Virtually Proven Technology Based Solutions for Remote Energy Management

Virtually Proven Technology Based Solutions for Remote Energy Management

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good afternoon everyone thank you for joining  today's webinar we're excited to have you all   on the line today it looks like we have nearly  100 people on the line so that's a great turnout   and hopefully more will join us as we go along now  before we want to get into today's presentation I   just wanted to highlight that our three speakers  today are partner of the year a winners and this   is an annual award that energy star has so if  you're wondering how you might be able to speak   on one of these partner of the year webinars you  do need to be a winner of one of these Awards   and they are awarded for two companies that have  excellence in energy management and companies that   leverage energy star tools and also have excellent  internal and external Communications are active   in our partner community and have strong energy  performance and the applications for this year are   now open and they're due on December 7th and you  can find that information at awards   so we look forward to seeing some new applicants  this year and for anyone who's interested in has   some interesting best practices that you like to  share you can note that in your application if   you're interested in presenting on a future  webinar we'd love to hear from more of you   so I'm just going to provide a quick overview oh  I'm sorry next slide I just want to make sure I'm   not the only one seeing the slides here so um  we should be on the slide that's called today's   webinar thanks Rosemary for helping with that  there we go so today's webinar has been almost a   year in the making we're really excited about this  topic about virtual Energy Management about six   months into the pandemic by the time we got into  Labs while we had heard from several LPS that they   were successfully managing energy use remotely by  not having to go to their clients buildings either   because they couldn't because they could not  physically travel there or because the buildings   um you know were concerned about external  people entering and were trying to implement   safe procedures so a lot of companies had to  adopt and it was something that not everyone was   prepared for but a lot of people adapted quickly  and that's something that our speakers will talk   about today and one thing that we found is that a  lot of these practices that they implemented will   be very helpful even after the pandemic waned so  the Technologies they used we've selected speakers   that can speak to more basic Technologies such as  just video calls on phones to a Georgia Pacific   will talk about using very high-end technology of  video goggles so we hope that whatever your budget   might be for energy management that you'll  pick up on some experiences and case studies   today that will be applicable to your to your  building and these technologies that were used   um not only were they helpful with doing  remote energy assessments they also have   allowed for staff to be trained with experts not  being able to to come on site and also they've   allowed for more team members to be able to see  issues in real time and and to participate in   problem solving where they might not always  have been invited in the past to chime in   and finally the speakers will be talking about  a few different property types offices and   multi-family and Industrial facilities so if  you're attending today and and you mostly work   with schools or another property type for  example rest assured that our speakers can   still answer your questions and and give  you some advice that will be applicable   to your to your property Tech so hopefully  you can apply what you've learned here today and I'll turn it back to Sam to introduce  introduce our speakers and get started   great thanks so next slide we have three  presenters that will be speaking to us today   Jeff is part of a technical services engineering  team at sustainable Investment Group his   responsibilities include managing the energy  star service and product provider department and   Consulting on the engineering aspects of building  seeking lead certification these include indoor   air quality calculations and measurements energy  star labels and retro commissioning Services   Jeff has experience working on high-rise Office  Buildings individual tenant spaces and schools   then we'll hear from Matt Lindquist he is a  mechanical and computer engineer with more   than 16 years of experience in Building Systems  Operations commissioning and recommissioning and   has been working with the re Tech advisors team  for many years at retech Matt designs and performs   retec Engineering Services including building  assessments recommissioning commissioning training   and building automation systems placements  as well as managing retax engineering team   and then finally we'll hear from Jeff  Kaminski who has worked in the corporate   Engineering Group at Georgia Pacific and  its Legacy companies for over 40 years   over that time he's primarily held leadership  roles applying design tools like 3D CAD laser   scanning and virtual reality for use on  large projects however in recent years   now as a technology leader he is extending  that impact by helping the entire engineering   department transform to more modern and agile  business systems that produce Superior results   so we welcome all three of them and  with that I will turn it over to Jeff how's it going everyone I do apologize for my  voice uh fortunately had a bit of a cold flu   symptoms come in so I do apologize if I sound  very raspy um uh thank you for the introduction   uh we can go to the next slide again my name  is Jeff Stewart I am a recently promoted uh   direct associate director of energy for existing  buildings and managing managing our energy star   Department um as a member of sustainable  Investment Group we go to that next slide   um just going to do a brief overview  of what sustainable Investment Group   offers as we are a national Green Building  consulting firm uh doing lead Consulting   well Consulting fit well Consulting uh you  know any kind of career building Consulting   you can think of we we do that and along with  our Engineering Services of energy modeling   commissioning retro commissioning energy  star certification and benchmarking energy   audits indoor air quality testing and local law  compliance we have offices located across the   country and we do projects both domestic and  international so we can go to the next slide so I wanted to kind of break down what we've been  how we do our energy star uh walkthrough process   um as everyone knows there there does need to  be a required walkthrough to verify uh minimum   indoor air quality standards are being met for any  application that's submitted our process involved   uh conducting a walkthrough of the eligible  property on a sampling of floors and space   types we try to do multiple floors multiple  different space types to see uh to get a good   feel of how the build how whatever building  we're walking is operating and we would take   our sampling and or air quality measurements  uh not limited to the temperature humidity   and light levels and fresh air volume serving  those areas we do take additional measurements   as well especially in if we find a problem or a  measurement value that's outside of the normal   range then we want to do further investigation  while we're on site and talk to the property team   and uh building engineering team to see what is  causing the unusual numbers whether that's normal   operation uh if the tenant wants 80 degrees in  their space you know that is their their choice   and we want to make sure that if we measure 80  degrees that's what's supposed to be going on   um but if we do find those measurements that  are outside the ranges and further correction   is required uh we will follow up with the building  team to ensure those issues are corrected before   we would submit any application excuse me to go  to that next slide just as an example of a few   buildings we've done as our pre-pandemic process  this is the Region's Plaza Building located in   Atlanta Georgia is a high-rise Class A office  building and working with uh stream Realty uh   doing a walk through of multiple floors multiple  space types to ensure that proper indoor air   quality was being met and we did find a couple of  rooms where the temperature was slightly above the   uh dead band that we were looking for and with a  little further investigation the terminal units   serving those specific rooms just needed to be  adjusted to make sure that the proper airflow is   coming through once we confirmed with the building  team that those were done that we were able to   submit the application and they received their  energy star label we can move to the next slide this is a property uncommon Fort Collins located  in Fort Collins Colorado it is a multi-family   building owned by CA Ventures uh it's mostly  involved with student housing and for this for   this one we went on site and took a met took a  sampling of measurements in multiple residential   units uh where feasible uh and then also with the  leasing office in the amenity areas including the   common break rooms some game rooms Lounge  areas and some study rooms that the property   offered so still doing our sampling approach  to make sure that we're getting uh good good   uh coverage for different space types and the  property to make sure uh indoor air quality   was being met and at this property all our  measurements were within normal ranges so uh   this this probably did earned their energy star  label for 2020. there we go the next slide again so once the pandemic hit so I'm sure everyone is  aware that's where we had to start uh dealing with   various challenges that were going on so our  process is we would always try to send someone   on site and uh with a pandemic going on there  were a lot of States uh and countries that were   restricting travel in and out so that added  a a different Nuance to where we could not   go ourselves then for properties where we could  get on site there would be much lower occupants   uh either no one was in the building or just  a skeleton crew of building management and   Engineering personnel which as I'm sure you've  seen in the the energy star guidelines and uh   updated guidance for covid that there does need  to be some occupants on site in order for us to   do proper indoor air quality measurements so  we lower on-site occupants were an issue then   those next two items we had there were several  buildings where ownership and management made the   decision to not allow any third parties or outside  parties to come come on site during the pandemic   as as a way to kind of minimize any potential  covid spreading and then on top of that where   we were where third parties were allowed many  tenants were not allowing any Personnel any non   uh can a person else go into their  space which uh I know as I'm sure a   lot of you are aware some buildings  still have those policies in place   um and then there are also the issues to where  if you wanted to go on site or travel to another   state or out of the country yet to provide a  negative covet test within a very small time frame   sometimes 48 hours or 72 hours and then finding  locations that a could do or finding you know an   urgent care center or a doctor's location that  could provide a coveted test within that 42 to   48 to 72 hour time frame was very problematic  as well just with the slow rollout of uh   getting tests out to the to the various States so  there are many challenges that that came through   could go to the next slide um or what what Sig  what we had to do is come up with a modified   approach to to verifying that indoor air quality  standards are still being met so when it was not   feasible for Sig to go on site what we would do  is ship our testing equipment directly to each   property we would then set up a video conference  call Via WebEx go to meeting Microsoft teams Zoom   all the different video calls software that  are out there and we would walk through with   the property team each piece of equipment that  was sent and how to properly use it so we would   write down like this is how you would take the  the temperature measurements we want to see uh   what areas of the buildings we would normally want  to see and then once we go through all that then   we'd go through the uh the testing forms that  that SOG put together and we would send we also   went through a sampling form just to show like  this these are kind of measurements we want to   see these are this is the style of notation we  want to see to make sure we're covering all the   bases and make sure that the there should be  any questions asked by the the property teams   um we would also wear feasible setup video calls  to where the chief engineer could share screens   to where they could show the building automation  system as a way for Sig to also put RIS on the   building Automation and see what temperatures  are going out from the air Handling Systems uh   what the chilled water and or condenser  Water Systems we're producing uh any exhaust   rates things of that nature so that that was the  preferred method is if we could ship the equipment   and then also have share screens with the building  automation system let me go to the next one so excuse me again this is 999 Peachtree uh  another high-rise office building in Atlanta   Georgia which is managed behind uh we brought the  testing equipment directly to the engineering team   uh because clients was not allowing in this case  not allowing any third parties to come into the   building unless you are a tenant of the building  but we also did set up a video call where we went   through the building automation system to verify  that proper airflow proper temperatures were being   met on top of the CO2 relative humidity light  levels and such that the engineering staff took   measurements for uh inciting the forms back to us  I could say for this property in particular we did   have a similar to Regis philosophy we did a few  of the terminal units showing unusual temperature   readings and I Sig s for the engineering staff  to take the physical measurements in those rooms   as well to verify is this an issue with the  equipment with the HVAC equipment itself or   is this calibration issue of the sensor and for  all of these issues that we found it was just   a calibration of sensors we talked to the team  and they worked with their their controls vendor   to get the sensors recalibrated and once that  was completed they took measurements again and   verified against the building automation system  screen to ver to show that the measurements were   back within normal ranges excuse me so we can  go to the next slide this is 75 Street uh State   Street in Boston Massachusetts this is one where  we were able to get on site uh during the pandemic   and what this is we did have to get a negative  Cova test within the 72-hour time frame just to   get into the state of Massachusetts and uh luckily  we found some places that could deliver a 24-hour   test result so uh we we made the decision to  come outside for this property we walked multiple   floors multiple space types we were limited to a  very specific floor list uh because the tenants   the Civil tennis didn't want anyone going into  their space that was not part of their company   so we had to uh accommodate those requests and  as well as saying uh masks and wearing gloves   the entire time we were walking the properties to  make sure you know we were minimizing our risks   of spreading anything to the building as well  as minimizing the risks of us catching anything   so I can go to the next slide uh this is  61.95 61.95 Lusk in San Diego California  

I don't know how that typo got it there um  but this is a property managed by a health   Peak with administrative offices and we mailed  our testing equipment directly to the site here   they did not have a building automation system  that they could share a screen screen with so   during the walk through that the engineering  team conducted I was on the phone with them   discussing the measurements they were taking and  uh making sure that they were going through the   right protocols and we discussed how one of their  rooftop units uh no fresh air was being brought   in and while still on the call there I was able to  diagnose that there was uh issue with it with one   of the fan belts that was causing uh no airflow  to go through so they got that fixed and then   retook the measurements and the proper airflow was  satisfied there oh definitely go to the next load   so some of the challenges just even during this  on the remote walkthrough process uh just with the   nature of shipping we did have a few cases where  packages with our testing equipment was either   lost or did not arrive at the proper address and  uh working with USPS UPS and FedEx to get those   corrected where possible we also ran to the issue  where we conducted our our video call ahead of   time to go through the uh how to use each piece  of equipment how to fill out the forms properly   but then when it came to the actual testing Day  a different person conducted that walk through   then we originally coordinated with and there were  times where the notations that they took were not   adequate for what we were looking for so we had  to contact the building teams to say to ask them   to retake measurements in certain areas to make  sure that the proper documentation was accounted   for and then there are always issues where they  took the measurements and then sent back the   testing forms and the equipment and despite what  we discussed on the call the forms they filled   out showed measurements that were outside of  acceptable ranges so we would we contacted   the property teams uh to try and diagnose  what was going on with those specific areas   um against I know one era I know one property  in particular they took temperatures and said   it was 68 degrees in all their rooms and that was  fine but when we asked them about what the normal   temperature set points should be they said usually  72 to 74. and so we had we talked to them to say   okay okay you said it 72 to 74 but we're getting  68 across the board for what you wrote down that's   not acceptable we need to figure out why it's  68 degrees in each of these rooms so we worked   with that property property team to rectify  those issues they retook the measurements and   things were good to go from there to get to the  next slide um so we went through the challenges   but we did have some successes so similarly to  where they took measurements and found issues   or measurements outside of normal ranges they  were that a lot of these properties were able to   diagnose some of their indoor air quality issues  that was that were found during the test testing   process that they were not even aware of that  uh their tenants had not submitted work orders   or things of that nature so they said like well  one of our tenants they had a lot of likes out   but they told us they the tenants said they didn't  want to bother the property team with work orders   of the uh the lights that need to be replaced  but that was one one uh big thing they found was   being able to diagnose those indoor air quality  issues and then during these fault discussions   uh that we had with the properties a lot of the  properties wanted to discuss Energy Efficiency   Energy Efficiency measures that they they saw  that could be implemented and we discussed with   them about the feasibility of how to implement  some of those findings one of the biggest things   was having a building automation system that  they could remotely log into especially when   the property teams could not get on site whether  for a pandemic or for northern states if there's   24 inches of snow and you physically can't  get to the buildings uh having that building   automation system to where you could remotely  log in on your phone or on your home computer   that was a big thing that they saw as a a  benefit to implementing at their properties   so overall for this process uh Sig we as our  protocol we want to get on site and conduct   the walkthroughs if at all feasible as part  of our services it kind of helps to for to   put two sets of eyes on you know the same object  where you can get two different perspectives of   something but if there are instances where it  is not possible to get on site we will still   be offering this remote verification method as a  way to help properties earn the energy star label   and there's the next next slide just and again  I apologize for my raspy voice but uh thank you   very much for your time um I'm happy to answer  any questions I think the plan is we'll have a q   a session at the end of this presentation um but  uh happy to answer any additional questions that   might come up from uh this remote process so thank  you very much and I'll hand it off to uh Matt thank you Jeff I'm Matt Lindquist  and I work for Re-Tech advisors   I'm principal engineer for res Tech  advisors go to the next slide please   uh retec is a consulting company in the real  estate space and we we live in an intersection   of sustainability technology and buildings  with Decades of experience serving primarily   the commercial building sector and mostly what we  do is design and Implement Innovative practical   sustainable strategies to help our clients  unlock value and fulfill their objectives   and so next slide please and I am the principal  engineer for retec I'm a mechanical and computer   engineer I live in Minnesota and I help  our clients with their ESG programs uh   both whatever chain capex improvements and  existing Building Systems so next slide please so what we we encountered similar problems to  what Jeff had and I'm sure what other people had   is primarily a lot of our work is on-site work  we send Engineers or Consultants to buildings   all around the world and work with our clients  uh to implement uh programs uh come March of   2020 just like everybody else there was a major  uh hold up in um in doing those visits and so   we still had to meet our clients needs and so we  designed a program which we call engineer in a box   the idea being that we can send this kit around  the world and have sent this kid around the world   to help get people virtually to those sites and  and look at things I think we all acknowledge   that getting on site is better than not being on  site but this sort of helps us bridge the gap at   the time when travel was very challenging we  also found through this that there are some   use cases that work really well in some use  cases that we will probably not use as much   if travel is available we also found that  some of these things are things that we're   going to incorporate into our normal operation  moving forward um so the kit itself uh is this   you know at the base level of the cell phone an  IR camera and some headphones by the idea being   that we're gonna essentially FaceTime with  our clients at the space uh that they're in   um it's really hard to Loop buildings uh around  so obviously we have to get there to be with them   um we work with a designated property a team  member from the property and and walk through   and do the different things that we can do a lot  of people ask us is this a service and it's not   at the toolkit we we use this to help do our other  services one of the major features and and one of   the things that we decided when we put our program  together is that we really want to be able to   share files and video and photos immediately and  so by sending our own technology there it sort of   helped cut through a lot of the technological  issues essentially the cell phone already has   service it's set to go it's got all the apps that  we need on it it's been tested before it goes out   there and it allows us to just you know run and  done as soon as it gets there we'll have a short   a q a session with somebody using the technology  basically here connect to this meeting and go   primarily we use teams as our platform but  depending on each client's needs sometimes   there would be other other platforms such  as um uh WebEx or Zoom next slide please um obviously uh why did we do this alternative for  when travels restricted or cost prohibitive and   that's probably one of the things moving forward  you know we've got a lot of clients some of them   have small properties those properties still  need assistance they may not have a large energy   spend so it might not make sense to fly someone  halfway across the country or around the world   to go do it but it allows us to still send uh  essentially a virtual engineer out there and and   address their their needs particularly for smaller  smaller sites and and one of the things that we've   often done in the past is have people send us a  picture hey send us a picture of that and we'll   talk about it on the phone and you know I think we  all have acknowledge that pictures are great and   it's nice to be able to see a piece of equipment  pictures lovely uh video is better so you know   can we capture some video of it sending it over  sending large video files it really becomes a   problem live video becomes transformative for  us being able to direct the video and and show   us can you show us how that's piped this way  can you show us the sensor location can you   show it in relationship to where the chiller is  and the pumps are in the inlets and the outlets   and those kinds of things from a commissioning  perspective is very valuable being able to see it   both in the infrared light spectrum and uh and the  visible light spectrum so we can see data cells   are opening or closing properly so steam traps are  operating and such so on and so forth so that was   that that's some of the you know kind of things  that were great and applies to both small sites   and large sites um we worked it's done within  conjunction of our other Engineering Services   to do property support and commissioning support  um you know let's talk more about that as we move   into some of the other sections but commissioning  is is often a you know kind of a Sprint event   where you go in and as a commissioning agent you  go to the site whether it's local or remote and   you spend a day or a half day or a couple of days  or a week or whatnot on site doing stuff and then   you you walk away with a list that needs to get  corrected this has allowed us to sort of change   that Paradigm a little bit and better serve  our projects um it's also allowed us to push   more quick uh quickly with remote troubleshooting  so at one of the side teams some of some of our   clients they've asked that we basically station  these devices at their facilities particularly   they're more demanding facilities and when they  have problems they can call us up right away and   they can say hey what about this thing we don't  understand what's going on here we think it's you   know maybe it's a damper that's leaking or it's  a valve or the sequence isn't working properly   combined with remote access to the building  automation system that really allows us to   really understand and support these property teams  in their push to reduce their energy consumption   um provides a direct line of communication they  they know they can just basically pick up the   phone and call us whenever they need to and  we'll answer and talk them through whatever   issues they're having and take it right to  wherever the problem is which is one thing   that's really helpful um next slide please  so the primary ways we use this are virtual   walkthroughs walking through a property figuring  out what's going on there connection to site staff   I think uh face to face is always great when  you're trying to work with site staff but a   video call allows us to actually connect with them  what we found is that you know we have always had   standing phone calls with site teams but you know  they rarely want to join on video if you actually   send them uh a property or a send them a a device  and and tell them I'm going to FaceTime one-on-one   with you it's a lot less intimidating and we  get a chance to actually connect with people   um on a face-to-face basis which is very  helpful bx9 is a program reverse I'll talk   a little bit more about what that is and  support of that implementation so that the   X9 has been a big thing for us and then  obviously building commissioning support   we'll talk again about that as we go  along so can we get the next slide please um so virtual walkthrough right so you know as  Engineers we support our clients uh from the   diligence diligence phase all the way through  Opera ongoing operations and one of the key   factors here is can we get into the site and  look to see what's going on at any given time   to understand kind of what kind of a building is  a lot of the times we're working with ownership   groups and and uh they get a list of properties  and they say Hey you know we have this list of   properties tell me about those properties and  so we're we're tasked with helping the clients   understand what their buildings are and how they  work and how they can be improved or operated   better so this is a way to get us on site and do  that um basically we we call them up and we set   up a time and we we walk them through the site  and it's it's like a FaceTime meeting you might   have with a friend on the street and they're  they're telling them us all about their their   site and and what's going on and it's a great way  to connect with the site team and start to build   that relationship that's going to be critical to  improving the facility as we move along uh fast   reaction times it's as fast as I can FedEx them  in the box uh so you want to have a virtual site   visit with me tomorrow well if I can overnight you  the box um I will and then we can we can connect   and that's something that we've done for quite a  few of our clients where they're where we're kind   of sending it out as needed and run through some  things we can send it out to you know companies   where they are supporting their portfolio and they  might then ship it from site to site to site so   Monday with a site of Texas they'll put it in a  put it on a truck and then ship it to somewhere   else and and it might be in New Orleans the  the day after that and that's a thing that   I couldn't normally do but it allows us  to really meet and connect with our sites   um someone that some of the things that we learned  is that it's good if we have someone who actually   knows something about the site there's a couple  of instances where uh you know this someone will   get an email and a box and the email will say  hey connect with this guy from recheck and he'll   he'll help you out and and we connect with them  and they're like well I I don't know anything   about the building I don't know anything about  HVAC systems they just told me to hold the phone   that is not as effective as having uh you know  a site engineer or some sort of supervisor or   something who knows something about the facility  um and obviously we're limited this sounds really   silly but uh what you can actually see uh you  know sometimes we've been asked well can you   look at you know things uh you know other things  the facility and like no I actually have to be   able to see it so uh some other nice to haves  when we're doing this is site plans this is   some sort of map of the facility so we can kind of  walk through and follow along as they're walking   through the facility and remote access to the  building automation system and Equipment lists   are also very helpful not necessarily have to  have but definitely nice to have next slide please so when we're connecting with site staff you  know one of the things that uh you know our   our model and the things that retec has has  had a lot of success with is connecting with   site staff to get them excited and energized to do  the recommendations that we recommend but also for   them to think a little bit differently about the  way that they have run the facilities in the past   um that is something that we have spent a lot of  time developing relationships with and this is uh   this is something that we feel is critical in  terms of getting this the recommendations to stick   obviously we're a Consulting Group we come in  we make recommendations we help implement but   the site team will persist on and we need them  to buy into and fully trust any solution that   we recommend so that they can maintain that  system that way going forward otherwise what   we find is that the systems will sort of slip  back into the mode of operation that they were   in before so this is a this this connection with  the site team is very important in the past it's   always been because we went and visited with them  but eib allows us to actually connect with them   as you would with your relatives on FaceTime  and say Hey you know how's it going with you   what's going on in your building um you know those  kinds of of connections and it's very important   um it's also a way for the site team to because  we do record these sessions uh to show us their   the things that they're proud of and they're  excited about you know when they say hey I made   a change and it made a made a big difference  for the tenants the clients the customers the   residents whoever it is in the facility they  can show us that and when then we can pass   that along to their management team and say hey  there's here's an example of something that this   person's done really well let's harness  this and share this as a as a learning   point across your organization so that you can  have other people make similarly good choices   um it's also an opportunity to when we're  connecting with these site teams for them   to tell us about issues that they're having so  that we can come up with Solutions and again   share those because it's recorded across the  organization and say here this is an example   of something that wasn't working that we fixed and  this is how it was it's more meaningful when it's   when with when it seems like it's a solution  that the organization identified on their own   uh than it is for just a consult to come in  and say hey you should you should fix that   um it also means that any call can become a  commissioning session essentially we can talk   uh with people and meet with people sort of on  their own terms so and then identify Solutions so   you're gonna get the next slide so bx9 so this is a service offering that we  do it's an optimization program we have a set   of control sequences alarms and alerts that  we like and we recommend to our our clients   and we've been implementing for a long  time that have been proven to save energy   one of the things that we do there is we log  in remotely to building automation systems and   we sort of run through our programs it's  it's our analytics package if if you will   um one of the big challenges we found is that  you know we give them a list as many others do   here are some issues that we have found that  you may want to correct here's recommended   Solutions and then the site team is left to  implement those changes and sometimes the   site teams are very sophisticated and they're  and they're very able to implement these and   other times they look at our lists and they're  like we don't really know how to implement this   so by combining their bx9 with an EAB now we can  help them implement the solutions we can work with   either the site team or with contractors to say  hey this is exactly what we found can you this   is the problem once we show them exactly what the  problem is then they can work on a solution and   we can come back and use the ID to verify that it  actually was working the way it was supposed to   this is helpful both for the site but also  for management to understand that Yeah we   actually have fixed things and these things  are better and and explain to them what the   process process is it also provides training  opportunities because they can they can go   back and review the materials and say this  is this is the issue and this is what happens   um so eib enhances the bx9 process um so  that's the situation with the next slide please one of the big ones in in bx9 support and  commissioning support and walkthroughs are   all things that we will continue using uh  this this process for but commissioning   is probably one of the biggest ones  for us that's become transformation   uh we were tasked with at the beginning of the  pandemic and we were tasked with commissioning   about a 350 000 square foot uh Convention Center  in Las Vegas we don't have any Personnel in Las   Vegas but it's a client that we have a very  long relationship with and they were very   excited to have US participate as part of the  project team so that was probably the biggest   impetus for us to develop this this program  and what it allowed us to do is to actually   complete that project without actually ever  setting foot on site we have since uh that's   what I'm saying I think we were there last  month for the first time since before the   pan state it allowed us to Pivot our program  from this sort of the traditional we're going   to come out a certain number of times to test  and retest and and do some observations that the eib was actually given to the controls  contractor and it was their head technician   who was the one on the other end of our  line and then our commissioning engineer   sat in the office and he was the one who um was  basically looking at what was going on from our   end uh it allowed for functional functional  performance testing in between and sometimes   in you know now we're using it in between and  sometimes in little site visits so we've got   five or six commissioning jobs where  we have this as part of the program   um but at the time it was entirely uh in lieu  of site visits um it also uh sort of uh allowed   us to do just-in-time commissioning essentially  uh lowering the impact on the project schedule   what we were finding is and what I think a lot of  people find when you do commissioning is that the   you know maybe the mechanical contraction controls  contract or maybe the factory startup guy the role   on site together and they work for maybe a half  day or whatever to get everything we're getting   checked out and then they call it commissioning  agent they say okay we're ready to go so then what   we do is we send somebody out you know a few  days a week maybe later to go and and verify   the systems by then the factory startup guides on  some other job the mechanical contractor is busy   working on something else and so all the people  response are not necessarily there anymore find   some issues we send them back to send them back  the action lists with the issues identified a week   or two later they may roll back onto site they  go and correct the issues and then and it really   delays the startup this allowed us to basically  say okay we're going to do this Factory startup   it's very low impact for us if if for some reason  they find a problem then they have to delay but if   they get everything done and they're all happy  with the way it works out we can basically log   into the system check out what's going on visually  observe everything from our office and then uh   and then if there's anything that they need to  resolve all the people um so we're all trying   to get everything done so that's uh that's the the  kind of the plan there let's go to the next slide um so one of the things we're  talking about here is that uh   reuse we use it in commissioning so these  are some of the things that we observed   um break it into smaller pieces Eau was remotely  verified that the commands were executed basically   we can look at a bis and look at it in the real  world and um it allowed us to do effective what   we think is a better job of commissioning  uh and keep the projects moving on time um we have a little video of of eib in the field   um and we are running a little short on time do  we know if the video will be available afterwards   we can what we can do is try to get it posted  to the website with the slides if that works   I think that'll be the best solution because  I think it might not send via email but yeah   yeah let's let's uh let's see if we can post  it to the slides and people can watch that on   their own and that way we can sort of make up  a little in time um so eib deployment some of   the things we found so if we want to go to the  next slide and we'll pass by the video this time   um eib deployment uh we looked for a property  maintenance teams should be available   vas contract Service contractor if they're  available that helps a lot engaged in responsive   team is probably critical and uh quickly  it allows us to quickly Implement fixes   um so and verify whether they're working so  this is success stories uh if we want to go   to the next slide uh commissioning uh sorry 315  000 square foot Expo Center so these are some of   the highlights here but uh basically this was the  only way we were going to get this done because   of pandemic restrictions that happened at the  time that that project was was moving forward   um and it allowed for video documentation  to show the owner and the project team   that everything is working properly and make  sure that everything was identified correctly   you'll be able to look through these a little bit  more later on so I'm gonna skip to the next one um we also used it for um for small commissioning  work so in this instance there was one of our   clients at two chillers that uh died and they  needed to replace them these are on one of the   islands in Hawaii and it became very hard to  get to Hawaii during the pandemic but we still   wanted to make sure that the installation  was done properly because obviously once   the installation is complete there's really no  opportunity to change it without significant   costs so this allowed us to connect with  the site team and the construction team   on a regular basis and identify issues that  would otherwise have gone uncorrected things   like piping issues poor sensor location  access issues for maintenance those were   all easily corrected by the contractor  through this process and so we feel like   this will not for a better installation  with a pretty low effort on our part um next slide please um this is similar uh to  Jeff's talking about energy star certification   one of our clients has 2800 industrial  and distribution warehouses they wanted   to find out if we could do some energy star  certifications so we did perform some virtual   walkthroughs we spent additional sensors along  with the traditional set that we'd normally send   and allowed for us to do our measurements  and walk through and gather the data we   needed to provided us video documentation as  well as our traditional checklist that was um and then one more slide um the uh the last thing is you know bx9 review  these are the kind of things that we were looking   for here um um you know leaking to water valves  hot water valve steam valves failed temperature   sensors non-functional dampers sort of the whole  normal host of things that we'd look for and we   and this allowed us to visually verify and not  just on the building information system that   these things were working properly uh and that  things were working the way they're supposed to   I'm running a little behind but  obviously we'll answer some more   questions towards the end and at this  point I'm going to hand it over to Jeff all right we are pulling the video up going all right thank you to all our panelists so  we just have a couple slides to run through   just to let our audience know about some  upcoming webinars this webinar was part   of the learn from the best series there are  two left one coming up on November 9th dive   into water and waste savings strategies  from boma's W-2 challenge Champions and   December 9th working together to save  energy Employee Engagement strategies   and next slide and then also coming up in  the next couple of months oh it looks like   our slide is off the screen there but the uh  November 17th there is part of the industrial   webinar series one on paper and petroleum and  December 9th won specifying uh around bakeries right and then finally slide here so we  have about 10 minutes for Q a we do have   some questions that came in through the chat that  we will run through I encourage anyone who still   has questions for any of the three presenters  to type them into the chat send them to the   host whatever we can't get to in these next  10 minutes we will follow up with you on later

2023-08-02 20:06

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