Using Technology to Protect and Restore my Nissan 300zx

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today we're continuing working on the 240 cage  we got smokes in here already getting at it he   picked up a different welding gun or torch torch  that way you can get some better angles at some   of these hard to reach lines and where we left  off in the last video is redoing the front top   hats because the last ones were a little ugly and  in an incorrect location but we have a special   guest here Mr Marty with dingdong drift how's it  going we're going to be preserving yet another   piece of History he helped me scan the bowc front  bumper and also the BX skirts that we have but as   you guys know I have a TT front bumper with  a bowex front lip so we're going to scan this   as well before I destroy it because this thing's  low and it's my daily so hopefully with the scan   we'll be able to recreate it and possibly make a  mold out of it maybe change the design a little   bit if we want to oo that'd be cool yeah we can  some flare to bigger wider whatever we want to   do we could change it up make a custom BX is lip  they this thing pretty spot on like this fitment   is dialed in yeah but yeah there is some damage  to it already I think it actually came with this   to be honest so if you're ever like scanning car  parts like bumpers and stuff I recommend having   them on the car cuz it fits how it should right  it fits how it should one more thing I'd like   to do is make a distributor delete cap oh that's  right cuz now we don't have to run our wires to   each individual cylinder yeah so we're just going  to make a little cap cuz the sensors in there are   all work working still for the cam sensor is this  just unscrew I've never taken this off before yeah   maybe it should try to take it off yeah if you  want to see it on my yeah check out yours yeah the   last time we saw Marty's SC it was at night so we  didn't really get a good look at it and we didn't   look under the hood a little bit oh yeah that's  right that's right if you guys don't know 3D   printing has come a long way all of my cam covers  here are 3D printed dude these look great as well   as the idle air delete and the EGR Delete plates  and there's one in the back here so these things   are obviously in a lot of heat it's a V8 creates  a lot of heat there's a bunch of radiator heat   blowing into this stuff and this is only 1 and  1/2 mm thick and you can see it's now warping 3D   printing is no longer printing Trinkets and toys  we can print actual pieces functional parts that   cleaned up the engine so much cuz aren't these  kind of bulky Factory yeah Factory these come up   to like here oh wow and then they also wrap around  all the way to cover the original distributor   wires cuz this car comes with uh two Distributors  two one one on each cam damn so because I'm   running the you know vag coils coil unplug yeah  there you go the original covers wouldn't fit so   you either have to chop it off and run it or I  made new ones no this looks good you have plenty   of room for activities even with a V8 in here  yeah exactly that's wild yeah there's this little   um round thing that I'm going to put in here is  that one of them yinyang spinny boys yeah exactly   theang yeah Shanghai spoolie boy yeah we're going  to use one of those here that'd be cool right in   the center dang cool man this thing looks wicked  as you guys know or don't know he also 3D printed   this widebody as well as the fenders what else  honestly everything this whole car is 3D printed   camera screens Dash floors center console that is  a forged carbon shifter that's crazy I'm actually   I got to wiggle it ergonomic feel you say yeah  that's so funny so I'm working on a sunroof delete   right now it's not finished Mr ding-dong has  requested some white powder what do you need this   for dude energy I forgot conformal spray the stuff  that makes the matte finish like this is super   shiny so the scanner is not able to pick it up  at all okay um I could try to mess with the like   color settings but I think what we're going to do  instead oh will it stick is sneaking a little bit   all right everyone this is Chef dingdong here oh  that might not work oh [ __ ] that's perfect yeah   that's what I'm saying why don't you just use  that cuz I feel like it'll go away you have to   be quick with it it doesn't evate oh it works no  way scanning it works it's scanning you got so   it looks like just sprinkling the flower directly  onto the lip here is working just fine hey I think   you got a little something on your nose there boss  we're starting our scan over here now we have a   fresh powder lay down how's it doing it's doing  okay not getting too much detail it's not perfect   but I think it's getting the red good see this  the Red's perfect yeah look at that it's nice and   matte with no gloss yeah oh that's perfect dude  that's actually working out really well really perfect D take a sharpie  and write scanning spray on it that's coming out crispy now yeah put in  quotations though that actually worked yeah it   works great we're missing a little piece there  but it doesn't really matter it's mostly flat   wow I'll be able to dude that's good that's a good  skin yeah it's decent green I'm going to just take   some pictures of this back stuff here just to see  how it wraps around and how far it goes underneath   and all that preserving history one scan at a time  put that on a t-shirt yeah preserving history mhm   one skin at a time preserve these nuts got to  love Phillips inside an engine bay never ever   Strip This screw was already loose that's good  that's probably not good no it's perfect this one   was loose too oh nice there's really only two oh  they're held do you just need this base scan then   I don't think we even need this how does this come  off right because the only thing you need is the   cam sensor which is in here somewhere yeah what's  going on smokes making a lot of noise just hitting   stuff oh this just slides off Perfect come off oh  yeah this is just held on with that oh cool does   this need to come off it's taking everything off  no I think that's a part of it there is a screw in   there there is yeah in the middle yep up on top oh  you're trying to lift the bars up again all right   these are all done now yeah good stuff man those  are some tight spots yeah they got really tight   especially cuz we don't we couldn't cut the holes  cuz I didn't want to grind all this out yeah hold   on let me get let me get in a better position all  right all quick little scan yeah how's it looking   pretty good that looks wild oh yeah that's the  manif F should be yeah it's pretty Shin oh so   it's got to be like this way yeah there we go  so we got the distributor I guess cap and not   cap scanned the internals of the distributor yeah  and then the cap is up here yeah it' be cool nice   flat piece instead of this humongous look strange  yeah so that'll be nice cool man appreciate it   yeah we're scanning one additional piece on the 3  ZX if you're part of the Z Community this may be   a benefit to you this piece that goes right above  the battery here always breaks where is it at this   is what mine looks like and it's supposed to be  like double the length I'm not going to put it in   this way it will affect the scan but it's supposed  to cover all the way up to around here and it goes   over the battery so we're going to try and scan  the surface and maybe come up with something as a solution see you Mr dingdong bye  drive safe thank you for your help y wow quiet right nice what's up Devon wish my [Music] car that is the so the cage kits cages are  known to be tight as you can see we are honestly   probably touching all these corners but we did  have to jack up the cage inside the car that   way we can get it over these humps and whatnot  but this is working tremendously well moving the   cage where we need it lower in the Jack there we  go that's the right speed this side is a little   hovery I bet you if I once uh oh yeah we need to  put the base plate in the front I'm sure that'll   help it we can get this Jack out of here now it  looks so odd in the center of the car that's weird   let's try the dash bar out uh I think we have to  go underneath that there's so many wires in the   way oh looks like we have to delete it well n dude  just just cut it I'm serious you had to cut like   probably it's of no you still have defrost yeah  but I have no blower motor not yet yeah I might   just delete it I only wanted to keep this box  because you know when you're on your cool down   lap you can put your heat blast to full you  get that additional cooling M that's what I'm   saying you're going to eliminate that you're not  rear rad you just get a bigger uh reservoir for   your coolant I don't even think you have a coolant  reservoir tank do you no so yeah you get a four or   five gallon Reservoir in the rear rear She's Tight  oh so it does fit with the Box all right yeah it   does fit it's got this Loop in there it Lally fits  perfectly with that wow I think I might still take   out the heater core clean things up a bit we  haven't popped This Hood in months let's see   if the engine's still in it sweet so since  we're eliminating our heater core box I've   decided we're going to continue this looping  until I can figure out where I need to block   off the hoses here couple fittings here that  combine shorter hoses into longer hoses so   we're going to just combine them that way there's  one port that comes off the back of the head area   here maybe it's the block then there's one that  comes out under the thermostat so realistically   there's a hose going from here all the way around  to the heater core so it's a pretty long heater   core line that we can finally eliminate we ended  up getting the 240 coolant hose figured out but I   wanted to try and fit on some spacers here not  usually a fan of spacers but we might need to   run them for now because like we mentioned in  the last video our wheels are kind of sunk in   in the front it's not horrible but it's probably  one of my biggest pet peeves I want to be able   to see this outer lip at least flush with the  Fender so it looks like we need bare minimum 5   mil there's already I think a five on there so I  have these here bolt on and slide on so I think   there's extended studs on there this might be  10 mil how thick do you think that is I don't   really do millimeters but I don't know half in  you're one of them standard guys huh yep half inch well that's plenty of threads how do we feel  about that sorry is it too much no it's just   right that's perfect so since we know the  other wheel fits perfectly while I have   this one off I'll show you we have a 17 by9  BR wheel but the offset is plus 25 generally   that fits okayish so basically the lower  the number the more the wheel will stick   out and since we know this is a 15 mil by  the way I just measured it since we know   the 15 mil actually makes it look better we  need to subtract 15 from the total offset so   since this is a 25 minus 15 we need a 17x 9 +  10 that's how you figure it out hope that made sense always dude that looks way better  you never know what half an inch can do   what Che out man I'm so hyped we finally got this  thing sitting right oh it's so good fitment is   perfect I think I might try and find some 18s  for the front I have two new things to put on   the Nissan Gloria I'll give you the first clue the  temp plate is missing and the second one is OEM   floor mats I really like the fact that they say  Grand Turismo it's pretty sweet that it matches   the trim I've noticed a lot of '90s Nissans  will just say the car name for example like   it would say Gloria or 300ZX but I think it's  pretty cool if they put the trim the floor mats   currently in the Gloria are just red I don't  think these are Factory at all but they did   add a cool contrast to the interior but I've  been kind of building this as an oem car not   even OEM Plus at this point so I figured the  factory floor mats would be the best option   as for the license plate a lot of you guys  gave me some great suggestions but I had a   friend messag me an idea and I couldn't  resist well what do you guys think Gizzy   it's fitting Gloria Gizzy I don't know now you get  two plates here and for some reason they started   adding this little label to both plates place  sticker here on rear plate but like you can't take   that off so if you have that on the front you have  this ugly logo here but the question is do I want   to do the fold style license plate or do I want  to put it in the stock hooks I also don't have a   frame for this so I don't exactly want to scratch  all the paint in here I have to try and make some   kind of buffer for now oh they're kind of like  velcro to the carpet it's a weird material that   actually grips it interesting oh yeah that's  sweet right next to the Gloria oh yes and it   actually still has that factory hook thank God I  love when they do that think can just make sure   it stays in place doesn't move around and you're  getting in and out sweet even the passenger sides   say gr Turismo and then when we go to the back it  doesn't actually say anything right now but if you   notice we have one piece left and strangely enough  this goes over the center of that train tump right here all right yeah that's pretty sweet it's  kind of crazy to see a floor mat in the center   though I guess there is actually a seat belt  here so it makes sense that include a floor   mat for the center I don't know who's going  to be sitting in here like this for the sake   of protecting the paint on the trunk I think I am  going to do the bend style so I'm going to take   it over here to my metal folding press you just  slide it in as much as you want then we'll fold it up sweet now let's install our sticker ah  it's crooked it's got a rough idea of how   this will look oh you know what I forgot  the license plate holes don't line up on   Japanese cars there it is there there it is  there we're going to have to do some Drilling   right through the new sticker sweet see how we  did I'm going to put these rubber washers in   between the trunk and the plate just so there's a  little buffer zone don't want this thing rattling   around and again scratching up all this [Music]  paint oh yeah that's sick now there are some   differences with this new plate last year when I  registered the 300 ZX with the 240 ZX X plate it   has this indent for where the sticker is supposed  to go versus this new strange laminated label not   to mention it looks like the border is darker on  the new plate and this one is just all silver I   guess and the Illinois logo is darker just a few  minor differences now there are a couple examples   of why I always get the EA plates EA stands for  expanded antique versus just the regular antique   so you can drive it longer throughout the year  there's no mileage restrictions and it's like   $60 a a year to renew it versus a regular plate  like for example the Integra for some reason I   don't have antique plates on that it's like 150  or 160 a year just for this sticker and on top   of that every car that's 96 and newer has to  do emissions testing here if you're within a   certain range near Chicago which we are actually  in that zone now the Z is a 96 so technically it   would need emissions but since I have these  expanded antique plates it's exempt that's a   loophole that not even the DMV knows cuz when I  tried to register it they're like oh you need to   pass admissions I'm like no I don't it's exempt  sometimes you got to do the research and find out   for yourself because not everyone's on your side  especially with avoiding emissions and all they   do for emissions is just plug in a scan tool  and see if you have a check engine light now   obviously the Z would not pass because it has  a Ka in it but they don't insert anything into   your exhaust or check for fumes it's really  only to see if you have a check engine light   which is kind of interesting is that really an  emissions check anyone want these red floor mats   well since we modified the car I guess  that gives us an excuse to go on a test drive no but really I just need an excuse to take  the car out to get some tacos I think it's time   that we put on the rear wheels again and if you  missed out on what happened when I got these faces   rechrome at the chrome shop one of them started  chipping immediately there a couple spots just   flaking off and and once Chrome starts flaking  that's the end of it so I ended up taking this   face apart and I was going to drop it off of the  shop and get it redone but he said he's leaving   leaving on vacation for 6 weeks I think what I'm  going to do instead is take off the front wheels   take off one of the faces that are not chipped  put it on the rear wheel because we know that   these are built in the right spec they fit the car  and then we can rebuild the fronts while all that   is apart but before I take apart the fronts I want  to jack it up take off the wheels put a spacer on   that way I can see exactly how much I need to add  to the outer lip we've been doing some guessing   about it but nothing works better than actually  test fitting a spacer and mounting it on the car   and you can see when you look straight down the  car the top lip of the wheel is sunk in not ideal   I have a feeling it's only going to need like 15  mm so I'm going to slap these on and see how it looks this is always an important thing to  check when you're installing spacers on the   car you want to make sure that in between  the lug holes there is an open space because   sometimes there'll be flat and it'll hit  the studs that are on your Hub already and   that could damage these or the wheel luckily  there is a gap here so the studs will fit no problem already that looks way better I will  say the tire is a little too meaty but that's okay oh yeah see that's perfect A good rule  of thumb for me is when you look straight   down on the fender you want to be able to  see the upper lip and we can looks good   fits way better it's crazy what a difference 15  mm makes that's the same space we had to put on   the front of the Z as well now yeah I could  just run spacers but honestly I don't want to   they're three-piece Wheels you might as well  rebuild them in the right spec that kind of   defeats the whole purpose of having three-piece  Wheels now that we've confirmed we need to add   an additional 1/ in or 15 mil same spec to the  outer lips in the front I'm going to put that   face that is not cracked onto this wheel lipin  barrel combo and then I put this chipped face   onto that front wheel since we know we have  to rebuild it anyways and I'll just wait till   the guy gets back from vacation cuz I would  rather have these wheels on the car than just   laying around so to start us off looks like  we need a couple 10 12.10 and same with the back all the hardware is removed from the face in  between the lip and the barrel now I need to use a   mallet to try and get it off of the outer lip here  so this is a good example this recessed lip houses   the outer lip of the wheel and the inner barrel  you can see that it's flush right here so give   it a few waxs I will also say I deflated this tire  so it's not going to be pressing apart our seal in   the middle got the face out but unfortunately  I heard some cracking sounds which means most   likely that seal in between this lip and Barrel  just split the fronts were a lot tighter of a   fit than the rear this was on there pretty good  I have a feeling this is not going to hold there   anymore so this officially needs to be rebuilt  which kind of sucks because I was hoping they   just run these for now but in the meantime we can  put this good non- chipped face onto that other wheel well well well well at least we can put  these rears back on it does kind of suck that   the lip and barrels split on the front that's  all right I guess it forces me to order those   outer lips sooner than expected what's up Mr  Tim hello a few videos ago we determined that   there was some weird clicking sound coming from  the left rear and now that we have the wheel   off we can kind of inspect what's going on here  looks like this tab is supposed to stick out on   the brake pad Hardware but look at this one it's  kind of smooshed in I'm wondering if that warped   it enough to hit the rotor or something I do see  a lighter rust Ridge here so maybe it's grinding   just the edge oh that's kind of bare metal there  I don't know either way I'm going to try and pull   it out and see if that makes a difference but  while I'm in here I'm noticing these brake pads   have like maybe 3 mil left so I need to do some  brakes soon where to find brake pads for this thing oh yeah good to be back what do we think  yeah no that's really it's really stupid good   I want to see if these Chrome johnes will fit  on the front I just put the those Ras on the   front as a placeholder this is the wheel  that came off of the left rear and a lot   of you guys were commenting about maybe there's a  pebble stuck in the tire well there is let's I'm   going to leave it there let's see if the sound  moves to the front Okay good idea I'm kind of curious let's check our clearance oh we got plenty of room  well maybe not plenty but enough all   right let's see how this fits with it on the  ground I don't want it to rub the fenders too much oh that's not bad wow the fitment is actually  great in the front ni sweet yeah I guess we'll run   that till I get some lips for the other Wheels to  rebuild so was it staggered 18 17 rear before yeah   it was opposite stagger before you couldn't really  tell for some reason but now you can tell you can   definitely tell the rear is talking honestly I'm  not in front the rear so good that I forgot how   good this was in the back best yeah it's sweet  it's going to settle some more too after driving   oh definitely all right test drive part two let's  see if that sound went away is it the front I'm   pretty sure it is damn yep dude it's that PE  it's the front it's that Pebble are you sure   it's not the back it's the front no way yeah 100%  all right let's pick out the pebble and then and   then try again I told him I was like I don't  know he's like I'm pretty sure it's The Brak   Hardware all right I'm picking it out right now  it's so loud and obvious oh there it is yeah you   can see it yeah and there's like w like a bunch  of dust around it oh yeah I'm putting this in my pocket I can't believe somebody clocked that  in the comments they probably experienced it   that's too funny it's still there it's the  wheel I don't know man are you sure it's   not the rear dude it's the front dude it's  a a th% the front you can tell camera okay yeah R yeah rear is silent it's the  front dude it must be something with   that tire then it's something  with that tire or the wheel yeah you haven't been here in a while with this car you see anything literally nothing dude it's  so weird like nothing concerning at all it's got   to be the tire bro look how cooked this tire  is it is pretty cooked oh my God that's what   I'm saying maybe it's like the belt slapping  internally it really could be oh I love the   plate dude right Gizzy you could really couldn't  tell before for some reason but now it's the most   obvious thing ever yeah you can see the Gap in  the front there 100% they do the rear fitment   now Bonkers well that's going to end today's  video if you can do me a favor make sure that   YouTube didn't automatically unsubscribe you I've  been hearing that that's been happening to some   people we're going to start the next video here  soon so see you shortly the problem that I'm used   to you the feeling I don't want to lose the only  I think about exactly what I dream about I'm you


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