Using One2Explore to perform an exploratory testing session for StickyNotes

Using One2Explore to perform an exploratory testing session for StickyNotes

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You. Hello. I'm peeing, and from, me your solution, and I'm going to show you some, tests about it would absolutely not, the. Environment, I'm going to test is Windows, 10 education. Version. Sometime. In do I'm going to test normal. Test image. Videos. Link. URL, files. Folders. Symbols. In equation. Because. I will copy and paste. Some kind. Of tax so. My precondition. For this test is copy, and paste in stick not acceptable. Including. Using hotkeys, ctrl-c, and ctrl-v I. Am. Using once FRA, the. Ricotta, I have, pasted. So. Let's start first. I will test a key not with different, language. Startling. It in this. Lotus. Tikki not in, Albany. Pinyin. Minot. Is life, automatically. Now. I release will be from another, language live, nummies. Closed. In. Open the game. My. Knot is like automatic, only in is my. Vietnamese is displayed. Correctly, I. Want. To try, with another. Kind. Of language a. Pictograph. Because. I don't know how to tie this pictograph. So, I will, need to have up google. Chains like I took. Her, on to text here. There's. Happy. In case. Harem. E, displayed. Instantly, not correctly. And. I. Would. Hide closed cross, do not open, it again. So. It's them in its correct. Now. Our verify. Stick be not miss flight enough, and or contain, up a long place, I. Would. He's. A. Very. Very long test into sticky not let's. Create a new sticky, not. Concern. I control, C to copy, entices. I noticed. That me is only vertical, scroll, back up here. With. Very long tense, in sticking. Up there's no horizontal, scrum. Back. Under. I reduce, the Y the. White obstacle, not there. Is no. Horizontal. Scrander. Up here. However. They. Contain, are not pass, the test is. Same as its origin. I. Found. That me is a world. Is. Blue. Toe. When. I click on it our, message, appear, at, you meander. Shoeless. Guests your America, in eastern India shining I can get started with. Can't Anna. My. Conclusion. Is the key not is compact. Good reminder, I of. Katana. A. Very. Long place. Is. This flight, is, picking, up. Correctly. Like. Subsisting, like I. Seduced. Obsessively. This, bowling witnessed Conchata, is, frosty. Not behind the with in booted data is really URL. Let. Me list it. In. Starting, ricotta countries, for. Now. I will copies. Ali, Rio. And. I is in the sticky, note in. The. Building. You are Arabic, tongue. Into blue. However. I click on it I miss, it appear open link. We. Were opened, in. Microsoft. Edge. Browser. The, ling-ling, intro is where pay so. This. Charge a little quick on the fling. They. No time happen. So. When, you click on the link are when, you block the link you will see the message of, the link and you. Will be. Linked, user. Will be linked to the dry, crack website. Of the link URL but. When you double, click on the link there's nothing, happened. I've, just, got the a lingerer, and placed in the sticky not now, I will. Hide. The. Link on. By. The keyboard. In. The. Sticky.

Notes Tarik on I that, this is a union, URL. Link so charge. Above this link. It's. Going to a correct website you. Will. Try. To. Tie. In our happy to be. Worldwide. Web Darfur. Over. Web doc you. The, Tyrell. This. Is not a rye, pipe. Website. Charlie. Website. In. My. Web. You. To be. You. This. Is the web brain is so lean to website. I. Just. I would test me or why, web doc. You, to the. Doctor. Come i. Sorry. Attire, on website, i tie. Around the knit our side. Walk. Why wait doc, you, to. Be just, pump. Away. Finally. Sorry. -, like I, type. In. Kirtan. Name of the website this. Is the website i want to open and. Just. Dry them up now. We will, type. Retail. Walk away. It's. Amazing. Sticky, not recognize. That this, what. I type, is, our. URL link, in the. Sticky. Notes part use. Of to open, the link that, use. A paste, akin to it. Now. I will not eat into the. Lunches. So. Totally. I resent. The, speaking up when I, copy, in his. Image. Of in videos, in the sticking up. Because. I can. Tie. Image, or video into sticking also I have to you copy. And paste, from. A computer I. Will. Delete the old sticky. Not. So. Now. Starting. Record. I'm. Stopping, with this thing. Copy. Inmates, and pasting, it into sticking. Not to, verify, if they're sticky not. Spotless. Play you. Mate. This. Is a GPT, file. Ctrl. C to copy in, control, V space, I. See. Nothing happened. Nothing, is this is flight under sticking up I will. Try, again copy. And. Paste. I. Cried. Click on the screen up sticky, note but there's nothing, up here there's no option appear, I'm. Sure, that there is something appear when you happy. In. Place. There's. An option for you to choose a space, but. There's nothing, here, when. You copy. An. Image. So, I, can, copy and paste some cheap, eg Phi into stick you know now. I will try with beach in, GFI. This. Is on PNG, image. Entrance. It's a copy and ctrl V to paste, nothing. Happened, to. So. In conclusion. Sticky. Not does. Not spot. To. Display. Image. Now. I would has the, videos, it does taking us about to display, videos. Videos. I'm. So sorry. I. Have. Some type, of video. Or stopping good. Idea. Copy. But. Nothing. Happens so I try, again copy. Days. Suck. On video ease. Window. Media player. Cup, me in space. Nothing. Happened. Let's. Try again copy. Base. There's. No base option. Maybe. A, window. Media place is, not. Displayed. Sure. And. Just, the, top type. Is. Avi. Video. I. Have. A semi shop. So. Now. I guess, that. Sticking. Up does not this support. To display. Video, on, it, so. I would, hit, the fun type, of video, a very. Very popular, video. Fight, in, before. There's. No base of some, concern, we did, not hang happen, to. In. Conclusion. Now. I would test to. Copy. In. His. Price, and folder, into, sticky, note. There. Are many tired, of five I chose some table. Try. To, test. Like. PDF, Microsoft, Excel. Microsoft Word, not. Bad in faster. Starting. With video I. Forgot. To recut. But, you'll see you, can juvie. There's. Nothing, happened. What. About Microsoft. Excel. Copy. There's. No big Upson I would try to gain control C, and control V. Nothing. Now. Is, why. Microsoft, Word document. What. About not that. Nothing. Happened when I press, ctrl-c, and ctrl-v. This. Is SFI. Which, are the copy option but. There's no place absolutely. So. My, conclusion. Is. Sticking. Up does not support. The. Display. Not, only fire but we also have to test photos. Maybe. Five. Sticking. Up business about fire but there is support. To display, folder. Let's. See I will. Get this folder. Copies. I forgot, to recut. Ctrl. C to copy and, ctrl V, to base. This. Nothing. Happened, I will. Try again, copy, and, I. Can't. See the paste option, two I will. Press control V. Support. Or. Display. Folders. Finally. I will test this. Plastic, nut behavior, with inverted data is as symbols. And equation. Starting. This symbol. Because. I, can tie symbol. So. I have. To. Copy. Symbol. From Microsoft, Word and paste. Is, interesting. Up. First. I will. Get. On other, symbols. I recently. Oh copy. In. Place. Now, let's compare the contain, only symbol. First. Second. Tut. I see. A strange, symbol, here a. Rectangle. Equal. To the. Symbol. Continue. Another. Rectangle, -. You. Can show us my fate. Okay. There. Are two symbol, we, are different, from is, already, known so. Let's. See what is. This, symbol belong to winnings. From. So. I would try. There's, some symbol. Of winnings. I. Think. Is enough. Let's. Got me in. Pace. On. Era tones. These. Symbol, are not displayed. Correctly in. Our sticking, out. This. Bet. Some others.

Symbols. Some. Other form, of symbol. Just, string them. Wonderful. Visible. A displayed. Substantially, in sticky not. This. Is clear. If, you notice, these, they, are so many from that having. Same contains, up is symbol they, are just different from, the phone. We. Contains are similar. They, are on having, operation. Or greater. Numbers. In character. Hey, after our form. Of symbol that they, that. Does not contain, character. Operator, operation. In characters. Lipid. Is. Enough. Puppies. In Bates. Wow. Right Tomas. This. Lira needs to you. It's. Not. Mullet. From, mallet, is not, lewdness. Contains. Only average her aberration. In, character, light out of font. Copy. In. Face. This. Is my. Expect attrition. Hololens. Mallet. Do. You find on the phone, that. Does. Not display, on sticky notes successfully. This, phone is. This. Phone is not correct angle so we're. Apart, it, will. Not desert I. Which. I with another phone. Microsoft. Office in gobo. They. Look like weddings. Got, me in Bates. Rectangle. Is I respecting. This. Far more. Choy. These. From, this, placing. Below climate, summit. Guindon's quite a display, display, operators. Operation. Numbers, in characters. So. I think, that. Sticking. Up the nozzle, spot. On other. Form. Of symbols, sticky. Notes only support, the. Form does is, Express. Operators. Operation. In. Number. And character, lattice. But. The. Phone lies. This. One I have a foul. Say. This. One does. Not this. One are not displayed. Successfully. Under sticking up. Now. My chart is find on the phone that is not support on a sticking up. Microsoft. Office. In the regular. Send. Me pose. We, brings. Windings. Cleaning too. Peachy. Okay. These. From, our symbol. Is not spotted, in sticky note. That's. Only if, stecchino, does not display, data lies symbol his suit is blight, on up a symbol. From. A pawn of you this is the book. Finally. Our verified, as thick not eat the sticky note display, equation, correctly. Al. Quraían is, the key not for, a new test. In. Same. Ever. Symbol. I have to use. My, first couple to get equation. Here to, copy and paste into sticky, note. This. Bobby. Here's. Some, popular, equation, lets. You it. Please. The question, is different from, is rhe. Know that bad. About. From. Updates. Front. Side for upstairs and front side but it's contain is its display, currently, so. With this chapter we, will only focus on the content, of the equation. Restarting. Compare. The, next equation I. See. Something, string, of the, paste equation. And. It's expression. Is different from the. Equation. In macro support. Let's, see what happened, I think. That equation, is the cannot is expressed. With another, white light line, II so. Let's see the line II from, other equation. Well. They are similar. So. The. True. First, true equation, of, the, math. That. I copy, from, Arkansas, or in paste into sticky, note is. Added. Supply, subsequently. Sharma. Chinaman. From. Now we will contain, compared. To. The. Questions, in line in front. Successfully. They. Are on base. Lease obsessively. They, are saved. Or. Contained the. Parts. Final. You. Find an equation. In, sticky, note lay out some, string. Character, a payable swing and cost but. I think this is just a formal. Mathematical. Mathematic. I. Don't. Think this is about. This. Is a. Way. Of, expression. Abstechie. Not, when. They using. Map. From. Math. Not, magic, formula, I. Test.

All, Of, the equation. Papa equation. Here, but. There's some. There's. Some. Operator. In operation. I want to test more. We. Will continue. With. Stay. On. This. Get on this symbol. Operation. Okay. I think is enough. Got, me in place. Let. Check. First. Second. Tut. Okay. The. Operate, was. Copied. In hate, this. Interest, Aquino successfully. And. Now starting, with these. Structure. Cookies. Baked. Ce9. You from. They. Are said. Charlie. A lot of friction. Successfully. This, equation. Is, beta successfully. Now. This. Is ready call, freshens, critical now we start a good integral. I see. As integral. Symbol. Maybe. The. Reason is, I. Let. The. Operation. Is in place that I will tie something, here, I. Copy. Paste. So. It. Is crystalline, II from. This. Equation, is Paisley. Successfully. Displayed. Correctly. That. Operator, now. Continue, with bracket. And, at least operation, in these so. Sticky. Not only, display the operators. Now. I would tie something, a. The. Seat. Ugly. You, know face. Successfully. They're, for sure. Perfect. The. Question is copied, and pasted, into sticky. Notes obsessively. No. Are. Using, function. Subsist. Only. Equation. Is copied, and pasted, into stecchino. Successfully. We. Continue, with Asian. I see. Some, strange symbol, here. The. Keynote does not display. Employee. Operations. But is why. Operators. Well, they. Eat your operator here in they are high. Strength. Now. I was, sometimes some. Celebration. Here. I. Forgot. To say it with line me from. There. Not Korean, money from. Bracket. Sticking. Out does not display, bracket. Okay. Let's try again. Mr.. Asian. Is. Christ. Using. Some brekkie. Only. Is there's, no bracket-y. Me. From. Market. This. Is a book sticking. Up does not display. II. Display. This, is. Action. To, continue our, testing. This. Asian formula, is correct. This, is clear. This, station, is correct, oh. Now. Is limit, in lot. We. Methylene. Appear. Strange. Simple, this. Similar, to when. We copies, in base things, constant. Constant, so. I think this is a y abstechie not to displace, pass, or formula. Or equation. Pat. It's I don't, think this is about. Charted. Maths. Correct. And. I'll greater like. This. Correct. He. Disease, also. Control. See in, face. Correcto. Now. I will test magic. Stays. In learning from. -. Just is. This. Equation, is. Correct. So. I will map in the bot idea, that. The. Book we, found with, the, Asian. Equation. This, is the end of my test we, in put out a sticky note thank. You for watching.

2018-02-10 18:35

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