THE FLYING DUTCHMAN Wagner – Klaipėda State Music Theatre

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Hoyohey! Halloyo! Hoyohey! Halloyo! Halloyo! Halloyo! Halloyo! Ho! Hey! Hey! Ja! Halloyo! Halloyo! Ho! Ho! Ho! Ho! Yohey! Halohey! Halohey! Hallohohey! No doubt! Seven miles the storm has blown us from the safety of port. So near our goal after a long voyage and now this ill-luck! Ho! Captain! How's everything on board? All's well, captain! We have firm moorings. Sandwike it is. I know the bay well. Confound it! On shore I saw my home.

Senta, my child, I seemed to embrace: then this devilish gale blew up! Who trusts the wind, trusts Satan's mercy! What's the good? Patience! The storm is abating; raging so, it cannot last. Ho, lads! Your watch was long. Rest now! I have no fear! Rest easy! Sleep in peace. Captain! In gale and storm from far-off seas, my maiden, I am near you! Over towering waves from the south, my maiden, I am here! My maiden, were there no south-wind, I could never come to you! Ah, dear south-wind, blow stronger! My maiden longs for me! Hohoye! Hallohoho! Yollohohoho! Hohoye! Hallohoho! Ho ho ho ho ho ho! On southern shores, in far-off lands I thought of you! Through storms and sea, from Moroccan coast I have brought you something. My maiden, praise the south-wind, I bring you a golden ring.

Ah, dear south-wind, blow stronger! My maiden would like the trinket. Hoho! Ye! Holla ho! The time is up... ...and seven more years have gone. Weary of it the sea casts me up on land. Ha! Proud ocean! Soon you shall bear me again! Your spite is fitful, but my torment is eternal! The grace I seek on land never shall I find! To you, ocean-tides, I shall be true, until your last wave breaks, and you are drained dry.

How often into the sea's deepest maw have I longingly hurled myself, yet death, ah, I found it not! There, in the awful tomb of ships, I drove mine on to the rocks, but alas, no tomb closed over me! Mockingly, I defied the pirate, in fierce combat I hoped for death. Here – I cried – show your prowess. With treasure my ship is filled. Alas, the sea's barbarous son crossed himself in terror and fled! How often into the sea's deepest maw have I longingly hurled myself. There, in the awful tomb of ships, I drove mine on to the rocks.

Nowhere a grave! Never death! This is damnation's dread command! You I ask, blessed angel of God, who won for me the terms of my salvation, was I the sorry plaything of your scorn, when you showed me the way to redemption? You I ask, blessed angel of God, who won for me the terms of my salvation, was I the sorry plaything of your scorn, when you showed me the way to redemption? Vain hope! Terrible, futile folly! There is no eternal fidelity on earth! Only one hope is left to me, only one that is undestroyed: while Earth's seeds long may thrive yet one day it must end too! Day of Judgment! Day of Doom! When will you dawn and end my night? When will resound the crack of doom, rending the earth asunder? When all the dead rise up, then shall I fade into the void. When all the dead rise up, then shall I fade into the void. Worlds, end your course! Eternal destruction, take me! Eternal destruction, take us! Hey there! Steersman! It's nothing! It's nothing! “Ah, dear south-wind, blow stronger, my maiden...” You see nothing? Fine watch you keep, don't you, lad? There lies a ship. - How long have you been asleep? - Devil take it! Pardon me, Captain! Who are you? Who are you? They seem just as lazy as we are.

Answer! Your ship and flag? Wait! I think I see the Captain. Ahoy there! Sailor! Your name! Where are you from? I come from afar: would you deny me anchorage in this storm? God forbid! A sailor is always hospitable! - Who are you? - A Dutchman. God's greeting! So the storm drove you too on this barren rocky beach? I was no luckier: only a few miles from here is my home; I was almost there when I had to turn about. Say, where are you from? Are you damaged? My ship is strong, she is undamaged. Driven on by storm and ill winds I rove the seas – how long, I can hardly tell; I no longer count the years. It is impossible to name all the lands that I have found: the only one I long for I cannot find – my homeland! Grant me a short stay in your house, and you won't regret your friendship.

With treasures from every land and zone my ship is richly laden, if you'll agree, you'll profit by it. How wonderful! Can I believe you? Ill-luck seems to have dogged you. To help you I'll offer what I can: but – may I ask what your ship holds? The rarest treasures you shall see, costly pearls, precious stones. Look and satisfy yourself of the value of what I offer for a friendly roof. What? Is it possible? This treasure! Who's rich enough to give a price for it? The price? I have just named it: all this for one night's shelter! Yet what you see is but the smallest part of what is stowed in my ship's hold.

What use is treasure? I have neither wife nor child, and my home I shall never find! All my riches I offer you, if you give me a new home with your family. What do I hear? Have you a daughter? - Indeed I have, a good child. - Let her be my wife! When from my terrible anguish my longing for grace drives me on, dare I cling to the one hope left to me? Praised be the violent storm which drove me to this shore! - Dare I cling to the one hope left to me? - You winds who brought him to this coast, I bless you! - Ah, without hope, as I am... - Yes, to a man so rich and noble...

- ...I still give in to hope! - ...I gladly give my house and daughter. - Ah, without hope, as I am... - Yes, to a man so rich and noble... - ...I still give in to hope! - ...I gladly give my house and daughter. South-wind, south-wind! Halloho! Ah, dear south-wind, blow stronger! Ha! How the sails swell already! Hallo! Hallo! Come on, boys, set to! In gales and storm from far-off seas, my maiden, I am near you! Hurrah! Over towering waves from the south, my maiden, I am here! Hurrah! My maiden, were there no south-wind, I could never come to you. Ah, dear south-wind, blow stronger! My maiden longs for me! Hohoho! Yohoho! Hohohohoho! Hum and buzz, good wheel, gaily, gaily turn! Spin, spin a thousand threads, good wheel, hum and buzz! My love is out at sea, he thinks of home and his true maid; my good wheel, hum and sing! Ah, if you drove the wind, he'd soon be here. Spin! Spin! Spin! Set to, girls! Buzz! Hum! Good wheel! - Tralaralalalala! - Spin! Set to, girls! - Tralaralalalala! - Buzz! Hum! Good wheel! - Tralaralalalala! - Spin! Set to, girls! Aha! Work away! How busily they spin! Each wants to win a sweetheart! Mistress Mary, hush! You know quite well the song is not yet finished.

You know the song is not yet finished. Then sing! It keeps the wheel at work. But you, Senta, not a word? Hum and buzz, good wheel, gaily, gaily turn! Spin, spin a thousand threads, good wheel, hum and buzz! My love out there at sea, in the South has won much gold; ah, good wheel, turn faster! He'll give it to his girl if she spins well. Spin! Spin! Work away, girls! Buzz! Hum! Good wheel! - Tralaralalalala! - Spin! Work away, girls! - Tralaralalalala! - Buzz! Hum! Good wheel! - Tralaralalalala! - Spin! Work away, girls! You naughty girl, if you don't spin, you'll get no gift from your sweetheart. She has no need to hurry; her sweetheart's not at sea. He brings no gold, but game, we know well what a hunter's worth.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Look! Always in front of that picture! Do you want to dream away your whole young life before that portrait? Why did you tell me? Why did you tell me the story about him? The poor man! God be with you! Hum and buzz, good wheel, gaily, gaily turn! Spin, spin a thousand threads, good wheel, hum and buzz! Oh, stop that stupid song, it hums and buzzes in my ears! If you want me with you, think of something better! Very well! You sing! Hear what I propose: let Mistress Mary sing us the ballad. God forbid! I could not! Leave the Flying Dutchman in peace! - Yet I have often heard it from you! - God forbid! I could not! I'll sing it myself! Listen, girls! Let me appeal to your hearts, the poor man's fate will surely move you! All right, let's hear it. - Mark well the words. - Stop the spinning-wheels! I'll spin on! Yohohoe! Yohohohoe! Hohohoe! Yohoe! Have you met the ship at sea with blood-red sails and black mast? On the high deck, the pale man, the master of the ship, keeps endless watch. Hui! How the wind howls! Yohohey! Yohohey! Hui! How it whistles in the rigging! Yohohey! Yohohey! Hui! Like an arrow he flies, without aim, without rest, without peace! But redemption may one day come to the pale man, if he but find a woman on earth true unto death.

Ah, wan mariner, could you but find it! Pray to Heaven that soon a woman will stay true to him! At anchor every seven years, a wife to woo he goes ashore: he wooed every seven years, but never a true wife he found. Hui! “Hoist sails!” Yohohey! Yohohey! Hui! “Weigh anchor!” Yohohey! Yohohey! Hui! “False love, false faith! Back to sea, without rest or peace!” Ah, where is she whom the angel of God someday may show to you? Where will you meet her who will be your own true love unto death? It is I who will save you with my true love! May God's angel show me to you! Through me you shall find grace! Heaven help us! Senta! Senta! Senta, do you wish to destroy me? Help us, Erik! She's out of her mind! I feel my blood curdling! Horrible portrait, out you go as soon as her father comes home! - Her father's coming now! - My father's coming? From the cliff I saw his ship approaching. - They're home! They're home! - Now see what a fine state we're in! - No work is done in the house yet! - They're home! Hurry, let's go! Stop! Stop! You just stay indoors! Stay, Senta! Stay but a moment! Free me of my torment! Or if you wish, oh then destroy me completely! - What is..? What must..? - Oh, Senta, say, what is to become of me? Your father is home, before he sails again, he will do what he has often wanted to… - What do you mean? - Give you a husband! I offer a heart true unto death, a few poor possessions, a hunter's lot. Can I ask for your hand as I am? Won't your father refuse me? If this heart of mine breaks with grief, will it be Senta who speaks for me? What? You doubt my heart? You doubt my affection for you? Oh! Tell me, what gives you such pain? What has made you sad and suspicious? Your father, oh, he thinks only of wealth! And you, Senta, how far can I rely on you? Have you ever granted a wish of mine? Do you not wound my heart each day? - Your heart? - What am I to think? That picture... The picture? Can't you forget your mad infatuation? Can I help it, if my face shows my pity? And the ballad, you sang it again today! I am a child and know not what I sing! Oh tell me, what? Do you fear a song, a picture? You are so pale, tell me, Why should I not fear it? Ought I not to be moved by the poor man's dreadful fate? Doesn't my anguish move you more, Senta? Oh, don't boast! What can your anguish be? Do you know the fate of that unhappy man? Do you feel the pain, the deep grief, with which he looks down on me? Ah, the evil that robbed him forever of his peace pierces my heart! Alas! I recall my baleful dream! God defend you! Satan has ensnared you! What alarms you so? Senta! Please believe me: I had a dream! Heed its warning! On a high cliff I lay dreaming, saw the angry sea beneath me.

I heard the breakers as the foaming waters dashed in fury upon the shore. An alien ship near the coast I saw, strange and mysterious; two men were coming ashore, I recognized one as your father. The other? I knew him well, with his black doublet, pallid face... and gloomy mien... - That sailor, he. - And I?

You came from the house, raced to greet your father. I saw you just as you reached them, you fell at the stranger's feet, I saw you clasp his knees... - He raised me up... - To his breast; ardently you clung to him and kissed him with hot desire... And then? I saw you two sail away.

Ah, may you find her, pale seaman! Pray to Heaven that soon a woman will be true... Aah! My child, you see me on the threshold. What? No embrace? No kiss? You stand as if bewitched. Senta, do I deserve such a greeting? God greet you! Father, tell me, who is the stranger? You really want to know? Will you, my child, be friendly to this man? From your heart he asks too a gracious gift: give him your hand, for bridegroom you shall call him; agree with your father and tomorrow he is your husband. ...and tomorrow he is your husband. See this bracelet, these clasps! This is nothing to what he owns.

Surely you want them, dear child? It is all yours when you exchange rings. But neither speaks... Do I intrude? Yes! Better leave them alone. May you win this fine man! Believe me, such luck never comes twice. Stay here alone! I am going. Believe me, she is as true as she is fair.

As from the mist of times long gone this girl's image speaks to me: as I dreamt of her for restless ages, I see her now before my eyes. I have often lifted my eyes at dead of night, longing for a wife. Satan's spite left me but a pounding heart to remind me of my torment.

The dull glow I feel burning here, can I in my misery call it love? Ah, no! It is a yearning for redemption: would that through such an angel it came true! Am I deep in a wonderful dream? What I see, is it mere fancy? Have I been till now in some false world, is my day of awakening dawning? He stands before me, his face lined with suffering, it reveals his terrible grief to me: can deep pity's voice lie to me? As I have often seen him, here he stands. The pain that burns within my breast, ah, this longing, how shall I name it? What you yearn for, salvation, would it came true, poor man, through me! You are an angel! An angel's love can comfort even a lost soul! Ah, if I can still hope for redemption, Eternal God, may it come through her! Ah, if he can still hope for redemption, Eternal God, may it come through me! What stirs so strongly within me? - The star of my evil fate shall fail. - What fills my heart with rapture? Almighty God, may the source of my exaltation... - Light of my hope, shine anew! - the strength of my true love. - Almighty God, may the source of my exaltation... - You angels who once abandoned me...

- the strength of my true love. - ...strengthen now this heart in faith! - Almighty God! - You angels who once abandoned me, strengthen now this heart in faith! - You angels who once abandoned me... - May the source of my exaltation... - ...strengthen now this heart in faith! - the strength of my true love! Forgive me! My people will stay outside no longer.

After each voyage, you know, we have a feast. To grace the occasion, I have come to ask if you agree to the betrothal? I think you courted to your heart's desire? Senta, my child, say, are you willing? - Here is my hand! And without regret... - You will not regret this union! - She gives her hand! - ...till death I vow to be true!

- You are mocked, hell, by her true love! - You will not regret this union! Steersman, leave your watch! Steersman, join us! Ho! Hey! Ye! Ha! Hoist the sails! Anchor fast! Steersman, here! We fear no wind nor treacherous coast. Today we'll be right merry! Each has his girl ashore, grand tobacco and good brandy! Hussassahey! Rocks and storms outside – Yollohohey! We laugh at them! Hussassahey! Furl sails! Anchor fast! Rocks and storms we laugh at them! Steersman, leave your watch! Steersman, join us! Ho! Hey! Ye! Ha! Steersman, drink with us! Ho! Hey! Ye! Ha! Rocks and storms, he! are over, he! Hussahey! Hallohey! Hussahey! Steersman! Ho! Here, come and drink with us! Well! Just look! Dancing, indeed! They don't seem to need us girls! Hey! Girls! Stop! Where are you going? You've a taste for cool wine? Your neighbours there shall have some too! Is the food and drink for you alone? Right! Take it to the poor lads! They must be faint with thirst! We can't hear them. Oh, just look! No light! No sign of the crew! Hey! Sailors! Hey! Do you want torches? Where are you then? We can see nothing! Hahaha! Don't wake them up! They're still asleep! Hey! Sailors! Hey! Answer then! Yes, it is true! They seem dead. They've no need of food and drink. You know of the Flying Dutchman! The ship you see there is exactly like his! Then don't wake the crew; they are ghosts, we swear! How many centuries have you been at sea? Storms and rocks can do you no harm! They don't drink! They don't sing! No light burns on their ship! Have you no letter, no errand for people ashore? We'll deliver them to our great-grandfathers! They must be old and pale, not red-blooded! And their sweethearts, alas, are dead! Hey, seamates! Set your sails and show us the Flying Dutchman's speed! They don't hear! Gives you the creeps here! They don't want anything – so why call to them? You girls, let the dead rest! Let us, the living, enjoy ourselves! Here! Your neighbour has spurned it. What? Aren't you coming aboard? What? Aren't you coming aboard? Oh, not just yet! It's not late.

We'll come back soon. Now you drink up! And if you want to dance as well, but let your weary neighbours rest! Steersman, leave your watch! Steersman, join us! Ho! Hey! Ye! Ha! Steersman, here! Drink with us! Ho! Hey! Ye! Ha! Rocks and storms, hey! are over, hey! Hussahey! Hallohey! Hussahey! Steersman! Ho! Hey! Ye! Ha! Here, come and drink with us! Yohohoe! Yohohohoe! Hoyohohoe! Hoe! Hoe! Hoe! Huissa! The storms sweeps ashore! Huissa! Furl sails! Anchor away! Huissa! Run for the bay! Sombre captain, go ashore, seven years are over! Seek the fair maid's hand! Fair maid, be true to him! Be merry today, hui! A bridegroom, hui! The stormwind howls bridal-music and the ocean dances to it! Yohoe! Yohohohoe! Huissa! Huissa! Yohoe! Ha ha ha ha ha ha! What I heard! God, what I saw! Is it an illusion? The truth? A fact? Oh, do not ask! - I dare not answer! - Merciful God! It is true beyond doubt. What unholy power tore you from me? What force seduced you so rapidly, to cruelly break this truest heart? Your father – ha, he brought the bridegroom; I know him well, I expected this to happen! But you – is it possible – offer your hand to a man who has hardly crossed your threshold! No more! Say no more! I must, I must! Oh, this obedience, as blind as your act! You welcomed your father's suggestion, and with one blow broke my heart! No more! No more! I must never see you again, nor think of you: a noble duty decrees it. What noble duty? Isn't it nobler to keep the vow you once made to me of eternal true love? What? Did I ever vow to be always true to you? Senta, oh Senta, you deny it? Don't you remember the day when you called me to you in the valley? When to get highland flowers for you, I bravely took countless risks? Do you recall how on a steep cliff we saw your father leave the shore? He sailed on a white-winged ship and to my protection he entrusted you. And when you twined your arms around my neck, didn't you declare your love anew? The rapture I felt at the touch of your hand, say, wasn't that assurance of your true love? The rapture I felt at the touch of your hand, say, wasn't that assurance of your true love? Lost! Ah, lost! Redemption lost forever! - What do I see? God! - Senta, farewell! - Wait, unhappy man! - What are you going to do? To sea! To sea! For ever! Your pledge is ended, and with your pledge, my hope of grace! Farewell, I'll not ruin you! - Horrible! That look in his eyes! - Wait! You shall never flee from here! Hoist sails! Weigh anchor! Say farewell to land forever! Away to sea again I'm driven! - Ha! Do you doubt my true love? - What do I hear! God, what is this I see? - Unhappy man, why are you so blind? - Am I to trust my ears, my eyes? I doubt you just as I doubt God! - Stay! Do not regret our bond! - What do I hear! - Dead, dead is all faith! - Senta! Do you want to perish? - What you promised was a jest to you! - What I promised, I will fulfill! Come to me! You are in Satan's clutches! - Dead, dead is all faith! - Unhappy man, stay! You are in Satan's clutches! Hear of the destiny from which I defend you! I am condemned to the most ghastly fate. A ten-fold death would be a long awaited joy! From the curse a woman alone can free me, a woman true to me till death.

You did vow to be true but not solemnly before God: this saves you! For now, poor girl, the fate awaiting those who break faith with me: eternal damnation is their lot! Countless victims have paid this penalty through me! But you shall be saved. Farewell! Farewell forever to my salvation! Help! Save, oh, save her! I know you well! And well I know your fate! I knew you when first I saw you! The end of your torment is near! I am she by whose true love you shall find salvation! Help her! She is lost! What do I see! God! You do not know me, cannot guess who I am! Ask the seas around the globe, ask the seaman who has sailed the ocean, he knows this ship, the terror of all devout men: the Flying Dutchman they call me! Yohohoe! Yohohohoe! Hoyohohoe! Hoe! Hoe! Hoe! Huissa! Senta! Senta! What are you doing? Praise your angel and his edict! Here I stand, true to you unto death!


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