Prime Minister s Questions with British Sign Language - 20th January 2021

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order before i call the prime minister may i express on behalf of the house the best wishes to president biden and vice president harris on this the inauguration day we now come to questions to the prime minister i will first call the prime minister to answer the engagements question and then i will call alex shelbrook to ask his supplementary prime minister mr speaker i know members from across the house will want to join me and echo you in congratulating president-elect biden on his inauguration later today as i said when i spoke with him on his election as president i look forward to working with him and with his new administration strengthening the partnership between our countries and working on our shared priorities from tackling climate change building back better from the pandemic and strengthening our transatlantic security mr speaker our sympathies also go out to those affected by the latest floods and i want to thank the environment agency and our emergency services for the work they're doing to support these communities and i'll be chairing a cobra meeting later on to coordinate the national response mr speaker this morning i had meetings with ministerial colleagues and others in addition to my duties in this house i'll have further such meetings later today right let's head up to yorkshire with alex shell brooke alex thank you mr speaker and may i start by fully associating myself with all of the prime minister's opening comments mr speaker will the prime minister join me in welcoming the fact that free school meal pupils in element and rothwell will continue to receive free lunches over the forthcoming school holidays thanks to the winter grant fund provided to lead it to council by this government yes indeed mr speaker i can confirm that eligible pupils in leeds will continue to receive free school meal support over the february half term and this conservative government has given over two million pounds to lead city council through the kobe winter grant scheme to support vulnerable families in the coldest months and it is the intention of this government this side of the house the no child should go hungry this winter as a result of the covered pandemic let's come to the leader of the opposition writer rookie astama thank you mr speaker can i also welcome the inauguration of president biden and vice president harris it's a victory for hope over hate and a real moment for optimism in the us and around the world can i also thank the though all of those on the front line helping to deliver the vaccine including the nhs who are also doing so much to keep us safe under the most extraordinary pressure mr speaker it's 10 days since the home office mistakenly deleted hundreds of thousands of vital criminal records including fingerprints crime scene data and dna records so can the prime minister tell the house how many criminal investigations could have been damaged by this mistake well mr speaker the uh home office is uh actively working to assess the damage and does the right honourable gentleman will will know from the uh urgent question that was held in the house only a few days ago they believe that they will be able to rectify the results of this uh this complex incident and uh there is they hope very much that they'll be able to restore uh the data in question of all mr speaker that's not an answer to my question and it was the most basic of questions it was the first question that any prime minister would have asked of those briefing him how many criminal investigations have been damaged so so let me ask the second basic question that any prime minister would have asked those briefing him how many convicted criminals have had their records wrongly deleted i answered the first question entirely accurately mr speaker we don't know how many uh how many cases might be frustrated as a result of what has happened but i can tell him about 213 000 offense records 170 that 5 000 arrest records and 15 000 person records are currently being investigated uh because they are the subject of uh this this problem mr speaker i have a letter here from the national police chiefs council it makes it clear that 403 000 records from the police national computer may have been deleted in addition to that in addition to that prime minister this is from the national police chiefs council sure has been briefed on this in addition to that 26 000 dna records from the dna database and 30 000 fingerprint records from the fingerprints database so this isn't just a technical issue it's about criminals not being caught and victims not getting justice this letter makes clear that it includes data from criminals convicted of serious offenses it has impacted live police investigations already and it includes records including dna marked for indefinite retention following the conviction for serious offenses mr speaker that's the most serious offences that's why it's indefinite retention it's been deleted so is the prime minister seriously telling us that ten days after this incident came to light he still hasn't got to the bottom of the basic questions and he can't tell us how many cases have been lost how many serious offenders this concerns and how many police investigations have been investigated mr speaker it's becoming a feature the right honourable gentleman's questions that he fails to listen to the answer that i have just given and uh let me repeat because uh he said that he i think he gave a figure of 413 000. i've just done uh some some maths in in uh briefly in my in my head and if you look at the if you add uh 213 175 000 uh you get uh two plus fifteen thousand which is the numbers i get mr speaker you get to four hundred and three a thousand if only he bothered uh to do that essential that that swift computation in his head uh he would have had the answer before he stood up and claimed not to receive it it was there in the previous answer mr speaker uh of course of course it is outrageous that uh any data should have been uh lost but at the moment uh we are trying as i said in my first answer mr speaker we're trying which i hope you heard and we're trying to retrieve that data the prime minister complains about not listening to answers the figure i quoted was 403 thousand that'll be in hansard so prime minister that was the figure plus the 26 thousand plus i said four hundred and three thousand plus twenty six thousand plus thirty thousand let me try the next most simple question prime minister that you would have asked of anyone briefing how long how long will it take for all the wrongly delayed records to be reinstated to the police database well uh mr speaker that will depend on uh how long it takes to recover them i can tell them that people are working around the clock having to be briefed on this birth both by my staff and also caused by the uh the policing minister uh we're working around the clock on this on this issue and any loss of data is of course unacceptable but it is this government thanks to the robust the strong economy that we've had for the last few years that we've been able to invest massively in policing and to drive a crime down and that is the most important thing of all to speak and i have no doubt that we will be able to continue to do that by relying on excellent data yes mr speaker the home secretary said that the homeless was still washing through the data we don't know where the records are and they may have to be if you can believe this re-entered manually which will obviously take a long long time the letter from the national police chiefs council also makes clear that the obvious place to reinstate from which is the dna database of the fingerprint database have themselves also been compromised and so his answers need to be seen in that light mr speaker let me turn to another of the home secretary's responsibilities last night the home secretary told conservative party event that these were her words on should we have closed our borders earlier the answer is yes i was an advocate says the home secretary of closing the last march why did the prime minister overrule the home secretary mr speaker i think it was uh last march that the right honourable gentleman along with uh many others was actually saying that we didn't need uh to close borders but as as usual uh captain heinz has changed his tune to suit uh events uh we are facing uh we are facing and it's interesting that his first few questions were about a computer glitch uh in the home office mr speaker which we're trying to we're in the middle of a national pandemic and we're and this country is facing a very very grave death toll and we are doing everything we can to protect the british public which i think what he would uh he would expect and that's why we've instituted one of the toughest border regimes in the world that's why we insist that you have to get a test uh 72 hours before you uh before you fly uh there must be a passenger a locator form which you have to provide mr speaker then you must quarantine for ten days or five days if you do a second uh a second test and uh it's over i'm delighted that he now praises uh the home secretary a change of tune uh from the right honourable uh gentleman i am delighted that he's now in favor of tough border controls because he wasn't last year uh mr speaker and indeed uh he campaigned for the leadership of the labour party on a manifesto to get back to free movement mr speaker he talks of hindsight what the private what the home secretary said last night prime minister it's not disputed it's not disputed is that she was saying last march this is not hindsight she the home secretary was saying to the prime minister you need to shut your borders she was saying it so i repeat the question the prime minister avoided why did he why did he overrule the home secretary who claims that she said last march that we should shut our borders mr speaker we've instituted one of the toughest border regimes in the world and it was only last march that he along with many others in his party were continuing to support uh an open border approach and i must say that the whole uh experience of listening to the right honourable gentleman over the last few months has really been uh like listening to a weather there watching a they spin round and round depending on whether the breezes uh are blowing we're getting on mr speaker uh with tackling this pandemic through the most practical means that are available to us rolling out a vaccine program that has now inoculated 4.2 million people in our country and whereas he would have joined the eu scheme if i seem to remember he attacked the vaccine task force which secured the supplies on which we are now relying and he stood on a manifesto mr speaker at the last election uh to unbundle the very uh pharmaceutical companies uh on whose breakthroughs this country is now relying they continue to look backwards at a play politics and a snipe from the sidelines we look forward and get on with the job [Applause] let the weathervane take me up to aylesbury with rob butler rob butler thank you mr speaker the national rollout of kovid 19 vaccinations is an absolutely tremendous success story but it's only in the past few days that over 80 year olds in aylesbury have been able to get their first jabs and many of my constituents have contacted me to say they're frustrated and worried that they've been either forgotten or pushed to the back of the queue so can my right honourable friend assure them that everyone in the aylesbury area and the most vulnerable groups will be vaccinated by the middle of february minister i thank my honorable friend for everything he does to to fight for the interests of the people of aylesbury and i can confirm that we are on track to uh deliver our pr our pledge though it is very hard and especially the house it is very hard because of uh constraints on supply we're on track to deliver a first vaccine to everyone in the top four cohorts uh by mid-february including the people of aylesbury let's head up to scotland with the leader of the snp in blackford in blackfoot thank you mr speaker this afternoon millions around the world will breathe a massive sigh of relief when president joe biden and vice president kamala harris are sworn into office the democratic removal of donald trump gives us all hope that better days are ahead of us that days will be a little bit brighter turning the page on the dark chapter of trump's presidency isn't solely the responsibility of president joe biden it is also the responsibility of those in the tory party including the prime minister who cozied up to donald trump and his callous view mr speaker this morning the former prime minister the member for maidenhead accused the current prime minister of abandoning moral responsibility on the world stage by slashing international aid so if today is to be a new chapter if today is to be a new start will the prime minister begin by reversing his cruel policy of cutting international aid for the world's poorest speaker i think it's very important the prime minister of the uk has the best possible relationship uh with the president of the united states that's that's part of the of the job description as i think all sensible uh members opposite would uh would acknowledge and when it comes to global leadership on the world stage this country is embarking on a quite phenomenal year and we've already uh with it with the g7 with cop26 and we've already uh led the world with the the gavi summit uh for global vaccination are raising 8.8 uh billion dollars it was the uk the first country first major country in the world to set a target of net zero carbon emissions by 2050 all other countries are following we hope that president biden will join us we're working to promote global free trade and of course uh mr speaker will work with president biden to secure transatlantic the transatlantic alliance and nato which of course the scottish nationalist party uh would unbundle what i think they would i don't know what their policy is uh on uh on our armed services i think they would break them up there perhaps they'd like to explain it's the scottish national party i know you keep having a memory lapse on it in blackfood [Laughter] i somehow think we've lost ian blackford we'll come back to him nicole richards little are you muted press the mic i'm not muted can you hear me can you hear me speak get the question the prime minister is desperate can you can you hear me it's not working although move on we'll come back we're now going to move on to ed davey have we got ed davey good morning good afternoon mr speaker can i add my warmest of welcomes to president biden and vice president harris on their inauguration in washington today mr speaker in answer to my question in july the prime minister promised an independent inquiry into the uk's response to covid in the six months since covid cases have soared our nhs is on its knees and 50 000 more people have died the uk now has one of the highest death rates in the world higher even than trump's america to learn the lessons from what's gone so devastatingly wrong under his leadership will the prime minister commit to launching the inquiry he promised last year this year prime minister well mr speaker he he he answers his own question with the preamble that he set out the nhs is under unprecedented pressure uh our our the entire british state who is trying to fight covidon to roll out the biggest vaccination program in the history of our country and that includes virtually every single arm of officialdom the idea that we should now consecrate state resources vast state resources uh to an enquiry now in the middle of the of the pandemic does not i think uh seems sensible uh to me and i don't believe it would seem sensible to members of the house but of course uh we will learn lessons in due course and of course there will be a time to reflect and to prepare for the next uh for the next pandemic let's reconnect with ian blackford for his second question ian blackford thank you mr speaker and i think people would find the prime minister's claims about the uk's global leadership a bit more believable that last night he hadn't ordered his mps to vote down an amendment to the trade bill that would have stopped trade deals with countries who commit genocide mr speaker genocide isn't a matter of history it is happening in our world right now the international community has stood idly by as uyghur muslim men women and children are forced into concentration camps in china's xinjiang province yesterday the outgoing u.s secretary of

state officially said that genocide was taking place and the incoming secretary of state anthony blinken agrees with his view is the prime minister prepared to follow that lead is he prepared to stand up today and clearly state that genocide is being committed against a weaker population in china if he is will he urgently work with the new binding administration prime minister u.n security mr speaker the right honourable gentleman knows very well that uh the attribution of genocide is a is a judicial uh matter but i can say for myself that i regard what in what is happening in uh in xinjiang and what's happening to the uyghurs is utterly abhorrent and i know that members on all sides of the house share that view and i i commend him the excellent statement by my right honourable friend uh the secretary of state for the foreign commonwealth and development office uh very recently uh on on what was happening now and the steps we are taking uh to protect uh to prevent uh british commercial engagement uh with goods that are made by forced labor in uh xinjiang and the and the measures we are the the steps we are taking uh against uh what is happening but i like what i might ask him in all sincerity is uh what he would propose by way of a scottish national or not nationalist but national uh foreign policy would he break up the foreign office would he break up the ffcdo which after all has a big branch and he's killed bride let us end to west bromwich again with little richards little richards thank you mr speaker next week we mark holocaust memorial day remember the six million jewish men women and children murdered by the nazis and pay tribute to the extraordinary survivors will the prime minister join me in thanking the holocaust educational trust for organising a live webcast for students across the country to tune in and hear the testimony of survivor eve coogler on the 26th of january and ask all members to encourage their schools to join q3 academy great bar from west bromwich in taking part mr speaker my honorable friend is absolutely right to warn us of the need to continue to inoculate our our populations ourselves against the wretched virus of anti-semitism uh which has a tendency to uh recur and reinfect societies including uh tragically our own and of course i'm very happy uh to join my honourable friend encouraging all members to ask all schools uh the excellent uh q3 academy in great bar is is doing to tune in to the event that she mentions ed to your show with alexander stafford alexander stafford thank you mr speaker both i and many residents across the valley are very concerned about crime drug use including nitrous oxide capsules and anti-social behavior will the prime minister back my campaign and call on the labour police and crime commissioner for south yorkshire to restore a police presence and even reopen a police station on dillington high street ah mr speaker there could be there could be there could be no more uh fervent and uh effective advocate for the people of rother valley than my honourable friend and i'm sure i'm sure that he has much support uh for his campaign for a uh for a police station uh i hope that uh a solution can be found in the meantime i can reassure him that we are making sure that there will be the police officers the policemen and women to put in that uh police station because you know we are delivering mr speaker on our commitment to have twenty thousand more police over the lifetime of this parliament let's head over to northern ireland with claire hanna claire hammer thank you very much mr speaker prime minister contrary to the view of every political party here and all of those involved in logistics and retail the secretary of state for northern ireland said last week that there's no border in the irc and the disruption to supplies was a covert issue and nothing to do with brexit or the protocol the papers are reporting your plans to woo the biden administration through the topic of northern ireland as they and we try to move on from trump and trumpism would being straight with the people in northern ireland not be a good start mr speaker as the honourable lady i think uh may know from what i said i think to the liaison committee several times the proof of the pudding uh is in the eating actually there's more transit now taking place uh between uh between uh lan and and strand rob and can ryan than there is between holly head and dublin because it's it's going so smoothly with neil o'brien neil o'brien mr speaker thank you and the um i'm sorry sorry the um it's excellent that we are leading european vaccine it's excellent that we are leading europe in vaccinations and it's excellent that uh we now have strong health borders but as the virus bounces around the world there is a real risk that it will mutate and be able to dodge the vaccines or reduce their efficacy and there's concerning data from south africa in that respect will the government develop a new rapid pathway to allow the approval of new variations of the vaccines so that we can shut down any new strains quickly prime minister yes indeed my honourable friend makes an incredibly important point and uh we've been talking about that with the scientists over the last days and weeks intensively just in the last few hours and we're confident that the mhra will be in a position to turn around new applications uh for for new variants of vaccines as may be required to deal with new variants of the virus mr speaker let's head up to lancaster with rosie cooper rosie cooper thank you very much mr speaker lori's containing food produce sitting idle for days is a stark reminder that if post-brexit britain is to be self-sufficient protecting our food production through infrastructure investment is crucial so could the prime minister provide the infrastructure investment essential to tackling flooding in west lancashire by giving the environment environment agency enough funding both to keep the old crossings pumps operational and to maintain the water courses this will be vital to ensure that the rich food-producing lands of west lancashire essential to the security of food supplies and our local and national economy defended as well as protection prime minister prime minister we've got to get through the questions i could have heard almost any mind about the rich food product producing uh parts of west lancashire because she's entirely uh right and we will protect uh those areas uh and she's entirely right to call for uh for flood defenses we've that's why we put 5.2 billion pounds uh over six years into flood defenses including uh including the crossings pumping station refurbishment scheme uh which the honourable lady uh mentions uh which we've invested in which we visited 5.7 million pounds uh to protect nearly four thousand homes said to devon with siguri street to siguri thank you mr speaker mr speaker the southwest has an ambitious program to build back better in both the green and blue sectors investing in both clean growth and marine high-tech clusters but to do so we will need continued investment in our infrastructure will my right honourable friend assure us that leveling up does not just involve the north but every region of the united kingdom including the southwest thank you mr speaker the uh uh potential of the southwest the greater southwest is enormous and particularly in the uh in the areas of uh of green uh technology of blue and green technology and he can be assured uh that we will uh be giving a massive investment in infrastructure to support that green industrial revolution in the southwest as well as in all parts of the uk it said staying in denver with ben bradshaw ben bradshaw when the prime minister told fishermen in the southwest that they would not face new export barriers or unnecessary form filling and when he told britain's musicians and artists they would they would still be free to tour and work in the rest of the european union after brexit neither of those statements were correct were they prime minister mr speaker it is uh it is absolutely true that uh some uh british fishermen have faced barriers at the at the present time owing to complications over form-filling and indeed uh one of the biggest problems uh is that alas uh there is a decline in appetite for uh for fish in continental markets just because of most of the restaurants as he knows are shut but the reality is uh the brexit uh it will deliver and is delivering a huge uplift in uh in quota uh already in the next uh five years uh mr speaker uh and by 2026 the fishing people of this country will have access to all the fish in all the territorial waters of this country and to get them ready to get them ready uh for that uh el dorado uh mr speaker we're investing 100 million pounds in uh in improving our boats our fish processing industry and getting uh fishing ready for the opportunities ahead seven oaks we're going to with laura trott laura trot thank you mr speaker and can i thank the prime minister and the health secretary for the recent strength and guidance to allow parents access to neonatal intensive care units whenever they need to in this pandemic can the prime minister confirm that compliance with this guidance will be monitored and can you reassure parents once and for all that we know that they are integral to their child's care and hospital and they are not just visitors prime minister absolutely mr speaker my honorable friend is i know that she knows of what she speaks and she's completely right to say that partners in care should not be their partners in can they should not be considered as visitors that's why the current uh guidance is being put in place and yes mr speaker we will be monitoring it to ensure that it is observed thank you mr speaker on the 7th of march of this year michael stitchwood nazanin zagari radcliffe's unjustified five-year prison sentence will finally come to an end could i ask the prime minister what assurances has he had from the iranian authorities that nazanin will have her ankle tag removed that she will get her british passport back and that she will be allowed to board a flight back to the uk in 45 days time i can tell the uh honorable lady who i know has campaigned hard and well on behalf of her constituent and quite rightly that we're working uh virtually around the clock to secure the release of all the dual nationals that concern us in uh in in tehran and uh without going into the into the details of the cases which is as she knows a a complex uh we're doing everything we can to secure the uh what we regard as the completely unjustified uh detention in tehran of nazaneen zigari radcliffe though as she knows uh she is now out on furlough admittedly in in the conditions that she describes let's send up to yorkshire with jason mccartney jason mccartney thank you mr speaker with yorkshire leading the way in the vaccine rollout does the prime minister agree that once we've vaccinated the most vulnerable the elderly and our wonderful health and social care workers we should then look at prioritizing vaccinating police officers emergency service workers carers teachers nursery staff and all those whose essential daily work brings them into contact with other people mr speaker my honourable friend is a is a great advocate for his constituents in in cold valley and i much enjoy my exchanges with him and i can thank you for what he's saying about uh those groups uh we must rely on what the jcvi has to say the the the priorities that the experts uh have decided uh but of course we uh we want to see those those groups that he mentions vaccinated as as soon as possible i'm very pleased uh that in spite of all the difficulties in supply last week we gave uh 1.5 million people uh their first

first closing speaker up uh half a million on the week before let's head up to scotland with stuart c mcdonald stewart c mcdonald mr speaker when we praise our social care workers for their immense response to the pandemic that includes over a hundred thousand care workers from the eu but new research from the joint council for the welfare of immigrants shows many of them don't know anything about the prime minister's eu settlement scheme and many more don't know that they must apply by the end of june so we could see thousands of essential care workers and possibly hundreds of thousands of valued eu nationals losing their rights to live and work here overnight on first of july so will the prime minister please cancel or postpone the application deadline or better still extend the rights of eu nationals in the uk automatically just as he previously promised to do prime minister uh well mr speaker i thank him for what he's done just now to draw attention to to the scheme but i must say that i must disagree with him respectfully about the ignorance in which the uh our wonderful eu nationals have been because four million of them uh mr speaker uh successfully applied uh and been given residence uh mr speaker thanks to uh the scheme that we've instituted and it's a great success we pay a tribute to uh the wonderful eu uh nationals in our country who do a fantastic job for this country let's head up to northampton with andrew lower andrew laura thank you very much mr speaker for many years my right honourable friend wrote numerous articles that nevertheless made serious points about individual freedom and the dangers of over-regulation the department of health and social care is currently consulting on how to increase regulations on food advertising significantly am my right honourable friend reassure me that any implementation of this consultation will be in line with his and my long-held principles indeed mr speaker i remain a champion of liberty in all its aspects but i'm also the living embodiment of the risks of obesity uh mr speaker and there's no question uh that it is a co-morbidity factor in uh in the pandemic and i think that's something that the people of this country understand and they understand that it is all of our individual responsibility to do what we can to get healthy to stay healthy because that's one of the ways mr speaker we can all help protect our nhs let's head to poplar with ups on doctors researchers experts campaigners and my constituents of whom just under two-thirds are from bme backgrounds including a large bangladeshi population have all observed the kovit 19 pandemic disproportionately affecting bame communities the royal college of gps have even requested these communities be prioritized for vaccine rollout will the prime minister finally recognize that this disparity is as a result of structural racism and can you outline what his government are doing to address this issue she she makes i i don't agree with her last point but she makes a very important point about the need to to reach uh hard to reach groups in in society and that's why it's so important that the the vaccine uh rollout is not just conducted by the the nhs and the army and pharmacists and volunteers but uh in in coordination uh with local government at all at all levels because it is local government that will know uh where we need to to go as i'm sure she would understand to make sure that we reach those groups uh who we must vaccinate and who may be a little bit vaccine hesitant as the jargon has it i said to stafford with theo clark theo clark thank you mr speaker over the last week there has been yet again very significant flooding in stafford unfortunately my constituents in pancreas central stafford and bishopswood are regularly experiencing the disruption and distress that flooding causes so will my right honourable friend commit my campaign to establish a flood control center in stafford that residents can call directly which will provide 24 7 assistance for my constituents affected by flooding minister i i every sympathy for the residents of of stafford who've been affected by by flooding is with everybody who's been affected by flooding in the in the latest bout and uh what i can what i can say to uh my honorable friend is that the uh environment agency uh is working uh hand in glove with her local uh authority and other partners to find a a particular solution to the flooding uh in sandon road and and sandyford brook let's head up to tens mead with a banner of asari thank you mr speaker my constituency is served by two local councils recently bexie has taken emergency action to set hundreds of jobs while greenwich needs to make 20 million of cuts in their upcoming budget last year the secretary of state for communities promised councils whatever it takes to get through the pandemic so why instead is the prime minister up in a council tax bombshell and asking my constituents to pay for his promises prime minister speaking of last time i looked bexley was a conservative councilman and greenwich was uh was labor which may explain uh but part of the uh of the problem but more but the the reality is that we're supporting every uh we're supporting every council we supported with 4.6 billion uh pounds of support for local government so far during the the pandemic uh but uh i think that when she when she raises council tax perhaps she could have a word with her friend the mayor of london uh who's threatening to put up his uh council tax by ten percent mr speaker our final question is from cornwall with derek thomas derrick thomas thank you mr speaker the announcement by my right honourable friend the prime minister that the g7 summit is to take place in carpe bay in june presents a tremendous opportunity for my constituency and of course the duchy of cornwall firstly can i thank the prime minister for this and can i ask whether he shares my belief the g7 summit offers a perfect opportunity to secure a global commitment to embrace and accelerate our ambitious low-carbon industrial revolution minister it's big i i do i do in indeed and i believe that uh the the g7 summit in in in carbus bay will not only be an opportunity to to bring the world together to tackle uh kovid uh to to build back better to to champion global free trade to combat uh climate change but also to showcase that wonderful part of the of the united kingdom uh and uh all the incredible technological developments happening that new key spare spaceport goon hilly earth uh station and the lithium mining uh the lithium mining uh that's going on there show that cornwall uh having led the way uh i've seen for whether i think the romans mined tin in cornwall didn't they i think i have a feeling they did mr speaker uh and uh and indeed the copper mines or the heart of the of the uk industrial revolution uh what is going on in cornwall today shows that cornwall is once again at the heart of the 21st century uk green industrial revolution i've suspended house for three minutes to enable the necessary arrangements for the next business to be made order


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