Unlocking the Potential of Deep Sea Mining: With Oliver Gunasekara, CEO of Impossible Metals

Unlocking the Potential of Deep Sea Mining: With Oliver Gunasekara, CEO of Impossible Metals

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welcome to dig deep the mining podcast in this  podcast we go deep into mining news hot topics   and live interviews with mining professionals  and leading figures in the mining industry   introducing your host Rob Tyson founder  and director of mining International and   Mining International executive a leading  Global mining Recruitment and head hunting agency hi mining Community welcome back to  another episode of the dig deep the mining   podcast and today's guest is Oliver Gunasekara, CEO of Impossible Metals, whose mission is to   preserve the deep ocean ecology whilst they unlock the potential of the seabed critical   Metals to accelerate the transition to  sustainable energy they built an underwater   robot uh which selectively picks these battery  rocks without harming the environment   Oliver is a business leader he's over 30  years of experience encompasses three of the major technology Trends in Mobile Computing cloud  computing and multimedia Technologies and   he's on the podcast today to discuss impossible Metals approach to deep sea mining using underwater vehicles that collect metals critical minerals and metals for EV batteries   without harming the seabed ecosystem  so lets welcome Oliver to the podcast and   let him tell us a little bit more about about the company and about their technology so how you doing Oliver yeah I'm good I'm I'm super  happy to be here yeah and I appreciate your time   you're over obviously in Silicon Valley at the  time of obviously recording these podcast so I just   wonder if you could just tell us a little bit more  about your career about your background um and   obviously we we were just discussing before we uh  before we went live you move over to originally   from the UK moved over to Silicon Valley um 18  years ago so I just wonder if you can just give our audience a little bit of background about  yourself to sort of current day yeah um grew   up in the UK did electrical electronics at  at school uh I was fortunate to join uh the small   startup in Cambridge UK called arm that does  microprocessors for a whole bunch of chips uh I   ran kind of the mobile business uh at arm uh for about  a decade uh got the opportunity to work in Japan   last job at arm was after arm had gone public  was uh the VP of corporate development where I was   looking at actually acquiring and investing  in startups of of which I did a few uh that   is the job that ultimately got me to relocate  to Silicon Valley about 18 years ago and   then I left arm I really had the bug to go back to  smaller companies you know arm was a few thousand   people public so I worked as a consultant to a  bunch of startups and then in 2012 I founded   my own startup that was really in the video  compression and streaming space uh we ultimately   ran that for seven years as CEO and and co-founder  sold it to Xilinx which is now AMD and they   now have a chip that has this new way of encoding  video for live streams we won business with Amazon   twitch uh and then you know 2020 kind of came  around and was thinking about what to do and   got increasingly concerned about the climate we had really bad wild fires and I happened to   discover that there were these rocks on the seabed  floor that had all the metals that we absolutely need   to electrify to move away from fossil fuels but  I was a bit horrified to see that the Tech that   people were using was actually designed in the  1960s it's this dredger and riser pump system and   it seemed strange to me that there hadn't been any  technical innovation in that collection and so I   decided to create you know what would be my third  company called impossible metals focused on really   building very Advanced 21st century technology  to pick up this resource with less environmental   impact and less cost and be more scalable and  that where we are with impossible medals yeah I   just wonder if you can just give us a quick overview of  the or quick snapshot of the company yeah we   are about a three-year-old uh technology startup  we've raised about 12 and a half million dollars to date and we are primarily building these new  form of autonomous underwater vehicles or auvs   or you know autonomous robots that can go up to  four miles 6,000 metres underwater to the seabed floor   and using their array of cameras and robotic arms  pick up the the battery rocksthe nodules and bring   them to the surface and by using a fleet of these  robots we can actually do millions of tons a year   where we are right now we've built two proof  of concepts uh the first proof of concept we built in um 22 um and that was a shallow water  proof of concept uh that showed the robotic arm   working the vision system working the autonomy the  buoyancy engine and we are in the process of testing   our second gen robot this is the one that's  radiated at 6,000 metres or four miles and we hope   to have success of picking up a nodule from the  deep ocean uh by the end of this quarter by the   end of March this year what your thoughts on the  news that Norway recently approved deep sea mining uh I think it's encouraging um you know  Norway has large amounts of seabed minerals in   its exclusive economic zone and so there was  a vote in their Parliament where there was an   80% majority to to open the process now um we  can maybe start a little bit on deep sea mining   because it's not well understood but some basic  facts there are actually four types of resource   and each resource uh has different metals and has  different technology needed to to mine uh so we   ourselves are focused on the polymetallic modules  and I'm holding one up if people have video   here so these are potato size nuggets they're  called nodules that form over millions of years   in the deep ocean and they're not attached they  just lie on the seabed floor and they have large   quantities of nickel Cobalt copper uh maganese  and some rare Earths and that's the approach   we're going after Norway uh does not have this  resource it has more of the um the SMS' um which   are crust and those are physically attached a bit  like landbase mining so you do have to physically   cut them uh Norway also has some of the the vents  the black smokers both active and passive uh so I   think it's the passive ones that they're proposing  going after and then the fourth and final resource   is rare earth muds so in Japan around some of  their Islands they have a lot of rare Earths   actually in the mud that's in the deep sea bed so  those are the four types of resource uh these are   found both in international waters which are then  regulated by a UN created organization called the   international seabed Authority but they're also  found in um the national Waters of countries   typically 200 nordical miles off their Coast uh like  the US like the Cook Island like um Saudi Arabia   like Norway you just showed obviously a picture  of a nodule how many of those nodules do you think   there is on the seabed across the world trillions  um in fact um there have been uh quite a lot of   exploration over the last 150 years since they were  discovered so they're already uh something like uh   almost 40 exploration permits issued for deep sea  minerals 31 of them by the international body in   international waters and a part of that they  have to do extensive surveying and baselining   uh in fact some companies have even issued the  NI 43-101 where they've actually defined   precisely uh the resource and so one of the key  numbers is abundance so that's how many kilograms per   meter Square uh of the nodules do you find and  typically in an area between between Hawaii and   Mexico it's called The Clarion-Clipperton Zone you get  numbers between 5 to 20 kilograms per meter Square so   that's a very high level of abundance wonder if you can just sort of summarize the state of the deep sea   mining regulations um and some of the plays in the  industry yeah so the first thing to say is that   each jurisdiction has its own regulations and its  own timeline so you have to be specific but let me   first start with the international regulations  so in 1982 there was a un convention on the   law of the sea that established the creation of  the international seabed Authority uh which for   the last 30 years has been working on on  regulating deep sea mining so the exploration   regulations were done over a decade ago um and  are in effect and and have been issued over 31   permits the exploitation regulations are in the  final stages of getting adopted uh they were first   drafted about 9 years ago um and we are about  to have the Consolidated text published at the   next ISA meeting the 29th meeting in March and  uh what that organization as public said is that   they intend to uh finalize those exploitation  regulations this year 2024 and get them legally   adopted in early 2025 um the US uh passed its regulations in 1982 so it already has the hard   seabed Mineral Act uh the Cook Islands passed its  legislation to establish its regulator the seabed   minerals Authority I believe around 2010 uh the  exploration regulations are done the exploitation   are coming they have issued already some drafts  uh and I could go on you could talk about India   Saudi Arabia uh and uh Sweden and many many other  countries I did post a blog post on this so uh if   people are curious if they go to impossiblemetals.com/blog I actually wrote quite a lot about the   current state of deep sea mining regulations yeah we  can include those in the show notes anyway so um   for obviously easy access for people to to  have a look at that um how does impossible Metals   um approach to deep sea mining sort of differ from  obviously traditional uh methods especially in   terms of minimizing harm to the seabed ecosystem  yeah um as I said it's really why I created the   company I saw the dredging and riser pump system  so let's describe this this was first designed in   the 1960s and tested in the 1970s and it's the  same architecture that all other companies are   using right now uh there was a tested in in 21 and  22 with the same architecture so it's basically a   very very large dredging machine that gets lowered  to the seabed floor it has tracks and it has a big   vacuum so it injects water into the top 5 cm or  so of the seabed and then sucks everything back   so what you end up is picking up of course the  nodules but also a lot of the water and the seabed   itself uh and any life that happens to be on there  and then it pumps it through a sense a series of   pipes uh to up up the uh almost four miles uh  to the support ship where in the support ship   it dewaters it removes the water it removes more  of the sediment and then discharges the sediment   back into the midwater column uh and then every  few days because there's only temporary storage   on the mining ship uh you have to transfer the  payload to a bulk transport ship that's that's   the architecture that I believe everybody else  and there's probably at least a dozen companies   Chinese uh Korean European Etc that are building  this architecture uh we took a clean sheet of   paper and said um it's the 21st century now we  have incredible computers uh amazing robotics a   lot of AI what could we do differently and so we  broke the problem into three areas the physical   collection how do you get things off the seabed  the vertical transport how do you get things from   the seabed to the ship and then the port transport  how do you get stuff from the ship to the port and   we just iterated we brainstormed many different  architectures and ultimately we set we we settled   on the architecture that we have now built uh  which is using these autonomous robots and so what   the robot does is that it's uh battery powered and  you deploy it into the water does not have a tether it autonomously descends it gets close to the seabed  floor but does not land it hovers by maintaining   neutral buoyancy and then it has a range of stereo  cameras and it uses the stereo cameras and lights   uh to uh detect the module and ultimately control  the robotic arm and the claw and if we detect uh   megafauna life that we can see uh a coral or a  sponge we know every 1% or so has this type of   life on it then the system will is programmed  to leave that behind the AI algorithms detect   that life and says okay we're quarantining we're  not picking uh a given area around there so the   vehicle keeps moving it has multiple arms um at  least 16 in the future we have maybe 60 it's quite   a big robot uh once it has filled its payload  um which you know could be as large as 25 metric   tons one shipping container once that's full the  vehicle uses the battery to pump water out of our   buoyancy engine that makes the vehicle positively  buoyant so it will float to the surface on the   surface we have designed an automated crane that  will recover the vehicle bring it on board uh will   swap the battery pack or empty the payload or  do any maintenance and then the vehicle can be   redeployed so approximately every 3 and a half  hours the vehicle can pick up 25 metric tons and   we have a whole Fleet of them so we could have  over a hundred of these working concurrently   again I think good thing for the show notes we  have a 90 second animation that really shows how that   operation works and I'll give you the link to to  put in the show notes for that can you elaborate   on the Technology and Engineering obviously behind  these underwater vehicles used by obviously the   company for collecting the metals which are  critical obviously for EV batteries yeah um we   called the company impossible metals because we  had to invent a lot of Technology now there are   auvs autonomous underwater Vehicles today but  they're primarily kind of torpedo shaped and   sensored and used to collect a lot of sensor data  so the biggest markets today are offshore oil and   gas military applications and Marine Science  and so we can reuse a lot of those components   batteries thrusters navigation communication that  stuff we can buy in of course we still have to   integrate it electrically mechanically and we  have to write software for it but to make this   particular application work where we had robotic  arms we're actually picking stuff up and we want   to maintain neutral buoyancy want to hover we  had to invent three key pieces of Technology   uh the first technology is the buoyancy engine so  that's the the capabilities to keep keep the   vehicle neutral to hover and it's a little more  complex because each time you pick up a rock   you're adjusting the weight of the vehicle and so  you have to compensate for that otherwise it will   sink and so we needed good Dynamic buoyancy we  needed something that could work at 6,000 meters   and and so that makes it pretty complex so we  designed our own pumps our own buoyancy engine we   have multiple patterns on that uh the second key  piece of technology we had to invent was a robotic   arm uh there are plenty of robotic arms that go  on underwater vehicles but they're not designed   for speed they're designed for slow operations  operating a valve picking up one sample Etc we   needed a system where we could have multiple arms  and they could move really quickly because as you   know mining is about speed it's about how many  millions of tons can you pick up in a year so   we took something that you would normally see  in an Industrial Automation Factory a Delta arm   where where we have uh free Limbs and it can move  incredibly quickly so we've already proven that   our arm can from seeing the nodule to placing it  in the internal uh collection point we can do that   in two seconds and that's super fast so that's  something that we had to uniquely design uh also   the end effect or the claw is a unique design  we wanted to minimize the sediment disturbance   uh so we have pattern on that and then the third  area is really the AI algorithms you know this it   has to operate fully autonomously there's no human  operator you you program the mission and then it   goes and executes it and and so the vehicle has to  of course navigate itself but when it's actually   picking it has to physically find the nodule  on the seabed and move the robotic arm over it   so it can pick it up we proved that but now it  also needs to detect the megafauna corals the   sponges or other forms of life so we have a very  powerful Nvidia GPU on board where we run those   AI algorithms so those are the three unique pieces  of technology that we had to invent what measures   will impossible Metals take to ensure obviously  environmental sustainability in their deep sea   mining uh operations I suppose particularly in  relation to protecting the sea bed ecosystem yeah I   mean it's it's fundamental to to what we do I mean  we we really architected a new system based on the   fact that we didn't like the sediment plumes these  clouds of sediment that are generated from a track   vehicle uh we didn't want to have the noise  associated with the rise of pump system uh we   didn't want to have the biodiversity lost that we  know there isn't a huge amount of biomass deep in   the ocean in fact 70% of it is bacteria so that  shows how little real biomass is there but it's   super unique like you go um a few tens of miles  away and you'll find completely different species   and so the biodiversity is really important to  us and and so by developing a system that can do   selective harvesting where we can program what to  leave how much to leave behind and the fact that   we don't generate sedent plumes and we don't need  to generate a large amount of noise by pumping   the material up and down the Water we don't  need differential positioning which is the big   thrusters on the ships that keep them very very  still unfortunately that generates huge amounts of   noise and that's at the top water column where you  have big marine life like whales and dolphins   so you know we took the science statement that  already talked about the criticism of the 1960s   approach and that was part of our input for how we  could build a better system uh we also spent a lot   of time on the economics because there's no point  having a massively better environmental system if   it costs much more than the incumbent so we try to  do both you know much less environmental footprint   much less cost and and ultimately we will do  trials we will have Marine scientists inspect   and visit and document and publish but you know  intuitively you know you have a huge machine that   has tracks that is you know literally crawling on  the seabed vacuuming everything up versus a fleet   of vehicles that just hover and selectively pick  up and avoid life and so I think it's it's pretty   obvious to show that one has much less impact  but we will ultimately get Marine scientists   to publish and you know deep sea mining is highly  regulated uh you typically have to spend about $50   million doing environmental Baseline work before  you can submit an exploitation permit request um   that's part of your environmental impact and  social assessment so all of this work will   ultimately be contributed to a regulator before  they Grant permission for for deep sea minding   are there any sort of regulatory uh or ethical  considerations uh that the company will address   uh in their deep sea mining activities um and how  do you sort of navigate these challenges so I mean   we desperately need these Metals I think everyone  knows that we're in a energy transition and we're   primarily transitioning to electrification  electrification needs needs metals to either   transport the electricity or to store it uh it's  also a fact that there's an order of magnitude   more of these Metals in the sea bed than on land  you know for two reasons uh 71% of our ocean of   our planet is ocean so it's a huge area compared  to the 29% which is you know the land and we   know nobody lives on the ocean right I mean so  when you look at the environmental and social   impacts you have an environment where we have  not yet mined so we have very high grade uh and   people don't live there and the life that there  is less so from my point of view in time we can   get to full circularity but that's probably  not for another 50 years in the meantime we   need massive quantities so shouldn't we get them  where a we have the biggest resource B we can do   the mining with the least environmental and social  impact and see we can do it with the lowest cost   because we don't have to build new infrastructure  we reuse ships and ports and our or grade is so   high like in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone the nickel  equivalent grade with the byproduct credits for   Cobalt copper and magnese is 3.2% you don't find  resources of this size with this grade with this   cost with this little environmental impact on  land and so I'm completely convinced we should   do this and when deep sea mining starts to scale I  think it will stop the need for landbased mines in   nickel and Cobalt because they just economically  won't be able to compete um we'll have by far   the lowest cost in what way does impossible Metals collaborate with the Environmental   organizations to engage obviously in research  to better understand and minimize obviously the   environmental impact of deep sea mining yeah so um you  know every six months or so we have a marine uh   scientific Roundtable of which we publish the  notes where we are getting input from the experts   on the design of our vehicle how to conduct  studies how to minimize the impact uh and so so   that's work that we've been doing for the last  18 months or so you can see uh written reports uh   on our website uh but as we are entering into the  phase where we're about to be doing ocean trials   we will encourage and and hope that we will get  Marine scientists to actually publish uh results   from those trials um that's something that you  know we haven't yet had the capabilities because   we're only just beginning to do deep water testing  but absolutely you know we we want to be able to   have published independent scientific data that  shows that our settlement disturbance is much less   our biodiversity is much higher because of the  selective harvesting our noise and light pollution   are much less so we can say it we can show it  but ultimately we want Marine scientists uh to   to publish and uh to have documented evidence how do impossible Metals ensure transparency in   their operations um obviously particularly  regarding the extraction and utilization   of metals from Deep Sea mining yeah we're we're  extremely committed to transparency it's it's very   important to us so for instance the um the the  demo Day event that we held uh May of last year we   published all the presentations all the videos all  the telemetric data from that test and you'll see   us continue to do this with with other tests but  when we get to actual production uh we're pretty   keen on supporting a battery passport so that for  every ton of material that's collected you will   know precisely what date what time what location  on the seabed and we'll uh provide video data uh   because our vehicles have uh like huge numbers  of cameras the Eureka 2 vehicle we're testing   right now has something like 13 cameras on board  um and so you know we we want to be completely   transparent and make all of that available to  people are there any specific regions or sites in the deep sea that impossible Metals will  Target for obviously your operation um and   what criteria are considered when obviously  selecting some of these locations yeah so deep   sea mining is highly regulated so you can't  just go anywhere you have to get permission   and typically that starts with exploration so you  need to receive an exploration permit this would be   typically 75,000 square kilometers is the typical  size and it's to find you know GPS coordinates on   on a map um and so you you get your exploration  permit and then you do the exploration work you do   the resource definition the environmental Baseline  you collect all the data and then you you submit   that to the regulator and ultimately then you  get the permission to do exploitation now of   the locations um there are three major areas that  we are interested in um the Cook Islands um they   are within their own exclusive economic zone so  they are their own regulator it's called the SE   minerals Authority uh they've already issued three  exploration permits already um and those companies   are working on them so that's a good location uh  the second I would say would be somewhere like the   Clarion-Clipperton Zone that's an area in international  waters between Hawaii and Mexico something like 19   exploration permits have already been issued in  that area uh and then the third would be maybe   in uh US Territory so you know US has uh a large  uh seabed both on the the continental US on the   east and west we do know that There Are nodules uh  in there but also around minority Islands Hawaii   and others um and uh in 1982 Congress passed  the legislation that allows the department of   the Interior to actually lease uh these areas so  those are probably the three areas that we are the   most interested in in the short term uh longer  term I think there will be other areas as well   how does impossible metals contribute to the  broader uh conversation on sustainable resource   extraction and the transition to obviously  Greener Technologies yeah I mean we are trying   to show people that deep sea minerals has a great  opportunity here you know uh we I think everyone   agrees we need 500% more mining to get these  transition metals to get to Net Zero uh I saw some   data from IEA saying a thousand new mines by 2050  so the question is do we do this where we have   the biggest impact which is controlled by China  where the environmental aspects are maybe not as   well um you know recovered or or respected  um or do we do it in an area where the resource   is much larger the costs are going to be much  less and with our technology the environmental   impact is is going to be a fraction I think  as your audience knows you know nickel is a key   transition metal especially for batteries in EVS  today the biggest reserves are in Indonesia   and then Australia um and unfortunately almost all  of those mines in Indonesia are in rainforest and   they're operated by Chinese companies and and  so you have a huge amount of biodiversity and   biomass and carbon sinks being destroyed to get at  the nickel laterite ores that are directly below   the rainforest uh and then they use uh HPAL you  know high pressure acid leaching as their refining   technology and uh they stack up the tailings you  know they dry them out they stack them up uh but   it's a seismic active area and often you hear  of people being forced by soldiers to move away   from their village because there's a mine uh so  that's nickel Cobalt the DRC in the Congo is the   biggest reserves today uh we read often about  the human rights violations of children dying   in mines being paid $1 to $2 a day uh what if we  could replace all of that with the seabed what   if you know one of the things I really like about  the international treaty is that it's there for   everybody there's this concept of the benefits  for all humankind so there will be a royalty uh   the ISA the international seabed Authority is now  deciding how will that royalty be spent my view   is we should pay children in the Congo to go to  school instead of working in a deep mine um and   that potentially could happen so I feel very  good about what we're doing I know there are a lot   of environmentalists against deep sea mining  because we haven't done it um but we do need   these resources and with our technology we really  preserve the habitat you know we don't destroy it   and I believe that's the first time ever that  we've been able to do mining where in situ we   preserve that habitat you know if we see life we  leave it behind uh I don't believe that's ever   happened before and that's really something that  our technology and the deep sea make possible uh   can you discuss the ongoing future innovations  that impossible Metals um are exploring to sort of   further improve the sustainability and efficiency  of their deepsea mining uh operations yeah I mean   we obviously have a path to scale our technology  so um we're about to test what we call Eureka   2 uh in the deep ocean uh but Eureka 2 is is  only has 100 kilogram payload so it's about   the size of a small car um three arms it's not  large enough for a production operation so we   are in development of Eureka 3 this is a  much larger vehicle that has 16 arms and has   six tons 6,000 kilogram payload so that's the  next major design um it's basically the same   architecture just bigger uh and we are also in  design of an automated launch and recovery system   an automated crane uh to speed up the operation  so those are two developments uh we also have   a small team that's um researching how could we  do better refining and this could be applicable   to both land and seabed resources you know  today we have primarily two approaches uh pyro   where we roast at high temperatures or Hydro  where we leech with with strong acids uh what if   there was a third approach what if we could use  natural occurring bacteria to break down the ore   without any of the negatives of large energy or  large amounts of tailings toxic waste and and so   we have a small team that's researching that um  and you know we hope that that's something that   we could scale up not just for the sea bed but for  landbased ores as well and lastly just wonder if you can   just give us a um prediction of what's happening  with you guys over the next sort of six 12 months   the Outlook um and also is there anything else  that you want to tell our audience uh around   around I suppose your company and your mission  uh in deep sea mining yeah I I think the next   six to 12 months are you know test and succeed in  picking up a nodule in the deep ocean that's a big   milestone for us with our autonomous underwater  vehicle we will be only the second company uh   in the last 50 years to to achieve that and one  that's using very very new technology so that's   that's the major Milestone um obviously we're  a startup so we will look to raise a series a   in the next six six to 12 months as well that will  allow us to continue the mission and keep going um   final thing I would say is um you know everything  you kind of read about deep sea mining is is kind   of based on this 1960s invented technology if you  use 21st century technology you can kind of   change the equation and you know reiterate  by you know it's a fact that the reserves in   the seabed are orders of magnitude bigger than  all the all locations on land that's a fact it's   also going to be much less expensive because we  don't need new infrastructure we don't need to   build a you know a motorway or a train line or a  village or a power plant we just reuse ships and   ports and the ore grade is so high you know 200  years ago we had ore grades of 20% but nowadays   we're at a fraction of the percent but in the  ocean we're at 3.2 and then finally with   our technology we can do it with without hurting  any people there's no people living in the deep   ocean our system is fully automated uh and from  the environmental standpoint our AI detects life   and preserves it so you know in all of those  metrics economic size of the resource and uh   environmental and social impact I believe we're  a massive win and that's why I think you know   from 2030 uh we're going to have a big place  generating you know many many millions of tons   of of ore that will contribute to you know 10  to 20% of the worldwide production of nickel   and cobalt in in the next decade Oliver really  appreciate your time thank you for um sharing   your insights to deep sea mining and obviously  impossible Metals as well and wondered if   our audience wants to reach out to you  if they've got any questions especially if they   want to follow follow the story and follow um how  how you're going with uh obviously the the new   technology and and going into operation um how  can they go about doing that what social media   platforms are you on yeah I I think the best one  is our website impossiblemetals.com uh we have  

a YouTube channel called impossible metals um  we have a quite active LinkedIn page um and   X Twitter as well but it's all linked from our  our website so I would I would send people to   Impossiblemetals.com yeah and they'll be included  in the show notes so people can have easy access   to them so um like I said really appreciate your  time perhaps you can come on later this year   next year and give us an update sounds great  thank you very much for the opportunity yeah   no worries thank you for listening hope you  enjoyed that episode um obviously we we on this   podcast is mainly all about mining on the land but  this is this is obviously something different and   there's obviously a big future in deep sea mining  so please share this episode to as far as wide   as possible people that you know in the industry  no matter what country continent you are please   keep sharing these episodes really appreciate  your continued support and until next time   happy mining thank you for listening remember to  reach out to Rob via the show notes and be sure to   subscribe and leave a review until next time happy  mining helping each other to improve the mining industry

2024-02-06 15:40

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