Unmanned Aerial Vehicles | Anti-drone Weapons and Technologies of the People’s Army

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles | Anti-drone Weapons and Technologies of the People’s Army

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light and small unmanned aerial vehicles uavs are gradually becoming important weapons in Modern battlefields they allow commanders to have a comprehensive view of the battlefield and enable infantry to have the ability to strike tanks and armored vehicles from a distance however Ground Forces still have a variety of means to deal with this new type of threat today we will take a closer look at the training and testing site for anti-aircraft weapons we will explore the weapons that anti-aircraft units have at their disposal to deal with uavs in the air this is the anti-aircraft training ground located on the coast of the bohi sea [Music] foreign the students of the anti-aircraft artillery major at the Army artillery and anti-aircraft defense Academy are about to undergo light ammunition testing they are facing a tense testing environment and the ICC breeze on the training ground it remains to be seen how they will perform in the face of real bullets for these suntu graduate students this is a test of their abilities for us filming in this scenario is also a challenge this is our first time filming in such conditions and we are reporting to you live at around 3 30 in the morning Beijing time our steel Cannon Mountain Shooting is about to begin all personnel and ammunition are ready and our anti-aircraft guns are about to undergo a test firing we started so early because we noticed that there are many military and civilian aircraft flying in the area we need to avoid their flight times as much as possible to ensure safety the students can only enter the gun position in the early hours of the morning they will need to complete the shooting of today's companies attending the summit before 7am the personnel and ammunition are in place and our anti-aircraft guns are ready for a test firing we can see the ammunition loader filling up the ammunition clip and delivering it to our position this is a well-designed process and it is all for the final goal of hitting the target accurately on the other end of the shooting range an important task of live ammunition testing is also underway the installation and debugging of Target machines these targets are small and fast and have many similarities to the characteristics of many like and low altitude reconnaissance and strike uavs can high guns be used to shoot them down from such a distance we are currently using a towed 35 millimeters anti-aircraft gun and are in a state of aiming we are waiting quietly for the Target machine to pass through the killing range from the subtle movements at the muzzle we can see that the four artillery pieces on the entire position are ready for action as the sun begins to rise the anti-aircraft unit continues to test and fine-tune their weapons to ensure that they are ready for any future threats the students are focused and determined as they work together to achieve their mission meanwhile the target machines continue to fly at a rapid Pace putting the anti-aircraft unit skills and Technology to the test the sound of gunfire Echoes across the training ground as the students successfully shoot down their targets one by one as the day progresses the anti-aircraft unit prepares for a new set of challenges they know that their training and testing will never truly be complete as new threats and technologies will continue to emerge on the battlefield but with their skills determination and advanced Weaponry the anti-aircraft unit is prepared to face whatever comes their way they stand ready to defend their country and protect their fellow citizens no matter the cost as the anti-aircraft unit continues their live ammunition testing they wait patiently for their target machines to appear the Cannons Barrel is linked to the flight raising signals and they are all aimed towards the target area suddenly a black cloud appears in the sky as the first Target is hit the 35 millimeters towed anti-aircraft gun proves to be highly efficient in taking down its Target the Fire Control radar system accurately tracks the target's flight trajectory and determines the optimal interception Point guiding all the guns on the position to aim at the Target the four high guns fire at a rate of hundreds of rounds per minute creating a dense wall of shells around the target even small and fast targets cannot Escape their fate of being shot down the efficiency of modern anti-aircraft guns in dealing with these targets is truly impressive although the sound of the Canon may not be as loud as expected the sight of the red tray surrounds soaring through the sky is a breathtaking experience as the testing continues another Target is hit leaving a burning black cloud in its place the crew retrieves the down Target and inspects its damage the control box and fuel tank are both damaged and the fuel ignites creating a fiery explosion in the sky it's hard to imagine the fear that a pilot might feel flying over an anti-aircraft unit like this but for the students of the anti-aircraft artillery major this is just another day of training they continue to hone their skills and test their weapons always ready to defend their country against any threats that may arise as the anti-aircraft unit continues their live ammunition testing the cadets are in awe of the power and precision of the 35 millimeters towed anti-aircraft gun the Fire Control radar system accurately tracks the target's flight trajectory and determines the optimal interception Point guiding all the guns on the position to aim at the Target the cadets watch in amazement as the cannon Fires at a rate of hundreds of rounds per minute creating a dense wall of shells around the Target and taking it down in a matter of seconds the sound of gunfire Echoes across the training ground as the cadets successfully shoot down their targets one by one as each Target is hit a black cloud appears in the sky a testament to the deadly accuracy of the anti-aircraft gun the crew retrieves the down targets inspecting the damage and studying the effectiveness of their weapons they analyze the control boxes and fuel tanks noting the areas of weakness and strategizing ways to improve their defenses as the day progresses the testing becomes more intense with multiple targets flying at high speeds and challenging the cadet skills and Technology but the anti-aircraft unit remains focused and determined ready to defend their country against any threats that may arise the cadets take pride in their training knowing that they are part of a vital defense system that can protect their country and its citizens from harm they continue to work hard perfecting their aim and honing their skills always ready to face whatever challenges come their way as the sun sets over the training ground the cadets reflect on the day's testing proud of their achievements and ready to continue their training they know that the road ahead is long and challenging but they are prepared to meet it with strength and determination confident in their abilities and the power of their weapons in addition to the large equipment the Army's field air defense also has a small lightweight but equally deadly weapon which is the single man portable air defense missile the soldier carries this missile on his shoulder the most significant feature of this portable air defense missile is that it can be carried by a single soldier it uses an infrared Seeker head that can track aircraft and detect the engine exhaust heat signature leaving a very noticeable Trace in the sky to simulate this situation especially designed night vision tube that can emit an infrared signal is mounted on the target which simulates the engine exhaust of jet planes or cruise missiles the target machine is seen passing through the shooting area at a high altitude the portable air defense missile has a unique way of launching the missiles takeoff engine briefly ignites pushing the missile out of the launcher and the engine shuts down promptly to prevent the flame from burning the operator vent the missile ignites again in the air and head straight for the Target for critical targets two missiles can be fired simultaneously to increase the chances of successful interception due to their ease of use and high concealment portable air defense missiles were primarily used to attack low-flying planes and helicopters in the past however they have now become an effective means of countering unmanned aerial Vehicles especially in situations where the drones do not have any jamming capabilities in some Mission environments the use of missile artillery to combat drones is too violent and there is a need for a safer anti-drone measure that is more suitable for urban environments and can better ensure the safety of ground personnel and buildings at this particular testing ground researchers are developing a new technology to combat drones using drones a regular aerial drone is used as a Target to invade their airspace soon after a combat drone appears a large hexacopter with abundant power and high speed any small aerial drone attempting to compete with it in terms of speed and endurance is no match what is even more intimidating is that this drone is equipped with two special launchers under its body rendering any Target within range helpless under the guidance of ground Personnel a mid-air combat between drones is about to begin and we see the large drone slowly approaching the small one searching for the best time to fire the tension in the air is palpable as the combat drone closes in on the target drone with lightning fast reflexes the operator adjusts the drone's trajectory and aims the launchers at the Target the drone's powerful propulsion system kicks in propelling it towards the target at Breakneck speed the target drone is no match for the combat drones advanced technology and it quickly Falls victim to the launchers the operator watches with satisfaction as the target drone spirals out of control and crashes to the ground the combat drone's success is a testament to the power of modern technology and its ability to adapt to New Challenges as unmanned aerial Vehicles become more prevalent the need for Effective anti-drawn measures has become increasingly urgent the combat drone represents a new frontier in the battle against these emerging threats the researchers at the testing ground continue to push the boundaries of Technology developing new and innovative ways to combat drones and other Airborne threats the soldiers and Cadets who train here are at the Forefront of this effort honing their skills and testing the latest equipment to ensure that they are ready to face any challenge that comes their way as the day draws to a close the soldiers and Cadets gather to review the day's training and discuss their successes and challenges they know that there is still much work to be done but they are proud of what they have accomplished so far and confident in their ability to meet the challenges of the future the anti-aircraft unit and its members are a vital part of the country's defense system standing ready to defend their Homeland against any threat their dedication skill and courage are a testament to the strength and resilience of the human spirit and a reminder that even in the face of adversity we can always rise to the challenge soon we are going to capture our small drone get off the car get off the car get off the car I can't believe we can do this the combat drone suddenly deploys a net with an area of 16 square meters through high-speed photography we can clearly see that the propellers of the small drone are instantly entangled by the net causing it to lose power and fall to the ground is this the end of the road actually during the entire attack process the ground Personnel can fully delegate more tasks to the Drone to complete automatically through the camera on the combat drone we can see that it automatically recognizes the small black drone in the air and locks onto it once it has a good shooting condition the launch of the capture net can be completely initiated by the combat drone itself it's good to be able to shoot far but first you need to have a complex drone ground station and be proficient in these operations this can be expensive and requires complex training what about attacking the small black drones in fact there are simpler and more flexible methods in my trunk I'm carrying a box that contains two drones that can be shoulder launched by a single soldier let's take a look at the inside of this interception missile as you can see it looks very similar to the anti-aircraft missile that often appears in movies in fact their functions are quite similar each Barrel weighs about 10 kilograms and it is relatively easy for a soldier to operate it after taking it out of the packaging box we need to install a sighting scope on it it not only allows our soldiers to see farther and a more accurately but also has simple functions for measuring distance and angle to provide a very accurate trajectory for the soldier at the time of launch now we attach the launcher to the slot on the launch tube and connect it with a connector with just two steps the installation is complete and now it's a ready to launch interception missile of course launching it requires certain skills so we leave it to a professional shooter ready launch the countdown ends as the shooter pulls the trigger sending the missile soaring through the sky the missile Seeker head locks onto the small black drone and the missile homes in on its Target with deadly accuracy a bright flash illuminates the sky as the missile detonates destroying the small drone in a shower of debris the soldiers and Cadets look on with satisfaction knowing that they have successfully tested their equipment and honed their skills they are proud to be part of the country's defense system standing ready to protect their Homeland against all threats as the sun sets on the testing ground the soldiers and Cadets gather to reflect on the day's training and discuss their plans for the future they know that the threat landscape is constantly evolving and that they must remain Vigilant and adaptable in order to stay ahead of the enemy but they are confident in their abilities and in the strength of their equipment with cutting-edge technology at their fingertips and a fierce determination to defend their country they stand ready to face any challenge that comes their way to Showcase this unique method of attack we set up three Ultra high-speed cameras to capture the entire process of capturing the target drone the shooter launches an interception missile from their launch tube which then transforms into a large net just before it reaches the target at close range the small black drone is entangled in the net and falls to the ground ensuring not only the elimination of the illegal drone but also the protection of ground personnel and buildings this interception system is appropriately named the Skynet system the struggle between drones and anti-drone systems has also extended to the invisible electromagnetic space sometimes defeating a drone does not require causing direct harm to it utilizing invisible electromagnetic waves for soft kill methods in some combat scenarios can actually be more effective the use of drones is becoming more widespread and now we have drones that are capable of both reconnaissance and attack early warning is crucial to achieve which is why our Fleet of four vehicles each has a drone reconnaissance and positioning device when the device receives the signal from the Drone the TDA time difference of arrival passive location algorithm can be used to determine the drone's flight trajectory and precise position including its flight path and type such as DJI since we know its precise location and trajectories the jamming and suppression signal can be precisely aimed at the Drone by the jamming device on our vehicle because the system locates the Drone by receiving its signal it is completely stealthy during detection it can interfere with targets several kilometers away which is very effective against small drones that need to be close to targets for reconnaissance and attack in a vast Battlefield with drones attacking from all directions relying on a single method of defense will inevitably have flaws therefore it is particularly important to integrate it into a comprehensive defense system and use intelligence systems to assist in decision making to bring out the maximum advantage of each system we have established an anti-drone system that brings together various interception weapons and requires a unified command and control center for example the Acer period AE air defense missile weapon system is a highly integrated system on a single vehicle the Acer period AE air defense missile weapon system is designed to be highly mobile and can be deployed quickly to various locations it is an all-weather all-day air defense system capable of detecting and intercepting low altitude to targets such as drones helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft the system is equipped with a variety of sensors including radar Electro Optical and infrared which provide a comprehensive situational awareness of the airspace the system's missiles are highly maneuverable and can intercept targets at a range of up to 10 kilometers the missiles are Guided by a combination of inertial guidance and semi-active radar holding which ensures high accuracy and reliability the system can engage multiple targets simultaneously and is capable of coordinating with other air defense systems for enhanced Effectiveness in addition to the Acer period AE air defense missile weapon system we also have a variety of other anti-drone systems at our disposal these include radio frequency Jammers laser-based systems and even trained Birds of Prey each system has its own strengths and weaknesses and we carefully select the appropriate system based on the specific scenario our anti-drone systems are not only effective in protecting military bases and critical infrastructure but also have a wide range of Civilian applications for example they can be used to protect airports stadiums and public events from unauthorized drone activities they can also be used by law enforcement agencies to Monitor and control illegal drone activities as the use of drones continues to grow so does the need for Effective anti-drone systems we are constantly researching and developing new technologies to stay ahead of the evolving threat landscape our goal is to provide our customers with the most advanced and effective anti-drone systems available ensuring their Safety and Security in an increasingly complex world the air defense missile weapon system has eight missiles that are vertically launched from a well and is regarded as the core equipment of our anti-drone system just like the red flag A1 during the Cold War we have also adopted an open command architecture to integrate other equipment such as laser net capture and electromagnetic interference which follow the same protocol for easy integration similar to Lego building blocks the system's modularity enables it to be used in a systematic manner for combat operations the red flag a1's powerful detection and attack capabilities as well as its ability to provide ground troops with escort style air defense support while on the Move make it the ideal equipment for the core of our anti-drone system air defense missile systems are not new to us and we often see them in military exercises once deployed they need to be set up and use a large radar to detect and track aerial targets the launch vehicle then fires missiles at incoming enemy targets however you may have noticed that air defense missile systems are typically stationary during combat operations for the hq-17ae an important challenge during its design and development was to provide escort-style air defense protection for ground troops this means that the air defense missile system must move with the mechanized troops like a mobile air defense missile base and be able to conduct air defense operations while on the move this reminds me of the dynamic shooting exercises conducted by tanks or assault guns on the ground or both the gun and the target are moving however it is important to note that while the speed difference between tanks during Dynamic shooting exercises is only a few dozen kilometers per hour the speed difference between the air defense missile system and its Target during movement could be hundreds of kilometers per hour making the interception much more challenging as the target is moving in three-dimensional space this will be the most demanding test for the entire system the missile vehicle enters a combat state raises its search radar and rotates for a road test to see how the vehicle State when fully loaded during movement this is to prepare for the next step of shooting at aerial targets during movement guiding missiles while on the move is a difficult task as the vehicle will experience bumps and other movements that could affect the missile's trajectory this makes it challenging to guide and intercept targets especially since the missile is Guided by instructions to overcome the challenges of guiding missiles while on the move the hq-17ae system uses a combination of inertial guidance and semi-active radar homing this ensures high accuracy and reliability in targeting and intercepting incoming drones even while the vehicle is moving the system search radar which is raised during combat operations provides a comprehensive situational awareness of the airspace this coupled with the missile's advanced guidance system enables the system to engage multiple targets simultaneously during the road test the missile vehicle's performance was evaluated to ensure that it can withstand the rigors of combat operations the vehicle search radar was raised and the vehicle was rotated to simulate movement while the missile was loaded this test was crucial to ensure that the missile's trajectory would not be affected by the vehicle's movements during combat operations the hq-17ae systems open command architecture allows for easy integration with other equipment such as laser net capture and electromagnetic interference which can be used for soft kill operations Against drones this makes the system highly customizable and adaptable to various scenarios providing an effective defense against the growing threat of drones in addition to its military applications the hq-17ae system also has civilian applications for instance it can be used to protect airports stadiums and public events from unauthorized drone activities the system can also be used by law enforcement agencies to Monitor and control illegal drone activities as the use of drones continues to grow the need for Effective anti-drone systems will only increase the hq-17ae system with its advanced technology and open command architecture is at the Forefront of the Fight Against drones its ability to provide escort-style air defense protection for ground troops while on the Move makes it a valuable asset in Modern Warfare the missile vehicle was driven back and forth along the runway and its performance was found to be satisfactory during the test allowing the experiment to proceed as planned the target drone was launched and the missile vehicle successfully intercepted it as the video was played back in slow motion it was discovered that during the final stage of the interception the missile and the target drone were flying almost head on with the missile making multiple precise adjustments to its course before delivering a fatal blow that completely destroyed the target drone thank you [Music]

2023-08-03 03:43

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