Слет караванеров ABUNAFEST 2021 / Большое мероприятие для всех кто любит автопутешествия по России

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Hi friends! You are on the Yachts on Wheels channel, and we are in the Oryol region in the Mtsensk region. The second annual rally of caravaners ABUNAFEST 2021 takes place here. Report from the scene. "Because you are my caravan godfather." The event in which we are now is called ABUNAFEST 2021. we are in the village of spasskoe-lutovinovo muza in the museum-estate of ivan sergeich and turgenev state museum on its territory this is an annual festival of the Vanir festival that gathers well, which this year gathered more than 300 crews from the whole country from Vladivostok to Sevastopol from the Arctic to our extreme southern points where else and even from Belarus and from Ukraine from other regions the most important idea is friendship is peace this kinship is the perception of each other as the most dear and close people this is the discovery of treasures the most important discovery for yourself of a new friend of a new person, opening yourself through this person is communication is the unification of people in one spirit in one aspiration in one joy if you do not feel every my love for you, then it’s worthless for me and do nothing here, and I think that it’s not because I’m so, I succeed, but I want to share this love with each of you and everyone and s we firmly embrace and this love gives to pass and always waiting for you in my arms and bathe in this love together rejoice communication that we have each other because the main value of our land is what we are the people everyone is the most expensive of the world we are the the main thing on this earth God created all this miracle for us that we see the world that green is the sun the rain these nightingales each other happy and just happy and this joy let us here were filled to share with each other all of you tight hug greet one at the fest time the opening of our festival was great; representatives of the administration of our Orlovskaya region of our Mtsensk district, the director of the museum, sergey afanasyevich shtukin, who, in principle, organized this entire site with his team, everything went at the highest level, we do not have enough electricity and water and sanitary conditions, everything is fine which after we again for what changed , we still had 8 parking spaces which equipped to the requirement of owning the dude drowned and they all psy says fit in all positions and this and electricity is his then and perhaps draining gray water the opportunity to fill in clean water roller shutters clothing he sticks out on prices for auto camping and now ours will die from a witness will enter everything hail do you even consider if the future is certainly behind the caravan in russia, of course, I would, if I didn’t think so, I wouldn’t do the parking filter here, we will feel it last year because as soon as the restrictions on the arrival of tourists were lifted to us just a stream traveled guests from across the country, we understand that the volumes and the prospects for domestic tourism are not very large very thing I think that over time, this platform will only grow will improve the infrastructure will improve the conditions for Caravanners for the traveler machine travelers because they have often this is the travelers people who came for tents do not join the caravanning, they open for I myself am a new world and new travel opportunities, namely caravanning, and I think that more and more participants will be or the bottom of a higher quality level, especially since we are preparing programs it will be interesting to us there will be a concert of rock bands we will be represented by royal companies that will be implemented here for such a good the conditions necessary for the caravan ram products for gas equipment for plumbing there and so on and so on why dometic came to this event and well, first of all, this is our specialized event, since one of our definitions is called dometic outdoor and produces everything for mobile tourism and we are the leader in mobile tourism, and now we also present here those solutions that can be implemented separately from the car, for example, like this wonderful modular hop that you can attach somehow and just use it as a wonderful tent on the street also we Introducing our new range of beverage bottles everything that is in our assortment is in the refrigerator and this is all necessary for those who, in principle, travel by car, and for those who are interested in spending time outdoors in russia, there are not so many such events and they are usually not as large-scale as you as professionals in this How do you evaluate this event? The organization generally likes how people fit a lot what are they really interested in, this is the first off-site event in which we participate and I want to note that it was organized very cool, that is, early and you took part in closed exhibitions and I can say that here the organizers are very attentive not only to the participants, but also to the companies that represent their brands the maximum interested audience and so specifically our target audience they come interested in and how directly the technology that they already use because, as I noted dometic is a leader in the field of practical all cars at home or caravans something from dometic, but in itself it has either completely stuffed with this, those new proposals that appear in our assortment are interesting, let's say we have some kind of breakdown or something we need, but from dometic and to repair it in a car house, we can come to you you can advise help order some details here of course we will certainly advise by the way at this event with us our technical service manager is not here but I want to point out to you a lot of questions come just about auto parts and consult how best to use one or other equipment, but in principle mine naturally we give our contacts we are very loyal to our consumers to everyone who is interested in this topic in general and we will calmly advise we will give advice on how to use something better or how it is more convenient and faster to replace something with a compressor which audience is mainly at this event and is it worth coming here for those who still may not have a car ? whether or not it is possible to rent it, but as far as we noticed here, the audience is already such a family people and there is 35 years old, that is, there are no young people here yet, perhaps our young people still do not have the opportunity to purchase just the same car caravans at home because that this is an expensive story, but we want to make a remark that autotourism is not only these large vehicles that you can move on, you can safely also travel by car, given that, in particular, dometic represents a lot of solutions that you can take with you to fit the trunk and make your vacation as comfortable as possible deny iron ore so my children came for the first time bought a house on yachts on wheels here we arrived enjoying why you came to this event how did you find out what you expect from him found out on the Internet wrote a request for the festival for c for caravaners and found just strange that there is no group like there in the telegram or something else like this is not ours Well, well, that didn't take long to get together, everything was perfectly organized cool and what is your main goal at the event, what are you waiting for, and there communication of some purchases may be why you came why did you come to spend time? expect the first time we are here so it's hard to say the children want to become famous here to act in your channel have been traveling for a long time, well, it’s in a car house, well, we have been renting from you for a couple of years, now we have bought what you have in there now that they bought a sanitary condition living 70d to happy with the purchase so far yes well, this is the first time that is why, but we drove it on the previous one, here on it, and this new year and yes everything is fine, everything is fine, well, we wish you good travels, thank you and all the best loaf and travel because I started still I slept like this from the kayak back in Soviet times, when we were still carrying everyone in our backpack, but in this event we had 50 crews arrived last year after later We decided here and of course we track the sites on everywhere and came here so that after this is now the biggest event this year that has been done here in this museum, well, first of all, a lot of friends, we are talking here, well, we decide all questions where where the next gathering will be friends to talk to to sit by the fire and open to relax this is in our time the most from freedom of action until here you can with tents there are people there there is water and light its toilet and shower so people come with tents by car and everything is fine, everything is fine, well, even here you see an out-of-the-box shop here, it would not be literally a kilometer and a half, let there be five shops, all of us people can not carry on ourselves, but all this is here on the way to get it and why did you come here but I came in an all-metal car home to homemade products because but who like in my house everything is there and water and light and 220 and a toilet is all that is needed and we have a large tent in front of the house for receiving guests and generally sit here by itself what we invite the samovar will be a samovar with with all Russian gingerbread cookies and other sweets, so you want everyone on the forum, all in the bud, many came did not even know this place saw on the Internet, it seems to me that every year there will be more and more and will be very now a lot to land a lot of young people who are interested in themselves, as a fighter, their own masters, everything in their car, the sites are more comfortable here, to develop technologies, ladies, something of the court, we will come up with an interesting one, that it will be popular, that it will be in demand, I have no doubt there will be 2 crews times more than this time I was 40 that year frame 49 sergey this time five times more than 250 caravanning is a large number of participants even by European standards, and for Russia, especially where there are not so many caravans, but what is important here is very Russian mentality, everyone actively communicates with each other, shares some of their alterations, modifications in auto houses, march Therefore, it is very important to come to such events, at least for this, this is the most important thing for trusting each other, people have promised when we believe and went and now everyone, in principle, is already planning to come next year, a compulsory groove comrade, someone's friends, relatives, of course, of course thanks to the available, I came and fill them with the black source, who in general the atmosphere is good, we cordially welcome everyone here and I will speak of all types of attacks, but I want to say the events I put on excellent because on Thursday I arrived here the leaders met the places determined there is still water and this is a security light it seems who does not have toilet rooms all have showers there is that I can’t say anything very well even to correct something there is no word like you combine your hobby with traveling with such a hobby of organizing such events, so to speak, with your main service, combining with hard but I am in the world there of time, so the slightest of some will not appear how many days we try to go somewhere we try to meet with someone we try to accept someone well and so on the result of abu nuwas is a cool event where real caravan r gathers and communicate with each other and if you possibly watch our channel for a long time but never come to such events come to the will fest even if you don't have a motorhome yet and there is no opportunity to rent come here with a tent chat with real people see the houses inside you can ride and decide how you start your journey in the nge caravan also subscribe to our channel we filmed here cool interview with caravan rame so as not to miss them my name is Anton until we meet again bye


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