US SECRET Aircraft Carrier Shocked Hamas, Iran, Russia and China

US SECRET Aircraft Carrier Shocked Hamas, Iran, Russia and China

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the $13 billion Gerald R Ford aircraft carrier was sent to the Mediterranean because of the situation in Israel this is the world's largest ship equipped with Advanced Weapons Systems the best ship defense system and 90 maneuverable Fighters that are ready to attack at any second Gerald Ford is accompanied by an equally dangerous Cruiser and four destroyers with nuclear missiles as well as a reinforced US Air Group according to the Pentagon such measures were taken in response to the Hamas attack on Israel after a series of meetings it was decided to strengthen the defense Department's position in the Mediterranean region and the Gerald Ford strike group is the best solution to deter the enemy and if you're wondering how the United States can help Israel from the sea we'll explain it all now the USS Gerald R Ford a new generation aircraft carrier was launched in 2009 there was an urgent need to strengthen the US Navy the aircraft carrier was designed and built by Huntington Engles Industries which is the only nule nuclear ship manufacturer in the United States you heard right it's a nuclear ship because Gerald R Ford has two nuclear reactors weighing over 1,000 tons each they allow the ship to serve for a very long time as the developers themselves say and the foundation that we're building here today at Gerald R Ford will last for the next 50 plus years it will last throughout our lives if we get this right Gerald R Ford will go on to be not just the most technologically advanced warship in the Navy but the greatest warship in the Navy if such a reactor were on the ground it could power an entire city without interruption however on this giant ship almost all of the energy goes to power a pair of giant electric motors the size of four pickup trucks stacked together they develop 1100 megaw of power which is equal to 1.5 million horsepower however Gerald R Ford cannot fly on the water like a race car because with a deck 1100 ft long and 260t ft wide and 245 ft High the ship weighs 100,000 tons it's the first time we can see an aircraft carrier of this scale and it's not without reason that it's the largest in the world you're probably eager to find out what this Monster's armed with we'll tell you in a moment first of all when you enter the deck you'll notice the legendary Mark 15 Falling SE whiz air defense system this system is considered to be one of the best anti-aircraft artillery systems in the world today and all because it has a rate of fire of 4500 rounds per minute and an initial projectile velocity of 3600 ft per second lpws is the uh weapon system you see in front of you uh it's designed to shoot down incoming rockets and mortars coming into the fob when attacking the phons creates a continuous Arc of projectiles that looks like a laser by the way Gerald R Ford also has a laser locked Martin's laws shipboard laser laser system is powered by the aircraft carrier nuclear reactor which allows for continuous attacks on enemy aircraft and missiles at a distance of 3 miles the Laser's power is enough to damage aircraft Electronics or completely destroy projectiles flying towards Gerald R Ford and if you need to not only disable but also destroy enemy aircraft the rim 116 will come into play the gun looks like a complex from a science fiction movie and holds 20 missiles capable of shooting down targets at a distance of 6 miles at a flight speed of over 2200 mph the most important part of Gerald R Ford is its air strike group consisting of 90 Fighters and helicopters according to the Pentagon spokesman before the operation to deploy the carrier to the Mediterranean Washington also reinforced squadrons of F35 F-15 F-16 Fighters and an A10 attack aircraft which are on board the Ford it's difficult to say which of these aircraft is the most dangerous because each each of them poses a deadly threat to the enemy the F35 is perhaps the best modern fighter jet as it's equipped with the latest technological developments ranging from laser and missile weapons to a unique engine that can make a vertical Landing qualities it's the it's the best flying aircrafts I've had the opportunity to fly the same can be said about the F-16 as it's the best fourth generation fighter capable of killing even newer aircraft using a combination of extreme maneuverability and speed as well as attacking with supersonic missiles at a distance of 70 km conceived of as a a lightweight lowcost fighter primarily for air to a but it evolved to possess air to Air and air to ground a true multiroll and then there's the legendary A10 Thunderbolt 2 shooter with its incredibly powerful G8 Avenger Cannon capable of firing 3900 rounds per minute and destroying any ground Target the A10 may be outdated but it still serves as a reminder of the mag Majestic power of American Aviation we were able to go places that the other fixed Wing assets may or may not have been able to get in very well uh and we definitely went places that the helicopters could get in as you can see there's a huge variety of weapons on board the Gerald Ford but the ship also has some very unusual equipment such as a cable Landing system for helicopters for a helicopter such as the Apache to land on an aircraft carrier it needs to make a vertical Landing however it's impossible to do so with a high-wave activity at this point a special rope is used to pull the helicopter to the deck allowing it to land safely as already mentioned the Gerald R Ford aircraft carrier has a wider and more spacious deck which makes it easier to take off and land aircraft the new design also contains fewer obstacles and a more efficient organization of deck space which contributes to safer and more efficient operations in addition the aircraft carrier is equipped with elevators that raise and lower aircraft and other equipment so we have one less aircraft elevator than nimit class this has three as opposed to the four um all that was part of the design to enhance Flight Deck usage so that's a each elevator can lift up to 65 tons of cargo and there are three of them at once below the upper deck of the ship there's another deck resembling a huge parking lot with Elite warbirds there you can also hide a stealth bomber like the B21 Raider which will suddenly take off into deliver a devastating blow to the center of the enemy base however for such purposes Gerald R Ford has reliable companions which sail with it wherever it goes the strike group includes a taon deroga class cruiser with guided missiles Cruisers of this type are one of the most powerful and multi-purpose warships in the world and are widely used by the US Navy the taond deroga is equipped with the AIS system which is perhaps the best set of protection against enemy attacks this system combines an advanced ened Target detection and acquisition system as well as sm2 and sm6 missile systems that can easily deal with enemy aircraft at a distance of 220 Mi the cruiser also has the means to search for and attack submarines including deep sea Torpedoes the most interesting feature is the ability to attack land targets with Tomahawk guided missiles what's the specialty of this missile it's incredible range of 1,000 miles the missile is capable of carrying any type of Warhead from a high explo iive to a cluster munition so it's an extremely dangerous long range and versatile weapon along with the cruiser taon deroga Gerald Forge strike group includes four more equally dangerous arlay Burke class destroyers this is the main class of Destroyers belonging to the US Navy they're able to hit an entire enemy Army using the already mentioned sm2 and sm6 systems as well as Harpoon anti-ship missiles that can destroy enemy ships at a distance of 250 Mi the unique function of the Harpoon missile is its extremely high maneuverability and ability to fly at an altitude of about 16 ft above sea level such a missiles almost impossible to shoot down with other missiles and the enemy can only use machine guns to defend itself so there is a uh a high Bill up front for this carry without a doubt as a first of class but it is designed from the outset to operate uh more efficiently and to have greater availability due to the reduced maintenance requirements arlay Burke also has a 5-in mk45 artillery system Torpedoes and unmanned aerial Vehicles the ships are equipped with modern electronics and communication systems that ensure constant communication and information integration with other ships that's why Gerald Ford is protected by four such destroyers at once because together they can reconnoiter the territory using drones transmit data to each other and attack enemies from a great distance at the same time dangerous Targets on the ground will be destroyed by the Tanda Cru ER and all Aviation will be taken over by Gerald R Ford with its Air Group of the most modern Fighters the presence of such a fleet in the Mediterranean Sea should create a reliable support for Israel in the war with the Enemy and will also serve as a deterrent against the development of the conflict outside the state this ship is so different from any other ship that I've ever been on and and that holds true for all of our Sal you know no matter how many aircraft carriers you've been on before you've never been on a Ford class aircraft care everything we do is different previously American and Turkish combat groups conducted large-scale military exercises in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea during these exercises the modern aircraft carrier USS Gerald R Ford made a rapid deployment to improve Maritime security this news strangely coincides with the fact that the US Navy is actively withdrawing its ships from ports due to the onset of Hurricane Hillary the storm has already hit areas of Baja California and Mexico and is expected to spread deeper into the US states of California Arizona and even Nevada hundreds of Warships have already left the San Diego Coronado and Point Loma Naval bases and all of these ships will remain at Sea until Hillary passes over the region is the most fearsome weapon on Earth represented by warships so afraid of the storm yes after all if no special steps are taken any ship even the largest one worth $13 billion can be damaged there is a uh a high Bill up front for this carry without a doubt it's the first of class but is designed from the outset to operate more efficiently and to have greater availability to the reduced maintenance requirements to ensure the safety of our Sailors and ships were taking all necessary actions to mitigate potential damage to third Fleet infrastructure and vessels caused by the storm said vice admiral Michael Bole commander of the US third Fleet Safety remains our top priority in putting all combat ready ships to seea makes it easier for us to manage the situation ashore in such cases withdrawal of the fleet from the harbor is almost a standard step ships can maneuver at Sea to avoid a storm to make sure that a huge warship like the USS Gerald Ford or a giant submarine like the Virginia could survive the worst storm Engineers took care of the actions that would be taken immediately in case of danger the question for a Virginia is is how slow can you go how well can you take that 8,000 ton submarine and control it in coastal Waters a couple feet off the bottom can you move that ship inch by inch submarines are actually extremely simple they usually dive to the depths where the storm's Waters have the least impact in addition they can also use ballast reserves to control buoyancy and dive depth but it all comes down to hiding at depth and waiting out a natural disaster aircraft carriers for obvious reasons cannot simply dive underwater to protect multi-billion dollar ships Engineers had to find other ways modern aircraft carriers have design features that help reduce swaying during a storm aircraft carriers are naturally stable due to their size and air insides The Wider hole and low center of gravity physically helps the ship to stay in place even during strong waves such a ship is virtually impossible to capsize but even with such a huge size aircraft carriers can still be affected by natural ocean movements this ship is so different from any other ship that I've ever been on and and that holds true for all of our Sailors you know no matter how many aircraft carriers you've been on before you've never been on a Ford class aircraft carrier the most serious threat to a ship is not actually its ho in size but what's on board these include aircraft helicopters ammunition and of course thousands of crew members if the ship's unstable it'll put the lives of personnel and equipment at risk and it also needs to be level so that the aircraft can take off and land safely therefore in addition to the special design the US Navy has developed various systems to keep the ship as stable as possible when it's in the ocean such as ballast stabilizers and shock absorbers these can be hydraulic stabilizers or even moving platforms ballast is an additional weight added to the hole of a ship that leads to a gradual increase in the center of gravity for example the Gerald Ford has four ballast tanks that can hold a whopping 26 million lers of water each and can each be moved along the hole to level the movement during a storm the found ation that we are building here today at Gerald R Ford will last for the next 50 plus years it will last throughout our lives if we get this right Gerald R Ford will go on to be not just the most technologically advanced warship in the Navy but the greatest warship in the Navy but that's not all modern aircraft carriers are equipped with Advanced control systems that automatically respond to changes in Wind and Waves adjusting engines and Rudder to maintain stability it's safe to say that giants like Gerald Ford are notat threatened by the storm rather it's dangerous for all the equipment on the deck including fighter jets to secure the deck before the storm approaches the crew can clean up by securing and removing equipment so we have one less aircraft elevator than uh nimit class this has three as opposed to the four um all that was part of the design to enhance Flight Deck usage so that's a a key aspect right that's what the carrier does all these actions combined to ensure the safest possible navigation of the aircraft carrier even in severe storms an interesting solution called the high-tech pneumatic fenders has recently been invented for ships and Port this is a simple but ingenious invention that keeps ships safe when they're close to each other in fact these are numatic rubber floats measuring 40 ft x 20 ft all Port workers need to do is lower these floats between the two ships and a collision will be virtually impossible in addition all modern warships maintain close communication with meteor ological services to obtain up-to-date information on weather conditions this allows them to anticipate the onset of storms in advance and take appropriate actions such as going out into the oceans away from storms and here's the strange thing the maneuvers of the US warships coincided with the appearance of the aircraft carrier in the Black Sea and the Philippines military exercises the offensive deployment of the USS Carl vinon may not be saving the ship from the Storm at all but a real military operation the Carl Vincent is one of the nimitz's aircraft carriers in the US Navy it was launched in 1980 and since then has been actively involved in various operations and trainings including combat operations during the Gulf War as well as military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq uh the aim of this kind of carrier is to have a best rate of launch and Recovery it size is impressive 1,90 ft long and about 130 ft wide this ship weighs about 100,000 tons and uses a real nuclear reactor to move which paired with a huge engine accelerates the aircraft carrier to 35 mph the Carl vinon carries dozens of Defense systems including missile systems and air defense systems such as phink Seawinds an aircraft carrier can accommodate more than 1,800 people including crew and Aviation Personnel but the most important thing it carries is of course an Air Group there are 90 Fighters helicopters and attack a craft this is not a joke uh all this in a 42,000 tons uh carrier autonomous able to uh uh to sustain the life of 1800 Sailors particularly interesting are the deck mounted f-18s which can cause enormous trouble for the enemy the fa18 is the world's most versatile fourth generation fighter aircraft even its name says so the letter F stands for fighter and the letter a means it's also an attack aircraft the Navy command wanted to get the most out of the fa18 so they set out to simultaneously increase the range introduce stealth Technologies increase survivability expand the area of impact on air and ground targets and integrate modern weapons including cruise missiles but in the F-18 we're going to fold these Wings upright and now there's an extra 4 to 5 ft of space this total approach is explained as simply as possible there's no room for different aircraft on the aircraft carrier and it's necessary to make the most versatile option that's why Super Hornet can really do almost anything flying as a conquest aircraft is easy this is due to the ability to carry 12 aim 120 missiles at once which hit air targets at supersonic speeds sinking enemy ships with stealth missiles is also an easy task as there are AGM 158 C's on board designed specifically for this purpose or maybe it's important to throw High Precision bombs at the enemy up to 10 of them in one flight and it can do that well of course the F-18 has smart technology built into almost all of the weapon systems almost all of the hardpoint uh pylons and and launchers are are Smart Technologies the F-18 is even capable of acting as an air tanker can any other aircraft boast the same variety of capabilities we don't think so the fa18 safety margin is also in favor as the aircraft's design is adapted to withstand the rigors of catapult launches hard Landings on aircraft carriers and salt water the fa18 is by far the most capable aircraft that these young Pilots have ever flown in the appearance of such a ship as the Carl Vincent with F18 fighters in the black SE can significantly affect Russian aggression against Ukraine because now the enemy has a third deterrent whose technology can easily Wipe Out the entire Russian Fleet add to this the presence of the world's largest aircraft carrier the Gerald Ford in Turkish Waters from where it can safely reach the Black Sea and join the Carl Vincent we think this will calm down the enemy's harder and the situation will gradually calm down as of late distrust between the United States and China has reached an all-time high the mounting pressure has prompted America to take a bold step forward by allocating a whopping $1 13 billion for the development of a new laser aircraft carrier the move is designed to Showcase their dominance and deter their number one adversary and astonishingly enough it is 100% worked so far ship is so different from any other ship that I've ever been on and and that holds true for all of our Sailors you know no matter how many aircraft carriers you've been on before you've never been on a Ford class aircraft carrier the the aircraft carrier USS Gerald Ford represents a new era in aircraft carrier development and is the Undisputed Flagship of the new US Navy the story began in 2005 when the US Department of Defense awarded a contract to initiate the development vment of a new class of aircraft carriers leading the way was Huntington Les Industries the exclusive manufacturer of nuclear ships in the United States Construction of the aircraft carrier commenced in 2006 starting with the hole and the subsequent installation of various systems and Equipment this meticulous process spanned a total of 7 years culminating in the carrier launch in 2013 followed by extensive testing and adjustments in 201 17 the USS Gerald Ford was officially commissioned into the esteemed ranks of the US Navy assuming an active role within the fleet notable advancements include a new electric drive system and the integration of automated systems resulting in a significantly reduced Cru size we've been able to reduce the Manpower in this ship to Cru size by about 600 people the developers implemented several improvements to aircraft launch capabilities and also increased the number of deck elevators however however the most notable addition was of course laser Weaponry locked Martin assembled a team of Engineers specializing in Laser Technology from around the world for a closed conference by combining the expertise of these Brilliant Minds with the company's Cutting Edge technology they successfully created an incredibly powerful laser system known as LW 2 LW 2 is an automatic laser directed Energy System with multiple operational modes through the Strategic arrangement of lens and unique laser properties its range has been extended three-fold compared to the previous version in its normal mode the laser operates at a power of 200 KW effectively disabling enemy electronics and missiles up to 6 M away it poses a threat to Fighters projectiles guided missiles and enemy vessels however to ensure absolute protection it has a second operational mode with 400 KW of power allowing it to engage enemy bombers and frig from a range of 13 M this remarkable operational Zone makes the LGE 2 one of the most formidable military laser systems since it's powered by the aircraft carrier nuclear reactors it also possesses an ample energy Supply in addition to the laser system the Gerald Ford is equipped with high-speed Torpedoes underwater mines and machine gun air defense systems these components work in tandem with the laser providing continuous and around the-clock defense capabilities furthermore the ship is undergoing testing for an added layer of protection invisibility with a decade of experience in stealth technology derived from aircraft the company hyper stealth biotechnology has developed an absorptive coating specifically designed for ships a reflective shell is created by employing a specially crafted meta material capable of manipulating the direction and speed of radar waves passing through the vessel this Advan advaned technology makes the ship's radar signature look like that of a fishing boat or renders it completely invisible with these advancements the Gerald Ford gains the added advantage of stealth allowing it to approach the enemy undetected disable Coastal defenses with its laser system and unleash surprise attacks with its Fleet of Fighters there is no one absolutely no one who would be prouder of the commissioning of this Mighty ship than the president of the United States a fleet of 75 state-of-the-art fifth generation aircraft stands Poise for immediate deployment and they're piloted by highly skilled Aces however outdated systems of acceleration and steam ejection utilized on previous aircraft carriers have proven inadequate for executing truly Swift attacks that's why the Gerald Ford is pioneering the utilization of Cutting Edge electromagnetic catapults these Advanced catapults take up minimal space and provide Fighters with instantaneous acceleration enabling them to get up to the required speed for takeoff so we have one less aircraft elevator than uh Nimitz class this has three as opposed to the four um all that was part of the design to enhance Flight Deck usage so that's a a key aspect right that's what the carrier does the catapults employed on the Gerald Ford are powered by the same nuclear reactors that supply energy to the entire ship two state of the-art a1b reactors each the size of a truck generate heat that is then converted into electricity this Electrical Power Fuels all onboard systems including the propulsion itself it's worth noting that the Gerald Ford is different from older aircraft carriers and that it uses a direct drive electric propulsion system instead of steam turbines this Innovative system optimizes Energy Efficiency and minimizes losses as the energy is converted the direct drive system is employs multiple electric motors that draw electrical energy directly from the nuclear reactors this Arrangement empowers the aircraft carrier to achieve impressive speeds of up to 30 knots while providing exceptional maneuverability the system revolves around four propellers each boasting a diameter of 23 ft positioned at the stern of the vessel these propellers are the most advanced of their kind on any US Navy ship they've been meticulously engineered to deliver maximum efficiency fuel economy and over all performance to the aircraft carrier when the need arises to decelerate and bring the ship to a quick stop the reliable anchor bring system is engaged remarkably the Gerald Ford is also at the Forefront in this regard as well with an anchor weighing an incredible 40 tons there is a uh a high Bill up front for this carry without a doubt as a first of class but it is designed from the outset to operate uh more efficiently and to have greater availability to the the reduced maintenance requirements the Gerald Ford is the 11th aircraft carrier of the United States and follows in the footsteps of legendary predecessors like the nimts and the forestall while the latter has long been retired from service nimit remains an active member of the naval fleet at 1,092 FT long and 253 ft wide the nimit can accommodate up to 80 Fighters by comparison the Gerald Ford boasts a longer deck measuring 119 ft long and 256 ft wide allowing it to house up to 90 Fighters simultaneously unlike its predecessor the old aircraft carrier relies on Steam catapults and is equipped solely with machine gun anti-aircraft systems this pales in comparison to the new electromagnetic catapults and Laser defense systems on the new ship which are far more effective originally there were plans to construct an even larger and more powerful Ford class aircraft carrier however this ambitious vision would have required significantly more time and effort nevertheless the United States has already entered into a contract for the construction of a new Ford class carrier named Enterprise which aims to embody the power and capabilities that the military ultimately wants that being said the current version of the Ford still offers some significant advantages its design allows the ship to navigate through storms and colossal waves at full speed covering distances that would challenge others at top speed the aircraft carrier can deploy AI guided autotargeting laser cannons swiftly neutralizing the enemy before they even realize the Colossal Flagship is there with two nuclear reactors powering all the weapons and the invisibility system combined with fast attack aircraft helicopters and drones the Gerald Ford is the most formidable vessel of our time with combat power rivaling that of an entire Army and the Foundation that we're building here today at Gerald R Ford will last for the next 50 plus years it will last throughout our lives if we get this right Gerald R Ford will go on to be not just the most technologically advanced warship in the Navy but the greatest warship in the Navy the dedicated team of Engineers working on the Ford faced daunting challenges and tight deadlines but they Rose to the occasion overcoming every obstacle and delivering the project on schedule their remarkable efforts have resulted in a creation that strikes fear into the hearts of enemies in the Future Ford class ships are set to replace the Nimitz carriers thereby becoming the backbone of the US Navy as time progresses and Technology advances even more powerful ships will come into existence opening up new possibilities for Naval superiority the introduction of the Ford has had a significant impact even causing China to re-evaluate its Ambitions and provocations towards the United states there are few ships in the world that can rival the Ford leaving opponents with limited options China's potential for matching the United States lies in their type three aircraft carrier which is currently undergoing testing the Chinese aim to equip their vessel with artificial intelligence that could command an entire fleet of drones however testing outcomes remain to be seen while its adversaries are still in the testing phase the United States is already putting laser weapons on its other ships like the USS RW there are also plans to enhance the Ford with even more formidable Weaponry such as rail guns or microwave systems such advancements would Propel the flagship aircraft carrier to an unparalleled level of power and on that note our video has come to an end thank you for watching Remember to subscribe to the channel click the notification Bell and share your thoughts in the comments section we hope you have a fantastic day and see you soon good

2023-10-30 19:51

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