Advertising & AMP Driving ROI with speed AMP Conf 19

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Hi. Everyone my name is Vamsi I'm a product, manager on the amp core team. So. When amp first started we always designed it on top of user first principles, and advertising. Is no different. So. Quick show of hands how many of you are happy with the current state of advertising. Not. Me. So. The many classes of problems with, advertising on the web but. We actually think we can solve two of them pretty, easily with, amp the. First one is around performance, and second. One is security. So. Today we'll talk about three separate products to address those issues but. First let's, level set with some of the challenges we see with the display ads ecosystem. So. This is the first earliest, form of print advertising ever, known to mankind it is. Made it's an ad made on a copper, plating plate with high degree of skill and an. Owner simply hung it on top of their store and had, people come visit the store is a, very simple model it worked. Advertising. On the web has become completely different though it comes with the own its own set of challenges. The. Number of value adding marketing technologies, has exploded, from spam. Detection to, view ability to, add servers, to measurement. Advertising. On the open web brings a lot of transparency and efficiency, but. There is a problem as, the. Number of, number. Of people increase, in the ecosystem, the. And. Delivering the campaign the, transparency. Decreases. It's. Hard to pinpoint who is writing an efficient code or who's. Causing, malware. This. Is a study conducted by the New York Times where. They measured how much it, costs, a single user on a per. Page data load and you'll. Notice that the. Editorial, content is, one-fourth. Of that of advertising, content, and. Here's. A different type of problem, traditional. Ads do this thing called waterfalling, where. The initial ad is able to request sort, of infinite, number of more. Third. Parties, to the ad and the, problem is as a result the, ad is only strong as strong as the, weakest link in the entire waterfall, change so, you'll see things like on the Left we're seeing.

Pop-ups Or on the right having, crypto miners mine your, CPU, off of your devices, without, your knowledge, via ads. So. To solve these problems we created, a pitch DML ads these. Are display ads written, in amp, not. Only do they load faster, but, they're also more secure let's. See why. So. Since amp is an open source project and a framework it's perfectly. Clear who wrote the code and how performant, it is it's. Very easy to determine the performance of the code by just simply going in there and looking at it but. The nice thing about amp is that. It. Won't even get to that point because if somebody's trying to commit a piece, of code that is non performant, chances. Are it won't even be merged into the repo. Second. All of the code in amp HTML, ad is declarative which. Means that one can't dynamically. Load more code on top of the existing code so no more waterfalling this. Also allows the ad to be statically, validated. So once an ad is valid by the Creator it. Is that is the thing that is actually gonna run on the browser there's not going to be more third parties being able to call out and fetch more, resources, and we. Wouldn't have the same problem we saw with waterfalling. Amp. Is, extendable, which. Means that a you, can build your core building blocks of advertising, technology, with, an amp and on. Top of that third parties can build their own implementations. Or. Third. Party support within. Within those. Third party building blocks a good. Example is mote viewability. Vendor, that is, one of the biggest in the industry and they, use amp analytics, and they've built a mode extinction on top of it just collecting, the same information they need so. As, you'll see Google. Already serves, a number of, amp HTML, ads in the ecosystem already and. All. Of this functionality which, is highly, performant, is wrapped. Into a single library so. The chances are the ad whenever it serves to a web page is highly, in the browser so. For. Example if I'm a user visiting, site. A and end, up seeing an amp HTML ad and when, I go to site B all, of the core infrastructure, and runtime is already downloaded for me so, I'm not essentially. Downloading more bytes and. Finally. Amp HTML ads are run. On both amp pages of course, and non-m pages and mobile. App support is coming in summer. So. So far I've talked about all the wonderful ways amputee. Male ads are great from. A user standpoint, but. They have to make business sense in order for advertisers. And publishers to, adopt them so. Here's the punchline for my entire talk and the one key takeaway. Which. Is that speed, directly. Translates, to revenue, this. Is true in general right you. Own web, pages as well so for example when you go to our website if it doesn't load chances, are you're gonna bounce. For. Ads it's, true because publishers. Lose impressions, when ads are slow and for. Advertisers, it, ends. Up driving lower click-through rates and viewability. Because, the chances are you're not gonna be able to click on an ad that, you, don't actually view, so. Let's look at a bunch of real-world examples, of how, amp HTML, ads drive, revenue. So. First I'd like to invite your pseudo son from sonette to share the experiences, with, amp HTML ads and note, at this point your pseudo sound is going to talk in Japanese so if you want please put on your English headsets. I. Owe. Dmoz. Yes. Data condo Tomas Tomas, -. Wanda. - ah impressed. Americano. Pomazan, sweetie so, Cosima's. Joshua. Sunita. Media networks, Toyohashi. A karate master Sony. Group in okasada, Yahoo. No, marketing. With technology companies. RTB. Auto. Buying Platt home demand. Osada Platt home toyou. Bar a table busy, so famous. Yahan. Jee no Coco. Coco near, timer right, Casey, Coco. Coco - Emma's. Sabes. No l'm Eva logic. Oddo logic. Otto to, Emma's. Yada. Manager chosen, to stay, okano. Adore. Exchanger, supply. Siders I'm supply, supply Tonto. Setsuko schemas. Akagi's. No toria's. Kotero coca, coca cola. Santiago. Kojima's. Sama. Dama na de, base de coco CO - stay. Tayo. Sterile, Coca Cola format wah amp. HTML. Coco, code HTML. Coco, Co native. Coco Co PDO. Koko desu. Ka'. No amp. HTML, Coco Co Co Co, treat a show, castrato, muy mas. Mobile. Page Nevada, Suzie. Oh no HTML Dakota, HTML. Potato. Anto. Deca carita campus. Ago heart, Oh muy mas. Una. Joanie, cocoon. El último. HTML. Redecorate, our HTML. Kukoc dough onto. The Jakarta am, coca-cola, Aramis. We, were no engineer to kill Lucas tear this, engine on a knee. Amputation. Oh Coco, Coco knee, unpaid. Stamina Coco Coco - Sookie. Know all this, was master. So. Stay nice. Enjoy hot nanny. Susanoo. HTML, page no Coco, kakuni unpledged. America, Coco high, scenes to do you, know all this awesome master. Kono. Kata, no story no page. No cuckoo. Clock on ii am. HTML. Coco Coco hi.

Sinister Cake. Also customers. Mother. - II. Am. Too personal, cuckoo. Cuckoo knee. HTML. Kukoc - unpaid. Similar cuckoo cuckoo -. Stay. Calculate. Master. Distant. Okay mwah. Same. Journal, campaign. The cocoa. Campaign, the GCC. Hondo. Meet, a mega energy star - no coo coo coo oh come. Off that no technology what's got a, cuckoo. I see no test Toastmaster. Sonu. Kakkar, amp. HTML, ahora. Ctrl. +, jr, %, oh cool. Croc. Danke CP, Ayla - we'll. Do a path into not taken to. U-k karate. Master. Karuma. Coca. No Akina, Kaizen, this. Detail. Susanoo. HTML. Page no Coco kokanee, HTML. Code Cocteau, I'm. Coco, Coco - stay. Shikaku. Kuniva, stop. Sake. Owen okay Cody suddeniy. Yoga kala Inari, master. Sandra. Important, to know CTR. No kozato. -. Need another person to know. Cpl. Oh take, others. Cream. Oh ok, coke. On occasion days. Koko. De casa. Del mundo de. Carro está. Su culo. Employ. HTML, no. On ahora y GH. % mo g, kanga miss Calcutta Hikari. Mustafa. Cosas. Con e co. Coco high. Since rocoto day. Coco. Coco Co. Co related. To, Congress, Emma's. Carano. Socinus. Identity, ba sonny, tommy genetics no homepage. Mo cases, dmoz. Co. Coco - into ta employ. HTML, Coco no détendre, me, Tartu kangra Tina's. Toes. Nevada, Comedy. Showcase tectona. Coco. Coco no kaidan. Days. Yoga. Kala lrms. Tano day, at. Estatua, de. Cali, amputee. Mo kono hito, Scotty, Coco. Co high, since temes. Taught. Never. JavaScript. Toto Mateo, Nazca, Coco, hombre. De. Sol decree otro es. Como. Una. Vaca. No our cocoa. Creative, Oh Oh. Aunt. Oh No Kosaku. Day, Indonesian. Heidi. Jesus. Ricotta business. Meet. Noah, viewability. No case oh jeez. Sergio. No HTML. Day this sorcery or emo can't. Annie, P. Ability, no, Kasich. Oh Jesus, ricotta dickmas. Viewability. No case aqua, Tomasino. Takei cocoa, crostini, moto, morality Kino days. Carano. D-10. Go Coco. Co nice Amato qu. Stay. What. A statue oh gee Kahlua amp. HTML. Coco no digital, security, kini, catio. Staccato. Are. You at all they messed up. Oh you. Got that gozaimasu. So. Let's switch to some examples, how Google, uses emphysema, lads. So. This is interesting if you didn't know this already when. Ads serve they serving to cross them in iframes, and that's, to protect the ad from the page and vice versa but turns, out cross domain iframes, that are actually pretty expensive to render. In. Amps case since, it's fully validated, there's. No custom JavaScript in it and therefore, it can serve into friendly iframes, this. Speeds up the entire ad and having. And ends up driving the ambushed in Malad version to be much faster and. Remember, how I said speed. Translates, to revenue. So. In Google's case this. Resulted in 1% higher impressions, for publishers and this is an experiment that was initially, run but it's all across the web right now which. Means that publishers, are able to get higher payouts from simply serving the HTML. Ad version without, any changes in the visual quality and. Advertisers. Saw an increase of click-through. Rates of close, to three point eight three percent, in CTR, and four, point eight eight at the paid CTR level. So. Recently Google, ads mandated. That new advertisers, coming, on board who. Don't have a reputation history, only use amp HTML ads and. This is to prevent abuse from advertisers, creating, fake accounts, and spreading, malware to them, and.

For. Established advertisers, Google. Has begun automatically, converting, html5. Ads to, amp HTML ads by, in but ensuring that visually same whenever, possible. But. Delivering smaller bundle sizes and better ad performance leads, to overall, just, better revenue. Because. Speed, translates to a revenue I'm probably gonna report there it read that another five times. We've. Noticed that at the 70d 50th percentile, ads were 17%, smaller and at. The 90th percentile, ads were 55%. Smaller so that's amazing more than half the bytes saved for ads as. A. Result of many, of the efforts across Google similar to these ones we're. Seeing that Google now serves twelve percent of all ads served to the web in amp HTM, and this. Is a cross both of course amp pages but, also non amp pages because they make up significant, amount of the web today. We. Continue to get more advertisers, on board just, natively, uploading, APIs Timmel ads by, default. But. In order to do this we need to ensure that there's great creative, tooling capabilities, so. Today I'm really really, excited to have a gesture club from Adobe, animate come, join us to tell you about amp support in Adobe. Thank. You very much my. Name is Rajesh Shukla and I'm the product manager for Adobe, animate and I'm, very happy to be here to, support the wonderful amp project. So. We all know that Adobe as is at the forefront of creativity, you. Know tools, like Photoshop Illustrator, InDesign, animate. And others, have essentially, defined, what. Digital creativity, could be. Talking. About animate, it, has been a tool which is there for almost, 20 years and during. This time it has designed, defined. And nurtured. Animation, in. All its forms and on. All devices. For. Those of you who don't know what animate, is it's the same tool as Flash Professional so, you know it has been there for that long a, period of time. And. I'll talk about a little bit about you know what's the difference between animate and flash Pro it's. A very simple tool and this is just a sample, of examples. Where you know people. Who, are professionals, as well as amateurs, have used the tool for creating different kind of content. It's. Used, in large studios, and and used in schools. At the same time. It. Has many use cases and one. Of the prominent use cases is advertising. Today. Majority. Of the html5 ads are actually created with animate. It's. A. Platform-agnostic. Tool. What. That means is you, can create animations, the same way, irrespective. Of what platform you're targeting, and. It's. A multi-platform, tool at the same time because. You can export your, animations, to. Any platform of your choice and. We. Partnered. With Google to add support for MP, MP HTML. So. Why did we do that, well. We. Found that amp, is, a very, performant, and secure platform and from. An amp perspective. Animate. Is a very simple and visual. You. Know multi-platform. Tool. Now. What. I'm gonna do is I'm going to show you how. To create, how. To convert, and how, to compare. Ads. Across, html5. And, am. And, there's. A real world example that, comes from Digitas, which is a publicist, company. Who. Were trying to create ad creatives, for Comcast. And, the. Brand is Xfinity. So. Let me just show you. Now. Creating. Amp based. Ads is very simple what. You do is. You. Essentially. Open. An amp HTML, document, and there. Are four things on this stage I'm not gonna you know create the whole ad here but there are four main things in here you have this stage which, is at the top you, have the timeline you. Have the tools on the right-hand side and then you have the properties and using. Just these four things you can create any kind of animations, including. Ads and. Here's. An example. And, this. Is all, done. In animate right and. I'll, show you how this looks like. So. There's the am, pad done with animate here's.

Another Example. Done. With animate. So. That's the creative aspect, how do you how do you create amp ads from, scratch. But. Let's say you already have html5, ad that you've created with animate, you. Don't need to recreate that ad you can actually convert it to amp amp. HTML. Format. So. The same ad. Is. Available. As. As. A canvas head and let's say you began with this and, this was canvas. Ad and the way I know this is because it, says html5, canvas. And. Converting. This to amp, is, straightforward. You just go here to file. Convert. To an. Amp. HTML. And it's. Basically converting, everything from canvas. Into amp. And. They. Go so. This is the amp equivalent, of the html5 ad without. Doing anything, or. Trying to do any animations. By yourself. One, thing you would have noticed is in the output panel there were a bunch of things which showed, up and this is basically when you translate, from one platform, to another platform, it. Will basically cut down any features. That are not available on a particular platform, so. That way it's a visi big experience, for you and you. Can see the difference create the creative difference between the, html5. And am. But. The other thing to, note is now. That you have the same ad across, amp. An HTML file you can actually compare. How. The performance and, other metrics, are and. We. Use one of the one. Of the plugins which is actually not for not, meant for ads. It's. Called the lighthouse. Plugin, and try. To compare, and contrast between. The two. So. On the left hand side is the amp version the. Right hand side is the oh. This. Is. The. Can OS version so it says canvas over here so amp, version and canvas, version and you, can see the first contentful paint takes. 2.9, seconds, on the amp side is with, you know as against 3.7, seconds on the other side. And. Time. To interactive is 2.9, seconds, versus. 7.0. Second on the canvas. Site so obviously you know am ads, are performing much, better than the. Canvas, heads from. This metric. Let's. Look at another you know another metric and. I'll. Encourage you to try it out yourself and see the comparison. But. The the. File size is. 342. Kilobyte on the, amp, side versus. 238, on the, on. The canvas side so can, ads are actually smaller, as compared to amp and. We're. Working with with. Vamsi and and he's promised, me that you know they're, working on improving the payload. Size as well so. Once that happens, you. Will have the benefit of the payload size and the, performance, both. So. That was, Adobe. Animate and creating amp ads with. With. You, know, animate. The. Creation. The. Conversion, and the. Comparison. Of amp, and html5 ads. That's. All I had, I'm very happy to to, continue supporting, um thank. You yeah thank you. There. Are also a number of other tooling companies adding support for amp HTML ads so here's a quick video explaining support, for HTML. Ads in banner snack am. PHT, ml banner ads are the next big thing in online advertising technologies. Which made implementing, them a must, for banner snack now, you can create better banner ads using the am ph tml technology, in our leading banner design, platform add images, buttons, or vector elements, all of which can be animated and the ad for your next campaign is all set, am, pH tml banner ads are faster, lighter and more secure, than traditional, HTML so. The demand was inevitable, you. Can download the whole banner, set in a MPH tml with just one click and it'll be ready to upload to your Google Ads account in no time. Besides. Am, ph tml banner ads have smoother, animations, and almost, instant, loading time on any device, and can, be up to 50%, lighter, in comparison, with a normal, HTML 5, banner these.

Ads Are delivered only after, being validated, making, sure that they're built on high quality code, without, any malware, am. Ph tml banner ads are supported, by a wide range of browsers, and many different advertising platforms. That. Was an ad about creating, ads very. Meta. So. Here's the final creation, options for an app developer, of course you can just use images, or text inside, of amp and have them create. Simple ads but we want to provide. Developers, with great, creative flexibility, so. Of course you can hand code using CSS animations, or take full advantage, of the web animations, API but. From a tooling standpoint is support from Google web designer ultra. Banner snack and, animate. Of course as you saw and. Here's. A brief peek into what's coming I'm. Not going to go through all of them but generally in QT we're gonna be working on mobile app support and therefore. An advertiser can create a single ad and have it run across mobile. Web app. Etc. In. Q3 as I, mentioned, we're being gonna be working, on a lighter runtime so right now we ship the entire amp, page runtime and there's no need because the ads use cases are a much smaller and in. Q4 we're gonna be supporting guest reports for more sort of interactive, swipe. Gesture. Based ads and also, dynamic ads so you can, do things like fetch, client-side, informations, like being able to lord the. Real-time, weather in Tokyo right now as you're viewing the ad so, with that I'm gonna turn it on to cat cat and talk, about monetization Thank. You MZ. Okay. I'll talk about amp, monetization. And just to be clear what we mean with that is putting. Any type of display, ad on your web sites to make money off of advertising, when. We first started. With amp. We. Really wanted to strike, the, perfect balance between. Delivering. The best-in-class, user, experience. To users of amp but. Also giving. You all the tools to, make the most revenue for your business. So. Here are a few examples of how we do that. For. Example any. Ad. On an amp page has to declare its size before, the ad request can be made. That's. To avoid content, reflow. Interstitials. That pop up and block content without any user interaction aren't possible on amp and, another. One which, is more recent when we I'm launched. Fast fetch last year fast fetch means we fast fetch ads, on amp now they're, fetched. As fast as possible asynchronously. And the, ad only renders, when it's likely to be viewed so, these are some examples having. Said that I, am monetization. Still, performs, really really well and I want to give you some stats talk about some features and then we'll look into some success stories so. We. Talked to our friends, at Google ad manager, in Google Adsense and they, have seen ads on amp pages grow, three hundred percent year-over-year. Which. Is pretty impressive and keep in mind that this number does not include, other ad networks amp, supports. Over 150. Ad networks, today it, doesn't include direct. Sole to add revenue either, um. So. This number really show is that publishers. Using, these platforms they continue, to invest in amp, and an amp monetization. We've. Done a lot of work over the past few years to make sure that you as publishers. That depend. On display advertising, have, all the tools that you need to, make the most revenue from your inventory so I'll go through just a quick list, here of things that they are they're not all brand new so you might have heard of them but I want to make sure all of you are aware of these functionalities for. Example, you can do ad refresh, on amp you, can do roadblocks, on amp you can do fluid, ads responsive. Ads you, can do header bidding on amp. We. Actually work with a lot of the top header bidding providers, today they are supported, through real-time config, RTC. You. Can integrate with data management, platforms. And consent management platforms, I'll come back to that in the second you, can do video advertising. You, can benefit. From fast fetch which I just mentioned earlier and you, can do Auto ads, so. These are just some examples I. Want to continue by just calling out the top. The most recent, four launches, that we've done in this space which you might not have heard of yet. So. I'll start with this one, we. Enhanced. The AM consent, functionality, let me explain to you what that means. Publishers. Are facing, an increasing, ask for providing users, with consent.

Choice And consent notice, for, example, due to the general. Data protection regulation. GDP are in the EU so. Last May and we. Launched, AM consent, it's a component that makes it super easy for you to manage, consent, flow and AM inventory, what's. Really brand-new is that we launched, and the capability, to integrate, with, third-party, consent. Management platforms. Which we know many publishers, work with so, if you work with one of them tell them it's time to integrate, with amp because we got this functionality ready. And. I'm a video is a component, we launched, over a year ago to, soup to make it really easy to do video. Advertising, on video. Content, on amp with. The I'm a video SDK, and you, can do that with any of the ad networks that support that SDK, so we, just launched a couple of enhancements, to that functionality, for example you. Can show control, video controls when you hover over the video you. Can mute, unmute, the video you can replay, or loop the video I want, to thank Rebecca. Close an engineer at BuzzFeed she, contributed, and tested all of this which is really amazing. We. Launched iframe, sandboxing. For all ads on amp what does that mean, iframe, sandboxing. Allows web developers, to set restrictions to. The capabilities. An iframe can, perform. Like, the rendering, of display ads. Amp. Now uses this functionality, to sandbox. All ads on amp which completely, eliminates, the risks for auto redirect. Ads for example and therefore protects. The user this. Is now working for all users of Safari, Chrome, and any other browser that supports iframe, sandboxing. Which, is about 75%, of, the mobile web. And. One. More example is, no, more and, no more synchronous requests, from ads on amp pages, synchronous. Requests, are. A, really bad user experience they, completely. Block the user from being able to do anything with, the page until the network requests, either succeeds. Or fails. The. Problem, is in display advertising. There's. No incentive. For. For. Developers. Of a curative to write efficient, code right, so, that opens up opportunities. For, bad ad, creators. To do things that they shouldn't for example. Something. Like trying. To artificially drive, up the ability by firing heavy, synchronous, requests to the page which completely blocks the user to do anything when the ad comes into the viewport and you're forced to look at the ad artificially.

Driving Up the viewability, bad, user experience we, don't want that thankfully. Chrome released, a future policy, that. Allows, deprecating. Synchronous, requests, on iframes, and we basically turned it on by default for, all ads on amp. Okay. Before. I go. On into success, stories I just want to make one point we. Do a lot of work to give you all the tools that you need as I just said and I mentioned some examples, but, at the end of the day if, you. Don't put, the same amount of effort into making monetization. Perform, on amp as you, do on your non amp inventory, you just won't see the same results, so this is a reminder of you to do your homework and if, you don't believe me I have. Some really cool examples, for you of publishers that have actually, really succeeded, and seen amazing results okay, let's look into this et. Today number one news site in Taiwan. They. Have. Started, with M I think, in February last year by April. They decided, let's do it for the entire website and then a few months in they started, to really go into optimization. And they, are, a great example of a publisher, that uses a variety of ad formats to, make the most out of their monetization. So. They for example implemented. A sticky, ad unit at the bottom of the page which you can see in the screenshot. They. Also use, Auto ads to automatically, place, and optimize, the ad formats, they have throughout the pages and, they, use Adsense Match content, which helps place organic. Content, and ads at the bottom of the page. So, here are the results the. Increased speed four times through, amp ad revenues. Were. Up ten, times which. Isn't pretty. Insane and, CPMs. Were up. 250%. Through, the optimizations. That they did. Next. Example Jaguar, new media really. Big a media company in India, and they have several. Websites one, of them is the number-one hindi news platform, jagran calm. They. Are a great example of a publisher, really going deep into the data to reshape, their amp and amp monetization. Strategy, so, what they did is they really, looked into the Google Analytics data they had and the, Google ad manager, data they had for app serving, and they. Try to understand, what's going on how they can make more out of their inventory and they realized. 90%. Of their article pages had, amp equivalents, but, only 13%, of, their organic traffic actually, landed there and only, one point two five percent of ad requests, were coming from amp so something was off so. They started fixing these things and they increased amp coverage, on their website they, also put. The same amount of ads on their amp inventory, that they had on their non amp inventory, and here, are the results. 4.5. Times more ad revenue, 15%, higher revenue overall from all their mobile traffic and. 115. Percent more amp page views. Before. I go to the next success story I quickly want to hone in on one best practice that we often, see publishers.

Neglects, When it comes to monetization. And that. Is, making. Sure that all your ad demand, that, you have on your inventory also has access to amp, inventory, let's. Say your, classic. Example your large news publisher, you have some. Really high priced direct, sold advertiser. Campaigns, come in on the one hand then, you might do header bidding and you might work with exchanges. And you might have ad networks, etc obviously. The higher demand. The. Higher the revenue, right simple, rule of economics that. Same thing applies to amp inventory, so make sure all, your amp inventory, has access, the same ad demand, a. Great. Example, here for a publisher, that has really taken that advice to heart as Times of India. Times. Of India started. Implementing, am first in a few sections of their site when they saw performance, go update and increase it to all of their site and today. They actually use m1 more than a dove their their websites which is amazing and they are, a great example of a publisher, optimizing. Their demand on amp but. Also add density, and here are the results page. Load time on 3G increased. 3.6 times revenue. Was up 1.5. Times from advertising, and overall traffic increased, six times. Last. Success story, this. Is a really, interesting. One it's coming from Europe where, the, Spanish. Language number one Spanish language news, medium, ALP is part, of the Spanish prieser, group they. Collaborated. With the, German automotive company, forks wagon is. Is an early adopter of amp technology, they have been using it from the very beginning and they, wanted to collaborate with an advertiser, that was really interested, in also trying to use new technology, to make the most out of their advertising campaigns. And they've. Done something very unique that actually today nobody else has done but maybe that's gonna change starting today which. Is they combined, M technologies, across the, funnel basically, of advertising, they put an amp HTML, ad on the, publishers, amp inventory, and when you click on that you would land on a landing, page from Volkswagen also. In amp and they. Notice, the more amp they added into the mix the better were the results so. The results, are CTR. Went up by almost 90, percent cost. Per acquisition dropped. Forty percent and, the. Conversion rate went up by almost eighty percent. Alright. I'll leave you with that and I'll hand back to Vamsi Thank you Thank You Kath. Hi. There it's me again I was. So I'm so excited to talk about this section I'm not supposed to big favourites but this is my favorite section. So. If you hear yesterday you saw the, amazing presentation, by Hong and John on stories, and their tremendous rise in bite-sized visual, first content, we. Think stories can be used as an opportunity, to make advertising, much, more beautiful immersive than the current state. So. There's diverse, ways of monetizing, stories. And today, we're gonna talk about three of them. First. Up is story ads so, if you're a publisher who's, created a story let's say ten great things about dogs how, do you monetize or fund them.

To. Answer this we actually look back to borrow principles, from, beautifully, created magazines. When. You look at a beautiful magazine, the ads are immersive, and take up the entire page, the. Ads are placed tastefully, in the right section not, very overloaded, and finally. They're flexible it's a blank canvas and in advertise it can mix and match the, images and whatever else they need, with. Story ads we want to ensure that ads. Were immersive, and take up the entire real estate available, we. Also want to ensure that the ad is only available, and shown when the ad is loaded fully in the background, so. Here's an example of BMW, showcasing. Autonomous. Driving and. The. Placement of the ad is orchestrated, by the amp story's runtime the. Runtime up optimizes. The ad in a way that it loads the ad in the background, and only, shows it just like a magazine when, the user gets, to that particular page, this. Has a really good benefit which is balance this, gives. The responsive, back to the runtime to balance the, ad density, with. Publisher, revenue. So. In that particular case when the ads ready it just splices, it into the runtime. Third. Story ads are open and flexible. The. Basically. Advertisers. Can use whatever they want to, create in this beautiful real. Estate beat, images, video. Timeline. Based animations, and they're all based on top of Bill on top of the amp extremal ad framework, so, the capabilities, are endless. An. Independent agency also puts story after test compared, to regular 302 50s and they, did better in all metrics, or arm across awareness, consideration. And feature, awareness. So. Story ads are already live for, publishers using Google Ad Manager so if you're an advertiser in this particular case it's Intuit you can, basically go talk to any. Publisher, that's serving stories or creating stories and uses. Google ad manager, and. To have them deliver to those stories so here's an example of a Washington Post story. That. Is talking, about dogs and when. The times ready and the ads load in the background the interior ad just shows up in. The. Future in the, sum later, this summer we are working on programmatic support so, advertisers. Can directly, use GV 360, to. Target, any publishers. Across the world using, Google ad manager and directly. Deliver their ads to those stories and. To. Make it super easy we. Created beautiful, story ads and put, them up on amp down, so, of course the canvas is entirely flexible you can do whatever you want with it but we wanted to quickly get you started with a few common formats and. All. Of these are available today at am dev, so you can download them customize, them to whatever you'd like with them.

So. Next let's, talk about affiliate, links, affiliate. Links are links, which allow a publisher, to monetize, their outgoing links when a user purchases something on the advertisers, landing page. In. A way stories, already support, affiliate links you can add outgoing, links within a story page so. If you tapped on get now for example you'd, go out to the landing page, but. We wanted to make the experience more consistent, across users, for all all publishers, so. Affiliate links will uniformly, pulse at the system level to. Show that it is an affiliate link and when. A user taps on them publisher. Can control what they show including, things like the price of the product or the domain that it's going to. So. In this example it's, very clear, where the users headed to on what the prices are etc we, think it overall improves there you experience. So. Last of the last section let's, switch gears to Sponsored, Stories, what. We mean by sponsor stories are just stories, which. Are created, by advertisers. For marketing purposes. For. Example here's, a sponsor story that was created by L'Oreal for, promoting their new product, la roche-posay. This. Works great for L'Oreal, because they're able to tell a brand, story across, we, quickly tapping, through, bite-sized. Information about what the product capabilities our features, are in a mobile friendly way, so. Instead of creating a new web landing page L'Oreal, is just create a new story and. L'Oreal. Uses their offline to online strategy. Using QR codes to drive people to view these stories either, in the back of the box or using, physical QR code stations, inside of the store notice. How quickly the, amp story loads instead. Of maybe, you having to download an, app, from an app store to talk up you know view more things about the story, and. Large. Publishers, already, have existing sponsored, content businesses, and we think stories, are great medium, to tell those editorial. Features. Editorial. Vote, given territorial voice to advertising so. Here's an example from Telegraph, created. A story bit on behalf of Guernsey telling, a rich story about Guernsey, and of. Course since these are amp stories they also work beautifully. On desktop. But. The key question in advertising is now, you have this beautiful experience, how do you drive traffic to them how do you get users to actually view them here's. A few examples. The. First one is when, you use a sponsor story as a landing page on Google ads it. Is automatically, delivered from the amp cache and therefore, from. A user standpoint the experience is really snappy. Most. Social, media tools, already have a rich preview, so. When you use the sponsor story you already get a very rich preview for users to go to. And. Sponsor. Stories can also be embedded inside of regular web pages because, sponsor stories are just literally a landing page so. You can embed, them inside of an iframe have an experience, where you can autoplay, these stories and when, the user taps on them they launch into this beautiful, experience.

Last. But not least you can also use have, users explore a sponsored, story from. A story ad instead, of an organic story and have, them view. A sponsored, story so in this case BMW. Has built an immersive. Storytelling, experience in, a sponsor story this. Is just miles better miles, away better than for, example if you loaded this in a regular, text landing page I'm just, inspired I don't have the money but maybe I'll buy a BMW someday. So. To recap we have three product offerings story, ads to help publishers monetize, story affiliate. Links to help publishers monetize. Their outgoing links, and finally, sponsor stories for, advertisers, and publishers, they. Be able to tell rich beautiful, immersive, storytelling, experiences. And. You. Can find all about all this and more at MDOT, dev slash stories, and I'd. Like to turn it back to Kat, to summarize. Thank. You Vamsi okay. I'll do a quick recap, so, in the beginning of the keynote you heard Vamsi talk a lot about amp HTML, ads the. One thing we want you to take away from that is that all the benefits, and the performance, improvements. Of amp HTML, ads really, lead to a better ROI for. Advertisers, also, for publishers, and on, top of that Staley - a better ad experience, for the users. When. It comes to monetization, of M. Keep. In mind that we always try and strike that balance between the, good user experience but. Also have so many tools out there for you to actually make really. Good revenue, from amp inventory. And. Last. But not least on story ads I, encourage. You to watch that space, there's a lot happening there and there's a lot of room for true. Innovation, to create a really, immersive. Rich new, ad experience, we're, excited to be on this journey and have you be a part of it thank you so much for listening.


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