UTS Data Engineering

UTS Data Engineering

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So today, let's start off with what we're doing in the session. So first of all answer what is data engineering? Second of all, what career paths come from data engineering. And thirdly, the data engineering at HBS. Course. So that includes subjects subjects selection, and what type of majors there are, and pathways. So let's start off with the most basic one, which is what is data engineering. So as you can see on the slide, a

dot engineerings, like the engineers actually create the infrastructure needed for data science, AI and machine learning. As you know, machine learning and AI are kind of hot topics right now. It's a lot where the world's going with the industry. So that actually involves a lot of work. So that involves electronic engineers, they create actual parts, or in this case, your phones. And software engineers who create the applications that you use data engineers are kind of in the middle, and we do a bit of both. So yeah, that's what the next one is done. Engineers focus on technologies for the

collection. So in opal card systems really good one. So you tap the opal card, the reader collects information, that's electronics, right there. We don't have engineers figure out the transmission storage and analysis of the data. So you guys get a response back and be like, yep, you've tapped on your card successfully. You know, technology's done, engineers use

evolve around cloud storage, compensation, IoT, you know, powerful computing, software engineering and data science principles. And of course, data engineering has become one of the fastest growing professions, especially in the last few years. So here's a nice little diagram that kind of shows a breakdown of what data engineering involves. So you can

specialise in a little bit of every single thing. And we'll go into how our course kind of hit some of these points See, but essentially, collection of information. So a lot of data engineers work with, you know, big data. So collecting, you know, sensory information, external data, user generated content, this, you know, role security, privacy and stuff like that, that's not an infrastructure engineer says something you can become after the course, you know, moving and storing data, pipelines, operation, pipelines, etc. These

are massive things a tonne of data is generated every day. And you know, moving and storing them is a difficult task. That's what that engineers are for. And, of course, cleaning up the data, you know, in a perfect world, the data will be clean, but most of the time, it's not, because users don't know sometimes how to enter something correctly. So as an engineer,

that's something you can do. And of course, this is where more of the awesome stuff comes that I'm personally introduced, like interested in. We've got training data doing like live analytics, big data analytics, some AV testing. And those type of things are from data scientists, and data analysts.

And of course, finally, deep learning and AI. So the career opportunities, of course, we've got the data engineer, data analysts and data scientists, you've got the data architect, which kind of does a bit of all of those software developers, because we do a lot of software here as well. And big data platforms, of course, the data security consultant, as well.

And so data engineering jobs. So currently, there's over 3000 jobs advertised and seek for data engineers. There's a lot of demand here, especially in the past few years, a lot of companies have been more focused on people that have expertise in handling data and getting analytics data and getting useful insights. And as you can see, the industry has been

growing, where a limited few not many people specialise in machine learning and AI, but there's a lot of demand for so the typical salaries thankfully, I'm really great. They're around 100 to 130k. This is from seek and Glassdoor pay, pay scale. So those are higher than software engineers and data analysts, mostly because you've got that extra knowledge on thinking like an engineer, finding a solving problem, sorry, finding a problem solving it and you know, figuring out a problem. That engineering is from professional as I said, and it's easy to say because this field is just getting started. So data engineering at UCS, specifically, you need to understand the whole data ecosystem. So that includes you know, moving that data, storing that data, analysing it, etc.

And, you know, this course includes core subjects on data analytics, coding and software development and working in systems design. That is something you do in the first year and then that's when you pick your majors. Well, usually you get a sense for me, I personally didn't think I'll go into data analytics or do more software development. And after

the introductions Data Analytics caught last subject that we had in the first year, I fell in love with it and change my major to that. So, you know, popular options that are chosen here is AI and machine learning and cyber security, as well as image processing. These are really exciting areas, as those in the audience may know, that's why you're here. And of course, the studio subjects is a really cool thing that we do here at USGS.

These subjects are project based subjects where you learn how to work on a project, you know, understanding the problem, seeing what technology is out, let's fix that problem learning about that, as well as putting it into practice. So some studios subjects, I've done quite a few now of being in my final year, you work with industry partners, such as Eric cinnamyl, Vodafone, or, and others. Other studios, it's, you know, your choice, you can do some research projects, and some really cool cutting edge stuff to get that up and like edge compared to others. So here's the core structure. So in the first year, you do an engineering course, this is maths and physics, like any other engineer would. And then you've got the data engineering core, which is a bit of the subjects to see what's field you're going to specialise in, and you've got the fundamental studios. So this is where you do

your first few projects and see exactly how well you're going to go like you know what type of projects you're going to work on. And of course, each semester that changes and fundamentals you studios is really to teach you how to stop logging and learning how to be an engineer in the real world. Of course, you go into your diploma, which I'll talk about later. And then you can do your 4g, 3g or 4g you do more engineering core subjects more than engineering course subjects. And that's when you start doing this some major specialisation so that could again be in data analytics or sub security. And as you go, the studio studios go from applications to professional and for all of these, you learn extra skills, such as journals, learning more advanced stuff, and really, it's your learning, whatever you're interested in, within the field of data engineering, there's plenty of projects that you can find here at UCS. And it's where you can actually show people at the end

of your course, look, I've done these awesome projects for fabrics. And I've done these awesome projects with Vodafone, or any other industry partners we have. And you can say, Look, I've done this real world work. And I've made all these

solutions. And I specialise in this technology. And it's really awesome places to study. So the some majors, we've got a main emphasis on major design relics, and then you go to cybersecurity software engineering networks, image processing. So this is really cool one where you actually find out how, you know pixel by pixel when identify objects, it's really cool. And

real time systems. So this is more on the operation pipeline side of things where you handle real time data and analyse it real time. So as I mentioned before, sorry, if I'm going a bit fast paced, a bit nervous. So the primary professional

engineering practice is something that is included for all domestic students here at UTSA, where you complete to six month internships one in early second year. So you can really see how it is in the industry and learn some really cool skills. And then last one in your fourth year. And this one is usually most students end up getting like employed by the last internship, depending on how well you go there. And it's

a great way to learn role, like industry experiences, like I mentioned, and you learn professional skills. And it really nice to have this experience and on top of that a diploma right before you graduate. And of course, you're building networks and you're getting to meet people in the industry.

While you're doing all of this. There's the option of combining your degree as well with data engineering. So for example, in the industries, let's say some people might like a data engineer that has business tech savvy skills, so you can combine them Bachelor of Business. And that way, you can translate all

the technical work you're doing into business business objectives. Furthermore, you've got International Studies, medical science, science itself, creative intelligence and innovation. So this is where you can, you know, work extra on the degree and see cutting edge solutions and Bachelor of Laws as well. So the UCS engineering courses available, as you can see, we're doing data, this webinar, but we've got quite a few available courses here. And of course, some of them you can't actually do the combined degrees like electronic and electrical by Most of them, you can. And I'll go off to the next

slide where we talk about flexible engineering. So I know a lot of you in the audience may actually not be sure if you're choosing software or data engineering. And you know, you're not sure what you want to choose, or even electronics. In

this case, flexible engineering is something you'd like to look into. We're one of the only universities in Australia that actually offers this for engineering. So flexible engineering allows you to create your own combination. So let's

say you go in first year, you do some software subjects, some data subjects, if you're unsure which one you want to go to. And you know, you can explore that see where it leads you. Of course, you can continue on specialising in both software data or software and electronics and becoming your own skilled engineer's, you know, that has knowledge in both of those areas, where you can submerge major in an emerging area such as renewable energy or advanced manufacturing. And of course, these things touch on a lot of different places like electronics and data or for example. And of course, if you're not sure which majors to choose, you can just do flexible first year and then decide later on. And now I'll hand it off to Carmela, who will be talking about student experience here at ETS.

Thank you mirror. So hey, guys, my name is Carmela. And like I said before, I am in my fourth year of my data engineering degree here at ETS. And like a mirror, I also some major in data analytics. So there were a number of things that made me want to study data engineering at ETS. And like many of you,

especially the year 12 students, I had a relatively difficult time choosing what I wanted to do straight after high school. And what caught me was the fact that when I was leaving high school, they had just introduced this new major. So data engineering, and doing what any of you guys would do, I googled it. And I saw the numerous opportunities that this particular career and this course would allow me to pursue after I graduate. Also, on top of that, when I was deciding

UTSA offered a diploma of professional engineering practice. And like Amir's explained, it's the ability to do two six month internships, with industry connections. And as I compare this with other universities here, in New South Wales, or within the Sydney region, it was the very first of its kind. And I thought that this was a perfect opportunity to extend the mind network and also my actual experience within the industry as a student. And during these past four years, I

honestly took that as a blessing as well. For for on top of that UTSA gave me the opportunity to meet people such as Amir and Wei and throughout my degrees so far, and these connections are things that I am very grateful for, since utms, focuses on building your network connections or your industry connections. And I would further like to reiterate that the fact that data engineering is a relatively new major, the people in your cohort is relatively in a smaller number compared to other engineering majors. And that is what makes data engineering so special because you build that relationship with other students and your academics that teach your subjects as well, particularly your studio subjects, as well.

UTSA also offers several student support services and as a high school leaver. Transitioning to UTM might be relatively scary, but there are so many different services here that allows you to give you that seamless transition into university and that was the one thing I also chose ETS for. Furthermore, the social and student societies here at UTSA is great. You have the opportunity to meet other like minded people within the same course that you are doing our other interests that you might have in mind. For example, as a data engineering student, I participated and joined ETS Engineering Society and also UTM tech So both of these societies are the largest Engineering Society here at UTSA. And also the largest it society here at

UTSA, as well, and depending on what your interest is, or are, there are societies such as ups food association that you basically blood over food as well. Furthermore, there are several opportunities that allow students to basically connect you to industry, there are several programmes or extracurricular activities that you can participate in voluntarily, such as ups build an UTSA accomplish award. And these are run by ETS careers. So you Ts careers has a numerous amount of industry connections.

And I was actually grateful that I found my very first internship on the UPS careers website with insurance Australia group. And if not, a lot of you people know what history insurance Australia group is basically, that's the parent company for nrma insurance. And during that six months, I actually learned more about machine learning, and data analytics. And I got really interested in that and most of my subjects now is relatively more into that field. and due to this, I was able to realise my true passions regarding data engineering, and things that I really want to specialise in as well.

Thank you, Camilla, I'll just like to add on to what Camilla said, of course, the internships are great. I've done an internship at Deloitte, which is awesome, because they're a premier company with awesome clients. But I've also done an internship at a startup. So that's a big varying thing right

there. But the main place, you can get internships, I think, like Camilla said, is within your cohort and making those network because, for me, example, the studios and I drew, I've done a lot of projects with Ericsson, and they've seen my passion. And now I'm in the final interview for graduate position at Ericsson. So it really shows that networking. And doing these real world projects helps you get a job. All right, so let's talk about HSC subject selection for those here that I knew 12 year 11 year 10. We thankfully here on ETS don't have prerequisites, we do recommend maffs extension one and advanced English and Physics for all engineering courses, but it is not mandatory. And we do not assume you have done IPT or

software design development. And I'll get into that in a second. adjustment points as well. We've do have points added to a student's will ATAR to give a selection rank. The adjustment points here at UTSA are capped at 13. And the adjustment points

can be given for a number of factors. So that includes completing the ETS engineering rhit questionnaire, which is how I got an early offer here at UT as I completed the engineering nit questionnaire, open that. And I believe that thing has all the projects I've done and accept me on early offer good results in relevant HSC subjects, of course, gender and special circumstances and more. So the uni application process, le offers to go out from January to August, depending on on guaranteed offers and conditional offers offers. There are scholarship applications open as well at this time. Don't

get scared about this graph. I know it's a lot to take in. We have all open day coming up on August 28. And now includes the courses are now on UX. So you guys can research that on your

Mac before you go to open, they see what you're interested in. Of course, some of you may know you've got the HSC coming up in September in November. But you do have between December and March and you have multiple us offer rounds where you can choose which exact degree you want to add, then you can move around your offer offers and courses and you want to do them.

So as I mentioned before, we don't we don't have maths or physics as mandatory, but we do have bridging cost courses that are offered here at ETS. I personally done the physics course because I did not do it in high school. And it was great. It's a short course right before you start off with only a few weeks where you do a deep dive in physics before you get started. And of course we do have the assistant study here.

ETS and it's pretty much other people around you that help you learn If you're struggling with finding certain specific topics in engineering like maths or physics

2021-07-12 11:09

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