How to Select Optimal Flour BAKERview BAKERpedia

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[Music] [Music] good morning on the west coast good afternoon on the east coast and good evening to everyone else in the world today our flower optimization session is sponsored by chopin who is chopin chopin is an instrumental analysis technology company so for over 100 years chopin technologies which is a subsidiary of kpm analytics has specialized in methods and equipment for ensuring the quality of cereal flour and related products yes especially your flour they offer a wide range of solutions to bakers for process and quality control before during and after production um thank you chopin for sponsoring the session today we are honored to have arno dubai with us and he will be presenting a session later on on how to measure your flower quality arno is an interesting individual he has an education in biochemistry milling engineering and serial science and a master's in marketing for the last 32 years he has worked for chopin technologies in a number of roles a leader for recent standard methods and yes i say that because arnold can pretty much memorize all the methods and spear it out back to you i know has worked at different organizations in france europe and internationally iso icc and aacc he is an author and co-author of many technical and scientific publications including the alveo consistograph handbook and the mixer lab which is a new approach to rheology he is a father of two and he's been married to his wife joelle for 35 years he is also a passionate musician who can recreate epic music on the guitar welcome arno so thank you thank you lynn for the for the kind introduction and uh and again thanks everyone for for joining us today that's real pleasure to see so many people attending this presentation i hope you will learn something from that and and for what i heard until now i think maybe what i'm going to tell you are going to i hope change a little bit the perspectives um so the question is and that's a question that i have been asked many many times what is a good flower and and if i want to be honest the best answer i can tell the people is that i don't know i don't know what's a good flower potentially all flowers are good that really depends what you want to do what are your process what are your formula there are a lot of things that make that a flower can be good or bad so that's a little bit the topic i'm going to address that because there is no fatality we can do something if we start changing a little bit certainly the way we are looking about uh flower quality so the aim of this presentation is really to analyze this traditional approach of flour is going to predict bread and i think these coas we've just seen a very good example the question is does that values really help you not having any problem in production not always these coas and we can see a lot of examples of values everywhere they sometimes miss the target of screening between good and bad flower many reasons for that and i'm going to give you some example and of course we could be speaking for a complete day about that i will try to shorten that so first of all analyze what we are doing right now and then i'm going to uh share with you the approach we have been developing with chopin over the last 15 years and we see this is really bringing some benefit and i will illustrate that with a a real example i mean not theoretical something we have been doing working with bakers and uh and this is based on the mixer lab we could have done that on other machine but you will see that the mix lab is a very good candidate for that so at the end i will also give you some clues on how can you do that because sometimes people are reluctant say but i'm not a scientist i do not have any lab it's complicated blah blah now you're going to see it's extremely simple when we have the the right approach to that so what is baking uh i'm sure you know because you are here and certainly most of you know better than me what what is baking baking is basically a transformation process we are going to take flour and we are going to make a product okay so it can be a bread it can be a pizza it can be noodle it can be whatever so finally we are going to transform a powder into something that will be nice to consume and of course between the flour and the final product there are a lot of things which are happening during the baking process so then what is the potential influence of the raw material of the flower basically if we want to simplify if you start with a bad flower or let's say non-adapted flower we have to translate bad into non-adapted so if you have a non-adapted flower entering the process it will be very hard to have a good product so most likely the final product will not be adapted to the consumer desires on the contrary if you start with a well adapted flower you are more likely to have a well adapted and what we are going to call a good product good final product so that's basically the best thing is that this can also happen you can start with the well adapted flower but yet the product is not good what happened well that means that the resulting of the process which is the final process is not only a matter of flower there are a lot of other things which are also impacting the final quality just one example if you bake too long your product will be burnt and that's not an issue with the flour it's just that the process was not conducted properly so we could multiply that about what is happening during forming during mixing during proofing all these stages will have an impact so flour is is a part of of the answer and today i'm going to speak about the direct impact of flour on product i'm not going to consider all these ingredients that we can our improvers just think about clean label where the final product is more related to the flower properties so lean showed us some coas that we can have with um with of course devices i do not recommend but for obvious reasons uh we can do the same if if you start with shop and equipment here i can we can deliver a table like that which is able and could maybe yeah try to find something here yeah you can have parameters for instance from the audiograph for cookies or cakes or baguette or so these are values indicative values so i started by telling you if you ask me what is a good flower i don't know but here you can say yes you know it's it's written here you know that for doing a cookie you need a p value on the lvo of blah blah blah honestly i don't know your process i don't know what you are looking for so that gives you an idea we know that we have big classes of flowers between let's say soft wheat product or hardwood products so that gives an idea but there is very little chances that what i am showing you here is adapted to your process and that's all the problem that's all the problem because if you just take numbers from the literature of what you can find on the internet and try to adapt that you can get into troubles very easily it won't be a catastrophe but it might not be yield the result you are expecting so then you will going you are going to tell me well you are telling me that i need a p of about 40 to 60 to have a nice cookie and it's not working yeah it can be because maybe your process your formula is different and you need another kind of flour so then the question is okay so how can i define the flower that is good for me not good for everyone or a kind of average value and and and that's all the problem because if you just rely on on these things which have been written sometimes 50 years ago the things have changed i mean the process have changed the width have changed a lot of things have changed and your process is unique specific so that reaches the point where traditionally and and and that's the example we just have here that we are used to specify flower to speak about flower quality in terms of protein content amylase activity falling number uh duariology water absorption dual behavior we have been speaking about the mti or or stability or development time i was looking at the numbers if you look at the standard method of the foreign graph you will see that the machine its repeatability reproducibility is performance is not able to really discriminate between 8.3 and 9.5 you are within the tolerance of the machine so there is a bigger the certainty of of putting that so we also need to deal with that we need to have precise methods that make you have a good discrimination on the flower and for that that will be maybe another topic we could speak about i really encourage you to have a look to standard method which are um telling you what is the precision of the method and a lot of the methods we are using um sometimes has not are not extremely precise then the second thing is that okay protein i need a 12 percent protein or let's say between 12 to 13. what happened if i have 11.9

or or 13.5 nothing will happen it will not change so we are sometimes putting specification and sometimes rejecting flower based on these coas but sometimes we are not looking where we should be looking the other thing is that a lot of bakers when i've been traveling they do not have labs they do not control that so they only rely to the information which is given by by the miller so of course everybody is doing a good job but if you don't control you're taking a risk because i can tell you my flower is 12 protein if you don't control i'm safe of course i can have problem and we are going to discuss but i mean there is a need for controlling but the question is okay you need to control what is good for you and that's the point where i want to go right now how can we change this paradigm make it something which can be more efficient for you we need to really go back to basics and what we want to do we want to transform flower into final product and between the flower and the final product there is your process not everyone's process your process that's a specificity for you so maybe what is good for your neighbor doing the same kind of product should not be exactly good for you maybe you could do better if you really work on your process that's all the the the idea i'm going to develop right now what is important finally it's the final product because the consumer is going to buy your product because they like it because it's consistent because it has a nice cram or whatever because he likes it once again this is extremely subjective a french baguette in france is very different from a french baguette in chile not meaning there is one which is better than other another one but the consumer in chile is looking for something which is different from france so you cannot take what's happening in france and transferring it to into chile because maybe the consumer will not like it we had some example of that of people copying things and and in fact it was not working so we need to take that into consideration what are the key parameter volume color current structure this kind of things and today we are very lucky because we can measure that we have we have tools for measuring all these parameters and have an objective measurement we need to get out from subjectivity that's also a very important point so we need to have this and here in the process we have so many variables i mean we just have to go and look at baker pedia and all the topics we are discussing we know that the formula will impact if you are putting eggs or milk or fat or whatever in your product and the quantity you are going to put that will change the dough behavior the process the machines temperature the times human factor also is very important so are you sure this part is always consistent because if this part is always changing you can have the most constant flower the final product will vary and then maybe you will blame the flower for not being consistent but it's not the flower which is not consistent it's the process but if you do not control the flower how can you know so that's something we need to take into account when we speak about what is a good flower so finally the flower quality should be specific to each baker of course we will keep groups of ideas but it could be something specific and also it could be interesting to look about what is good for you what are the interesting parameters everybody is looking at those stability and and for the reason that that didn't explain i'm going to show you an example where even if you look at those stability and even if those stability is under control you still have problem why because the problem does not come from those stability it comes from something else and you need to know what is important for you so let's look a little bit about the mixer lab so i go back to my table so if we want to have ideas of what specifications are for for mixer lab we can give you ideas like that so we can see different points different parameters but all of that seems a little bit different and maybe for most of you today you don't even know what is c1 csc2 c3 c4 c5 it looks very technical so first of all let me introduce you very briefly what is a mixer lab the mixer lab is this tool uh so it's basically a mixing machine okay so we are going to produce a dough and mix it so hoping the video will work here we go so this is the machine okay and here in the mixer you can see we are creating a dough so we are starting with flour we are adding water and so we can for those of you who know the the pharynograph that the same principle we are going to add water until reaching a certain consistency and that will give us our water absorption and then after we are going to look at how the dough is behaving during mixing the new thing is that we are going to heat up the dough and when we are heating up the dough we are decreasing the consistency here because the gluten is weakening and that's a very important information think about oven jump what happens when you are putting the the bread into the into the oven and then here we are going to measure what happened to starch all this phase here is what happened to starch starch is gelatinizing and then after you will have the stability which is related with amylase activity that's what we say okay the color the viscosity here will influence the structure the crown strength structure of the of the bread and here we are cooling down and so we have an increase of viscosity which is a good indicator of what will be the shelf life so to make it short because maybe uh we can have another talk where we are going to describe precisely the mixo lab but basically that's the unique tool there is no other one which is giving you an information on the protein behavior which is this part here and the starch behavior you can have the same kind of ideas if you are looking devices like rva for instance but earlier is working on the batter when you are doing a bread you are not processing a batter you are processing a dough and what is happening to the starch the interaction between starch protein you must see that in the dose system that will give you much more information so that was all the idea of the mixolap and you will see very soon that this id is bringing us a lot of very valuable information so at the end of the test after this mixing okay it's very easy to do so we have a curve here that's the torque we are measuring the consistency of the dough so you can see that different faces i'm not going to detail that we have different points here that's the point where we are measuring the water absorption here we are looking at the gluten stability so we are measuring stability we are measuring dough development time we are measuring all these traditional things and here we are starting seeing something new what happened to gluten here when we are heating up and here the starch so that's the curve and here you can see a kind of spider web and i'm going to speak about the spider web right now because this looks a little bit scientific and yes it is scientific we have a lot of development teams working on that and you might say no i'm not a scientist i don't want to make science i want to make quality control and i totally agree on that and this is the quality control tool and this creative control tool is called the profiler so let me show you how does that work so we start from this curve which is done by the machine so you don't even know to know what's behind forget about that but this curve we are going to transform it like this into this spiderweb so each phase of the test is going to receive a number from zero to nine and so we can have what we call different profiles here we have a profile for a pan bread for instance and you can see six indexes which are absorption mixing behavior the gluten behavior when we heat it the viscosity here that's the starch amylase activity and setback retro and this is where the tool becomes a quality control tool wonderful for bakers this is a curved translator so you don't need to know the science behind you have the translation so it takes the curve for you so this complete curve it takes it for you and it makes it very simple to say okay water absorption will receive an index from zero to nine it's good for source american friends here we have a very high water absorption it receives eight okay for instance and then we are going to look at the mixing behavior and here it will receive a five okay so we have made all the calculation by analyzing thousands of different samples and so we have been creating this scale all for all kind of flower okay so we are going to have six indexes for water absorption mixing behavior gluten behavior starch amylase activity and retrogradation setback so the work is done now you are going to create a profile that's your job so what are you going to do you're going to start observing what is good for you what is working for you so first thing you are going to select every flower and i imagine that's the biggest number all the flowers which are working good for you okay you test the flower and then you will have this little spider when you test different kind of sample you will have a minimum maximum value which corresponds to well performing flour so you know what is good for you look at this example we done that with the pizza manufacturer and the green area correspond to all the flour which have been performing well if you are doing croissant you have another kind of profile here and if you are doing pan bread you have another kind of profile which is corresponding to well performing flour interestingly when we have been working with different companies doing pan bread in different areas i think there were uk brazil and i think us here we see that for the same product we don't have we do not have the same profile why because the processes are different because the type of flower they are processing are different so of course they need different flowers at the beginning okay so once again it's very specific so here i go to my example so yeah test and transform this is done by the machine then after you can look if the flower you've just been analyzing here here it's not fitting you know it's outside of the profile it's out and here it's in so if it's in here we see that that's a pizza profile so it mean this one is good for pizza but it's not good for doing pan bread so an example we have been doing with uh with the baker i was mentioning at the beginning the first thing you have to define your profile very easy here we we took 20 sample we received 20 sample and and the baker told us this sample we had no problem we had a good product we are happy with this flower and so we have been determining the green area and you see it's quite large okay but that's corresponding to well performing flower and then after we said okay let's try to make a test now we have built the profile let's try new flowers and on these new flowers we had 15 which were good ones and six which were bad ones they were not satisfying they were not giving pro the right product okay so this is how we are going to treat that we put all the good flour here so that's the green dots you can see here and we put all the bad flower here at the end okay and the two lines here correspond to the minimum maximum of this index here that's the absorption and you can see here where are the results if you look at the six indexes right now we can see that for the absorption index you cannot discriminate between good and bad they are all within the range and it's the same for the mixing index okay basically they are all within the range except two ones but there is one good one but we cannot decide but look when you start looking at the gluten behavior when you eat up all the goods are around the good values and the bad one they are outside same thing for the viscosity here here you have on this table you have all the sample and when it's written in that means it is within the the accepted profile and and what's interesting so in these new samples we can see okay so all the bad flour so what the baker told us these are bad samples i had problem with them they all had part of the profile which has which were out of the ideal area more interesting here oops all the flower which were completely in the profile they correspond to well performing flower and it's not a surprise because we built the profile based on the observation on what is good for the baker and as always no i i don't think the word is black or white uh you have somewhere in between so you have some sample that can have some time a little bit out but still are good but the good thing is that if you base your specification on that you can make sure that the flower will be performing well and what is interesting that absorption in mixing index here are not discriminating the discrimination is made on what the mixer lab is bringing new and the reason is very clear and and very simple specifications of this baker were based on on the pharynograph so water absorption and mixing properties were under control but the problem was not coming from this part it was coming from somewhere else and if you do not analyze if you do not know that you might continue asking for the same values but still you have problem so that's an example and and really we we are convinced that that can bring big up a lot of benefits sorry for bakers so because it starts from you mr baker you know what is good for you you are the one which is able to tell me the flower is good or the flower is bad and and that depends on your product on on your process on your product etc so based on this tool for instance you can easily determine the profile of what is good for you which are the indicators which are the most impact and do not waste time in looking about mixing when it's not important for you when when the important part can be amylase or viscosity or whatever and you can build your specification not based on what you can see in the papers or what is written everywhere and available for everyone but what on what is good for you what you need to do that a control tool and maybe the support of a company like hours time and patience you are not going to make that in in one or two days it can take you one month one and a half months to really analyze you need to have sample if you do that with just two samples not going to work and of course that we need to have a good cooperation between production and lab uh we need to the lab needs to know what was working well on the production okay so again sorry for for uh for this interruption if you want to know more uh you can request a copy of this mixolap profile a white book where you have a lot of explanation on how to use it uh and where to use it efficiently sorry again and thank you very much for your attention and i think it's time now for question [Music] you


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