an overc commitment you see over here this VM has 974 GB of storage I mean do I have even 974 GB no I only have 286 but I still did an overc commitment overc commitment in storage can happen on a thin drive if you are using a thin hard drive then you can do an overc commitment but again it is the responsibility of VMware admin to keep to keep an eye on how much over provisioning you can do okay then to keep a check and balance of the over commitment you can basically put alarms and you can put you know um few checks in balances in place how do you do that I'll tell you later but to answer your question jar you can absolutely overcome it in a thin hard drive you cannot do it on a thick hard drive and then you have to keep an eye you have to monitor your environment so that you know you do not run out of the space when they need it does that answer your question yes thanks okay now let me come back and device and data REM device and data okay so we basically spoke about that we know that there are two types of hard drive that we create there's something called as a thin hard drive and then there's something called as thick hard drive okay thin hard drive is basically where we are fooding the operating system in thinking that you have have entire 100 GB of hard drive space but in reality the kind of you know space that will be used by the operating system that will only get deducted from the data store in thick hard drive as soon as I create the hard drive of 70 GB 100 GB whatever that number is it will get deducted instantly from the data store okay this is the basic difference now there are basically two more categories in pick there is something called as eager and there is something called as lazy okay now what is the difference over here when I talk about a thin hard drive there are two penalties when I talk about a thick lazy zeroed hard drive then there is one penalty and when I talk about thick eager zeroed hard drive there is zero penalty okay what does it mean let me tell you let me tell you that what would happen is for example let's say that you have a virtual machine you have a hard drive and this is of 100 GB and this is a 10 hard drive okay now let's say that you have a data store this data store is of 500 100 GB okay now you created a thin hard drive of 100 GB so how much will get deducted over here can someone tell me if I created a thin hard drive of 100 GB how much space will be deducted from the data store nothing will get deducted absolutely correct nothing will get deducted because of this is a thin hard drive as I start putting data on that 100gb hard drive then it will start consuming the space from the data store okay now let's say that there is a user and he sees that 100 GB of the hard drive over here okay let's say that he has a big ISO with him that he needs to copy on this 100gb hard drive this ISO is for example 10gb in size okay he needs to copy this 10gb hard drive I'm sorry this 10gb ISO on the 100gb hard drive okay now what he will do is he will start the copy process he will start copying the data on the 100gb hard drive and it will consume 10 GB of data now in thin Drive what would happen is as the user starts copying the data space has to be requested so VMware will tell the operating system operating system you need to wait because you have a thin hard drive I need to get you the space so VMware will say that you need 10 GB of space so it will go to the data store it will take out 100 GB of space and I and it will give to the virtual machine why because this is a thin hard drive in thin hard drive you do not get the hard drive space up front you get it when you have to use it so when you are copying some data on that hard drive and you whether you are writing it or reading it whatever you are doing whenever you are writing the data there is a delay in getting that space from the data store to the operating system okay so what would happen is VMware in the background will tell the operating system buddy you need to wait because you have a thin hard drive I need to fetch the space for you give it to you and then you can start writing on it okay now VMware will take some millisecond microc Nan subc it will take you know few it will take some time I mean this time can be very low can be micros seconds milliseconds or subsecs whatever you want to think that is fine but bware will take some time to basically allocate the space okay so VMware will take some time to take the space from the data store and give it to the virtual machine this is the first delay okay till the time VMware takes the space and give it to and gives it to the operating system your right operation will not happen okay you must have seen that you know whenever you open a word file or whenever you open the Excel file you know if it's a very heavy file that file might you know freeze for a second or a two and then it comes to life and then basically you can start you know writing the data or if you are writing too much of data on a word file and if you save that file it might take a second or a two for to save that file and then you know it will save the file okay why because whenever you are doing an activity it is going onto the hard drive your hard drive should be capable enough should be you know fast enough to digest that data okay similarly over here what would happen is when VMware is getting that hard drive space to the operator in system so that it can write on it till the time this operation is happening the application has to wait the application cannot write the data so this is the first delay if someone did not understand this concept please let me know okay moving on now you have a VM you have a hard drive it is a thin hard drive you have had it 100 GB okay this is the 100 GB this is the 100 GB of hard drive that you have this is a thin provision okay and as a user you started copying data of 10gb iso okay so the first delay that I told you is that the VMware has to allocate you the space okay so VM will will take few milliseconds Nan seconds micros seconds it will take some time and it will basically know take up a portion of 100 GB um sorry take up a portion of 10 GB because you're writing 10 GB data so it will take up a portion of 10 GB it will allocate it to you and then you can basically start writing this is the first delay now there is one more delay what is the second delay VMware has allocated the space to you okay whenever we talk about data what is dat data if I ask you you have an Excel file you have a word file you have a PowerPoint file you have a database file for us it is an Excel PowerPoint Word file or something something something what is that file to the computer for computer the data is zeros and ones it is nothing more than that okay computer does not know that you know this is a Excel file or this is a word file to the actual machine it is only zeros and ones okay what is data data is zeros or ones nothing more than that so what VMware will do VMware has done the first part which is allocating the space now you know that where you have to write the data however VMware has to make that space ready for you it makes the 10gb space ready for you by filling in zeros in that space so VMware will basically fill zeros in that entire 10gb of space and then when this is ready then only you are allowed to write the data okay so VMware is basically doing two things for you the first thing is it allocates you the space the second thing is it will make the space ready for you okay when I say making the space ready for you that means whatever portion of the hard drive where you have to write the data BMW is going to fill zeros over there okay and then when both these operations are done then the application is allowed to write data this operation where VMware is filling out zeros or where VMware is making that portion of the hard drive ready for you this is called zeroing out this process is called zeroing out okay so what would happen is in a thin hard drive because you do not get the complete space up front whenever you are writing some data on the hard drive VMware has to go and fetch the data for you I mean give you the space where you can write it it has to allocate you the space the time it takes over there milliseconds subsecs micros seconds Nan seconds whatever the time is this is the first dyay okay then whenever it finds the space for you after that it has to make that space ready for you and for that it has to fill zeros and it will take some time over here as well and this is the second delay okay when both these operations are done then only you are allowed or basically your application is allowed to write the data on the hard drive that is why in My Graph I said that thin hard drive has got two penalties first penalty is allocating the space second penalty once the space is allocated it has to fill zeros in that space and the time it takes over there so thin hard drive has basically two penalties doubts confusion questions on these two penalties okay now we know that 10 hard drive has got two penalties what about the thick hard drive in thick hard drive I've got two options the first option is lazy zero what does this mean it has only one penalty why because this is a thick hard drive thick hard drive means that when you create a virtual machine you create a hard drive and the hard drive that you have created is thick lazy zeroed and you created 100 GB so this is a thick Drive thick Drive means that the first penalty that we saw in thin Drive was to allocate the space this is not applicable over here here why because you are allocating the space up front when you create the hard drive then only you allocate the space that is happening right when you are creating the hard drive okay so there is no delay when it comes to allocating the space because you have that entire 70gb with you no what it is not doing for you is it is not filling out zeros in that 70gb why because it is is lazy thck lazy zeroed it is lazy in filling zeros when will it fill zeros it will only fill the zeros when you start writing the data on it so for example you have a hard drive which is of 70 GB and for example you have an ISO which is of 10 GB okay this is a thick lazy zered hard drive so when you start copying the data of 10gb then VMware will say okay okay you have the space but it is not ready let me write the zeros then VMware fill zeros and then you are allowed to write your data over here so there is only one delay of filling out the zeros there is no delay in allocating the space because this is a thick hard drive and you get it at the time of creation so that is why in thick lazy zero there is only one delay or there is only one penalty I should say doubts confusion question okay let me talk about the third one so we understand that when I create a thin hard drive there is there are two penalties when I create thick lazy zero there is only one penalty when I create thick eager zero eager zeroed there is zero penalty why because when you create a VM you attach a hard drive and which is thick eager zeroed and you create a 70gb hard drive okay so this is a thick drive so thick drive you allocate the space up front when you are creating the hard drive then only the space is allocated so you get the entire 70 GB of space okay and this is eager zeroed this hard drive is eager zeroed so the zeroing will happen during the time of creation only okay so it will fill out zeros while it is creating the hard drive and when the process is done then your hard drive is ready and whenever you have an application that has to write some data over here it faces No delay there is zero delay because the space is already allocated and the zeroing has already been done so that is why on a thick eager zero hard drive there is a zero delay anyone who hasn't understood this chart please let me know okay now let me show you one more practical and this will clear all your doubts okay let's take an example that I've got this VM over here okay win vm01 now what I'm going to do is I am going to create a new hard drive I will create a 15gb hard drive I will begin with a thin hard drive okay I want to create a 15gb thin hard drive let's let me take it 40 GB let me take it 50 GB okay I want to create a 50gb thin provision hard drive I hit the okay button now you see over here start time 7382 and it competed at 7382 it took less than a second to create a hard drive of 50gb which is thin provisioned okay so it took less than 1 second to create a 50gb of a hard drive because it is not allocating the space neither it is uh filling out the the zeros over there okay now I will create another hard drive again 50gb but this time this will be a thick lazy zero so what we are doing over here is we will be allocating the space because this is a thick hard drive but this is lazy so we are not filling out the zeros okay zero filling is not happening over here okay I will now hit the okay button so it started at 73919 and it competed at 7392 so it took like 1 second okay and it completed so I was able to create a thin hard drive in less than a second and I was able to create a thick lazy zeroed hard drive in a one second you know approximately that time also okay now comes the real thing now I will create a new hard drive which is 50gb and this time I will create pick eager Zer okay what would happen in eager zero of course it will allocate the space because this is a thick hard drive and it will fill out the zeros as well in that entire 50gb so for example this is 50gb of hard drive so zeros will be filled out in that entire 50gb okay all zeros will be filled out during the creation of the hard drive okay so now you hit the okay button and now see the time it takes 24% 25% so what it is doing right now it is filling out the zeros why it is filling out the zeros because you created a thick eager zeroed hard drive eager zero means that during the time of hard drive creation it is filling out the zeros that gives an edge to the applications so when you have to um when you have an application that has to write something on this hard drive it will not have to wait for anything because this hard drive is ready said go I mean the application you know right from day one right from the very first right transaction can hit the bullseye and you know it can start writing the data it does not have to wait for anything you're getting the point it is taking time to create the hard drive that is fine but when it comes to the application performance the application will not have complaints with the storage because the storage is ready for the application to write okay you see the time it is taking for the 50gb to fill out the zeros yeah and this 50gb 0 is basically getting filled out at the storage so think about it you have esxi this is a 50gb portion that you gave the esxi okay so when you are writing zeros they are basically getting written on the storage always remember because this data store you are getting over the network to the esxi there is no local hard drive on the esxi where this data store is that is coming from the back end from the storage okay remember that anyone has any questions let me know uh W so in the real time so which option is the best the eager zero1 right very good question give me five minutes and I will answer it yeah any questions when it comes to the graph that thin drive has two penalties thick lazy zero as one penalty and thick eager zero as zero penalty any questions on this graph on on this uh workflow over here okay so we we see that you know how much time it is taking you had started at 7426 it is already 7:43 okay so it is taking a good amount of time even to create that hard drive because it is filling out the zero think about it this is the time the application would have to wait when you're writing the first application okay when you're writing something on the hard drive because the VMware has to make that space available and then only the application can write so I have one question so if it anyway we going to explain that already you said if it is eager zero is best in real time then why they give three options like uh so that is my question very good question let's talk about that now okay thank you in an organization you have multiple servers okay some servers are called Mission critical servers I mean if that server goes down you know someone will shoot you or someone will kill you in the organization for sure that is called a mission critical server for example I used to work for a paper company they used to make paper my client used to make paper and they would make paper of All Sorts you know butter paper chocolate paper magazine paper whatever paper you think of you know they used to make that paper okay and they had this big rolling machine you know in their Factory they showed us the photograph ones and that basically roll would move and then you know the paper they had these big sheets of paper which will basically get rolled and then you know that would happen now there was the server and what would happen is if that server went down that sheet will tear you know from The Middle and that role is basically of no use now so when this rolling is happening there was the server who was controlling it and if that server went down so what would happen is basically the role you know it will get um you know it will get tear out in the middle you know this will basically get interrupted and the paper will not be that smooth then this was a mission critical server for us because this was an actual Financial loss to the company because the company is rolling paper on a big you know think about it like a you know big roll a big uh you know Iron roll and they are basically putting the paper over there rolling the paper on that big wheel and if that some reason you know the paper that is coming in that basically gets stopped and uh it basically you know tears apart I mean this is a loss to the company and that used to become a lot of challenge um okay uh okay let me um let me stop the sharing uh because Shamir has issues then looking at it so and I would start it again so stop recording are you show want to stop recording to the cloud


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