Vet Visit Vaccinating Pregnant Horse Cushings Lameness & Blood work // Versatile Horsemanship

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I'm concerned. About a couple of my horses and I have a lot of questions so I have the vet coming here today and I also have I. Have Rosie who needs her blood drawn to make sure that her kidney and liver functions, are well and then I also need to have some vaccines, down in my pregnant mare. My. Name is brandy welcome to my channel if you're new here and you want to learn more about horses. And follow my journey with horsemanship you can start by subscribing. And dinging, that little bell so you don't miss out oh. Did. You oh good good. She's, just the cutest thing you've ever seen I. Got. Some funny looks at the gas station when she was named. Whitney. Dad the people next to me they're like. Great. Okay. So so, yeah she needs some blood, draw just to make sure that kidney, livers function. Okay. Perfect. Yeah. Ulcers. X-rays. I can pause it on the x-ray huh okay. I see what you're seeing yeah. Exactly. That'd make things so much easier it. Was lovely yeah so. When, did all that happens is my gosh that was January so, that was, like. The 17th, of January anything was kinda called her this or like two months out perfect. Perfect, and they said to give her at least two weeks before doing a blood draw just go make sure that everything was kind of back honorable absolutely. So. Did. She ever have, bad. Gut sounds, no. Her belly, was was, making. A lot of noise so there's there's a lot of movement and, sounds, so. And she, was pooping and everything. Mini's, and ponies are so jerky, like. They're so. Never. Say that. Okay. So muffin. So. This is muffin and my concern is like, last year she kept her winter coat until. Sometime. In June and. I. See. No other like, physical. Issues, and all in her like her energy levels fine all that I don't know anything, about Cushing's, I've never researched, it at all. But it just kind of I know Danny. Had a pony that had Cushing's, and so, it just kind of concerns me but what do i. What. Do I look for what do I do, so. Equine, Cushing's disease is, also known as pp, IV, or pars to pituitary, pars, intermedia is something or other PID those that the other way of, researching. It okay um the, literature, is actually shifting away from Cushing's, because Cushing's, disease is, a disease and dogs and humans oh and, when horses get Cushing's. Disease it's. A completely different process how could a completely, different disease, okay we're. Trying, to get away from Cushing's. Disease even. Though it's what we all know like so, that means that so. Cushing's. Disease, so. We're gonna talk about PPID and Cushing's disease. So. PPID. In horses is where. In, horses. That are statistically, within over 15, they are more likely to get this condition what, it is is a condition, in their fortuity languages, in their head and, they usually get, their.

Pituitary. Gland gets bigger sometimes, it's due to a tumor sometimes, it's due to just that, the two tear glands getting bigger, okay and when their gland gets bigger it produces, more hormones okay, producing. More hormones we get effect. Okay, about, 80%, of horses, that have been diagnosed, with Cushing's, disease or, PID, there, have been there's, reported, here quote changes. That. Can range anything from a, lack of shutting, out to, that care coat to a curly, hair coat and google. Images of people in, you'll see like these ability my, horses and had like these really like teddy bear looking hair coats surely they can range anything from that to. Lack. Of shedding you know or, just, some. Weird changes, that happen that's usually the first reported, sign and. The. Most common, reported sign oh they're. Things that can happen in PPID. They. Can have weight loss they could have muscle atrophy, they can have energy changes, they, can have weird fat deposits, okay, you. Know like a thick crusty Mac those. Are some of the, traditional. Things that we think about in Cushing, sources, there can be a whole other host okay. Oh shucks. How. Old is muffin, 1918, okay so, we're, within that statistical. Chances. Are we play our cut you know if we play statistics, on it she's, probably got something it just is it detectable, or not. Cushing's. Disease is kind of it can be a difficult thing to get. A definitive, diagnosis. On sometimes. We can't get a, lab. Result to say yes or no and always have to say well based on science based on presentation, what she's doing we're, just gonna start around some meds okay. You'll, be talk about testing. There. There. Are a few different ways that we can get to a diagnosis. None. Of them, have, the greatest, whatever. Site yeah in the event that she's early in, PPID. In her presentation, of things it's even more difficult to come to diagnose. Outside things. In. Horses, we test for a, compound. That's called ACTH. Is the. Kind. Of the boss molecule, that tells the pituitary. To, secrete stuff. Okay great so, if we test for that and that's high then. That's, telling the pituitary that, needs to kick on a bunch of hormone. Cause and effect so we tested that, mother molecule, so to speak then. The. Chances, are that we have with the two eteri condition. Testing. A rusting, value. Is. Okay. In, some horses that are have their later, in their disease process so. For early we, might not come an elevated, ACTH, we. Can also do, look. For that same component, but we kind of challenged, her mm-hmm draw a sample looking, for ACTH, and we give her a component, to give her a. Chemical. Called trh. Thyrotropin-releasing. Hormone okay. Basically, gives. The pituitary a little more enthusiasm, to kick out more so we draw, two samples, of ACTH, looking for a difference in a before and after okay, and that is a much, more sensitive way especially. In early cases to pick up whether, or not we have a PPID, Cushing's, disease and, then. Other. Things that. Have. Been done looking. At cortisol. Because. That's in humans, and dogs that's what we look for in Cushing's disease. Not. Really the greatest thing and, figuring. Out is this Cushing's, disease or is this not pushing city sometimes. We, can go, on clinical signs and do a chemistry mm-hmm, because. These horses often, have sand well. They can have some changes on a chemistry panel that can be a little bit more supporting, evidence and, going down the. Cushing's. Disease are weepy PID okay, Road or not okay so, long. Story short huh it can. Be difficult to get to a diagnosis, been sometimes we have, to test and retest more. Just. Go based upon clinicals. Presentation. Do, do we treat or do we not treat okay. Treatment. For PPID. Is, a medication, called ProGlide. And. It's. Readily. Available it. Is a, little bit on the pricey side so, this. Is where we, balance that do. We wait, for that positive test result before we put the, finances, into treating. Or not and that's where we, have that conversation between. You, as owner and me as veterinarian, to make that decision for, her, okay. Price here like, in the like roundabout. I, want. To say it's a couple hundred dollars a month okay, so. It's. Doable, yeah it's, doing yeah but, yeah.

I'm. Not gonna spin a willy-nilly spend a few hundred dollars a month exactly, if you don't have to yeah. For nothing thanks very much I want a little evidence to show that yes we are Noga not this. Makes sense since rate yeah, so. Kind. Of tied into the, Cushing's disease and, PPID talk is, another. Metabolic. Endocrine. Thing. It's, called equine metabolic, syndrome mm-hmm so, in. Recent, years these two conditions have been peeled, away from one another they're, similar in a lot of ways but they're different in a lot of ways as well. So. In the event that, you. Know say we tested for PPID, and, she came back negative we retested, she's negative Ari I'm a little bit more convinced that maybe she's not PPID, maybe. She's equine metabolic, syndrome okay you know that's another thing that I'm kind of thinking they're back and I had okay. Statistically. Equine. Metabolic, syndrome horses are typically younger okay, and ppit, horses, are older okay but PPID. Has been diagnosed in horses as earth as young as five okay, and equine. Metabolic, verses have been have been diagnosed and horses, as old as I think 15, okay so there. Can be rules. That are broken okay, so. Okay all. Right well so the best thing to do probably, at this point is to watch, and see how it pans, out this year. Yeah. You know cuz she really didn't want to you didn't want to shut out so well last year she did start shedding like. The. First week of January this, year which, was like. A lot, earlier than she normally does, but she's never rocked a beard white so, intense. Before, yeah. So, and this this real long yeah, I. Would I would put her based, upon what her hair coat looks like I, would. Say if she doesn't, shut out yeah. Perfect 100%, like all the other horses yeah I would put her on the list of horses. To treat okay are to. Test yeah yeah and if. We come up if, we test and we posit. Then we treat okay and she, could potentially resolve all of her all her, hair coat changes. And. Like I said sometimes it's amazing. What. PPID. And, like the disease process does to their energy level okay muscle tone and, their, crustiness, so sometimes, there are those changes and they're just more subtle and, we don't pick up on them because their personality, is just this perfect. Little perfect, little button Yeah right and sometimes we add that treatment and then. We get a little more pop in our stuff okay we get a little more enthusiasm, towards, hey okay let's go do 20 miles yeah you know okay so alright, she doesn't yeah and she's she's, definitely, the type to go all day that, isn't that's her I did just put her on a supplement, to to, see well maybe this all. Maybe. She's missing something you know so I did put her in that but um so, we'll, see how she shed though for me okay so I know what what to do so. We'll look at that for for next. So. The next one is Miss Kitty and she's. Just been off um. A little sore and she's, sore in the hind she's 26, she's one, of my main lesson horses I have now moved her to being just for like the little kids she. Does still do canter work though and she's. Happy, as can be to go on a trail ride but, I want to make sure that, she's not I don't want her to be uncomfortable. While. She's working so, I had, her on private Cox I did take her off of that when, when she ran out of it I didn't get her more because it really didn't seem to be helping okay, so, and, I can tell by looking at her sometimes she, just looks, uncomfortable. And, I. Want to make sure that you. Know I. When. She needs to be retired I want to retire her, I. Don't. Want to keep making her work if she shouldn't be working she. Seems to do better with exercise. Mm-hmm. But. What's the so. Do. You want me to just move her around in the round pen yeah. Let's start with that so I can see how she moves and kind then I. Can. Either get her out or I can go in there and I'll. Check all of her joints put her to range of motion. See. If there's any specific joint. And. November. To step by December. Cookie. Jane, but. Anyway I moved her to an area now where she's doesn't move around a whole lot at all okay, she's, kind of just stand and eat because. She doesn't have to go anywhere her cooking water salt I know the same spot. So. Yeah. This is this. Is the worst, I've seen her in a while okay. Let's. See what she does the other way. So. Basically. I'm watching her move I'm, gonna. Be looking at her. Right, hock and her. Left. Front. Purpose, okay, so I. Don't. Know what I'm seeing in her front, end is a. Result, of how she's moving in her back end and it's just a compensatory, thing, or, if. That's, we, have to, two. Things with. Being her age you. Know she's the you, know one, of the certified. Roll baby, so the.

Fact That she's got arthritis whole bunch of places it's not really gonna surprise me yeah it's, just how severe, exactly. And where is it ah yes. I did. Just discuss with my mom, a retirement, option, for Miss Kitty. She. Was born at my parents farm and. I. Don't have. The. Space just to have a horse. Retire. So to speak so. We. Talked about her. Being able to go there and be back with her old buddies, who. Are also retired is, this the league that she bought attended it. Was a hind leg that she bowed. So. She definitely has, decreased, reins of range of motion in the carpus okay so we call it the knee yeah but no. Mention. On it it's, actually equivalent to her arrest okay cuz, of course actually walks on the. Equivalent of our middle finger hmm so that joint is. Equivalent. To our arrest and, when I. Flex. That she. Doesn't she, should be able to almost. Lay it flat up, against, that, and. She, can't quite she can get pretty far but, not really yeah and just, like her we can do side to side on our wrist she, can do, that a little bit but it was definitely not, as much as I would like to see if Jane, probably. Arthritis. I. Won't. Check your shoulder. So, I'm also seeing, and feeling, some. Muscle atrophy, longer. Gluteals, in, her buy stock. I think, I'm convincing, myself more and more along, her shoulder mm-hmm, so just. Like you. Know your grandma and the nursing home. Is. Going to start, to lose all those all that muscle mass that's. Where she's at mm-hmm well. You. Know and what's funny too is when I when, I moved, her, from the herd into. With this pregnant. Mare, all. Right up to her grain because she just looked like she was getting a little thin to me huh up, for grain and she actually got really fat, and I recently, reduced it again and now I've. Been looking at her again and I'm like gosh, but. She's also she's been completely, out of work all winter I did I worked her at all yeah. So but yeah because, what, she does have up here yeah is fat. Not, muscle yeah. So. Again. You, know being out of work been standing around yeah being, a Venus senior that's you, know not getting up and doing those daily walks is probably, not doing her doing, her any favors yeah sitting over more. And. When I'm trimming her - I don't, remember which hein but there's one hind that's stiffer than the other - as far as just like bending it just to trim it I. Have. Too many horses to remember which foot it is though yeah. This. One has one. Subjectively. She seems like she has a better range of motion in. This lock than she does the right, yeah. And her right when she travels, she drags that toe. So. It's it's definitely right there. Lovely. On this thing. Yeah. She says thank you yeah, uh-huh. She's dirty she's, starting the one she. Is um she's, a face. Sniffer, she always listen, if your face yeah, I don't light a lot of horses do that but she's been doing that to me since she was a baby, this. This one. Compared. To her, her, right her. Right. Karpis so I'll do my right my. Left. So. When, I picked up her, feet and, I kind of did this with, her with her Karpis her, right I could do about like this huh when, I should be able to do about, like that okay, on her, left I can, get okay. About like that okay so she has no. No. Lateral movement uh-huh in that okay, front, left okay, carpus, and with the front left something, else with her -, that might be why it, happens, but her. See. How her hoof is that crooked like, it it yeah it's. Just different, yeah and the other one it's kind of funny and it bite, me might.

Be Wearing like that because she's compensating, on how. She's moving okay, that it's. Very often that when we have a lameness in the back that. We get a lameness in the opposite, front, because it's so much yeah because we're how. We're moving, and just. Like you where you're like, the soles of your feet like if you walk you, know yeah like toes, out or toes in like you're gonna wear the soles of your feet differently. She's, doing the same thing so it wouldn't I guess that doesn't. Doesn't. Really surprise me that she's maybe, wearing a little different because I can, tell you that that purpose, it was really out gee okay, so. I. Would. Say, I. Would. I definitely, want her to have some exercise okay. Yeah. But, it's gonna be what they thank you yes. But it's gonna be with the condition, yes that it is. I'm. Not even use the word light I'm gonna do minimal. Work because of the definition of light work yes I want. Her to, walk a little bit of trot a, light, rider only, so. My kids mm-hmm, yeah perfect okay you guys after, I'd Tomo, do you half-dried Miss Kitty yep. Because. The the more muscle, tone that we can keep under, or if we can get her a little bit more muscle tone that's gonna help support, for joint okay more. And better and it's gonna make her feel better because she has more support I. Would. Like her to be on. Your. Your favorite. Google. Means writin okay whatever whatever, your favorite is I would absolutely love her to be on one of those. And. I. Think, an. Anti-inflammatory, of, of. Your, liking she's. Gonna be a big room so. You. Can either do Butte kind, of on an as-needed basis. Okay because of the whole risk of alters yeah you know what see there again we're not doing that again, so. Butte. Intermittently, would be totally fine the other alternative, is something, like private Cox or eques acts those. Are very, safe for a long-term they don't have the whole gut. Ulcer, problems. That Butte does so, but if I tried the egg react and. Added. Glucosamine. Injection. As well that. Might be the, ticket there to making her I would wear more love that okay love that along I had, a problem last year I had seven horses react to West Nile. So. With, her, do. I need to vaccinate her for that right now or can I wait until baby comes like how, we're. Gonna wait until baby comes because, with. West Nile the way that that vaccine. Works. Some, of those some. Of the West Nile vaccines, are labeled, for pregnant. Mayor some of them are not okay, and. Without. Calling my vaccine manufacturer, I, know. No, it's not yeah I'd well they're gonna work, on a hedge on herd.

Immunity To, protect her for West Nile yeah and then once she fools then will booster her for West Nile okay. She. Knows that's. Her that's, what she'll do when you do poker is she'll she tosses her head like that. It's. Funny when you poke at folks back. Ok. Be so defensive back, there. Well. Folks that's it for today if you'd like to learn more you can start out by hitting that subscribe button thanks, so much for watching have a great day.


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