UTS Advanced Manufacturing Associate Degree

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And, welcome, to our, online session. My name is miriam, emil. I'm an associate, dean at uts. And i'm here. To introduce, today's. Information, session. So today 4th of november is a bit of a historical, day of course for a number of reasons. And one of them, is that, we have you all here today, to discuss. The new, associate. Degree. In advanced manufacturing. Which uts, is. Developing. First thing first. I would like to acknowledge, the traditional, custodians. Of the various, lands, on which we are all working from today. And for those on the uts, campus because some of the some of us are there i would like to also acknowledge. The gadigal, people. Of the eora, nation. And pay respect. To the elders. Both past, and present. As a traditional, custodians. Of knowledge, for this land. So in just a few minutes now you are going to hear from our panel of experts. Their perspectives. On the degrees, national relevance. And, how it can support. Employees, build up their careers. In advanced manufacturing. But for now it's time for me to introduce, you to our mc, rob german. Associate, professor. In the faculty, of engineering, and information, technology, at uts. Rob gained a certificate, in electrical, engineering, at, the sydney technical, college, while completely, completing. An electrical, drafting, apprenticeship. And then that followed with a ve, electrical. And a grad certain education. And a phd in engineering. At uts. So his research, areas, include, engineering, education. And renewable. Energy, in developing, communities. So now i'll hand over to rob, to take it from there, thanks rob. Uh thank you miriam thanks for the warm welcome and hello, everybody, and welcome, to this session, um i'm, very glad that um that little bit of my bio, that i started off life as, in an apprenticeship, has actually, stayed in here, i, i sense that um, that background, at least for my career has set me up very well and and and really i i think, this is an opportunity, to, kind of go back to where um where i started off in my career at least anyway with this kind of model, so we're quite excited to be able to.

Present. Our thinking, so far. But before i start that a little bit of, housekeeping, which i think will be helpful. For everybody, if you are new to zoom. Uh, then. Uh then i'll draw your attention, to perhaps the top right hand corner, of your screen there is a view button up there. Uh and if you you can use that to have a or to choose what view of the screen you have. The speaker view is perhaps, the best. Because it allows you to be able to see who the main person is speaking at any. One time. But that's, something for you to choose. Everyone's doing this exactly right at the moment you've all got your microphones, on mute which is terrific, so thank you very much for doing that. Uh. And that will just help reduce any uh background, noise that that might come through that you that, that you might not want to wanted us to hear. Um. We'll, we'll certainly, have this as a, as a conversation. Um and as best as we can we'll use the the raise hand button to ask those questions. As we're going through. Uh and to access, uh the raise hand, uh on zoom now you go to the participants. Icon, that's right at the bottom of the button, of the screen. If you press participants, you'll get a listing. On my screen at least it's down the right hand side, and at the bottom of that panel you'll see a blue. Raised hand button so if you want to ask a question. Please use that. Otherwise, we'll, we'll see how the conversation, goes as we're going. And on that point today, really is a continuation. Of the conversation. That we've started, and it seems like we've. Traveled, very rapidly, to get to where we are now. Uh we've worked. Quickly. Rapidly, with uh with the department the dese. And. Planned and we understand, many elements, about our program, going forward. Um the two-year, full-time. Associate, degree. Our commencement, date is the 22nd, of february. 2021.. It seems like just a few weeks away. But we know that there are some unknowns. And today, is really about continuing, to co-construct. That program, with our key stakeholders. That includes. Industry, of course. As well as, potential, students so welcome to all of you, and thank you for the representatives. That have signed up we can see that there are people from siemens, of course and there's, nicolette, is going to be speaking later. Bea. Downer. Thomas. Honeywell. I know we've got tafe here, and of course we can see, we hope, a whole bunch of students. That have joined up as well. I'm just going to play uh put into. The chat box, uh. Shortly. A link to our main adam site. I'm sure you may have seen that elsewhere, but that will give you, a, a ready click link to find out further information, it will be, one of the channels that we use to communicate, with you further. As well as our adam, um, sorry our advanced. Associate degree and advanced manufacturing, email. Site, so stand by and i'll post those in a moment. But without further ado. I'd like to, um. Introduce, uh zack, kostersek. Zac is the director. Of the tertiary, policy, branch, in the higher education, division, of the australian, government, department of education, skills and employment. And it was through his department. Uh and zach's efforts. Uh that we've, uh secured, funding. And that uts. Uh is part of this partnership, around the country. Uh with this program. So zack, uh are you uh are you on board and ready to uh present. Yes, uh thanks rob uh hi everyone gig, i'm off mute aren't i can you hear me sorry we're on the phone we couldn't get zoom working so you're good you're doing great well done, okay great. All right thanks rob uh so. Thanks everyone great to be able to talk to you all, um. So. We are. As rob said we're uh, managing. Um the roll out of this particular, program. Um, it involves uts, and a number of other, universities, around the country. And is part of a broader. Really two broader, government agendas, one is around, testing, a model. That we're calling sort of, we're calling an advanced apprenticeship, model in higher education, which i'll explain a little bit more in a minute. Um and the other is just grappling, with the. Um. The changes, that uh, everyone, expects, to flow from. Industry, 4.0. And. You know the impact on various industries, around australia, particularly, on the advanced manufacturing, sector. And so this. Uh. This trial, is focused, on, both of those, things. Um, it. Is. It was originally. Announced. Uh. At the end of 2019. As a one-year. Program. And of course you know covert. Led to a lot of rethinking, and re-prioritizing. Within the sector and as part of that. The program's, been extended, to a two-year. Program which can support, up to a full associate, degree, as um as robert miriam has just explained.

So That's what we're looking at now. Um. The. The, what this is a pilot so we are testing, a new model, of higher education. Which is this advanced apprenticeship. Idea, so what what makes this different, to a traditional. You know university, course. Which is. More or less delivered, to. Uh you know students, full time many of them school leavers, who. They may work on the side but essentially they're full-time, students. This model of an advanced apprenticeship. Is intended, to test models. That are delivered, it's higher education, delivered, to current, employees. Specifically. Relevant, to their current job. Or, broader, industry. And delivering, skills directly, to them that. Are intended to be useful both to the student from a career, progression, point of view. And also to their employer. In terms of gaining access to new skills. That they can make use of. More or less in the immediate term. So this is. These are new models. There have been a couple of smaller scale, trials. Previously. Testing, the way, this can work. And we're very excited now to be testing this, with uts, and there's plenty of scope, to. Look at. Designing. The way this thing would work so that it suits. The three parties who are involved here which is the, students, the employers. And the provider, so in terms of from the government's, point of view. The, uh. The precise. Model, and precise, arrangements, around study, time etc, are something that. Is up for negotiation. Between. Employers, and uts. We're really keen to be quite flexible. And support. Anything that delivers on the core objectives. Of the program, around, that, higher apprenticeship, style model and. Delivering, industry 4.0. Skills. The. The. One thing to be really clear of in the beginning, is the name um it's called an advanced, apprenticeship. But, uh we need to really understand it's not, a genuine, apprenticeship. Um you. Sort of need to imagine invisible, scare quotes around the word apprenticeship. Uh the key difference, is that. This is not a. A, legal, employment. Contract, like a traditional, apprenticeship, would be. Where there are mutual obligations.

You Know on both sides, and there's a whole lot of, there's a very significant, infrastructure, you know around trade apprenticeships. This is really. I guess inspired. By that arrangement, but looking for something that's a lot more flexible. For both, employers, and students. And doesn't require, i guess the. The, length of of, commitment, and the legal lock-ins, that the traditional, apprenticeship, system. Um you know which is involved. Over a very long time does. The. Uh. What the model is, intended, to do is. Uh. Provide those skills. That i talked about before but also. Foster. Genuine, collaboration. Between. Employers, in industry sectors. And higher education, providers, so that they can work together. To really deliver the skills, that um. That workers, need. And businesses, need. More or less immediately. And so i guess close the gap that. Some people, uh. Uh you know commentators, talk about a lot where, um. It takes, delivering, job ready skills straight out of the higher education, system. Uh. You know is a perpetual, challenge so i guess. This, is. Um. Really, mostly, framed around, a kind of lifelong, learning, upskilling. Approach. There's nothing to preclude. Uh. You know brand new employees, from being part of this that would be fantastic, as well but. I guess it's a flexible. Model and we're. Really interested, in looking at the kinds of models that can be created under a program like this, to make these, concepts, of, of tailored, industry relevant. Education. Um, workable. And, hopefully one day, scalable. Yeah. So um. The other thing to be really clear about is that again in contrast, to a traditional, apprenticeship. This is a higher education. Program, so the qualification. That we are supporting. Um in contrast to a vet certificate, this is a higher education. Certificate, which, our colleagues from uts, will explain in a lot more detail a bit later on. One of the things we really recognize, here is that. We're asking, for. A degree of commitment, from employers. Here in terms, of. You know at minimum, supporting, the kind of flexible, arrangements, that would allow their employees, to participate. In the education. Uh now the details of how that will play out, um probably vary by institution, and again rob and miriam, and others will we'll go into that a bit later. But we do recognize, that that is. Something, new. And. I suppose what we're, very interested, in is is uh hearing from you all. Uh, what the issues would be around that and and. Within the parameters, of our of our authority from government what we might be able to do to facilitate, that, um, and support that together with our uts, colleagues. Uh, so, look i think that's probably, uh enough for me. For an opening, um, opening remarks rob. Thank you zach very much appreciated. Uh and wonderful, to hear, um, the flexibility, of it i think that sets, us up very nicely, for. How we're going to continue, on not just to work with you but to also work with uh everyone, here that's a key stakeholder. Uh, nicolette, i think i'm going to throw to uh to you, uh next i'll give you a little bit of an introduction, so nicolette, is uh, his passion, he's the uh the head of hr. At uh zeeman's, pacific. Region. Um, and she's, uh passionately, participated. In the industry 4.0. Task force. Uh to support the creation, of a roadmap, to prepare, australia, for the future of the fourth industrial, revolution.

She's Consulted, with the australian government and the victorian, government, on, national priorities, as well as co-creating. The industry, 4.0. Apprenticeship. Pilot, program. And that was with, siemens, and swinburne, so she's got a fair bit of experience, in this before. Nicolette, welcome. Thank you so much thanks for the opportunity, really, uh appreciate, it. Can you not hear me, uh yes we can hear you fine nicolette. Sorry. Yes i'll i'll let you continue, speaking. Okay so, um, yeah thank you for the opportunity, i think it's um it's so important when i looked at the uh and maybe i should have told you to correct it but it gives me an opportunity, to talk about it, is that actually, we should talk about skills in a broader context. When we talk about the industry 4.0. And the future. Um of advanced manufacturing. And the future of industry, really, and that's we rather should talk about capabilities. And competencies. And so it's a it's a broader, topic. And that's why, the apprenticeship. Model or a model where you have curriculum. And ex, and practical. Experience. Together, in a. Almost, two, uh two thirds one third, a point of view, it works better because you are actually training people to think, you're training people to to, solve problems. Rather than give them the theory. And then they land in the workplace. Um and then they have to be trained in how to do the role. We've seen with the pilot that we did with swinburne. Um, those, those first, if i can just talk about the first group of kids who, they're not they actually were not all kids but let's call them apprentices. Although. You know as um. As um zach just said that that's also a loose term i think it's also got a bad connotation. In australia. So let's rather call them trainees, so those trainees who came through the workplace. Where they are today. Um the titles that they have, after, three years after the start of our pilot program in swinburne. Is not the job, job titles, we we had then. And it wasn't the jobs we um, would have even imagined. That that qualification. Would create. So they've kind of self-created. Those jobs because of the competencies, that they bring to the workplace. And i think this is what you are trying to do when i look at i don't know i think that's what you call it, um, which by the way there's a really cool connection, there between adam we have to go back to adam. Um. In terms of how we train people up and we really need to get past this apprenticeship, stigma, that we have in australia. Um it is about, practical, training, and theory, we shouldn't throw degrees, and good theoretical. Uh you know phds. And degrees out of out of the, um out of the window, but it's so important, that we. We train, and we educate. Um, the. Incoming, fraction or the change, in skills. That we educate them in a practical, way and not only theory. Not only will we include, more people, in our, grab of who can do this, program. We would also include a more diverse, group of people so you open, for a different group of people that could come into the workforce, and i can tell you, um when you look at the studies we've done as siemens globally. Um. From an advanced manufacturing, point of view it will create more jobs than it should. No matter what you read you know these days you can find anything online that will tell you, um how many jobs, um you know industry 4.0.

Or The digital, revolution. Um will will shed, there it will be, more jobs that will be created, and the very big question is are we going to be ready. And i think, this this model these type of apprenticeship. Training, programs, call it what you will any will. Work integrated, learning, kind of program that we develop. Give people the competencies. That can use their skills. And their abilities. In the workplace. As they go. The biggest, focus for us in the apprenticeship, program was soft skills. Not the technical, skills we always say you don't need to train the technology, the technology, will come. The technology. The one thing that we know for sure is that advanced manufacturing. Will, it will come look at the deluxe, factory, that we supported from a siemens point of view um in melbourne. Digital manufacturing. Is here the technology, is here the question is can australia. Answer with the capabilities. And the competencies. In our workforce. To answer that question and actually play, on the platform. Of advanced manufacturing. In a global sense, and i think what you guys are doing is is an, absolutely, step in the right direction. Um i want to talk, to, one thing and then i'll, i'm almost at five minutes so i'll go longer i promise. Um. But i want to talk to the employers. You know and. What um jack was saying, he does, question. Um employers, you know we, as employers, we always sit around the table with the department, of education, and with universities, and say, you don't give us the people, you know like i mean where are these people and the universities, say well the schools are not educating, the maths and science correctly, all these girls fall out of year four and, we all criticize. And then school says well the parents are giving them pink trains to play with no wonder there's no women in the rail industry. You know so everyone, criticized. The previous, generation, or the. Previous, supply, chain, and it's time that we all play a role and i think, these type of education, setups like adam. Gives a platform. For once, for, the university, or the the, the education, sector, the government. And companies, and employers, medium. Small. Large, you know it's easy for us to talk in a siemens, and a, and the large, large organizations. But, um we need to engage that small medium enterprise, as well but it gives a unique. Opportunity, for all those stakeholders. To play, towards, the future of skills and how we close the gap together because, only if we work together, with one goal, will we, connect ourselves, to the advanced manufacturing. Future. The universities, will not be able to do it by just training in degrees. The that doesn't help as uh, you know employers we keep on saying well give us any degree and we'll retrain, it we've got to work together we've got to co-create.

And We've got to code, educate. So that we can get the right outcomes for the future of australia, and then australia. With its high level of innovation. And its spirit. I think really can play an, awesome role in advanced manufacturing. But it's all it's going to all come down to skills and capabilities. So i hope that gives you a bit of an intro. And i'll, obviously, stay on for the duration, so if there's any questions, or is any other questions from the from the panel we've been through it we've worked through the pilot it's three years later there's a lot we've learned there's a lot we would have changed, but it was highly successful. And if you meet those 20 20 people today. Um, none of you would guess that they did an apprenticeship, program you would think they did. An honors degree somewhere. Um it's it's quite. It's quite astonishing, what they've achieved, so. Um that's all from me for now i hope um that states the scene for for some of the discussion. Thank you nicolette, very, cool. Thank you very much for uh for, for that inspiration. Or for that lead off i think you've absolutely, brought uh you know the experience, that you have to this, i will actually pause there just for a moment and see if there are any hands up the the, uh the other thing is that um. I, encourage you to use the chat box if you wish to type a message if you'd rather not, uh raise your hands but are there um. Any questions for nicolette, just before we uh, progress. Further. What i'll do rob is i'll keep my eye during the presentations. On the chat so i'll i can also answer there as they as there are questions so it makes it uh fluent, yeah wonderful, thanks nicolette, okay um but without further ado, i'll move on to um to yochan, um, jokins, our director, of the center for advanced. Manufacturing. At uts. He graduated, with mechanical, engineering. And phd's. From germany. He's held senior management, positions, in the bosch group in germany, and australia before, joining. Tu dortmund. University, in germany. As a professor, and head of the institute, for production, systems. And he holds a dual appointment, with. That university, as well as uts. Um jorkan, brings. Clearly a wealth of experience, into this and can. Perhaps, paint, a view. Not only of advanced manufacturing. As you see at yawkin in your experience. But also what might be, perhaps for australia, so over to you. Okay thank you very much, rob and good afternoon. Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for joining us today. So. Let me share the slides, we have prepared, for. Today. Um, can you see my deck of slides now. Excellent. Yes. So, um. I would like to give you a. Brief introduction. To, advanced, manufacturing. Which is actually a generic, term. Comprising. New. Technologies. Not only emerging, in the manufacturing. Sector. But in almost all sectors, of of industry. And, for, motivation. Purposes. I. Would. Uh sorry it's a bit i'm i'm in germany, so it's a bit slow. Uh, for motivation, purposes. Uh i would like to take a look, at the recently, emerged. Uh world economic, forum future. Jobs report. And the key question, is. Which technologies. Are likely to be adopted, by. 2025. Which is. Just for in the next five years. So. I have highlighted. Four technologies. Which are in line with the research focus. Of, uts, in the area of advanced manufacturing. Which is the internet, of things, and connectivity. Artificial. Intelligence. And industry. Robots. In particular, industrial, robots. And last but not least 3d, respectively. Additive, manufacturing. And as you can see. In all these four fields of, technology. There's. Quite a gap here when it comes to the current state, which was. 2018. And the demand, for. 2025. So. That's exactly, one reason why we are addressing. These technologies. In our research, and training activities. At uts. So, looking, at the global. Manufacturing. Sector, and this is only the manufacturing. Sector here. We can observe. A different. Ranking, of these technologies. So. From a manufacturing, perspective. On the very top. There is connectivity. And the industrial, internet, of things. And. Which is. One of our key research focuses. At, uts, and i will go into further details, later. And. Of course there's automation. And. One foundation, for that is, its. Industrial, robotics. And the collaborative. Robotics, in particular. So these are the two top ranked. Technologies. But. There is a fair. Demand, for, additive, manufacturing. As well. And. Artificial. Intelligence. And. This is of. This is quite significant.

As When we move. And take a closer look at australia, now. Which is from the same, report. We can see, a different perspective. So this is. Not only, looking at the manufacturing. Sector in australia. But in, all industry, sectors. For example, mining. Or the food industry. Agricultural. Industry. And what becomes, very obvious, is, that. Applying, artificial. Intelligence. Uh. For example machine, learning and neural networks. Is a top-ranked. Technology. And. This is something. We are addressing, in our research, at uts. And of course the foundation, for that. Is uh, connectivity. Um. And, i mean we can see here that. If we are not only looking at, manufacturing. The relevance. Of additive manufacturing, is not as high as in in manufacturing. So, i would like to, take you on a very brief tour. Into our. Research, and training infrastructure, into our labs, at uts. And. We've been very fortunate, in the last. Years, to receive, a generous. Funding, from the government. In order to establish. A cyber physical. Production, facility. For. Industrial, ig. And. We are part of the. Our member of the national industry 4.0. Test lab network. And. Here you can see. Uh. Inside, our our lab where we have two photo bioreactors. For actually growing ig. And. For example. A robot infrastructure. For. For harvesting. The the ig so this lab is highly automated. And in addition, uh fully, linked to the internet. Based, on. In this case we are relying, on siemens, technology. Which is siemens, hardware. Latest standard, of, seamless, plcs. And connecting. Our hardware. To the internet. Using, the. Siemens, mindsphere. Connectivity. Platform. Uh. And, um. In parallel. Using, a data science platform. For the machine, learning part. So, this is a perfect, sandbox, to. To explore, the potential, of industry, 4.0. And the the purpose. Of. Collecting. Data throughout, the manufacturing. Process. Is of course, applying, data science, for predictive, modeling. And. I like to call it industrial, data science, as it combines. The. Machine learning, which is the interface, of computer, science and statistics. And within our faculty. We are very strong, in that area, in the school of computer, science, and. The. And we combine that, with manufacturing. Domain, knowledge, which is production, engineering. In the case of algae growing. It's actually, expertise, coming from our. Colleagues from science, from the climate, cluster. Department. And together, we are working on predicting. The. Growth of biomass. In ij. The absorption. Of, carbon dioxide. And our long-term. Vision is, to actually embed machine learning. Models, prediction, models. Into the control, loop. Of. Growing, ig industrially. Which is. Embedding, machine learning algorithms, in the siemens plc. So this is the. Industrial, data science research. I would like, to show you another highlight. So we have successfully. Applied. For, an arc, industrial. Transformation. Training center. On cobots, in manufacturing. Together. With. University. Of technology, queensland. And, swinburne. And. The whole idea is to deploy. Collaborative. Robotics. In manufacturing. So you can see here two examples, from our industry, partners. We have industry, partners, here. We're doing, heavy welding, so you can see, heavy, uh, robots. Here with high weight loads. Uh but another, area will be. Assembly. Of, parts where we are using, state-of-the-art. Light raid. Lightweight, robots. Which will be part of the course. Last but not least. I would like to touch on, the. On the fourth, technology, i've mentioned which is additive, manufacturing. And for those who are not aware. Uh, we have really world-class. Infrastructure. Here. In regard, to additive manufacturing, equipment, at uts, protospace. So we are doing research, there for many years now and as you can see. It's not only comprising. The manufacturing. Process, itself. But the complete. Life cycle. With a strong focus, on materials. And actually, designed, for. Additive, manufacturing. So, i hope i could you i could give you some, evidence. On. The world class. The worldcars.

Research, And training infrastructure. We have available, at uts. And i can assure you. We have top-notch, academic, and technical, staff. Supporting. This infrastructure. But as we've heard from, nicolette, already. Preparing. Graduates, for, the world of advanced, manufacturing. Industry 4.0. Requires, much more than technology. But rather skills, and at competencies. And at that point i would like to hand over to my colleague, dr mickey clement. Thanks jorgen. This this pairs, very nicely into. Discussing, the curriculum. And. The same. World economic forum that surveyed, companies to see what skills there. They're. Looking for in applicants, and employees. In. Long-term, management, of their own industries, and. Business. Match very well with our curriculum, and so we can see here some things highlighted, critical thinking analysis, problem solving, technical use and development, as well as among, a number of other. Um, competencies. And and these. Skills, are practiced, these are something that has to be developed over time, um and practiced, and get better and better, as you add more expertise, to them, so that's why um, experience, in employees, is highly valued because they have the critical thinking skills, and the domain expertise, to bring those together to solve problems, that are relevant, to the business. And so we've we've captured, this in our curriculum. And uh next slide. Please. And so this this suite of, of skills, that we've heard from. Repeated, over and over, among the speakers and i'm sure. Recognized, by many of our industry colleagues here. Are highly in demand, and, how do we bring this into the manufacturing, sphere how do we how do we add this into the curriculum, and do that upscaling, to. To to bridge the theory there's theory that goes along, with analytical, thinking with critical thinking. And problem solving that can be. Added, to, the innate or, experienced. Based. Learning that goes on on the job, we've added that theory. In the context. Of, advanced manufacturing. With the skill sets that are relevant, to. Bridging that gap between. Modern, manufacturing. Or current current manufacturing, practices, and, the modern, the new. Development, that utilizes. And brings in these. These. New software. I.t, and. Technological. Changes that are occurring. Next slide please.

And So our curriculum is really broken down into. Four themes. And this is. Uh, we're talking today, about the associate degree in advanced manufacturing, which is which is targeted, at a two-year time frame. But it sits in a broader context, it sits in a broader context, of. The research, expertise, at uts. And um additional. Training opportunities. That we are developing. In parallel. And that. This, atom degree, builds into. And so these skill areas. Naturally you need some basis, in industrial, and manufacturing. Engineering. To understand, the the production, system. That. These tools are applied to and to you know optimize. Sort of the, fundamental, skills there, are are critical, um in any production, environment. As well as data management, and analysis, automation, robotics. These two components, combined with the industrial. And manufacturing, engineering give us that industry 4.0. Idea that joking introduced, earlier and talked about some of the work that we're doing. But there's another layer of it and that's the complex system management and this is where. The theory of problem solving. Is is at a much, deeper level than the experience, that you may get, um, just sort of. Working through a, typical degree. Thinks. And so we've, organized this into these these four themes, and we've organized it by, a session. In terms of what a, student may progress, through. And this is. Not. We're not this is our proposed curriculum. Some students. May come in with, some background knowledge, and that can be recognized, to, you know. Skip. Subjects here and there and and tailor the the learning experience, to that individual, student so they can, pass through this curriculum. For the elements that are important to them. You may see that sort of light on the screen here the flow chart here those are sort of dependencies. Skills that you need to gain. Before you enter into the subjects. As it progresses, through the curriculum, and so they do build on each other um this is a. Suite of courses that that build progressively. As you advance, through the session. We don't have the delivery, mode um settled. And and that's part of what we want to, foster a conversation, with you. Both industry partners. And, employees. As to what is the best, model that works we have the curriculum. In terms of the content, that is informed, by. These, global, studies, australian-based. Studies, and advanced manufacturing. Focused. Studies on what skills are important. In the context, as well of what our research shows, is important, and the expertise, that we have at uts. The delivery mode itself, is flexible, though, and so that's really an opportunity. For us to build something together, that, is, workable, for, employees, and employers. And supports, you know that collaboration. That. Nicolette mentioned. A nice. Visual for that is is something that i. Enjoy, is the the rowing in the same direction if we're all on a boat and we're rowing in different directions. It's hard to get the boat to move forward, and so we need to all row in the same direction, in terms of the content. Were, were fairly well, established, on what content. Will support. Production, engineering. The, the advancement. And the. Adoption, of industry 4.0, technologies. And now we need to develop. Together the the delivery, mechanism, that works best. I think i can leave it there. Um. Oh yes last slide. Thank you for for the slides we'll open up the discussion. This is a very. Perhaps, enticing slide this is a flavor, we're, building one of these this is our. Incoming. Industry 4.0, brewery. And so we will have one of these, shortly, here at uts. To. Couple together with our algae lab. They use similar. Methods, and the cyber physical architecture, the industry 4.0, technology, is the. Approach, that you take to, these two different, industries. Brewing and algae growth, are similar and so, we will have. You know cross learning across those things as well as a physical twin in germany. I'll hand it back to rob to, moderate. Thank you, uh joachim, thank you mickey, um, and look i'll just i'll go straight to one of the questions, um, uh jochen or mickey either one of you jumping on here that's come in it's. Um, there was a a slide that showed. Emerging, skills and the question. Is is teamwork. And collaboration. Part of a mix. Of emerging, skills. I guess i wouldn't say that they're emerging, um, they've always been a necessary, skill, particularly, in engineering.

They May perhaps, be even more critical. In advanced, technologies. Because there's, there's no one person that can master, all of the skill sets that are required. To. To excel. In the complexity. Of, production in modern. Modern processes. My research is an additive manufacturing, and that is very clear in that you need all of the all of the skills, software materials, manufacturing. Just in that one. Field, and i'm sure that's, consistent, across. Across industries. I might have an additional, comment, to that question. Which is team work between, different disciplines, which becomes, more and more critical, to success, of. Deploying, industry 4.0. So i'm doing a lot of engineering, consulting, in german companies. And they keep hiring, more and more computer, scientists, and data scientists. The only problem is though that, these guys speak a completely, different language, to the experienced. Domain, experts, in pro. Process, engineering, and production, engineering. And that makes teamwork, really difficult, and exactly, that type of teamwork. And the the skills. And the, the cross. Domain, expertise, that's what we want, to establish. In our graduates, of the aden degree. Um. That we, actually, get. Students, trained, were capable, to bridge that gap. Thank you both, uh there are other questions. Uh either. Ray's hand, or, i think given that everyone's a bit quiet at the moment i'd be um uh philip i can see your hand where you going, great uh look my, son um. Has a diploma, in electrical, engineering. From tafe. Can you hear me. Yeah good yes okay, um great it has a diploma in electrical, engineering, from tafe, and. Uh works and has worked, with like plc's. And robots, etc. Um. He's. Fairly familiar, with with um, the the hardware, and the software. I'm just wondering. What. Um. What would this program. Offer someone, like that, who in a sense is already. In. The industrial, automation. Field. And already, has. Um. A diploma. In electrical, engineering. I know that he is interested, in doing further study, but. Particularly. Because there will be other people like that. In that category, for sure. Who will find out about this so i'm i'd just be really interested, to get your ideas, on that please. Yeah, rob would you like me to answer, yeah please joke and away go. Yeah, okay so. Um, you might be aware that, industry 4.0. Has been called the the fourth industrial. Revolution. So the third one, was basically. Automation. And and robotics. Uh part of it and, of course the whole plc. Thing. And, what makes it the first revolution, is basically, the connectivity.

To The internet which is the internet, of things. And the introduction. To artificial, intelligence. Of artificial, intelligence. And you might be aware, that the. Sensor, technology. And. Cognition. And the, machine, intelligence. Based on these technologies, has significantly. Increased, in the last year and this is something. Which did not come with a traditional, degree in automation. So the i would say the the add-on, on traditional. Automation, technology, what we offer. In our course, is. Is the, connectivity. Part, the internet of things. Technology. And. On top of that, it's really. Learning about the potential, and the technologies. Of artificial, and machine learning. Applied, in the area of, manufacturing. Which. Is the the new component. Of this, skill set. Thank you thank you. Can i add. Something there because we actually. Had, um. Trainees, in our program. That either did a degree in electrical, engineering. Um. Or in electronics. Uh, pre-qualifications. Um we even had someone who had a um. Apprenticeship. In, in warehousing. And logistics. And we completely. Re-skilled, him from warehouse, and logistics. Into, um, industry 4.0. So, um i, i really think if the if he wants to study or a student wants to study that. The convergence, of technology, is coming we, we're going to need mechanical, and electrical, and electronic. All of them to kind of, read, we do a bit of, reskilling. And ongoing, learning, to create that skill of the future, the, different. Base level skill that they have will of course help them with that um, that knowledge or that in-depth knowledge, knowledge they have in a specific, area. But they will adapt new skills, so, if he's interested, in studying, something further. Um i would rather recommend, this than to go, more deeper, into what he studied already so i would rather diversify. The skills. Than to, dig deeper into that. Right thank you. I think, i'll just add an extra thread in there because i'm empathetic, about people that have come through the tafe system and studied electrical, engineering i was one of them, uh and i agree with with both what joking and nicoletta, said you know the stepping stone. From the tafe qualification. Into this sub bachelor, qualification. And that's what an associate, degree is, um it's a step, sort of, a small bit below, a full bachelor's, qualification. Is uh, is actually a really good stepping stone and one that we're. Uh. You know playing our part in. Developing. Um. Okay, are there. Sorry, are there other questions. There's a couple in the chat here, there's one about some of the subjects, are uh. Seems similar to other engineering. Discipline. Degrees and that's that's intentional, there is there is some fun foundational, math and physics that that is necessary, to understand. Uh machine learning to understand material manipulation. Which is central to manufacturing. Um you can't avoid that so there's. There's some skills there that need to be. Developed and it is the foundation, that that these more advanced. I mean the advanced and advanced manufacturing. Is the application, of these, sort of base skills, and the further development, of them. With these specific models, and so, um yes uh definitely there's, some crossover, with other engineering. Disciplines. Math physics, um basic electronics. Basic materials. Definitely there's some crossover, there and so you'll you'll get that in any engineering, degree. No matter, the specialization. I guess on that on that note there's. So this atom is a, designed to be two years and we've, we've put it inside of a three-year. Broader degree, so that goes even a little bit more in depth a little bit more. Expanded. Skill set, that is an option, as well. For students who want to continue. Uh zach i can see, your microphone, on did you just want to add something there or. Uh no i'm good sorry i'm on the phone i'm not sure, what's going on okay sorry sec i just i saw you. I'm going to jump in here and say for. Some time now you've heard from from us which was kind of important you needed to get a bit of a sense, of. Uh what our thinking is and and i imagine you've got lots of questions. One of the key things we're, very keen to hear is around this notion of co-construction. We we need to hear and understand. Uh i guess, uh some of, some of uh. Your framework, your life, how this works, in. Um. Mickey, mentioned some of the delivery there, i'd be keen to hear comments, even if they're not questions. About, where some of this resonates, with you, what barriers they might be, uh seeing here, again, we've got zacky from the dese, who are the sponsoring, organizat. You know the government. Uh sponsoring, from this we've got nicolette, who has had experience, before, in what these look like.

Uh And we're. Uh. We're keen to hear from you so please use the. Opportunity. I believe there was. There was another question, from from the audience, rob. Ian edwards, asked what exposure, the students, get to technology. In support, of learning, iot, and machine learning. And. Just to give you an example. We have. Basically. Planned to do a lot of studios. And. Experiential. Learning. Topics, in our course. And one part for the iot, is. We have 12. Training workstations. Based on. Baloff, hardware, and open source software. Where. All students, are. Supposed, to actually. Design, and implement, a cyber physical, system. On their own, so this is really, uh, learning, based on on doing things, and hands on doing. So, um. That will be a very, uh, very. Strong, and important, part of the curriculum. Thanks jokin, uh i can see ed co has uh got your hand up so ed. Oh hey rob uh yeah i just wanted to sort of chip in uh and just sort of. Take up that call that you put out to give some insight and sort of personal perception, around. What you guys are presenting so it's very interesting to me so i'm a uh industrial designer. So additive manufacturing, is basically day in day out you know for us as a studio. Um, and what nicolette. Sort of spoke around. Soft skills, and. Leaning into innovation. The climate in australia is definitely. Very much so you know we have to rely on these new, forms of manufacturing. Or industries. That sort of elevates, us. Sorry it's going to close a little bit, um, so one thing that i was interested in about this specific, program, and maybe there is something i've missed is is there any direct. Um. Discussion, around how to bridge traditional manufacturing. With additive manufacturing. Because in our context additive manufacturing. You know to a client is this space-age, technology, that's 3d printing metals all sorts of things but to us. It's almost seen as a viable alternative. To. Large-scale, injection molding for example, you know where it does bridge. This gap, of cost and risk, that we encounter, quite a bit within the industry, so, this one didn't there's anything specific. Um but in this module of study because that's something that's very interesting, to us right now. Well. I mean. When we are when we think uh. Additive, manufacturing. Uh we're thinking in. Uh, in various streams in process, chains, and, i've never seen an additive, manufacturing. Application, in industry. Which does not, which lead to a final, product. In regards, to industrial, production, so you always have.

Machining. Involved, in many cases, for. As. Sequencing. Process steps. You have a lot of material, testing. And, material, and qualification. In there. And. That's why, um, as mickey has mentioned. We kept some fundamentals, of manufacturing. In the course. In the adam. Curriculum. Because we want to. Make the students think in, process. Chains, instead of singular, processes. So, it's definitely, additive manufacturing. Not only in terms of prototyping. But rather. Industrial, serious, production. And imperial, we are working with some colleagues in germany. Who are really, experts. In, in machining. Informing. On. Manufacturing. Process. Chains. For industrial, production. Including. Additive, manufacturing. Does that make sense. Yes it does it definitely does so, um is there anything you can expand on specifically, around materials. As well because, that seems to be one of the limitations, that we also come up with in, you know advocating, for, a, additive manufacturing. In you know for example in prototyping. Um scenarios. So is there something that can be explored. Or will be explored within the course, for specific. Material, based. Mickey over to you you're the expert yeah um yeah so. There is a whole subject dedicated, to additive manufacturing. So not just in the context, of. The the learnings about production, systems and value chains and business decisions, about what, manufacturing, process, is best for a specific application. But also about the specific technology, the material, options. Um, you know the in-depth. Uh. Grounding, of what added manufacturing, can do and, is is possible, for. And and that sits alongside, you know the other. Industrial, engineering. Um. Learnings that are going on as well as the sensors, and the, the. Machine learning so yeah there's definitely a, space for for that in-depth. Study. Is also, if i may um rob, this is also where, um, the stakeholders, come in and the employers, come in right so, um, the, the uts, can do the curriculum, and put all of that in but, imagine. Um. Someone working. In in your site and then actually studying. On this program. You know that can bring value to you but that student, also brings value to the curriculum, and the curriculum. This is not you know what something, we found, and with the pilot, it is not a curriculum, that has to stay the same every year it's going to have to move much faster. You know perhaps and i'm i'm not an academic, but, you know we didn't review, our, curriculums. I mean of course we reviewed it but this will need refreshing. This technology. The one thing about the fourth industrial revolution, is moving, faster. More complex. Than any in the other industrial, revolution. And therefore from an education, and an, office a work point of view, we need to adapt faster, and more complex. And bringing those people in and bringing people like you and your company, into the program. Will also support, the faster development, of the curriculum, in certain directions. I think that's very important and then maybe you can explore, with the uts, team in terms of the digital, twin, and what in the software, in the mindsphere, environment, what the digital twin, from a siemens point of view can do for you there how you can test certain chemicals, or, or certain scenarios. You know the mass rover, um is the prototype, i mean you know, there was not a second one built because it was built digitally. But there's there's a lot that can be done, um with the software, also that uts, have, but they will need. The industry, to come with their ideas, cover their problems. That it can actually, unfeed, the curriculum. To give those problems, to students, to solve, and who knows they might just solve something for you, that, expand your business and i think this is the important part where rob says it's now time for you to join, this is where i think the ugs, can, roll out this curriculum, but without, employers, without, industry, the curriculum, is just another training program with a certificate. Thanks nicolette, thanks for the. Responses, everyone ed i hope that's helped um, where there's a couple of questions that i'd like to get to in, uh just a moment which sort of around, the duration, of the program, and, prerequisite, knowledge but alex, uh. From downer you've got a question. Yeah thanks i don't know if you can hear me rob. Yep where you go alex. Oh awesome thanks yeah, great presentation. There were. A couple of important points that came up we we tend to support a lot of our up-and-coming, students, in these courses, and a course like this would be just unbelievable, to be able to to bring to life.

Um The couple of questions, were around. You know traveling interstate. And how the, the course would be constructed. If they cannot. If they're not from the new south wales region, um you know visiting, the actual. University. And delivering, projects. Is something to consider, we don't have to. Solve all of them here but you know what is the portion, between. Online, versus physical. Pitched at the level of giving. Students time off and employees, time off to actually travel. And, and deliver on that. The other one is, the difference between, high level, managers. Versus, up and coming. Graduates. And you know how do we pitch, the difference in content, for. A, highly experienced. Industry 4.0. Manufacturer. Versus. A student, who's being introduced. To to some of those, new notions. And the other question, and that's again not for answering here it's just for notes. Is how, how do we teach, the up-and-coming, kids, to learn about, aptitude. And working in a collaborative. Role. A lot of the industries. It still comes across as competitive. And siloed. I said on the, industry, 4.0. Forum was with minister. Karen andrews for the gold coast and i'm meeting. New collaborative, partners, on a weekly basis, so, how does the course. Offer the opportunity, to actually create a network. Of, up-and-coming. Graduates, who understand. That collaboration. Is the most important part and if we all work together, and we all understand, the outcomes, for every individual. Rather than our own sort of. Outcome. How much better that is from a networking, opportunity, rather than. A single, disciplined. View so that they were just my comments, to the panel. Uh they're very helpful alex, thank you um, uh and, i think in the interest, and i, understand, some of them will take a little bit time to. To respond to and i don't intend to do that now but i will just flip some of those a little bit and say, i'll, take on notice that you're saying you would like students to be able to attend, or to, be able to go through a program in a mode which. Generally suits, you as an employer. And um and that's well noted that's that's something that we were aware of as well. Um. Can i. Can i point to uh one of the questions which was around prerequisites. Or coming into this, the, the, the three. Main component well two main components, are around. Sort of prerequisite, knowledge or skills. There's an assumed level of some high school maths uh which is in that, but at uts. We have a pathway. Um. In. That says if you're if your high school maths is uh. Relatively, poor. Uh then we have a maths pathway, a maths pathway, sorry, available, for you so it basically helps build your skills, in that, first session of studies and then gets you on track to be able to continue. Uh with that pathway. An english language. This program, is is opened, for. Domestic, students, only, there's an assumption, there of, uh that, that students, are either working, or have english, as. I studied a year or more, uh in some sort of mode whether it's hsc, or school. Or. Uh tertiary, study in english and i think most of our applicants, are going to fall into that. Barring that the ielts, score is 6.5. To come in which is relatively, competent, english language. And, and i think this will be most, this course will be most attractive for the cert 4 or diploma, kind of graduate the people that have had, something in tafe previously. They may have actually even done, or be a current uts, student. Or university, student that's looking at this and saying wow that looks like an option for me. And if if that's the case and you're seeing some of those subjects, out there. That you might get uh recognition, of prior learning for as mickey alluded to earlier that, is, absolutely, possible. The the head that the the point that i will make is that we will start we will roll this program, out commencing, from the beginning of next, year. Which means not all subjects are going to be available. At all times, uh as a cohort, starts to go through, we will, prepare, and deliver those subjects, so. If you have too much, uh recognition, of advanced, learning. And you find yourself trying to get into. Year two of this program we won't be offering that until. 2022.. Um, i think they're. Uh the main points, uh was there anything else mickey you wanted to add to that.

Um, No i i think that's there's a question about micro credentials and yes we're developing micro credentials, uh in parallel because not everyone needs all of the skills or looking for, all of this the you know the full suite uh you know specific things that are targeted, and, we have those, coming online as well. And i've i've got a feeling there was a comment elsewhere, in there that said maybe not everybody, needs to have the two-year, associate, degree. Um. So the micro-credentials. Lend themselves, very well to maybe that middle management, or. Senior, areas. Of an organization. That might not have the time to do a two-year full-time, degree. But definitely, need to get some of the language or understanding, of that so that skilling up aspect. And i think that's where micro credentials, will lend themselves very nicely. Perfect thanks very much rob. Thank you alex and they're good points well noted, um, uh there are other comments, or questions from the. Audience. I guess uh one thing we didn't talk much about is the, the work integrated learning and how that how that actually happens, um. Nicolette, mentioned the you know bringing the projects, to the curriculum, that is that is key right so. So our. Curriculum, is uh meant to teach you ways of thinking ways of approaching, problems. The problems themselves, come from, industry directly, either from our partners. Or from the employers who are participating, in the program. And so we have a number of industry partners. Across the center for advanced manufacturing, that, we can draw from. As well as you know uh employers who are sending employees or employees that have specific, challenges. Um, the ways of thinking that, we're, teaching you and the skills that'll enable. Um solutions, that weren't previously, known uh in your in your field, and that's that's what this, this curriculum, is about and so it's it's meant to be highly. Uh coupled with your. You know the industries, that you're working in. Rob if i can just say because i think it's important that people know this. What um what mickey has said there, what we also found that there were some things we couldn't offer, and we worked with our supply, chain, and train, and and for that, part of the curriculum. Our. Trainees, went to that company, and then, for a part of the curriculum, they came to us so i think, um and and i think um. Alex was referring, to that earlier. It's important that we all look in our value chains and our supply chains and say who can i collaborate, with, because i might not bring in same for it you know i might not bring, the whole workplace, that can that can train that curriculum. But can i engage with the siemens and say siemens can you, this is my trainee, i'm gonna. You know we think it's impossible but it's possible. I'm gonna let them come and do their practical with you for the next, um six weeks or eight weeks, for that specific, piece of training, and then you bring yours to, us, for this specific, piece of the training and this is really, where we really need to break down, and similar to what alex has said the barriers, are of industry. And everyone just playing in their own, um in their own area we, need to work together and collaborate, to bring, a curriculum, like this to. Life. Thanks nicolette, um, there was a question that i think i missed, earlier, in the um in the chat room which was really around part time, um the program's, been designed, to be rolled out in, effectively, two-year, full-time, mode, there is, some, flexibility. As zach was, talking about earlier. Uh to be able to change that to a part-time, friendly. Mode. Uh what we're keen to hear from. Participants. Or potential, participants, in this, is about what their. Um, i guess, uh flexibility. Or, or, or. Availability. Is going to be like to be able to, um. Uh, go through a program like this so if you're saying. Uh you know for me i would absolutely be on board but it needs to be part-time, we need to hear that. So that we can help start working out our delivery models. I'm conscious of the time i don't necessarily, want to stop this because there's not been too many people that have dropped down. Um. But i have, a couple of closing comments but before i do that i just want to leave it open for, uh one more, uh question if there are any. Uh yes. Yes. When will, um. The full, documentation. About the course be available, online. As soon as i can get it through our central approvals.

You Know we're a self-accrediting. Organization. I'm absolutely, pedaling hard. To get that as. Done as quickly as i can, uh philip so. Um. Uh. Ordinarily. Any other time in a university, setting we would have had all of this stuff wrapped up in about february. The year before, we would launch this program. Um we are building this literally, on the fly, uh at the moment and so we are. Trying to break as many rules as we possibly can and being as agile as we can to get it up and running for. February. Uh, and now that we uh, now that we've connected, with uh many people here of course we'll be keeping our web site up to date and we'll also be uh. Following up with you. Via emails. Etc, and keeping you abreast of, of our pathway, through that as we go. Um. I. Okay i think i i'll, need to wrap up here i, believe some of the panel at least might like to uh, will be available to hang around, a little bit after this but i'd like to bring this, to a close. As i've just mentioned, we will be following up with everybody. Via email. And if there are others that you want us to connect with that you think. Should, then please, full ask them. To contact, us, and give them. Their contact details. Via the. Email address, for this program. Where. In terms of applying, for this, we'll put this information, on the website, as well we're preparing. Uh what's going to be an expression of interest, pathway. So if you're planning to apply. Uh we're going to need or we'd like to see. A. If you like a motivation, letter, uh or uh, this is this is why, and, my aspirations. For coming into this degree. It needn't be a lengthy, uh assessment, task. It is simply uh this is me and this is where i want to get to, uh and why i want to do it. Since you're. Employed. It would be good to have, a employer. Support, letter, along with that that says yes, we acknowledge, that um that this person is going to, come into this, and that there will be a bit of an expectation. There about, recognizing. That this person's, going to be going through a. Program, with us, as well as uh staying employed, and what that would look like. We we'd like to, articulate. As best as you can your study schedule availability. So if you've, got the type of employer, that is saying, we'd very happily go back to the sandwich, pattern which is what i went through. Which says i'm very you know my employer is happy to have me go to. Study, for, a full-time, package, full-time. Semester. And then come back and work during breaks. Or work for the remainder, of the year and then. On and off again, then we we need to know that if it's strictly, part-time, we need to know that if it's block release one day a week we need to know that. So we want to hear from you what your schedule, availability. Is. And if you've applied, previously. Through. The uac systems, the university, admissions, center. Into a tertiary, course, then we'd like to know what your, uac, id, was. And if you don't necessarily, know that straight off the hand that's okay just say that you applied, for a particular, degree. Uh or you've, previously, come through you act that would help us with our, application.

Process. Right so i think that. Brings. The the critical announcements, i think i need to close off here as i said i think there's a few panel members that will be prepared to stay behind and answer further questions. I'd like to thank you, all for staying, on uh and hearing from us our story, thank you for your questions they're engaging, and thought-provoking. They've been very good. And. Without any further i think i'll call it to a close so thank you very, much.


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