Wyoming Republican Gubernatorial Primary Debates - 2018

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Funding. For this program was provided in, part by the Wyoming Public, Television, endowment and viewers like you. Wyoming. PBS presents, the. Republican, gubernatorial primary. Debate 2018. Live, from the Wyoming National. Guard Joint Forces Readiness. Center in Cheyenne, the. Gubernatorial primary. Debate is presented, by Wyoming, public media and Wyoming. PBS. Good. Evening and welcome to the Wyoming 2018. Republican, gubernatorial primary. Debates live from the Wyoming National, Guard join. Forces Readiness, Center here, in Cheyenne I am Craig bloomin shine from Wyoming PBS and joining, joining. Me this evening are Bob Beck from Wyoming public media and Joel, funk from the Laramie boomerang and we'll be questioning the candidates for governor during, tonight's two debates all, the Republican, candidates for governor are with us this evening and with, the assistance of polling from the University, of Wyoming we have split the candidates into two, one-hour, debates, our first debate will include gubernatorial candidates. Sam, gallidos mark, Gordon and Harriet Hegeman and our, second debate beginning, exactly one hour from now will, include candidates, build on Foster. Friess and Taylor, Haines all. Of the candidates have been briefed on the ground rules for tonight's debate and the, order of the candidates as you see them on stage was randomly picked right, before the debate this evening I also. Want to tell our listeners and viewers that, August 2nd in riverton will be the Democratic 2018. Gubernatorial. Primary. Debate and that'll, be on, August 2nd the. First question in lieu of opening statements is predictable, and the questions that follow will, have been drawn from a pool of over 100. Questions submitted. By listeners, of Wyoming public media and viewers, of Wyoming PBS and also, crafted by Joel. Bob and myself we. Want to get right to our debate so. If the candidates, are ready let's, begin mr., galley Otis the first questions to you please, introduce yourself, and describe why you feel you are most qualified to be Wyoming's, next governor well. Thank you for the opportunity, to be here this evening I am. The most qualified candidate. To serve as your governor, of Wyoming because. I have the real-world experience. And the, track record to solve the current challenges, the state faces, and position. Our state for the long term I've. Lived, the why entrepreneurial. Spirit, since, I was a kid from. Working in my family's, businesses, to. Selling. Pop at this in the stands at Cheyenne Frontier Days to, flipping burgers at Griffes burger bar down on Pershing. Boulevard, these. Early experiences, served, me throughout my entire career, where I ultimately, led a global travel, technology company. That, generated. Over a billion, five in annual revenues. Operated. In a hundred different countries and, had. Thousands, of employees, across the country or across the world. Wyoming. Needs a fresh perspective, from. A conservative, leader who has vision knows. How to make a decision, can. Solve complex, problems and, more importantly, can get the job done I am. That person Thank. You mr.. Gordon well. Thank you I grew up on a ranch outside, of KC and currently. Serve as your treasurer I'm, a Wyoming conservative. Pro-family. Pro-second. Amendment Pro, smaller government, closest, to the people I have, worked in all the industry's, most important, in Wyoming, agriculture. Tourism, and. Energy. In my.

Time As treasurer state funds have grown by over five, billion dollars. We. Modernized, our portfolio. And our, office, to, do more with less and we, protected, our state's. Interests. Against, federal. Overreach, it's. The only I am the only candidate, in the race who has a proven track record of saving, taxpayers, money and I'm, the only candidate, in this race who, has a proven track record of working with the legislature, to. Grow Wyoming, business and I stood up to defend your Constitution. At the Supreme Court I, am. The only candidate, ready to hit the ground running this fall and I, would appreciate your, vote thank, you. Yes. Candidate. With the education, background, experience. And expertise, to be an effective governor I have, dedicated, the last twenty plus years of my career fighting. For and protecting, Wyoming's interests, and the interests of those individuals, and industries, that are critically, important, to the future of our state's I have, an unrivaled understanding. And unwavering support for our industries, such as minerals agriculture. And tourism I'm, an expert on federal overreach and the damage that Washington, DC has visited upon Wyoming, and our citizens, I am, the only candidate, who has spot against the federal government and one, and I, am just getting started as governor. I will do even more as you. Will learn in the state debate there are substantial, differences between, my opponents, and myself mine. Has been eight great grass roots to weigh campaign, having, traveled, over, 29,000. Miles in six months meeting with and listening. To my fellow citizens I have. A deep understanding of, the challenges, facing Wyoming. And I am optimistic that, with the right leaders, our future. Is bright. Thank. You Bob Beckel ask the first question now, to mr. Gordon, mr.. Gordon as we continue, to try and grow and develop the tech sector some argue that we should be more inclusive. Danfa. Non-discrimination. Law that would perhaps encourage. Well. Thank, you I think. That our state's Constitution. Speaks very broadly, about the, fact that no one should be discriminated. Against and I, believe very strongly, that, if we see discrimination. In Wyoming. We have the tools to be able to protect, those. People that are being discriminated against, we should look at that carefully, one, of the problems, in this country is that every time we see a problem we feel we have to pass a law and. We. Already have, the tools in our Constitution.

Thank. You responsible, yes. Thank you our Constitution. Does already address equality, for all we are the Equality, states and, we. Do not need to pass special, laws specific. For specific people the, reality is if you look at the economics, of those states that have passed shoji laws economically. They don't do as well as those who have not so, I do not see this as an economic development issue I believe that it is a social issue and I am opposed to making special rules or carving out special, exceptions, or protections, for individuals I believe in the Wyoming Republican. Party platform on, this issue and our resolutions. And I believe in our Constitution, and I believe that that's all that's necessary. Mister. Galliano's I guess. I believe, that our laws are currently adequate, the way they are right now that. Said, I would, like to say that my, faith teaches me that we're to treat everybody with respect courtesy. We're. Not to discriminate against, anyone and we're. To always make sure that we don't judge other people, and that's the way the state is today, I believe, our laws are sufficient, and, I believe that we're, good. Mr.. Burton you have a rebuttal if you'd like. Okay. Next. Question. Miss, Eggman, the. Department helped released a report last year detailing, how the number of residents dependent, on Medicaid benefits will increase significantly in coming years the, cost to Wyoming Medicaid, for long-term care could, increase from 130 million in 2017. To between 184. Million and 312. Million in 2030, according, to a report from the castor Star Tribune how. Can we address this increasing, cost of what of what for many our vital, social safety nets you. Know I think that this is a perfect, example of, what I often say which is that in government were oftentimes trying to fix our last solution, and I, think that that's exactly the what you could describe Obamacare, as being Obamacare. Has been a disaster. Last, year it was nine billion dollars in terms of the states that have expanded Obama, expanded, Medicaid, and I, do not believe in Medicaid. Expansion, in the state of Wyoming I think, that there are a variety of things that we can do one of them is that we need to receipt, a waiver, from. This administration, as three other states have done for. The private, insurance sector so that we have more options. And opportunities available I also, believe in regulatory, reform, one of the problems for our health, care industry is that, it is so over regulated, at the federal level, that it has created numerous problems, and so, again Obamacare, was to fix those and it clearly has failed to do that in a spectacular, way the. Territories, have also received, a waiver from the previous administration. That allows them to sell policies that, are again not compliant, specifically. With the Obamacare requirement, very much thank you mr. Thomas yes. I think there's, really a couple of issues I do I believe in expanding, the Medicaid program. Either I think we have a insurance, issue, and we have a service delivery issue, in this state and I believe on that on the insurance side, we. Should all recognize that we're not going to get any solutions, from Washington, or any of the larger metropolitan. Areas. Around, the country we, need to look to expand. Coverage, across state lines we, need to look at being able to allow groups, of consortiums, of different. People to come together to purchase, insurance, and, we, need to work diligently, on, our service delivery so, that we're creating an environment where people can be cared for no, matter what their status or situation. In the state is mr.. Gordon, well. I think that. I'm. Pretty. Much in agreement with, some of the things that are said here but I think there are really. Great opportunities, at the state level to look. To some of our peers Alaska, for example has. Taken a really interesting approach and, looked at what the state's funds can do to, help lower premiums, over time you, look at butch Otter and Idaho, and some of the skinny, care provisions. He's developed. These, have real promise, and then with the reform, of the Affordable. Care Act Obamacare we've, also seen that there are opportunities. Now to create, health care systems. Through. These, associated, plans, things. Like chambers of commerce can come together and form larger groups I think there are tremendous opportunities. All we need is the will to be able to engage in those the, more competitive our health sector gets the, more people will want to be here and. And compete, for our business, and I believe that's something in next governor can help lead. Yes. Thank you as. I was saying that there are Tara there are options with our US, territories.

And It may be that those are policies, that would work in a rural state like Wyoming we, also need to look at Medicare opportunities. And how do we expand that and then I also want to work with our doctors to make sure that we can come up with the appropriate solutions. One, of the things that I have done is I have traveled the state has spent an enormous amount of time with doctors, and medical care providers, addressing. This very issue because it is so important, to the state of Wyoming, I've heard, some great ideas some great information and I want to implement that as your governor thank you mr. Galliano says questions for me, Republican. Senate vice president, Michael Van Flandern from Gillette said earlier this year this, about Wyoming's, taxes, if. We want to diversify if we want to attract new businesses, our, low taxes, will not do it the, mineral industry is going downward you, want to say you have the most stable tracks tax structure, that, is what corporations and new industry are looking for if we don't diversify our tax base they know the other shoe is going to drop someday and it's going to drop on them we, have to diversify our tax base we need to do that now do. You agree with the Vice President on the Senate and what, does diversifying, Wyoming's tax base mean to you. Well. I I've been very clear in all of our forums, and discussions, that I I'm, some heart somehow, disheartened. By the fact that we automatically. Revert. To some, tax action, in order to solve our problems, right now we have plenty of evidence that our state needs, to control its spending and there's, opportunities. Literally, to reduce hundreds of millions of dollars in, wasteful. Spending in our state I don't. Believe it's an ethical or, moral decision. That we can make to tell people that we're going to raise their taxes, until we can assure them, that we, have reduced the wasteful, spending in our state and they're not spending our, giving, money that goes down the drain I believe. That is the number-one priority we have we, need to control our state spending, and then, go, from there.

Mr.. Gordon well. Thank you this is an issue that we. Brought up some. Time ago in. The context. Of a. Diversifying. Element, in the northern part, of the state what. What. We discovered, is that there. Is opportunity, to talk about what the diversification means, but the. Most important, thing here is getting our, our. Expenses, back in line with our revenues, and we can do that. Diversification. Doesn't. Have to mean diversifying. Away from the mineral sector there, are tremendous, opportunities there. Just two, weeks ago we, formed a loan for Atlas carbon a new, way to use coal, we, have the ITC, which is doing wonderful, work on carbon dioxide and also a mineral, additive, a. Value-added. Proposition. We. Also have some other opportunities. Up in Sheridan so we can diversify our economy by basically. Going in and looking at the great opportunities. That are available for coal and oil and gas and uranium, Skorton, thank you. Diversifying. The tax pace is a euphemism for raising taxes, and I disagree, with that we need to control spending it, was Ronald Reagan who said that a government that the government does not tax to get the money it needs government. Always finds a need for the money that it gets and I think that that's a classic example or description of what has happened here in Wyoming we're, spending too much money our government, is too big our, government, is number one in the United States of per capita and we're number 50 in transparency. And the reality is those two things are related we, need to start practicing better government we need to practice good government we need to be effective, accountable, responsive. Efficient. And we need to be disclosing. Information about, how we're actually spending, our money I believe. That we have wonderful state employees, but we need to protect those state employees in their future as well, because, of the profligate, spending we. Put some things at risk here in Wyoming I think that we our coal industry our, minerals industry has a bright bright future and I. Believe that so long as we can get government out of the way and let our industries, and our small businesses, thrive and survive I think, that we will have what we need in terms of tax revenues we do not need to raise taxes, in the state of Michigan. Yeah. Look I want to be perfectly clear on this controlling, our state spending, is a number-one, priority. We have in this state right. Now based, on the death of the billion dollar deficit, we have we, are creating pressure on all of our agencies all, of our local communities, our education. System, and we, need to control spending first, it, would not be ethical to, talk about raising taxes. Until, we do the hard work first, thank. You the next question for mr. Gordon from Bob back. Some. Money towards and this is a question, for you Wyoming, has long had a problem of not being able provide the mental health care the state needs whether it's substance abuse, mentor general. Mental health which is reflected, by our high rate of suicides, will, you support increasing. The funding for state funded programs, like peak wellness, in an effort to address this problem. Bob, unit you know I think we talked a little bit about spending and how we need to control that it's a matter of setting priorities and one of the biggest priorities we need to have is, to be able to take care of mental, health issues when, we see them in the communities, the, state of Wyoming this is an area that I've spent a lot of time working, on I used to be on a mental health board up in northern Wyoming and I, understand, that the, dollars, that we invest in those communities, to be able to address those problems are, absolutely.

Critical To, reducing, our costs down the road I do. Believe, that as we talk about healthcare we, have to consider mental, health and we have to consider that in the context, of the priorities, that we set across. The state in our, budget. Yes thank you as, I have traveled the state in, every single community and almost every single meeting I've had mental health issues have been something that has been raised I recently. Met with the director of the Department of Corrections, at the twinklin facility, and I asked him a question of how many gentlemen, in there were suffering from mental health issues and he said 70% I think, that that's an important number for all of us to remember. It. Is important, to prioritize our, spending and, our communities, our suffering our families our suffering, our children and mothers and parents, and and and, found other family members are suffering because of mental health issues we, need to make sure that we're able to provide the services, and one of the challenges that we have in Wyoming, is we simply don't have the prior that the providers. I would, like to convene. A summit one of the very first things I would like to do as governor is convene a summit and bring people together for. Days on end if that's what it is going to take to sit down and find some real solutions to providing those services in our rural communities, it's, incredibly, important, to me and it's important, to our state and yes, we need to prioritize, the spending to do that, mr.. Galliano's. Yeah. This is a this is a very major issue across, our state as I've traveled the state talking. With County Commissioners, and and mayors. And local, law. Enforcement this. Is a serious. Issue for us was pleased to see that we, have begun to take the steps over, in Evanston, to, rebuild the hospital there, I, think, that we need to make sure that we do have adequate, facilities throughout. The state I do think it's a priority and I, think that we need to make sure that we are educating. Everyone. On the, risks of not dealing proactively. With, mental health issues throughout, our communities, it is a big issue it is causing problems. For our local hospitals, for our. Local law enforcement and, we're, not taking care of the people, adequately. When, we discover, that they have a problem and that that. Is a serious matter that the state needs, to wrestle with on a go-forward basis. Mr.. Gordon. Well. Well thank you and just to add a little bit of dimension to this there are many. Many charities, that are out there that are working on this issue - another one I'm aware of is Volunteers, of America and. There are others so, it's, important. That we figure out if there are ways that the, state can help assist, that effort, as it, goes forward so, that we can get more bang for our buck that's something that's absolutely critical, Jenna, Funke we'll have the next question from mrs. Eckman Eckman.

Candidates. Have talked about why I mean living within its means and, looking at whether areas, of state spending are necessary. Or nice areas. That are needs versus wants can. You point to areas, of spending specifically. That should be reduced and if, not areas. Specifically, how do you know that scrutinizing, the budget will lead. To cuts that won't cut essential, services, for Wyoming citizens well. As I said earlier one of the realities is that we have the height that the largest government per capita, of any of, any state in the nation our. But spending per capita is double that of the state of Montana so, it's not just because we're a rural state so we do need to prioritize, our spending in, terms, of spending cuts I think one of the most significant, issues is going back to that transparency, issue that I raised we, need to really get under the hood in terms of that budget and fully, understand, what is going on in terms of the spending of why in Wyoming, there, are people who have referred to our budget as a Rorschach test or a Jackson, Pollock painting there, are people who have stated that there are only a handful, of folks in our legislature, who actually even understand, the budgeting, process if that's the circumstance we're not practicing good government, we can look at duplication we can look at the ways in which we're spending money but one of the fundamental, things we're absolutely, going to have to do is we're going to have to have budget reform we're going to have to bring people into a room we're gonna have to sit down we're gonna have to go through this line by line it's, not gonna be a short-term proposition it's, going to be a long-term proposition but, we need to fix the budget in Wyoming and I think we're going to find substantial amounts. Of money. Elmo's. Yeah. I can, tell you exactly how I would approach this number one last year in our legislature. They, passed what is called the efficiency, bill and most of people out. In their homes and here this evening probably have never heard of that it. Identified. And, looked at four of our state agencies we have over. 60 of them and they, identified, through that process over approximately. 200, million dollars, of, potential, cost, savings initiatives. That could be taken right now to reduce, our budget this, year our legislature, came back and doubled, down on that in past phase two of that efficiency, study it's, anticipated it, will produce at least 200, million or more, in potential, cost savings for. Our state I believe, you. And the, in the legislature, should hold the next governor accountable to, walk into office, and take, action, on those efficiency, studies right, now we've, paid for them and we need to go through and figure out what we can do with them and how we can benefit the taxpayers, of Wyoming, mr., Gordon.

Well. I think it's interesting that every time we have a problem we try to send, a study and if we don't like the results we send another study out there the, efficiency, study has some good recommendations how. That's calibrated, on the ground is going to be the real challenge and, we need to make sure that local, governments, have a way to feed, into that the. Other thing going, back to the 1990s, we had a much, much, more, simplified budget, it was a tough time it, was a really tough time but, you could follow the lines on the budget and we weren't hiding different. Funding. Sources and, different. Reserve accounts, and all that sort of thing all of, that needs to be simplified, we passed amendment a which was a provision that allowed us to create a, better way of getting better returns. Precisely. So. That we could get rid of some, of those reserve accounts, so, that we would have a better way of knowing exactly what, our, budget. Numbers, would be, thank. You segment, yes we. Spent over 770 million dollars on no-bid contracts, in Wyoming, that's again not good government we need to change that we, need to follow or pursue the Utah, model in terms of elder care we spend about 25%, more on elder care in Wyoming, than other states and finally, according. To the treasurer's, report last, year we spent ninety point five million dollars on Wall Street for investment, advice had. We gone with the S&P index 500. It would have cost us two million dollars it would have saved us eighty eight million dollars that's, another place where we could cut spending, thank. You very much mr.. Galeota sell ask you the next question. Please. Hold your applause until the end of the debate we would appreciate that, it's. Been widely reported that. Campbell County that, the kalmyk County Commission, is worrying, over finding, steady funding for Gillette College is it, time for Gillette College part of the northern Wyoming Community College, District to form its own Community, College District so, that its local residents, are assessed similar to how other community college districts residents, are assessed to help pay for their colleges, should, all Wyoming right are all Wyoming, taxpayers be taxed to support community, colleges since, now almost all counties, benefit directly from Wyoming's community colleges well.

First And foremost each, of the community colleges. Cares. For or, takes. Care of students, from, beyond its local boundaries. Each. Of the seven spans. Several counties, I think, that you know our community college, system there, are many things that can be done to improve it but, I firmly believe that that's a local area, decision, that they need to decide whether. Or not they're, achieving the goals that they need to achieve with that Community College but, I have. To tell you that we. We need to really look at total. Analysis. Of our entire. Community. College, system, the University, of Wyoming and we need to look at how the. Real problem, to me is how we, are tying our, education. Systems, our higher education, systems, to. Our private, sector because. Right now as I travel the state we, are not producing, the skills and the people, to fill the jobs that we have and so matter what the, the format, is for doing it we, need to tie our, a higher education. To our private, sector so just quickly then should all Wyoming heights be taxed to support community colleges yes. Thank you mr. Gordon. Mr.. Bloom ensign thank you. I think. The. Answer is a. Good one I guess, I want to respond briefly to the, comment that my colleague, to the left here left. Left. On the table she. Referred it that we had a 90 million dollar fee that is true 60, million of that is fixed the other is incentives that's based on, the. Change that, you see in the size of the. Returns that the, investments. Make the, most important, thing that you need to remember is that we are a low-cost provider, we have continually. Looked to managers. In Wyoming, to, see, where we can get the best return that we can, we. Are very, low compared, to any of our neighbors and so. It's important that people not be confused. By, what. That number represents. But, finally let me say that I think it's incredibly, important, that we have our community colleges, and that. They should be funded properly, should, all I mean I to be taxed to support communities, thank you mrs., Hickman yes, thank you. Community. Colleges I went to Casper College for two years on a livestock judging scholarship. Community colleges are incredibly, important, to me I toured, the facility, up in Gillette or a portion of that facility up while I was in Gillette with the C tech program we, do need to prioritize, our spending but, at the same time I don't know if expanding, programs under, the current financial situation is what we ought to be looking to one, of the things that I've learned is I've been traveling the state is about the partnerships, between our community, colleges and the industries, within those areas Western. Wyoming Community College, for example has a fabulous program with the trona industry, right, here in Cheyenne we have L Triple C that has the program with Microsoft, I think, that those are the future I think that the way we need to look at this is we need to kind of step out of the box with all of these kinds of questions and look at what is going to be the best thing for that particular, community in turn of the community in terms of the services, that are being provided I don't, know that I want to create an entirely new bureaucracy. Simply, because we've got some issues with the situation, we're dealing with now again, let's get under the hood figure this out and we can determine whether, there needs to be dramatic, changes with regard to the Gillette, College yes, I believe that yes I believe that they should all be that. Everybody should be taxed to. Support our Community College very much a rebuttal, mr. Kelly Otis yeah, I would. Like to continue on the education, discussion because, right. Now that is probably one of the most critical, elements that we need to consider in order, to support our private, sector in this state we, need to make sure that we are focused. On delivering the proper education, and skills that, will allow our, children, and our kids that are going through our education, system, K, through 12 all the way through the higher education. Facilities. So, that when they come out and they're ready to take their careers they, are filling jobs here in Wyoming, thank you very much taking. Care of their skills thank, you we're going to change format now briefly and this part of the debate doing what we call a lightning round each.

One Of the panelists will suggest, a short, phrase a word or two and we'll, give each candidate 20 seconds to respond to that phrase and there'll, be no rebuttals for this part of the debate so Bob. Beck will have the first lightning, round phrase to mr. Gordon solving. Hospital, debt. Solving. Hospital, debt, so. Solving hospital, debt is. One. Of the biggest challenges the governor is going to have to face and we'll do that with. Creative. Solutions, like. Alaska's. This. Is Hickman get. Government out of the way reduce, regulations, find a way that we can provide services more cost-effectively. And support. Our hospitals, and our community, facilities, mr.. Galliano's I agree, get government out of the way reduce, the regulations, and make. Sure that we are focused, on delivering quality, health care in all of our communities, the. Next aisle any round term, for, mrs. Hegman from joel solar. And wind energy. Something. That's very interesting and heavily subsidized, and I'm not sure that that's fair I know I think that it's really hurt Wyoming in our mental industry and I don't think that that's been fair I think it's something with the last administration that's, actually created a lot of damage both, economically, financially for, the state of Wyoming, as well as protecting our legacy minerals industry Thank. You mr., Kelley Otis it's. A part of our world today it's going to be a bigger part of our world in the future and we need to grasp a hold of how we're going to handle that in our state mr.. Borden from. A policy standpoint there's, both large and small scale small scale jobs Utah, has I think, 3200, jobs out there we have about 800 Colorado. Has 5,600. We. Can have more employment if if, people are able to buy solar, and win for their houses, thank, you very much nests like lightning. Round terms for me too mr. Gailey autos, Evanston's. Immigration, prison. It's. A local decision, they need to decide what's best for their community. Mr.. Gordon local. Decision. Local. Decision and I'm not sure that I agree with the terminology, that you have used it is, a facility, that is used for a short term stays it is for the immigration to, address the immigration issue, and so, I, believe that it is a local decision and it's going to bring jobs to that community thank. You the, next term for mr. Gordon from Bob Beck marijuana. Laws I am. Opposed, to legalize, marijuana. This. Is I, am, opposed to Louise legalization. Of recreational marijuana. I, have, been meeting with addictionologist, doctors.

In A variety of other medical care professionals, and I believe that there are some opportunities with, fda-approved, drugs, to address things such as epilepsy and I approve of that using, the CBD oils, Thank. You mr. Galliano's, I'm. Opposed to recreational. Marijuana but, I am supportive. Of medicinal marijuana. For. Those that require it through. Their doctors consent, and through the proper prescription, what methodology, Thank, You mr.. Funk we'll have the next question from mrs. hagermann, gun-free. Zones. Mr.. Galliano's, I agree. This. Is a quick debate mr. Vardhan. Okay. I'll, ask the next question mr.. Galliano's. Revenue. Committee. Revenue. Committee has some tough jobs more importantly, they, need to focus on making our revenue, process, transparent, so. That not only all the legislators, can under, can. Understand, what's going on but all of us in the public can understand, what's going on mr.. Gordon the. Revenue Committee has an important, job they. Haven't done it the last couple of years they, need to be very careful, about how they discuss, any. Kind of tax increase, but. They we can raise revenues, mrs., hagermann revenue. Committee absolutely. Are but our budget, needs to be more transparent, as I've been stating all evening it is very important, that we understand, where the money is coming from and where it's going. Okay. The next two lightning round terms for mr.. Gordon from Bob Beck consolidating. School districts. So. Every. School district is different I was on a school board in. In, Johnson, County we had a large school in a small school I think. It's important, that we talk to each of those districts, and we, can consolidate, some, but not all has. To be a local decision, mrs.. Hagermann prioritize. Funding at the state level we have got to prioritize spending and look at where we're spending our money at the same time consolidating. Schools is a local issue and I believe that it is simply something that we have to work with work, in and deal with in our in a rural state I came, from a school district that was consolidated. Many years ago understand. The challenges, associated with it and that's why it's so important, to have the community involved, mr., Galliano's, sensitive. Topic, and I look forward to working with our education, community, to not only identify, efficiencies, within. All the school districts, we have and, the, opportunities, to maybe consolidate. Them but we need to make sure that we're leveraging technology. Creating. Cost efficient, delivery of our education, in this state. Thank. You next. Lightning round question is, or from Joe Lafont for mrs. hagermann, blockchain. Technology. Interesting. Uses, lots of electricity, have to figure out the challenges, associated with that potentially. Something that will be very positive for Wyoming at, the same time we have to be very careful, at looking what kinds, of businesses, are coming in with the blockchain and whether, we're going to be subsidizing, them with the people who pay for electricity, now it. Is something that I think it's an exciting idea. Blockchain. Go we. Are finally at the forefront. Of being a leader in a, very. Disruptive technology. That's going to take place over, the next several years we. Will reap benefits as, a as a state because of blockchain, both, in our operational, costs, and in, bringing new businesses, and economic, development. Here, mr.. Gordon, so, blockchain.

Has Enormous promise, it's very disruptive it does use electricity, we. Can do a better job with being, efficient, with electricity, but just think about what blockchain, can do for, the medical industry for, the agricultural. Industry for. The energy industry for. The mortgage industry it is just an exciting thing and I'm glad Wyoming, was out in front. Mr.. Galeota this is for you minimum. Wage. Minimum. Wage I believe. That. There. Doesn't need to be any significant, increases at at this time. Mr.. Gordon, I'd. Quote my son who's got a fence contracting, business he's worried if they raise the minimum wage he'll have to layoff people I don't I don't agree with the minimum wage increase mrs.. Hagermann. Minimum. Wage increases, that have been advocated. For throughout the country I think they've been very disruptive. And damaging. To the businesses, especially so. Many of our. Hospitality. Industries, we'll. Continue with the lightning round Bob Beck for mr. Gordon prison. Overcrowding. This. Is an issue for Wyoming we just talked about at the SBC yesterday. We. Need to do some. Review. Of our sentencing, provisions, we, need to do very, many things to make sure we get that's the help in the communities, that we need, so. There's a whole conversation, we should have about, sentencing. And. What. We do about prison overcrowding. Yes. Having spent time with the director and, with other folks who are involved, in criminal justice reform, it's something that's very important, and of, great interest to me we, need to address what we are doing with our, inmates. Right now we've already sent 88 to Missouri just in the last 60 days which, is a huge expense for Wyoming the. Fact that the Rollins facility, was as it, was as poorly constructed as it was has been damaging, Thank You mr. Galliano's we're, placing people in prison, that don't be don't. Deserve, to be there they shouldn't be there and we definitely need to focus on criminal, justice reform, so, fun for mrs. hagermann. School. Resource officers. We. Need to keep our students. Secure and one of the things that I would like to do is work with retired, military retired. Police officers, and do a security, assessment of, every school in the state of Wyoming to make sure that our students are safe school, resource officers, is one of the ways we're going to have to prioritize our spending. Mr.. Kelly is a serious, consideration that, our local school boards need, to put into. Action and make, sure that our kids are safe mr.. Gordon, so. I think as you go around this state and travel to different schools they all are differently, hardened, it's, important, that our students. Feel safe and I would work to make sure that we have all the resources necessary to, make our schools absolutely. Safe, fighting. The final lightning round topic for, mr. Gallow toes, Wyoming. Needs more Cowboys. I. Agree. I agree. First. Line of the cowboy code live each day with courage, go, pokes. I. Agree. But I think that this also demonstrates, how we can gin, up false controversies. With. Really some absurd positions, i absolutely. Believe Wyoming, needs more cowboys and I like the slogan thank you very much, we'll. Return now to our normal method, of questioning Bob, Beck has a question now for a mr. Gordon, mr., Gordon recently, the University, of Wyoming trustees, have taken a more active role in trying to run the university, and it appears to have impacted, morale on the campus, what's, the proper way to govern the university. So. I believe. That the trustees, have a responsibility. To, work with the president, to, make sure that our institution. Is, run. Well. From the top to the bottom having, visited with us faculty, members. And having visited with, members. Of the various communities, that are there it is critical, that our.

University's, Trustees. Reach. Out to each of those constituents. And work hard to, make sure that, we have a consistent, and a, thoughtful approach to governing we frankly had a university. That's been on a tear for some time bringing. It together with all these different considerations, we've had legislative, interference, we've had trustee interference, we've had student. Interference, and all of that needs to be brought together and I think Laurie Nichols is starting to do that thank. You mrs. Eggman, again. I think we need to prioritize and focus on the mission of the University, of Wyoming and, on education, I'm a graduate, of the University, of Wyoming I received an excellent education there, I never paid more than 450, dollars in terms, of tuition they. Just passed a four, hundred and ninety million dollar plus budget, for the University, of Wyoming and with 12,000, students that's, almost forty thousand dollars that we're spending on every single student every single year that is that, those are pretty shocking numbers, when I consider, what I paid to go to school and again the phenomenal, education that, I was I think, that what the challenge is for the trustees and others is that they are concerned. About what has been going on at the University, and I know that as I've traveled the campaign trail I've had many many many people talk to me about what is happening at the University, of Wyoming we, need to get back to the basics of educating, our students it is absolutely, critical to ourselves to, our to our families to the future of Wyoming, and to, the health and well-being of the University, so, while I believe, in autonomy, I think that there has been a reason as to why the trustees are looking at doing. What they've done, mr.. Galliano's. You. Know as with any organization. The trustees, have a fiduciary responsibility, to. Do, what's right for the university, there, are numerous very, astute bright people that are on our trustee, board at, UW, and I, support, them wholeheartedly, and the work that they're doing and, the way, that they're trying to take the university. Mr.. Borden. Well. And just to finish up I think when you look at the construction budgets, in the university, system it. Is absolutely. Critical that our trustees get a handle on that we, have things like the bio security, safety level 3 lab that are over, budget we. Have other projects, and it's appropriate, that the alleged, that excuse, me that the trustees. Take, an absolute interest. In how that budget, gets said, there. We go excuse. Me. Thank. You very much Joel, Funke for mrs. hagermann, air. Service was identified, as a barrier to economic diversification, by, the endow council do, you think the state should have a role in ensuring air service continues in communities across Wyoming and if not what's the answer to the air service question you, know it's interesting again as I've traveled the state subsidizing. Commercial, air service has, not been a priority of even one person that I've talked to and so. I think that that tells me a lot about what the what the citizens, think and what their view is the. Endow report has not been finalized, yet we don't have a final report and I believe for that reason, that question is almost a bit premature for. The reason that I don't have a cost-benefit. Analysis, I believe, that if you're going to look at economic, development if you're going to look at spending public. Funds, you need to make sure that you are accountable, and that your effective you always have to be looking at what is the what is the problem I'm trying to fix what is, it I'm trying to do and if commercial, air service is, to provide additional. Jobs, or to diversify, our economy or, to improve our economy that. Sort of thing then I need to see that on paper because right now I don't see it I don't see how come as subsidizing, commercial air service actually. Improves. The job situation, in the state of Wyoming, I think, getting government out of the way will, improve our economic situation. In the, state of Wyoming I also, believe there's other transportation, issues, that are more important thank you very much mr., GAO Ellis I work. In the private sector, and I've. Identified six, priorities, for the state six, prerequisites. The first one is we need workers to grow our private sector the, second one is we need an education, system that produces, those workers three.

We Need to be connected physically, through air service with, all of our community are all, of our communities, fourth. We need to be connected electronically. Through, high-speed, broadband, fifth, we need a healthcare system that works for Wyoming and lastly, we need to empower our, local government, so that growth can happen at the local level we. Absolutely need, air service in the state, we. Need to work diligently to. Make that happen and, it. Is something that we need to work forward with and the Department, of Transportation right. Now has a model, that it's working with that, I believe will have merit as long, as we make sure that there's financial rigor, around it and we can solve this problem once and for all Thank, You mr. Gordon, so. Getting government out of the way is probably one of the key things that we can do because the regulations, governing, pilots for the smaller planes are. Part, of the reason why we're having difficulty sir if, you go around to each of the communities you can see that there's some airports, that are sustaining, that air service and others, that it's a very important, component that are not able to and I think about Rock, Springs or Riverton, and the industrial. Sectors or the manufacturing, sectors, that, are there that depend, on that, kind of service it is important, that we have that kind of air service what. I would say is that we, already. Subsidize. These. Airports, and. And. What the state has done. Is to try to take a look at are there ways that we can reduce this and maybe, put these two airports on their own footing, over time I think. The the, endow report, is a little bit premature we, don't know exactly the materials, there but, it's a worth it's, a risk worth taking, to. Make, sure that we have adequate air service Thank, You mr. Gordon. Yes one. Of the things in terms of economic development and, diversification, is to look at our value-added, industries are, manufacturing. Related to the legacy industries, we already have in the state of Wyoming in, terms of manufacturing and those kinds of companies what's really important, in terms of transportation. Are additional. Four-lane roads and good roads also, additional rail service in certain areas of the state of Wyoming you really want to diversify our economy you, want to bring in more manufacturing. You do it with transportation, such. As the rail in the highways not, commercial, air service thank. You the next question for mr. Dahle autos mr.. Collier dost with president Trump's announcement of Judge Brett Cavanaugh potentially, replacing the retirements Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy the. 1973, wrote 1973. Roe vs. Wade decision that legalized abortion Nason nationwide, is back, in the news do. You view Roe vs. Wade as settled law is it, your view that Wyoming, should now move forward with laws that could restrict a woman's right to choose, I believe. In states rights and I believe that, the. State should have the right to pass any law that it needs to in that regard. I'm. Very pleased that President Trump, has taken yet another great, move to, appoint a strict constitutional. You. Know judge to the bench and I, look forward to see where that goes and, and I'm hopeful that he is confirmed, and and we, move on from this topic, mr..

Gordon, So. I. Also. Agree, that judge Kavanaugh is a highly qualified and. It's great to see a conservative. Judge go forward I do hope he's confirmed, it'll, be interesting to see and, I also believe that these are states rights issues I think, will be interesting to see how these cases are tested, over time, and. How the legislators. Will proceeds, as. Governor. I think it's important, that you respect, the will of the people this. Is Hegeman. As an attorney I'm not quite sure what the phrase of settled law means, there. Have been changes in our laws in our statutes, over the last several hundred years that we've been a nation that's part of what makes us a robust, and wonderful country I am, pro-life and I believe in states rights and the reality, is that I believe that Roe versus Wade was wrongfully, decided, whether, mr. Cavanaugh or Justus Cavanaugh would make that same decision it's, something that I can't answer as I stand here today and I think it's inappropriate to. Have a litmus test when, we look, at whether Supreme, Court justices should be confirmed, whether, they're qualified whether. They have the background the education, in the experience, is the more important, question we shouldn't just focus on one case or one issue I believe that that's inappropriate and, I believe that again I'm pro-life, I believe in states rights we'll see what happens with justice Cavanaugh, I hope he's confirmed mr. Karos. I've. Already stated my position on, this I'd like to use my time there to go back to the air service. Discussion. If. We are to grow our private, sector in this state we have to be accessible, through air service, back. In the late 80s I was asked by the local, Airport manager here I was in management, at Delta Airlines to, help him generate, air service, in our capital city I took. That mission back and went to our people at Delta Airlines the, airlines, are not able, to, justify. Flying. To Wyoming because, we lack in planeman, --tz-- but, we are absolutely, dependent. On the economic growth, for our existing. Companies, and anything, in the future not to mention our tourism, industry. Air, service thank you very much, Bob. Back again, please the culture you know applause, Bob. Back for mr. Gordon, mr., Gordon the per-pupil cost, of education, is higher in Wyoming's smaller more remote, schools should. Wyoming continue, to fund small schools despite, the high cost to the state or find, alternatives. You. Know I I think I, think. About. My. Local, school district, and I think about another small school that's very close to that Claremont, I look, at the quality of the education. That comes out of those places and and. I believe our students are well served by that money I think, if you were gonna try to move, students, it. Would be at a enormous. Cost in. Terms of transportation, and in terms of student achievement so, I believe, that our rural schools are, very, important, for the future education. And I think it's also critical, for the the. Absolute. You. Know viability, of these smaller communities, Bob so I my, point, is I think we have we, can always look at ways to reduce the cost we, can look at ways to better. Serve these students but. I think these little schools are need to be there mrs.. Eckman yes. Thank you I graduated. From Lingle Fort Laramie high school I graduated from one of those rural schools so they obviously have, a soft spot, in my heart we, absolutely have to fund small schools we're a rural state we don't have any options, about that I was, just visiting KC and, talking, with folks there and they were describing, how long their children would be on the bus if they had to bust them to Buffalo, Wyoming and that's, simply not a good education, model it is the reality that we are going to have to fund our schools where, were the students and the families live, ranching. Is one ranching and farming is our some of our most important, legacy industries, and we, have to make sure that our people are able to stay on the ranch and the farmer we want to make sure that those kids are, close, to home so that they can go home after school and work and do their chores and those sorts of things it, really is truly part of our culture it's part of our our.

Ideal, It is again. The, world needs more cowboys and so we need to make sure that we're funding those small schools so that we can produce them thank you mister Galliano's. You. Know I'm a businessman, and I like to have cost-efficient, operations. Okay, one. Night I was sitting. In LaGrange Wyoming, meeting with a group of about 60, people and the, comment, was made we. Lost our community, when, we closed our schools in LaGrange I had. To take a double take on that we. Pursued. It we talked about it more we. Lost our community. When, we closed our schools we, have plenty of opportunities. Through, technology, and other means in this, state to, lower, our cost of education, and still deliver, a high, quality of, education, but, we also have a moral duty to look, at the whole picture when we go to, close down schools in a local community, again. I say, we, lost our community, when we closed when they closed our schools down that, is not an acceptable, outcome. Mr.. Gordon a rebuttal. Thanks. Absolutely. Critical, to have these schools there, there are other places that we can save money, when. We look at things. Like school buses and so, on we replace those far too quickly. There may be ways that we can change, our athletic, schedule so that we can still have the kind of competition that's important, but, be able to reduce those costs, across. The board there are just better ways to do it than closing schools thank. You very much the. Final question in the debate this evening from mr. funk to mrs.. Mrs. Eggman. There's. Been ongoing discussion, in recent years about allowing, communities, -, giving. Them communities, the ability to raise their own local revenue so, that they're not as dependent on state distributions. Would you support action. In that direction. Well. One of the situations. That's happened with our local communities, really comes back to what happened in 2006. In part and that's when we removed the sales tax from food and at the time the legislature, made that it made the commitment that they would keep our local communities, whole as a result of that decision and I believe that we have to meet that commitment one. Of the things that you run into one of the challenges, you run into that is how do you collect those taxes, how do you identify what, they're going to be how do you generate that revenue I don't, want to just create another level of government I don't want to create another level of bureaucracy what. We need to do is the state and the local communities, need to work together, to develop a long a long. Term funding model for our local communities, our cities towns and counties I think, that that's a much more effective, way of doing it than just trying to create where's ways, in which these, local communities would, again have to develop their their own funding, their own taxing, model I think that we have the taxing model in place we, just need to work together to make sure that we're providing those the funding to those local communities where. So many of our services, are provided, and also we can look at things with the sled board and how that funding is done thank you mr. Gailey Otis. I spent. My career managing. Large complex, organizations. All across this country and act in fact globally. One. Lesson I've learned growth. Never, happens, at the top of anything growth. Always happens at the local level, and when, we talk about the. State, determining. Whether or not it's going to give funding back to our local communities. I believe. That model, is flawed and that model needs to change, economic. Combustion. In this state is going to be created, at the local level and that is where the resources, need to be had in order for our local communities, to plan viable, communities, create. The infrastructure, they need in order to spit, to support, on growing. Growth therefore. We. Need to make sure that, we look seriously. At how we're funding local communities, and I, would almost turn, the dynamic, around, mr.. Gordon. Again. Please hold your applause thank you, well. It's, absolutely critical, for Wyoming to give all the resources, we can to our local communities, we. Do, too much at the state level our legislature. Sets the the budget our slip, board has. The community show up with their hands out we, need to do whatever we can as a state to be able to empower these communities, to go out and compete, for business it may take all kinds of different approaches. And our, neck of the woods up in Sheridan and Buffalo it has to do with culture in, other places it has to do with manufacturing. Each, of these communities should be able to determine their own destination, there, are a lot, of things that the state can do to, help enable these communities, to be able to do more for themselves and and. That is absolutely where, the kind of growth that Wyoming, is going to have the kind of technological jump, that, Wyoming, wants to have is going to happen at the local level in the communities, that people want to live let's, give them a chance a rebuttal.

Yes, Absolutely. I believe, that there is a partnership between the state and our local communities. And in fact that's the legislative framework that's been set up it's also the constitutional. Framework that we have in the state of Wyoming I am, NOT suggesting that our local communities, are not allowed to control. Their own destiny, but what I am saying is I am not in favor of creating another bureaucracy for local, communities, to be generating, revenue and and, and the differences that you would have in terms of the funding for local communities, what, would happen is that your smaller communities, would substantially, suffer under that kind of a situation. And, I don't agree. With that approach again, it's a partnership between the language communities, it's. Now time for closing statements and we're goal will go in reverse order so, mrs. hagermann you get the first opportunity, all, right thank you we, haven't talked about some of these issues tonight but I do think that they're very important. I have, always and will always put Wyoming first but, I do not believe that the same can be said of my opponents, for, example, while I was out protecting ranchers, and wildlife from the wolves mr. Gordon was giving money to bring them here and, while I was fighting the Clinton roadless rule he, was funding the Sierra Club and while I was fighting to protect for Wyoming's water, mr., Gordon was funding the Sierra Club's efforts to drain lake powell which would have been devastating, to the state of Wyoming, Sam. Gali Otis has tasked as touted, his business experience and talked about that repeatedly on the campaign, trail and he, has indicated that is the reason to vote for him I started, my own business on my own dime Sam's, company, took three point seven five million dollars of Wyoming taxpayer money money, that came from the development, of fossil fuels to, fund a company that touts its Green bonafides, Sam's. Company, has also received two point five million dollars, in contracts, with the state so, while he likes to compare himself to Trump that's absolutely, not the circumstance, it, is easy to be successful on someone else's money and greenhouse, data is a company, that has I.

Obsessed. With so-called green energy, a company. That is anti coal and anti. Ranching. And fun social justice organizations. Like that I guess, what I can say about mr. Galileo desist that he says one thing when he's in Gillette but he does a different thing when he's in Cheyenne my, family has deep roots in Wyoming, and my family's future is bright and Wyoming, you can trust me to fight for Wyoming for our families our businesses in our culture because, I always have and I ask for your vote on August 21, thank you very much mr. Gordon. Mr.. Gordon so. Miss. Miss. Hagerman you. Know that's nonsense. You. Know that's nonsense, and it's disingenuous. I never, funded, any wolves I'm a sheep rancher. I have, ranch sheep all my life not all my life but for a substantial, part of my life I'm part of the lamp Club I'm not sure you are I've. Also worked with the Sierra Club that's, true and the reason I did was because they were trying to get cows off the land I worked, very hard to make sure that we adjusted, that so, that we continued, to have grazing, on our lands that's my livelihood. But. Let me just go back to talking about what, we really want to talk about which is the future and, so. My. Wife is here, my. Beautiful wife and two of my son and my daughter-in-law they want to make their life here. In Wyoming as well and. So. I just want to say, that. I'm, a liming conservative, I am. Pro-family, I am. Pro Second Amendment and. I, have. Worked in all the most important, industries in this state in. My. Time is treasurer we've grown the portfolio, we've done more with less and, I. Stood up to defend your Constitution. It. Wasn't easy it. Took a lot of guts to do. But. I am the only candidate, in this race who. Has saved taxpayer, money. Who. Has worked to grow business, in Wyoming, and, I. Believe we have a bright future and I was appreciate, your vote thank you thank you. Mr.. Gallagher mr. Galliano's. Just. Laid out it shows, a severe. Lack of understanding of, how private. Sector works today and how you do business in the modern world, our, company, greenhouse, data purchases. Renewable, energy. Sodas. Walmart, Cisco, Procter, & Gamble Black, Hills Energy who we buy our coal-fired electricity. From, Southwest. Airlines, American Airlines. Albertsons. In fact, our president, Donald. J Trump, purchases. Renewable, energy for, his Soho brand new Soho, Hotel in, New, York to, the tune of roughly, 5.5. Million kilowatt, hours a year. Renewable. Energy is a fact, it's. Part of the modern day world and when we go to get customers, to house in our data center, right, here in Wyoming where, we spend millions of dollars in coal-fired. Electricity. We. Have to prove to them that we have renewable. Energy, in mind that's, their corporate, values and all, of Corporate America is like that. This. Is why we, need to elect a. Private-sector. Leader, for this state we. Must grow the private sector, in this, state and in order to do that you need to understand. How, the business world works what's, going on in the corporate world and how modern-day. Business, is transacted. Thank, you. Candidates. Thank you all very much for attending tonight's, debate I want, to remind everyone that you can see this debate again on why I mean being.

Streamed At Wyoming pbs.org we. Will turn over now the state this age very quickly and we'll return at the top of the hour with the second debate thank. You. Funding. For this program was provided in, part by the Wyoming Public, Television, endowment and viewers like you. Wyoming. PBS presents, the. Republican, gubernatorial primary. Debate 2018. Live, from the Wyoming National. Guard Joint, Forces Readiness. Center in Cheyenne, the. Gubernatorial primary. Debate is presented, by Wyoming, public media and Wyoming. PBS. And. Welcome back to Wyoming PBS, and Wyoming public media again, I'm Craig bloomin shine from Wyoming, PBS and this is the second, of two Wyoming. 2018. Republican, gubernatorial primary. Debates we, are again live from the Wyoming National, Guard Joint Forces Readiness, Center here in Cheyenne and joining, me tonight to ask questions again where the candidates are Bob Beck from, Wyoming public media and Joel, funk from the Laramie boomerang, this. Is the second debate and this debate will now include bill. Doolin Foster. Friess and Taylor Haines, these. Candidates, to have been briefed on the ground rules for tonight's debate and again, they're ordered that they're in, front of you this evening was selected randomly again. I want to remind our viewers that, the Democratic, gubernatorial primary. Debate will be held in Riverton and that will be on August 2nd, again. Our first question is, somewhat, predictable and we've chosen again new. Questions for the most part for this debate again they were drawn from a pool of over 100, questions submitted. But my listeners, of Wyoming public media viewers. Of Wyoming PBS and developed, from our panel here this evening candidates. If you're ready we're, going to get started with the, debate. Round two and mr.. Dahlin you're first please, introduce yourself, and describe why you feel you are most qualified to be Wyoming's next governor well. Thank you for having us here and I. Wish we had the same questions because I've washed them back in the green room back there I. Am. The only candidate, that sells, cold, and. That's a differential, part. Of the previous candidates, I understand. The coal sector I. Find. A utility. Or a university that. Has an antiquated system I. Created. A new system for a more efficient system so, they're not likely to change their energy source I provide. The logistics, the transportation. And then I bargain. On the coal so that's, a distinct. Difference between myself, and, the, rest of the candidates. I'm. A businessman, I was born and raised in Sheridan Wyoming in, downer. Addition you're familiar with the area it. Is a good, area but a humble area and, I apprec


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