Undergraduate Commencement Ceremony Spring 2023

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] laughs [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] experience yeah [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] yourself [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you all right foreign thank you [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] laughs [Music] foreign [Music] thank you thank you foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you thank you [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] let's see [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] bye [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you thank you [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] not yet [Music] [Music] come on [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign [Music] you are graduated today from a world-class University we are celebrating years of hard work and hard choices long nights that often became early mornings you went to Michigan Tech and guess what it is harder up here living here is not easy either you live on the snowiest campus in America but you've not just survived here you've thrived here it is because your school is hard it because the winners here are so tough that you've made friendships that will last forever years from now when people talk about your lives they will not talk about how rich or famous you became they will talk about only two things values you stood for and the people you helped your generation especially is motivated less by pay and power and Prestige and more by a challenge a mission and a deep sense of belonging so don't tell me that the future has already been written I know that it hasn't been because you are the ones who are going to write it you are the individuals the moments are in front of you today we are not releasing a pack of domesticated puppies out into the wild we are unleashing full-grown huskies and you are ready to run [Applause] [Music] please [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] thank you foreign [Music] thank you [Music] please remain standing for our national Anthem sung by Amelia Cramer Katie Wyrick Jordan Zeiss [Music] [Music] who's brought stripes and bright stars through the perilous [Music] we're so gallantly streaming and the rockets [Music] [Applause] oh say does [Music] please be seated distinguished guest graduates ladies and gentlemen welcome to Michigan Technological University's 2023 spring commencement exercises we also welcome those of you that are viewing online from around the globe good morning and thank you for joining us now graduates congratulations on your latest accomplishment this is an important milestone in your lives it's truly a time to reflect rejoice and celebrate your hard work and your dedication for most though the road to graduation is not traveled alone there are many people who partnered with you on this journey with the parents grandparents spouses children and all other special guests in the audience please stand so we can recognize you graduates [Applause] thank you for your unwavering support maybe seated there's another group I'd also like to recognize this morning Michigan Tech's faculty and staff renowned for their scholarship and research they're exceptional teachers and mentors and most importantly they're passionate about your education and your success but the faculty and staff please rise so we can recognize you as well [Applause] graduates look around I hope you'll remember today's celebration fondly and with true appreciation for the many people who have contributed to your educational Journey including those who could not be with us today now on the stage assisting in today's ceremony are members of the University's Board of Trustees please hold your applause until all have been introduced chair of the board Jeffrey Litman board member John bacon board member John dipping board member Matt Johnson and board member Monique Wells also on the stage are Dr Andrew store our Provost and Senior vice president for academic Affairs Dr Mike Mullins University Marshall University Senate President and Professor Dr Janet Callahan dean of the College of Engineering Dr Dean Johnson dean of the College of Business Dr David flashpolar interim dean of the College of forest resources and environmental science Dr David hemmer dean of the College of Science and Arts Dr Dennis levisa dean of the College of computing Dr Marika Siegel dean of the palace Honors College and Associate Provost for undergraduate education Dr Sherry staccaro assistant Provost for faculty development U.S congressman Jack Bergman representing Michigan's First District Lieutenant Colonel benzunaga United States Air Force Captain Paul wise United States Army Julie Freeman president and CEO of mimu original equipment suppliers and Britta Anderson vice president of the alumni board and senior engineer at Consumers Energy thank you for joining us [Applause] we have a tradition here at Michigan Tech of having one of her students address the fellow graduates this year's speaker came to Michigan Tech from Shelby Township Michigan and will graduate today with a Bachelor of Science in business management he has been one of our resident assistants for four years two is a senior R.A and assisted fellow students as an academic success coach during his first year as an R.A he was

recognized with the exceptional enthusiasm as a student leader award and also received a regional award for residential community of the month in the College of Business our speaker made the Dean's List every semester and participated in the advanced project management competition and volunteer income tax assistance program outside of classes he's been involved in the Palos Honors College Mitch's Misfits the Society of African-American men and the sexual assault and violence education Club he's also been an active volunteer the equipment loan closet of the Keweenaw little brothers friends of the elderly friends of Michigan Tech Library and copper country Humane Society after graduation you'll begin a position as an associate business analyst for auto owners insurance company and it is my pleasure to present to you our 2023 student commencement speaker Anderson Piercy [Applause] greetings family friends and fellow graduates of Michigan Technological University we have gathered here today to celebrate passing the threshold from college student to college graduate over the past few years we have grown in ways you could have never imagined we are no longer the timid freshman hiding in the car after a nine hour drive instead we are inspiring adults expertly equipped to navigate our professional Fields though blizzards have tried us and all-nighters have tested us if becoming a uber was an exam we've passed with flying flannel colors with our diplomas on the horizon graduates I want to remind you of the time you've spent growing in the Copper Country from the first sweaty day of O week when your OTL demanded endless icebreakers to sitting in this hallowed Arena you've been taught several things one how to properly pronounce words like sauna and sisu two how to spend 12 hours hacking at sculptures for snow to cover the details the next morning and three how to be kind and compassionate Huskies personally I think you all would agree there's nothing better than having a husky in your life when our cars break down we have dedicated Facebook groups to help our classmates get home to their families when the Houghton Community needs us we volunteer through make a difference day or other service opportunities and most importantly when you are not okay there are students and faculty alike who would gladly drop everything to help you get through it it's not required to be kind but y'all do it with Grace you understand the importance of community and resilience to be a husky is more than to have hashtag tenacity it's to be kind with a passion to make sure that every interaction you have leaves someone better than how you found them it's to make a difference in your surroundings through compassion and empathy it's also to celebrate when your community thrives to Hype up others accomplishments as if they were your own a win for a fellow husky is a win for all of us in a few hours you will become an Alum of Michigan Tech that comes with an unspoken expectation to continue being kind best part about it is that it's easier done than set in on your relatives and help your younger siblings with their math homework when you look around in a few weeks and find yourself missing what tech meant to you remember that it was the community that you helped build and flourished in not everyone is lucky enough to go to school here you're lucky enough to have some great stories about it too going into your new place in the Great Big World don't be afraid to bring Tech with you hold the door open say please and thank you and tip your waiter invest a minute of your time every day and see how your community changes to welcome that breath of fresh air brought straight from some of the cleanest air on Earth even if the change isn't immediately obvious you'll notice the difference with enough time there is a world waiting for Huskies like us to make it better now I have to give a little shout out to the people who helped us get here friends and family you've traveled so many hours to share our home with us for one last celebration you've seen us cross Bridges borders and Parallels for pre-winter and winter semesters alike you've watched our broomball games and helped us feel better after brutal chemistry exams we're here because of your dedication thank you for your endless support of your Huskies they are amazing friends and part of an unforgettable Tech experience thank you as well to the incredible staff and faculty that have helped students Foster their passions and find their callings your rigorous courses have challenged us and built us up with our foundational knowledge you have given us research opportunities and extra credit crucial letters of recommendation and reference checks you've fought for us as young professionals and spent countless hour office hours explaining intricate formulas all of you have helped contribute to so much to Michigan techs being one-of-a-kind University now graduates I'd like to give you one last assignment for your academic career I don't know friends family and faculty will need your help with this one there's no points attached but you can complete this assignment as many times as you want the assignment is practice kindness cheer for every person who crosses today even if you don't know them this is your community celebrating one of its latest achievements let's make it loud we have been kind because that's how we were raised we are kind because we've been we've been given the tools and passion to be we will continue to be kind because of the people we've met and the friends we've made graduates you are loved because you bring love into the world and no matter what I am proud of you being here with me today I feel so grateful that I get to call y'all my graduating class thank you graduates of Michigan Tech congratulations [Applause] thank you thank you Anderson our commencement speaker today is Julie frame class of 1983. Julie graduated from Michigan Tech with a bachelor's in chemical engineering and went on to earn her MBA at Harvard Business School in 2013 she was named president and CEO of mimu original equipment suppliers an association that represents Automotive suppliers and champions their business interests in this role she represents the automotive supplier community on the Ford supplier Council the GM supplier Council and the Nissan North America supplier Advisory Board additionally she's chair of the corewell Health Board of Directors cordwell health is a 14 billion dollar Enterprise with over 60 000 employees in Michigan in both 2016 and 21 Julie was recognized by Crane's Detroit business as one of Michigan's most influential women in 2015 and 2020 she was listed as one of the 100 leading women in the automotive industry by Automotive news it is my honor to introduce our 2023 commencement speaker Julie frame [Applause] thank you president kobek it is such a great honor to be with all of you today thank you so much I want to start out by recognizing first the board trustees the staff and administration parents friends but most important of all graduates please give yourself a round of applause for all that you have done [Applause] congratulations on your outstanding achievement and Anderson your words touched my heart I'm actually teared up thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with us and making today special and for all of you in the audience that perhaps are not alums take those words to Heart they mean so much to all of us not just our graduates so I am delighted to once again be standing on Michigan Tech's commencement stage as an alumna of Michigan Tech I am proud and grateful to be celebrating my 40th anniversary of my graduation so much has changed in the years since then so today I have the distinct honor of sharing with you a few thoughts about my journey just as you begin yours my life Journey has been one of surprise and adventure I am filled with gratitude for my many friends and business colleagues I am especially grateful for my two grown children and my husband Rob Lawrence who is here with me today thank you Rob for being my rock as we continue our journey together and looking back I could not have predicted the various twists and turns of my own career other than attending and receiving my MBA my career has been in the automotive industry I have worked for vehicle manufacturers for suppliers and most recently for a trade Association representing Automotive suppliers one of the important things these twists and turns has taught me is that success in all aspects of life requires collaboration and communication you will always need to interact with and rely upon others a group of people working together can accomplish so much more than one individual I encourage each of you to Foster both the personal and professional networks you have started here at Michigan Tech accompanying the need for communication is the important skill of adapting to change and change often unexpected will be true in all aspects of your life your ability to adapt and be flexible is the best and perhaps the only way to prepare for change as a student of the past few years you have had a front row seat to tremendous Global change living in and through a worldwide pandemic taught you what it means to have your life change overnight and part of what enables you to adapt to changes like this is your emotional intelligence sometimes called EQ EQ is that ability to understand to use and to manage your emotions in positive ways to relieve stress to communicate effectively and to empathize with others and emotional intelligence or EQ is just as important as your IQ each of you has spent much of your early life honing your IQ as you continue your journey make a conscious effort to work on your EQ also my own career is an example of why emotional intelligence is so important in my current role I interface with hundreds of people at events and activities the ability to put myself in someone else's shoes to listen and respect their position even though I perhaps do not agree is pivotal pivotal to my ongoing success and I know each of you is fully capable of shaping your personal Journey in the way that makes the most sense for you by undertaking and accomplishing the rigorous requirements of your degree here at Michigan Tech as well as embracing and mostly enjoying the amazing Upper Peninsula of winters you have demonstrated that you have what it takes to succeed so on this wonderful day I have three suggestions for your life after graduation I call them the three G's Gray goals and give I'll start with the first one Gray seems like a strange suggestion until you know a bit more about what it means I want each of you to learn to live in the gray Embrace ambiguity in our fast-paced ever-changing world we tend to Crave certainty and Clarity in everything we do we want to know what's going to happen next and we want answers to our questions however a need or a demand for certainty limits your options and possibly even Lead You astray it prevents you from seeing the world in all its complexity from exploring New Opportunities and from appreciating the Beauty and the richness of the unknown and the uncertain to embrace ambiguity means getting comfortable with not always having clear answers it means acknowledging the world is complicated and multifaceted and not everything can be neatly categorized or easily explained and it means being open to different perspectives and to the possibility that there may be more than one right answer to a question learning to live in the gray can be difficult it can be unsettling to not know what is going to happen next or to not have a clear answer but I would argue that this discomfort is precisely what makes embracing ambiguity so important as you grapple with uncertainty and complexity you are forced to think critically and creatively by questioning your assumptions you may see things from A New Perspective and find additional insights and here's something else I want each of you to know living in the gray can actually be liberating it frees you from the constraints of black or white thinking it lets you see the world in a more nuanced and empathetic way it opens you to the diversity of human experience and helps you find beauty in unexpected places my second suggestion for life after graduation is to write down your goals don't just think about them or talk about them with your friends write them down and the g of course for this one is easy goals writing down your goals clarifies your thinking and get you very clear on what you want to achieve it sharpens your focus and helps you identify the steps to take to get where you want to be writing down your goals increases your motivation it is a visual reminder of what you are working toward that increases your commitment and allows you to track your progress over time you can measure how far you've come celebrate your accomplishments and even if necessary change tapped early in our marriage my husband and I wrote down our goals we determine the things we wanted to do and how we would prioritize Our Time treasure and talent some of our goals were simple such as prioritizing travel with our children as they were growing up we've traveled with them to China Australia Europe and other places some of our other goals were more complex like ensuring that we saved appropriately for our retirement these goals have guided us for many years and we have been able to achieve most of them I firmly believe this is because the we took the time to agree upon them and to write them down I encourage each of you to set goals for your journey and my third and final suggestion is to give something back the G of course being give there are plenty of ways to do this find a social or an environmental issue that you are passionate about anything from reducing plastic waste to supporting education in your community give that issue your time your talent and perhaps maybe in a little while even a little bit of your money or go big and identify a market need that is aligned with your values and passion and create a business that will have an impact having an impact is one of the key reasons I have spent the last 10 years leading an automotive Association I genuinely want to leave the automotive industry stronger and more diverse than I found it 40 years ago another way I give back is by serving as the board chair of corewell Health corewell health is the parent organization of Beaumont Health in southeast Michigan Health in West Michigan and Priority Health insurance and I do this work because I believe all people deserve accessible simple and Affordable Health Care by applying my own time talent and treasure to this organization I have the ability to help make this Vision a reality giving back to my community in the process but giving back and making an impact also occurs in the simplest of gestures for example next time you are in the drive-through getting your morning coffee pay for the person's beverage that is behind you you will instantly make someone else's day and hopefully they will do the same for someone one day see every person has the desire to be seen and to be heard at every opportunity strive to give the person in front of you your full attention let them know they matter and let them know they are appreciated people remember how you made them feel and that is what creates a lasting impact so my fellow Huskies as you sit here today with your network of friends all of you just about to become alumni I hope you take my words to Heart first learn to live in the gray second write down those goals and third remember to give back or simply put the three G's gray goals give and as I close I remind you to enjoy the journey whether you know exactly what is next or you stand firmly in the gray accept and cherish each step along the way be in the moment and be open to life as it unfolds thank you for the honor of speaking with you today and once again congratulations I wish each of you much joy and success thank you [Applause] thank you Julie yes yesterday afternoon the university celebrated the accomplishments of nearly 300 Masters and PhD students who earned their graduate degrees from Michigan Tech in a separate commencement ceremony in honor of this occasion the university finds it fitting to bestow an honorary doctoral degree on an alumni and friend who reflects great honor and prestige on Michigan Tech the process begins with recommendations from an academic college is reviewed by the university honors and awards committee and then approved by Michigan Tech Board of Trustees this year's honoree was nominated by the College of Engineering the Michigan Tech Board of Trustees unanimously voted to confer an honorary doctor Philosophy degree to Julie Freeman Julie congratulations I'd like to invite our board chair Litman to the podium to formally confer the degree Julie frame would you join me up here so we are pleased to recognize and honor your service to the university and to your professional you epitomize the meaning of a Michigan Tech graduate and set a fine example for our students graduating today upon the recommendation of the honor and awards committee and by the authority vested in me I hereby confer upon you the degree of honorary doctor of philosophy with all the rights and privileges as well as the obligations and responsibilities thereto appertaining congratulations [Applause] and in witness whereof we'll be presenting Julie with the hood [Applause] thank you so much president kobach Board of Trustees for this amazing honor I really am humble and just I am so honored by this recognition so I I thank you from the bottom of my heart and the service that I have given over the years to Michigan Tech has truly been one of uh service from my heart so I am so proud of this University of the Husky family and I am so proud to welcome all of you today to that husky family so thank you [Applause] many of you who excelled in your studies and are wearing honor cords in recognition of your accomplishments those of you wearing a graduating laude are wearing copper honor cards those of you graduating magna laude are wearing silver honor cords and those of you graduating summa laude are wearing gold honor cores in addition those of you graduating with honors from the Pablo's Honors College are wearing medallions each of you can be proud of having earned this honor please stand so we can recognize you congratulations [Applause] many of our students are wearing additional cords and sashes signifying their involvement in everything from Athletics to study abroad to University and national student organizations you may notice a few wearing red white and blue honor cords they are veterans of the Armed Forces and we salute their service if there are veterans with us today graduating would you please stand thank you [Applause] at this time with the ROTC candidates please rise and come forward Michigan Tech takes great pride in its officer training programs these graduates have not only met the rigors of earning a Michigan Tech degree but have also fulfilled the requirements of The Reserve officer training corpse and will now be presented further oath of office Captain Paul Weiss of the United States Army will present the Army candidates Lieutenant Colonel Ben zunaga of the United States Air Force will present the Air Force candidates good morning Aaron Bennett commissioning active duty as an armor officer her next training assignment is Fort Benning Georgia William cordenbrock a distinguished military graduate he is commissioning active duty as an aviation officer and his next assignment will be Fort novaso Alabama Carter Maxey a distinguished military graduate he is commissioning active duty as an infantry officer and his next training assignment is Fort Benning Georgia [Applause] Eric in Texas second Lieutenant Anakin Anderson United States Air Force while interactive Duty with Air Force specialty developmental engineer first assignment Hill Air Force Base in Utah second Lieutenant James Barron's United States Air Force will enter active duty with Air Force specialty pilot first assignment Laughlin Air Force Base in Texas second Lieutenant Lily bolliger United States Air Force will interactive Duty with Air Force specialty intelligence first assignment goodfell Air Force Base in Texas [Applause] second Lieutenant Colin Daniels United States Air Force will interactive Duty with Air Force specialty Security Forces first assignment Fe Warren Air Force Base Wyoming [Applause] second Lieutenant Dustin Gonzalez United States Air Force interactive Duty with Air Force specialty RPA pilot first assignment Joint Base San Antonio Texas second Lieutenant Nate Goodman United States Air Force will interactive Duty with Air Force specialty pilot first assignment Columbus Air Force Base Mississippi second Lieutenant Christopher Lieberman United States Air Force will interact with Duty with Air Force specialty nuclear and missile operations first assignment Vandenberg space Force Base California [Applause] second Lieutenant Sydney Ogilvy United States Air Force well interactive Duty with Air Force specialty nuclear and missile operations first assignment Vandenberg space force base in California [Applause] second Lieutenant K-10 scholes United States Air Force distinguished graduate will interactive Duty with airport specialty developmental engineer first assignment University of Texas in Austin to earn a Masters of Science in electrical engineering sponsored by the Air Force Institute of Technology second Lieutenant Brendan tinkle United States Air Force well interactive Duty with Air Force specialty civil engineer first assignment Dover Air Force Base in Delaware second Lieutenant Benjamin Tui United States Air Force well interactive Duty with Air Force Regency developmental engineer first assignment Kirtland Air Force Base New Mexico [Applause] foreign office has its roots back in the ancient Roman times and the first modern Oaths of office were given to those serving under the Continental Army in 1775. today all officers of the United States uniformed military services swear an oath upon commissioning execution of the Constitutional oath signified the acceptance of their officer Commission administering the oath office this morning is Congressman Jack Bergman U.S House of Representatives he represents the first district of Michigan and serves in the U.S

house armed services committee the budget committee and the Veterans Affairs committee he has been in office since 2017 and he retired from the U.S Marine Corps in 2009 at the rank of lieutenant general or three star he is the highest ranking comment the comet veteran ever elected to congress Congressman Bergman [Applause] please raise your right hand and repeat after me I State your full name have been appointed an officer in the armed forces of the United States in the grade of second lieutenant do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same that I take this obligation freely and without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion and that I will well and Faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter so help me God congratulations on your appointment as second lieutenants in the armed forces of the United States of America [Applause] foreign store will now present the candidates for the undergraduate degrees will the candidates for The Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts degrees please rise chair Litman I present the candidates for The Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts degrees in their respective fields upon completion of their required curricula these candidates are hereby recommended by The Faculty to receive this degree members of the class of 2023 upon the recommendation of the faculty and having completed your required curriculum and by the authority vested in me I do hereby confer upon you the degrees of Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts in your respective courses of study with all the rights and privileges thereto appertaining congratulations please be seated [Applause] on behalf of the College of Business and interdisciplinary programs will the candidates for the Bachelor's of Science degree in accounting Engineering Management Finance management management information systems marketing and construction marketing and construction management please come to this platform to receive your diplomas presenting candidates from the College of Business and interdisciplinary programs Bachelor of Science and accounting Marco Marquez Trent majors John Paul Moody magna laude Jackie Olson Grace ryala Ivy Stoller summa laude Bachelor of Science and Engineering Management Liam McDonough [Music] Henriette Mitchell Waters laude Bachelor of Science and finance Chelsea archembo Keegan irva Nick Kaufman Parker ceretsky J Hari weeha Adam Witkowski summa laude Bachelor of Science and management Tristan Ashbrook Caleb Glenn [Applause] Benjamin lehenen summa laude Christopher Maxson Nick Pace laude Anderson Piercy laude Elijah Sumas Bianca Chuck Mark vaselich magna laude Nick stankovich magna laude Bachelor of Science and management information systems Taylor Johnston Cedric Keller summa laude Michael Lamas Mercado laude Trent Peterson Kevin White Christian Worley we'll slow it down sorry about that foreign Bachelor of Science in marketing Dylan Boberg Callie davatella Emily Kuhn magna laude Leanne Padilla Ryan Stafford [Applause] Christopher Daniel Woods [Applause] Bachelor of Science in construction management Bill Barnhart magna laude [Applause] Steele Fortress Cotter Rambler on behalf of the college Computing will the candidates for The Bachelor of Science degree and computer network and system administration cyber security electrical engineering technology computer science and software engineering please come to the platform to receive your diploma [Applause] presenting candidates from the College of computing Department of Applied computing Bachelor of Science and computer network and system administration Ethan frenza Justin sulak summa laude Bachelor of Science and cyber security Nicole Andrus Nick Bergstrom Chris Lieberman [Applause] Matthew Jeffrey magna laude Jason Joseph magna laude Connor Langdon Jacob Ludwig Kate McCrory laude Andrew Martin magna laude John slowy [Applause] Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering technology Jared Rathburn laude Austin Sharkey presenting candidates from the Department of computer science Bachelor of Science in computer science Austin sofa Kenzie Baker magna laude [Music] case Brophy laude [Applause] Connor cater laude Chen magna laude Andrew siminski magna laude [Applause] John Claussen Brian Khan [Music] Maya Davis magna laude Conlan dhoni [Applause] Andrew fry laude Eric Goulet Kuma Zuma laude [Applause] Jack Grant Devin Hall Jack Henderson Hendrickson David Hostetler Will Holland Jerry Jones Max Jorgensen laude Austin Keane laude Jeremiah College Michael kulas Nolan Manor laude [Music] Daniel masker magna laude [Applause] kale McDonald magna laude Kyle McIntyre Justin milliman yaritza miraman laude Ava Mueller magna laude Claire Nicholas magna laude [Applause] Josh overbeek summa laude Noah risky [Applause] Emma Smith [Applause] Michael Romero Phoenix zot Joseph Roy teahin summa laude Cooper Tyson magna laude Colin vandelden laude Anna Vania nice laude Jared Webb Nathan wolf summa laude Bachelor of Science in software engineering Tyler Sean Budd y Thomas Carey Benjamin Cauley Jack Hayes [Applause] Maritza Gonzalez laude [Music] [Applause] Colin Knudson [Applause] Abby Myers summa laude [Applause] Patrick Philbin laude Joshua Reynolds [Applause] Quentin Ross laude Zane Smalley summa laude Avi Tian on behalf of the College of forest resources and environmental science with the candidates for The Bachelor of Science degree in applied ecology and environmental science forestry natural resource management Wildlife ecology and management and Wildlife ecology and conservation please come to the platform to receive your diploma [Applause] presenting candidates from the College of forest resources and environmental science Bachelor of Science and applied ecology and environmental science Katie birching magna laude [Applause] Edward Chapman August Camp magna laude Natalie Howard summa laude [Music] Cassandra gabales Molina Huron summa laude Jared Johnson [Applause] Emily Long Joseph Makai [Applause] Amanda Marcotte Kate McGowan laude Madeleine Marie stack laude [Applause] Ella Stone [Applause] Madeleine Tudor Duncan magna laude Jared Way Bachelor of Science in forestry Nick blundy Anthony shimatero laude [Applause] Caleb dorweiler [Applause] Luke for zaka Bryce Neff laude [Applause] Tucker witkoff laude [Applause] Alex para laude [Applause] Anna Pike [Applause] maruta sipples magna laude Megan Quant laude Chastity Winters Colin Whitsett magna laude [Applause] Bachelor of Science and natural resources management Anna Brubaker Jordan zyke [Applause] Bachelor of Science in sustainable bioproducts Abby Herndon laude Bachelor of Science and Wildlife ecology and management Colin Daniels [Applause] Bachelor of Science in Wildlife ecology and conservation Sarah Arnold laude [Applause] Jacob brenkey [Applause] Adelie Brewster summa laude [Music] [Applause] Mitchell show say Jake Maynard America Parker [Applause] chance Spencer Ezekiel Stark [Applause] Carly zielinski [Music] [Applause] on behalf of the College of Sciences and arts will the candidates for The Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts degrees in Biochemistry and molecular biology biology Focus biological sciences ecology and evolutionary biology human biology medical laboratory science biochemistry and molecular biology chemistry Focus chemistry computational chemistry and chemical informatics pharmaceutical chemistry psychology Humanities communication culture and media scientific and Technical communication exercise science Sports and Fitness management mathematics and computer science mathematics statistics physics anthropology sustainability science and Society audio production and Technology sound design theater and electronic media performance and theater and entertainment technology please come to the platform to receive your diploma [Applause] presenting candidates from the College of Sciences and arts department of biological sciences Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry and molecular biology Megan Guyer summa laude Christian holmstrom laude Dylan Norris magna laude [Music] Samantha Seifert laude Bachelor of Science in biological sciences Shane astrike magna laude Morgan Radke summa laude [Music] Alyssa sarland Bachelor of Science in ecology and evolutionary biology Jacob Bancroft Alec Clark brendel Alex sorry Garrett lucasovich Alex lohmann summa laude Brian Reeves [Applause] Tessa tormon Summa culade [Applause] Madeline Webb [Music] Bachelor of Science in human biology Nathan baylock magna laude Mackenzie Foxx summa laude Jordan Jones magna laude Mary Schloss summa laude [Applause] Reagan Swartz [Applause] Aaron Bennett Bachelor of Science in medical laboratory science Evelyn asenmacher [Music] Nev badolo magna laude Sophia Banker magna laude Emma ercola Grace Gonzalez summa laude Jade Graham Patrick Hoxie summa laude Elena kriggs magna laude Kaiser Nagel [Applause] Madeline pelassari laude Delaney piedala summa laude Faith Prentice Jake ballancourt summa laude presenting candidates from the Department of Chemistry Bachelor of Science biochemistry and molecular biology Connor Hall summa laude Jillian kaisinga laude [Applause] Mackenzie Malkovich Elena sempik summa laude Madeleine Sherman laude [Applause] Andrea Lynn Smith magna laude Bachelor of Science in chemistry Walter White Emily Vincent [Music] Bachelor of Science computational chemistry and chemical informatics Audrey Lacoste summa laude [Applause] Bachelor of Science and pharmaceutical chemistry Maria walzek magna laude presenting from the Department of cognitive and learning Sciences Bachelor of Science and psychology Kaylee blindower laude Alyssa Everett Sarah galon laude Kiera Hines Abby Morley laude Samantha Walker magna laude Kelly weeks magna laude Catherine Wyrick magna laude associate of arts and humanities Gia Harris GoDaddy laude Eva how to Mackey presenting candidates from the Department of humanities Bachelor of Arts communication culture and media Matthew Burson Aiden Hawk Bachelor of Science scientific and Technical communication Megan Cole Rachel dick laude Riley powers Colton sits presenting for the Department of Kinesiology and integrative physiology Bachelor of Science exercise science Caitlin Brady summa laude Brendan Koski magna laude Jessica Lacy laude Karina Madigan summa laude [Applause] Maxwell Marion magna laude Armando Motts summa laude Gracie vangling avaldi summa laude [Applause] Connor Walsh Mariah Wilmer magna laude Bachelor of Science in Sports and Fitness management Devin Schmitz Cody tarnowski presenting for the Department of mathematical Sciences Bachelor of Science in mathematics Lily bolliger magna laude [Applause] Bachelor of Science mathematics and computer science Damien Miller summa laude Bachelor of Science in statistics Jake dealer [Applause] Maxwell James laude [Applause] Leela Johnson summa laude [Applause] [Music] Christopher Adrian Larson summa laude Joe Maloney summa laude Jun Wang presenting for the Department of physics Bachelor of Science in applied physics Jason flitty magna laude Bachelor of Arts in physics Riley dickert [Applause] Nick folsick Bachelor of Science in physics Benjamin Joseph sloma Sydney Ogilvie laude presenting for the department of social sciences Bachelor of Science anthropology Christopher Charters magna laude Adi hanani Nicholas hunt [Applause] Bachelor of Science in social sciences Robert Hazen Cheyenne Scott with an additional degree in biomedical engineering [Applause] Bachelor of Science and sustainability science and Society Caitlin black Sammy borzik laude Isabel Cervantes Janelle Freeman [Applause] Ann group with an additional degree in social sciences summa laude Ava Miller is Adora Mitchell Savannah Obert Pfeiffer laude Abby Pettit Thomas vermeesh presenting for the Department of Visual and Performing Arts Bachelor of Science and audio production and Technology Isabella capanda [Applause] Alexander Knapp Mason waldrip [Applause] Bachelor of Arts Theater and electronic media performance Annika Lightner balatner Bachelor of Science in theater and entertainment Tech Bobby desgrange Gerardo villanuela Madison lay wintella magna laude [Applause] on behalf of the College of Engineering will the candidates for The Bachelor of Science degree in biomedical engineering chemical engineering civil engineering environmental engineering computer engineering electrical engineering robotics engineering engineering applied geophysics geological engineering geology mining engineering mechanical engineering technology Materials Science and Engineering and mechanical engineering please come to the platform to receive your diploma [Applause] presenting candidates from the College of Engineering presenting for the Department of biomedical engineering Bachelor of Science in biomedical engineering Benjamin Agnello [Applause] Isaiah bengry Cassandra Boniface magna laude Abby baretsky magna laude Alex Carlson laude Ali dabus laude [Applause] Giovanni Diaz [Music] Trevor Dunlap Robert Dwyer laude Madeleine English Kenzie Garrison [Applause] Kelsey harvath magna laude William hagelthorn with who also has a degree in Materials Science and Engineering [Applause] Marley hedela [Applause] Cole Hebert laude Jonathan Hong Jacob Jackson laude Benjamin Johns also with a degree in Material Science Madeleine Johnson [Applause] Elizabeth keckley Bella canisty laude Cameron karnowsky Kristen King Etienne Michelle's summa laude Sydney monger [Applause] Kelsey Moyer magna laude Lydia Moylan magna laude [Applause] Nicholas nimi magna laude [Applause] Jayla narcoli with an additional degree in mechanical engineering summa laude [Applause] Savannah Paige summa laude [Applause] Kathleen pekennis magna laude Julia paulus summa laude William poster will real [Applause] Carter schlenz [Applause] Catherine Schnabel eilee schoenborn Summa culaude Josette stalmak summa laude [Applause] Elena starle Lucas stegmueller [Music] [Applause] Francis Taylor [Music] Lindsey Phelan summa laude [Music] Cody tufty [Applause] Zachary vatter Jennifer Wilson yang Abby yacht [Applause] Jordan Zeiss magna laude presenting for the Department of chemical engineering Bachelor of Science in chemical engineering Brianna Appleton laude [Music] [Applause] Mark Bailey [Music] Noel Barwick summa laude [Applause] Brook Bates Julia Becker magna laude Sadaya begum [Music] Lillian Bradley laude Max bro [Applause] Nicholas Bussey magna laude [Applause] Elena Cronin [Applause] Leanne Dana Caleb daikuma summa laude Josiah dikema magna laude Andrew daikuma [Music] Ryan Downs laude [Applause] Michael Durbin summa laude Josie edick magna laude Lauren L Schultz [Music] Lauren Erdman [Applause] Lina Espejo magna laude Jonah essig [Music] Casey fortman laude [Applause] Ramsay Fortune [Applause] Zach Geiger magna laude [Applause] Cassidy global magna laude [Music] Nicholas Henderson laude [Applause] Janelle Hollister Lydia Jacobs summa laude bow jock Grace James magna laude Samuel Kinney magna laude Christopher kirschke Taylin klepsa Ori Amelia Cramer summa laude [Applause] Justin liacos [Applause] Pablo Lozano laude [Applause] Kinley Lions magna laude [Music] Caleb Marianas Quincy Markey magna laude [Applause] Stephen Marquette magna laude [Applause] Andrew melikar laude [Music] [Applause] Andrew Menard Jack mcota [Music] [Applause] Tad Moore Olivia netzler [Applause] Gabrielle Ogden Lauren opaleski magna laude Josh paling [Applause] Hannah Peterson [Music] Bill Phillips [Music] [Applause] Justin popilka Sarah Pro Hannah Quinn laude [Applause] Benjamin Reynolds [Applause] Emerson Ross makalai shower [Music] Nicholas Scott [Applause] Dana Siler summa laude [Applause] Katie Smith magna laude [Applause] Nash Smith [Applause] Riley Smith summa laude [Applause] Timothy stachowski [Applause] James Staley John Sturm [Applause] Nathan Summers laude [Applause] Christopher Taylor [Applause] Olivia umlor magna laude Sheraton waldek magna laude [Applause] Andrew David Ward magna laude [Applause] Cade worth summa laude Alec Wong [Applause] presenting for the Department of Civil environmental and geospatial Engineering Bachelor of Science civil engineering Nate Goodman laude [Applause] [Music] Spencer Archer magna laude Emily Bergstrom [Applause] Megan brinkler laude Sydney Bryant [Applause] Henry Campbell summa laude AJ Clary laude Zachary Colin laude Morgan Coolidge [Music] [Applause] Alex Coulter magna laude Robert Davies Zach Dewar magna laude [Applause] Connor daikos laude Drew Eaton Robin Edwards [Applause] Dylan Farren Isaac Fong magna laude Evan geronomy [Applause] Sam Gordon magna laude [Applause] Samuel hook water Lance Jose [Applause] [Music] Kiera Houston [Applause] Alaya Hummel summa laude Liam Johnson laude [Music] [Applause] Noah kobal Jonathan mogg Kenneth marks [Music] Katie McInnis laude Emma meitler magna laude Justin massillo Eric Oliver laude [Applause] Thomas pastel summa laude Simon Peter [Applause] Grant piedela Brennan Pike Josh plant laude [Applause] Bradley getlinger laude Joe roll summa laude Edward ryboviak [Music] Nigel solar John Upham Jacob bandree Colin Vander Beek Kevin wenjin magna laude Bachelor of Science environmental engineering Lily allstrom magna laude [Music] Rachel anguish magna laude Laura Bowman Michael Burson [Music] Braden Buttes [Applause] [Music] Victoria Bouchard laude [Applause] Avery Castle magna laude [Applause] Luke cook [Applause] Emma Doyle magna laude [Applause] Andrew elstrom magna laude [Applause] [Music] Riley George magna laude [Applause] Molly green Kelsey Kaufman Josh King [Applause] Nathan Kraft Kendra lejeck AKA blizzard T husky magna laude [Applause] Casey Lambert Megan Lee summa laude Tessa Meyer magna laude Annabelle Needham summa laude [Applause] Catherine Peterson Amanda Reed Rachel Ritter [Music] Drew yesment laude [Applause] Bachelor of Science geospatial engineering Jocelyn Brown magna laude [Applause] presenting for the Department of electrical and computer engineering Bachelor of Science and computer engineering Jason Ackerman summa laude [Applause] Peter Amat magna laude [Applause] Tyler Bernie Ryan Briggs [Applause] Reed Brinton [Applause] James buruckman magna laude Jared bush Ethan Campbell Spencer Crawford summa laude [Applause] Dan Curtis magna laude [Applause] Lucas Duvall laude Kevin Fogg laude [Applause] Stephen Gilman also AKA blizzard tea husky [Applause] Lily Hubbard [Applause] Ian Huff laude arvind Kayana Max Cuba [Applause] Adam Krieger Andrew Lewis laude [Applause] Jason Lyons [Music] Ray Ma Jake Mueller summa laude [Music] Spencer novaco Gabriel ochens Enzo Palumbo [Applause] Rachel Poppy [Applause] Max riester [Applause] Jacob Smith [Applause] Benjamin steyer summa laude Alex Stockman magna laude Nico topi Burj vartanian [Music] Anthony viola [Music] Micah Thorson Seth wood laude Trent Johnson [Applause] Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering Cole Abel Hanan Altier summa laude Alec amundsen [Music] Hayden Austin ostiniak Austin Augustine magna laude Mackenzie Brown Josh cribben magna laude [Applause] Elizabeth Donahue [Applause] Tyler fata magna laude Dylan fewins magna laude Jenna Gamache [Applause] Gabriel greiling [Applause] Drew Griffin Austin Hilliker summa laude Natalie Hodge summa laude [Applause] Aaron Hogue summa laude [Music] Hunter Indra Mill Nick Jones laude [Music] [Applause] Joshua Juris Caton scholes summa laude [Applause] Jack kulkman [Applause] Dylan Kangas Sophia crows [Applause] Byron lobopass [Applause] Michaela Miller magna laude Andy Martin [Applause] Andrew Austin Mullins Austin Newman Matthew Niemi laude Justin norkel [Music] Brendan osentoski Ryan Peckham laude [Applause] Luke purchase magna laude Trent sorum Carl slaysak magna laude Carter spouts [Applause] Ben Tui laude [Applause] will steyer laude [Music] Johannes Drew bear [Applause] Andrew tight Eric Van Horn [Applause] Brenda Wilson laude Olivia zinser magna laude [Music] [Applause] Patrick Westerberg Bachelor of Science in robotics engineering Andrew Friel summa laude [Applause] Emma coronen summa laude [Applause] Emily ladensack laude Aaron Weiser presenting for the department of engineering fundamentals Bachelor of Science and Engineering Anakin Anderson [Music] [Applause] Paige kosmarsky presenting for the Department of geological and Mining engineering and Sciences Bachelor of Science in applied geophysics Aiden Gabriel laude Addison gecker laude Grace odella with an additional degree in anthropology summa laude [Applause] Bachelor of Science geological engineering Michael Carly [Applause] Colby Carpenter [Applause] k-line Jared Searle Max Stang summa laude Bachelor of Science in geology Quinn Dowd [Music] Bachelor of Science in mining engineering Cole Anderson Jake Maxson summa laude presenting for the Department of manufacturing and mechanical engineering technology Bachelor of Science mechanical engineering technology Matt Gagnon [Applause] Brendan lakenin laude [Applause] John Mayer [Applause] Mason Peterson summa laude [Applause] Colin ramalong Matthew Von pachan [Applause] Anthony wasek [Music] John Waller [Applause] Jacob Welch [Music] [Applause] Hunter Wilk summa laude [Applause] presenting for the Department of Material Science and Engineering Bachelor of Science Materials Science and Engineering Sophia berlinski summa laude [Applause] Ryan Cesario magna laude Ethan Trang Mika Clark summa laude [Applause] Dakota Dorner Daniel Griffin laude [Applause] Catherine Jarvis laude Michael Kilmer magna laude Drew College [Applause] Samuel McGinnis [Music] Liam McLeod Caleb minazian [Applause] Gus Quigley [Music] [Applause] Evan Stafford [Applause] Henry Summers laude Joseph Tomei [Applause] Andrew Walsh [Applause] presenting for the Department of mechanical engineering engineering mechanics Bachelor of Science in mechanical engineering Griffin Abbott laude [Applause] Favia Agarwal Russell Albee Caitlin Allred Michael Valentine Noah baliat summa laude [Applause] thog Bergen Emmett Beeler [Music] Luke Fisher Thomas bolitho [Music] [Applause] Hunter Bondi summa laude Kate Bridges [Music] Tyler Brown Frank Brook Misan Dion Dante Cardinale [Applause] Matthew Carey with an additional degree in electrical engineering laude zarva and chenoy [Music] James Barron's magna laude Jacob chizek Connor Christensen summa laude Jack Christensen Delaney compo magna laude Nick consiglio Daniel Curry Taryn Curtis magna laude [Applause] Leander davatilla magna laude Russell davatilla George Darbyshire summa laude Nolan Davis Max De Young Jessica dimartino [Applause] Margaret dickeral Thomas Draper magna laude Evan drow magna laude [Applause] Tanner Duncan [Applause] Robert ekright Dustin Gonzalez laude [Applause] Emma Eck Stanley Elder summa laude Jake Everts magna laude [Applause] [Music] Rachel Falls [Applause] Caitlyn feldposh laude Grant feat summa laude Thomas Fleming magna laude [Applause] Nick foot magna laude [Applause] Ryan Frost summa laude [Music] will Galvin magna laude Brian Geiger summa laude Ellery gimme magna laude [Applause] Troy getick magna laude Adam Glasser magna laude [Applause] Jared Gunderson Ethan gutsite laude [Applause] Scott Hall magna laude Carter Maxie will hearts [Music] Charles Hazel summa laude [Applause] Kyle Hintz magna laude [Applause] David Hoffman laude Jacob hawarda [Applause] Jake Hosey [Music] [Applause] Ben Hulk magna laude Rocco hutter magna laude [Applause] Sam Jager summa laude Nicolo Janetta work laude William jeunesse V laude [Applause] Eric Jensen magna laude Nicholas Casper [Applause] Mason Kennedy summa laude Emma King magna laude David Klein laude [Applause] Caleb klanowski Matthew Knowles [Applause] Brendan tenkel Paul kovachi kovacic is that close Timothy Cramer [Applause] Theo campula Curtis kitta [Applause] Kerry Le mayhu summa laude Nate Lerman meghna laude [Music] Mandy lepak laude [Applause] Kevin Lee Brendan Lindgren laude Jacob Loudermilk [Music] Parker loose laude [Applause] Megan Mahoney magna laude Ryan Mahoney Trevor maisland Neva Manas laude [Applause] Dane Marvin laude Kyle Mayer magna laude Gavin McBride laude Eric Bogle magna laude [Music] [Applause] Hunter McGuire magna laude [Applause] Ethan McKenzie laude [Applause] Cal McNabb magna laude [Applause] Cade Meyer magna laude [Applause] Nathan Miller laude [Applause] Adam mocha [Applause] Sean Monroe summa laude [Applause] Spencer Museo magna laude Stephanie nimi [Music] [Applause] Robert ostrich laude [Applause] Seth Olson [Applause] Jacob aksher Nick polatka magna laude Colin Pickard Nolan Pickett summa laude [Applause] Blake piedla Logan piedela cam pie cart magna laude Jack Pluto laude Fred podig palminville summa laude Cyrus popovitz Ethan patrinski laude Max Chien summa laude [Applause] Tyler radovich Paul ryzenen laude Joseph remshak [Applause] Nicholas Reynolds [Applause] William rivet Nolan Ruble magna laude Bodhi silmetto Kyle samluck magna laude Mary Schaefer [Applause] Matt Sheeran [Applause] Gavin Sheffer Eric Smith magna laude Jacob Smith [Applause] Leah Smith Zach Smith laude Ethan Smythe magna laude Blake Soper [Applause] Parker Stahl [Music] Camila stanischevski laude [Applause] Cole storm [Applause] Jared thalen magna laude [Applause] Kyle Balin laude [Music] [Applause] Derek Thompson Madison Thompson [Music] [Applause] Alexander teetsort Stephen Turnbull summa laude [Music] [Applause] Adam tutak magna laude Giovanni van dijk Mitchell Van oofland Madeleine van wieren summa laude [Music] Evan Van Der mate Robert boss Samuel velaquit magna laude [Applause] Kyle Watkins Jacob Whitey magna laude Olivia weary [Applause] Julia Westfall all right Ryan Westfall Evan wingerter Alexander wachna magna laude [Applause] Abby Sue Woodford magna laude Cynthia Wertz Emilio Zapata [Applause] Adam zarowski laude quite awesome experience graduates now that you are alumni of this University it's my yeah it's my pleasure to introduce the vice president of the Michigan Tech alumni board of directors Britta Anderson class of 2015 and as of yesterday class of 2023. the Brita earned her bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from Michigan Tech and yesterday earned the master's degree in double e for Michigan Tech Brenda is currently a senior electrical engineer Consumers Energy throughout her eight years career with consumers she's held various positions in relation to planning and design of both low voltage and high voltage Distribution Systems Brita also championed the institution of a domestic partner benefits and expanded parental leave benefits and consumers which now allows all types of families to bond with new children in their lives but it's passionate about Michigan Tech and has served on the alumni Board of Directors for the past five years please join me in welcoming Brita Anderson [Applause] good afternoon graduates graduation is a Monumental achievement it is a closing of one chapter and a leap into the unknown while your degree will open doors it is your experience and tenacity as a husky that will continue to propel you into excellence I could give I could provide more accolides in my brief speech but as you sit here this ceremony that is undoubtedly a blur each of you know


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