NASA Artemis-1 Moon Rocket Launch Live

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inn Nunn and none in nun who have moved of moved moved moved of moved of each one form of the form of a form of the form of fish to fifth five of the form of a form of food form of fish new who who food moved of five of had moved moved to five of worms of tons of fish to two of of of of of of of of the strikes, was excited for its not so exciting for us unless that said, citing , they are working a couple of issues this morning , to see we we have currently get that's the that's kind of number one thing that's not the couple minutes always a teenager will see , so law lists it's just that let's just wait and see what happens so to mourning for me and I'm not sure reworked its policy I do have let's see your need this one to two women hearing was one hearing night the end the latest plan is too , engines , is on the course each liquid hydrogen side upper stage nearly filled this coming after roughly 45 minute weather delay lots of taking where did not you're paying attention closely, to the process , to sign a year to his back over here industry list of amounts were the timeline timeline timeline to timeline and if you're somewhere to their is OK offered with a lasting this, but it's Ozal, splash down into the ocean, will gets , to see at interim cryogenic propulsion stage and then, ands would see how we did, and act, Gaidar he backs mike timeline that's a mission plan here four today to law conspiracy theories out that's for sure be off when we get a read on a possibility covered two rights to sell initially park acts any dish off the engines but keep missing the earth help them make sense to policy when you know about the so called Carmen lined atmosphere conditions two demarcation points dates naturally occurs so we've , traditional not like to so to two sides of the CoreStates take written about a week the continued taking came to post takes to replenish standby standby OK sights on looks like potentially be at in a rented to another issue won't pull the plug inside is ready for launch a statewide to two at that early in the morning off 222222 intentional to , because clearly they are expecting the the launch to be delayed that are using only for lieu of these the hydrogen team is working on the troubleshooting plan to two is currently in the state of the two to two 222-2222 are working on the CIA and not an idea some and still limit is the limited to comment itself, so they out been really at a hydrogen in particular area , they have tons of other day you know you have the has access two, much more policy on the timeline unit said and 14 seconds the countdown clock is slated to hold at T minus 40 minutes and counting and at that time by Jon team is going to discuss their plan are asking for 10 minutes and there'll be able to reach the launch director Wilshire control of a quilt of some I don't believe this is the tool and hold for easy to the only time Mr. 9 to 1 mark stole money just checked and I misread Aidid mistreated so a potentially and I'm not 100% where on whether not this is a plan hold or not the kinds be taken back two Al minus 40 minutes as often as high as 40¢ a we are we're not at EL -640 minutes to finish all of the top seed more than two months to a discussing a plan to be a very quiet offices in the old the high upper stage use of staff will as is , if you want to do just what is so powerful after intimately using the other four agents default pressure the New Mission was to take a 45 minutes ago shortage and we were unable to get the temperature of the 13 to choose the right corner . Unable to get the center console for ages 7 to 3 a little more time engines right cell so now we wait crack, it's at the sniper lunch before immediately testimony of these two cities issue are holding up the two -40 minutes with years of flinch that these four along the line that ice that four of them is essentially the error has been chilled want to make book and so did the series color stress cracks in the fall and they know this because they can see the offset people see that sell essentially to the untrained eye to tutor children can send start as little starts loading that's so they're we are at T-40 minutes and holding slightly different, we're not be at 1030 demands, we've not yet heard of a new law on launch time ending an doubt we'll see seem it happens from it so to answer we stand here rights now middle of rush things write the law no one sell , and then the other issues so back could be resolved at this point so I guess I'm considering they were working one somebody somebody else sent over coliseum artists house bill one and only how long can they hold two day sell to sell because we have a 2 hour launch window , weekend we can whole lot we can hold for for up to that policy as a meeting hall for up to two , I'm expecting NFL -40 minutes to play and hold to occur in essence is on the can still be not too far out on butts we have swung to see that would be 2025 sellout hopefully we can stay on the stay on track to , the deal right now not moving prices somebody under death rates, somewhat useful on-site of an issue with 24 inches of course page to Sweden troubleshooting plan and the the way for in the next 10 minutes possibly a city bus of the artist lost control to space acts may also to be out there use the land of the starship lunar lander we can keep sending astronauts them scouting they will be I guess kind of I mean it's it's can be the the capsule system four recovery purposes so becomes it cost have a place for now so , torso test dummies just adore self and not guess they are were out of the Simi longer mission ends them now eliminate radiation exposure least limit its lead the Mets right so there's always a better way to do and to sell any waste as an unplanned hold launch team works are issue with the engine of the three and four stage nights of anybody forgo for plan from the crime scene media community bits that we may possibly be said to have won 14 AM Eastern time watching getting the postseason CoreStates tanks to 100% began taking the upper stage that his second straight to launch this is but were unable to because they have. We develop live in action effectively tricky issue even going in a sort of fault, that we may be scrubbing for today , sell we know I actually don't know how come I had to who knows I know this and other church that would and would result in a 39 day mission so slightly less, and not September 2, September 5 to work today so but the getting down to the proper temperature ands and not multiple sources, most interesting sources so is it officially aborted now it is not trusted sources so we are out let's be off so that they would cancel send astronauts, two out to the Moon it's itself so sellout yet were just we're just waiting now four for details due to this engine number three issue so we're out here just awaiting a awaiting word to see what happens next , Evan really looked at the future, because the chances of everything going rights is the and not now working on getting my commercial , so as a little off line policy shut off commercial students are given out , unfortunately I think were to be striving for today recording two rumors began just unconfirmed rumors spots is opening up enough not about 15 minutes is when the who've sent it to take to win over some bubbling data and once they have a pretty good points to come back to her in a discussion and so she says that the Jews awaiting that and we are standing by the Kentucky -40 minutes one WorkStation will begin 50 if we'll have more information when we get some half it's at we'll be scrubbing today, , certainly the PR length of this holder is not a great indication , that's it were going to launch , but it's on the other hands it said trusted sources on me see if we have any other updates here , we did no dates as we get later in the launch window if any of them comes up as a violation we can launch some of them are not set or elevated base are contributing located on the board torsos test dummies , their 3:00 AM one full and two torsos 250 to 500 not us, states like $1000 they do lose a lot of its complex it's not like me not until late in the program is a much larger is not just the scrub is is is nothing compared too to , challenger issues, the trees their first lunar landing from some of my out trusted sources about the condition to a lot to launch the rockets to buy its they will only launch the rock and if everything is 300° and space launch system with the Orion spacecraft the rockets the as they can this time so they have not fallen to the trading block it just yet and the gather the data to summarize the the hell that the two -40 minutes and counting after . To the joker right temperature was taken to the complete test depending on what happens with this into the we will wait the determination of what the plan is to go forward to remedy the individually and they go from there we must a plea to see , which takes up from their test data are currently gathering of inventing the state of Washington about where to go from here with precision watching as a TV camera coverage of the Artemis one launch attempt making so yet that said , September 2 syllable out cover them again if ands at 5:00 in the 5:21 PM eastern time , but she and now we're not launching today to a sea Airport Rochester to fly the road if design concerns , to is a really good is that really be in the world's the nets , we've either as an engine number three because knock it down to temperature there scrub for today some that mean the disappointing bets they are thing on all rights 12 we can see what's a onetime libido it would be 88 , September 2 either Cherokee one ad as the airplane and lines resolve the issue so they scrounged for today to sell the launch that is that it is scrapped whole final two COL to sell off to nights as a bomber at today he wasn't meant to be so and lawful do that again next time in Nunn and none in nun who have moved of moved moved moved of moved five of the form of a form of food form of fish new who who food moved of five of had moved moved to five of of the suns form of worms of tons of fish to two five of of of of of of of of


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