Unite 2023 Keynote

Unite 2023 Keynote

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[Music] [Music] he you got what it takes to go head [Music] [Music] to-head [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] all right well good morning everyone welcome to unite 2023 it's fantastic to be back together again live and I have to say having been at the hinin experience last night I am very impressed that at this time of morning the place is full so got give yourselves a round of applause for actually making it here so I'm Jim I'm unity's new CEO and I am truly thrilled and honored to be with you here today most of you don't know me but I'm going to try to remedy that through the course of this event I'd love to meet as many of you as possible either today at unite or certainly over the next few months uh to get to have an opportunity just to kind of get out and listen and hear I've been so inspired ired with the people I've met so far at the passion in this community look I I didn't come from gaming but the highlight of my career so far was the opportunity to run an open-source company called Red Hat uh which if some of you may know as kind of a leader in Linux and I have to say I know there differences but the Linux open source community and the unity Community do have a lot in common at Red Hat we talked about democratizing information content at Unity we talk about democratizing game development and I'm here because I am so excited to and inspired by the opportunity to lead an organization that's truly Mission driven and an organization that its boundaries really go well beyond the actual boundaries of the corporation right it includes a passionate community of contributors and to me that is so inspiring and so I'm so happy to be with you here I've been amazed at the passion around Unity both inside the company and outside the company and it really does kind of get me up and get me excited uh to be part of something like that I know I still have a lot to learn and I'm an extreme listening mode right now which is why I'm so excited to be here in in person and have a chance to meet many of you um but I do want to address one kind of question that I've gotten over and over again and that's around the runtime fee I know that's probably yeah I hear a groan already sorry about that look my simple answer is that as a catalyst in this extraordinary Community around Unity we have an obligation to engage with our community when we make decisions that affect you now I'll be up front engaging in the same thing is consensus but we should never ever surprise you with a decision that has a material imp impact on you that you don't know about right so I that's something I will commit to you going forward look I know trust is something that's earned it's not what we say it's what we do so going forward we will demonstrate that Behavior Uh to you and with you as we make decisions about unity in our community going forward we'll also show you our commitment to delivering the best possible game engine ever and coming up you're going to hear talks about how over the last year we've used your feedback to better support you through the game development life cycle and after the keynote we have some incredible technical sessions lined up high that I highly encourage you to attend look I'm so excited about today and I can't wait for everyone to hear what we have in store so I hope you have a fantastic unite and with that Pierre Paul take it away [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you Jim so Unity began as a game engine and a creation tool but we all know that game development doesn't end on laun day it's an ongoing process games need updates new levels and content they have to work on all the latest operating systems device models and platform so today we'll share what we're doing to ensure that you have a complete reliable platform to build ship and run great game the editor's extensibility and a robust ecosystem of thirdparty tools offer you more freedom in how you create Unity 2022 LTS our longterm support release is one of our fastest adopted versions to date and since its release over a million of you have chosen this version for its underlying stability in its awesome features for everything from rendering to Performance as well as platform enhancement and one of the biggest highlight is dots which delivers a data oriented approach to coding to enable bigger more ambitious projects and we've implemented dots so that you can use it alongside game objects you choose which approach to use and when and we've been sharing our excitement about do for a few years now but as of the 2022 LTS it's fully supported and production [Applause] ready so let's see how you are already using it to do a amazing things in your games so our friend at tuar games introduced us to bareb boxing a multiplayer network game that unleashes physic based chaos and humor across devices and with dots they could make system modular for greater flexibility this allows them to test gameplay ideas without weeks of rewriting code and with EC yes they could adjust their runtime data layout easily without impacting their serialized data building with dots makes it easier to deliver performance experience as they start bringing the games to console and then there's hostile Mars This is an upcoming base Builder with intense combat from Big Rook games it features thousands of enemy on screen at once each rendered in real time with pathf finding Collision detection and the ability to react to the game's destructible environments it's an ambitious game design that hits 60 frame per second and it's powered by dots ECS and we're continuing to polish the feature set for dots and the entity component System including updates coming in early 24 like improvements to iteration time more robust baking support and scheduling enhancement but you know for now let's dive a little deeper into tools and features that you can use right now and we're going to start with the universal render pipeline or urp which Powers stunning visuals across the broadest range of Player devices so here's Stephen who's going to show you what our latest gra graphic features can help you achieve [Music] helping you get started with unity is very important to us so today I will show you how we are helping you on board on new features with the universal render pipeline so today here is the new urp sample project that is delivered for you so you can learn how to use Unity more easily this includes four scenes each in a different art style with varing levels of running complexity and platform performance needs this means that you can explore new features delivered with the universal render pipeline in several environments and learned how to use them performant across platforms let's take a closer look you start your journey in a scene we've named a terminal this is where you can drop your ass faets and explore them in a calibrated environment my kids love gaming of course who doesn't and they really enjoyed test driving this scene and feeling like they were building their first game it is very useful for look development and material adjustments next you can teleport to other environments like this stylized scene we've named the Garden this scene uses many features including decal projectors L cross fade and Temple antialiasing for higher mobile devices you can take advantage of the Ford plus rendering path allowing you to display dozens of realtime lights I have this scene running on my device here look as you can see walking around this environment really gives you a close-up view of the features we built into this scene on iPhone 13 the garden runs at 60 frames a second for less powerful devices we've optimized both the garden and the terminal so they can run at 30 frames per second using the Deferred rendering path now let's move on to a scene we've named Oasis this environment is designed for highend devices and relies on more advanced chaes for vegetation fog sand and water we've also included an example of speech vitation and this is a highlight of this level here you can learn how we've apped a custom Shader with subservice Gathering and wind support this is a great example for the high visual quality you can achieve with the universal render Pipeline and more performant gpus of course multiplatform development is very important so this level targets handheld highend mobile PC and console and I have this scene running on my device here too look this scene runs at 60 frames a second on this iPad Pro and demonstrates how you can achieve visual quality like this and finally we haven't forgotten about VR the final scene I want to share with you today is named the cockpit this is tailor made specifically for Standalone VR devices like the medaquest 2 and Beyond here we've developed a custom lighting model for you to learn how to customize urp that's just a taste of what you can achieve with a universal Rena pipeline you can download and explore the urp 3D SLE project with all four scenes today but now let's pivot for a moment and look to the Future here's P Paul once again to introduce what's next for [Music] Unity so the next major release of unity is coming in 2024 and we're bringing back the clarity of our original release naming into one powerful polished version I'm proud to announce [Applause] [Music] un6 [Applause] at its core the unity engine is still the same editor runtime and apis that you've been helping us build with your feedback Unity 6 will be our next long-term support versions coming to you in 2024 and this release will help you deliver Advanced visual with astonishing performance accelerate multiplayer game creation and scale explore new creative possibilities with AI tools and reach players anywhere with Next Level mobile features and Innovative XR device support we're incredibly excited about this one so I'll pass it over to elae and to give you a preview of what's [Applause] [Music] ahead thanks P Paul rendering will be a core pillar of unity 6 with a focus on finding ways to help you get the most out of Hardware we're innovating to maximize the use of device CPUs and gpus so that you can push visual quality and scale to create larger richer worlds as efficiently as possible let's take a look we'll start by giving you a bird's eye view of fantasy Kingdom in unity 6 a world that we've adapted and expanded from a project by asset store publisher cinti Studios woo a small team put this demo together in just a few weeks you can see Matthew is still working on it here adding in a nice windmill yeah just watch out for the cow there Matthew what do you think are we ready I think they're safe uh here and let's go okay so the first thing you'll notice is the scale of this demo and just how much is going on but they're still really lovely high quality hdrp visuals and great performance it wouldn't be possible to render a scene of this scale at this performance level in unity without our new rendering technology stack let's turn everything off and look at some numbers okay so now we're running at around 18 frames a second not great first let us introduce the GPU resident drawer with this we've removed the CPU rendering bottleneck in current projects by reducing the number of batches from this every point of view we have around 137,000 batches so watch what happens to the batch numbers as Matthew activates it here you ready okay way [Applause] better now we're at 13,000 batches it's only part of the story we also need to look at the vertex count even with the reduced batches we still have 47 million vertices to improve this we've added completely new GPU occlusion calling and this makes sure we're not rendering things that can't be seen when Matthew activates it our vertex count drops from 47 million to 40 million okay now this happens dynamically so maybe Matthew we can add something in front of the camera so people can see like uh this nice rock okay it's like the first virtual photo B so you can see you can see now even more vertices are being C we're down at 29 million now and you don't even have to prepare your content so using the GPU resident drawer and GPU occlusion calling together we went from 18 19 frames a second to 44 frames a second and so with both of these together it's almost like having a go fast button for your game objects remember this is just in the editor in your builds it will be even faster so you'll notice there's a lot of clear crisp detail in the scene our new state-of-the-art spatial temporal postprocessing which we're calling STP is doing a lot of the heavy lifting to make space in the frame this is a novel upscaler that achieves super fast performance on each Hardware tier as well as uncompromised ing visual quality and it works well across a very wide range of platforms let's go back and turn it off for a moment okay so now we're rendering at 100% maybe we can crank up the post-processing effects just to really stretch the GPU a bit okay right that hurts no so now you can see the GPU is struggling to maintain the performance and we're around 25 frames a second let's make our STP upscaler render at 65% and Watch What Happens that's better now our frame rate goes up to 45 frames a second and there's no loss of quality so here the GPU is doing 65% of the work and we're still getting 100% of the quality now one of the coolest things about STP is that it runs on high-end compute enabled mobile and this is a GameChanger so using the GPU resident drawer we were no longer CPU bound and we almost doubled the frame rate with GPU occlusion calling we drastically reduced the number of vertices and when our content was GPU bound STP gave us performance improvements of up to 50% this new rendering technology stack is going to make it so much easier for you to get through the last mile before shipping you don't even need to change any of your existing content that's for both urp and hdrp so as we move through the scene look at how beautiful this lighting is all the indirect Lighting in this scene is is using our new prob based lighting system called adaptive probe volumes or apvs maybe Matthew we can show show the global illumination so people can see it Global illumination okay yeah okay so normally for this you need to bake light maps and place probes by hand but right now every one of these probes you can see has been placed automatically which is essential for an environment like this at scale and watch the characters as they move around they're dynamically lit by the Light bouncing off the environment apvs work for any objects in your world and all of this helps you iterate quickly while you set dressing these will be production ready in unity 6 for both scriptable render pipelines so as Matthew moves around check out the trees foliage nicely stylized some subtle wind animation we've made these with speed tree we're upgrading our speed tree integration in the editor to help you take advantage of all these rendering improvements we're showing you today with unity 6 even your existing speed tree assets will see a big performance boost in both CPU and GPU sites look there are hundreds of trees rendering in the scene and what you're seeing is on a commercially available desktop but with unity 6 you'll be able to tap into these performance and feature benefits across platforms including mobile with unity 6 it's now going to be possible to reach more platforms without a huge content reauthoring burden so you'll spend less time optimizing every asset trying to hit your target frame rate but before we before we finish let's just enjoy the lovely View and one more very cool feature which would have been really hard to achieve without apvs they allow you to bake multiple lighting situations and you can even blend between them at runtime just like we're doing here so it's this simple this simple to transition between day and night in newor games even just a few of these new features like STP GPU occlusion cing and GPU resident drawer let you do a lot more with less cost pretty great stuff right all of this is going to make it easier for you to deliver more content and while today you saw this demo running on hdrp all of these features will be supported on urp as well across platforms including high-end mobile we'll have more to share early next year so you've seen how we're evolving the editor dots engine and render pipelines now let's jump into what we're working on to give you endtoend multiplayer Solutions here's Adam to tell you [Applause] [Music] more [Music] we all know that multiplayer games are hugely popular and that they're technically challenging to get just right no secret there but there are just so many elements that have to come together you need smooth performance across all platforms backend infrastructure the scales with your success and your players effective matchmaking and player Communications and a fun socially engaged community that keeps coming back for more here's what we're building to help you nail your Tech stack at every stage of development with unity you can create launch and scale multiplayer games with the convenience of an endtoend platform backed by both our engine and our gaming services and our netco package packages offer you the choice between Simplicity for casual co-op games or more complex scenarios such as competitive action genres all scale ab ility and performance and mine features are flexible and extensible by Design so you can choose to build entirely within unity's ecosystem or mix a match to get just the right Tech stack for your game your team your vision now I want to give you a sense of what unity's multiplayer tools can do together we've reimagined the mega City demo with multiplayer capabilities the original Mega City uh demo is based on hdrp targeting highend platforms but we wanted to show you that this level of gameplay is possible for you across all platforms so we've refreshed Mega City's content to give it a new look and we've ported it to the universal render Pipeline and today I'm thrilled to unveil Mega City metro a competitive and crossplay multiplayer sample for over 100 players this sample showcases multiplayer gameplay on our services working together on everything from lowend mobile devices to high-end console platforms Mega City metro demonstrates serve authoritative gameplay with prediction interpolation and lag compensation it's based on dots including native net code physics and rendering it's also pre-integrated with several of our gaming services including authentication multiplay hosting matchmaking and vvox voice chat so you can see the benefits of using a single ecosystem of tools from creation to live game Services stay tuned for the for relase in 2024 we love seeing you leverage this ecosystem in your games and we've watched so proudly so proudly as you've scaled up to match huge player volumes in games such as Ship of Fools from FICA Productions turbo golf racing from huge cap Studios Rogue company from highres and more let's hear from Jam Z from sticky lock Studios based right here in the Netherlands about his team's experience creating a multiplayer fast-paced shooter in [Applause] [Music] unity thanks Adam uh I'm happy to be here to tell you about our new game hystera uh it's a free to-play Arena shooter for all skill levels and it has a lot of features of traditional fast-paced FPS multiplayer games but we added a unique mechanic called The Glitch where a section within the level transitions to a completely different era with its own playing field and its own behaviors each era also has its own unique weapon set it's a very unique Battlefield and we're really focused on getting it right for an ambitious project like hisa we knew that peer-to-peer networking wouldn't be enough for our needs we were also a very small team at the start of production and we didn't have a lot of networking experience there were simply not enough dedicated networking Solutions in the market to suit our needs and we decided to jump in and give dots net code a shot despite the initial learning curve it has served us well we also chose multiplayer ugs because we wanted to have a third party take care of all the complex Logic for us so that we could focus on the core gameplay of hisa we also use quite a few services from ugs and it's very useful to get them with one single provider there's less glue between various services to worry about and it's also helpful to be able to escalate an issue to the multiplayer hosting team and they can send it through to the Matchmaker support when it's more related to matchmaking without us having to reroute that question ourselves this matters because our mission is connecting people through digital experiences we want players to feel as there's a lot of fast-paced action within hystera we want them to be on their toes and working with unity multiplayer tools helps us to do that be sure to check out hystera on Steam going into Early Access in 2024 and with that I'll pass it back to Adam thank [Applause] [Music] you jel st looks completely awesome if you're in the room right now if you're watching online I hope you're adding it to your wish list you better be but successful multiplayer titles they need so much more more than just amazing gameplay to take off they need to offer a great active community in a recent survey 67% of Gamers stated that toxic encounters have at times caused them to stop playing their favorite games so it's worth thinking seriously about how you can offer an engaging social experience that's safe inclusive and harassment free we've built safe voice and moderation to help you build and maintain Healthy in-game Communities safe voice uses Advanced machine learning algorithms to detect in-game toxicity so moderators have the context and the insights they need to resolve incidents as they occur both are currently in open Beta so we can continue helping you overcome the challenges of offering your player fun soci social multiplayer gam experiences we look forward to doing just that up next Victoria is going to walk you through some time-saving quality of life [Applause] enhancements [Music] hello unite it is so great to be here so far we've talked a lot about unity's creation tools but now let's take a look at how you work through more than a decade of developing Studio pipeline tools I've witnessed how challenging it is to keep everyone on track across distributed teams and to organize content across projects and pipelines so we've been working on a platform of connected products and services to help bring order to the chaos of game development and today it's ready for you welcome to Unity Cloud it brings together tools for digital asset management and live gaming Services it's centralizes admin capabilities with better workflows and Integrations into the editor so you can understand and organize your game's entire life cycle in one place let's take a look we'll start with the unity asset manager which helps you track manage and share all your game Assets Now when a new model is ready it has much simpler to make sure everyone has the most recent version here's how easy it is to get started with asset manager in the UI you can drag and drop the model and Associated files into a collection and asset manager generates previews details and descriptive tags now your team members can see the new model with an embedded 3D viewer that supports fast and easy asset previews even for the largest 3D models asset manager integrates directly into Unity Version Control there's no need for extra steps to upload or ingest your files teams can browse existing content across projects and avoid context switching between applications so your team will be able to preview and access assets right where they work you can get started with asset manager today in open beta next let's see how connections between the editor and Cloud projects support a live Ops workflow like pushing new content into your game without disrupting the player experience from The Hub you can now connect to a cloud project with just a couple of Clicks in the editor you can make an asset addressable then create a Content only build using build automation that's our continuous integration solution to automate multi-platform builds in the cloud next we can use cloud content delivery to push updated work to players there's no need to install a new version of the game my personal favorite part of cloud is our new dashboard it's less cluttered and more personalized you can view your project status and it suggests products and services to help help you get your job done basic admin tasks like adding users adjusting permissions and aggregating product use can take up a lot of time we've made it 80% more efficient this work used to happen behind several different logins but now you can do it all from one centralized dashboard and starting today Unity cloud is in Early Access so you can get started right now this is just the first step we have big plans for Unity Cloud over the coming months to deliver the Integrations tools and workflows that help you accelerate your games development and lighten your team's load next Liz is going to show you some impressive features that can help you speed up iteration on your game art [Applause] [Music] thanks Victoria earlier this year we introduced you to Unity Muse which provides powerful AI capabilities to help you ideate and iterate faster while staying in control of your work and your vision it reduces friction giving you more freedom to explore more Concepts as you refine your work using natural inputs like text prompts vocal instructions or sketches so you can spend less time building inflexible and timec consuming prototypes and more time refining your ideas let's look at what you can do IM Muse today the Sprite function enables you to generate assets with VAR so say you're stuck on what you'd like a potion to look like in your game you can Cru dozens of assets and then select and polish whichever works best in your project Muse can also generate high quality 2D and 3D textures that are can be applied to objects anywhere and if you hit a bump in the road on your creative Journey you can use Muse's chat interface to Source answers and resources AC across Unity it can even generate usable code for your builds these project ready assets are created in the unity editor so you can drop them directly into your scene and Muse produces assets with our custom built responsibly trained model so you don't have to worry about accidentally generating someone else's copyrighted materials in fact we're so confident in how we're training our models that we're committing to supporting Muse content in production in the unlikely event of copyright challenges we'll partner to defend you but just describing Muse isn't going to do it justice so let's bring Charles up here to show you just how easy it is to explore different moods in a game using uses texture [Applause] [Music] capabilities thank you Liz hello unite wow there's so many of you okay let's imagine that we're making a game together it's a realistic game we've blocked out everything we like our setup and now it's time to bring this environment to Life by applying some textures and we're going to use Muse texture to do that follow me okay so uh this has kind of got a brutalist minimalist Vibe going on so my first material Choice here I'm going to go with a polished concrete floor I think that's going to work well with both those Artic uh architectural Styles all right so here we go so let's go with uh a little bit of an olive green concrete such a loud keyboard and we're going to Muse right now it is musing and let's see what we get come on Muse give us something great all right so these are looking great pretty much out of the gate Liz any of these uh standing out to you I kind of like this one here you should like this one too I kind of like the one below it the one below this one yeah this one's got too many lines okay with this one let's stick with this one follow me with this one okay so this one is looking pretty great but there's this feature on the texture that might bear repetition that might be visible as we apply it to a surface so let's see how we correct that so what we can do is we can use the inpainting function uh to sort of isolate that blemish spot and I'm going to use the exact same promp which if I remember was Olive uh green concrete and send it back if I typo I didn't have a typo good on me it's going to regenerate some stuff all right already these look great there's a couple of blemishes here but but but I kind of like this one this one has character for me actually this one is the best because it's got some nice richness in there so now we're going to go to our PBR preview mode where we can see what this will actually look like it's generating all the PB layers for us the height is way high right now so I'm going to dial that back to something around that territory actually I'm going to give it a specific value of point one and let's see yeah so you can see there's some still some nice features here coming through in the concrete I'm going to leave that smoothness I'm going to dial back just a tad and then to apply to the scene I'm first going to drag it into my project folder and then directly to the scene and voila just like that we have got polished concrete Vibes everywhere in this room so far so great Liz I think we need to do something more interesting with that back wall do you have any ideas oh I agree May let's brighten it up with like a a yellow tile I like where your head's at okay so let's go over here and I'm going to give it a spe we we are all masters of this prompting gamer becoming Masters I'm going to say flat yellow as our base color but now I'm going to do something different so we want a repeated tiling pattern and in order to do that I can switch to an input image shape here and select from a bunch of beautiful predefined patterns and I'm going to choose this hexagonal pattern and now we're going to generate and see what we get all right of these I'm thinking this one is the most usable uh Liz any standing out to you oh I think this time I agree with you I think that's gonna be the good choice good I like when we're mind like when we agree do I really do okay so for this one we're going to go into the edit mode same routine let's go into our PBR preview we're going to dial this down I'm going to put this into the ballpark of one see a little bit I want just a little bit of surface play I want to catch some nice highlights in there style that smoothness down just a tad same routine drag it into my project View and then over to the wall and I would want to adjust that tiling a little bit but I'm not going to bore you with that right now otherwise we've shown you exactly how easy it is to generate textures directly in the unity Eder and apply them to the scenes Liz thank you back to you thanks Charles and I'm thrilled to announce that Muse is available to all users through a single subscription and while it's still in Early Access you can experiment as much as you want Without Limits and will continue to learn and make Muse work better for you but instantly producing usable Sprites textures and code Snippets is just the start to me what's really cool about Muse isn't just what you can do today M subscribers will also get Priority Access to new capabilities like animate to set characters in motion without code Behavior which lets you use AI to set up character interactions and sketch you can think of sketch as providing a 3D canvas for rapid prototyping and team collaboration and we're going to show you just how fast this comes together okay so using M sketch your team can collaborate in real time to prototype a zombie game using a powerful natural language interface and it works in every language so teammates anywhere in the world can build interactive prototypes and scenes together in real time using a powerful and intuitive workflow using Muse animate you can generate human humanoid animations for any Unity project using natural language to describe them so getting a realistic zombie walk or even a backflip animation is easy easy and now it's for everyone so Muse AI capabilities allow your team to build gameplay and generate assets with remarkable ease and speed and they're all integrated with the unity Editor to greatly accelerate your game development process in unity and here what we're showing with Muse Behavior you can refine your gameplay and add elements that will excite and engage your players directly in the unity editor using the same natural language Paradigm to author these behaviors our our idea with Muse is we want you to iterate more we want you to try out more of your own ideas on your way to realizing your game Vision whatever that is we think that AI is going to unlock all kinds of new ways for both creating and consuming interactive content and now Manu is going to come on stage to show you another way that we're bringing these capabilities and helping you explore new uh those capabilities in your game projects thank you [Applause] everybody [Music] thanks Charles I was lucky to try some of these tools early through the AI beta program and as an artist I'm already having a lot of fun implementing them into my workflow increasing both my productivity and creativity but what if you want to build totally new experiences and features into your project stist that to bring AI data models into the unity runtime to unlock new possibilities in your games think of it this way just like a physics engine is a tool that helps you bring your game world to life a neural engine can help you solve complicated tasks or even create new functionality using AI models centis reduces the complexity of bringing AI models into the unity engine so you can supercharge your development with rer more interactive gameplay features like speech and object recognition you can can take models from places like tensorflow pie torch meta open AI or marketplaces like Caris or hugging face and cenus uses the open Onix file standard to bring them into the unity runtime this gives you real choices when it comes to the models that you want to run in your Dev projects but that's not all senst can be run as a local inference so these AI models can execute directly on the user's device so it's fast secure and it's on any platform that support by the unity run time and you even save money on server costs that's already pretty awesome right but what does this actually look like in term of real usable features in your projects well with scentist you can create a lifelike NPC and interactions that are infused with the flavor of your game world and writing style and this saves you having to code dialog trees for hundreds of character by hand or building an expensive machine learning model that might add latency ensues or need some kind of Cloud infrastructure elements when sentes is running on a player's device you can integrate models to support features like smart NPCs with enhanced dialogue capabilities let's see I'm going to move on this side because I'm too tall for this stage good evening welcome to the pulsing heart of Y NOA where are you headed to the police station please certainly what's the reason for your visit it's a official business understood rumor hasard there were some disturbances in the vicinity recently I'm aware but I can't talk about it it's confidential this internal demo uses multiple AI models to accept speech input and create a natural language response with a realistic voice powered by a partner replica what this means is that now you can create living worlds where non-player characters are more more interactive and in this case both dialogue and the gameplay Quest evolved based on the interactions with NPCs just imagine the new kinds of gameplay you can create and that you can unlock now let's see another example this one is unbelievable and it was built by a high school student who was part of her sentes beta program it uses posst estimation model to determine the exercise movement leveraging the on device camera and it's showing muscle activation in real time in an augmented reality app for iPad next I want to show you this VR demo it's a meditation app called trip so it's not a demo the developers are running an AI model locally on the headset motion sensor data called the IMU to track breath Biometrics and this assesses how the meditation content is affecting the user and adjust the experience accordingly incredible right trip already has this feature in beta and the team plans to launch it in production early next next year one bet developer used centis in India to drastically improve rate tracing on mobile using an upscaling AI model with something like this you could Implement past tracing features like light refraction and CTIC area light in smaller projects with minimizing a hit to performance on the user's device it's mind-blowing to see how you might use scentist to tweak technical elements of your game and improve performance Unity scentist continues in open beta so you can start tinkering right now to unlock new real-time interactions and experiences in your game ahead of the general alongside Unity six by taking Thank You by taking the onx standard and embedding it with the unity runtime you can leverage countless AI models or neural networks and run them on any platform or device that's supported by unity to learn more about that reach Ryan's going to tell you how we're helping you bring your content to more player on more [Music] platforms thanks Manu it'll be fascinating to see how this Tech gets used to push the creative Envelope as you start bringing different AI models into your games across platforms and this reach is what I want to talk about next so far today we've shown how we can support you throughout the game development life cycle now let's see how we can help you get games into more players hands with unity you can take projects to over 20 platforms today and for those of you who want it we offer resources to help you distribute and monetize your games services like the unity China publishing platform can help you tap into a massive Market help you reach more players and realize greater value with localization platform adaptation and game publishing services to reach audiences in China while supersonic can increase your impact worldwide by helping you to scale your mobile game with publishing testing analytics and more we sat down with a solo Dev Gabriel coru who creates games as CX he's the developer behind the hyper casual hit hideand-seek he shared why harnessing unity and supersonic together helps him to stay on top I am Gabriel I am the developer of Hide and Seek the game that was published with Supersonic in 2020 the game an engine of choice for creating the prototypes for the hyper casual games naturally it was Unity because of how flexible and how fast it is to make changes not only that but Unity has a whole ecosystem built around it the process of actually launching the game was a very smooth and awesome experience I remember after launching the game it became profitable from the very first day and the game was just surface at the top of the charts I was just super excited and refreshing every every 5 minutes to see if it was still there being part of the unity ecosystem is always one click away [Applause] I just love hearing stories about how these tools enable you to succeed on your own terms and that includes being able to take your game to players anywhere they're playing we think you should be able to create your game once and then ship it anywhere and unlock performance across mobile desktop console web and XR devices look at ever Guild the studio that developed Warhammer 40,000 warp Forge that's the greatest effort to bring this franchise into a free-to-play digital card game they used one code base for multiple platforms cutting their engineering time for IOS and Android and half while also saving them months on their port to PC which you can check out now in Early Access now sticking with mobile devices we know that mobile web is important to you we're optimizing support for web across mobile browsers so you can feel good about shipping to Millions more screens around the world that's officially supported in unity 6 we're also investing deeply in graphics in rendering with web GPU so your games can be rendered in stunning detail without sacrificing performance now Beyond Tech improvements our deep industry Partnerships can help boost boost your game's visibility and today I'm happy to announce a new partnership with meta to bring Unity titles to instant games across Facebook and messenger this will be available in beta late next year let's shift gears now and look at XR and spatial Computing something big is happening in the world of virtual augmented and mixed reality right now the space is evolving quickly and we're investing deeply to move with it made with unity games make up to 50 to 60% of early titles in the latest XR platforms like The Meta 3 and PlayStation VR2 and we're committed to making sure that we're ready to help you release on emergent platforms from day one we're adding more ways to build mixed reality games and experiences for The Meta Quest 3 by officially launching a foundation for the quest platform so you can bring the real world into your mixed reality games and you can use our templates right now to start building earlier this year unity's platform support for Apple Vision Pro was announced at WWDC we've loved seeing your enthusiasm people from over 145 countries registered interest to participate in the beta for vision OS now let's hear from someone who had a chance to to explore this Tech firsthand Tommy Palm the CEO and founder of resolution games that's the studio behind blasen bait Angry Birds VR Isle of the pigs and several other made with unity titles welcome [Applause] [Music] Tommy thank you Ryan it's great to be here at resolution games we like to make our title available whatever device player wants to use which is why we worked so hard on bringing our award-winning Dungeon Crawler Deo to as many players as we could across PC console virtual reality and even mixed reality Unity has been a major factor in making crossplay between these platforms possible we're thrilled to share that demo is an active development on Apple Vision Pro for fully immersive and mixed reality gameplay made possible by unity's powerful support provision OS unity's platform support and comprehensive tools for spatial Computing makes it straightforward to leverage our experience using unity and easily getting started with apple Vision Pro unities documentations templates tutorials and samples help us Implement features like hand tracking and spatial anchored content so we can focus more on delivering a first class uh experience to our players we're thrilled to be one of the first customers in unity poly spatial beta for vision OS and couldn't be more pleased with the amount of support and engagement we received from unity and apple team answering question helping us understanding complex topics we can't wait to have our players experience demo on Apple Vision Pro early next year thank you back to you [Applause] Ryan [Music] thanks Tommy it's great to hear that this has been such a positive and inspiring experience for you and your team and that's why we're thrilled to share that support for the unity Vision OS beta is now available for all Unity Pro Enterprise and Industry subscribers so you can begin to explore the latest tech expanding your game's reach has always been a Cornerstone of our vision so we make sure that you can take the unity run time to take your games from mobile web console XR and everywhere in between we kicked off today's keynote talking about how game development is an ongoing process and that's why we're working to ensure that we delivering you a complete and reliable platform so you can build ship and run incredible games we saw a lot of great stuff today and you can read about all of it in our Recap blog the incredible features and stability of our most recent release the 2022 LTS and a preview of unity 6 our next LTS version set to launch next year we're really excited about this one you can find out all about it in our road map session later today we also announced release updates about several powerful Solutions like safe voice and moderation to help you manage game toxicity and unity Cloud to enhance collaboration and asset management workflows plus AI tools like cenus and Muse to help power new modes of creativity and accelerate iteration and that is just the start but for now I'd like to hand the mic over to [Music] Kelly thanks Ryan so that's our keynote I hope you're as inspired as I am we have some fantastic technical sessions lined up for you today on these topics and more I'm hoping to connect with a lot of you here but I'm only one person so I want to make sure you're all aware of our made with unity program this is where we partner with devs early in the game yes pun intended to support you with development and co-marketing opportunities and you can submit your game via our online portal to learn more now we're going to end this keynote the same way we started it celebrating all of you and your amazing work please put your hands together for the winners of the 15th annual Unity [Applause] [Music] Awards [Music] congratulations to all of our winners and and you can check out everyone listed on our website and I also want to say that your trophies are on their way so I did say it was the end of the keynote but before we completely wrap up I have one more special guest to bring on stage please join me in welcoming Unity co-founder David [Applause] helson hey thank you thank you um hey so wonderful to be here uh with you in an actual physical space with you know all of you well there's also people watching online actually but anyway uh and you know it's this Unity Journey has been so long and so ous and so crazy uh there been so much Blood Sweat and uh tears spilt we've had some really high highs and and some low lows by the way um and uh you know the mission to democratize game development you know is a long one one and it's never over obviously uh we've done some very cool work and I think we got to a really good place with the engine and you know uh I'm really proud of that um you know when we did the first unite conference it was 2007 and uh we had 10 employees in the company I think and um but we still felt this urge to have a worldwide developer conference inspired by Apple of course and so we sold 32 tickets in San Francisco and uh you know we couldn't pay the catering bills for several months after um but it was so great you know because we kind of melted with the community with you know the people actually using unity and and you know when we're we're at our best when we're really kind of in unison with the community and and like when the boundaries between kind of inside the company and outside the company blur and and you know un unite is kind of the best of that um you know this ambition of ours we've always been a very ambitious company we always tried things that were like really hard and uh you know sometimes failed and uh you know it's almost like a curse and a blessing I think and you know this ambition kind of also drove us to kind of try things that maybe we shouldn't try and we failed at some things and and uh you know it's been a tough year in many ways um and uh what I'm really excited about now is that uh we're really trying to focus and like going back to core and really focus on you know the needs of you guys uh from from performance stability workflows and I hope that we can kind of show you that today and you know of course the proves in the pudding it's the next many years that we journey together that you know will show whether that works out but you know I think the focus is there I think we're really trying and I'm just really happy to be with you it's going to be a wonderful day and uh you know I'm going to hopefully meet a lot of you so thanks for joining us um thanks for using Unity thanks for building really cool stuff and enjoy the conference thank you [Applause] [Music] yeah

2023-11-20 17:33

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