brands went on a brand trip

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this whole situation is like a hyper meta burrito of influence that's just kind of coming apart at the seams that's it that's my intro hi I'm Amanda watching small entertainment and yes I am back in my old bedroom um but today we are talking about the brand brand trip because I have a lot of feelings on this one what I think they wanted to happen what did actually happen and what I think this means for the influencer economy and the Creator economy as a whole as well as influencer marketing as a whole three days ago at the time of recording this the luggage company away posted a tick tock with the title we invited social media Managers from other brands on an outdoor escape and here's how it went and there's three people tagged getaway house Shake Shack and say beauty caption says join us next time at Duolingo and it was all social media Managers from these different companies now the video is cute I would say you know they're they go on like a little trip they're just carrying luggage through the forest Shake Shack brought burgers for everyone Psy Beauty kept giving out like SPF and like lip products and things like that according to uh getaway house it's escape to a tiny cabin nestled in nature so they're the ones that like technically it's there get away so I would say that maybe this is getaway houses social media thing the the whole point is that this is a collaborative effort between all of these brands for what is essentially a brand trip okay now what is a brand trip you've seen these over the years from influencers usually they're in a tropical location sponsored by one brand okay often uh makeup brands it's not usually travel companies but they can be but usually it's makeup brands partnering with a specific Resort or a hotel chain or whatever to fly out a handful of influencers and maybe plus ones to a location to give them products hints at new products shoot content for the brand have the influencer shoe content on their own and it's just a way for the brands to kind of get the most bang for their Buck for years this really was a worthwhile investment for Brands uh why spend forty thousand dollars on one commercial when you can spend 40 000 dollars ish to send three or five influencers to a tropical location give them some great experiences to take content have uh obligation content that you have already set up with them then you get content they get content you're kind of maximizing the amount of advertising that you're getting from them you're maximizing the amount of advertising you're getting from one trip and if you play your cards right you can get enough content for a whole season worth of ads from this one trip brand trips are kind of like advanced level influencer marketing honestly because not only are you selling products via influencers you're also kind of selling this ideal lifestyle of influencers in collaboration with your products to their audiences for years it was not uncommon for people to look at these brand trips and be like oh my God I want to go on that brand trip I want to do this next time and trying to find ways of to get the Brand's attention to go on these trips and in doing so they would buy the products and tag the products for the hopes that next time this influencer with a thousand followers would be chosen to go on this tropical vacation with two-faced Cosmetics or whatever it is for years this worked really well for people and then we had dope how do I describe dote um you may have heard of don't for years because of Emma Chamberlain she was one of their main uh girly pops if I remember correctly dope's whole thing was that it was an app that you could basically shop from a bunch of different companies at one time and then when you checked out of your cart you could check out from all these different companies at one time and it was kind of like shopping for your whole wardrobe without having to go through different websites online in a sense I thought it was an interesting concept I just never really understood their marketing uh strategy but don't did a ton of work with influencers they pretty much had a specific collaboration it seemed like with the photographer Bryant the dope girls were like the it girls of social media for a time okay and dope kind of sold this mentality that even if you didn't have a bajillion followers you could still be invited on some of these brand trips by say growing your following on dote itself because influencers could make their own pages of like this is what I'm shopping shop my closet this was Emma pre Louis Vuitton collaboration so she was almost exclusively wearing I think Brandy Melville so her entire dope page was like Brandy Melville was kind of funny so we have a couple of different videos when I type in dote exposed uh one is from stargazing don't white girls being privileged for three minutes straight a lot of the dope girls were incredibly white okay and I say that as a white girl but there was a couple of girls of color of the dope group basically who posted videos talking about their experience with a dope brand trip they went on I believe it was the Coachella trip don't Chella if you will but I can't be certain but it was kind of exposed through this whole process that the girls of color were treated as second-rate Citizens basically like put in a smaller room altogether whereas all the girls that the white girls got uh you know better rooms up top they were all giving a lot more space a lot more opportunities the photos as well they were like not included in the photos and so dote itself basically disintegrated from this whole controversy no one felt comfortable using the app anymore Emma Chamberlain distanced herself from them a bunch of the other girls distanced themselves from dote obviously and it just kind of fell off I think that was around the time where influencer trips were really shown to be just kind of a bit of a mess and then more so this came off later as well one of the uh exposed episodes okay listen don't give Shane Dawson your views but okay there was an episode that he posted after the world of Jeffree Star or something where Morgan had just come back from a brand trip and was miserable and was crying Morgan was basically just talking about how she had had a terrible time on this brand trip uh that she was alone the entire time there was a 30 rule apparently for the other influencers that were there that they would not do content with you unless you were 30 below them or 30 above them in followers that way you wouldn't overshadow them but you also could potentially help them get more followers if you were 30 above basically insane and she was talking about how they were trying to make her go on another brand trip and all this stuff and then Jeffree Star was involved being like well they can't make you go anywhere for one like that if there's a contract you can get out of that they can't force you to go anywhere and then obviously lockdown happens any brand trips that weren't canceled were very quickly shamed like oh we're just we already paid the money lock the down branches slowly started up again I don't remember seeing any in 2021 but in 2022 I started seeing a couple of brand trips here and there specifically during the summer everyone was in Europe and I know not every single one of you was paying for that yourselves I don't know how many of these brand trips were people who like kind of kept it quiet that they were with brand trips or if the brands were like hey let's keep it a little hush-hush maybe like promote these products you get everything for free but like don't tell them that you're like here with the brand like just make it sound like you're like it's a sponsored product review basically in a sense which if they're disclosing that they're getting some form of compensation for it then it's technically not gonna violate the FTC guidelines but you do have to disclose gifted products for the record if you're watching this the last one that I really heard of was a company I commented on Tick Tock I didn't see the original video but a company sent a bunch of influencers to Aspen like right before Thanksgiving for a promotion I believe and it's like what are we doing ever since the pandemic I was would say that the public opinion pretty much completely nosedived okay it's no longer aspirational it's very much why are we doing this we've seen these people before why are they getting more free things when they get free things the moment they get home they're going to do a PR unboxing haul of all the stuff that they were sent oh yeah should I make a note really quick because someone's gonna be like you're just jealous because you don't go on brand trips no one wants me I'm annoying and an and I'll be honest I talk about the events I pay for you think I won't talk about one that I got for free that's why they don't want me it's the same reason I don't often get sent free products they don't want to run the risk I make good money I don't mind paying for things but my point still stands brand trips used to work because buyers customers the consumer thought that buying these products that these influencers were using on these brand chips would somehow in a sense get them on these brand trips or because this they like this influencer and all of that however overt wealth for a majority of customer bases right now is not really seen as relatable for lack of a better word like if you look at the Kardashians they're very quickly losing public favor I would say because they're just boring you know at a certain point it's no longer aspirational it's just mundane and that sounds crazy to think that this insane amount of wealth is mundane but it's like cool you you have all this money and you're wearing beige all the time like what none of the products they're coming out with are Innovative their arguments are still the same it's like cool you just have more money and you still are like boring what's going on be crazy make a rocket to space oh wait no that sounds like I'm promoting Elon Musk Elon by the way remember first and foremost this is an anti-billionaire account brand trips are no longer the uh good investment that they once were because the consumer base is no longer odd by these trips you know for the most part they're seen as tone deaf especially after a global pandemic where people lost their homes their lives and all of their savings from losing their jobs then let's say you have a bunch of social media managers who are like okay but there was something here at one point in time this works so how can we tweak this how can we tweak this so away luggage is the one that got the most views and was the most popular that's the one that I saw for the most part but uh some of the other accounts for example getaway house there's three videos where it looks like this is all part of the same brand deal they got 843 views 736 and 766. yeah so this is all part of the same thing because they all tagged the same companies carving out more free time to unplug can be hard as a social media manager that's why we partnered with a way to send social media Managers from getaway house away Shake Shack and say to unplug in nature here's what we got up to so on getaway house all the comment sections are from Shake Shack away say beauty you escape to Nature with getaway's social media manager and then again tagging each other tagging each other all the comments say beauty Shake Shack and then Fable pets I thought getaway was dog friendly we decide gear that solves purposes so here at the start of the problem I'm gonna point out and then this one as well three comments I bet just one from say beauty but the other companies are tagged let's check Shake Shack 95k followers on there by the way POV you're a social media manager at Shake Shack and need to make sure everyone is well fed wherever you go why did your tax say beauty huh Shake Shack is there drama was there drama on the brand trip Shake Shack drop the exposed video Shake Shack posted two videos from this brand brand trip okay and say beauty is not tagged in any of them but they're tagged in the others it's their drama is there drama they didn't comment on the videos either Shake Shack say beauty drop the exposed video Let's Go where's the Story Time come on you want to play this game you got to play by the rules wait a minute did safety not post theirs there is drama when the bouncer I mean TSA agent asked to see what's in your luggage what you didn't want the whole routine away fits all say beauty luggage check something happened on this little brand trip or have you just not posted yet because if that's the case then your social media manager needs to be you know sorted a couple of different things because I'm sure obviously this was like weeks in the process they probably didn't actually go on a brand trip it was probably just like a 12 hour shoot or something if even that to get content for all their respective social media pages that being said this is interesting to me because my guess is is that all of these social media managers because you work as a social media manager some of you saw this Azure opportunity to go from Bachelor contestant to Bachelorette I'm sure at least one of you was like I can be the main character of this little ad this little collaboration and then that'll either get me more followers on our brand account or we'll get me more followers on my personal accounts closing the loop from Brand influencer pipeline by just blasting one of these people into temporary startup for 15 minutes because it never lasts it just doesn't you know it just doesn't they get sick of you eventually it just does I'm sure half of you are sick of me but the problem is with this brand trip as well is obviously the goal is like look how fun and quirky we are look how this social media manager can do this and they can do this and they brought us this look how cool these products are look how much fun we're all having on our little brand trip and we're not going to talk about the fact that site Beauty has barely posted anything and Shake Shack has not tagged them in anything that makes me think that something happened I want to know I'm too nosy for this I need to know one of you needs to post a story time or I'm writing fan fiction about what happened and that's a threat will it be enemies to lovers you'll have to tune in and find out my guess is that they thought that users would be like oh wow like the away luggage is actually working through the the forest floor pretty well getaway house sounds like a cool thing say beauty looking good as always Shake Shack delicious sounds great so I'm sure they were hoping that the comment sections would be full of you know potential customers or returning customers or even hey maybe influencers being like I want to come on the next trip to take content with you guys I don't know who knows what their goal was but I think with the tagging of Duolingo it kind of set a precedent because the comment section is just full of blue checks it's full of other brands asking when they can come on the next trip this comment section is like the ninth circle of hell of influencer economy and capitalism it's just a mess and a half we've got united we got to have a we've got Fiverr crates we've got Brio Geo we've got drink ag1 drumstick GoPro all Trails Zappos calm bubble Amazon home Roxy official clarina say beauty back obviously finally Kettle and fire Shake Shack back C4 energy bush beans camping and no beans hmm it's just Brands marketing to brands at this point it's kind of like okay were you on Tumblr do you remember the plague that was the Denny's Tumblr account to this day I used to think that it was just a parody account that was just with all of us on Tumblr okay because we would that's how we would know that a meme died on Tumblr was when the Denny's account made it about themselves okay and that feels like this is what's happening here these are Brands marketing to Brands and I think in a sense they think that it's going to do well with the customer base but it's showing a lack of understanding of what customers want just show us how things work tell us why we should buy your luggage over the other bajillion luggage companies show us why your luggage is not going to make me throw my back out when I try to put it into the overhead bid show uh me that it's not gonna fall apart the moment it goes through the luggage terminal and gets thrown down a little too hard down the little conveyor belt thingy okay mine busted open busted right open like it was just like it was trying to be a centerfold okay the joke didn't work I waited too long I got too awkward the joke didn't work anyways you know how people love those videos where uh it's like oh I asked my manufacturer to send me a demo of how durable the product is it's like literally three or four people taking the products and be beating the out of them onto the ground to show how durable they are that's what people want show us durability show us versatility show us uh how to properly use items like just show us a demo it doesn't need to be this flowery oh look how pretty everyone is and all this stuff just show us how things work and why it's worth our money because this you're selling again an ideal but you're not selling it to the right people your comment section is an example of that getaway house your I had no idea what you were you're in this video I did not know what you are apparently you are a getaway travel home cool why is it cool you know like show us why it's cool show us how you're different from Arabic being B verbo and all these other companies that are like gonna get me robbed in the middle of the night you know like show us how you're different show us your location show us your grounds like look how beautiful this is how cool is this like do that uh Shake Shack your food literally guys we have new products here you go that that bush beans I don't know why you're still doing this certain companies I don't get why they're trying to get involved in influencer marketing because some of them it's like I don't think you will benefit from it you know like if I did a bush beans advertisement tomorrow would you care I'm talking to my audience specifically would you guys actually care would just be like holy man I go to bush beans ad yeah I think you would be more proud of me than like cool we need to support bush beans now you know like it's like there's an interesting line to walk with these Brands and these Brands I don't think are understanding what specifically gen Z wants and I know it's because the trend cycle and all of that happens so quickly that you're having a hard time catching up but so many of these social media managers are gen Z so I mean the they they have to know they have to know unless they think they know better which I don't think is the case here I don't even know if there was a time when this would have worked honestly like Brands selling to essentially other brands to go on this brand trip for social media managers it's like okay cool social media managers are all advertising to themselves because this is their bachelor you know like that's what this feels like and so far I haven't seen any comments that are like oh I want to go try out that burger at Shake Shack that burger looked really good or wow getaway house I wonder what availability they have next you know I assume your goal was to you know use each other to get more view you basically you basically did a 2016 YouTube collab oh my God we've gone full circle we are back in the ninth circle of hell oh my God we went up we went down do you guys remember those 2014 24 16 uh YouTube collaborations it's why I don't really do collaborations because I think they're incredibly uncomfortable they're awkward I think you can tell that the moment the recording is not happening the moment that red light turns off they are not friends anymore once that camera is not recording okay I think that's very common in these videos and now the fact that say beauty and Shake Shack are not tagging each other and say Beauty's barely posting makes me think the same thing happens here it's just like it's commercialized cringe oh my God oh my God it's commercialized cringe stop stop seriously enough I don't want to see more of these ads these are cringe stop it okay I get what you were trying to do but I don't think you got what you wanted to get okay I feel like I'm kind of have an anxiety attack cut it cut it cut the fun to cut the funding okay just tell us tell us why your your luggage is good tell us why your beans are the best you know tell us why they're called Bush's beans I don't know uh I think that the selling the ideal of the product like selling the lifestyle around a product is not so much the best tactic anymore especially with the fact that we are in or are about to go into a recession you gotta show people why their dollars are best spent with you you know because that is a decision people are going to be making if they're not already making if they have not been making it their entire lives or during the pandemic or pre-pandemic people don't have that disposable income anymore we saw that with Cyber Monday and we saw that with Black Friday okay people are genuinely pissed that consumers can just go and flock to 15 off in Black Friday I'm not gonna fight someone over a TV for 15 off okay no I'm an adult I want at least 60 off before where I start throwing hands what you need to do is show why you are the product that they should be buying versus every other one things like that are durability uh versatility quality flavor taste uh lasting product uh how it turns out product how easy it is to go on I'm sorry I'm like merging all these different companies together why is your getaway the best getaway versus this one bedroom in a you know Beverly Hills mansion side thingy on Airbnb I don't know tell me why that that's what people want they just want don't sell me a gimmick don't sell me an ideal just tell me why I should pick you basically this isn't the bachelor this is a job interview you know like that's where I think we're at with consumerism in general right now this was kind of mostly a stupid video I just saw this video and was like bad place a bad place bad place so I wanted to talk about it did you see this away video what do you think happened between uh say beauty and um I feel like I'm saying it wrong am I saying say beauty wrong let me know comment down below but what do you think happened between say beauty and Shake Shack do you think that these social media managers will be doing more brand trips do you think bush beans will ever be invited on a brand trip let me know comment down below matter of a podcast the social Chance podcast I promise it's coming back reminder I have merch I'm making the transition from Teespring to fourth wall Teespring is still linked fourth wall is linked shout out to my patrons thank you so much for supporting me on patreon you could also spawn my patreon they'll be listen down below I'd like to follow me on social media that'll be all up here and that's gonna be a have a lovely day goodbye [Music] I want to know what the money situation looked like because who picked what brands was this like are you all owned by the same parent company because no offense to get away house but like if you really want wanted to sell an ideal Why not pick something that had sidewalks so that a way could show how easy their luggage rolls you know especially since away this was your whole idea it seems like because you're the main name around this this just seems like a failing on your part for that thank you Alan Cameron Christopher Chris crispy crash PC China dirty one Don Elliot Evan Eric E all hopeless encinito Isaiah Jack Ray James Joe John M Jordan Joseph kenning Kim Kristen lamb Lex Lis Luis Matt Matt oh Matthew asked me Lord Michael Michael J Michael Nathaniel Pat pen Richard Rob red Robert Ross Sam Serena Ryan Sierra Skyler Simon Tasha and Timothy Heavenly plastic Tom Cordy brand new winter wonder when William's under his wing


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